Words with consonant
All 40 Consonant Words - Word Finder
A list of all consonant-only words for Scrabble and other word games. All words only consisting consonants and Y.
Showing Consonant Words
7 Letter Words
Points A - Z Z - A
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6 Letter Words
Points A - Z Z - A
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5 Letter Words
Points A - Z Z - A
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cwtch 16phpht15crwth13grrls8grrrl8
4 Letter Words
Points A - Z Z - A
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3 Letter Words
Points A - Z Z - A
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2 Letter Words
Points A - Z Z - A
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When you are playing Words with Friends or Scrabble, it is important to understand how words are formed. You may look at your letter selections and realize that you have many more consonants than vowels. Fortunately, there are some consonant blends and combinations that can come to your rescue. There are even a few words made of consonants alone that are acceptable in most word games.
Common Consonant Blends
When you are playing a game where you must unscramble letters, you might assume that you will succeed by alternating consonants and vowels. However, there are some consonant combinations that you must take into account. Some of the most common consonant blends are at the beginning of words.
Share, chance, small, snack, crab and blue are all good examples.
Words with Greek origins have combinations created by the ancient Greek alphabet. Pseudoscience includes a couple of blends. Philosophy has an f sound that comes from the Greek letter Phi. Chronology starts with a three-letter blend that was a two-letter blend in Greek, a combination of Chi and Rho.
There are also some common consonant combinations that you can find at the end of words. Trident, fish, communism and leech are all words that can help you get rid of a few tiles.
Double Consonant Words
It is not a Scrabble cheat to place some double consonant words when you have too many copies of the same tile. The name Scrabble itself is a perfect example. Most double letters are found in the middle of a word where they sit at a break between syllables: dollar, fissure, hammer and furry. There are a few double letters that sit at the end of words: fall, less, watt and buzz. Even fewer words begin with two copies of the same consonant. These are mostly words borrowed from other languages like the Spanish word llama.
Are there any words made up of only consonants?
Y a consonant?When push comes to shove, you may want to expand your vocabulary to include some all consonant words. There is some debate over what counts as a word with only consonants. You probably learned in school that the vowels are a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y. In words like gym, glyph, myth, and nymph, the letter y is acting as a vowel, but some people would say that these are all consonant words.
Another class of words with only consonants is onomatopoeic words. These are words that mimic sounds. Someone who is cold might say, Brr. Pfft is a common sound of dismissal. A curious person says, Hmm.
Foreign words
Finally, some consonant-only words have been handed to us from other languages. In Welsh, a cwm is a round valley often found in the mountains. From the same country, a crwth is a type of traditional fiddle.
When you know your consonant words, you have many more options to add to your word list. Your Scrabble and Word with Friends opponents will marvel at your ability to make words.
All Scrabble Words Containing Just Consonants or Vowels
All Scrabble Words Containing Just Consonants or VowelsAll Scrabble Words
Containing Just Consonants or Vowels | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Lesson 13: Voiced and voiceless consonants
Lesson 13: Voiced and voiceless consonants
In Russian, we distinguish voiced (with the participation of tone - sound) and deaf (only with noise) consonants.
Voiced: b, c, e, h, f, d | only voiced (sonorous): l, m, n, r, d |
Deaf: p, f, t, s, w, k | deaf only: h, w, c, x |
The influence of the subsequent consonant on the quality of the previous one is called regressive assimilation , this is, for example, stunning or voicing of consonants in Russian.
Voiced consonants, other than sonorants, at the end of words are pronounced as the corresponding voiceless ones:
Voiced consonants in the middle of a word before voiceless are stunned (pronounced as voiceless):
Voiceless consonants in the middle of a word before voiced are voiced (pronounced as voiced):
Before the consonant "v", as well as before sonorants "l", "m", "n", "p" and before vowels, consonants do not change their quality: consonant, is stunned and pronounced like [f]:
The preposition "s" before a word beginning with a voiced consonant (except "v"), , is voiced and pronounced like "з":
Exercise 13.

Indicate which of these letters represent voiced and which voiceless sounds. Name the corresponding paired sounds.
/v/, /w/, /h/, /t/, /m/, /r/, /s/, /b/, /k/, /x/, /c/
Exercise 13.2
Listen and write syllables
yes - yes | th - ko |
to - more | ms - sha |
woo-fu | su-zu |
Exercise 13.3
Today I will go to the park with a friend.
Give me h and a clean knife, a spoon and a mug!
I made one osh and in dictation.
For lunch I and had a delicious cake.
Our train and was late to the station.
A large oak grows under the window.
We were watching a new fairy tale in the theatre.
I am always humming I am with my brother in the garden.
We made a selection of exhibits at 9gzal toch'n]
The lesson was prepared using the following literature:
Theoretical part
[1]Oliverius, Z. Phonetics of the Russian language. Praha: SPN, 1978. 164 p.
[2] Bryzgunova, E. A. Sounds and intonations of Russian speech. Moscow: Russian language, 1977. 279 p.
Practical part
[1]Barkhudarova, E.L. – Pankov, F.I. In Russian with good pronunciation. Practical course of sounding speech. Moscow: Russian language, 2008.192 s. ISBN 978-5-88337-160-7.
[2] Odintsova, I. V. Sounds. Rhythm. Intonation. Moscow: Nauka, 2008. 368 p. ISBN 978-5-02-002762-6.
[3]Lizalova, LI Exercises in phonetics of the modern Russian language. Brno: MU, 1991. 78 p.
Unpronounceable consonants in the root of a word - how to check?
We will teach you how to write without errors and make interesting stories
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Say these two words aloud: “sad” and “delicious”. Combinations of consonants -stn- and -sn- sound fundamentally the same, but are spelled differently - in "sad" there is a letter -t-. But since it is there, why can't you hear it? That's exactly what we're going to talk about today.
In this article, you will learn which consonants are called unpronounceable, and learn how to deftly find them in words using the rule for grade 3. Don't forget to practice to get a good grasp of the topic! In each section and at the end of the article, you will find tasks that will help consolidate new knowledge.
What are the silent consonants
The silent consonants in the root are consonants that are not pronounced in groups of other consonants. In other words, they lose their sound value. At the same time, the letters that denote these sounds are still on the letter.
The most commonly unpronounceable sounds are [v], [l], [e], and [t]. At the beginning of the article, we already gave an example of such a consonant in a word. Let's look at a few more to make sure we understand how it works.
Example No. 1:
giant - [g`igan`],
heart - [s`erce],
sun - [sontse],
hello - [hello`t`e].
Now let's analyze all combinations of consonant letters in which unpronounceable ones appear. To do this, we will create a table.
Unpronounced consonants in the root of the word | ||
Silent consonant | Letter combination | Example |
[v] | -vstv- | feelings |
[d] | -zdn- | festive |
-ndsk- | Scottish | |
-rdts- | heart | |
[t] | -ntsk- | client |
-stl- | lined | |
-stn- | joyful | |
-stsk- | tourist | |
[l] | -lnts- | sun |
Check yourself
Read the words and find among them those that have unpronounceable sounds at the root: interesting, conscientious, stellar, valiant, skillful, mercenary, picturesque.
Five in Russian in your pocket!
All the rules of the Russian language at hand
How to check the unpronounceable consonants in the root of the word
Now let's figure out how to deal with these "hidden" consonants. This will help us test words. To understand whether there is an unpronounceable consonant in a word, it is necessary to choose a test word for it in which it appears. It is important that the consonant is clearly audible in it. Most often, for this you need to put a vowel after the consonant that we want to check. If it has become heard, then it is also needed in the original word.
Example No. 2:
oral - mouth,
Dutch - Holland,
sun - sunny,
happy - happiness.
Be careful: not all words with unpronounceable consonants in Russian can be matched with test words. Some will have to be remembered, for example holiday, stairs, feeling .
Test yourself
Read the words with unpronounceable consonants to be checked and choose a test word for each of them: compassionate, fasting, late, oral, local, Finnish, sympathetic.
Words without unpronounceable consonants
When checking, it may turn out that a consonant did not appear in the test word. The conclusion suggests itself: this means that it is not needed in the original word either.
Example No. 3:
delicious - taste,
heavenly - heaven,
dangerous - danger,
wonderful - miracles.
But even here it is not so simple. There are words without an unpronounceable consonant, which still appears in the test words. Their spelling also needs to be remembered:
flash, but glitter, sequins,
ladder, but stairs,
splash, but splash,
bottle, but glass, glass.
A peer of and a peer of are dictionary words that do not have test words.
Check Yourself
Now let's check how well you learned the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants from this article. Below we have selected tasks for self-examination. Complete them to consolidate the skills you learned today.
Task No. 1
Read the words below, highlight the roots in them and place unpronounceable letters instead of gaps where they are needed. Explain why you inserted or did not insert a consonant into the word.
Participate, lovely, amateurish, terrible, safe, agency.
Task № 2
Read an excerpt from the poem by A. Khait, A. Levenbuk "Tango about unpronounceable consonants". Write out words with such consonants in the root and select test words for them.
The sun is festively burning in the sky,
Illuminates the area and surroundings
And invigorates the heart with its warmth.