Words with q for kindergarten

Words That Start With Q For Kids


    q words for kids example of queen


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Don't quit on Q! It may be one of the more challenging letters of the alphabet, but there are lots of Q words for kids to add to your vocabulary list. For students inclined to be curious about language, here are several lists of things that start with Q as well as engaging class activities.

Beginning Readers: Words That Start With Q

Despite the challenging nature of Q words, vocabulary for preschoolers and kindergartners should be simple, straightforward and meaningful. The key at this grade level is to link common sight words to clear, concrete images and concepts. Use these Q words for kids in your next reading or vocabulary lesson.

  • Quack: Sound a duck makes
  • Queen: Female ruler
  • Quick: Fast
  • Quiet: Not making noise
  • Quilt: Blanket made of smaller pieces of cloth
  • Quit: Stop doing something
  • Quiz: Short list of questions


Printing the Letter Q Printable

For your youngest learners, our Q letter activities will be blessedly easy. Try out a trace-the-letter activity focusing on Q-words. Download it below and print it off for your students.

Tracing the letter q

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Quickly Match Q Words With a Printable

Young learners can practice their Q word vocabulary with a fun printable worksheet. They match common Q words to the corresponding pictures, which they can also color. Download and print the worksheet below.

Q words for kids matching activity

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Early Elementary Words That Start With Q

Many of your 1st and 2nd grade students will likely have never encountered any of these words before. Visual aids, such as a picture of a quail or an online animation of a quivering bowl of Jell-O, can help your younger students make key linguistic connections.

  • Quail: A small, plump kind of bird
  • Quake: To shake hard
  • Quality: A characteristic, or something with good characteristics
  • Quantity: Amount of something
  • Quarrel: Argument
  • Quart: Measurement of liquid; one-fourth of a gallon
  • Quarter: One of four parts
  • Quartet: Group of four, especially musicians
  • Quartz: Rock crystal
  • Quash: To stop, to make go away
  • Quench: To put out or stop, especially a fire
  • Quest: A job with a specific goal
  • Question: A statement looking for an answer
  • Queue: A line of people waiting for something
  • Quicken: To speed up
  • Quill: A feather or a narrow spine, as on a porcupine
  • Quince: A fruit used to make jelly
  • Quintet: Group of five, especially musicians
  • Quip: A quick joke
  • Quirky: Peculiar or unique, not like other people
  • Quiver: To shake gently
  • Quote: One person's words, said by another person


Quiz Kids With Word Forms

To improve retention, encourage learning by association. In explaining the words, connect quest with question and quicken with quick to help lay foundations for a fuller understanding of English. See if they can turn other Q words into different parts of speech.

Queue Up With Q Prefixes

To help your students with this challenging list, tell them about the meaning of the quad- and quint- prefix. Associate query with question in their minds. Ask if they've seen a quicksand scene in a movie, and show a non-scary video clip if you've got it. New words mean a blank slate. Make sure it's filled with something memorable.

Upper Elementary Words That Start With Q

Activities in upper elementary grades three, four and five should encourage students to consider the larger scope of the language they're learning. Vocabulary still begins with memorization, but grows through context and leads to lifelong literacy. Use these Q words for kids in your next vocabulary list or spelling activity.

  • Quadrangle: A four-sided shape, such as a square or rectangle
  • Quadruped: Animal that walks on four legs
  • Quadruple: To do something four times
  • Quadruplet: One of four babies born at once
  • Quaff: To drink
  • Quagmire: A problem with no obvious solution
  • Qualify: To be judged ready for, to be entitled to
  • Qualm: Concern, worry
  • Quarantine: Isolation for medical reasons
  • Quarterback: Leader of the offensive team in American football
  • Quartering: Providing shelter to
  • Quarry: A place where stone is dug up for building
  • Quell: To stop something from happening
  • Query: To ask questions of
  • Quetzal: A long-tailed, brightly colored bird native to Central and South America
  • Quibble: To argue over a minor detail
  • Quiche: A French pastry made with egg and cheese
  • Quicksand: Sand suspended in water
  • Quinceañera: A celebration for 15-year-olds in Mexican culture
  • Quintuple: To do something five times over
  • Quintuplet: One of five babies born at once
  • Quorum: Enough people to start a meeting
  • Quota: The number of things needed for a task


A Quick Quest Into Q Etymology

Many of these words can serve as inspiration for creative tasks. In particular, if you have a very verbal group, their polysyllabic nature makes them perfect for spelling bees. Etymology trivia also fits here, with quad, quint and the direct import from Latin quorum all making appearances. Encourage students to consider how the words came to be what they are.

Printable Quiz on Q Words

This list is an excellent opportunity to introduce the most important rule for Q words: always followed by U — except when they aren't. Download and print a quiz to drive home this key rule of English spelling.

Words that start q quiz

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Quizzes, Queries and Questions

You may not believe it, but there are even more Q words than featured above! Check our WordFinder's list of words that start with the letter Q. The advanced search fields let you search by word length or letters included.

Challenging vocabulary may not be an ideal match for every student, but it can also ignite a lifelong love affair with language. When your students are comfortable enough in their vocabulary to ask questions, pose queries and generally question this most quizzical of letters, you'll know you've got them hooked. For more enriching vocabulary and etymology, take a look at these words that start with R. They're reading, raring and really rigorous!

Learn Vocabulary Words That Start With Q

Vocabulary Words That Start With Q

In this lesson, we will teach you common vocabulary words that start with Q. Positive words that start with Q will be our main focus in this lesson. This lesson is from our “words that start with” series and includes positive Q words for kids. Vocabulary is the most important part of your kid’s early childhood education. Don’t worry about it, as we are here with the goal of providing all the necessary content for it. We’re glad that you don’t have to spend time searching for the content since you found us.

Words that start with Q

Let’s start with some positive vocabulary words that start with Q.

What Words I Can Make With The Letter Q

Four Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quiz: Quiz is a type of game or mind test in which you are meant to answer the questions. We have all attempted numerous quizzes in our lives during our education. So we all know what a quiz means. Just take your child’s quiz about the information he knows and tell him that was a quiz. It might be great if you give him a prize at the end.

Five Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quack: This word is use to describe the sound a duck makes. The kids love ducks walking around in groups and quacking. You can teach this word to your kid by showing him ducks making this sound.

Quiet: This word means to be silent or make no sound. This word is used quite often in our conversations. Teach this word to your kid by explaining its meaning and telling him to be quiet when he starts making so much noise.

Quilt: Quilt is a kind of blanket that is use in bedrooms. It is a piece of clothing with two or more layers to keep us warm. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a quilt at home.

Queen: The word queen is used to describe the wife of the king of a state. We hear so many stories about kings and queens. Teach this word to your child by showing him a queen in some cartoons and explaining her relationship with the king.

Five Q Words For Kids

Quick: This Q Vocabulary word is very common in our daily communications. It means fast. Teach this word to your kid while playing with him. Ask him to run fast and when he has, tell him that he was quick.

Quill: When the pens weren’t invented, quills were use to write with ink. Quill is basically a long single feather of a flying bird. Its pointy end was used to write with the ink. Today, quills have gone extinct, but you can show a quill made from a bird’s feather to teach him this word.

Quaff: This word is used to describe drinks that contain alcohol. However, you cannot serve your kid any quaff. But to teach this word to your kid, you can show him some quaffs.

Quads: The word quad is used as a short form of quad bikes. Kids love quads. Buy a quad for your kid if you can afford and he will definitely love riding it. Otherwise, teach this word to him by showing some quads.

Quoll: Quoll is a small mammal found in Australia. Quolls eat other small animals, insects, and birds and stay in their dens for most daytime. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of quoll.

Five Letter Words For kids

Quail: Quail is a small bird that makes its nest on the ground. It is well-known for its sound. Quails are known for migrating over long distances during winter. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of quail.

Qatar: Qatar is an Arab country with deserts and rich in oil and gas reserves. You can teach this word to your kid in a fun lesson of country names. Show him Qatar on the world map and tell him about its specialties.

Quorn: Quorn is used as an alternative for meat. However, it is not meat but a fungus and used in dishes. Teach this word to your kid by serving him Quorn.

Query: The word query is used as an alternative to questioning but in doubt regarding some information. Teach this word to your kid when he asks you about something out of curiosity.

Queue: The word queue is used to represent objects in order or sequence. This word is quite often used in customer services, where queries of customers are put in queues. This word is also used where people are meant to be in lines, such as ticket counters or airports boarding lines. You can teach this word to your kid by explaining its meaning to him.

Q-Tip: Q-Tips is the word used for cotton swabs wrapped on one or both ends of a small thin stick. Q-tips have a lot of applications in our daily lives. From cleaning our ears to cleaning things, Q-tips are used everywhere.

What Words I Make With The Letter Q

Six Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quince: Quince is a fruit that looks like a yellow apple. However, it may taste a bit sour. Teach this word to your kid by showing him quince.

Quaint: The word is quaint is not so common, but we have included it in this lesson due to its importance. This word means old-fashioned or unusual. Teach this word to your kid by showing him some quaint buildings or a quaint object. Then explain the meaning of this word.

Quiver: A quiver is a bag or container for holding arrows. Teach this word to your kid by showing him the sport of archery.

Quartz: Quartz is a stone or crystal of silica. It can be transparent or colored. It is use in a variety of things like jewels, watches, glass, and the petroleum industry. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of quartz and telling him its uses. If you have quartz crystals or gemstones made from quartz, show them to your kid.

Six Letter Words For Kids

Quokka: Quokka is a mammal the size of a household cat found on small islands on Australian coasts. They eat plants and fruits and are very cute. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of a quokka.

Quiche: This is kind of a pie that has unsweetened custard. Its origin is France. Eggs, vegetables, and custard are cooked in a pastry to make a quiche. If you can make one, serve it at your family dinner, and everyone will love it. Teach this word to your kid by showing a quiche.

Quotes: The word quote is use for a repeated statement of some person. Teach this word to your kid by reading some quotes from some historical figure person.

Quinoa: Quinoa is a crop, and its seeds are consumed as food. It is rich in fibres and proteins. Teach this word to your kid by serving him quinoa.

Seven Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quarrel: An angry argument or disagreement is called a quarrel. Always be friendly with your kid, even if he has made a mistake. Teach him to remain and think positive. Teach this word to him by explaining its meaning.

Quindim: This is a Brazilian dessert that is made from egg yolks, sugar, and coconut. Find a recipe for quindim and make some for your family. They will love it. Teach your kid this word when he is enjoying eating quindim.

Quarter: If we divide one thing into four parts, then each part is the quarter of that thing. The word quarter is also use for a coin quarter of a dollar. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a quarter coin or explaining a quarter of something.

Quality: The word quality is use to describe an advantage or positive characteristic of something. Teach this word by mentioning some of his qualities. It will not only encourage him to be positive but also make him remember this word.

Quetzal: Quetzal is a beautiful bird found in tropical forests of America. Teach this word to your kid by showing him pictures of the quetzal.

Eight Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quadrant: One-fourth of a circle is called a quadrant. Quadrant is also an instrument to measure the heights. Teach this word by showing him parts of a circle and showing pictures of quadrant instruments.

Q-R code: A Q-R code or a quick response code is a graphical code use to store information about a thing. Today Q-R codes are widely used even for making payments.

Nine Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Qualified: Someone skilled enough to achieve something or solve a problem is called a qualified person. Teach this word by explaining its meaning to your kid.

Quicksand: Quicksand is a mixture of granular sand or mud and water. If a weighted object falls on quicksand, it starts going down into quicksand, just like water.

Queen bee: Queen bee is the queen of a beehive. She lays eggs, and all the workers take care of her. Queen bee characters are use quite often in cartoons. Teach this word to your kid by showing him a queen bee cartoon.

Ten Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quadruplets: Four siblings born at the same time are called quadruplets. Teach this word to your kid by explaining the meaning and showing him some examples on the web.

Quesadilla: A Mexican dish in which tortilla is filled with cheese, meat, and species. Make a quesadilla at home, and your kids will love it. Teach this word to your kid this way.

Eleven Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Queen snake: This is a semi-aquatic species of snake that has no venom. Teach this word to your kid by showing him queen snake pictures.

Twelve Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quisp Cereal: Quisp cereal is a popular brand of oats. You can find it easily on the market. Serve your kid this delicious cereal and he will love it. Teach him this word then.

Thirteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quadrilateral: A shape with four corners is called a quadrilateral. Teach this word to your kid by showing some quadrilateral objects. Examples of a quadrilateral are squares, rectangles, and parallelograms, etc.

Question mark: This is a symbol or punctuation mark that describes the question nature of a sentence. Teach this word to your kid in a fun punctuation lesson.

Fourteen Letter Words That Start With Letter Q

Quotation mark: This is a set of the same symbols but opposite on both sides of a quote. Teach this word in a lesson on punctuation marks.

Five most commonly used Q words

  • Quiz
  • Quit
  • Queen
  • Quack
  • Question

The longest word that starts with Q

quattordecillions: means a one followed by 45 zeroes.

The common English verbs starting with Q

  • Quantify
  • Quarrel
  • Qualify
  • Quit
  • Quarantine

Five most commonly used positive words that start with the letter Q

  • Quick
  • Queen
  • Quiet
  • Qualify
  • Question

Words that start with Q for Toddlers

  • Quack
  • Queen
  • Quick
  • Quiet
  • Quilt

Words that start with Q for Kindergarten kids

  • Quality
  • Quip
  • Quarter
  • Quick
  • Quickly

Words that start with Q for Preschool kids

  • Queen
  • Quiet
  • Query
  • Quilt
  • Quite


After teaching this Q words lesson to your kids, come back for a R words lesson.

Advice for parents "What fairy tales to read to children"

The general rule for reading a fairy tale to children of any age is that a fairy tale should be read as long as the child has interest in his eyes, that is, as long as he really wants to listen to it. And therefore: we finish reading large fairy tales (fairy tales with a continuation) at the most interesting place, so that the child has a great desire to find out what will happen next and continue listening.

If the child is tired and does not want to listen to a book, it is best not to force them. Instead, go for a walk or play, change activities. Violence does not bring up interest in a book. nine0003

Before reading, tell the child the genre, author and title of the fairy tale. For example: "Let's read the tale of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit." The naming of a genre is a small step towards the culture of reading, towards knowledge of the characteristics of different genres of literature. (Later, by the age of 6-7, your child will be able to accurately determine the genre and answer the question: “What kind of work is this - a fairy tale, story or poem?”, “Is this a lullaby or a counting rhyme?” And give justification for your opinion.) Name the genre always exactly, correctly - not a "rhyme", but a "poem", not a "fairy tale", but a "fairy tale". If the fairy tale is a folk tale, then you can say this: “I will tell you the Ukrainian folk tale “Mitten”. nine0003

Before reading a fairy tale to a child, adults should familiarize themselves with its text and illustrations. This is necessary both in order to explain unfamiliar words in time, and in order to pay attention to expressive words and figurative comparisons, to the language of a fairy tale. And for one more reason - which has recently arisen in book publishing for children. A very important reason.

When buying a book for a child, be sure to carefully read the text of the fairy tale right in the store, because now very often there are "free" retellings of famous fairy tales and translations that are by no means distinguished by artistry. Such texts are very harmful to read to children. nine0003

Very often kids ask to read the same fairy tale several times. What to do - read it or offer another? Of course, to read is to read the fairy tale that the baby has chosen and asks to repeat. Preschool children are very fond of repeating fairy tales, each time they re-live the same situations with the same pleasure, as if listening to a fairy tale for the first time. Then they begin to correct your inaccuracies, if you made a mistake somewhere when reading, they know the fairy tale almost by heart, but still they ask you to repeat it again and again. This is an important stage in the development of the child as a future reader. nine0003

Each child or each group of children has one such favorite book that is read to holes. It is very important that such a book - a fairy tale - carries universal moral values, has an artistic language, carries positive scenarios of behavior and life scenarios. We don’t know which book your child will suddenly “fall in love” with, which one will capture his inner world and become a life companion, which of the fairy-tale characters he wants to become like, therefore, very high requirements are placed on each book for children. nine0003

You can read the same fairy tale today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and next week, then take a break and repeat it again. Each time a fairy tale opens up new layers of meaning for us, we begin to see in it something that we had not noticed before. Then you will see for yourself how the child “cooled down” to the fairy tale and himself offered to listen to another.

Children love to act out fairy tales. Never cut out figures from a book for the theater. By this we will demonstrate our disrespect for the book. Where to get pictures for games - dramatizations:

A) make a color xerox of the pages of the book and stick the figures on cardboard,

B) take photographs of the pictures from the book, print them out and cut them out,

C) there are variants of pictures based on fairy tales on the Internet that can also be used. Moreover, it is very convenient to combine characters from different fairy tales to compose your own.

Playing a fairy tale, a child can change its plot, introduce new characters, new dialogues. This is normal, you can’t stop him, let alone scold him because “he didn’t listen well, there was no such thing in a fairy tale.” Let the kid create, invent, compose. This is amazing! After all, a fairy tale and a dramatization game are creativity, lively speech, and not a text memorized in advance by heart. And creative theatrical and director's fairy tales (games based on the plots of fairy tales) are a very important part of a child's life, necessary for his full development. nine0003

If your child is not interested in books, don't be discouraged. Interest in the book is brought up, developed - this is not an innate quality. In this case, start with small works, finishing reading before the baby gets tired.

Fairy tale or cartoon - which of the two is better? Option 1 - first watch a cartoon based on a fairy tale with your child, and then read this fairy tale. Or option 2 - first read a fairy tale, and then watch a cartoon based on it?

The second option is better. And that's why. When listening to a fairy tale, the child is more active, he invents himself - recreates in his imagination the images of the heroes of the fairy tale. He does not have flashing pictures on the screen before his eyes, and therefore he listens more attentively to the words of the fairy tale. When watching a cartoon, the kid is passive, the images of the characters have already been created by the director and the artist. Of course, there will be nothing terrible if the kid first sees the cartoon, and then you read the fairy tale. But if there is a choice, it is better to choose the second option. nine0003

Do not be afraid to read fairy tales to children who do not speak or speak poorly, with bright artistic language, with complex syntactic constructions, do not simplify the language of the fairy tale "to the level of the child's speech." Let the baby still speak badly - but he absorbs everything and understands everything! On the contrary, even poorly speaking children need and it is very important to read highly artistic fairy tales daily and often, giving a model of literary speech. This is the "nutrient environment" in which the rich expressive speech of the child will gradually form and develop. Otherwise, he will remain at the level of primitive thought and primitive speech. Do not impoverish the literary life and language of your kids! Lay the groundwork for the future! nine0003

For children of primary preschool age, it is better to tell a folk tale rather than read from a book (if possible). Or at least look through the text of the tale “forward” with the eyes of the book, and then repeat it aloud to the baby, looking into his face and watching his reaction.

When you tell a story, looking at the child, you see his reactions, you can pause at the right moment, change the intonation of speech, ask a question. It is difficult and not at all interesting for a small child to listen to a fairy tale if an adult is buried in the text and does not pay attention to the baby. nine0003

What fairy tales should children of 3 years old read?

Folk Russian fairy tales:

Kolobok (arranged by K. Ushinsky)

Wolf and goats (arranged by L. Tolstoy)

Cat, rooster and fox (arranged by M. Bogolyubskaya)

"Geese - Swans"

"Snow Maiden and Fox"

"Goby - black barrel, white hooves" (arranged by M. Bulatova)

"Fox and Hare" (arranged by V. Dahl)

"Fear has an eye great” (arranged by M. Serova)

"Teremok" (pay attention - in the processing of E. Charushin!)


"Masha and the Bear"

"Three Bears"

"Fox - Lapotnitsa" (in the processing of V. Dahl)

The Picky Girl (arranged by V. Dahl)

The Fox and the Black Grouse (The Black Black Grouse was sitting on a tree, arranged by L. Tolstoy)

Masha and Dasha (retelling by L. Eliseeva, from the collection of fairy tales Bulk apple")

Folk tales of other countries:

"Mitten" (Ukrainian, in the processing of E. Blaginina)

“Goat-Dereza” (Ukrainian, arranged by E. Blaginina)

“Brave Man” (Bulgarian, translated by L. Gribova)

“Two Greedy Little Bears” (Hungarian, arranged by A. Krasnov and V. Vazhdaev) )

“Puff” (Belarusian, arranged by N. Myalik)

“Stubborn Goats” (Uzbek, edited by Sh. Sagdulla)

“Forest bear and naughty Mouse” (Latvian, arranged by Y. Vanaga, translated by L. Voronkova )

“Visiting the Sun” (Slovak, translated by S. Mogilevskaya and L. Zorina)

The Rooster and the Fox (Scottish, translated by M. Klyagina-Kondratyeva)

The Pig and the Kite (the peoples of Mozambique, translated by Y. Chubkov)

The Fox is the Nanny (Finnish, translated by E. Soini)

Author's fairy tales:

E. Bekhlerova "Cabbage Leaf" (translated from Polish by G. Lukin)

D. Bisset "The Frog in the Mirror" (translated from English by N. Shereshevskaya)

L. Mileva "Swift Foot and Gray Clothes" ( translated from Bulgarian by M. Marinov)

A. Milne “Three Chanterelles” (translated from English by N. Slepakova)

D. Mamin - Siberian "The Tale of the Brave Hare - Long ears, slanting eyes, short tail"

S. Marshak "The Tale of the Clever Mouse", "Quiet Tale"

B. Potter "Uhti - Tukhti" (translation from English)

S. Prokofyeva "Masha and Oyka", "When You Can Cry", "The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse" (from the book "Machines of a Fairy Tale")

V. Suteev "Three Kittens", "Who said "meow "and other fairy tales

J. Capek "Yarinka Doll" (from the book "The Adventures of a Dog and a Cat" (pay attention to the translation - we need a translation from the Czech G. Lukin, without abbreviations!)

K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun", "Moydodyr", "Aibolit"

G. Tsyferov "About the Chicken, the Sun and the Bear Cub" (cycle)

What fairy tales to read to children 4 years old

Russian folk tales:

" War of Mushrooms with Berries (arranged by V. Dal)

Cockerel and Bean Seed (arranged by O. Kapitsa)

Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka (arranged by A. Tolstoy)

Winter House ( in the processing of I. Sokolov - Mikitov)

"Zhiharka" (arr. I. Karnaukhova)

“About Ivanushka the Fool” (arranged by M. Gorky)

“The Little Fox and the Wolf” (arranged by M. Bulatov)

“The Fox and the Goat” (arranged by O. Kapitza)

“The Fox - Lapotnitsa" (in the processing of V. Dahl)

"The Choker" (in the processing of V. Dahl)

"The Snow Maiden and the Fox"

"The Chanterelle with a rolling pin" (in the processing of M. Bulatov)

"The Crane and the Heron" (arranged by V. Dahl)

“Wonderful shoes” (arranged by N. Kolpakova)

"The Never-Being" (arranged by N. Kolpakova)

"The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox".

Folk tales from other countries:

“Spikelet” (Ukrainian, arranged by S. Mogilevskaya)

“The Three Little Pigs” (translated from English by S. Mikhalkov)

“The Hare and the Hedgehog” From the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm (translated from German A. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak)

Little Red Riding Hood Charles Perrault (translated from French T. Gabbe)

The Bremen Town Musicians (translated from German V. Vvedensky)

Like a dog was looking for a friend” (Mordovian, edited by S. Fetisov)

"Liar", "Willow Sprout" (Japanese, translated by N. Feldman)

Author's fairy tales:

T. Aleksandrova "Traffic light" Little Piglet Plyukh” (chapters from the book translated by K. Rumyantseva, I. Ballod)

A. Ballint “Dwarf Gnomych and Izyumka” (chapters from the book translated from Hungarian by G. Leibutin)

D. Bisset “About a boy, who growled at the tigers”, “About the pig that learned to fly” and other tales (translated by N. Shereshevskaya). nine0003

E. Blyton "The famous duckling Tim" (translated from English by E. Papernaya)

M. Gorky "Sparrow"

J. Lada "About the cunning Kum-Fox" (translated from Czech by P. Kleiner)

D. Mamin - Siberian "The Tale of Mosquito - Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail"

A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all". Chapters from the book translated by B. Zakhoder

N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (chapters from the book)

V. Oseev "The Magic Needle"

M. Pototskaya "A sharp pig work", showing in the form of a fairy tale, "what is good and what is bad"

A. Preusen "Merry New Year"

D. Samoilov "The baby elephant has a birthday"

Р. Sef "The Tale of Round and Long Little Men"

K. Chukovsky "Telephone", "Fly - Tsokotuha", "Fedorino's grief", "Aibolit", "Aibolit and Sparrow"

B. Shergin "Rhymes"

G. Tsyferov. Tales (“The Ant Ship” and others)

Hogard E. “Mafin and his friends” (chapters from the book translated by O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko)

E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends", "Crocodile Gena's vacation", "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat" L. Braude). Not everyone knows this book, but if you read it, it will surely become one of your favorites! It was read to us in our childhood.

Yana Valerievna Kiryanova

Yana Valerievna Kiryanova is an English teacher whose main task is not only to teach English, but to make this process interesting, memorable, forming in children the idea that learning a foreign language is not at all difficult , but an exciting activity during which the child has time to realize his creative abilities. Frequent change of activity does not allow him to get tired, and most importantly, all learning is a whole system of playing techniques and, as you know, children love to play more than anything in the world. nine0003

English classes for preschoolers are designed for children from 3 to 6 years old, respectively, it takes into account the main characteristics of children of this age. All English lessons for children are built in the form of fun games using music and gestures. For classes, material is selected in the form of short funny dialogues, comics, counting rhymes, rhymes, which creates a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom and contributes to teaching English to preschoolers, allowing them to easily memorize new words or structures, which develops their creative imagination and motor skills. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to each child. It is safe to say that such classes are the most exciting and at the same time informative. It is known that children of 5–6 years old, despite their age, are very receptive to gaining knowledge. Their heads are not yet overloaded with unnecessary and unnecessary information. At this age, kids are able to accept and learn the necessary knowledge of the language much easier. Children will love the multi-colored exercise books. So that the attention and interest of the child does not fade away, all exercises are varied and include:

  • songs
  • stories
  • role play
  • rhymes
  • rhymes
  • crafts
  • coloring pages
  • applications

It is also worth noting that all classes in our center are conducted in English and even the smallest ones are no exception. The fact is that there is no need for translation, since not a single lesson is complete without visual materials (cards, drawings, posters). nine0003

If your baby is 3-4 years old and you doubt whether he needs a foreign language, don't hesitate. The main principle of teaching with us is mastering English as a native language, i.e. the child first listens, then tries to repeat, and then SPEAKS! Mastering native speech is not an end in itself for a child, it is necessary for him to communicate and interact with other people. So in English lessons, children do not, as it were, learn the language, but simply use what they have already heard in the teacher’s speech or on the cassette in order to be able to participate in a common game. nine0003

There are no children with a complete lack of language ability. We all once learned to speak our native language, only someone begins to speak already at the age of one, and someone is silent even at two and a half. What do parents do in the second case? Do they think that the child does not know the language? Not! After all, he understands the speech addressed to him! Are they forced to repeat words after them? Not! A wise parent knows that you just need to talk more with such a child, and one day the quantity will certainly grow into quality. nine0003

Level zero "I can sing" - for children 3-4 years old
Children learn to perceive English by ear, follow the teacher's commands, play and sing songs in English.

1. Psychological characteristics of the age group.

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