1 thru 30 in spanish
Spanish Numbers 1-30
Spanish Numbers 1-30
Spanish Numbers. Learn Numbers in Spanish 1-100
Spanish numbers belong to an Indo-Arabic based decimal system, although the history of the number system is much more ancient. The Babylonians used cuneiform writing as observed in the Code of Hammurabi (Babylonian law code) and the Egyptians used hieroglyphs symbols to represent numbers.
- donquijote
- Spanish Language Resources
- Numbers in Spanish
In Spain, for many centuries the Roman numeration system dominated. In the 8th century, Leonardo de Pisa, who had traveled through the
Middle East, introduced the Indo-Arabic system to Europe. In Spain, this numeration system appeared in manuscripts as early as 976 AD. Towards the year 1500, the system was already in place and used clearly in mathematical texts.
With the expanding European empires, the number system spread throughout the West, substituting local number systems such as those found in Latin America. One example of this was the very precise Mayan numerical system.
The Indo-Arabic numerical system is still used today and is the base of significant scientific development and universal mathematics.
One curiosity is the small difference between the Spanish numerical systems and the Anglo-Saxon one. In Spain a billón is one million millions, whereas in the Anglo-Saxon system, a billion is one thousand millions.
Spain: Un billón:
Anglo-Saxons: One billion: 1,000,000,000
Also opposite to the Anglo-Saxon system is the fact that in Spain the “.” symbol is used to separate thousands and “,” to indicate decimals.
3.537,52 € is equal to three thousand five hundred thirty-seven euros and fifty-two cents.
The Spanish numbers are not difficult to learn. Even when there are some exceptions in the way to form them, their construction follows rules that will allow students to learn them easily.
Here are the Spanish numbers:
- 1 - uno
- 2 - dos
- 3 - tres
- 4 - cuatro
- 5 - cinco
- 6 - seis
- 7 - siete
- 8 - ocho
- 9 - nueve
- 10 - diez
- 11 - once
- 12 - doce
- 13 - trece
- 14 - catorce
- 15 - quince
- 16 - dieciséis
- 17 - diecisiete
- 18 - dieciocho
- 19 - diecinueve
- 20 - veinte
- 21 - veintiuno
- 22 - veintidós
- 23 - veintitrés
- 24 - veinticuatro
- 25 - veinticinco
- 26 - veintiséis
- 27 - veintisiete
- 28 - veintiocho
- 29 - veintinueve
- 30 - treinta
- 31 - treinta y uno
- 32 - treinta y dos
- 33 - treinta y tres
- 40 - cuarenta
- 41 - cuarenta y uno
- 42 - cuarenta y dos
- 50 - cincuenta
- 60 - sesenta
- 70 - setenta
- 80 - ochenta
- 90 - noventa
- 100 - cien
- 101 - ciento uno
- 102 - ciento dos
- 110 - ciento diez
- 111 - ciento once
- 200 - doscientos
- 201 - doscientos uno
- 202 - doscientos dos
- 211 - doscientos once
- 276 - doscientos setenta y seis
- 300 - trescientos
- 400 - cuatrocientos
- 500 - quinientos
- 600 - seiscientos
- 700 - setecientos
- 800 - ochocientos
- 900 - novecientos
- 1.
000 - mil
- 1.011 - mil once
- 1.111 - mil ciento once
- 2.000 - dos mil
- 3.000.003 - tres millones tres
Spanish Numbers | 5 Spanish
04 MayThe ability to count is necessary when going to a supermarket, boutique or market, and also helps to navigate the numbering of houses, streets and trolleybuses.
Number | Spanish equivalent of | Transcription |
0 | Cero | C e ro |
1 | Uno | U but |
2 | Dos | Dos |
3 | Tres | Tres |
4 | Cuatro | Ku a tro |
5 | Cinco | C and NCO |
6 | Seis | Says |
7 | Siete | S e te |
8 | Ocho | O cho |
9 | Nueve | well e we |
10 | Diez | dyes |
11 | Once | about nse |
12 | Doce | d o s |
13 | Trece | tr e se |
14 | Catorce | cat o rse |
15 | Quince | to and nse |
16 | Dieciseis | desys e ys |
17 | Diecisiete | desys e te |
18 | Dieciocho | jes yo cho |
19 | jesinu e ve | |
20 | Veinte | b e ynte |
21 | Veiniuno | beint yu but |
22 | Veintidos | beintid o s |
30 | Treinta | tr e int |
31 | treinta y uno | trainta yu but |
40 | Cuarenta | qar e nta |
50 | Cincuenta | sinku e nta |
60 | Sesenta | ses e nta |
70 | Setenta | set e nta |
80 | Ochenta | och e nta |
90 | Noventa | new e nta |
100 | cien / ciento | removed / removed e nto |
101 | ciento uno | cb e nto y but |
102 | ciento dos | cb e nto dos |
200 | Doscientos | dos e ntos |
300 | Trescientos | tres e ntos |
400 | cuatrocientos | quatros e ntos |
500 | Quinientos | kin e ntos |
600 | Sescientos | seis e ntos |
700 | Setecientos | setes e ntos |
800 | Ochocientos | ochos e ntos |
900 | Novecientos | new e ntos |
1000 | Mil | miles |
1001 | mil uno | miles uno |
1234 | mil doscientos trenta y cuatro | mi dos e ntos tr e intai ku a tro |
1.![]() | and millon | un mi yo n |
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Numbers from 1 to 200 in Spanish
Numbers are one of the basics of any foreign language, so they should be studied first. Numbers are involved in almost every conversation and it will be very sad if you cannot understand what the interlocutor is talking about.
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However, when buying, knowing the first 20 numbers in Spanish will not be enough, so we will continue. In the third column I give a transcription of Spanish words, although you shouldn’t “mock” the language like that.