12 buckle my shoe rhyme
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe - Lyrics in French and in English
4.2/5 - (42 votes)
One, Two, Buckle My ShoeLanguages: English, French
Ressource Type: song, nursery rhyme
Theme: numbers from 1 to 20, action
Age-range: infant-preschool, 3 – 7 years
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♦ One Two Buckle My Shoe Lyrics
“One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” (or just “1, 2, Buckle My Shoe“) is a traditional English nursery rhyme and counting-out rhyme first published in “Songs for the Nursery
“ in London in 1805. Learning to count is one of the child earliest lessons. For this reason, counting rhymes have a long history and many have the status of nursery rhyme. “One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” is an example of this kind. This funny traditional counting-out song, presented with attractive pictures, will teach kids how to count from 1 to 20: One, two…Buckle my shoe. Three, four…Knock at the door. Five, six…Pick up sticks. Seven, eight…Lay them straight. Nine, ten…A big, fat hen!
English Version:
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock at the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight;
Nine, ten,
A big fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids in waiting;
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate’s empty.
French Translation:
Un, deux, boucle ma chaussure
Un, deux,
Boucle ma chaussure ;
Trois, quatre,
Frappe à la porte ;
Cinq, six,
Ramasse des bâtons ;
Sept, huit,
Pose-les bien droit ;
Neuf, dix,
Une bonne poule grasse ;
Onze, douze,
Creuse et fouille ;
Treize, quatorze,
Des jeunes filles qui font la cour ;
Quinze, seize,
Des domestiques dans la cuisine ;
Dix-sept, dix-huit,
Des dames de compagnie ;
Dix-neuf, vingt,
Mon assiette est vide.
“One, Two, Buckle My Shoe” Original lyrics
(Recorded in Songs for the Nursery, published in London in 1805)
Thirteen, fourteen, draw the curtain,
Fifteen sixteen, the maid’s in the kitchen,
Seventeen, eighteen, she’s in waiting,
Nineteen, twenty, my stomach’s empty.
Culture and Vocabulary:
- Numbers from 1 to 20 ;
- shoe, door, sticks, hen, kitchen, empty, big, fat.
- Imperative verbs: lay, knock, dig, delve, buckle.
- presence of rhymes ;
- long vocalic sounds: /u:/ of shoe, /ɔr/ of door, /i:/ of thirteen, fourteen…
- give instructions.
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe by Jane Cabrera
January 30, 2019(Counting Book) This book is nice for children learning to count because it goes along with an old nursery song that children can sing along with. The only criticism I would have is that children can possibly feel off track with having to read the words in between the numbers. However, I think this book would be better if it were read to children, by an adult, until children can get the hang of the flow. This book also has quotes from characters on each page, that I’m not sure that students just learning how to count would be able to read. This book could also be used in a later grade to teach rhyming.
Although it seems like a young book, every page rhymes with the one before, and could be used in other lessons in higher grades. The illustrations in this book are also very colorful and exciting for readers.
- 05-counting-books exploring-public-library
August 30, 2018
A cute take on the classic song one two buckle my shoe with four chickens hiding on each page and a few differnt parts of the song. Goes 1 to 20. toddler and up
- 2018-picture-books chickens numbers
June 8, 2019
Sunny illustrations and 4 yellow chicks are hiding on each page.
However, I didn't love the change in the traditional lines. It does make it more of a story line, though.
- picture-books
216 reviews20 followers
September 18, 2021Jane Cabrera, Jane Cabrera! Her books, new to me, have been the highlight of our preschool unit on nursery rhymes. Soybean asked to read this one several times and loved finding the chicks!
- nursery-rhymes
November 28, 2022
Genre: poetry
Age group: k-2nd
This rhyming book blends well with the illustrations. It is a old well known tale re said in a different way and I love that.
- child-lit-reviews
October 14, 2015Title: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Author: Jane Cabrera
Illustrator: Jane Cabrera
Genre: Counting, Rhyming
Themes: Friendship, Kindness
Opening line/sentence:
1, 2, buckle my shoe
Brief Book Summary:
This story starts off with a rabbit running out the door to go get reading for a birthday party. The momma hen and baby chicks also help prepare and cook for the party. At the end of the story, they all surprise the pigs with a big birthday party with balloons, cake, and party hats! Throughout the book, they count two numbers per event, counting all the way to number twenty.
Professional Recommendation/Review #1:
Children's Literature - Sylvia Firth
First published in Great Britain, this title is another in a series of books updating old, familiar nursery rhymes. The theme of the story is a surprise birthday party where some piglets, chicks, a rabbit, and Mother Hen come together for a happy time that includes enough balloons to count to twenty. Youngsters are also instructed to find the four hidden chicks in each of the double page spreads. The rhyme for every two numbers is printed in large, bold type and accompanied by a bright, childlike illustration done with strong brush strokes that are outlined in black. Some of the pages contain additional remarks made by the animals. Youngsters may have to be introduced to some of the vocabulary, as words like "delve" and "a-snortin'" may not be familiar to them. While this is entertaining, it is not really necessary to add it to a collection that already contains other versions of this traditional rhyme.
Professional Recommendation/Review #2:
Publishers Weekly
Cabrera's (Old MacDonald Had a Farm) version of this familiar schoolyard song takes readers all the way up through the number 20, as her rabbit heroine helps some animals get ready for a big party. Though the rhymes are occasionally a stretch (“15, 16, in the kitchen”), the lively images, thick with paint strokes, create a cheerful atmosphere. Additionally, the opening challenge to find four small chicks on each spread will keep readers entertained as they read along.
Response to Two Professional Reviews: Even though review number one was a lot more detailed, they both explain the overall conflict and message of the story. They both point out that the pictures were made with thick paint strokes. I agree with review number two that the challenge of having the readers find the missing ducks on each page is a great way to keep the readers attention and keep them excited and interactive with the text.
Evaluation of Literary Elements: The style of the book is very simple and easy to follow- there are a few words per page in bold which is great for beginner readers. The illustrations are very creative as they are done using a thick paintbrush. The colors in the book are very bright and warm, which allows for the readers to feel happy while reading the story.
Consideration of Instructional Application: This could be used with preschoolers and kindergarten when introducing counting. After reading the book, I would have containers with tactile numbers for students. The students can individually or with a partner, sort and sequence numbers 1-20. I would also provide them with a number line after so student’s can check their work. For preschoolers, I would make it simpler and give them only numbers 1-5 or 1-10 depending on their age. This is great practice for learning numbers!
12 reviews1 follower
September 12, 2013One Two Buckle my shoe is a poem compromising of rhyme and rhythm. Rhyme is used as a memory tool and the rhythm makes for simple predications of the next word. I particularly like the use of recognisable daily tasks that children can understand and relate to. This supports the memory element of the literature in that if the reader can relate to the text they may find it easier to remember it.
The colours are bright and the pictures are fun making it a visually captivating book.
There is a consistent regular rhythm which makes for easy reading which could also be used in SEN children.
It is a great resource to build up for children’s counting skills, literacy skills and rhyming skill; particularly in key stage 1.
The poem could also be used as a platform for perhaps key stage 1 children to make their own poems using rhyme. The structure is easy to follow and with the use of techniques such as phonics, the rhyming is made easier.
The simplicity of the words mean that decoding with the use of phonics is achievable for Key stage 1.
A follow on book by Jane for perhaps year 2 could be a nice stepping stone.
October 26, 2012
This is a good book for head start children to learn their numbers and how to count.
1, 2, Buckle My Shoe book is colorful and with a bit different touch to the story. It is still original with the rhythming and counting to 20. Jane Cabrera put 4 naughty little chicks on each page. Little rabbit visit the meet the hen with 4 naughty chicks, the six pigss, and a big cake. To celebrate a PARTY that everyone can count to 20.
Learning Expereince: The teacher will have small group with the children to play with number blocks. Also, the children can play with the hands to learn the rhyming words. The teacher will have vocabulary words for head-start to learn the words and counting numbers. The teacher can print out a picture of hen with chicks, six pigs, and a cake. The children can color it, cut and paste on a stick to tell the story.
- humor kindergarten language-art
June 4, 2010
Here is an entirely new version of a nursery rhyme favorite. With hiding chicks, numbers up to 20, and a party. What fun!
What I thought: Delightful! Cabrera has made this nursery rhyme her own with charming illustrations and new verses. I love the inclusion of all the other animals. The hiding chicks are a stroke of genius. Kids love to locate things in pictures (e.g., the mouse in 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo by Eric Carle).
Story Time Ideas: This book would be great for a Mother Goose/Nursery Rhyme story time. Would also be good for Baby Sit & Sign when we do numbers.
- numbers nursery-rhymes picture-books
3,496 reviews83 followers
July 31, 2012I've liked this author's other renditions of popular children's songs / rhymes, so I didn't hesitate to pick this one out when I saw it. As with her others, it strays from the rhyme I know, but that is fine with me. The changes work. It also adds on 11-20. There is a simple story line and a few types of animals. Overall, a fun way to go over counting 1-20 without it being much work. Also, there are four chicks hiding on each page spread, so that lengthens the novelty of the book. And as always, I enjoy Cabrera's illustration style: Bold colored paintings.
- abc123 lib-lew picture-books
October 18, 2013
Cabrera is a great author for the younger crowd. My twin 3 yr old's loved it. Colorful fun pictures that helps get the child engaged and keeps them engaged. The illustrations were paintings that had a unique brushstroke and the colors were so vibrant! Cabrera has a style all her own. Loved the paintings especially! Also, many of her books have themes that are popular children’s songs, so immediately her books grabbed my preschoolers attention. A great addition to any children's library.
- childrens
October 31, 2010
This is the second 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe book we took out from the library recently. This one is a bit different: it changes some of the original rhymes and goes up to 20. Also, you have to search for "4 naughty little chicks" who hide on each page. This one seemed to entertain my 2 year old a bit more than the other version we read.
- ages-2-4 counting-math
October 23, 2009
The "Where's Waldo" element (can you find the chicks) was really unnecessary to make this a fun version of a classic nursery rhyme. It's distracting from the story, though it does make for a cute ending.
173 reviews
February 24, 2010This twist on the traditional rhyme has cute art and a handful of familiar animals involved in a rudimentary plot presenting situations young children can easily relate to (preparing a surprise party).
- childrens
September 12, 2012
Picture Book 42: This is a good book to engage your readers in counting. It is fun because if you read it aloud the children will want to find the 4 hiding chicks and secretly they will be counting as well. Such a fun/cool book to read to children!
January 18, 2017
A counting to twenty book combined with a search-and-find one. Little rabbit is being followed by four little chicks, who often get 'lost' in their surroundings. Can you find them at each stop? Where are they going and what will they do there? FUN.
- children-s-picture
October 5, 2009
Classic number rhyme, good for Story Time. One-on-one sharing is extended by use of little chicks "hiding" on each spread.
- picturebooks
1,026 reviews3 followers
October 9, 2009Wonderful heavily-painted illustrations accompany this delightful 1-20 counting story of a young girl-rabbit heading to a birthday surprise party. Good book for pre-K.
- birthdays chickens counting
484 reviews15 followers
November 12, 2009Cabrera's illustrations are always a treat and in this version of the classic nursery rhyme, she adds a little subplot with her own text played out by an adorable bunny, several chicks and pigs.
- picture-books
280 reviews2 followers
December 1, 2009Cute illustrations and has hiding chicks in each spread. Fun for little ones to find them.
May 25, 2010
3 1/2 stars
In addition to the traditional nursery rhyme, readers have the challenge of finding several baby chicks hidden through the pages.
1,468 reviews9 followers
July 20, 2010A sweet variation on the traditional rhyme. For read aloud, ignore the side comments, but for one to one sharing have your child find the chicks on each page.
- love-the-illustrations picture-books
Poems about shoes for children
Pavel Filatov6.07.2019, 10:14
Hello, dear reader of the children's Internet publication "Churiki".
* * *
Tale of shoes
Very clean shoes
Gathered for a walk
Two socks in the middle
Carefully climbed
Barely stretched,
The door was opened, they turned;
And reached for the button,
The elevator arrived - and already
Knocking on the ground floor
Once dressed for the season -
Trampled on the lawn;
And they came to the sandbox,
And they buried the sand;
immediately turned into a puddle
And almost drowned;
Red cat found
And they drove as best they could
So tired - my God!
Barely stomped home.
Mom came out - ah-ah-ah!
Dirt, dirt - over the edge!
Come on, wash and dry,
Well, exactly become
Near the door on the carpet -
Walked in the yard!
Author: Shiposhina T.V.
* * *
Vovka's boots
Vovka somehow got into a puddle for fun
Stepped, taking water, right boot.
And the left one only touched the puddle with his toe,
Afraid, however, to plunge deeper.
But the right one winks at him:
Dive, do not be afraid - we will swim together
And he dived to keep up with his brother...
All this was seen by a bearded goat
And he said, frozen as in the picture:
"Where did Vovka's boots go?"
* * *
New shoes
Milka's daughter
New boots.
Bright, beautiful,
Orange colors.
Cap with horns,
In tone - jumpsuit.
stomping feet
Right on the lawn.
Author: Irina Viktorova
* * *
When my shoes are out of fashion
I will throw them away and for many years
They will lie in the attic
With boxes, trash and a doll in a scarf.
They will not be able to walk along the boulevard,
They can’t push the cat, come on, scat,
Can't jump, run, dance,
They won't be able to play football for a minute,
They won't be able to step on their friends' shoes
They will not be able to sleep on the rug in the hallway.
I'm sorry ... and in the morning I put them on again,
When will I buy others? I don't know.
Author: Yury Lysakov
* * *
Chilled Boots
Boots said:
— I'm so cold,
What does not matter to me
To the feet.
Let me go myself
I'll warm it up.
And sat on horseback
To the battery.
Author: Galina Ilyina
* * *
Mom bought shoes
For my daughter Mila
Leather, red,
Satin bows.
Mila put on shoes,
Looked in the mirror for a long time:
Bows like butterflies,
Shoes are not slippers.
Like a ballerina, Mila
Walked on toes for a day,
Falling, spinning,
In general, I had fun.
Mila danced for a long time,
All capes have been beaten only,
Bows came off ...
"I need pointe shoes!"
Mila's mother was not angry,
I didn’t forbid dancing -
Daughter at dance school
Walks on toes.
Author: Vera Anoshina
* * *
My Alina has
New boots,
Red, beautiful,
New boots!
Will she wear them,
Avoid mud and puddles!
I really like Alinka,
Those new boots!
Author: Maria Efimova
* * *
The first boots
Moms, dads, uncles, aunts!
I'll tell you today
How to buy boots
For me, my family.
In the children's world on the counter
Rank by rank, row by row
Both sandals and boots,
And the boots are worth it.
I saw mine right away,
Dreamed of these for a long time.
If I were to wear them
I would get up and run.
I would then day and night
He wore them without taking them off,
I would drive a soccer ball,
I would have scored the first goal in them!
Suddenly I hear: “Very important,
To make the sock soft,
So that the heel does not rub
And the tongue didn't fidget.”
What are you talking about? Wait!
I have already made my choice.
I can't say it yet,
But my soul is crying.
In soft new boots
I'm in a wheelchair
And sad eyes
I look at my family.
Well, they are satisfied with themselves:
“How the boots fit!
Not a child - a feast for the eyes"
They speak affectionately.
Oh, my dears,
You did not understand me.
Grow up and tell you,
Like one summer morning
Only by touching with his wing,
Flew away smiling,
My first dream…
Author: Olga Weisbeker
* * *
Shoes, boots and boots
Offended shoes, sad boots:
Walking is not allowed on wet paths,
Walking the third day, one boots,
On the shelf in the rain they can not stand with their feet.
Author: Maria Lavruk
* * *
Shoes on the path
On the path by the river
someone threw shoes,
homeless people lying around,
turned out to be without marks.
Flowers still grew there,
like toothy cats,
but the flowers are hardly
the soles were torn from the shoes.
Dasha showed us everything:
squirrel shoes scattered -
here he is galloping along the path,
she has bare feet…
Author: Grandfather Volodya
* * *
Left shoe
My mischievous shoe
Always jokes with me.
Scruffy and dirty,
He behaves arrogantly.
This is the left one, this is the right one
Behaving correctly.
He is cleaner, more modest -
I have no complaints here!
Let's just get out, left p-time!
And untie immediately.
And also, such a prankster -
The tongue of passers-by teases!
Drawstring tongue,
I told him later:
- For such swagger
I will be terribly ashamed!
I see, I understood the slipper
He bit his tongue.
We are all very friendly now,
And the three of us go around the puddles!
Author: Olga Irkegulova
* * *
In the shoe closet
Here are my sneakers,
But grandfather's shoes,
Granny felt boots,
Brother sandals,
Playfully pugnacious.
But father's boots
And my mother's boots.
Fathers can be seen - fishermen,
And mothers are like cats,
Clinging to daddy's stand,
As if, "Moore-r" they say.
Author: Roman Shisterov
* * *
Dad bought me shoes…
Dad bought me shoes,
Not shoes, but pictures!..
And now I'm running in them
To Theodore-groom...
Theodore played football,
And scored a wonderful goal ...
— Lisa, we need a goalkeeper!
Don't hit your face in the dirt! ..
Saved, conceded,
The third hit the post,
Seriously angered
Forwards-muff ...
And blows - left, right,
They hit you right on the spot ...
Theodore shouts to me: "Bravo!",
I blush with praise...
And my team with heat
Scores two goals…
I took off my shoes behind the barn:
— How hot I am!..
Author: Liza Fedina
0004 Boots
For walking boy Dimka
Looking for half an hour shoes!
No shoes by the door.
Mom, where are they? Gone…,
They were not joking!
"We can't be dirty!
Quietly together
Let's go to the bathroom.
If Dima this time
Won't wash us again,
Let's get offended, let's go!
Let him walk barefoot."
Dima sideways in the bathroom.
Here they are, silent.
Dirty, no light visible.
Everyone understands, they are offended...
Dima always remembered
Shoes need to be washed.
I washed my shoes for five minutes.
Went for a walk in clean clothes.
Smiling boots,
Like new from the picture.
Author: Yury Valenkin
* * *
New shoes Fingers rub,
And the corns hurt so much -
X doesn't happen anymore.
Mom to shop me
Brought it today.
We will try on shoes
We are for two seasons.
For autumn black puddles
We will buy shoes,
And for long winter cold -
Small boots.
I will jump and jump
In brand new boots,
I will be walking for a long time
With Sasha and Polinka.
So comfortable for me now,
So comfortable on the feet!
I just want to run
On the road with mom.
And by spring I will grow up,
And by the hand with mom
I will come to the store again
I'll leave with my shoes!
Author: Anna Ostrovskaya
* * *
Shaggy Slippers
They put on masks -
Indoor, soft,
There is a nose and eyes,
Two tapas for dad,
Two tapas for mom,
Two tapas for daughter,
Next to the corner.
Slippers talking
About cat Fluffy:
"He always dines,
We have lunch - mysticism.
-The cat is so shaggy,
He has paws.
We would like his paws
Too bad we're just tapas."
Two tapas for dad,
Two tapas for mom,
Two tapas for daughter,
Next to the corner.
Author: Azov Veterok
* * *
Two shoes stand
Two shoes stand,
They don't look at each other.
Arguing Nadya,
- We need to reconcile them!
Author: Vera Shcherbakova
* * *
Stormy rains passed,
Rivers rustled,
We are in rubber boots
The songs were sung.
And when in a deep puddle
We had fun -
Our wonderful boots
They took it and got drunk.
Author: Roman Ezyk
* * *
A little wet outside,
But I'm not used to being bored.
Favorite miracle boots
I must find it now.
I will measure all puddles in boots,
Then I'll run up the hill...
That's just me hat deeper
I'll put on an umbrella and take it.
Author: Olga Schastlivaya
* * *
My sister Irinka has
Naughty boots.
Mom and I always dry them:
They run through the puddles,
Get into the mud, and what -
Do not film in the hallway.
We will tie their shoelaces tightly
And put it in a corner for the night
Author: Tatyana Agibalova
* * *
Valenki for Varenka
Mother to a little daughter
She gave me boots.
On the track - top, top, top.
On the track booty-clap.
Varenka is crying bitterly -
She doesn't need felt boots...
Mom takes her daughter,
And leads into the house by the hand...
-I believe it hurts, Varenka.
The boots are not to blame.
Your legs Varenka,
Very simply too small.
You will grow up a little
You will go for a walk in felt boots.
Author: Svetlana Khokhlova
* * *
Our neighbor Vovka
Mom brought sneakers.
Just put on my new thing,
Do not recognize the neighbor Vovka.
Scowl, scowl,
He stands there thinking.
And the son's mother asked:
- What's happened?
What is the reason?
Here is the emblem - look,
The insole is soft inside.
Velcro here, lacing there,
What's wrong, tell me, Vovka?
- I want my new thing
Give your sister a workout.
Because when she sees
That everyone looks with envy,
Immediately proudly say: - Vovka
- The best brother in the world!
Author: Elena Eremina
* * *
Assorted sneakers
Came back from training.
Silently and wearily,
They have little power left.
Pressed tongues
They have Velcro and laces.
Suddenly confusion in the party,
The step became light,
Strength, as before training,
Sneakers became dandies,
Skipping on track,
Ah, what sandals -
Two dainty straps.
Author: Tatyana Umanskaya
* * *
Slippers, boots
In the morning - slippers with pomposhka
from bed to table,
boots are waiting near the door,
it's time for them to go outside.
Kindergarten - sandals,
"Czech shoes" soft - ballet,
and walking - again boots
and galoshes if it's snowing.
And running shoes for sports,
for the theater - there are shoes,
there are boots with lacing,
yes, do not count everything!
In the evening - boots again,
and on the street - home,
well, at home, at the threshold
pompos are waiting for you and me.
Comments Respect to you!
02/07/2019, 06:56
I didn't know there were so many children's poems about shoes. Thank you!
01/29/2019, 00:56
Hello, we finally found suitable children's poems about shoes for children. Thank you!
09.11.2018, 17:20
Good poems.
Everywhere, everywhere we go together inseparably.
We walk through the meadows, along the green shores.
Even in the bath we will go inseparably together.
What is our name - let's say briefly.
Call us all - slates.!
And I would also like to find a rhyme about sandals.
28.11.2017, 14:48
Very, very interesting selection of poems. Thanks to the authors and the creative team of Churiki
Taking this opportunity, I want to ask permission to post your poems about shoes on my website in articles or descriptions of models.
Thank you in advance, online store for children's shoes det-os.
Musical education of children | Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
The development of musical abilities is one of the main tasks of musical education. Music originated in ancient times and was recognized as an important and indispensable means of shaping the personal qualities of a person, his spiritual world. Listening to music written at different times, people get ideas about the different ways of expressing feelings, thoughts that existed in different eras. Reflecting life and performing a cognitive role, music affects a person, educates his feelings, shapes tastes. With a wide range of content, music enriches the emotional world of the listener. Different types of art have specific means of influencing a person, while music has the ability to influence a child at the earliest stages.
The family is the first social community that lays the foundations of the child's personal qualities, here he learns to live a true social life, common with other people: to share grief and joy. Parents should remember that where the elders love music, sing, play musical instruments, a particularly favorable environment is created for the flourishing of the child's talent. As often as possible, it is necessary to arrange joint duets with mom, dad, grandmother, which contributes to mutual understanding and forms a love for singing. In modern conditions, a special role is played by technical means: radio, television, audio recordings, discs, karaoke. It is easy to share love, respect and interest in music with our children. Moreover, music shapes a child's life abilities for the rest of his life. Musical exercise during your child's first years of life builds their self-esteem and encourages expressiveness.
Here are some tips for cultivating love for music in preschool children:
1. It is harmful for children to sing in cold weather.
2. Children should sing songs only for their age.
3. It is necessary to listen to music in the family. It is necessary that the child learns to listen to music and loves it.
4. Adults must protect children's voices. You can not talk too loudly with children, and also make sure that children do not speak too loudly, as screaming, noise spoils the voice, dulls their hearing and affects their nervous system.
5. Not only a teacher can teach children to sing, but also parents who have little musical training. The duration of classes is 10-12 minutes.
6. For music lessons, children must have special shoes that are comfortable for movement exercises (shoes, soft slippers ...).
The poet asked the old man: “What is music, grandfather?”
- She is a memory. You can hear the old youth in it.”
The girl was asked a question, she answered seriously:
- The music is like a beam breaking through the window from behind the clouds.
And the young man answered like this:
– You can't live without music. The soul without music is sad, it does not fly into the magical space.
And the girl, shrugging her shoulder, said: “Music is our home, everything is dear in it, everything is our own. Her breath is in everything.
- You are all right, - said the poet, Each of your answers is beautiful. I want to repeat one thing
- Music teaches us to love. A whole world of beauty, from big to small”
A. Fet
Paraphrasing a famous writer, we say, hand in hand: “Let everything be fine in a person: And thoughts, and deeds, and soul!”
In order for a child to grow up kind, sympathetic, merciful, able to do good and empathize, rejoice and laugh heartily, we adults surround him with love and beauty. An inexhaustible source of such beauty is art - painting, theater, music. It is art that can awaken children's feelings, imagination and fantasy.
In kindergarten, children sing, dance, listen to music, play children's musical instruments, read poetry, stage fairy tales, draw, sculpt, make applications, i.e. the combination of several activities gives the child the opportunity to fulfill his creative plan most vividly and colorfully. Folk songs, games, dances - this is an invaluable wealth that can help a child overcome shyness, become a creative person. Sometimes two short lines of a folk song can do more than boring conversation and instructions.
Parents often have questions about how to organize a child's musical activities at home, how to help children who are interested in music, how to hold a home holiday?
Home music-making can be useful if it is carried out systematically, in an interesting, exciting way. You can draw the child's attention to the song with the help of a poetic text. You need to read the text, then sing it. To learn how to sing for children, you need to listen more, memorize the melody, text, clap the rhythm, perform it on various children's instruments. To this end, it is necessary for children to purchase children's musical instruments: a metallophone, a drum, a pipe, a tambourine, a musical hammer, cassettes and discs with children's songs and classical music for listening.
It is useful to listen to any work during quiet activities: playing with dolls, drawing, carving, or before going to bed, lying in bed.
In the general and musical development of a child, television and radio programs for children, as well as listening to tape recordings with fascinating fairy tales, dramatizations, accompanied by music, play an important role.
Children love to move to music. The ability to express their feelings in movement affects the child's ability to control their movements and make them more harmonious, teach spatial orientation, and strengthen the basic types of movements.