1Sr grade math
1st Grade Math | Free, Online Math Games
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1st Grade Math Games
Game Spotlight: Skateboard Pups
Multiplayer Math Games
Jet Ski Addition
Tug Addition
Ducky Race Subtraction
Sailboat Subtraction
Skateboard Pups
Kitten Match
Turtle Rounding
Shape Names
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Addition Chart
Math Word Problems
Thinking Blocks Jr
Bridge Builder
Galaxy Pals 20
Superhero Subtraction
Skateboard Pups
Monster Stroll
Sailboat Subtraction
Amusement Park Addition
Puzzle Pics Addition to 20
Math Racer Addition
Treasure Quest Addition
Math Surpass Compare
Magic Triangle
Code Sums
Math Monster Subtraction
Addition Blocks
Subtraction to 20
Kitten Match
Ducky Race Subtraction
Addition Snake
Number Trails Addition
Zogs and Monsters +
Island Chase Subtraction
Alien Addition
Minus Mission Subtraction
Math Monster Addition
Number Pairs to 10
Jet Ski Addition
Tug Team Addition
Number Bonds to 20
Math Bars
Number and Operations in Base Ten
Tandem Turtles Rounding
Bingo Tens
Hundreds Chart
Find the Bus Stop
Place Value Game
Place Value Party
Treasure Quest Numbers
Untamed Number Names
Bingo Number Pairs
Canoe Puppies
Number Patterns
Bingo 3 Numbers
Place Value Video
Jumping Chicks
Koala Karts
Bingo Rounding
Measurement and Data
Telling Time Video
Picture Graphs Video
Bar Graphs Video
Bar Graphs Video 2
Giraffe Pull Time
Giraffe RaceTime
Reflection Painter
Rotation Painter
Pattern Blocks
Super Math Puzzles
Numbers Pro
Logic and Problem Solving Games
Paint the House Blue
Number Path
Find the Differences
Liquid Sort
Animal Memory
Rainbow Tower
Squirrel Hop
Pingu and Friends
Cake Topping
Katana Fruit
Playful Kitty
Piggy Bank Adventure
Jumpy Kangaroo
Arcade Golf
Sophia's World
Monsterland 4
Monsterland 5
Find the Robot
Arty Agent
Block the Pig
Car Park Puzzle
Red Block Returns
Connect the Roads
Cookie Trail
Cross the Bridge
Mazes and Keys
Mini Golf World
Robot Maze
Chef Slash
One Liner
Puzzle Ball
Double Up
Logic Tail
The Parking Lot
Feed That Thing
Trap the Mouse
Hex Blocks
Dots and Boxes
Sorting Spheres
Andy's Golf
Islands Of Creatures
Gems Glow
Tic Tac Toe
Ghostie Loners
Scratch and Sniff
Reverse the Discs
Code Builder
Follow the Code
Fluffy Cuddlies
Spot the Difference
Jelly Collapse
Number Sequence
Snoring Pirates
Peg Jumper
Tetra Squares
One Clown Standing
Four in a Row
Capture and Turn
Memory Artist
1st Grade Math Skills, What Your Child Will Learn, Komodo Math
- Math Tips
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Your child is heading to first grade! After the year in kindergarten, your first grader will be ready for some amazing growth. For many children, first grade is the year that they bloom as readers and mathematicians. Get ready to support your child’s mathematical growth by learning about first grade math skills.
In first grade, you can expect your child to learn about:
1. Addition and subtraction facts to 20
Now that your child has mastered the idea of adding and subtracting, they’re ready to practice math facts. This means getting faster when answering addition and subtraction problems to 20.
Help your child develop fluency by asking basic addition and subtraction problems - we find that using treats can help keep kids interested! If your first grader needs support, encourage the use of physical objects or fingers as problem-solving tools.
2. Addition and subtraction as inverse operations
Your child probably understands the concept of addition as “putting together” and subtraction as “taking apart.” In first grade, children are encouraged to see the connections between addition and subtraction. Your child will learn how addition and subtraction are inverse operations, or that one is the opposite of the other, and create “fact families” of related addition and subtraction problems.
When working with addition and subtraction, ask your child to see connections. For example, if your child has four dolls and three cars, ask how many toys there are in all. Then ask how many toys there would be if the four dolls are taken away.
3. Count and write within 120
Your child has probably mastered counting to 20. But in first grade kids will learn to count all the way up to 120! That’s not all. Kids will be expected to not only count, but write, the numbers. This is great practice for understanding multi-digit numbers.
At home: Encourage your child to write numbers whenever possible. Talk about how two-digit numbers are made up of tens and ones and how three-digit numbers are made up of hundreds, tens, and ones. Just looking closely at multi-digit numbers together can be a great learning opportunity.
4. Add within 100
Now that your child has an understanding of numbers past 100 as well as basic addition and subtraction facts, it’s time to practice adding within 100. Children will practice adding one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers using strategies like counting on and number charts. Children can practice adding larger numbers with the help of a 1-100 chart.
First graders are also ready to practice adding and subtracting 10s to and from two digit numbers.
At home: Help your child see patterns when adding and subtracting 10s. For example, after solving a problem like 59 - 10 = 49, point out to your child that 49 has one less 10 than 59. This is another great way to learn about place value.
5. Measure objects
In first grade, kids learn how to measure using rulers and more unusual things like paper clips. After taking measurements, children compare and order objects by length.
At home: Kids love measuring things around the house, so keep a couple of rulers handy. Pay attention to how your child is using a ruler and taking measurements. Sometimes kids don’t quite measure from end to end, so they might need a bit of help...
6. Tell time to hour and half hour
One of the trickiest concepts first graders will learn is to tell time. Using analog clocks is confusing, especially when kids are more used to seeing digital clocks. In first grade, your child will learn about the big and little hands of a clock and will practice telling time to the hour and half hour.
At home: Get hold of an analog clock for your home (either a real one or one made just for learning). Talk with your child about the time and how the hands move around the clock. Remember to just focus on telling time to the hour and half hour to start!

First graders also get an introduction to fractions as equal shares. They will learn how to divide into equal groups and learn basic fractions like ½, ⅓, and ¼. First graders usually have a good understanding of fairness, so practicing making equal shares should be a relatively easy task for them!
At home: Help your child to divide pizzas, pies, and sandwiches into equal shares. As you do, talk about the fractions of the whole that you created.
First graders are ready to dive deep into mathematical concepts. Find time to connect with your child about classroom learning and get ready to have some fun!
Found this useful? Check out our grade by grade math guides from Kindergarten to 5th grade
Written by Lily Jones, Lily loves all things learning. She has been a kindergarten & first grade teacher, instructional coach, curriculum developer, and teacher trainer. She loves to look at the world with curiosity and inspire people of all ages to love learning. She lives in California with her husband, two kids, and a little dog.
About Komodo – Komodo is a fun and effective way to boost K-5 math skills. Designed for 5 to 11-year-olds to use in the home, Komodo uses a little and often approach to learning math (15 minutes, three to five times per week) that fits into the busy family routine. Komodo helps users develop fluency and confidence in math – without keeping them at the screen for long.
Find out more about Komodo and how it helps thousands of children each year do better at maths – you can even try Komodo for free.
Back to School - 5 Tips to Help you Ease Back into the Routine
Here are some steps you can take to ease children back from full vacation mode so that the first week of school doesn't knock you sideways.
Mindset - The Path to Mastery
People who have a growth mindset believe that they always have the potential to learn and improve. They are more motivated to persevere with difficult tasks, to take risks and to learn from failure.
Mathematics in grade 1 - what should a child be able to do?
Global development does not stand still, so the requirements for a person and his capabilities are constantly increasing. Including such a category of the population as schoolchildren. They need to work almost without rest in order to withstand the competition of their peers.
The level of knowledge of first graders has also become quite high. Schools do not have strict requirements for future students, but still, yesterday's kindergarteners must be prepared for basic subjects. It will be easier for a child to study in the first grade if he knows letters and sounds, can read by syllables, hold a pen correctly, and even better be able to write letters and know the alphabet well. As for mathematics in the first grade, there are also some requirements: you need to know simple geometric shapes, count up to 10, and preferably up to 20, understand what direct and reverse ordinal counting is, navigate on a sheet of paper.
Both the educational and moral readiness of children is important. Parents are worried about the future first-grader, because even knowing everything that is needed, he can get confused and nervous. And school interviews are held precisely for this, so that teachers can understand how capable and prepared the child is.
How can I help my child learn the school curriculum in mathematics in the first grade?
Many parents from the first grade strive to teach their children to study well - to get only A's. But at the same time, they forget to emphasize that the most important thing is to gain knowledge. Even first-graders often have a problem that the grades are good, but there is very little knowledge. After all, it’s easy to just memorize the material in order to answer well at the blackboard the next day. It is difficult to understand and understand the topic in order to fix it forever.
Therefore, parents should convey to their children that the most important thing is to understand mathematics, learn how to apply it in life, consciously perform exercises, not solve examples in the classroom mechanically, but only with full understanding and without haste. For conscious learning, the development of logic and non-standard critical thinking also helps. Thanks to them, it will be easier for the student to understand mathematics and apply its laws in life.
1st grade math assignments
First-graders' education is mainly based on what the children learned in pre-school lessons. The past is repeated, and the complication of the material occurs very gradually.
Mathematics assignments in grade 1 are the study of a straight line, a point, a broken line, simple geometric shapes, both written and mental counting. Considering that the basis of algebra is the multiplication table, then in the first grade there is preparation for its study: fundamental knowledge is gained, which in the second grade allows you to master the multiplication table.
In addition, of course, students learn to find figures in the world around them, broaden their horizons, try to apply in life the calculation that they have already mastered. They also solve puzzles, puzzles, easy entertaining tasks, the simplest examples. Despite the fact that this is a school, teachers try to teach the material in an interesting way, and pick up tasks that are exciting and in a playful way.
Math puzzles and quick wits
In addition to learning numbers, rules and counting, it is important to give your child to solve various puzzles and puzzles. It is non-standard tasks that help a child develop his brain, learn how to find a solution, are not afraid of difficulties, apply mathematical tricks. Simple examples will only help to work out the skill of arithmetic calculations, and you can develop further only using non-standard thinking.
The modern Amamatika method from the AMAKids Intelligence Development Academy includes an online platform and math game simulators that allow you to develop all the abilities of children in the field of mathematics at once.
In order to teach students to easily solve problems of any complexity, as well as apply the “queen of sciences” in life, our textbooks and manuals offer interesting tasks with missing numbers, unbroken crosswords and puzzles, mathematical puzzles for grade 1 and for older children, fascinating mazes , tasks for ingenuity. Knowing how to apply non-standard methods of solving, the child does not experience fear of tasks of increased complexity. He takes on any challenge with interest.
Math Simulator Grade 1
The Amamatika platform and simulator will help you not only succeed in school, but also teach you how to find an approach to complex tasks, teach financial literacy and the basics of programming, help develop analytical thinking, spatial imagination. Mathematics is a complex subject, but if you approach learning in a structured way and adhere to a proven methodology, a student will be able to understand and consolidate even the most difficult topics.
On our convenient online platform, students can pull up any mathematical direction - you just need to go to the required section and start doing the exercises. The first grade math simulator will provide a correct understanding of the subject and lay the necessary foundations for further learning.
Also on the gaming platform there are sections with arithmetic, geometry, tasks, as well as tasks on financial literacy, programming and games for the development of logic, memory and attention. Amamatika - effective and convenient courses for modern children.
entertaining tasks and picture examples with answers and solutions
entertaining mathematics
1st grade
Why do kids love LogicLike tasks more than tasks from math textbooks? The professor and his team will teach each child to click both typical and non-standard math problems.
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First grader
LogicLike.com children learn to reason, develop logic, ability to mathematics and cognitive interest.
Recommended thematic courses
online for grade 1
Logic course and thinking Begin
Preparing for Olympics Begin
Why do children and parents choose LogicLike?
What kind of mathematics do children need in grade 1?
The following story often happens: when preparing for the 1st grade the child liked to solve entertaining tasks, puzzles, examples and tasks. Passes the first a quarter and a capable child begins to get bored of the monotonous or too simple for him assignments.
If you were looking for a mental counting simulator or want to check how much your child has learned school curriculum, you will love the collection of math tests for grade 1 from LogicLike.
The LogicLike team knows how to captivate a first grader mathematics and charge with the desire to learn how to solve any problems. We have more 3500 entertaining tasks, awards, achievements, student rating, personalized certificates.
Try the full fun math course and logics from LogicLike
- Flexible mind and confidence! When children decide tasks and puzzles on LogicLike, they train the "wiggles" and develop ingenuity.
- Foundation for IT! Algorithms, patterns, logic - we have all this. We teach to work with information, train memory and thinking - we form the potential for success in IT professions.
- We increase progress! Regular classes of 20-30 minutes develop logical and mathematical capabilities. As a result - high grades at school, prizes at olympiads and competitions, interest in learning increases.
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Entertaining mathematics for first graders online
Mathematics classes on LogicLike begin with entertaining logical problems, unusual examples, puzzles and other tasks in pictures that you want to solve. In the course we alternate mathematical and logical problems, patterns, figures in space and other types assignments.
Popular categories of assignments for grade 1
Selections from the training course LogicLike
- Simple addition and subtraction
- Enlargement, reduction by several units
- Composite tasks
- Text logic and math
- Examples for addition and subtraction for 1st grade
- Math puzzles for class 1
Addition and Subtraction Problems
Simple task to find sums
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Three girls took 1 balloon in each hand.
How many balls do they have?
Watch answer
Mindfulness task
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There are two sweets, one cake and three pears on the plate.
How many fruits are on the plate?
Watch answer
Subtraction problem
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There were 7 liters of water in a 12-liter barrel, and 8 liters in a bucket.
Water from a bucket filled the barrel to the top.
How many liters of water are left in the bucket?
Find out the answer
We have everything you were looking for
Text and logical tasks
Tasks mathematics
Examples and tasks
Shapes in space: 2D and 3D
Start classes!
We have built the educational process in an understandable and exciting way for anyone child format, from simple to complex.
Tasks to increase and decrease the number by several units
What will be the result?
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Find out the answer
5 apples.
Age problem
Yura was born 2 years earlier than Vanya.
Yuri is now 5 years old.
How old is Vanya?
Find out the answer
Finding the Unknown term and difference
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An evil virus hid the numbers in the examples.
Put the correct numbers back in their places.
Find out the answer
2 + 3=5
3 − 2 = 1
You can see examples of Olympiad tasks for 1 class or start To activities on the site.
Day after day more 100,000 children
go through 10-20 tasks on the LogicLike website. And how much can you?
Solve problems
Downloads: tasks for developing counting skills
For those who do not currently have the opportunity to study online, we have prepared small selections assignments for paperwork. You can download and print tasks for practicing oral skills invoices in pdf format.
To "warm up" the child's interest in mathematics, we recommend starting with 1 sheet a day.
- Entertaining tasks for grade 1 for addition and subtraction within 10.
- Entertaining tasks for first graders: addition and subtraction up to 10.
What is the best online course?
We recommend that future and present first graders practice 15-20 minutes a day.
Compound tasks for first graders
Tasks in two or three actions develop memory, logic and mathematical speech.
Composite difference problem comparison
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Condition: The purple monster ate 4 whole oranges, and the red monster ate 7 halves of the same oranges.
Question: Who ate more oranges?
Show solution
1 whole orange = 2 halves.
4 whole oranges = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 halves.
8 > 7 means Purple ate more than Red.
Multi-action task on balancing
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Condition: A rabbit is 2 kg lighter than a puppy.
Questions: What the scale will be higher if the puppy is placed on the left side of the scale, and the rabbit on right? How after that you need to place the weights on the scales so that they come to equilibrium?
Find out the answer and solution
1. A rabbit is lighter than a puppy, so the right one is lighter. the bowl with the rabbit will rise up.
2. In order for the balance to balance, the weight on the bowl rabbit should be 2 kg heavier than the kettlebell that we will add to the puppy.
It turns out that you need to put on a bowl with a puppy weight in 1 kg, and on a bowl with a rabbit - in 3 kg.
Suggested tasks are part of the LogicLike educational platform. Start learning!
Develop logic and mathematical thinking
- Child-friendly theory .
Video tutorials, tips and hints will help the student to independently deal with even very complex tasks.
- Making math fun . game form and step-by-step methodology make the learning process interesting and effective.
- All materials on one site . 17 categories, over 3500 exciting challenges! The LogicLike team creates new ones every week interesting tasks that help children understand and love logic and mathematics.
Text Boolean
Fedya has equal number of sisters and brothers.
Who is more in the family: sons or daughters?
Show answer
more sons (Fedya is also a son).
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Kolya and Nadia have the same items.
Anya has a jump rope.
Distribute items to all children.
Find out the answer
Kolya and Nadi - balls. Ira and Anya have jump ropes.
Want more examples of similar tasks? See logic puzzles for 1 class.
Take the full course from LogicLike!
- 3 steps to start the path to the heights of logic 😎:
- 1. Solve 5 problems
- 2. Save account
- 3. Show the platform to the child and solve together 10-15 tasks.
Math tasks for logic
Task with figures on verbal-logical thinking
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Condition: The professor thought of a figure and gave two clues:
- it is not square and not blue;
- it is round or triangular.
Question: What did the Professor guess?
Find out the answer
orange triangle.
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Solving similar mathematical puzzles promotes the development of verbal-logical thinking , trains possession skills basic methods of thinking: highlighting essential and insignificant features of objects, generalization, comparison, derivation of the investigation and others.
Continue the pattern
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Find a pattern and continue the series with numbers.
Find out the answer
The difference between each successive number and the previous one increases by 1 (+1, +2, +3…).