3 little bears and goldilocks

Goldilocks and the Three Bears ~ Bedtime Stories for Kids

Thanks to Artist, yehachan

This is the fairy tale story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears with a modern twist. It is brought to you by Stories to Grow by. Check out our other great stories! 


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Once upon a time a girl named Goldilocks lived in a house at the edge of the woods. In those days curls of hair were called "locks."  She was "Goldilocks" because golden hair ran down her head and shoulders.   

One morning Goldilocks was out for a walk when she came across a beautiful bird.  She followed that bird right into the woods, where her mother had said many times she must never go.  But Goldilocks didn’t think of that.

Thanks to Artist, JoannaPasek


Deeper and deeper into the woods she went. But where was the bird?  It was nowhere to be seen.   Goldilocks looked around.  That's when she knew she was lost.  

But a house was not far away.  “I wonder who lives there,” she thought, "so deep into the woods."  She went up and knocked on the door.  No answer.  She knocked again.  Still no answer.  Goldilocks knocked a third time and the door opened. But no one was behind the door.  

“Well, the door is already open,” said the girl. “So I may as well go in.”



Goldilocks smelled a wonderful smell, and soon knew why. On the table were three steaming bowls of oatmeal.  All of a sudden she realized how very hungry she was.

What Goldilocks did not know, however, is that three bears lived in this house.  In fact, that very morning the three bears had sat down to their bowls of oatmeal but the cereal was too hot.  So they had decided to take a short walk.  They said to each other, "By the time we return home our oatmeal will be perfect."

Gazing at the steaming bowls of oatmeal, Goldilocks thought, “I'm sure whoever lives here won’t mind if I take just one sip. ” She sat at the first chair and took a sip.  “Ah!” she said, “it is too hot.”

She moved to the next bowl and took a sip.  “Ah!” she said, “it is too cold.”

Thanks to Artist, JoannaPasek


She moved to the third bowl and took a sip.  “It is just right!” And before she knew it, the oatmeal was all gone.  

Goldilocks rubbed her tummy.  “I'm full! I must find somewhere to sit that's more comfortable.”  

She went to the living room.  Three chairs were lined up in a row – one big chair, one medium-sized chair, and a wee little chair.



“I'm sure whoever lives here will not mind if I sit on just one chair,” said Goldilocks. She sat on the big chair, but it was too hard. 

“The next chair looks good,” said Goldilocks.  She moved to the medium-sized chair, but it was too soft.

“The wee little chair looks better,” said the girl.  She sat on the little chair and it was just right!  But when Goldilocks leaned back a bit, the chair broke into a dozen pieces.   She plopped right on the floor.

“Oh, no!” Goldilocks wailed. Then she yawned.  There must be somewhere she could lie down for a short nap.




The girl saw a ladder and climbed it to an attic.  In a row, three beds were lined up – one big bed, one medium-sized bed, and a wee little bed.  

“I'm sure whoever lives here won’t mind if I lay down for just a short nap,” she said.  She laid down on the big bed but it was too hard.  She laid down on the medium-sized bed but it was too soft.  The girl laid down on the wee little bed, and it was just right!  As her head hit the pillow, Goldilocks was fast asleep.

Just then, the three bears came home from their walk.  "Oh, my!" said Mama Bear. “Did either of you leave the front door open?” 



“Not I,” said Papa Bear. 

"Not I," said Little Bear.

Slowly the three bears stepped inside and looked around.    

“Most odd!” said Papa Bear, seeing his spoon in his bowl.   “Someone has been eating my oatmeal!”

“Most odd indeed!” said Mama Bear, also seeing her spoon in her bowl.  “Someone has been eating my oatmeal!”

“This is the most odd of all!” said Little Bear.  “Someone has been eating my oatmeal and they ate it all up!”



The three bears were very surprised, as you can imagine.  With care, they stepped into their living room.

“Do you think someone was sitting in my chair?” said Papa Bear.

“I know someone was sitting in my chair,” said Mama Bear, “because I can see the seat cushion is pushed down.”

“And I know someone was sitting in my chair!” said Little Bear. “Because it’s all broken!”

Thanks to Artist, Joannapasek


The three bears were even more surprised at that!  They climbed the ladder to their attic.  

“Someone has been sleeping on my bed,” said Papa Bear, who could see that his blankets were moved.

“Someone has been sleeping on my bed, too,” said Mama Bear, who could also see that her blankets were moved.

“Someone has been sleeping on my bed,” said Little Bear. “And look - she is still there!”

Goldilocks bolted awake.  Three bears were looming over her, and they did not look happy.

Thanks to Artist, Joannapasek


“Oh my!” said Goldilocks, jumping out of bed.  As quick as she could, she climbed down the ladder and ran out the front door.

Little Bear chased after her.  "Wait, please!"

Goldilocks stopped and turned around. 

"Tell me," said Little Bear, “Why did you come inside our house?”



“I guess I didn’t think–,“ said Goldilocks. 

“And why did you eat my oatmeal?” said Little Bear.

“Well I guess I didn’t think–,“ said Goldilocks.

“And why did you break my chair and sleep in my bed?” said Little Bear.

“Well I guess I didn’t think about that, either,” said Goldilocks.

They were silent.

Goldilocks said, “I suppose I could have waited outside your door.

“We were coming right home,” said Mama Bear.  "We might have invited you in if we knew you were hungry."



“I’m sorry about the chair,” said Goldilocks.  “I guess you saw it broke.”

"Yep," said Mama Bear with a frown.

“I’m good at fixing things,” said Goldilocks, “If you have glue.”

“Of course we have glue!” said Papa Bear. “What kind of bears do you think we are?”

“I will make it up to you!” said Goldilocks. 

“Come on in then, dear,” said Mama Bear. 

“We'll start over,” said Papa Bear with a nod.

“Come in, come in!” said Little Bear, jumping up and down.  

With smiles, they skipped together inside the Bear’s house.

English | Goldilocks and the Three Bears



Goldilocks and the Three Bears








Once upon a time, in a little house on the edge of the woods, a girl called Goldilocks lived with her parents. One morning, she woke up as the sun was streaming through her window; thinking it was time for school, she leapt out of bed.

Downstairs her mother was busy.

“It’s far too early for school. Don’t get under my feet. Why don’t you go out for a walk? You can pick me some blackberries to make a pie for dinner tonight,” she grumbled.

Goldilocks went skipping into the woods swinging a basket for the blackberries. Singing to herself, she went further and further into the woods.


After a while, she began to feel hungry and a little tired. Across a clearing in the woods she suddenly saw a cottage.

“Perhaps I could get something to eat there and have a rest,” she thought.

She knocked on the door but there was no reply. Gently, she pushed the door and, to her surprise, it opened. Cautiously, she went in.

“Hello?” she called, but no one answered.

The door had opened into a kitchen. On the table she could see three bowls of porridge which smelled so delicious that it made her tummy rumble. The bowls were three different sizes: big, middle-sized and tiny. And by each bowl was a chair also big, middle-sized and tiny.

Goldilocks scrambled onto the biggest chair because it had the biggest bowl of porridge by it. She picked up a big spoon and tried the porridge.

“Ouch!” she cried.“This porridge is too hot!”

She moved onto the next chair and the next bowl. Picking up a middle-sized spoon she tried the porridge.

“Yuck!” she said, for it was very very cold.

Goldilocks moved onto the next chair and the smallest bowl. Picking up the smallest spoon, she tried the porridge. It was just right. So, very quickly, she ate it all up.

As she was finishing it, she began to hear a strange creaking sound and, just as she ate the last spoonful, the legs of the chair she was sitting on broke and she landed with a bump on the floor.


After all the porridge and the bump, she suddenly felt very sleepy. So she went up the twisty stairs to see if she could find somewhere to lie down.

First of all, she found a great big bed. She climbed up onto it but, oh, it was too hard.

Then she found a middle-sized bed. She climbed into it but it was too soft, she felt as though she would disappear in it.

Then she found a teeny tiny bed. This felt just right so she climbed into it, pulled the covers over herself and was soon fast asleep.


While she was sleeping, the owners of the cottage came back. They were three bears: Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear. They’d been for a walk in the woods before breakfast and now they were hungry.

“Hello, what’s this?” growled Daddy Bear, in his great big voice. “It looks as though someone’s been messing with my porridge and whoever it is has left muddy footprints on my chair.”


Mummy Bear came to look.

“You’re right, my dear,” she said in her soft, growly, middle-sized voice. “Someone’s been eating my porridge too and I’m sure the cushion on my chair has been sat on.”

Then Baby Bear began to cry.

“Someone’s been eating my porridge and they’ve eaten it all up and they’ve broken my chair as well!” he sobbed in his little, squeaky, teeny, middle-sized growl.

“Who could have done this? And where were they now?” they wondered.

They looked around the house and went upstairs.

“Well,” growled Daddy Bear, “someone’s been lying in my bed but they’re not there now.”

“Someone’s been in my bed too,” said Mummy Bear, “but I can’t see them.”

Then they heard a squeak from Baby Bear.

“Daddy! Mummy! Come quickly, there’s someone fast asleep in my bed!”

Daddy and Mummy Bear raced into his room and stood around the bed looking down at Goldilocks. She woke with a start and was frightened to see three bears all looking at her. 

Before they could say anything, she jumped out of bed, out of the window and ran away through the woods back to her home because she didn’t know that they were really gentle, friendly bears.

“Well I never,” growled Daddy Bear, scratching his head. “My grandfather told me people were strange. Fancy, eating all that porridge and then running away.”

Puzzled, the three bears went back to the kitchen where Daddy Bear mended Baby Bear's chair, while Mummy Bear made more porridge. And from that day to this, bears all over the world have always known that people are strange creatures who are not to be trusted with porridge.

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Goldilocks and the Three Bears: aneitis — LiveJournal

"As K. Levi-Strauss wrote: "Let's start with the facts""

Let's follow this motto.

In his article, Leonid Chernov writes: "The fairy tale "Three Bears" today is perceived and presented as a folk tale, but meanwhile, it was invented by Tolstoy and is purely his author's work. Tolstoy's talent and the irony of time do their job in relation to this particular fairy tale - this tale is perceived as a folk tale" .

He is right about one thing - the fairy tale is really perceived as a folk tale. True, Tolstoy's talent has nothing to do with it, because it is popular. After looking through the collections of "Russian Folk Tales" by A. N. Afanasyev and not finding anything similar to the plot of "The Three Bears", Chernov, with his characteristic courage, comes to the conclusion: "there must be a primary source, and since it was not possible to find it, we believe, that it simply does not exist, and we consider this tale a work of Tolstoy" .

He believes so in vain - just in those blessed times of a careless attitude towards copyright, Tolstoy did not consider it necessary to mention the original source, and how could one guess that one should look for it not in Russian folklore, but in English. Now Wikipedia will tell anyone who is interested that this is a popular English fairy tale, well known since at least the beginning of 19centuries. However, in the pre-Internet era, it was probably not so easy to find out about this, and even now few people are interested, and therefore few people know. At best, they will remember that Tolstoy wrote it, but usually they continue to consider it Russian folk.
I also thought so and was quite surprised by this discovery when G. Spirin's book "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" fell into my hands:

The Three Bears is really an English fairy tale? - no one knew, and everyone was also very surprised)

But unexpectedly, the overseas origin is not the most surprising thing in the history of this fairy tale. She is amazing in itself, if you look closely, here Leonid Chernov is right again, and how right.

This fairy tale really stands out from the series of fairy tales about a girl who ended up in the forest, and there are many such: about Masha and the bear, about Snegurushka, about Snow White, about the dead princess, about Morozko, etc.

First, the heroine impersonal. Nothing is said about her, she doesn't even have a name. It is not known how she got into the forest. That is, it is mentioned that she “left home for the forest” and got lost there, but we don’t know why she left - did her evil stepmother kick her out, did she run away herself, or simply went into the forest “for mushrooms, for berries”, but Why was she alone then? Such an ontogenetic gap is completely uncharacteristic of fairy tales - some description of the initial situation and motivation for the actions of the heroine is always given.

Secondly, having got into a strange house in a dense forest, the girl again behaves completely uncharacteristically. That is, it is not typical for a positive heroine, who in such a situation must show all her best sides: be modest, show housekeeping and care - tidy up, cook dinner (and not eat someone else's) and wait for the owners to return. The girl in The Three Bears behaves exactly like a "bad sister", whose repulsive behavior in such tales is only intended to shade the virtues of the main character. But the bad sister at the end of the tale will certainly be punished.

However, thirdly, there is no punishment for wrong behavior at the end of the tale. The girl, who has pissed on a cute bear family for nothing, just jumps out the window and runs away - "and the bears did not catch up with her." It is not clear whether the girl is a positive heroine or a negative one.

It is pointless to look for answers to all these questions from Tolstoy, since he only made a slightly adapted translation without making any significant changes, so you have to turn to the original version. To begin with, to the same Russian translation of an English fairy tale made by G. Spirin (you can see it in full here).

And then the first surprise awaited me. The tale of Goldilocks and the three bears does not begin with Goldilocks at all, but with bears!
And this is not a trifle - after all, in this case, according to the logic of a fairy tale, the main characters are bears, and not a girl. And the initial situation turns out to be in place - it describes the life of bears:

True, no intelligible explanations of the reason for the appearance of Goldilocks in the forest are given here either: she invades the narrative as unexpectedly as in the house of bears:

A little girl walks alone in the forest, wanders to an unfamiliar house and climbs in the window! Where are her parents and what are they thinking? This question remains as yet unanswered.

On the other hand, it becomes clear that the same initial situation is actually preserved in Tolstoy's fairy tale, albeit in a truncated form. He simply removed her from her rightful place at the beginning of the tale, which is why she was no longer perceived by readers as the original one. Why did he do it? Obviously, in order to make the main character a girl, not bears. And this is logical: it is the girl who is the only active character here. Bears, in the English version, formally occupying the place of the main characters, behave passively throughout the story: they are only indignant, discovering new traces of intrusion into their home, and only the most injured baby bear cub tries to bite the girl, who, however, manages to escape with impunity from angry bears.

A strange picture emerges: the adults in this tale are completely passive and helpless. The girl's absent parents neglect her upbringing and safety concerns, leaving her free to roam where she pleases, behave inappropriately and get herself into dangerous situations; the bear cub's parents do not try to protect him: the baby, who has experienced a real shock - his dinner is eaten, his high chair is broken, his bed is occupied by an alien - is forced to independently defend his place in his home. Children do not receive instructions, support, or evaluation of their behavior from anyone. Finally, the girl disappears into the forest as mysteriously as she appeared: it is not known whether she got home (and whether she has one at all) and whether she (and the child-listener with her) made the conclusion from what happened that it is possible encroach on someone else's property with impunity and you won't get anything for it, the main thing is to run away in time. However, it is quite possible that a prosperous child will associate himself more with a bear cub who has parents, a house, a blue cup, a high chair with a blue pillow and his own bed, than with a homeless girl who has arisen out of nowhere and violates all established rules, and in this case he will be left wondering why her misbehavior had no consequences.

The result of the tale is so unsatisfactory that parents and educators feel obliged to complete the "correct" beginning and end - or at least conduct an educational conversation after reading to make sure that the child does not draw undesirable conclusions. This often manifests itself when transferring a fairy tale to the screen. In our 1958 cartoon, the girl gets a name and a grandmother, who gives her granddaughter the necessary instructions at the beginning and the necessary teachings at the end:

However, we have another, not so straightforward version 1984 years old - in it the original interpretation is achieved by other methods:

In numerous English cartoons, it is always emphasized at the end that Goldilocks was very scared and never went into the forest again.

However, it is worth mentioning that not always everything ended so happily for Goldilocks: in some early versions, the bears ate her. However, now the girl simply explains that she was hungry and tired, repents and asks for forgiveness, and the softened bears send the bear cub to accompany her home.

In one variation, Goldilocks and the bear cub then play together and become friends.
In another, mom is shown pouring porridge out of her bowl for a baby bear, while dad is fixing his chair.

The girl has a house and a mother who reminds her that she should not go into the forest (or at least go far), and it is noteworthy that often the story begins with a show not of the bear's house, but of Goldilocks, that is, she moves to her the rightful place of the main character.

It remains unclear why the original story exists in such an "unfinished" form, clearly in need of improvement.
Leonid Chernov, who considers Tolstoy the author of the tale, believes that Tolstoy “trimmed” it deliberately, prompting parents to invent the missing elements on their own. I don’t know why Tolstoy would have this, who even included multi-page explanations and teachings in his works for adults, not trusting the reader to draw conclusions on his own, but we already know that Tolstoy only translated a folk tale (and it’s rather surprising that he didn’t add anything from myself).

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