3 nouns to describe yourself
Positive Personal Nouns that Describe People
D. Dad, Dancer, Darling, Daughter, Dean, Dear, Defender, Deipnosophist, Demophile, Designer, Devisee, Devisor, Devotee, Digerati, Dilly, Director, Disciple, Discophile, Discoverer, Distributor, Doer, Doll, Donee, Donor, Doter (rare: doater), Doozer, Doozy, Doula, Doyen/Doyenne, Dream, Dreamboat, Duke, Dynamo
E. Eager beaver, Earl, Ecstatic, Einstein, Elder, Employer, Enchanter, Enchantress, Encourager, Endorser, Engineer, Enkindler, Enophile, Ensurer, Entertainer, Enthusiast, Entrepreneur, Epididact, Epicure, Epicurean, Epitome, Ergophile, Escort, Essence, Eudaimonist, Example, Exec, Executive, Exemplar, Excellency, Experimenter, Expert, Exponent
elocution is existence extant. Expertise in executing
expression evaluates everybody's emblematic energy of ennui or
excellence. Enlightened enunciation is essential to an
enduring ego and to enjoyably eventful, easygoing or enthusiastic,
exchange. Effective efficiency in expressive elocution
evaluates the essence and experience of each and every entity.
Express exquisitely. Effective executive emergence is electric, energetic, engaging, earnest, ethical, and equally enlightened and enlightening. It evolves and excites everyone. It empowers the everyday to emanate enchantment, elation, excitement, and effervescence. Executing exemplary expression emancipates the enjoyable, energizes the exceptional, engages the exciting, and electrifies the ebullient with endearing exuberance. Eagerly encourage the epitome: Endeavour to express extraordinary excellence.
F. Facilitator, Family, Fan, Fancier, Fascinator, Fashioner, Favourite, Fellow worker, Fianc, Financier, Fireball, Fireman, First in command, Flame, Folks, Foodie, Foodophile, Force, Forebearer, Forefather, Foreman, Forerunner, Foreseer, Foundation, Founder, Fount, Fountain, Fountainhead, Francophile, Friend
G. Gallophile, Gastronome, Gastronomer, Gastronomist, Generator, Gem, Genius,
Gentleman, Gentlewoman, Germanophile, Gift, Givee, Giver, Godparent, Godsend, Go-getter, Good
egg, Good Samaritan, Good spirit, Good thing, Gourmet, Governor, Grandee,
Grantee, Grantor, Grubstaker, Guarantor, Guardian, Guest, Guidance
counsellor, Guide, Guru
H. Handler, Hard worker, Head, Head honcho, Head person, Heart, Heartthrob, Heavy hitter, Heavyweight, Height, Heir, Heiress, Heliophile, Hellenophile, Help, Helper, Helpmate, Heritor (Middle English), Heritress (Middle English), Heritrix (Middle English), Hero, Heroine, Highflier, High-flier, Hippophile, Hit, Homemaker, Hopeful, Host, Hotshot, Hot stuff, House-sitter, Human being, Humanitarian, Humdinger, Husband
I. Icon, Iconophile, Ideal, Idol, Idolizer, Illuminator, Improvement, Inamorata, Inamorato, Individual, Indophile, Industrialist, Infant, Influence, Influential, Inheritor, Initiator, Innocent, Innovator, Inspiration, Inspirer, Inspiriter, Institutor, Intellect, Intellectual, Intelligentsia, Intimate, Introducer, Inventor, Invitee, Inviter, Iranophile
J. Jazzophile, Jewel
K. Keeper, Key, Kingpin, Knight, Knockout
L. Ladies' man, Lady, Lamb, Latinophile, Latitudinarian, Laureate, Lead, Leader, Leading figure, Leading light, Legatee, Legator, Legend, Legislator, Liberal, Libertarian, Librocubicularist, Lieutenant, Life-of-the-party, Lightworker, Linguaphile, Little one, Livewire, Live one, Logophile, Lollapalozza, Lord, Lover, Lulu, Luminary
M. Maestro, Magician, Magistrate, Maker, Major-domo, Manager, Marquess, Marquis, Marvel, Master, Mastermind, Matriarch, Materfamilias, Maven, Mediator, Meditator, Meliorist, Memory-maker, Mentor, Metropolitan, Minder, Miracle, Miracle worker, Mitigator, Mate, Model, Mom, Monitor, Moppet, Mother, Motor, Mover, Mover and shaker, Motivator, Musicophile, Mycophile
Neighbour, Nemophilist,
Neonate, Neoteric,
Nestling, Newborn, Nipper, Nobleman, Nonesuch, Notable, No
slouch, Number
one, Numero
uno, Nurse, Nursling, Nurturer
O. Object of affection, Officer, Official, Offspring, Oenophile, Omnist, One and only, Operator, Optimist, Orchestrator, Orchidophile, Organizer, Original, Originator, Ornithophile, Overseer, Owner
P. Pacifier, Pal, Paladin, Pangloss, Pansophist, Paraclete, Paradigm, Paragon, Paramount, Pard, Parent, Participant, Partisan, Partner, Paterfamilias, Pathfinder, Patriarch, Patron, Peach, Pearl, Peacekeeper, Peacemaker, Peer, Percipient, Perfectibilian, Perfectibilist, Perfectionist, Performer, Personality, Persophile, Pet, Phenom, Phenomenon, Philalethist , Philanthropist, Philomath, Philogynist, Philonoist, Philosopher, Pigsney, Pilot, Pinnacle, Pinup, Pin-up, Pioneer, Pip/Pippin, Pistol, Planner, Player, Playmate, Plum, Pluviophile, Poet, Policy maker, Polyhistor, Polymath, Pogonophile, Possessor, Postulant, Potentate, Power broker, Powerhouse, Preceptor, Premier, Presence, Presenter, President, Prevailer, Prime mover, Primogenitor, Prince, Princess, Principal, Pro, Problem-solver, Proconsul, Procreator, Proctor, Prodigy, Producer, Professional, Professor, Progeny, Progenitor, Promoter, Promulgator, Prophet, Propitiator, Proponent, Proposer, Proprietor, Protagonist, Protean, Protector, Protg, Protge, Provider, Publisher, Purist, Purveyor
R. Raconteur, Raconteuse, Rain-maker, Reacher, Receiver, Recipient, Reliever, Regulator, Rejoicer, Representative, Researcher, Resolver, Resource, Retrophile, Rewarder, Right-hand person, Ripsnorter, Role model, Romantic, Romeo, Rooter, Ruler, Runner, Russophile
S. Sage, Saint, Salt of the earth, Sanctifier, Santa Claus, Saver, Saviour, Savant, Schatzi, Scholar, Scholarch, Scion, Scripter, Sculptor, Secret weapon, Seeker, Self-Starter, Sentinel, Servant, Server, Sharpy, Shaver, Significant other, Sinophile, Sire, Sister, Skipper, Small fry, Smoothie, Soul, Soul mate, Sovereign, Spark plug, Specialist, Sponsor, Sprite, Sprout, Squire, Standard, Standout, Star, Straight shooter, Stipendiary, Strategist, Socializer, Socius, Sockdolager/Sockdologer, Solon, Something, Something else, Specialist, Stabilizer, Staker, Steward, Stipendiary, Stripling, Striver, Student, Stylist, Success, Successor, Sugar, Suitor, Superintendent, Superior, Superman, Superstar, Superwoman, Supervisor, Supplier, Support, Supporter, Surety, Survivor, Swain, Sweetheart
T. Tadpole, Teacher, Teammate, a 10, Technophile, Testator,
Theodidact, Theotokos, Thinker, Titleholder,
Tootsie, Top dog, Tot, Trailblazer, Trainer, Treasure, Trier, True love, Trustee,
Turophile, Tutelary,
Tutor, Tycoon, Typhlophile
The Universal Laws and More
U. Underwriter, Up-and-comer, Upholder, Urchin
V. Validator, Valedictorian, Vaulter, Victor, Victress, Victrix, Videophile, Viscount, VIP, Visitor, Visionary, Virtuoso, Volunteer, Votary
W. Warantee, Warantor, Warden, Wellspring, Well-wisher, Wheeler and dealer, Whip, Whippersnapper, Whiz, Whiz kid, Whizz, Wife, Winner, Wizard, Wonder, Wooer, Wordsmith, Workhorse, Workmate, Worshiper, Writer, Wunderkind
Y. Youngster, Younker, Youth
See Pet Names in the Romantic Nouns
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Nouns (ex. 'Wonderfulness')
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Positive Word of the Day
Interview Question: 'Describe Yourself in Three Words.'
Replying to 'Describe yourself in three words.'
At the beginning of an interview, it's likely that an employer will ask you questions to learn more about your personality. For instance, they may say 'Describe yourself in three words,' to get a quick understanding of how you view yourself. When answering this interview question, it's wise to tie in a few attributes that would make you a good fit for the role. Learn more about why employers ask you to describe yourself and how to successfully answer this question.
Why employers ask you to 'Describe yourself in three words.'
Employers ask you to ‘Describe yourself in three words.’ to get a quick idea of how you see yourself. When asking this question, it’s likely that they are looking for adjectives that can align with the role they are filling. These three words are essentially your personal brand and should be a way to define your personality along with your professional side.
How to respond to 'Describe yourself in three words.'
Follow these steps to prepare for when employers say ‘Describe yourself in three words’:
1. Create a list of words
Prior to preparing your response, start writing down any word that comes to mind when you think of yourself. Don’t think too deeply at first, and just see what you initially think of. As you write your list, you may think of more nuanced adjectives that describe who you are. If you’re feeling stuck, ask family or friends to think of a few words.
2. Choose three that embody your brand
Take a look at your list and begin to cross out words that seem shallow or pretentious. Instead, highlight words that represent your personal, authentic brand. Then, look at the job description again and think of which words best relate to it. This can help you guide your answer to one that is relevant to the job while still being true to yourself.
3. Explain why you chose them
After listing the three words, give a brief explanation as to why you chose each one. Find ways you can relate them to how you’ll use them in this position. This is also supposed to be a lighthearted question, so use it as an opportunity to let your personality shine.
What to avoid when responding to 'Describe yourself in three words.'
Avoid these things when describing yourself in an interview:
- Showing too much ego: Although you should show some confidence when answering this question, you should also be a bit humble.
Words like amazing, or awesome don’t really mean anything and may come off wrong.
- Being too timid: Likewise, you should show that you do have self-confidence when answering this question. Instead of saying I’ve never thought about it, or I’m unsure try to come up with responses that show why you’re a great person to hire.
- Choosing irrelevant words: Although certain words may perfectly describe your personality outside of work, they may not offer much value to the interview. Pick words that both embody your personality and describe your professional self.
Words you can use to describe yourself
- Adventurous
- Ambitious
- Analytical
- Attentive
- Balanced
- Communicative
- Creative
- Curious
- Dedicated
- Driven
- Dynamic
- Empathetic
- Engaged
- Energetic
- Flexible
- Helpful
- Insightful
- Inquisitive
- Organized
- Passionate
- Patient
- Reliable
- Responsible
- Thoughtful
- Witty
Example answers to 'Describe yourself in three words.

Use these examples as inspiration when replying to ‘Describe yourself in three words.’:
Example 1
I would describe myself as driven, helpful, and reliable. I chose driven because I am always working toward a new goal and trying to achieve more. Even though I set out to accomplish my own goals, I make sure to stop and help others, which is why I chose that word too. I think that in order for a company to succeed, we need to lend a hand to one another. Finally, I chose reliable because I stick to my promises. If I say I’ll do it, you don’t have to remind me. I’ll get it done promptly.
Example 2
First, I am thoughtful. I have a habit of always thinking of others and finding ways to make their days better or to lighten their load. Second, I am organized. I thrive off planners and sticky notes to ensure I am getting all of my work done on time. Finally, I am empathetic. I can easily understand other’s perspectives and find ways to find common ground.
Example 3
I am curious, insightful, and passionate. By always exploring the world around me and researching new things, I find that I often have a lot to contribute to a conversation or brainstorming session. When I am interested in something, I become truly passionate about digging into it as much as possible. These three words are why I have so much research experience and am looking for more.
Example 4
Creative, flexible, and adventurous are three words I’d use to describe myself. My creativity helps me think of new things to make along with finding out-of-the-ordinary solutions to complex problems. I often go with the flow when a situation is out of my control, making me a rather flexible person. In a fast-paced work environment, it’s important to adapt rather than dwell on the situation. Finally, my adventurousness always leads me to accept new challenges. That’s why I am hoping to move onto a senior-level position.
Example 5
The first word I’d use to describe myself is witty. That’s why I enjoy writing so much. Finding a fun pun or reference is what I do best. I am also quite patient. If an idea isn’t coming to me, I don’t give up. Instead, I keep chewing on it until something great arises. Lastly, I am dynamic, meaning that I have a lot of skills to offer to this position.
Example 6
I am communicative, meaning that I always want there to be a clear line of communication. It’s better to clarify than to be confused. I am also engaged. I love throwing myself into a project and making it an important part of my life. Finally, I am inquisitive. I am always asking questions to learn more.
100 Words and Adjectives to Describe Yourself [Interview Tips]
If you had to use 3 words to describe yourself, what would they be? Surprisingly, a good answer to this question will reward you in many ways. Learn the secret.
Describing yourself can be difficult. You want to be honest, but not so cruel. You want to impress without being narcissistic. You want to be positive, but not overbearing.
Whether you're preparing for the classic "Tell me about yourself" interview question or writing a Tinder profile, it's worth taking the time to get it right.
Fortunately, if you follow a few guidelines when choosing the right words to describe yourself, you can make a great and long-lasting first impression.
Read to find the best words to describe yourself and review the lists:
- Positive words to describe yourself in any situation
- Words to describe yourself in an interview
- Words to describe yourself in a resume
1. Positive words to describe yourself
Describing yourself in a few words for those who do not know that is difficult. It's worth spending some time figuring out how you can make a good first impression, because once formed, a first impression is hard to shake.
Regardless of the situation, the main thing in describing yourself is to remain optimistic and positive. Now is not the time for humility. The best words to describe yourself will be those that honestly reflect your positive qualities.
Here is a list of positive words to describe yourself in any situation:
Positive words to describe yourself
Persistent | Genuine | Patient | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enthusiastic | Disciplined | Plain | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Passionate | Dynamic | Reasonable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ambitious | Modest | Rigid | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thrust | Extrovert | Sympathizer | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Generous | Romantic | Smart | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Attentive | Independent | resourceful | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bold | Witty | Cold | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fearless | Open | Joyful | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Practical | Energetic | Easy-going | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sincere | Motivated | Sociable | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Adaptable | Truthful | funny | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Happy | Friendly | Thoughtful | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Kind of | Reliable | Introvert | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cardiac | Faithful | Bright | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Easy-going | Adventurous | Emotional | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Optimistic | Loving | Honest | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Universal | Flexible | Loving | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Energetic | Sensitive | Abundant | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gentle | Cheerful | Intuitive | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Understanding | Useful | Hardworking | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Certain | Attentive | Confident | 2.
Resourceful | Focused | Reliable |
Motivated | Methodical | Proactive |
Insightful | Disciplined | Organized |
Results oriented | Energetic | Ambitious |
Passionate | creative | Persuasive |
diligent | Careful | Analytical |
Persistent | Passionate | Dynamic |
Devotee | People oriented | Team player |
Controlled | Skillful | Based on data from |
Self start | Experienced | Calculated |
Knowledgeable | Honest | Devotee |
Attentive | Meticulous | Professional |
Patient | Sensitive | Structured |

No matter what kind of resume you're writing, the short resume profile at the top can be a great way to state that you're the right candidate for the job. After all, recruiters don't have much time. According to recruitment statistics, corporate vacancies receive an average of 90,028,250 applications .
The secret to describing yourself in your resume introduction is to use job-related adjectives and mention accomplishments that will impress the recruiter. You also want to tailor your resume to the job posting, but don't copy the job posting word for word! A study found that 44% of hiring managers automatically reject resumes that appear to duplicate job postings.
Here is a list of positive words to describe yourself on your resume:
Words to describe yourself in resume
Thorough | Qualified | Systematic |
Passionate | resourceful | Strategic |
Meticulous | Artistic | Unconventional |
Attentive | Experienced | Conscientious |
Tireless | Attractive | Attention to detail |
Patient | Team player | Methodical |
Expert | Persistent | Innovative |
Ambitious | Unique | Extrovert |
Experienced | Cooperative | Caring |
Fact-based | Successful | Creative |
Sociable | Professional | Attentive |
Focused on problem solving | Skillful | Sociable |
15 great words to describe yourself in an interview
Posted on by HR-Portal Magazine
You almost passed the interview and now you're being asked this seemingly simple question: what 3 words describe you? Bewildered by the choice of the right words to describe yourself, you are confused:
- “If I choose X, is that the best choice?
- "If I choose Y, what will they think?"
Answer: It depends on the circumstances.
Everything has changed in 2021 from job search strategy to how people are hired to how interviews are conducted.
With new methodologies available, it is important to find the best words to describe yourself in an interview. The main thing is to choose words that are relevant to both the company's mission and job responsibilities, as well as the current needs of the company. Choosing the right words to describe yourself can make you stand out from the rest of the candidates.
Here are some ideas on how to find words to describe yourself, beyond cliche-oriented, ambitious, and responsible adjectives:
- Adaptable
- Universal
- Flexible
- Reliable
- Proactive
- Supervisory
- Disciplined
- Courageous
- Transparent
- Accountable
- Joint
- Meticulous
- Ethical
- Resourceful
- Conscious (emotional intelligence)
The idea is to go beyond and take into account adjectives that are also backed by results and contributions. For example, start thinking about how you challenged the "new normal" and how you solved a problem or achieved an ethical outcome. The main thing is to describe yourself by action and impact, and not just pick up empty words to describe yourself. You may also want to consider choosing words related to the challenges you face in leadership, transformation, restructuring, and even crisis management.
Remember that the goal when asking "What are three words to describe yourself" is to paint a canvas that will be a masterpiece for the interviewer. When you think of drawing on canvas, there are many different shapes, colors, and other elements that overlap. Your personality is a work of art and your goal is to tell the interviewer the story of this masterpiece. Be sure to choose words that talk about results, contributions, and calls to action.
- Career and Self Development
- Interview Questions
- WritingGuru.