3 year old sentences
Language development in children 2-3 years
Vocabulary and language development in children at 2-3 years
At this age, your child’s vocabulary expands quickly – they might even learn new words each day. In general, your child understands more words than they can use.
Your child will use a lot of nouns – for example, ‘baby’, ‘friend’ or ‘car’. You’ll hear other word types too, including:
- verbs – for example, ‘play’, ‘go’
- adjectives – for example, ‘wet’, ‘sore’
- pronouns – for example, ‘I’, ‘you’
- location words – for example, ‘in’, ‘on’.
Your child will start using words like ‘more’ and ‘most’, as well as words that make questions, like ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘where’.
And your child will start to say ‘me’, ‘mine’ and ‘you’. By three years, you child will understand the difference between ‘mine’ and ‘yours’.
Sentences and grammar in language development
As part of language development, your child will begin to use two-word sentences at around two years. By age three, they’ll be able to use sentences with three or more words – for example, ‘Mummy get in car’ or ‘Me go too’.
You’ll start to hear grammar and more structured sentences. For example, instead of ‘I go’, your child might say ‘I’m going’. You’ll also hear your child use the past tense – for example, ‘walked’, ‘jumped’. And they’ll start using plurals like ‘cats’ or ‘horses’.
Your child might not always get it right when they use plurals and past tense. For example, your child might say ‘foots’ for ‘feet’, or ‘goed’ instead of ‘went’.
Understanding and language development
Language development includes your child understanding more of what’s said to them and how it’s said. Your child will understand a lot more than they can say.
Your child will understand one-step and two-step instructions, as long as they’re about things they already know – for example, ‘Pick up your toys and put them in the box’. They might still find it hard to follow instructions about unfamiliar objects or tasks.
Your child will begin to answer questions from adults about ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘where’, but they might not yet understand how to answer ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions.
Your child can tell from the tone of your voice if you’re happy, affectionate or angry.
Pronunciation in language development
By three, your child will use most of the speech sounds in their words, but they might still pronounce words differently from adults. For example, even though your child can say the sounds ‘b’ and ‘l’, they might have trouble combining them together in ‘blue’. Some difficult sounds, like ‘z’, ‘sh’, ‘f’, ‘v’, ‘r’, and ‘th’, might still be hard for your child to say.
When your child is two years old, unfamiliar people can usually understand about half of what your child says. By the time your child is three years old, unfamiliar people can usually understand about three-quarters of what they’re saying.
Developing conversation skills
Your child will start to get the hang of speaking in turn
, and might be able to have a short conversation with you.
Your child will talk about things that have happened during the day. With your help, they might be able to put together a simple story – for example, your toddler might say ‘I go shop’. You might respond, ‘And what did you do at the shop?’ They’ll reply ‘Buy bread’. By age three, they might be able to tell a simple ‘made-up’ story based on experiences they’ve had, but they’ll probably leave out a lot of detail.
Your child will talk about people and objects not present – for example, ‘Grandma at the shops’, ‘My ball in tree’.
And your child will start talking the same way you or other close adults talk. You might even hear your child say certain things the way you do.
At this age, your toddler might cry less than they used to when they can’t do something or feel frustrated. That’s because your child can use their words to explain the problem and ask for help.
Play and language development
Your child will be able to play and talk by age three. For example, they might give voices to the toys they’re playing with. They’ll also begin to play in groups with other children, sharing toys and taking turns.
You might hear your child playing with language through rhyming, singing and listening to stories. They’ll also talk to themselves and might use a very loud or soft voice when speaking.
Growing up in a bilingual or multilingual family doesn’t affect how early or quickly children learn to use language. Sometimes multilingual or bilingual children mix their languages for a while, but this stops once they understand that they’re using more than one language.
When to get help for language development
If you notice any of the following signs in your child, or you’re worried about your child’s language development, it’s a very good idea to see your child and family health nurse, GP or paediatrician.
Your child:
- isn’t using words to communicate
- is often hard to understand when they’re talking to you, family or friends
- has stopped using a language skill they once had.
Your health professional might refer you to a speech pathologist.
Children learn new skills over time and at different ages. Most children develop skills in the same order, and each new skill they learn builds on the last. Small differences in when children develop skills are usually nothing to worry about.
Language development in children 3-4 years
Vocabulary and language development in children at 3-4 years
Your child learns a lot of new words by listening to you and other adults and guessing from context. They also learn from new experiences and from listening to stories read aloud. Your child still understands many more words than they can say.
Your child will learn and use:
- more connecting words like ‘because’, ‘and’ or ‘if’
- more numbers
- names for groups of things like ‘vegetables’ or ‘animals’
- family terms like ‘aunty’ or ‘brother’.
Your child might be able to name basic emotions like ‘happy’, ‘sad’ and ‘angry’.
Sentences and grammar in language development
Your child is learning more about how to put words together into sentences.
This means that your child might begin to use more complex sentences that include words like ‘because’, ‘so’, ‘if’ and ‘when’ – for example, ‘I don’t like that because it’s yucky’.
Also, your child will show that they understand the basic rules of language. For example, your child will start using possessives like ‘daddy’s hat’. You’ll hear past and present tense too, like ‘talked’ and ‘talk’.
And your child will often apply these rules strictly across all examples, not realising that sometimes English breaks its own rules. For example, ‘He runned away’ instead of ‘He ran away’.
By this age, your child might be using ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘me’ correctly. But they might confuse the use of negatives. For example, if you say, ‘Don’t you want to go to the park?’, your child might reply, ‘I don’t not want to go’.
Making conversation
At this age, your child might tell stories that follow a theme and often have a beginning and end. But they might need a lot of prompting to keep the story moving, so you might have to ask, ‘And then what happened?’
Your child might reason, predict things and start to express empathy. They’ll also use a lot of ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘where’, ‘who’ and ‘how’ questions to find out more about their world.
As your child gets closer to four, they’ll start to tell you about what they’re thinking. They might start conversations using questions like ‘Guess what?’ They’ll talk about all sorts of different topics and their questions might be more abstract and complex. For example, ‘If it keeps raining, will we have to build a boat to get to Grandma’s?’
By age four, most adults will understand your child, although your child might not pronounce some words the right way. They might still have trouble pronouncing words that include the sounds ‘l’, ‘th’ or ‘r’.
Understanding and language development
When your child doesn’t understand what you say, they might ask you to explain or ask you what specific words mean.
Your child will understand instructions that have more than two steps, as long as they’re about familiar things – for example, ‘When I open the gate, take my hand, then we’ll walk down to the corner’.
Also, your child will understand questions most of the time, especially if they’re about something that’s happening right now, or that they can see. And they’ll understand slightly complicated explanations, as long as they can see the results themselves. For example, they’ll understand an explanation like ‘When the sun shines on things, it makes them hot. The water in the dog’s bowl has been in the sun. Feel how warm it is’.
By four, your child might be able to understand and use words to express emotions like ‘happy’, ‘sad’, ‘angry’ or ‘surprised’.
And your child might also know one or more colours and can compare two things, like ‘This carrot is longer than that one’.
Play, communication and language development
By now, your child will be able to do some simple negotiation with other children. For example, they’ll be able to talk about who can play with a toy first.
At around four years, your child might even be able to explain why they want an object from another child – for example, ‘Can I have the green pencil? I want to colour in the grass’.
And at this age, your child will begin to use language in role play. For example, they can pretend to be ‘mummy’ and copy their mother’s tone and words.
Growing up in a bilingual or multilingual family doesn’t affect how early or quickly children learn to use language. Sometimes multilingual or bilingual children mix their languages for a while, but this stops once they understand that they’re using more than one language.
When to get help for language development
If you notice any of the following signs in your child, or you’re worried about your child’s language development, it’s a very good idea to see your child and family health nurse, GP or paediatrician.
Your four-year-old child:
- isn’t using three-word sentences
- doesn’t understand simple instructions – for example, ‘Please give me the spoon’
- is often hard to understand when they’re talking to you, family or friends
- has stopped using a language skill they once had.
Your health professional might refer you to a speech pathologist.
Children learn new skills over time and at different ages. Most children develop skills in the same order, and each new skill they learn builds on the last. Small differences in when children develop skills are usually nothing to worry about.
Was there a touch? A car lawyer commented on the verdict on a fatal accident three years ago in Surgut
Sergei Ivanov noted that the Lexus driver could still hit the BMW, which resulted in the tragedy
this accident happened, it, of course, caused a great public outcry. And now, three years after accidents, news about that accident again returned to the agenda, and with resonance no less. 13.5 years for two for the accident in which they died three persons. Surgut City Court last a week passed a verdict in the case of an accident, which happened in 2019-m.
Frames hard crash then circled the whole country. In short: disenfranchised drunk driver "BMW" on a mad speed was driving along Energetikov Street. From passing in the direction of travel at the same time Lexus was leaving, which also contrary to rules turned left where could only go to the right. Seeing leaving car, a man in German foreign car pulled the steering wheel, could not cope with the consequences of this maneuver and flew into a pole. The car was torn in two three passengers have died. nine0003
Prosecution in a fatal accident afterwards presented to both drivers. And in Monday after a few months litigation, sounded sentence. Both are guilty. We counted possible to recall the circumstances that accident, talked to a car lawyer and lawyer for a young man who was traveling on the Lexus.
"Court taking into account the position of the state accused one driver sentence of 9 years in prison with serving a sentence in the correctional colony of general mode. Another culprit of the accident was assigned punishment in the form of 4 years 6 months of deprivation freedom, to serve his sentence, he also will be in general regime colony" , - said Senior Assistant to the Ugra Prosecutor for media relations Inga Filipenko.
This Brief excerpt from the verdict Road accident three years ago Power engineers. July 14, 2019 BMW was moving on the road at a very high speed. AT at some point the driver failed with control and flew into the support of the street lighting. The blow was so strong that the lamppost almost folded in half. The foreign car turned over and remained lie on the roof outside the carriageway parts. The car salon turned out to be actually torn apart. Drove in a BMW four person. One girl died on the scene of the accident, the second died in the car ambulance in 30 minutes. For a young man's life long doctors fought for a while, but they couldn't save him managed. The driver of a German foreign car practically unharmed. nine0003
"Driver "BMW" was deprived of us in December and was also intoxicated at the time of the accident. intoxication. Give some comments Who is at fault for this accident? investigators establish, and when will be reviewed as part of criminal case, I think, already specifically an assessment will be given ", - noted in 2019, the head of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Surgut Mikhail Cheurin.
Important nuance - while the BMW was rushing along Power engineers, on her from a secondary the road went "Lexus" and supposedly cut off a German foreign car. man behind wheel sharply pulled the "steering wheel" and lost control over the car. Both drivers received the status of first suspects, and then accused in a criminal case. And with that, the Lexus driver's lawyer didn't agree. nine0003
Bias in relation to my client was clear from the outset, still at the stage initiation of criminal affairs, even because I, as a former investigator on an accident, in such situations, the case is initiated in fact, that at such and such a time there was an accident involving such and such vehicles. And that's all, but the culprit in such situations is not appointed right away, and the case was initiated regarding my own client" , - emphasized lawyer Anton Zvezdkin .
One and a half years of investigation. Court sessions continued from February 2021 and By last summer, they had actually come to an end. nine0003
"B currently questioned most of the witnesses, some of whom classified to avoid pressure from certain participants. Experts interrogated, investigated written and material evidence. At the next court session scheduled to interrogate a witness and three victims. After which the court move on to evidence from the side of the defense and to the interrogation of the defendants. Next, the arguments of the parties will be heard and the court will retire to the deliberation room to make a final decision on case" , - explained press secretary of the Surgut City court Inna Alekseenko.
Sentence drivers were taken out on October 17. Judge read it for about two hours. In business opinions of experts, eyewitnesses were cited and testimonies of the defendants. For both the verdict turned out to be incriminating. To this, rather of everything, both defendants were ready, but here's what for the driver of the Lexus the punishment will be so severe - four and a half years in prison general regime - came as a shock: "Assign him punishment in the form of 4 years 6 months of deprivation freedom with additional punishment in the form of a ban on activities associated with the management of the vehicle for a period of 2 year 6 months. serving a sentence in form of deprivation of liberty to be determined in the IK general regime, additional punishment perform on your own." nine0012
here some details of the trial. For example, it was found that BMW flew along Energetikov Street at a speed 156 kilometers per hour. Braking distances was almost two hundred meters. Exactly because of this, the driver of a German foreign car was not able under any circumstances stop: "B traffic situation excess permissible speed for the driver BMW is in a causal relationship with accident, since the received value of the removal "BMW" from the place from the specified moment, driving speed 156 km per hour, more vehicle stopping distance with permissible traffic rules in this area movement speed". nine0012
"C" our side was presented to the court a large number of expert opinions, two of which were made by experts Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, so that you understand the level above only experts of the Ministry of Justice. Based on these conclusions are written in black and white, that any causal relationship between actions of my client and there are no consequences of an accident, it is based on formulas developed back in the 60s years in Soviet times, all of them experts still use time" , - emphasized advocate. nine0003
Lawyer Anton Zvezdkin , representing the interests driver of the Lexus, told our TV channel about suspicions that the very first examination was allegedly falsified. Her judgment subsequently delisted evidence. But on the basis of the in 2019, the conclusions, the lawyer claims, before consideration on the merits, everything was built criminal case. human rights activist excludes that he will turn to this fact the attention of law enforcement. Another lawyer we asked comment on the results of the proceedings, Sergey Ivanov is convinced that between machines there could be a connection and served as a driver of change BMW directions. But: "Despite that the driver of the Lexus violated SDA subject to traffic regulations in part speed limit, we don't take exit into the oncoming lane, such there would be no consequences even if, suppose this collision is like such was the contact. But if there was no speed limit, we say about the intent of the BMW driver, about the violation SDA". nine0012
Judicial practice in such cases is varied. In the Murmansk region, a pensioner received three and a half years in a colony-settlement, he drove a foreign car into the oncoming lane, where he got into an accident with a Renault car. A man and a child traveling there died, another passenger is injured. In Surgut at the end of 2018, the driver of the VAZ-2110 was tried. He drunk, without a license, at a crossroads Nefteyugansk Highway and Industrial streets flew into a concrete support. Two 1 person died, 1 was injured. Him judgment appointed four years in a colony-settlement. nine0003
"Spread colossal, and inherently rationale, why is my client, why is the court not considers it possible to correct my defendant, correction without deprivation freedom that he had a large amount administrative violations. Was found that the violations do not apply to my client, he just dealt with the resale of the vehicle and a small number of vehicles were formally registered on it, but in fact they were used by other people" , - added advocate. nine0003
“We We can watch the practice of any courts. But the court establishes from the actual circumstances. Did they help the investigation? We're talking about a Lexus driver who provided a video that served as the basis. We argue about wine and causal relationship, because that we see this record. Court establishes actual circumstances, based on testimonies, relationship the participants in the accident themselves, there is a post-criminal behavior ", - commented auto lawyer Sergey Ivanov. nine0003
All this and not only the court appreciated and rendered the verdict. He will definitely be protested. Lexus driver protection starting October 21, received this right. And take advantage of it by giving appeal to the Khanty-Mansiysk district Court. Anton Zvezdkin believes that his client was assigned the maximum possible punishment. With such a harsh neither he nor his client agree.
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Judicial practice : calculating the limitation period in the criminal case
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Selection of court decisions for 2021: Article 61.14 "The right to file an application for bringing to subsidiary liability" of the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)"
(Legal company "TAXOLOGY") The debt of the debtor company arose as a result of the identification by the tax authority of facts of illegal application of VAT tax deductions and income tax expenses. The bankruptcy trustee applied to the court with an application to bring two heads of the company to subsidiary liability. The court satisfied the claim against one of the leaders, stating that since neither the company nor the bankruptcy trustee were involved in the criminal case, the limitation period is calculated not from the date of the verdict, but from the moment the bankruptcy trustee familiarizes himself with the text of the verdict. At the same time, since the amendments to the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)", which increased the limitation period from 1 year to 3 years, entered into force before the expiration of 1 year from the date of familiarization, the court recognized that these changes apply to the bankruptcy trustee and the deadline for filing an application for bringing to subsidiary liability is 3 years, and not 1. In relation to the second head, the court refused to satisfy the claims, since the limitation period for it had expired. At the same time, since the appellate court reclassified the claim for vicarious liability as a claim for damages, for which the application period had not expired, the district court noted that there were no grounds for such a reclassification.
To recover losses, it is necessary to prove that the unlawful actions of the manager caused harm to the debtor or creditors, but at the same time did not cause a significant deterioration in the debtor's condition, the reason for his bankruptcy. In this case, these conditions were not met. nine0003
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Determination of the first cassation court of general jurisdiction of 07.04.2022 Dispute: Unjust enrichment.
Requirements: On the recovery of unjust enrichment.
Circumstances: Claimant missed the limitation period.
Decision: Denied. Contrary to the arguments of the cassation complaint S.A. FULL NAME45, as correctly established by the courts, the term of criminal prosecution against Z. FULL NAME48., in relation to the provisions of Article 204 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation cannot be a basis for suspending the limitation period for this claim, since the defendant Z. FULL NAME47. was not a participant in the criminal case, the bankruptcy trustee's awareness of the circumstances and results of the criminal case has no legal significance for calculating the limitation period. nine0003
Articles, Comments, answers to questions : Calculation of the limitation period in the criminal case
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: Dispute on vindication (reclamation from someone else's illegal possession) of residential premises (based on the judicial practice of the Moscow City Court)
("Electronic magazine" Assistant Lawyer", 2022) ) victims in a criminal case (for example, the Appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated 06/24/2019in case N 33-21195 / 2019), or from the moment when the DGI of Moscow responded to the request of the investigator investigating the fact of illegal transactions with residential premises (Appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated February 12, 2018 N 33-1277 / 2018), or from the moment when the DGI of Moscow gave clarifications about the legal fate of the disputed residential premises to the chairman of the housing cooperative (for example, Ruling of the Moscow City Court dated April 27, 2017 N 4g-4913 / 2017). In one of the cases, the court concluded that the DGI of Moscow had missed a three-year limitation period, taking into account the moment when the Department had to learn about the death of the tenant of the residential premises with proper control over the identified residential premises vacated due to the departure of citizens in connection with death, as well as the moment when the ownership of the disputed residential premises was registered for the defendant (for example, the Appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated December 18, 2018 in case N 33-55119/2018).
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Article: Protection of public interests by the prosecutor in the field of land relations (3 H1.3 90) "Legality", 2022, N 5) So, according to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the conclusion about the calculation of the limitation period from the moment the verdict comes into force is erroneous, since the plaintiff must know about the violation of the right to a land plot before the verdict is passed and its entry into force legal force, since the local government was recognized as a victim in the course of the preliminary investigation of the criminal case.