Learning for 5 year olds

7 Fun And Easy Learning Activities For 5-Year-Olds

It can be challenging to find the right activities for 5-year-olds. It was easier when they were younger, wasn’t it? All you needed to do was place a colorful, fluffy, or musical toy in front of them, and they would be completely fascinated by the object for a long time.

But things have changed. Over the past few years, your 5-year-old has seen so much physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development, and simple toys don’t cut it anymore.

To help your child continue learning and developing at a healthy rate, it’s essential to find relevant activities for their age. But where do you start?

Look no further! The Homer team knows a thing or two about creative activities for kids. In this article, we’ll share some fun and engaging games your 5-year-old will fall in love with while learning.

Importance Of Learning Activities For 5-Year-Olds

Learning activities play an important role in early childhood development. However, when parents come across this information, they often assume they need to create the most elaborate games to help maximize learning. That’s not the case.

For example, simple games and activities such as painting or playing house help develop language and emotional skills, creativity, and fine motor skills, among other things.

Also, when children engage in physical activities such as running, jumping, or skipping, it contributes to their gross motor development.

In addition, if an activity is challenging (think tricky puzzles or building a tall lego tower), it helps children learn how to follow through on a project and problem-solve. Ultimately, this helps build confidence and gives children a sense of ownership and accomplishment.

Learning activities for 5-year-olds are also great to help beat boredom. A child who has nothing to do for the day can often become irritable or display disruptive behavior. That’s not ideal for them (or you!), so it’s important to have some go-to activities at the ready.

Finding the right activities for your child is one way you can foster their continued growth and development. So where do you start?

Questions To Ask Before Choosing Activities

Now that you understand the importance of activities for 5-year-olds, here are a few questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re choosing the right ones for your child.

What Will My Child Learn From This Activity?

There are many developmental milestones that are essential for your child to reach — from physical to mental, emotional, and social.

This is why it’s important to incorporate a variety of activities into your child’s play, rather than choosing similar games that help develop the same skills.

Are The Instructions Easy To Understand?

As children get older, the activities and games we introduce them to will naturally become more complex.

While it’s beneficial to keep challenging our children so they learn to think creatively and problem-solve, it’s equally important to not overwhelm them with games that are simply too complicated for their age group.

Will The Activity Engage My Child’s Senses?

From the moment they are born, our children are seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, and smelling the world around them.

Children use their senses to explore and understand things, so we encourage sensory play in early childhood because it plays a significant role in developing many essential language and cognitive development skills. It also helps children continue exploring and engaging.

7 Fun Activities For 5-year-olds

1) Letter Toss

What You’ll Need:
  • Post-its
  • Marker
  • Rolled-up sock or small beanbag
What To Do:

We love letter toss because it only requires about 10 minutes of set-up time, making it the perfect game to incorporate when you’ve had a busy day or week.

Start by writing uppercase and lowercase letters on individual Post-its (one per page). Then stick the Post-its onto the floor or playroom wall, making sure that there’s space between each one.

Next, have your child stand a few feet away and toss the rolled-up sock at the Post-it notes as you call them out.


You can also pick letters in a word and arrange them in random order. In this version, your child will need to hit the letters in their correct order to spell the word. (You can write the word on a piece of paper for them to have a reference if needed.)

This is a fun and engaging activity to help children practice their alphabet and spelling. All the aiming and throwing is also a great way to help them continue developing their gross motor skills.

2) Cupcake Tin Counting Game

What You’ll Need:
  • Cupcake tin
  • Cupcake liners
  • Marker
  • A snack with small pieces (e.g., cereal, puffs, blueberries, etc.)
What To Do:

In a nutshell, this activity involves having your child fill each numbered cupcake liner with the corresponding number of snack pieces. For more information on how to play cupcake tin counting, you can check out this link.

This simple activity is excellent for helping children develop their understanding of counting principles (and is a fun way to enjoy some delicious treats at the end!).

3) Create A Storytelling Map

What You’ll Need:
  • A huge piece of craft or butcher paper
  • Marker
  • Crayons
What To Do:

The aim of this activity is simple: Create a giant storytelling map using a marker, crayons, and craft or butcher paper. (You can even take this activity outside and use your backyard layout as a guide for the map.)

Encourage your child to use their creativity and come up with their own ideas for this invented world. The map might lead to a magic castle, a haunted house, or even a mystical forest. Let their imagination run wild!

If you have multiple children, this is an excellent game for sibling or all-family play. And if you do take the activity outside, there’s the added benefit of sunshine and fresh air.

4) Draw To Music

What You’ll Need:
  • Papers
  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor paints, etc.
  • Classical music playing in the background
What To Do:

Music — you listen to it, of course, but have you considered making drawings to match what you hear?

This is a simple but wonderful activity for many children. All you need is drawing and painting materials and, of course, music.

As the music plays in the background, encourage your child to draw or paint anything they want. To help them get started, you can ask questions like, “How does the music make you feel? What does it remind you of?”

This is one of those activities where the journey is much more important than the destination. It really doesn’t matter if the colors they choose clash or the lines are too harsh. We’re not talking about creating a Picasso here but, rather, engaging the senses with this experience.

Treat this activity as a great sensory (auditory and visual) learning opportunity that your child can enjoy for some uninterrupted quiet time.

5) HOMER Character Cut-Outs

What You’ll Need:
  • This printable from HOMER
  • Crayons or markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Cardboard or cardstock
  • Popsicle sticks (optional)
What To Do:

Start this activity by encouraging your child to color the characters. Once they’ve colored them how they’d like, have them cut the characters’ shapes out. Next, help your child glue the characters onto cardboard or cardstock.

Voila! It’s time to play!

This is a great way to encourage imaginative play, as your child can bring the characters to life (and even create a play). This really helps encourage creativity!

For some inspiration, check out this link.

6) Create A Rainbow Suncatcher

What You’ll Need:
  • Colored gift tissue paper
  • Cotton balls
  • Scissors
  • Clear tape
  • Wax paper
  • Clear-drying school glue
What To Do:

Begin with cutting the colored tissue paper into squares. Then make the rainbow shape by drawing six lines on the wax paper with your glue.

Next, encourage your child to glue down the tissue paper onto each line in rainbow color order (you can hand your child a picture of the rainbow as a guide). Lastly, add cotton balls below the rainbow to represent clouds.

This is a great activity to teach your child the colors of the rainbow and to continue developing their fine motor skills.

7) Make An Ocean

What You’ll Need:
  • Medium bin or deep tray
  • Dried pasta for coral
  • Paint
  • Play-Doh
  • Water
  • Scoops of cups for playing in the water
  • Ocean creature toys and loose parts like pebbles, shells, and starfish
  • Blue food coloring (optional)
What To Do:

For detailed instructions on creating your very own ocean, check out this link to our Ocean Sensory Bin.

After finishing the creation with your child, encourage them to touch and feel all the interesting ocean creatures. This is a great sensory activity to help children explore and investigate some of the amazing fish found in our seas.

Have Fun At Home With Activities For 5-Year-Olds

We hope one thing’s clear from our above list of activities for 5-year-olds — your child can have so much fun learning right at home!

You also don’t have to bend over backward trying to get them the latest toys. There’s so much joy and learning that can come from using everyday household items.

For more fun, engaging, and learning activities to try out at home, check out the HOMER Learn & Grow App!


5 Hands-On Ways to Learn With Your 5-Year-Old

“Kindergarten is about connecting concepts and putting it all together,” says 2015 Early Childhood Educator Award Winner Kimberly Bouchie, who teaches 5 -year-olds at Stoneham KinderCare in Stoneham, Massachusetts.

In kindergarten, letters start to become words, and numbers start to add up to something bigger.  These important lessons prepare children for success in elementary school—but that doesn’t mean sitting at desks and filling out worksheets. What does Bouchie love most about teaching kindergarten? In her classroom, “everything is hands-on.”

Take a tip from one of our incredibly talented educators: Skip the flashcards and build a love for learning with these five hands-on ideas for your kindergartner:

Mixed-Up ABCs: Upcycled Yogurt Lids

Bouchie’s class collected yogurt covers and turned them into alphabet tiles, using construction paper, markers, and glue, to fix a lowercase letter on one side, and the uppercase letter on the other. Children use their tiles to explore sounds and letters, and practice putting words together.

Build Imaginations: The Great Cardboard Box

We’ll let you in on a little trade secret: Many a terrific teacher understands the power of a cardboard box, and Bouchie is one of the greats. During a recent lesson about home and family, she turned a large box into a house. Every child brought in a family photo to tape to the wall and the kids drew and then decorated frames around each photo. The instant 3-D learning space invites all kinds of imaginative exploration, from playing house to learning about other families in their community.

Finger Play: Pasta Strainer and Pipe Cleaners

Kids love weaving pipe cleaners through the holes of a colander or sieve. When the project’s done, they’ve got a wiry wig, a flamboyant helmet, or a fuzzy bowl! But this play is more than just good fun, it also helps children practice fine motor skills. “They need to be constantly reinforced for kindergarteners,” says Bouchie.   Having strong fine motor skills, makes it easier for children to learn and practice their handwriting.

Match Maker: Muffin Tin Sorting

Bouchie uses tweezer and colored cotton balls to make a sorting game in a muffin tin. Sorting the cotton balls by color teaches children matching and patterns—both of which are important math skills. (The tweezers provide more fine-motor practice!)

Graph Math: The Pet Project

Along the bottom of a piece of paper, Bouchie glues pictures of pets—dog, cat, parakeet, fish—with the animal’s name written underneath. She asks each child to vote on their favorite animal and marks each vote with a spot on the vertical axis of the graph, and the child’s name beside it. (If you don’t have a gaggle of children to poll on animal preferences, try sorting through your child’s favorite books and counting up the different animals you find there.) With the graphing, children can explore the mathematical concepts of more and less.  These five year olds are also learning to take data and translate it into a new format. “They’re learning some pretty advanced skills in Kindergarten these days,” says Bouchie.

From KinderCare Educators Arts And Crafts Classroom Curriculum Brain Development STEM Kindergarten Readiness Language Imaginative Play Independence Pre-K Kindergarten From Our Educators Preschool (3-5) Learning In Our Classrooms

educational activities for children online

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Online classes for children from 3 to 10 years old. Preparing for school and improving the performance of younger students.

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The development of attention, memory, thinking is the basis of successful learning. nine0003


Practicing the most important and complex topics of the school curriculum - provides an increase in academic performance for younger students.


Acquaintance with the basics of various sciences - an opportunity to learn how to work with information and gain versatile knowledge.

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3 What is the result?

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  • Formation of adequate self-esteem
  • Interest in learning

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Nekhaeva Lyubov
Child's age:
In three months, my 5-year-old child and I went through the Block of SCIENCE, sections Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Culture. Almost all the tasks were accessible and understandable to the child, sometimes, of course, adults also joined in. In Geography, they mastered only the Nov... nine0166

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Child's age:
I was looking for a program to teach reading and accidentally saw Razumeikin. He fit all of our criteria. Classes from simple to complex, video and audio accompaniment. Tasks for fixing the material. Lightweight and easy-to-read content. Especially...

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Child's age:
We do it with pleasure. One course went quickly. The tasks are interesting and not very difficult. Thank you.

Child's age:
We were looking for chemistry for kids, stumbled upon Razumeikin. In the Science block there is not only chemistry, but also physics, geography, biology, and for younger children also culture. Classes of the block of Science for the younger age passed and did not regret it. Now gone for your... nine0166

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Victoria Volkova
Child's age:
Thank you for such a wonderful site and project! Very insightful, informative and insightful! Many sections for every taste! Kids and parents love it!

Elena Zhukova
Child age:
St. Petersburg
An interesting course of online preparation for school. My son likes to study, he is especially happy when the gnome praises for a job well done)) Thank you, Razumeikin!

nine0141 Alena
Child's age:
Everyone, I advise the site, Razumeykin, very intelligibly helps the child to master knowledge) after all the tasks completed, the child likes the words, Razumeykina, SMART, GOOD FELLOW, AND THIS IS THE RIGHT ANSWER . .. when a child is praised, tasks are completed with great ... nine0166

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Gleb Smorodinov
Child's age:
7 years ago, my son and I discovered a wonderful resource for the education and development of children of preschool and school age. At that time, the son went to school and it was necessary to prepare for exams in the first grade, the site "Ra...

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Natalia Mikhailovna Anikeeva
Child's age:
Excellent site, interesting tasks on the "Chemistry" block. Loyal support, we opened another additional module, which we were very happy and grateful for! I want more chemistry for 11-14 years old! nine0166

Child's age:
Passes the course "Training" 3-4 years. Started working out very recently. The assignments are interesting. The child likes it very much, enjoys it. My son is 4 years old, so I sit next to him and explain if the picture is a bit incomprehensible, but basically he presses everything himself. nine0166

Child's age:
I was looking for an interesting site with entertaining and not annoying tasks. Accidentally stumbled upon the Razumeikin website. Daughter loves to play! nine0166

Child's age:
Sitting in quarantine, we went through a lot of developing sites for children, and settled on Razumeykin! ! I worked remotely and my daughter did it herself! 4 year old started reading by herself! I recommend this site - there is a free version, you can try a few for ... nine0166

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Anastasia Krell
Child's age:
Tallinn, Estonia
Accidentally stumbled upon a page on the Internet and it seemed that exactly what you need. My son is 5 years old, we learn the alphabet at home, but there are simply not enough books and he gets bored quickly. We chose the block "Letters and reading" and it turned out to be what we needed. The child likes that at first ...

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Child's age:
I want to express my deep gratitude to the creators of the Razumeikin intellectual site. I have an 8-year-old child with great pleasure began to study and learn new subjects in an accessible and interesting way. Passed the test and immediately purchased all... nine0166

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Child's age:
Good day. The site "Razumeikin" is a wonderful project for children. I liked that all tasks are systematized by age, by blocks, and there are free trial lessons. And also "Razumeikin" gives nice discounts, which is much cheaper than ra...

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Child's age:
Thank you very much 😊 What created such a cool online school The child learns everything with pleasure, and always looks forward to the next lesson. Before finishing, she waits for the dwarf to praise her🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍 Your school is even better than all the expensive online schools... nine0166

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Child's age:
Thanks to the developers and methodologists of the site. A unique site, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, all the nuances are taken into account. "Razumeykin" exceeded all my expectations. I really liked the fact that there are video lessons, an understanding of new material is available for the child, a large . ..

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Child's age:
Phnom Penh
I wanted to share my feedback on the use of tasks from Razumeikin. We live abroad, and we have a shortage of Russian-speaking communication, so I was looking for some kind of resource that would allow me to cover all the gaps from all sides. Must say th... nine0166

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Child's age:
You are just geniuses! We don’t go to the garden, and I tried to deal with my son myself, but everything always ended with my psychos and his tantrums))) I’m not a teacher at all))) I couldn’t pull away from the phone with toys for half a day, I didn’t want to do anything! I stumbled upon your. ..

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Child's age:
My child does not go to kindergarten, but it is necessary to develop, learn letters, numbers, etc. We bought a bunch of books, but failed, the child was always distracted and could not understand what we really want from him. Then I decided to take online classes and did not lose. Razumeyk... nine0166

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Child's age:
I want to express my gratitude to the creators of this program! The child really likes to study, and she is simply delighted with your positive gnomes and awards. The classes are quite informative and interesting even for me. Good preparation for school...

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Child's age:
The child is delighted with classes with Razumeikin! It has already become a tradition for us to complete assignments in the evenings, for this he is ready to remove toys, brush his teeth, and help his mother to free herself faster. In general, I am very glad that my son is developing ... nine0166

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Child's age:
Thanks for the great site! Filling, design, showing the result, testing, price - I like everything! And of course, special thanks for the quick response to requests.

Child age:
Nizhny Novgorod
I studied on the site with my son, now my daughter has grown up. I want to say that the children really like the activities - the tablet, the game and the awards, everything that the children love .... And in return we get knowledge ☺ And compared to the prices of development schools and books, the cost is very ...

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Child's age:
Good afternoon everyone! Began to be friends with Razumeykimny since last autumn. Before that, we tried other projects on the network. But we liked this resource more. We needed the development of horizons, the expansion of horizons. We decided to do this through knowledge of... nine0166

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Kochetkova Natalia
Child's age:
Many thanks to the creator of this project! Very exciting, interesting, visual and most importantly, the acquaintance with the topic is not delayed. Solving problems with a simple drag and drop of the answer is very convenient! I would happily recommend this site to. ..

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Child's age:
Initially, I chose classes on the Razumeikin website as an alternative to classes from books, since the child stopped showing his former interest in them. I could not even imagine that the child would be seriously interested in these activities. Is this not a success? Want... nine0166

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Child's age:
years and
I express my deep gratitude to the creators of the site. The kids are happy and always ready to go. Our favorite block is "Science" (physics and chemistry), after watching your "scientific and educational films" our house turns into a laboratory). We tried to do...

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Child's age:
The child likes to study with Razumeykin, the result is visible after each lesson. For a long time I could not explain to Vlad how to read letters together, a couple of classes on the site and he is already reading! Thanks to the creators of such a cool project!! nine0166

Child's age:
We would like to thank you for your project. To say that I liked it means to say nothing at all! Me and my child, Gleb, are absolutely delighted! For a long time I searched the Internet for online tasks for the development of logic, attention and thinking. Were... nine0166

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Online classes for children on the Razumeikin platform:

  • develop attention, memory, thinking, speech - namely, this is the basis for successful schooling;

  • help to learn letters and numbers, learn to read, count, solve examples and problems, get acquainted with the basics of the world around;

  • provide quality preparation of the child for school; nine0003

  • allow primary school students to master and consolidate the most important and complex topics of the school curriculum;

  • broaden the horizons of children and in an accessible form introduce them to the basics of various sciences (biology, geography, physics, chemistry).

Our online classes will help your child learn to listen, hear, understand information and work with it. And most importantly - do not be afraid of mistakes, believe in your own strengths and understand that learning is interesting! nine0003

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Educational activities and online games for children 5 years old from Kids Smart

Puzzle games and online tasks for a child of five years old

19 219
tasks for children 5 years old

Attention and memory

Remember and guess

Find fragment 9002 Mirror Cubes

Magic Dots

Find a Pair

Miracle Cubes

Collect Animal 9Ol000 row

Find the odd one

Differences and similarities

Same objects

Find the shadow

Learn to be considered up to 10

Learning numbers from 0 to 9,0003

We count items

The composition of the number up to 10

Funny score

We count animals

We distinguish colors

Sorting by color

Studying colors

Color figures

222 Color and black and white


Learning shapes

Shapes and objects


Small or large

Short or long

Learning to consider up to 20

We count animals

The composition of the number up to 20

We consider items

on the order of

Learn the number of numerically


Find the word

Collect the word

Letter at the end

Letter at the beginning

Fun math

Comparison of numbers (up to 20)

Comparison of numbers (up to 10)

Subtraction (up to 5)

Subtraction (up to 20)

Subtraction (up to 10)

Add (up to 5)

Add (up to 20)

Add (up to 10)



Alphabetical order

Musical instruments





Make a word

Learn to count to 100 900


Numerical row

on about

attention and memory

We remember and guess

Find a fragment

Mirror cubes

Magic points

Find a couple Fifteen

Collect the picture

Clock with hands

Clock arithmetic

Electronic clock

Reading and diploma

Select the letter

letters in about



Lost loss


Learning numbers from 0 to 9

Counting objects

Composition of numbers up to 10

Fun counting

Counting animals

We distinguish the colors

Sort by color

We study the colors

Color figures

Color and black and white


We study figures

figures and objects


Small or large

Learning to count up to 20

Counting animals

Composition of numbers up to 20

Counting objects

Numbers in order

Learn the number from 10 to 20

Numerical row


Find the word

Take the word

letter in the end of

letter at the beginning of

Entertaining Mathematics

Comparison of numbers (up to 20)

Comparison of numbers (before 10)

Subtraction (up to 5)

Subtraction (up to 20)

Subtraction (up to 10)

Addition (up to 5)

Addition (up to 20)

Addition (up to 10)



Alphabetical order

Musical instruments





Learning to count up to 100

Learning a number of

Numbers in order

Useful educational games for five years old!
A five-year-old kid shows more patience, attention and memory are strengthened, he has a developed fantasy and imagination. This section presents educational activities and games online for children 5 years old , which cover a wide range of topics and subjects necessary for the development of children at the age of five. Logical tasks, studying time by the clock, learning the alphabet and counting, shapes and colors. Learning tasks located in this category help to expand vocabulary, learn to count and solve simple problems, train attention and logical thinking.

Individual training!
Our system automatically adapts to each child and adjusts the level of difficulty of developmental and educational exercises for children 5 years old. Training sessions are held in an understandable and playful educational form. Children gradually learn and consolidate knowledge, and the system gradually increases the complexity of the exercises. If the child does not cope with the current level of tasks, the platform will offer easier exercises. nine0003

Various tasks!
Online educational activities for children aged 5 broaden the horizons of the child, are a convenient way for preschoolers to acquire the necessary skills, form the perception of the world around them and help prepare for school.

Learn more