A list of compound
Examples of Compound Words by Type
Compound words are an easy way to add interest to your writing. By combining two ideas in one word, you can quickly provide all the information needed. These examples of compounds will show you how it's done.
Grandmother Illustration With Compound Word Example
What Are Compound Words?
A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word. It is one of the ways in which the English language is flexible and always changing, as compound words allow people to create new words as the need arises.
For example, you might use “in” and “side” to create the compound word “inside”.
We should play inside today.
The words “carry” and “over” can make the compound word “carry over”.
We can carry over that surplus into the next sprint.
As you can see, compound words can come in different varieties. Explore examples of each.
Examples of Compound Words
When it comes to compound words, there are three different types that are important: closed-form, open-form, and hyphenated. Dive into how each type of compound word is different.
Closed-Form Compound Word Examples
Closed compound words are formed when two fully independent, unique words are combined to create a new word. For example, you would combine “grand” and “mother” to create the closed-form word “grandmother”. In a sentence, this would look like, “My grandmother is coming over.” These are the most common types of compound words.
For example:
- bullfrog
- snowball
- mailbox
- grandmother
- railroad
- sometimes
- inside
- upstream
- basketball
- anybody
- outside
- cannot
- skateboard
- everything
- schoolhouse
- grasshopper
- sunflower
- moonlight
Open Compound Word Examples
Open compound words are formed when two words remain separate on the page but are used together to create a new idea with a specific meaning. For example, “attorney” and “general” are used to form the open compound word “attorney general”. You could see this in the sentence, “The attorney general holds the power in legal matters.” Other examples of open compounds include:
- peanut butter
- Boy Scouts
- no one
- ice cream
- real estate
- high school
- living room
- sweet tooth
- hot dog
- grand jury
- post office
- full moon
- half sister
- cave in
Hyphenated Compound Word Examples
Hyphenated compound words are formed when two separate words are joined together by a hyphen. Examples of hyphenated compound words include:
- two-fold
- check-in
- merry-go-round
- father-in-law
- seventy-two
- long-term
- up-to-date
- mother-in-law
- one-half
- over-the-counter
Note that hyphenated compound words are most commonly used when the words being joined together are combined to form an adjective before a noun.
For example:
- forty-acre farm
- full-time worker
- on-campus housing
- state-of-the-art features
- family-run busines
However, these hyphenated compound words become open compounds when they are placed after the word they describe. For example:
- The farm has forty acres.
- The worker is full time.
- The housing is all on campus for freshman
- Its features are truly state of the art.
- The business is still family run.
Compound Words in Sentences
Now that you learned about the different types of compound words, see if you can find the compound words in the sentences below.
- My grandfather is coming home for the holidays.
- I really want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
- The real estate agent had to take a test to get her license.
- She is a part-time teacher.
- That is our full-time worker.
- I’m so tired of looking for on-campus housing.
- He was seventy-two years old.
- Let’s go play some basketball
- Has anybody seen my binder?
If you have those down, try creating a few sentences using compound words that you create!
Compound the Reader's Interest
By adding compound words to your writing, you can make your ideas more interesting and descriptive for the reader. The addition of too many compounds can be messy, especially hyphenated compound words; so, be sure to use compound words wisely. Like any seasoning, they are best sprinkled throughout your writing instead of used in every line.
Now, that you have a grasp of compound words, you might want to dive into some compound sentence examples.
M.A. English
- 7th grade
- 8th grade
- 9th grade
- middle school
- high school
- college
- 6th grade
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150 Examples of Compound Words for Kids
Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning.
Click here for Compound Words Games, Videos, Quizzes, Worksheets and Lessons.
For example, “sun” and “flower” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Sunflower. These words are formed by either adding a hyphen or just using the two words as a single term. The spelling of the two words is not necessarily changed when they are joined together, but the definition becomes unique.
Consider the words “make up” and “makeup”. This is a more advanced example of a compound word because the resulting combination is a homonym and can be used in more than one way.
Make up your mind fast.
My makeup was ruined by the rain!
I have a makeup exam tomorrow.
In the first sentence, make up is a verb. In the second sentence, makeup is used as a noun. In the third sentence, we see makeup as an adjective describing “exam.”
Types of Compound Words
There are three types of compound words;
- Closed Compound words: These words are written as a single word, such as haircut, newspaper, grandmother, etc.
- Open Compounds: Compound words that are written as separate words such as high school, living room, school bus, etc.
- Hyphenated Compounds: Words that use a hyphen in between two words, such as well-known, second-rate, merry-go-round, etc.
Fun ways to teach Compound Words
Every child has a different way of learning. What works for one may not work for another so we have created these fun ways to teach your kid compound words. Choose the best activity that tailors to your kid’s learning style.
- Visual learning style – Prepare flashcards, half with words and half with pictures. Have your child lay them out in grid style and flip two cards over at a time. The goal is to find a word and a picture to create a compound word. Students will have to use their memory to succeed at this game.
- Kinesthetic learning style- Give students a compound word and have them draw the two “parts” of the compound word. For example, for “doghouse” a kid would draw a dog and a house.
- Help the kids make compound word daisies. Have them write a word in the middle of the paper flower and ask them to write compound words that utilize the word on the petals.
Once your students know the basics of compounds, you can help them move onto more difficult words.
Practice with these 150 examples of compound words:
- Airplane
- Airport
- Angelfish
- Antfarm
- Ballpark
- Beachball
- Bikerack
- Billboard
- Blackhole
- Blueberry
- Boardwalk
- Bodyguard
- Bookstore
- Bow Tie
- Brainstorm
- Busboy
- Cabdriver
- Candlestick
- Car wash
- Cartwheel
- Catfish
- Caveman
- Chocolate chip
- Crossbow
- Daydream
- Deadend
- Doghouse
- Dragonfly
- Dress shoes
- Dropdown
- Earlobe
- Earthquake
- Eyeballs
- Father-in-law
- Fingernail
- Firecracker
- Firefighter
- Firefly
- Firework
- Fishbowl
- Fisherman
- Fishhook
- Football
- Forget
- Forgive
- French fries
- Goodnight
- Grandchild
- Groundhog
- Hairband
- Hamburger
- Handcuff
- Handout
- Handshake
- Headband
- Herself
- High heels
- Honeydew
- Hopscotch
- Horseman
- Horseplay
- Hotdog
- Ice cream
- Itself
- Kickball
- Kickboxing
- Laptop
- Lifetime
- Lighthouse
- Mailman
- Midnight
- Milkshake
- Moonrocks
- Moonwalk
- Mother-in-law
- Movie theater
- Newborn
- Newsletter
- Newspaper
- Nightlight
- Nobody
- Northpole
- Nosebleed
- Outer space
- Over-the-counter
- Overestimate
- Paycheck
- Policeman
- Ponytail
- Post card
- Racquetball
- Railroad
- Rainbow
- Raincoat
- Raindrop
- Rattlesnake
- Rockband
- Rocketship
- Rowboat
- Sailboat
- Schoolbooks
- Schoolwork
- Shoelace
- Showoff
- Skateboard
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Softball
- Solar system
- Soundproof
- Spaceship
- Spearmint
- Starfish
- Starlight
- Stingray
- Strawberry
- Subway
- Sunglasses
- Sunroof
- Supercharge
- Superman
- Superstar
- Tablespoon
- Tailbone
- Tailgate
- Take down
- Takeout
- Taxpayer
- Teacup
- Teammate
- Teaspoon
- Tennis shoes
- Throwback
- Timekeeper
- Timeline
- Timeshare
- Tugboat
- Tupperware
- Underestimate
- Uplift
- Upperclassman
- Uptown
- Video game
- Wallflower
- Waterboy
- Watermelon
- Wheelchair
- Without
- Workboots
- Worksheet
Azure FPGA Attestation Service - Azure Virtual Machines
- Article
- Reading takes 5 minutes
Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Windows VMs ✔️ Universal Scale Sets
The FPGA Attestation Service performs a series of checks on a project checkpoint file (called a "connection list") generated by the Xilinx toolset and creates a file containing a validated image ("bitstream") that can be loaded onto a Xilinx U250 FPGA card in an NP-series virtual machine.
The current attestation service is using Vitis 2021.1 from Xilinx, September 26, 2022, we will be moving to Vitis 2022.1, the change should be transparent to most users. Once your designs have been "tested" with Vitis 2022.1, you should upgrade to XRT2022.1. Xilinx has published new Marketplace images based on XRT 2022.1. Please note that current projects already registered on Vitis 2020.2 or 2021.1 will work on current Deployment Marketplace images as well as new images based on XRT2022.1
As part of the transition to 2021.1, Xilinx has introduced a new DRC that may impact some projects previously running on Vitis 2020.2 regarding the BUFCE_LEAF attestation failure. For more information, see Xilinx AR 75980 UltraScale/UltraScale+ BRAM: CLOCK_DOMAIN =: CLOCK_DOMAIN = normal mode deviation checks.
Requires an Azure subscription and an Azure storage account. The subscription provides access to Azure, and the storage account is used to store the connection list and attestation service output files.
We provide PowerShell and bash scripts for submitting attestation requests. The scripts use the Azure CLI, which can run on Windows and Linux. PowerShell is supported on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Azure CLI download (required)
PowerShell download for Windows, Linux, and macOS (PowerShell scripts only)
Submitting to an attestation service requires your tenant and subscription ID to be authorized. To request access, visit https://aka.ms/AzureFPGAAttestationPreview.
Preferred Xilinx Structural Tool Kit - Vitis 2022.1. Netlist files created with an earlier version of the toolkit and still compatible with 2022.1 can be used. Make sure the correct wrapper is loaded for the build. Version xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_2_1_202010_1
is currently supported. Support files can be downloaded from the Xilinx Alveo resource.
To create a file xclbin
containing a netlist instead of a bitstream, you must pass the following argument to Vitis (v++ command line).
--advanced.param compiler.acceleratorBinaryContent=dcp
Before you can do anything with Azure, you must be signed in to Azure and set up a subscription that has service call rights. Use the commands az login
and az account set –s
for this purpose. For more information about this process, see Sign in with the Azure CLI. Use command line option Log in interactively or Login with credentials .
Create a storage account and blob container
To access the attestation service, you must upload a netlist file to an Azure storage blob container.
For more information about creating an account, a container, and uploading a netlist as a blob to that container, see Quickstart: Create, download, and list blobs using the Azure CLI.
You can also use the Azure portal for this.
Uploading a netlist file to Azure Blob storage
There are several ways to copy a file. The following is an example of using the send cmdlet to the az store. The az commands run on both Linux and Windows. You can choose any blob name, but be sure to use the
az storage blob upload --account-name
The validation scripts can be downloaded from the following Azure Storage blob container:
The ZIP file contains two PowerShell scripts: one to submit , and the other for tracking. The third file is a bash script that performs both functions.
To run scripts, you must specify the name of the storage account, the name of the blob container that stores the netlist file, and the name of the netlist file. You will also need to create a signed service URL (SAS) that provides read/write access to the container (not the connection list). This signed URL is used by the attestation service to make a local copy of the netlist file and write the resulting output files of the validation process back to the container.
An overview of signed URLs with specific information about a signed service URL, see here. The Signed Service URL page contains an important warning about securing the generated signed URL. Read the warning to understand the need to protect the signed URL from misuse or misuse.
A signed URL for a container can be generated using the generate-sas cmdlet of the az storage container. Specify an expiration time in UTC that is at least a few hours after the send time. A delay of 6 hours is more than enough.
If virtual directories are to be used, the directory hierarchy must be included as part of the container argument. For example, if you have a container named netlists and a virtual directory named Image1 that contains a netlist blob, you would specify netlists/image1 as the container name. To set a deeper hierarchy, add any additional directory names.
$sas=$(az storage container generate-sas --account-name--name --https-only --permissions rwc --expiry --output tsv) .\Validate-FPGAImage.ps1 -StorageAccountName -Container -BlobContainerSAS $sas -NetlistName
sas=az storage container generate-sas --account-name--name --https-only --permissions rwc --expiry <2021-01-07T17: 00Z> --output tsv validate-fpgaimage.sh --storage-account --container --netlist-name --blob-container-sas $sas
The attestation service will return the dispatch orchestration ID. Submission scripts automatically start tracking the submission, polling for completion. The orchestration ID is our primary way of checking what happened to the submission, so save it in case there is a problem. For reference, attestation takes about 30 minutes for a small netlist file (300 MB), it took one hour for a 1.6 GB file.
At any time, you can call the Monitor-Validation.ps1 script to get the validation status and results with the orchestration ID as an argument.
.\Monitor-Validation.ps1 -OrchestrationId
Alternatively, you can send an HTTP POST request to the attestation service endpoint.
The request body must contain the subscription ID, client ID, and orchestration ID for the attestation request.
"OrchestrationId": "", "ClientSubscriptionId": " ", "ClientTenantId": " " }
Actions after validation
The service will write the output back to your container. If validation is successful, your container will contain the original netlist file (abc. xclbin), the bitstream file (abc.bit.xclbin), the saved bitstream private location file (abc.azure.xclbin), and four log files : one for the startup process (abc-log.txt) and one each for the three parallel check execution steps. They are named *logPhaseX.txt where X is the stage number. The azure.xclbin file is used on the VM to signal that the verified image has been pushed to the U250.
If the check fails, an error-*.txt file is written indicating the step that failed. Also check the log files if the error log indicates an attestation failure. When contacting us for support, be sure to include all of these files in your support request, along with your orchestration ID.
You can use the Azure portal to create a container, upload a list of connections, and download bitstream and log files. Submitting an attestation request and monitoring its progress using the portal is currently not supported and must be done using scripts as described above.
Converting a SPICE netlist with Simscape blocks
Converting a SPICE netlist with Simscape blocks
You can convert SPICE components to Simscape™ equivalents using the SPICE Conversion Assistant. Often this conversion is automatic. However, because SPICE is a rich language, it is not always possible to perform a complete conversion without some manual intervention.
To convert SPICE subcircuits to equivalent Simscape components, follow these steps.
Use the
function to generate Simscape language component files from a SPICE netlist file. You can use the optionalsubcircuit1,…,subcircuitN
inputs to specify which subcircuits to convert. -
Make any necessary manual conversions to the generated Simscape component files. To identify the necessary manual conversions, check the comments at the beginning of the generated Simscape component files. Optional 9 can be used0039 unsupportedCommands output argument to generate a
array that lists unsupported SPICE commands for each subcircuit. -
Build library
using ssc_build
or add individual components to your model using Simscape Component blocks.
There are many different SPICE simulators with changes in syntax interpretation and syntax. The Conversion Assistant uses the same syntax as Cadence ® PSpice and, where such differences exist, is carried out by PSpice.
SPICE Assistant supports these commands:
- allowing reuse -
- Subcircuit -
- Directive to include models from the external list of connections -
- Directive to include the contents of the external list of compounds
The Assistant of the Transformation Realizes .FUNC
SPICE. Simscape functions. These functions are placed in a package sublibrary named +
, where subcircuit_name
_simscape_functions subcircuit_name
name of the subcircuit to be converted.
syntax for resistors, capacitors and inductors as
.MODELwhereres(r= ) .MODEL cap(c= ) .MODEL ind(l= )
, and l
values are scale factors for the value specified on the component declaration. This behavior is performed by PSpice, but is not comparable across all simulators. The conversion assistant does not automatically convert the given initial conditions using .IC
statement. However, you can specify initial conditions for capacitors and inductors using the syntax IC=
. In addition, you can manually convert any .IC
statements from generated Simscape component files.
Because the purpose of the conversion assistant is to help convert SPICE subcircuits to Simscape blocks, simulation commands such as
function automatically turns on anti-aliasing parameters when converting a SPICE subcircuit. To disable the smoothing option, in the block mask of the generated Simscape component block, set parameter Specify function smoothing parameters to
Basic Math
Name | SPICE Function | Simscape Function |
Independent current source I |