Activities for social skills
20 Evidence-Based Social Skills Activities and Games for Kids
Oct 14 2020
Positive Action Staff
SEL Articles
Activities and games for socialization are a great way for your child to learn how to behave around their peers, no matter if he is a toddler, preschooler or if he just started kindergarten. Games can teach skills like taking turns, managing emotions, and reading body language.
Use these evidence-based social skills activities to help your child build their social behaviors and learn how their actions affect others. With these games, they can become more independent and maintain healthy relationships throughout their lives.
1. Staring Contest
Many children have trouble maintaining eye contact in conversation. A staring contest can help kids make and keep eye contact in a way that allows them to focus on that task, rather than trying to communicate simultaneously.
If your child still feels uncomfortable, you can start smaller. Place a sticker on your forehead for them to look at and then build toward having a conversation.
2. Roll the Ball
It’s never too early to start building social skills, and a game of roll the ball suits children as young as toddlers. Kids take turns rolling a ball back and forth between them, laying the foundation for other social skills.
Kids learn to carry this skill into taking turns in conversation or when doing joint activities. They also learn self-control by aiming the ball toward their friend and rolling it hard enough to reach them yet with limited force.
3. Virtual Playtime
Sometimes, your child can’t have play dates in person, but they can still spend time together over video chat and other online spaces. Video chats help kids make eye contact by looking at their friend on the screen.
Learning to adapt to new situations becomes a valuable trait, whether with social distancing or in their future workplace. Coming up with new ways to spend time together increases problem-solving abilities, which adds to a set of vital social skills.
4. Emotion Charades
Emotion charades involves writing different emotions on strips of paper. Your child picks one out of a hat or bucket. Then, they must try to act out that emotion.
Emotion charades can help children learn to recognize emotions using facial and body cues. You can even adapt social skills activities like this to create a game similar to Pictionary, where children draw the emotion.
By depicting and acting out emotional expressions and reactions in social skills activities, children learn emotion management, which plays an important role in creating positive relationships and communicating feelings.
5. Expression Mimicking Games
When you play this game with your child, you're teaching social skills with expressions. Mimicking your expressions allows your child to understand what certain expressions mean and recognize them when others make them in real conversations.
When kids with social challenges learn to read facial expressions, they become more comfortable in situations involving them.
6. Topic Game
You can play several variations of the topic game, but the most common one involves choosing a topic and naming things that fit into that category using each letter of the alphabet. For example, if you choose animals as the topic, you might come up with:
- A: Aardvark
- B: Baboon
- C: Chicken
The topic game teaches kids to stick to one subject and follow directions until they complete the activity. It also helps them make connections and get creative with letters that have fewer options.
7. Step Into Conversation
Step Into Conversation is a card game made for children with autism. The game presents structured social skills activities, like starting a conversation and talking about specific subjects based on cards.
The game helps kids learn how to talk to others appropriately and carry a conversation with perspective and empathy.
It teaches good manners and self-control by showing them how to politely enter a conversation, when to talk, and when to listen.
By using socialization games like this one, you give structure to conversations to develop the social skills necessary to handle different situations in their daily life.
8. Improvisational Stories
Many children tell stories even outside of intentional social skills activities. With improvisational stories, you add another challenge that requires them to collaborate and create a narrative without thinking about it beforehand.
For this activity, place cards with pictures or words face down. The child picks three of these cards, and they must include these objects or topics in the story they tell. The game ends when all the cards are gone, or the kids reach the end of their story.
You can use this activity as a multiplayer game where children take turns adding to the story and building on each other’s ideas, or one child can tell you their own story.
9. Name Game
With this simple game, kids roll or toss a ball to someone after they call out their name. Social skills activities like this one work well for helping even toddlers learn their peers’ names. It shows that they are attentive to others, and it’s a step toward getting to know other people.
10. Simon Says
Simon Says builds social skills for kids' self-control, listening, and impulse control as they copy their peers' movements and follow instructions. It also helps keep the attention on the game and rewards good behavior for those who follow the rules throughout the game.
11. Rhythm Games
You can incorporate rhythm games as a social skills activity both at home and in the classroom. These music-making games let your child be creative while following directions and recognizing patterns.
A 2010 study by Kirschner and Tomasello shows that joint music-making helps social behavior. In a game where children must “wake the frogs” with music, the researchers found that kids who followed the rules by making music were more likely to help others who tried waking the frogs with non-musical means.
12. Playing with Characters
These social skills activities involve tapping into your child’s natural tendency to play. Using stuffed animals or dolls, you can interact with your child through the toys.
Having conversations through toys teaches kids to recognize behaviors and communicate their feelings. They practice their social skills through the toys in an imaginary, low-risk environment, without worrying about the toys’ hurt feelings.
13. Play Pretend
Kids will typically create a scenario in which they pretend to be someone or something else. For example, they might play house and take on the roles of parents, become a doctor, veterinarian, teacher, or cashier. Each of these situations allows them to explore different social skills activities.
As they pretend to parent another child, for instance, they must learn to recognize and respond to emotions, deescalate situations, and adapt to new situations.
14. Token Stack
You can adapt token stack from board games like checkers to create social skills activities that teach children how to have a considerate conversation. Every time the child speaks and responds appropriately, they add another token to their stack.
They face the challenge of trying to stack their tokens as high as possible while taking turns speaking. This activity makes them focus on having a calm conversation and giving thoughtful responses to questions and statements.
15. Decision-Making Games
Social skills activities like decision-making games come in many forms. By using strategy games or activities as simple as sorting and matching, your child learns persistence, thoughtfulness, and cooperation with others.
These games help kids with indecision, as they ask the child to make a choice, even if it’s not right the first time. It demonstrates low-risk consequences and encourages them to try again if they make a mistake.
16. Building Game
When children work together to build something, like a tower using blocks, they must communicate, take turns, and understand each other to bring their creation to life.
Kids will work together to come up with a method to build their item. When they apply it, they learn to try again if the creation falls and celebrate each other’s unique abilities when they finish the project successfully.
17. Community Gardening
Community gardening works differently than other social skills activities in that it teaches children to nurture a living thing.
Gardening with others increases social competence by having your child take care of something and learn responsibility, as they cannot neglect their plants. This activity also gets kids outdoor and can help calm them.
18. Team Sports
Children can participate in team sports through their school, on a recreational team, or even play with friends in their backyard. Team sports show kids how to work together toward a common goal and keep their focus on the game.
They also learn to recognize emotions, like when someone gets hurt or scores a goal, and react appropriately when they win or lose.
19. Productive Debate
A productive debate works well for older kids to learn how to manage emotions and work on positive expression, even in challenging situations. They learn how to have difficult conversations calmly, without turning them into an argument or trying to insult the other person.
People who can debate and listen to their opponent develop more of the skills needed to become leaders in the classroom and workplace.
20. Scavenger Hunts
During scavenger hunts, children work together to find objects or get a prize at the end of the activity. By working toward their goal, they learn teamwork, organization, and positive decision-making. They can choose to split up, move as a group, and collaborate to reach the end of the game.
They also get rewarded for cooperating. These activities help them with creative problem-solving abilities by making up clues for other players to solve.
What’s Next?
Using evidence-based social skills activities and games helps your child build social skills while doing something they enjoy. You can adapt any of these activities to something that engages your child and allows them to get creative with their socialization.
However, activities and games can only go so far. The Positive Action social skills curriculum is designed to work in tandem with activities like these and more to help your child identify their self-concept and shift this introspection to their social interactions. We feel social skills start within.
Explore our sample lessons for even more ways to encourage your child’s social-emotional learning, or contact us to find out how our program can improve your child’s social skills and have fun doing it today!
Evidence-based social skills activities for children & teens (w/ teaching tips)
© 2009 – 2021 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved
These social skills activities can help kids forge positive relationships — and better understand what other people are feeling and thinking.
How can we help children develop social competence — the ability to read emotions, cooperate, make friends, and negotiate conflicts? Kids learn when we act as good role models, and they benefit we create environments that reward self-control. But there is nothing quite like practice. To develop and grow, kids need first-hand experience with turn-taking, self-regulation, teamwork, and perspective-taking.
Here are 17 research-inspired social skills activities for kids, organized by age-group. I begin with games suitable for the youngest children, and end with social skills activities appropriate for older kids and teens.
1. Turn-taking games
Young children — including some babies — are capable of spontaneous acts of kindness, but they can be shy around new people. So how can we teach them that a new person is a friend?
One powerful method is to have a child engage in playful acts of reciprocity with the stranger. For example, the child take turns pressing the button on a toy, or rolling a ball back and forth. The child and stranger might hand each other interesting objects.
When psychologists Rodolfo Cortes Barragan and Carol Dweck (2014) tested this simple tactic on 1- and 2-year-olds, the children seemed to flip a switch.
The babies began to respond to their new playmates as people to help and share with. By contrast, there was no such effect if children merely played alongside the stranger — without engaging in acts of reciprocity.
2. The toddler “name game”
As early childhood specialist Kathleen Cochran has noted, many children need help with the fundamentals of getting someone else’s attention. They don’t yet understand that it’s important to speak the person’s name.
“It’s such a simple thing,” Cochran says, “yet it’s the beginning of being able to understand another person’s point of view.” So how do we teach this concept? Cochran and her colleagues recommend this simple social game (Teachers’ College, Columbia University 1999) :
- Seat children in a circle, and give one of them a ball.
- Ask this child to choose another person in the circle and speak his or her name. Then the child rolls the ball to named individual.
- Once the ball has been received, the next child follows the same procedure — naming an intended recipient and passing the ball along.
3. Music-making and rhythm games for young children
Young children are often inclined to help other people. How can we encourage this impulse? Research suggests that joint singing and music-making are effective social skills activities for fostering cooperative, supportive behavior.
For example, consider this game.
“Waking Up The Frogs”
First, you take a bunch of preschoolers who don’t know each other, and direct their attention to a “pond” — a blue blanket spread on the floor with several “lily pads” on it. Toy frogs sit on the lily pads.
Then you tell the children the frogs are sleeping. It’s morning, and the frogs need our help to wake up! So you give the children simple music instruments (like maracas), and ask them to sing a little wake-up song while they walk around the pond in time with the music.
When researchers played this game with 4-year-olds, they subsequently tested the children’s spontaneous willingness to help other kids. Compared with children who had “awakened the frogs” with a non-musical version of the activity, the music-makers were more likely to help out a struggling peer (Kirschner and Tomasello 2010).
4. Preschool games that reward attention and self-control
To get along well with others, children need to develop focus, attention skills, and the ability to restrain their impulses. The preschool years are an important time to learn such self-control, and we can help them do it.
Traditional games like “Simon Says” and “Red light, Green light” give youngsters practice in following directions and regulating their own behavior. For more information, see the research-tested games described in my article about teaching self-control. For additional advice about the socialization of young children, see this Parenting Science article about preschool social skills.
5. Group games of dramatic, pretend play
To get along with others, kids need to be able to calm themselves down when something upsetting happens. They need to learn to keep their cool. And one promising way for kids to hone these skills is to engage in dramatic make-believe with others.
To try this approach, lead young children in games of joint make-believe, like
- pretending to be a family of non-human animals,
- dressing up as chefs and pretending to bake a cake together, or
- taking turns pretending to be statues (and having peers pose the statues in various ways).
In a randomized experiment of preschoolers from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, Thalia Goldstein and Matthew Lerner found evidence that these social skills activities helped children develop better emotional self-regulation (Goldstein and Lerner 2018). After 8 weeks of teacher-led play, kids assigned to play group games of dramatic, pretend play improved more than did children assigned to alternative social skills activities, like playing together with blocks.
6. “Emotion charades” for young children
In this game, one player acts out a certain emotion, and the other players must guess which feeling is being portrayed. In effect, it’s simple version of charades for the very young.
Is it helpful? At the very least, it’s a way to motivate young children to think about and discuss emotions. And the game has been included (along with several other social skills activities) in a preschool program developed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In a small experimental study, the program, called the “Kindness Curriculum,” was linked with successful outcomes: Compared with kids in a control group, graduates of the “Kindness Curriculum” experienced greater improvements in teacher-rated social competence (Flook et al 2015).
7. Drills that help kids read facial expressions
People who are good at interpreting facial expressions can better anticipate what others will do. They are also more “prosocial,” or helpful towards others.
Experiments suggest that kids can improve their face-reading skills with practice. For more information, see these Parenting Science social skills activities for teaching kids about faces.
8. Checker stack: A game for keeping up a two-way conversation
Some kids, including those with autism spectrum disorders, have difficulty maintaining a conversation with peers. Dr. Susan Williams White has developed a number of social skills activities to help them, including Checker Stack, a game that requires kids to take turns and stay on topic.
To play this two-player game, you need only a set of stackable tokens — like checkers or poker chips — and an adult or peer group to help judge the relevance of each player’s contributions.
The game begins when Player One sets down a token and says something to initiate a conversation. Next, Player Two responds with an appropriate utterance, and places another checker on top of the first one.
The players keep taking turns to advance the conversation. How long can they sustain it? How tall can their stack become? When a player says something irrelevant or off-topic, the conversational flow is broken and the game is over (White 2011).
9. Passing the ball: A game for honing group communication skills
Here is another activity recommended by Dr. Susan Williams White — a game where players form a circle, and take turns contributing to a group conversation.
The game begins with a player who starts the chat, and then tosses a ball to someone else in the circle. Next, the recipient responds with an appropriate, relevant contribution of his or her own, and tosses the ball to another child. And so on.
To play successfully, kids must attend to whoever is speaking, and make eye contact during the exchange of the ball.
White advises that you participate in the game yourself, and, if you notice that one of the kids isn’t getting the opportunity to contribute, you can request that you receive the ball next. Then you can complete your turn by tossing the ball to the child who was left out (White 2011).
You can find this game, Checker Stack, and other social skills activities in White’s book, Social Skills Training for Children with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism (see the references section below)

There are many kinds of cooperative games. Some are more sedentary, like the many cooperative board games being sold today. Others are active or physical, like the games “Islands” and “Timeball” invented by William Haskell, and tested on older elementary school students (Street et al 2004).
In one study, researchers found that playing these games over a period of 12 weeks led to small but noticeable improvements in “prosocial” behavior — being kind and helpful towards others (Street et al 2004).
To play “Islands” you need a bunch of young children and some hula hoops — about one hoop for every three kids in the class. Then you spread the hoops out on the ground, and let the kids mill around them. When you whistle, every child must step inside a hoop, and each hoop must contain at least three kids. Children will have to cooperate — and hold onto each other — to fit inside a hoop.
In this game, kids spread out in an open space, each standing with his or her feet together. One child is given a ball. Then this child passes the ball to someone else, and immediately sits down. The second child repeats the exercise, until all kids are seated.
The catch? The object of the game is to get everyone seated as quickly as possible, and the ball must never touch the ground, so kids need to toss the ball with care. Moreover, when deciding where to pass the ball next, they need to consider how difficult it will be for other kids on subsequent turns: If kids pass the ball in a pattern that leaves some children “stranded” at a distance — making it harder to toss the ball without dropping it — the whole team will lose. So kids will likely want to discuss tactics.
What are the effects of these and other games?
The most obvious benefit is that they encourage kids to act, well…nicer. In one study, researchers found that playing games like “Islands” and “Timeball,” over a period of 12 weeks led to small but noticeable improvements in children’s prosocial behavior. They tended to show more kindness, helpfulness, and empathy (Street et al 2004).
But other research suggests this could be the tip of the iceberg. For example, studies show that successful experiences with cooperation encourage children to continue the trend: If you cooperate with me today, I’m more likely to cooperate with you tomorrow (Blake et al 2015; Keil et al 2017). So it seems likely that cooperative games could serve as a kind of “ally-making” tool between players.
And it also appears that certain types of cooperative games could help children develop their ability to persuade and convince others with well-reasoned arguments.
“Match animals to the right habitat”
In an experimental study of 5- and 7-year-olds, kids had to work in pairs on a sorting task. They had to match different animal species with an appropriate habit, and explain their decisions.
Half the kids were randomly assigned to a cooperative version of this game, where both players worked together as a team. The remaining children played the game competitively. And what happened? The kids who played the cooperative game offered more justification for their ideas. They were also more likely to produce arguments that considered both sides of the question (Domberg et al 2018).
You can read more about the study — and the benefits of cooperative games — in this Parenting Science article.
11. Cooperative construction
Another form of play that promotes cooperation is team construction. When kids create something together with blocks, they must communicate, negotiate, and coordinate. Do such social skills activities make a difference?
It makes sense intuitively, and there is scientific evidence that a specialized program of cooperative construction therapy — called “LEGO®-based therapy” — can help kids who need extra support to develop their social communication skills (Owens et al 2008).
In a recent review of published studies, researchers concluded that “LEGO®-based therapy” is a “promising treatment” for enhancing social interactions with kids on the ASD spectrum (Narzisi et al 2020). If you had a child with special needs, it’s worth asking your pediatrician about this form of therapy.
I haven’t found any rigorous experiments on the subject, but it makes sense that cooperative gardening could help kids hone social skills, and observational research supports the idea.
Kids tend to improve their social competence when they engage in community-based or school-based gardening (Ozer et al 2007; Block et al 2012; Gibbs et al 2013; Pollin and Retzlaff-Fürst 2021).
What sorts of things can children do in the garden? Take a cue from a recent study of cooperative gardening in 6th graders. The kids were assigned to groups, and each group was given the responsibility for tending a specific garden bed. In addition, kids were asked to identify different plants, document plant growth, conduct soil tests, and make observations of snails (Pollin and Retzlaff-Fürst 2021).
13. Story-based discussions about emotion
Here’s a social skills activity you can try just about anywhere: Read a story with emotional content, and have kids talk about it afterwards.
Why did the main character get angry? What kinds of things make you get angry? What do you do to cool off? When kids participate in group conversations about emotion, they reflect on their own experiences, and learn about individual differences in the way people react to the world. And that understanding may help kids develop their “mind-reading” abilities.
In one study, 7-year-old school children met twice a week to discuss an emotion featured in a brief story. Sometimes their teachers encouraged them to talk about recognizing the signs of a given emotion. In other sessions, the kids discussed what causes emotions, or shared ideas about how to handle negative emotions (“When I feel sad, I play video games,” or “I feel better when my mother hugs me”).
After two months, participants outperformed peers in a control group, showing significant improvements in their understanding of emotion. They also scored higher on tests of empathy and “theory of mind” — the ability to reason about other people’s thoughts and beliefs (Ornaghi et al 2014).
14. Classic charades for older kids and teens
We’ve already mentioned “Emotion Charades” for young children. The traditional or classic version of the game is also an excellent activity for honing social skills among older kids.
Consider why. In the traditional game, a player draws a slip of paper from a container and silently reads what is written there — a phrase that describes a situation (like “walking the dog”) or that names a famous book, film, song, or television show. Then, through pantomime, the player tries to convey this phrase to his or her unknowing team-mates.
What gestures are most likely to communicate the crucial information? To perform an effective pantomime, you need to be good at perspective-taking, or imagining what viewers need to see in order to guess the answer. You also have to stay focused on the rules, and refrain from talking.
And if you are one of the players who must guess the answer? Once again, mind-reading is important. In fact, there is evidence that watching charades switches our brains into “mind-reading mode. ”
During a study using fMRI scans, players observing gestures experienced enhanced activity in the temporo-parietal junction, a part of the brain associated with reflecting on the mental states of other people (Schippers et al 2009).
It seems, then, that charades encourages kids to think about other perspectives, and fine-tune their nonverbal communication skills.
15. Team athletics that feature training in good sportsmanship
Research suggests that team athletics can function as effective social skills activities — if adults model the right behavior, and actively teach kids to be good sports.
In one study, elementary school students who received explicit instruction in good sportsmanship showed greater leadership and conflict-resolution skills than did their control group peers (Sharpe et al 1995).
In another study, researchers found that adolescents displayed better social skills if their athletic coaches took a democratic approach to leadership, and offered lots of social support and positive feedback. When kids perceived the coach to be autocratic, they were less likely to report growth in social competence (de Albuquerque et al 2021).
And — in a variety of studies — researchers have found that players are more likely to stay motivated and positive if their coaches avoid authoritarian tactics, like intimidation, threats, and the manipulative use of rewards (e.g., Sevil-Serrano et al 2021).
So what’s a good way to ensure that kids learn the right lessons from team sports?
It sounds like adults need to allow kids to participate in decisions about a team’s goals. They also need to maintain a pleasant, emotionally supportive relationship with athletes, and motivate kids with positive comments about their successes. And it makes sense to actively instruct kids on the principles of good sportsmanship, including
- Being a good winner (not bragging; showing respect for the losing team)
- Being a good loser (congratulating the winner; not blaming others for a loss)
- Showing respect to other players and to the referee
- Showing encouragement and offering help to less skillful players
- Resolving conflicts without running to the teacher
During a game, we should give kids the chance to put these principles into action before we swoop in. And when the game is over, we should give kids feedback on their good sportsmanship.
These become increasingly important as kids get older, and they require more than empathy and good manners. They also require more than native “smarts.”
Studies indicate that most people — regardless of IQ — fall prey to “myside bias” — the tendency to evaluate neutral evidence in favor of one’s personal interests (Stanovich et al 2013).
But that doesn’t mean we can’t fight this tendency. People become less prone to myside bias as a function of the years they spend in higher education, even after controlling for age and cognitive ability (Toplak and Stanovich 2003). So it seems likely that kids will benefit if we expose them to diverse viewpoints, debate, and the tools of critical thinking.
One classic approach is to assign students to take turns advocating both sides of a given debate. Not only will kids practice perspective-taking, they will hone critical thinking skills. For more information, see my article about training kids to engage in formal, disciplined debate.
Researchers Geoff Kauffman and Anna Flanagan perceive a problem with many “consciousness-raising” social skills activities: They’re too preachy, and that tends to turn people off.
So Kauffman and Flanagan recommend a more subtle approach, one that embeds the social message in a fun, lighthearted game. To date, Flanagan has created two such games.
The first is a card game called the Resonym Awkward Moment Card Game, a party game that requires players to choose solutions to thorny social problems.
It has been tested on kids as young as 11 years old, and found to improve players’ perspective-taking skills. Compared to students in a control group, kids who played this game showed subsequent improvements in their ability to imagine another person’s perspective (Kaufman and Flanagan 2015).
They were also more likely to reject social biases, and imagine females pursuing careers in science. In addition, they showed more interest in confronting detrimental social stereotypes (Kaufman and Flanagan 2015).
The second game, called the Buffalo The Name Dropping Game, is intended for ages 14 and up.
Buffalo asks players to think of real or fictional examples of people who fit a random combination of descriptors (like tattooed grandparent, misunderstood vampire, or Asian descent comedian).
After playing this game, high school students showed increased motivation to recognize and check their social biases, agreeing more strongly with statements like “I attempt to act in non-prejudiced ways toward people from other social groups because it is personally important to me” (Kaufman and Flanagan 2015).
Both the Resonym Awkward Moment Card Game and Buffalo The Name Dropping Game are available from Amazon. If you purchase them through these links, a small portion of the proceeds will benefit this website.
For more information about boosting social competence, see my evidence-based tips for fostering friendships, teaching empathy, and encouraging kindness. In addition, check out my article about promoting preschool social skills, as well as my article about the potential benefits of playing prosocial video games.
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Weiss MJ and Harris SL. 2001. Teaching social skills to people with autism. Behav Modif. 25(5):785-802.
White SW. 2011. Social Skills Training for Children with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism. New York: The Guilford Press.
Portions of this article are adapted from an earlier work about social skills activities by the same author.
Image credits for “Social skills activities”:
image of children’s faces in a circle by Wavebreakmedia / istock
Image of preschoolers with musical instruments by Liderina / shutterstock
Content of “Social Skills Activities” last modified 9/2021
Social Skills Training | Outline:
Published on 11/23/2020 - 06:07 PM - Galina Nikolaevna Zakurdaeva
Purpose: Development of social skills in the process of participation in trainings by the Goldstein method for students of the Lakomka association.
•Studying the elements of students' communicative culture.
• Formation of communication skills, patience, ability to listen.
•Education of the ability to form the protective qualities of the individual: self-confidence, openness, tolerance. nine0003
Pre -viewing:
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Tracing for the development of social communication skills (according to the Goldstein method)
Slide 2
Purpose: Development of social skills in the process of participating in trainings according to the Goldstein method for students of the Lakomka association. Tasks: Studying the elements of the communicative culture of students. Formation of communication skills, patience, ability to listen. Education of the ability to form the protective qualities of the individual: self-confidence, openness, tolerance. nine0003
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“The ability to communicate is the ability to live!” Gadaev Alexey Veniaminovich
Slide 4
Exercise “Say your name”.
Slide 5
Exercise "Hello".
Slide 6
Slide 6
Active work for the lesson of each student Attentiveness to the person who is speaking Trust each other Inadmissibility of ridicule Do not take discussion outside the classroom The right of everyone to have their own opinion Rules
Slide 7
Why was Katya made another cake? What was her mistake when ordering? nine0003
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Simulation of situations
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Farewell. Reflection: What have I learned? Assignment: complete unfinished sentences -I found out that… -I was surprised that…. -I liked it….. -I was disappointed that… -The most difficult thing for me was…. -I learned….
Slide 12
Exercise "Applause"
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes
Methodical work "Development of communication skills through dialogical speech in the lessons of social orientation"
Summary of work experience...
Social skills development program "Socially important skills, or how to become independent." Developed by teachers-psychologists of the Kashirsk special general education school: Anishchenko N.P., Polyakova D.F.
The proposed materials are addressed, first of all, to practical psychologists, teachers, educators, everyone involved in the adaptation of students and young people to modern changing social conditions ....
Attestation task: "The project of conducting a training to develop communication skills and abilities"
This training program was presented during the performance of the attestation task for the highest category. The training is designed to develop communicative...
Training program for the development of communication skills in adolescents with disabilities with mild and moderate mental retardation (intellectual impairments)
These guidelines present the program and content of the training, the purpose of which is to develop adolescents with disabilities with mild and moderate mental retardation (intelligence ...
Trainings on the development of social communication skills according to the Goldstein method.
Training as a form of education is becoming more and more popular day by day. Personal growth trainings, business trainings, relationship trainings and even children's trainings - all kinds of...
Mini-training for the development of teenage communication skills
Duration 1 hour 30 minutes. The mini-training contains a complete description of all the exercises, and in the conclusion there are questions for discussion of the training, reflective exercises. ...
Training for the development of communication skills "My first impression"
Author's training session designed for older teenagers and young adults. The training session is aimed at developing communication skills in teenagers and young men. The main task of the training...
GCD-Development of social skills through cognitive-play activities | Plan-summary of the lesson (senior group) on the topic:
GCD - Development of social skills through cognitive and gaming activities
Theme: “As friends, we share everything in half”
Purpose: To develop in children ethically valuable skills and ways of behavior in relation to other children and the development of social skills.
Tasks: Educational:
- enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers with synonyms, epithets;
- continue to work on emotions: joy, sadness, fear, surprise;
- to teach to express an emotional state with the help of facial expressions, gestures; nine0113
- to teach the ability to listen and hear others;
- To develop the child's social skills;
- lay the moral foundations of the individual in the process of forming ideas about friendship;
- develop the ability to understand and distinguish between positive and negative social emotions;
- encourage children to speech activity;
- expand, activate the child's vocabulary;
- education of friendliness, empathy, friendly attitude towards each other;
- to bring up the desire in children to play together, together;
- cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers.
Preliminary work:
- conversation with children about friendship and attitude towards each other;
- reading fiction about friendship;
- learning poems and songs;
- making a presentation about friendship;
- Politable
- County
- Stupid
- Rude
- Capriy
- reliable
- EVICE 0113
- Do not quarrel
- to concede
- do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you offended a friend
- to be polite
- not greedy
- 3
- 2 to be honest
- 2 to be honest
- 20002 Analysis of the lesson: Educator: How many difficult tasks we completed. What have you learned? What task did you find difficult? What else do you want to know?
Now you know a lot about friendship.
Learn more
Educator: - Hello guys!
Children: - Hello.
Educate-Children say hello to the guests.
Children: Hello.
Everyone stand in a circle. Let's say hello.
All the children gathered in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together
And let's smile at each other!
(Hold hands and looked at each other with a smile).
I propose to learn the motto and always remember it throughout the lesson
“As friends should, we divide everything in half”
Brings up: The children were in a hurry to visit us - the sun, look (but it is sad, let's play the game “Name a polite word” with it, let the sun rejoice. Give a smile to the sun Rule: children pass the sun to each other and say a polite word. , Sorry, Excuse me, Bless you)
/ The sun began to smile.
The sun whispered in my ear that you are so friendly, that you all have friends, but he does not.
He asks us to help him and collect a friend for him. Are you willing to help him?
To do this, you need to complete tasks. For the correct answers, I will give you the rays of the sun, by answering all the questions, you will collect it entirely. Do you agree? Then go.
But before you start doing the task, the sun has prepared a SURPRISE for you..
He lies in a basket and the sun will give him to you when you collect a friend for him.
1 task:
PASS A HEART in a circle
For this task, children will receive 1 ray from the sun.
“Nazi a friend affectionately by name”
Sit on chairs in a semicircular.
Task 2:
“Qualities of a true friend”
Let's see if you know what qualities a real friend should have.
I will name the qualities, and you listen, think over and answer:
Do you understand? Listen carefully!
(receive 2 rays from the sun)
3 task:
For this task, children will receive 3 rays from the sun.
"Name a compliment"
-What beautiful eyes you have.
- What a beautiful dress
- You look very pretty today.
Fizminutka “Teremok”
In the clearing of the teremok, | (Palms folded “house”) |
The door is locked | (Close your fingers into the lock). |
from the pipe is a smoke | (alternately make rings from all fingers) |
Around the tower fence | (hands in front of them, wire fingers). |
To keep the thief out | (Click each finger in turn) |
Open! | (Punch on the palm with a fist) |
I am your friend! | (Spread arms wide apart). |
4 task
Didactic game "Good or bad"
4 ray for the sun you get
I show pictures.
5 task
“Name fairy friends”
Presentation with characters from fairy tales and cartoons.
(get 5 ray)
6 task
“Name your animal friends”
Children's stories.
(get 6 points)
Show pictures of pets.
I see you are smiling, it means you like these friends.
Let's smile at each other.
Bring up: - Guys, We have collected all the rays, it turned out the sun is a friend.
What qualities do you guys think a friend should have?........
You endowed our sun with very important qualities. Now he can become a real friend.
Friendship also has certain rules.
Listen carefully and memorize them.