Alphabets for kids with pictures
Kids Alphabet - Bilder und Stockfotos
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süße vektor cartoon baby tiere alphabet auf weißem hintergrund. vektor-illustration für kinderbildung, sprachstudium. kinder muster mit tieren und buchstaben. - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleSüße Vektor Cartoon Baby Tiere Alphabet auf weißem Hintergrund....
weibliche logopädin, die die probleme und hindernisse des kindes heilt. kleiner junge lernt brief o mit privatlehrer - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderWeibliche Logopädin, die Die Probleme und Hindernisse des Kindes. ..
Weibliche Logopädin, die die Probleme und Hindernisse des Kindes heilt. Kleiner Junge lernt den Buchstaben O mit privatem Englischlehrer während des Unterrichts im Büro
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vektorabbildung der alphabet-karte a-z groß- oder kleinbuchstaben für anfänger abc - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorabbildung der Alphabet-Karte A-Z Groß- oder...
Vektorillustration der Alphabetkarteikarte A-Z Groß- oder Kleinbuchstaben für Anfänger ABC
helles kinderalphabet mit niedlichen tieren zur bildung und einer manuellen schriftart. vektorposter mit englischen buchstaben des alphabets auf weißem grund im flachen stil - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleHelles Kinderalphabet mit niedlichen Tieren zur Bildung und.
Helles Kinderalphabet mit niedlichen Tieren zur Bildung und einer manuellen Schriftart. Vektorposter mit englischen Buchstaben des Alphabets auf weißem Hintergrund im flachen Stil.
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Porträt eines entzückenden kleinen Jungen, der mit bunten Spielzeugbuchstaben spielt
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Buchstabe F, Frosch, süße Kinder bunte Tiere ABC-Alphabet. ...
Buchstabe F, Großbuchstaben, Babyfrosch mit rosa Blume, niedliche Kinder bunte Tiere und ABC-Alphabet. Aquarell handgezeichnete Illustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund. Kann für Alphabet oder Karten für Kinder verwendet werden, die englische Vokabeln und Handschrift lernen.
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Vector lustige Comics Schriftart. Handgezeichnete Großbuchstaben bunte Cartoon englisches Alphabet mit Großbuchstaben
vorschullehrerin hilft studenten mit alphabet - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderVorschullehrerin hilft Studenten mit alphabet
Die fröhliche Vorschullehrerin im mittleren Erwachsenenalter hält einen Buchstaben "B", während sie mit einer Schülerin arbeitet. Das Mädchen arbeitet auch an einem Arbeitsblatt.
Lustige Wald Alphabet für Kinder
Lustiges Waldalphabet für Kinder. Vektor-Illustration
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kreativ mit hohem detailgrad comic-schrift. alphabet im stil der comics. buchstaben für die dekoration von kinder illustrationen, comics und banner. einfach zu bedienen für werke. - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleKreativ mit hohem Detailgrad Comic-Schrift. Alphabet im Stil der...
vektorabbildung der alphabet-karte a-z groß- oder kleinbuchstaben für anfänger abc - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleVektorabbildung der Alphabet-Karte A-Z Groß- oder...
Vektorillustration der Alphabetkarteikarte A-Z Groß- oder Kleinbuchstaben für Anfänger ABC
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Viele Hände halten einen roten deutschen Danke, was Danke bedeutet, isoliert
3d alphabet blöcke blöcke spielzeug baby schriftart in leuchtenden farben - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole3D Alphabet Blöcke Blöcke Spielzeug Baby Schriftart in. ..
3D-Alphabetblöcke, Spielzeugbabyblöcke mit Buchstaben in hellen Farben können als Schriftart verwendet werden.
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Kind spielt mit Spielblöcken auf Teppich.
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Kinder, die an Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie leiden, haben Schwierigkeiten, ein Buch zu lesen. Gestresstes Mädchen, das harte Hausaufgaben macht. Legasthenie-Störungskonzept. Vektorillustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund.
Alphabet & zahlen Monster Comic-Figuren
Lustiges Alphabet (oberes) & Zahlenzeichen im flachen Cartoon-Stil
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Aufnahme eines unkenntlichen Jungen, der in der Schule in einem Buch schreibt
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mann hält seine hand in der nähe von ohr und hört aufmerksam alphabet buchstaben fliegen - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderMann hält seine Hand in der Nähe von Ohr und hört aufmerksam. ..
Der Mann hält seine Hand in der Nähe des Ohres und hört sorgfältig Buchstaben des Alphabets zu, die isoliert auf grauem Wandhintergrund einfliegen
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Bildung des Kindes
kleinkind junge hände halten r buchstaben. bunte buchstaben auf hellblauem tischhintergrund. pastellfarben. zeit, das englische alphabet zu lernen. standpunkt aufgenommen. closeup. ansicht von oben nach unten. - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderKleinkind Junge Hände halten R Buchstaben. Bunte Buchstaben auf...
Kleinkind Junge Hände halten R-Buchstabe. Bunte Buchstaben auf hellblauem Tischhintergrund. Pastellfarbe. Zeit, das englische Alphabet zu lernen. Blickwinkelaufnahme. Closeup. Draufsicht nach unten.
Logopädin bei der Arbeit mit einem kleinen schwarzen Mädchen
Attraktive junge afroamerikanische Logopädin, die mit einem kleinen schwarzen Mädchen arbeitet, am Tisch mit bunten Buchstaben sitzt, Aussprache lernt, Klinikinterieur. Sprachstörungen bei Kindern
kinder lernen buchstaben des alphabets und lesen - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderKinder lernen Buchstaben des Alphabets und lesen
Glückliches Vorschulkind, das Lesen und Schreiben lernt und mit bunten Buchstaben des römischen Alphabets spielt. Pädagogisches ABC-Spielzeug und Bücher für Kinder. Schüler bei den Hausaufgaben. Kinderlesung im Kindergarten.
niedliche kleine mädchen in abgespeckte t-shirt schreien heraus alphabet buchstaben. logopädische praxis konzept auf weißem hintergrund. - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderNiedliche kleine Mädchen in abgespeckte T-shirt schreien heraus. ..
Einzelnen Grundschulbildung. Lehrer und Schüler in der Lesung...
Die attraktive Lehrerin bringt dem Jungen im Vorschulalter das Lesen bei. Die Frau hält die Karten mit den Buchstaben in der Hand und der Junge versucht, sie zu lesen
asiatisches kleines mädchen lernt englische buchstaben. - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderAsiatisches kleines Mädchen lernt englische Buchstaben.
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Muster mit bunten handgezeichneten Vektorbuchstaben
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ABC, Zahlen, Poster mit Schriftzug Pyjama Party Kollektion von Kinderzimmerpostern mit niedlichen und lustigen Elementen, Tieren, Objekten. Vektorillustration auf Weiß isoliert, ideal für Kinder.
Babys mit Bausteinen
schrift von hand gezeichneten comic stil. vektor-alphabet - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleSchrift von Hand gezeichneten Comic Stil. Vektor-alphabet
overhead-ansicht des kinderlernalphabets - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderOverhead-Ansicht des Kinderlernalphabets
Overhead-Ansicht des Kindes, das das Alphabet zu Hause mit Mutter, schwarzer Mutter und Tochter lernt
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Der asiatische Lehrer für mittlere Erwachsene verwendet Lernkarten, während er mit einer Schülerin arbeitet.
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Buchstabe M und Monstertruck. Kinder ABC Poster mit Transport. Monstertruck für Kinder, die englische Vokabeln lernen
Schule Junge schreiben nah. Bleistift in Kinder Hand.
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kleines kind spielt mit karten von wörtern und bildern. - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderKleines Kind spielt mit Karten von Wörtern und Bildern.
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Kinder, die bunte Bücher lesen, "Back to School" Vektorhintergrund mit diversen Schulkindern
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Handgezeichnetes Alphabet mit niedlichen Monstern. Buchstaben A bis Z plus Zahlen. Vektor-Illustration
Kinder Schriftart in der Mbe-Stil. Bunte Kinder-Typografie....
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Kind mit Autismus entscheidet, wo der beste Ort ist, um seinen Block zu setzen. Soll er es höher bauen?
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Kreative originelle Buchstaben, Zahlen und Symbole
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dekoration-alphabet mit bunten design - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleDekoration-Alphabet mit bunten design
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Kleines Mädchen, das am Online-Schulunterricht auf einem Laptop teilnimmt
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Chromatische Aquarellbuchstaben und -ziffern. Vektoralphabet isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund
blonder Junge liest ein magisches Geschichtenbuch
kinder schriftart im cartoon-stil "kindheit." - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleKinder Schriftart im Cartoon-Stil "Kindheit."
lernprozess - kids alphabet stock-fotos und bilderLernprozess
süßes kleines Mädchen, das mit Buchstaben spielt
comic balloon schriftart aus. bunte buchstaben mit dunkler unterseite gegen blendung - kids alphabet stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symboleComic balloon Schriftart aus. Bunte Buchstaben mit dunkler...
von 100116.785 Alphabet Kids Stock Photos and Images
The child learns numbers at the table. selective focus. kid.PREMIUM
Kids learn to read. colorful abc phonics flash cards for kindergarten and preschool children. remote learning and homeschooling for young kid. child reading sounds and letters. english lesson.PREMIUM
Vector space alphabet for kids. vector illustration of alphabet graphics for kids with outer space theme. space kids, alphabet for children.PREMIUM
Kids learn to read. colorful abc phonics flash cards for kindergarten and preschool children. remote learning and homeschooling for young kid. child reading sounds and letters. english lesson.PREMIUM
Decorative kids abc in funny dino style. creative alphabet isolated. vector illustrationPREMIUM
Colorful number vector for kids. vector illustration of number graphics for kids with outer space theme. space kids, 123, number for children.PREMIUM
Educational worksheet for children learning the english alphabet. handwriting and crossword puzzle game for memorizing words. letter aPREMIUM
Boy does his homework at home. a happy child at the table with school supplies smiles funny and learns the alphabet in a playful way.positive student in a bright room with painted letters in his handsPREMIUM
Baby says, the concept of problems with dyslexia and dysgraphia. a child learns to speak, a boy on a black background, a letter a on the rightPREMIUM
Child learning letters and numbers. kid with colorful wooden abc blocks. little boy spelling words with educational block toys. kids doing school homework at white desk. bedroom for preschool childrenPREMIUM
Kids learn to read. colorful abc phonics flash cards for kindergarten and preschool children. remote learning and homeschooling for young kid. child reading sounds and letters. english lesson.PREMIUM
School cyrillic font for kids. pencil crayon colorful alphabet. cartoon letters and numbers. handwritten, scribble. vectorPREMIUM
Cartoon candy kids vector font. rainbow funny alphabet for childrens educationPREMIUM
Concept of multi colored numbersPREMIUM
Alphabet letter p-plane exercise with cartoon vocabulary illustration, vectorPREMIUM
Cute kids study alphabet number vector illustrationPREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
Latin alphabet in cartoon style. hand draw alphabet with stripe and polka dot style. cute colorful english alphabet, funny hand drawn typeface.PREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
Chalkboard with childish drawings, kids toys, balls, teddy bear, cars, books, cubes and blocks for kindergarten. composition of nursery items. flat cartoon vector illustration isolated on white.PREMIUM
Child learning letters and numbers. kid with colorful wooden abc blocks. little boy spelling words with educational block toys. kids doing school homework at white desk. bedroom for preschool childrenPREMIUM
Kids learning material. worksheet for learning alphabet. letter n.PREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
Baby says, the concept of problems with dyslexia and dysgraphia. a child learns to speak, a boy on a black background, a cloud of chaotic letters on the rightPREMIUM
Wooden textured bold font alphabet d, d for deerPREMIUM
Concept of multi colored numbersPREMIUM
Alphabet letter g-giraffe exercise with cartoon vocabulary illustration, vectorPREMIUM
Concept of multi colored numbersPREMIUM
Happy kids studying and learningPREMIUM
Comics cyrillic font for kids. cartoon colorful alphabet. funny letters and numbers. vectorPREMIUM
Happy kids studying and learningPREMIUM
Concept of multi colored numbersPREMIUM
Concept design for children educationPREMIUM
Kids learning material. worksheet for learning alphabet. letter k.PREMIUM
Look at the picture and write the missing letter. educational game for kids.PREMIUM
Concept of multi colored numbersPREMIUM
Vector cute kids animal alphabet. letter k. set of cute cartoon illustrations. coloring page.PREMIUM
Kids learning material. worksheet for learning alphabet. letter k. black and white.PREMIUM
Kids learn to read. colorful abc phonics flash cards for kindergarten and preschool children. remote learning and homeschooling for young kid. child reading sounds and letters. english lesson.PREMIUM
Vector funny dino alphabet and numbersPREMIUM
Child learning letters and numbers. kid with colorful wooden abc blocks. little boy spelling words with educational block toys. kids doing school homework at white desk. bedroom for preschool childrenPREMIUM
Cute vector zoo alphabet poster with cartoon animals. set of kids abc elements in scandinavian style.PREMIUM
Child learning letters and numbers. kid with colorful wooden abc blocks. little boy spelling words with educational block toys. kids doing school homework at white desk. bedroom for preschool childrenPREMIUM
Kids toys wooden cubs with numbers on white background. developing wooden blocks. natural, eco-friendly toys for children. top view. flat lay. copy space.PREMIUM
Child learning letters and numbers. kid with colorful wooden abc blocks. little boy spelling words with educational block toys. kids doing school homework at white desk. bedroom for preschool childrenPREMIUM
Baby says, the concept of problems with dyslexia and dysgraphia. a child learns to speak, a boy on a black background, a cloud of chaotic letters on the rightPREMIUM
Set of kid toys on a white shelfPREMIUM
Abc poster with cute doodle characters for kids, hand drawn vector cartoon illustrationPREMIUM
Kids letters and numbers set. cartoon bold style alphabet. childish font for events, promotions, banner, monogram and poster. vector typography design.PREMIUM
Kids learn to read. colorful abc phonics flash cards for kindergarten and preschool children. remote learning and homeschooling for young kid. child reading sounds and letters. english lesson.PREMIUM
Alphabet letter k-kite exercise with cartoon vocabulary illustration, vectorPREMIUM
Happy kids studying and learningPREMIUM
Funny dino alphabet and numbers. capital letters in the style of dinosaurs. vector illustration for children.PREMIUM
Black and white alphabet. hand drawn outline abc.PREMIUM
Alphabet for kids in the cartoon style. children's font with colorful letters. vector illustration.PREMIUM
Look at the picture and write the missing letter. educational game for kids.PREMIUM
Child care. mom with stroller. electro nanny. child first steps. baby food. playground. vector solid icons. simple pictogramPREMIUM
The child learns english letters. selective focus. kid.PREMIUM
Alphabet for kids concept. english letters in disorder on blue background top view.PREMIUM
Coloring and tracing page with letter p and cute cartoon penguin.PREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
Educational worksheet for children learning the english alphabet. handwriting and crossword puzzle game for memorizing words. letter ePREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
Letter k.cute children's alphabet with adorable animals and other things.poster for kids learning english vocabulary.cartoon vector illustration.PREMIUM
Set of children doing activities with action verbs illustrationPREMIUM
Kindergarten pattern with cute children and toys. kids drawing style illustration.PREMIUM
Colorful stylized kids alphabet designPREMIUM
Kids toys wooden cubs with letters and numbers on white background. frame from developing wooden blocks. natural, eco-friendly toys for children. top view. flat lay. copy space.PREMIUM
English alphabet with cartoon cute children illustrations. kids learning material. letter b. illustrations bee, bed, beaver, barn, broccoli, ball.PREMIUM
Set of cartoon monster numbersPREMIUM
Frame from colorful different shapes wooden blocks on white background. natural, eco-friendly toys for children. creative, logical thinking concept. flat lay. copt space.PREMIUM
Vector illustration of cartoon kindergarten - toys for children, books, furniture for preschool, infant school. teddy bear, ball with other elements for teaching and learning kids.PREMIUM
Happy cute little kid study alphabet characterPREMIUM
Decorative kids alphabet. creative abc isolated. vector illustrationPREMIUM
Alphabet letter f - frog exercise with cartoon vocabulary illustration, vectorPREMIUM
Dino alphabet. bright colorful set with hand drawn cartoon cute dinosaurs and letters compositions for children and as education resources. vector illustrationPREMIUM
Kids learning material. worksheet for learning alphabet. letter d.PREMIUM
A child studying englishPREMIUM
Educational worksheet for children learning the english alphabet. handwriting and crossword puzzle game for memorizing words. letter kPREMIUM
Word spelling game template and coloring book. educational mini game, puzzle for preschool kids game for children. cartoon vector illustration.PREMIUM
Cute animals alphabet letter a for ant alpaca aardvark armadilloPREMIUM
Educational worksheet for children learning the english alphabet. handwriting and crossword puzzle game for memorizing words. letter xPREMIUM
Kids play number vector illustrationPREMIUM
Animals abc. full animals alphabet. set of funny hand drawn wild animals. great for your design ideas, cards, posters and kids room decoration.PREMIUM
Kids learning material. worksheet for learning alphabet. letter y. black and white.PREMIUM
English alphabet with cute animals vector illustrations set. isolated capital letters with related scandinavian style birds, mammals, fruits. childish font for kids abc book symbols pack.PREMIUM
Vector illustration with funny phrases. hand drawn inspirational quotes about dogs. lettering for poster, t-shirt, card, invitation, sticker.PREMIUM
Educational worksheet for children learning the english alphabet. handwriting and crossword puzzle game for memorizing words. letter vPREMIUM
Easy word search crossword puzzle 'on the farm', for children in elementary and middle school. fun way to practice language comprehension and expand vocabulary. includes answers. vector illustration.PREMIUM
Alphabet flashcard letter with cute cartoon bunniePREMIUM
Comics modern alphabet, original rounded font, trendy letters from a to z and numbers from to 9.PREMIUM
Concept of multi colored numbersPREMIUM
Three giraffes learning alphabet hold letters abc portaitsPREMIUM
Girl of primary school age practices correct pronunciation with female speech therapist. child learns alphabet and performs exercises to correct language deficiencies. children speech therapy concept.PREMIUM
Cyrillic colorful font for kids. festive glance letters and numbers. for birthday, advertising. vectorPREMIUM
Educational game for children. word maze activity. learning vocabulary animals theme for toddlersPREMIUM
Trace words. handwriting practice for preschool kids. cute autumn elements.PREMIUM
D is for dog. tracing english alphabet worksheet.PREMIUM
Baby says, the concept of problems with dyslexia and dysgraphia. a child learns to speak, a boy on a black background, a cloud of chaotic letters on the rightPREMIUM
Alphabet for children with and without pictures, cards with letters
Alphabet for children with and without pictures, cards with letterspregnancy
This page contains ready-made files with the Russian alphabet, which you can download absolutely free of charge or print on a printer. We have prepared several variants of alphabets, as well as cards with letters of the Russian alphabet. nine0003
All files shown here can be easily printed on A4 paper. Any alphabet can be printed on a color or black and white printer.
We strived to create simple and understandable materials that would not be overloaded with superfluous images or unnecessary design elements. We will be very grateful if you tell your friends about this page.
All materials prepared specifically for the Khvatalkin site. The placement of images and files presented on this page on other sites is strictly prohibited. nine0003
Alphabet with pictures
Our alphabet with pictures can be printed on both color and black and white printers. When printing on a black and white printer, pictures are perfectly recognized.
We have tried to choose images that will be clear to the child. Perhaps only b, s and b will raise questions. One way or another, just in case, check out the full list of words (images):
- Watermelon
- Banana
- Bicycle
- Pear
- Tree
- Blacksmith
- Giraffe
- Umbrella
- needle
- Yogurt 9000
- Lantern
- Bread
- Flower
- Teapot
- Scarf
- Brush
- entrance
- 5 cheese 9005 goose0005 Excavator
- Yula
- Apple
Educational video - Alphabet in pictures
Perfect for preschool and primary school children.
Sheet size: A4.
Suitable for printing on a black and white printer.
Download PDF
Download PNG
With pictures (uppercase and lowercase)
Uppercase and lowercase letters.
Sheet size: A4.
Suitable for printing on a black and white printer.
Download PDF
Download PNG
With pictures (grid)
Variant of the alphabet with pictures and grid. You can print on a printer and cut out each letter separately, you get small cards.
Sheet size: A4.
Suitable for printing on a black and white printer.
Download PDF
Download PNG
Alphabet cards
Alphabet without pictures
Learn the alphabet
We also have a free service for learning the alphabet in pictures online.
- Pregnancy: myths and reality
- Child safety on the street
- Pumpkin house
- Why do crocodiles cry?
- Headband with roses
- Educational games and activities with a child from 1 year old
- Steamboat
- Why don't trees fall? nine0006
- Why the giraffe has such a long neck
- Reverse decoupage plate
Alphabet for kids: cartoons and pictures
Learning to read always starts with the alphabet. And since parents initially teach the alphabet with children, the question arises of how to do this correctly. Indeed, with the wrong choice of methodology, a real “porridge” of letters and sounds can form in the child’s head. Developing cartoons, video tutorials and pictures will help parents choose the right teaching method. nine0003
- When can I learn the alphabet?
- Developing cartoons
- 1. Dyzyaka Mizaaka
- 2. Termok TV
- 3. Cartoon “Sounds”
- 4.
Cartoon “Animals: Learn Sounds and Letters”
- Pictures for kids
When can I study the alphabet?
You can start learning the alphabet with your baby as early as a year and a half, although the latest methods advise hanging the alphabet in pictures around the room in the child's field of vision already from a few months. nine0003
This does not mean that the baby will start reading or writing early, but he will visually remember the letters, and later it will be easier for him to master the Russian alphabet. Some children already at the age of two show excellent results, folding letters into syllables.
The only condition: when memorizing the names of letters, name sounds, not letters. For example, say "s" to your child, not "es"; " b", and not "be", etc. Then, when learning to read, it will be easier for the baby to combine sounds into syllables. nine0003
Educational cartoons
Educational cartoons are the best way to familiarize your child with the alphabet. You can watch them online on our website.
Let's take a look at some interesting cartoons that your kids will surely enjoy.
1. Dizyaka mizyaka
This is the name of a series of cartoons released by one studio. These educational cartoons are aimed at learning the alphabet in the form of a game. One of the most interesting is the cartoon "The Speaking Alphabet". It can be viewed online on our website. Each letter in the cartoon is presented in some way: a sound is usually associated with it. For example, the letter "t" jumps like a hammer, and in the letter "and" we recognize a cheerful horse. At the same time, the sounds are repeated several times so that the baby can remember them not only visually and associatively, but also by ear. nine0003
There are other cartoons and video lessons in the series "Dizyaka Mizyaka". On the basis of Zaitsev’s methodology, which allows children to study the Russian alphabet in the so-called warehouses, short educational cartoons “Dizyaka Mizyak” were created, each of which is dedicated to a separate warehouse. The situation is played out in every possible way thanks to serial heroes: an excavator, an airship or a steamer, which deliver the letters to the place and make up warehouses for them. Also, the Dizyaka Mizyaka studio has in its archive video lessons for children of various ages, aimed not only at learning the alphabet, but also at getting a general idea of the world. nine0003
2.Teremok TV
This series offers many episodes with interesting cartoons for learning the alphabet. One of them is the cartoon song "Alphabet: alphabet for kids". As in the previous example, the cartoon is a video tutorial in pictures that can be watched online on our website. Each letter corresponds to a word that begins with it, and a picture illustrating the word. All this is accompanied by an interesting song.
The Teremok TV studio has many other interesting cartoons for studying flowers, animals, plants, etc. nine0003
3. Cartoon "Sounds"
A cartoon called "Sounds" will be very useful for kids, representing the Russian alphabet in its sound. This cartoon can be watched online on our website. It plays with the letters of the alphabet, and the voice-over calls out the sounds they represent.
Even babies can put on a cartoon: let them absorb the information. By time, developing cartoons are small, but they carry the maximum semantic load.
4. Cartoon "Animals: learning sounds and letters"
If the kid has already begun his acquaintance with the world of animals, it can be successfully supplemented with the study of sounds and letters. On our site you can easily find the cartoon "Animals: learn sounds and letters." Each letter corresponds to an animal whose name begins with that letter. The Animals: Learn Sounds and Letters cartoon illustrates each animal and presents the spelling of each letter in vibrant colors.
With this colorful audio guide, your little one will master the alphabet in no time, without having to force him or waste time persuading him. nine0003
Pictures for babies
Pictures can be an excellent aid in learning the alphabet. They are easy to download and print from our website. Cards with letters can be hung around the house where the child is most often, or set aside 10-15 minutes every day to review them. Before you print pictures with letters, decide in what form you will use them. The Russian alphabet can be glued onto cardboard so that they do not wrinkle. For older children, you can print the alphabet on one sheet so that they can see the order of the letters in the alphabet. nine0003 Table with cards of the Russian alphabet.Russian alphabet in pictures for children.Colorful alphabet for kids.Black and white Russian alphabet for coloring.
Cards with letters of the Russian alphabet.