Baby in a sentence
Examples of "Baby" in a Sentence
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of
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Words near baby in the Dictionary
- babouvist
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- baby-beef
- baby-bell
English example sentences with "baby"
This baby penguin is too cute!
He's sleeping like a baby.
On May 18, a young Japanese couple was arrested after their one-year-old baby was found wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in a gutter.
The company recalled all the baby food made in July.
Hum baby to sleep.
Some hospitals hand out free samples of baby milk.
Left alone, the baby began to cry.
Left to itself, the baby cried itself to sleep.
The baby in the cradle is very pretty.
Look at the baby sleeping in the cradle.
Look at the cute little baby sleeping in the cradle.
We are going to have a baby.
Mary is going to have a baby next month.
Milk nourishes a baby.
Mick named the baby Richard.
The baby doesn't walk yet.
What a cute baby! May I hold her?
The babysitter tried to sing the baby to sleep.
Look at a baby sleeping in the bed.
What a cute baby! Peek-a-boo!
At last, the baby fell asleep.
A teenager sometimes acts like a baby.
My mother will attend to the baby while I go to the dance.
For him, that will be like taking candy from a baby.
I wish you wouldn't drive so fast. You're making the baby sick!
Look at the sleeping baby.
The mother used her own milk to nourish the baby.
The mother laid her baby on the bed softly.
The noise will wake the baby up.
The sole survivor of the crash was a baby.
The twins looked after the baby.
I saw the baby carried out of the burning house.
The baby soon fell asleep in the cradle.
The baby fell asleep in the cradle.
The baby takes after his mother.
The baby was the very image of his mother.
Is the baby able to walk?
The baby is able to walk.
It was not until the baby was fed that he stopped crying.
Who does the baby take after?
The baby weighed seven pounds at birth.
The baby showed a normal development.
The baby woke up in the middle of the night.
The baby transferred its affection to its new mother.
The baby is asleep.
The baby did nothing but cry.
The baby wept to sleep.
The baby kept crying all night.
The baby cried on and off all night.
The baby lay sleeping in the cradle.
The baby cried for milk.
The baby is crawling.
The baby often annoys the mother.
The baby will be able to walk soon.
The baby was fast asleep.
The baby was named Ichiro after his uncle.
The baby was sleeping all day long.
It fell to me to take care of the baby.
I did the washing while the baby was sleeping.
The baby can stand but can't walk.
The baby fell asleep.
The baby really takes after its father.
The baby cannot even walk, much less run.
The baby was named Alfred after his grandfather.
The baby is cutting his teeth.
The baby never kept still while I was taking his picture.
The baby did nothing but cry all last night.
The baby cried itself to sleep.
That baby does nothing but cry.
The baby has been crying for almost ten minutes.
The baby cannot walk yet.
The baby began to crawl.
The baby is called Tom.
The baby tried to get at the red candle on the table.
The baby seemed to be sleeping a sound sleep.
The baby is playing with some toys.
The baby was taken care of by its grandmother.
The woman pressed the baby to her.
The woman was asked to make allowance for the poor health of the baby.
The child played the baby to his mother.
The baby was named John after his uncle.
She was alone with her baby in the house.
The noise frightened the baby.
Was the baby crying then?
You will learn to love your baby.
Will you please put the baby to bed?
Steve, I heard you were the baby of the family.
John tried not to wake the sleeping baby.
Janet, tend to the baby, please.
Jim went into the room quietly lest he should wake the baby.
Keep an eye on the baby for a while.
A baby deer can stand as soon as it's born.
This is the cutest baby that I have ever seen.
The baby cannot use a spoon yet.
Is this baby a he or a she?
This baby is 3 weeks old.
Cathy is coming to see our baby tonight.
Mother bathed the baby.
The baby almost choked on a piece of candy.
Elmore James got nothin' on this, baby.
Well, I didn't buy them, but later someone brought three baby kittens to the Gorilla Foundation.
Games for kids at home: two dozen ideas for entertaining a capricious child
Word games
Word games are a universal way to pass the time. They do not need props and special training, and you can play them not only at home, but also on the way to kindergarten or school, in line at the store and in other situations when you need to quickly occupy and distract the child.
“Such games develop speech and thinking, fantasy and imagination in children. The richer and more correct the child's speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts and understand others, the wider his possibilities in understanding the world around him, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his personality develops. 0005
- emphasizes Anna Boyarintseva, candidate of pedagogical sciences, psychologist, leading researcher at the Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education.
At the request of Gazeta.Ru, the teacher shared several games for children of different ages.
"Flies - does not fly"
In this game, the lead adult asks the child to quickly name "flying" words when he says the word "flies", and then name other words when he says the word "does not fly". The host says: "Flies." The child calls: "Crow, plane, butterfly, mosquito, fly, rocket, dove," etc. Then the leader says: "Does not fly." The task of the child is to list everyone who belongs to this group, for example: “Bicycle, daisy, cup, dog, pencil, kitten”, etc.
"Edible - inedible"
The game is played by analogy with the previous one.
"Living - non-living"
An adult explains that we call all living objects "who", and non-living objects "what", and gives several examples, then proceeds to questions and answers. Example questions: what grows, who grows, who flies, what flies, who swims, what swims, who is the biggest, what is the biggest.
Extra Four
The facilitator says to the children: “I will name four words, one word does not fit here. You must listen carefully and name the fourth "extra" word. For example: matryoshka, tumbler, cup, doll; table, sofa, flower, chair; chamomile, hare, dandelion, cornflower; horse, bus, tram, trolleybus; wolf, crow, dog, fox; sparrow, crow, dove, chicken; apple, tree, carrot, cucumber. After each highlighted "extra" word, it is important to ask the child to explain the principle of grouping.
“Name it in one word”
The child is asked to summarize (name in one word) a group of objects. For example, we call birch, pine, oak, etc. "trees", carp, cod, pike - "fish", daffodil, rose, iris and tulip - garden flowers, etc.
"Search for an analogy"
An adult names a word (for example, a briefcase). And he asks the child to come up with as many “analogues” as possible, that is, other items similar to him in various essential features (bag, bag, backpack, etc.)
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Outdoor games
Teacher and family education expert Elena Valkova believes that the game must be in the life of a preschooler and older children.
“With the help of the game, you can work out fears, insecurity, shyness, and resolve conflict situations. But not only. With the help of the game, you can study any subject of the school curriculum, develop memory, emotional intelligence, and much more, ”says teacher Valkova.
The expert gave examples of several outdoor games for children aged 4-10. According to the teacher, such games perfectly develop information perception skills and reactions.
Mystery bag
, without taking out. Such "black bags" can be made from toys and objects, from vegetables and fruits.
Collecting floats
This game will require as many corks as possible (can be replaced with small rubber or plastic toys that do not sink) and water. The game can be played when the child is sitting in the bath or put a basin of water in the bath.
Throw corks into the water and say, "Let's see how many floats you/you can collect while I..." (e.g. sing a song, count to 20, do 5 squats). You can complicate the task and ask to collect the floats with a spoon in a bowl.
Parent is a fisherman. Children or a child are fish. The fisherman spins the rope around him on the floor. Fish or fish must jump when the rope approaches, not get caught on the hook, that is, do not step on the rope.
It's more fun to play if the leader says: “Fish, fish, I need fish. A full cauldron is needed to eat them for dinner."
One of the players holds his hands palms up (he will be the "beater"). The second player places their hands palm down on top of the first player's palms. The "beater" must very quickly pull his hands out from under the palms of the second player and touch the back of the opponent's hands before he pulls them back.
Neurogames for hyperactive children
“Neurogames help to influence brain structures through the body, develop memory, attention, teach children concentration and self-control. In some ways, they are similar to gymnastics, but often there is a plot and goals here, ”says Anna Chepik, founder and head of the Miracle School Umnitsa children's center.
The teacher shared four examples of neurogames for kids and schoolchildren.
"Repeat, or Robot"
In this game, the child must complete the tasks of an adult who offers to repeat the movements after him: "Right arm up, left leg forward, one squat" and so on. At first, the parent first shows the actions himself, and then waits for the child to repeat. Then you can complicate the task by simply listing the sequence of actions (without demonstration) that the child will repeat.
“Show me the way”
An adult is blindfolded, and the child must lead him from point A to point B, describing the way with the words: “Two steps forward, one step to the left, two steps to the right”, and so on. After the adult reaches the destination, the participants in the game change roles: now the child, with his eyes closed, will look for the way under the dictation of the mentor.
“Repeat the drawing”
In this game, the facilitator thinks of an animal, toy or other object and asks the child to draw it on a large sheet of paper, using prompts: “He has small eyes, a long and large mouth, sharp teeth, etc. etc."
An adult prepares several cards with images of different objects. For example, a ball, sun, drum, bicycle, etc. Each picture indicates an action that the child must perform. The ball is a jump, the sun is head up, the drum is clap, the bike is running in place.
To the music, the leader shows the cards to the child, and he tries to repeat the necessary actions in the correct sequence.
Games for the development of fine motor skills
“The development of fine motor skills — the movements of the small muscles of the hands — directly affects the coordination of movements, the development of intellect, thinking, memory,” explains Elena Mingova, teacher, founder of the Cosmo Kids kindergarten network.
According to the expert, the best games for the development of fine motor skills for younger preschoolers will be known to everyone "patties" 0013 "magpie - crow cooked porridge" with successive bending of the fingers.
The teacher offers to connect the child to household chores by inventing games with materials at hand.
“For example, the well-known Cinderella game , when the baby sorts out two or three types of cereals (separate buckwheat from rice and put it in different jars). This is certainly exciting, but with more pleasure and benefit, the child will help his mother simply sort out buckwheat , pulling out small stones and black unopened grains, ”the teacher emphasizes.
Mingova also suggests that preschoolers engage in stringing beads, winding knitting threads into a ball, sorting buttons by color or shape, laying out screws and nuts by size, or working with dough .
“These simple and useful activities perfectly develop fine motor skills, accustom the baby to help around the house and give the necessary feeling of the real benefit that a small person brings in the house,” the expert notes.
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Digital educational games
Alexander Fomichenko, a specialist in educational gamification at the Skysmart online school, is sure that not only traditional games, but also digital ones should be included in the life of a preschooler.
“You can already start playing digital games (video and mobile games) from the age of one and a half. The main thing is that at such an early age and up to 5 years old, it is important to consider three rules: the game must be age-appropriate, educational or developmental; when the child is playing, the parent should be there to help the child understand their emotions, discuss the experience of the game; playing time should be limited, ”Fomichenko lists. According to the expert, it is permissible to allocate up to an hour a day for digital media (TV, games, cartoons).
The specialist shared some games that he thinks can be useful for preschoolers and elementary school students.
Al Galaxy
The child explores the universe with helper characters, draws and learns English words in a playful way.
Toca Boca
This game does not teach anything specific, like in the El Galaxy, but helps the child develop imagination, logic, and also introduces him to various life situations - haircut, cooking, cleaning, etc. .
Sago Mini
This game is suitable for children up to 4 years old. There is no direct training in skills, but at this age this is not necessary. But excellent visual style, animation and intuitive control of the game world for the child.
Minecraft can be played from about 4-5 years old. The main blocking factor is the complexity of management. A mouse and keyboard or gamepad is much more difficult to master than a phone screen. But when the child learns, he will essentially get his hands on an endless constructor.
Minecraft develops imagination, logic, spatial thinking and wanderlust. And last but not least, Minecraft is well suited for teaching kids how to code.
Do masks affect children's speech? - Clinic "Family Doctor".
“ Child development is a very special process, which is determined not from below, but from above ”, such a definition was given by the domestic scientist L.S. Vygotsky. He revealed in it the important role of societies and parents in the development of children.
A child is not born complete, its final form of development is not given. The image of his social future continues to be formed in the process of interaction with other people, culture and society.
Parents for children are the first Society in which the child forms confidence that he will cope with any task. Therefore, every parent is endowed with a feeling of loving concern for the well-being of their baby, and this excitement makes mom and dad strive to be attentive and knowledgeable. They absorb information about the influence of the world on children with high concentration and speed in a huge volume and sometimes do not have time to digest it in order to separate myth from reality. At such moments, the most vulnerable audience of readers needs the support of experienced professionals who will help you simply understand the complex.
One of the latest "covid" fears of modern parents was the fear of a delay in speech development, which is caused by wearing masks. Many of them are already deeply convinced that masks "definitely" have a negative impact on the speech apparatus and speech habits of children. And our task is to find or refute the connection between wearing masks and the negative impact on the development of speech in children.
Of course, it is impossible to reassure parents with one article, but we believe that we will cope with this together if we can rely on the main factors affecting the development of speech and the first signs of a delay known to specialists.
We propose to answer the question "What must a child have in order for him to speak?"
Let's pay attention to what affects the development of a child's speech.
Speech is a form of communication, an activity that is unique to man. A person is prepared for such activities from birth:
1. At the physical layer
The general physical condition of the child affects the development of the nervous system, organs of hearing, vision, movement, and therefore provides for his needs to learn to hear and distinguish sounds, reproduce them and combine them, master words and put them into sentences, and then read and write .
2. At the social level
The development of the child is significantly influenced by his immediate environment and how it communicates with him. Traditions, natural features of the external environment and many other social conditions affect the activity of the child from birth and the formation of the image that the child will strive for in the future.
At this level, the child receives live sound information and examples of the intonation of the native language through songs (lullabies), ditty verses, sayings and jokes.
What is important to know about speech development?
To understand the development of any higher mental function, it is necessary to know that the child has a need for this and that it must be possible to satisfy this need, and at the time when this function (need) develops most successfully.
1. Communication is a need!
In order for a child to master speech, he must need communication.
2. Activity is an opportunity!
Sometimes activity is singled out as a separate factor of development due to the fact that the child's own activity is so important in mastering reality that it often determines the success of the development of both hereditary abilities and the development of social skills.
3. Everything must be on time!
For the development of each function, there are periods most favorable for its development (sensitive period). In particular, for the development of speech, such a period begins from the moment of birth, and in the period from 1 year to 3 years is considered the most active.
4. An adult should help!
Zone of Proximal Development. This is something that the child cannot do on his own, but feels the need to master. With regard to speech, such a period is the period of 0 to 1 year, in which there is a thorough preparation for various types of activity through the formation and satisfaction of the child's basic need - trust.
5. Stages and signs of normal speech development:
0-1 year. Getting ready!
In order for a child to master speech, he must need communication. He satisfies this need in the period from 0 to 1 year.
1 month. Smile
The need appears very early and its long-awaited sign by mothers is very familiar to all of us - this is the first smile! This truly human feature appears at about the age of 3 weeks to 1 month. And it is preceded by the fact that the baby has already learned auditory and visual concentration, which allows him to give his mother a smile and claim his rights to communication by the first month of birth.
3-6 months. Cooing
During this period, the baby makes sounds when revived from the sight of mom, dad, grandmother.
6-11 months Babble
The child makes repeated sounds, intonations, combinations of sounds. Sometimes you can hear a whole melody, which indicates the baby's ability to intonate, and therefore, in the future, to speak.
12 months Autonomous (situational) speech
Pronounces one or more words that sound similar. Understands 10 to 20 words spoken by adults.
It is noteworthy that at this age it becomes that adults always have difficulty translating words from infant to adult. The fact is that a small child puts a completely different meaning into the word than adults. Sometimes with one word a child can name a whole group of objects that emerge from one another.
A vivid example of this: a baby, having been burned with nettles for the first time, repeats the word “Pipa” after an adult, but then uses it in a situation when he experiences any similar pain or sees a similar mark (pimple) on his body.
1-3 years. The period of active development of speech!
By this age, the child is ready to expand his speech and communication capabilities, active speech is intensively developing. The main conquests of this period are irreplaceable:
- The passive vocabulary of the baby increases (the number of words that he understands will always be more than those that he can pronounce).
- Words acquire meaning (objective meaning), the primary ability to generalize objects appears.
- The vocabulary increases from 1500 to 2000 spoken words.
- By the end of the period, the child learns all the basic sounds of the language.
- The child is able to actively communicate not only with loved ones who understand him, but also with other people.
It becomes clear that the period from 0 to 1 year is important for the speech development of the child, and the period from 1 to 3 years is especially important. In order for the kids to be able to cope with the task of mastering speech, parents must not only provide important periods with everything necessary, but also know what deviations from the norm should be paid attention to in order to contact a specialist in a timely manner.
What is important for an adult to do for the successful development of speech?
1. Do not isolate the child from live communication - tactile, verbal, visual.
2. Do not show excessive understanding of "immature" words.
3. Timely expand the baby's social circle to support his need for communication.
4. Enrich the child's hearing with musical works, correct speech, expressive reading.
5. Show attention and observation for the timely formation of the ability to speak.
6. Timely undergo scheduled examinations of the child by specialists.
7. An optional examination by a pediatric neurologist at 1-2 months in order to timely assess the well-being of the baby for further development.
8. If you notice that the child appeared much later or did not appear at all characteristic manifestations of normal development (smile, reaction to sound, cooing, babble, first words, and also with an environment enriched by you, you observe the absence or absence of a baby by 1.5 years lack of vocabulary).
9. If there was an unexpected and long-lasting up to 2-3 weeks "pause" in speech activity. 10. In situations after illnesses, it is worth going through an examination by a doctor (neurologist) or getting advice from a speech specialist (speech therapist, neuropsychologist).
Does wearing a mask affect a child's speech development?
Now we can answer this question together, based on the patterns of speech development and the existing requirements for wearing masks.
Recall that
1. Speech develops in the period from 0 to 3 years in the process of live communication with parents, relatives and other people.
2. Delay in speech development with timely treatment and planned monitoring of the development of the child can be established much earlier than 5-6 years, which will allow corrective measures to be started on time and in many cases to compensate for the slowdown in development.
3. According to the recommendations for the use of medical masks, they are not required to be used by children under 5 years of age.