Basic maths lessons
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Our math lessons are designed to make math meaningful to the student. Each math lesson provides in-depth instruction ideal for learners of all ages and abilities. Read the terms and conditions for using our sample lessons below. Get our ad-free, complete math curriculum on our Math Goodies CD
Perimeter of Polygons, Area of Rectangles, Parallelograms, Triangles and Trapezoids. Both metric and English units are used in these math lessons.
Geometry, parts of a circle, radius, diameter, Pi, Circumference of Circles, and Area of Circles. Both metric and English units are used in these lessons.
These lessons on number theory include the following topics: Factors, Multiples, Prime and Composite Numbers, Divisibility, Exponents, and Patterns with Exponents. Connections to geometry and the real world.
Introduction, Classify Fractions, Equivalent Fractions, Simplify, Compare and Order. Convert Fractions to Mixed Numbers. Convert Mixed Numbers to Fractions. Math instruction is visual and conceptual.
Add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators, LCD, add and subtract mixed numbers, solve real-world problems. These lessons use both visual and conceptual approaches.
Multiply fractions with and without cancelling, multiply mixed numbers, reciprocals, divide fractions, divide mixed numbers, solving real-world problems. Instruction is visual and conceptual.
Introduction, Read and Write, Compare and Order Decimals. Estimate Decimal Sums and Differences. Add and Subtract, Solve Decimal Word Problems.
Estimate Decimal Products and Quotients. Multiply and Divide Decimals by Whole Numbers and by Decimals. Round Decimal Quotients, Solve Word Problems.
Meaning of Percent, Writing Fractions and Decimals as Percents, Writing Percents as Decimals and Fractions, Percents Less Than 1 or Greater Than 100.
Percent applications are presented, including Percentages and Proportions (IS over OF), Discount, Sale Price, Interest, Commission, Sales Tax, and Percent Change. Many connections to money in these lessons.
Integer properties and the number line. Absolute Value, Compare, Order, Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide. Mixed Review of Arithmetic Operations.
Experiments, Outcomes, Certain and Impossible Events, Sample Spaces, Complement, Mutually Exclusive Events, Addition Rules, Independent and Dependent Events, Conditional Probabilities.
Order of Operations with Whole Numbers, Integers and Exponents. PEMDAS, Writing Algebraic Expressions and Writing Algebraic Equations.
Step-by-step instruction on how to read, interpret and construct Line, Bar and Circle Graphs. Determine which graph is appropriate for a given set of data.
Data, Range, Mean, Non-Routine Mean Problems, Median, and Mode. Strategies presented for Working Backwards, Bimodal Data, and No Mode.
Negation, Conjunction and Disjunction. Conditional, Compound, and Biconditional Statements. Tautologies and Equivalence. Truth tables used in all lessons.
Basic definitions and notation, types of sets, equality, Venn diagrams, subsets, Universal set, set-builder notation, complement, intersection and union. Many visuals in these lessons.
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Elementary Math Lessons | Math Goodies
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Elementary math includes number theory, which is the study of whole numbers and relations between them. This unit includes in-depth instruction on factors, multiples, primes, composites, divisibility tests, and exponents. Try our elementary math lessons below, or browse other instructional units.
Elementary Math | Description |
Factors and GCF | To define factor and greatest common factor.![]() |
Multiples and LCM | To define multiple and least common multiple. To find multiples of whole numbers. To find the LCM of two or more whole numbers. |
Prime and Composite Numbers | To define primes and composites. To determine if a whole number is prime or composite by examining its factors. |
Divisibility Tests | To determine if larger whole numbers are prime or composite by using divisibility tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10. |
Exponents | To define exponent, base and power. To learn exponential notation.![]() |
Patterns and Exponents | To recognize patterns with exponents. To predict the next term in a sequence of numbers written in exponential form. |
Practice Exercises | To complete 10 additional exercises as practice with number theory. To assess students' understanding of all theory presented. |
Challenge Exercises | To solve 10 additional problems that challenge students' understanding of all theory presented. To hone students' problem-solving skills. |
Solutions | To review complete solutions to all exercises in this unit number theory unit.![]() |
Learning Objectives | Learn about factors, multiples, GCF, LCM, prime and composite numbers, divisibility, exponents, and patterns with exponents. |
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Mathematics from scratch. Step-by-step study of mathematics
“Mathematics from scratch. Step by Step Math for Beginners is a new project designed for people who want to learn math on their own from scratch.
Let's say right away that there are no easy solutions and statements like " Buy this book and pass math for 5" or " Master math for 12 hours " you will not see here. Mathematics is a big science that should be mastered consistently and very slowly. nine0005
The site is a math lesson, which is arranged according to the principle "from simple to complex". Each lesson covers one or more topics from mathematics. Lessons are broken down into steps. Start learning from the first step and then ascending.
Every lesson passed must be learned. Therefore, without understanding one lesson, you cannot move on to the next, since each lesson in mathematics is based on understanding the previous one. If you didn’t understand the lesson the first time, don’t be discouraged. Be aware that some people have taken months and years to understand just one single topic. Despair and despondency are definitely not your way. Read, study, try and try again. nine0005
Mathematics is well learned when a person opens a textbook on his own and teaches himself. At the same time, a certain discipline is developed, which is very helpful in the future. If you stick to the principle "from simple to complex", you will be surprised to find that mathematics is not so difficult. Perhaps even it will seem interesting and exciting to you.
What will the knowledge of mathematics give you? First, confidence. Not everyone knows mathematics, so knowing that you know at least some part of this serious science makes you special. Secondly, having mastered mathematics, you can easily master other sciences and be able to think much more broadly. Knowledge of mathematics allows you to master such professions as a programmer, accountant, economist. No one will argue that these professions are in great demand today. nine0005
In general, go for it friend!
We wish you good luck in learning mathematics!
- Step 1. Numbers
- Step 2: Basic Operations
- Step 3. Expressions
- Step 4. Substitutions in expressions
- Step 5 Beginner Shocks
- Step 6. Multiply
- Step 7. Division
- Step 8. Procedure
- Step 9. The laws of mathematics
- Step 10 Divisors and Multiples
- Step 11.
- Step 12. Fractions
- Step 13. Working with fractions
- Step 14 Mixed Numbers
- Step 15: Compare fractions
- Step 16 Units
- Step 17. Using Fractions
- Step 18. Decimals
- Step 19 Decimal Operations
- Step 20: Use decimals
- Step 21 Rounding Numbers
- Step 22. Periodic fractions
- Step 23: Unit Conversion
- Step 24 Relationships
- Step 25. Proportion
- Step 26. Distance, speed, time
- Step 27. Direct and inverse proportionality
- Step 28. Interest
- Step 29. Negative numbers
- Step 30 Modulo
- Step 31. What is a set?
- Step 32. Adding and Subtracting Integers
- Step 33. Multiplication and division of integers
- Step 34 Rational Numbers
- Step 35. Comparing rational numbers nine0031 Step 36: Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers
- Step 37.
Multiplying and dividing rational numbers
- Step 38: Learn more about fractions
- Step 39 Letter Expressions
- Step 40. Bracketing the common factor
- Step 41. Expanding brackets
- Step 42: Simple Math Problems
- Step 43. Problems with fractions
- Step 44 Interest Problems
- Step 45. Movement tasks
- Step 46 Performance
- Step 47. Statistics elements
- Step 48: Introduction to Equations
- Step 49: Solving Problems with Equations
- Step 50: Solving Problems with Proportions
- Step 51. Systems of linear equations
- Step 52: Inequality Overview
- Step 53. Systems of linear inequalities with one variable
- Step 54. Set Operations
- Step 55. Degree with natural indicator
- Step 56. Degree with integer exponent
- Step 57. Perimeter, area and volume
- Step 58. Monomials
- Step 59.
- Step 60: Reduced multiplication formulas
- Step 61. Factoring a polynomial
- Step 62. Division of polynomials
- Step 63. Identity transformations of polynomials
- Step 64. Square root
- Step 65. Square Root Algorithm
- Step 66 Quadratic Equation
- Step 67. Quadratic equation with even second coefficient
- Step 68. Vieta's theorem
- Step 69. Factoring the square trinomial
- Step 70. Generalized concept of the modulus of a number
- Step 71 Equation with modulo
- Step 72. Solving Equations with Modulus by the Interval Method
- Step 73. Inequalities with modulo
- Step 74. Solving inequalities with modulus using the interval method
nine0031 Step 75: Taking the square root of both sides of the equation
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We will teach you to count and solve problems with pleasure and develop mathematical thinking
We work with any program - Dorofeeva, Moro, Peterson and other authors
Anna Korchagina,
course methodologist
“It happens that a student is in the 7th grade, but his problems with mathematics remain in the 5th grade. Then we will re-analyze any topic so that the student understands everything connected with it.
Elena Lisitsa,
course methodologist
“If a teenager has difficulty with mathematics, this does not mean at all that he has no abilities - we just need to find a clear explanation with a clear example from life.”
Anastasia Oblakova,
course instructor
“It's hard to love graphs and equations if you don't understand why they are needed.