How do you spell cardinal
Cardinal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
1 of 2car·di·nal ˈkärd-nəl
: a high ecclesiastical official of the Roman Catholic Church who ranks next below the pope and is appointed by him to assist him as a member of the college of cardinals (see college sense 4)
: cardinal number
—usually used in plural
[from its color, resembling that of the cardinal's robes] : a crested finch (Cardinalis cardinalis of the family Cardinalidae) of the eastern U. S. and adjacent Canada, the southwestern U.S., and Mexico to Belize which has a black face and heavy red bill in both sexes and is nearly completely red in the male
: any of several red-headed passerine birds (genus Paroaria of the family Thraupidae) of South America and the West Indies that are grayish to blackish above with white underparts
Illustration of cardinal
- cardinal 3
2 of 2
: of basic importance
a cardinal principle
: very serious or grave
a cardinal sin
cardinally adverb
Did you know?
Our word cardinal goes back to the Latin adjective cardinalis, which meant “serving as a hinge. ” The root of this word is the noun cardo, meaning “hinge.” Since a hinge is the device on which a door turns, cardo came to mean “something on which a development turns” or “something very important.” Later the Roman Catholic Church used the adjective cardinalis to refer to principal churches and priests and then to mean “a clergyman of the highest rank, next to the pope.” When borrowed into English,
cardinalis became cardinal. A cardinal's robes are a deep red color, and this color influenced the naming of the bird whose color was like that of a cardinal's robes.
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- greatest
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- number one
- No.
- numero uno
- overbearing
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- sovereign
- sovran
- supreme
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Example Sentences
Noun The Pope appointed two new cardinals this year. Adjective the cardinal principles of news reporting My cardinal rule is to always be honest.
Recent Examples on the Web
Heads rolling on cobblestones, the robes of kings and cardinals, Matisse's The Red Studio, the red in the tricolor flag of Liberty Leading the People by Delacroix. —David Coggins, Town & Country, 10 Dec. 2015 In fact a number of the cardinals from Brazil and bishops are friends of Pope Francis. —Bradley J. Fikes,, 7 June 2017 One small clearing is dotted with several boulders where children could sit and watch for goldfinches and
cardinals at three bird feeders. —Jim Barnes, Washington Post, 8 May 2017 There are deer in the woods, large-mouth bass in the water and cardinals in the air. —Jeanne Houck,, 28 Apr. 2017 A year later, Pope John Paul II made Pell a cardinal. —Andrew Sullivan, Daily Intelligencer, 30 June 2017 A cardinal in charge of the Vatican's finances has been charged with multiple sexual offenses by Australian police, in one of the most significant indictments against a top-ranking leader of the Catholic Church.
—Julie Zauzmer, Alaska Dispatch News, 29 June 2017 His January 20 inauguration ceremony featured an unprecedented six speakers, including a rabbi and a cardinal. —Adam Chandler, The Atlantic, 25 May 2017 The main Italian in the cast is Silvio Orlando as a beleaguered, mole-flecked cardinal tasked with advising this cocky young Pope, and thwarted at nearly every turn. —Richard Lawson,, 13 Jan. 2017
Or Berhalter for — another cardinal coaching sin — throwing a 20-year-old player under the bus in a public forum. —San Diego Union-Tribune
, 4 Jan. 2023 Consider motion smoothing, the cardinal sin of consumer TVs. —WIRED, 22 Nov. 2022 Caplan's narration is heavy-handed and initially off-putting, distracting from the action on screen and committing the cardinal writing sin of telling instead of showing. —Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY, 17 Nov. 2022 Fed critics like Wood have said policymakers like Chair Powell are committing the cardinal sin of driving ahead while staring through their rear-view mirror. —Christiaan Hetzner, Fortune, 14 Nov. 2022 Other Republican House members, such as Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Rep. Peter Meijer (R-Mich.), were rejected by primary voters after committing the cardinal sin of questioning, criticizing or otherwise defying Trump.
—Paul Schwartzman, Washington Post, 11 Oct. 2022 Neither did another aspect to Utah’s defeat — and an additional cardinal sin in Whittingham’s holy writ of football: giving up huge chunks of yardage by way of an inability to stop the run. —Gordon Monson, The Salt Lake Tribune, 9 Oct. 2022 But Walker and his campaign committed a cardinal sin in politics: knowing there’s a bad story that can break at any time and betting it doesn’t. —Philip Elliott, Time, 5 Oct. 2022 The cardinal rule of classifying animals as extinct, according to conservation scientist Stuart Pimm, is to remember the lessons of Shakespeare. —Claire Bugos, Discover Magazine, 28 May 2021 See More
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Word History
Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin cardinalis, from Late Latin cardinalis, adjective — see cardinal entry 2
Middle English, from Late Latin cardinalis, from Latin, serving as a hinge, from cardin-, cardo hinge
First Known Use
before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of cardinal was before the 12th century
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cardinal's hat
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“Cardinal. ” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 1 Feb. 2023.
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Kids Definition
1 of 2 noun
car·di·nal ˈkärd-nəl
: a high official of the Roman Catholic Church ranking next below the pope
: cardinal number
: a North American finch of which the male is bright red with a black face and a pointed bunch of feathers on its head
2 of 2 adjective
: chief entry 1 sense 2, primary
a cardinal rule
: very serious
a cardinal sin
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Britannica English: Translation of cardinal for Arabic Speakers
Britannica. com: Encyclopedia article about cardinal
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[ kahr-dn-l ]
/ ˈkɑr dn l /
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Roman Catholic Church. a high ecclesiastic appointed by the pope to the College of Cardinals and ranking above every other ecclesiastic but the pope.
any bird belonging to the genus Cardinalis of the family Cardinalidae (cardinal family), especially the common northern cardinal of North America, the male of which is bright red.
any bird of the Americas belonging to the genus Piranga,Chlorothraupis, or Habia, including the scarlet tanager: these three genera were long considered part of the tanager family but are now classified as members of the cardinal family.
Also called red-head·ed car·di·nal [red-hed-id kahr-dn-l] /ˈrɛdˌhɛd ɪd ˈkɑr dn l/ . any bird belonging to the genus Paroaria of the tanager family (Thraupidae), noted for drab plumage other than conspicuously red head parts: most common in South America, Paroaria species include the prominently crested P. coronata, which has been successfully introduced to Puerto Rico and Hawaii.
Also called Med·i·ter·ra·ne·an frit·il·lar·y [med-i-tuh-rey-nee-uhn frit-l-er-ee] /ˌmɛd ɪ təˈreɪ ni ən ˈfrɪt lˌɛr i/ . a spotted, orange nymphalid butterfly with a green underside, Argynnis pandora, found throughout southern Europe and some adjoining regions of Asia and northern Africa.
a deep, rich red color.
a woman's short cloak with a hood, originally made of scarlet cloth and popularly worn in the 18th century.
cardinal number.
of prime importance; chief; principal: of cardinal significance.
of the color cardinal.
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Question 1 of 7
Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.
Origin of cardinal
First recorded before 1150; Middle English, Old English, from Latin cardinālis, equivalent to cardin- (stem of cardō ) “hinge,” hence, something on which other things hinge + -ālis adjective suffix; see -al1
car·di·nal·ly, adverbcar·di·nal·ship, nounin·ter·car·di·nal, adjectivepost·car·di·nal, adjective
sub·car·di·nal, adjectivesub·car·di·nal·ly, adverbun·car·di·nal·ly, adverb
Words nearby cardinal
Cardiff, cardigan, Cardigan Bay, Cardiganshire, Cardin, cardinal, cardinalate, cardinal beetle, cardinalfish, cardinal flower, cardinality
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Words related to cardinal
overriding, basic, central, chief, essential, first, fundamental, leading, main, primary, prime, principal, ruling, basal, bottom-line, constitutive, foremost, greatest, highest, indispensable
How to use cardinal in a sentence
His latest pronouncement supporting civil unions is a rehashed stance as cardinal in Argentina.
Pope Francis calls for civil unions for same-sex couples|Michael K. Lavers|October 21, 2020|Washington Blade
Fill it with a variety of nonaggressive fish—like neon and cardinal tetras—and cute aquarium decor.
The best fish tanks for every space|PopSci Commerce Team|October 8, 2020|Popular-Science
Defenses may have overreacted to dribble penetration, violating the cardinal rule of never helping off the strongside corner.
Why Have NBA Offenses Been So Good In The Bubble?|Mike Prada|August 20, 2020|FiveThirtyEight
Krajewski is one of the youngest cardinals in the world, aged 56, and he said that this is what Jesus would have done.
Pope’s “Robin Hood” Gives Money To Jobless Transgender Sex Workers|D. N.|May 2, 2020|No Straight News
However, the priest’s resources were stretched by the health crisis, so he turned to the cardinal known as “the Pope’s Robin Hood” who runs the Vatican charities, and he wired money to help the group.
Pope’s “Robin Hood” Gives Money To Jobless Transgender Sex Workers|D. N.|May 2, 2020|No Straight News
“Light trumps darkness, hope beats despair, grace wins over sin, love defeats hate, life conquers death,” the cardinal said.
'Please Don't Die!': The Frantic Battle to Save Murdered Cops|Michael Daly|December 22, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He quotes an unnamed cardinal saying that the conclave voters knew the charges were false.
How Pope Francis Became the World’s BFF|Jason Berry|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Elisabetta Piqué, who knew Bergoglio well as a cardinal, writes in the present tense as if to convey real time passing.
How Pope Francis Became the World’s BFF|Jason Berry|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
And yet, a dossier of allegations involving human rights could not help any cardinal at a moment like that.
How Pope Francis Became the World’s BFF|Jason Berry|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
His big break came in 1992 when an aging cardinal plucked him from his outback and persuaded the Vatican to make him a bishop.
How Pope Francis Became the World’s BFF|Jason Berry|December 21, 2014|DAILY BEAST
He thrust the Cardinal's mantle into it, and stood over the smouldering cloth, till the whole was consumed to ashes.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter
Before his rencontre with Ripperda at the Cardinal's, he had penetrated all the secrets of the Altheim apartments.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter
The Cardinal then hinted, that Wharton had vanished on some occult mission, to circumvent the Italian investiture.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter
I saw Cardinal de Giovenozzo this morning; and he tells me that Wharton has disappeared.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter
He was taken up for dead; and Richelieu and the Cardinal conjured me to hush the affair.
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol. 3 of 4|Jane Porter
British Dictionary definitions for cardinal
/ (ˈkɑːdɪnəl) /
RC Church any of the members of the Sacred College, ranking next after the pope, who elect the pope and act as his chief counsellors
Also called: cardinal red a deep vivid red colour
See cardinal number
Also called: cardinal grosbeak, (US) redbird a crested North American bunting, Richmondena (or Pyrrhuloxia) cardinalis, the male of which has a bright red plumage and the female a brown one
a fritillary butterfly, Pandoriana pandora, found in meadows of southern Europe
a woman's hooded shoulder cape worn in the 17th and 18th centuries
(usually prenominal) fundamentally important; principalcardinal sin
of a deep vivid red colour
astrology of or relating to the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and CapricornCompare mutable (def. 2), fixed (def. 10)
Derived forms of cardinal
cardinally, adverbWord Origin for cardinal
C13: from Latin cardinālis, literally: relating to a hinge, hence, that on which something depends, principal, from cardō hinge
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Cardinally or cardinally - which is correct? | Education | Society
Plot We speak and write in Russian competently
Answer Yesenia Pavlotsky, linguist-morphologist, expert at the Institute of Philology, Mass Media and Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. nine0018
Since childhood, we know what coordinates are, because there is nowhere at school without them. How to write this word is also clear - we have not parted with it for so many years and we will hardly ever forget it.
And so, when we say that we are going to change something drastically, we remember our old friend with joy and write “coordinatively”. But the old friend has nothing to do with these changes. The word you want to use has other "compatriots" - cardiology and cardinal .
So, the word does not exist in coordinate , this is a mistake. It is constructed because, due to certain phonetic features in the speech stream, we hear k[a]rdinate and k[a]rdinate , pronouncing the words coordinates and coordinate . And, of course, the word cardinally therefore seems to be related to the word coordinates - we write through oo , pronounce and .
This is impossible because these words have different origins and meanings. nine0005
Coordinates - from the Latin coordinare "to arrange in order." The word was formed in this way: co- - “with, together” + ordinare - “arrange, arrange in order”.
Cardinally - from the Latin cardinalis "main, main". That is, if you change something important, basic, change at the root, then you change this cardinally .
So, right - cardinally, cardinal change .
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Media news2
Election of the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church - Professor Vasily Vasilyevich Bolotov
Professor Vasily Vasilyevich Bolotov
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Dozens of manipulations of the election of the Pope are considered in the Roman Church. Currently, the conclave chooses the pope. After the death of the pope, 10 days, usually appointed for the congress of cardinals, they are locked in a special room where no outsider can enter, even a late cardinal. The method of choosing a pope by lot is considered unlawful. Only the cardinals should elect the pope, no one else has this right. Each member is required to cast his or her own vote. To what extent all possible obstacles are provided here, we see from the categories of “obstacles” developed by the cardinals: 1st obstacle - a person can be very sick and unable to reach the throne, but can, however, leave the cell; 2nd - a person can be so weak that he cannot stand up, but can write; 3rd - can't even write 1 .
There are several methods for electing popes.
I. Electio per acclamationem. An indispensable condition for this method is that there are no preliminary meetings. The assembled cardinals first begin to discuss general provisions, what qualities the given time and state of affairs require from the pope. Someone expresses that, according to his deep conviction, no one possesses these qualities to such an extent as the Most Reverend Cardinal So-and-so. And everyone agrees. The sick members of the conclave are then notified, and if no objection is made by any of them, then the person is considered elected. By this method, the election of popes is quite rare. nine0005
II. electio percommissum. When election by the ordinary method fails (and this failure will be repeated up to 6 times), they sometimes resort to modus'y electionis per compromissum. Several cardinals are elected - no more than 8, no less than 2. If only 2 cardinals are elected, then they must indicate a candidate in the person of someone else; if there are more than 2 of them, and if there is no special reservation, then they can also elect from among themselves. The passive right of election belongs to all male Catholics who are in the years of understanding and in common sense. Formally, it is not required that the candidate belong even to the clergy. So in theory, but the fact is that from 1378, when not a cardinal was elected pope, the former bishop of the bar, Urban VI until the election of Leo XIII, for 500 years, all popes, 55 in number, were from cardinals. nine0005
III. electio per scrutinium. It remains for me to say about the usual method of choosing Roman pontiffs. This method of election by means of tickets or balls is called per scrutinium, and has been the constant method of choosing Roman pontiffs up to the present day. All cardinals were obliged to take part in it. The matter of election is complex.
In the assembly of the entire conclave, three infirmaries [to collect the votes of sick cardinals] and three scrutators [to seize and read the ballots submitted] are elected. Then they go to the place where printed ballots are prepared 2 , and enter additional words into their printed text, which each one writes in a modified handwriting in view of the requirement of unconditional secrecy in the voting.
At the top of the bulletin, "nomen", between the printed words: "Ego" and "cardinalis" is written not the name of the cardinal, a member of the conclave, but only the cardinal title of the church where he is a cardinal; e.g. S. Caeciliae, S. Petri, S. Cracis, S. Sixti. Then, in the middle part of the ballot, the printed electoral words follow: "Eligo in Summû Pontificê Revrdsmû Dmnû Meû D. Cardinalem" (i.e., I elect for the great high priest, the most pious lord my lord cardinal), and a place was left where each member of the conclave is a cardinal writes the name of the cardinal whom he considers most worthy to occupy the papal chair. At the bottom of the bulletin, called "Signum", each cardinal writes an arbitrary number, as well as the initial word of any prayer, also taken at random. Nomen and Signum, the upper and lower parts of the ballot, are closed by folding the edges and sealed in this way: under the folded edges of the ballot, white wax is placed in the circles marked there and the seal is pressed from the side of the printed text, so that the letters of the seal stand out in relief from this side. The point, apparently, is that arbitrarily taken letters are cut out on the seal and it seems improbable that 2-3 persons carved the same letters on their seals. To this it must be added that it is also unbelievable that several cardinals have entered the same figure and the same word in the Signum. Any of these three arbitrary signs may coincide, but we cannot assume such an accidental coincidence and agreement in 3 cases when these signs are completely arbitrary. The sealed ballot appears so only from the edges, and its middle is completely open 1). nine0005
Once the bulletin is ready, the cardinal raises it above his head and walks with it to the chapel. Taking full precaution lest the keen eye of any one see the name of the voter, everyone should cover the back of the ballot with various decorations, which forestalls the curious desire of some to know the name of the candidate for the papacy. Approaching the completely open altar, the cardinal kneels and secretly reads a prayer, and loudly pronounces the established form: “I testify by Christ the Lord, whoever judges me, that I am faithful to the election and that I will also act in accessu. ” Then, in the presence of 3 scramblers, he puts this ballot on a completely flat diskos, so that the skrutators can see that he believes not two or three ballots, but one. Then, from the diskos, the bulletin falls into the same standing bowl. Precautions are also being taken, and scrutators are eliminating those ballots bearing not one, but two cardinal names. But if it happened that someone made an attempt to announce that it was he who was voting for a given person, or if he sealed his ballot badly, or the name of the bearer was visible in the world, then this ballot was considered invalid and subject to unconditional destruction. nine0005
If there were such cardinals who would be able to drag their feet to the chapel, but would not be able to reach the altar, then the junior cardinal, having taken an oath, does a well-known procedure with the infirm cardinal's bulletin for him. If, however, a sick cardinal happens to be unable to reach the chapel, then the cardinal infirmarius takes a special box, which is opened to him in the presence of everyone. Everyone makes sure that the box is empty, then the infirmarius locks it, and leaves the key in the altar on the throne, while the box itself is carried to the sick cardinal, who lowers his bulletin through the slot in the box. With this box, the infirmarius goes around all the sick cardinals, who put their ballots on the election of the pope into it. nine0005
Now comes the ceremony of removing the ballots from both bowls. To do this, both bowls are transferred to the table, and one of the scrutators, armed with a needle with a white thread, puts his hand into the bowl, takes out a ballot and quietly reads the name of the cardinal for whom the vote was cast, and passes from his hands to the hands of the second scrutator, and that to the third, and this one only proclaims the name of the cardinal, standing in the ballot taken out. Then a protocol is drawn up, the ballot is pierced with a needle through the printed word "eligo", put on a thread and lowered into another bowl. Cardinals make the count of voting for the elected. In this case, there can be two outcomes: [either someone received the required number of votes], or it suddenly turns out that all the votes will disperse, and meanwhile, a minimum of the votes of the entire conclave is required for the legal election of the pope: all cardinals receive 2-3 votes, and the result is null. Next, a commission of 3 members is elected to check the activities of the scruters, who read and proclaimed the names of those elected to the place of the pope. This commission verifies the vote count. If the account is correct, then proceed to the final act of election. nine0005
The result should be such that if someone receives 2/3 of the votes, he is declared elected. Attention is now drawn to the fact that if given for a given cardinal, for example, tituli Sancti Crucis, exactly votes, [whether he cast a vote for himself]. If there are 52 cardinals in the conclave, then there will be 35 votes. Although this number of votes is absolutely sufficient for the legitimate election of the pope, but the wisdom of the snake suggests meanness is also possible here: perhaps Cardinal tituli S. Crucis, who received 35 votes, voted for himself, and the 35th belongs to him. Then they begin to open his ballot and find out for whom he cast his vote. How this is done is unknown. In all likelihood, they are checking the signature (signa) of his ballot. The cardinals directly invite the candidate for the papacy to say what letters are carved on the seal of his ballot, and spell out the ballot that belongs to him. If there are two or three bulletins with exactly the same seal letters, then they ask for signum, a number and a word arbitrarily entered by him. It seems quite impossible that here, if not in the figure, then in the word, there should be no difference. By this difference, the ballot of the candidate for the papacy is recognized. They open that end of it where "nomen" is indicated, and it turns out that he voted for Cardinal tituli S. Caeciliae, and not for himself (tituli S. Crucis). Then it is absolutely indisputable that the 35th vote for him was given to others. If it turns out that the cardinal receives 2/3 of the votes †1, then this insulting ceremony is not resorted to on the simple assumption that even if he cast one vote for himself, nevertheless, 36 and without one extra vote is 2 3 votes required for legal election.
If it turns out that none of the cardinals received the required number of votes - 35, but received, for example, 32, so that only three votes are missing for his election, then in this case it is possible that some cardinals who did not vote for him, they can change their mind and join the majority. Therefore, the old ballot is burned, they resort to a special type of election called "accessus" - joining (joining) the majority. At the scrutinium itself, each cardinal takes an oath that he will act in good faith even at accessus. First, under accessus, no one has the right to vote for the same person who was voted for under scrutinium. In the new ballots, instead of “eligo” (I elect) - “accedo” (I proceed) is printed. Whoever does not want to change his voice writes: "accedo nemini" (I do not approach anyone). Secondly, under accessus, one must write the vote for the cardinal who received the majority of the votes under scrutinium. All ballots in which it is written - accedo nemini do not change the election. nine0005
It should be noted that the reception of votes turns out to be extremely peculiar and it restricts the freedom of election. For example, the cardinal is convinced that Cardinal tituli S. Sixti is worthy of election, at least more worthy than Cardinal tituli S. Crucis, who, however, is supported by the majority of votes. But he knows that Cardinal tituli S. Sixti is young or that there was some history with him. It is obvious that Cardinal tituli S. Sixti has no chance of being elected, although he is worthy; however, he does not choose him (Sixti), but must cast his vote for the Cardinal of the Holy Cross (Crucis). But if he knows that Cardinal tituli S. Sixti received 15 or 20 votes from other cardinals, then he finds it possible to join in the election of cardinal tituli S. Sixti. At the same time, he should have declared: “I refuse to vote in favor of Cardinal St. Cross and transfer to Cardinal St. Sixtus, but this is not possible. He can only neutralize the vote cast earlier for Cardinal tituli S. Crucis. nine0005
When all the votes are collected, they count how many accessus are given in favor of such and such. One cardinal may have more than one vote, but it may also result in two cardinals receiving the same number of votes. In this case, accessus did nothing. After checking the accessus ballots, the latter are burned, and they proceed to another new accessus. But if it turns out that one cardinal receives more votes, then it is checked whether he has voted for himself, and if it turns out that he has not, then the advantage is recognized for him. nine0005
The following phenomenon is possible: one cardinal will receive 32 votes, another will receive 14 votes, the rest of the votes are dispersed in different ways. When they begin to check accessus, then the voices of indifference are put aside, and the voices of accessus consonants are counted, and they proceed to compare the seals. For example, in the press of the bulletin accessus are the letters a. With. d., and in the Signum the number 43 and the word Deus. They look for a ballot with the same seal of the first election - scrutinium, and it turns out that a vote was cast at accessus for Cardinal St. Cross, and with scrutinium - for Cardinal St. Sixtus; hence the requirement is met. Only after such a procedure is election possible and accessus is considered legal. So, 1) if the votes at scrutinium disperse: 32 are given for one cardinal, 12 for another, and the remaining 8 disperse, then an accessus is made; 2) if for a cardinal who has 32 votes in scrutinium, with accessus, three more votes are given, then 32 + 3 will be 35, and he is considered elected to the papal chair; 3) but if suddenly out of 32 cardinals who cast their vote at scrutinium for Cardinal St. Sixtus, 2 will give at accessus a vote for Cardinal St. Cross, and at the same time it turns out that Cardinal tituli S. Sixti will receive 5 more votes, and he will have 35, then he, with accessus, has the majority of votes on his side. Although resolving even after this difficult and complex procedure is possible, it is already very difficult to do so.
No one can be elected against their will. An elected cardinal is asked if he wishes to be ordained. If the latter agrees with reservations (there may be such cardinals who have a monastic order, and the election to the pope can bind their monastic conscience, and they can agree to be elected if their monastic authorities agree to this), then the voice of all the cardinals, with tears on eyes, makes the monk humbly obey the election. After that, the chosen one is asked what name he wants to take, which, in essence, is optional, since he can leave his former name (Markell, for example, left his former name). In any case, the name of the elected pope is proclaimed, and then the oldest cardinal deacon proclaims the election from the balcony to the people, and the first admiration for the new pope begins. nine0005
In the election of the pope, the spirit of non-churchism, the spirit of mistrust towards each other, is in full force. But this is the tribal property of Western Europe, which has found shelter even in this holy cause.