Best sports for 4 year olds

An age-by-age guide to picking the best sport for your child – SheKnows

When it comes to sports for your kids you’re spoilt for choice. So how do you decide what to enrol your child in when they may not be old enough to decide for themselves?

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A good place to start is finding out what sports are most age-appropriate for your kids. While there are no hard and fast rules, in general what’s perfect for a 10-year-old isn’t going to be suitable for a toddler.

Age 2 to 5

Image: images by Tang Ming Tung/Moment/Getty Images

Toddlers and preschoolers (2 to 5 years old) may be beginning to get the hang of many basic movements but are too young for most organised sports. So at this age don’t stress too much if your little one isn’t enrolled in a dozen after-school activities. Toddlers who participate in organised sports typically don’t gain any long-term advantage in terms of future sports performance, says the Mayo Clinic.

At this age unstructured free play is usually best such as running, dancing, tumbling, throwing, catching and swimming. However, if your 3-year-old is showing a passion for football or ice skating don’t discourage it, but make sure the environment is suitable for your child. Contact your local club and find out what their recommended starting age is and what level of commitment is required. Remember there’s no rush — your football-mad toddler will be more than happy chasing a ball around the garden with you until he’s old enough to join a team.

Age 6 to 9

Image: Westend61/Getty Images

As children get older their vision, ability to concentrate for extended periods of time, attention spans and transitional skills, such as throwing for distance, improve. They’re also better able to follow directions. For 6 to 9 year olds consider organised activities such as running, football, touch rugby, gymnastics, swimming, tennis and martial arts.

More: How far should you push kids at sports?

Age 10 plus

Image: JR Carvey/Streetfly Studio/Blend Images/Getty Images

By the age of 10 children have mature vision, better coordination and balance and the ability to understand and recall sports strategies. They are typically ready to take on complex skill sports, such as football, basketball, hockey, netball and volleyball.

As well as considering whether a sport is age-appropriate for your child, take into account how much they will enjoy the activity based on their maturity and abilities. Your child may show a natural preference for one activity over another, which shouldn’t be ignored.

You may also want to think carefully before encouraging your child to focus on one particular sport only because this could stop them from fully testing their skills and discovering other activities they may enjoy.

Remember kids change as they grow and your little one might show a keen interest in one activity one year, only to switch to another by the next. Keep monitoring their level of interest and stay involved in their progress. Be positive and encouraging by emphasising effort and enjoyment over winning and never try to persuade your child to continue with a sport they clearly don’t enjoy, whatever age they are.

More: I don’t make my kids do sports

How to Choose Age-Appropriate Options

Does your kid love running around and tumbling? Is your toddler obsessed with catching, hitting, and throwing balls? If so, you may be thinking it’s time to start them in a class or join a team.

After all, physical activity encourages mental and emotional development. Sports are also great for socialization and practicing fine and gross motor skills.

But are toddlers really ready for sports? The answer, in most cases, is no.

“Before age 6 years, most children do not have the basic motor skills for organized sports,” according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Here’s everything we know about sports for kids.

Most toddlers are simply not ready for organized sports. They don’t have the patience, focus, or physical development needed to positively engage in team sports.

As anyone who has met a toddler knows, their temperament may be a challenge. Emotionally, kids younger than 3 (and even those older) struggle with loss. They also need guidance and practice on teamwork and taking turns.

They’re still developing motor skills and coordination. Following multistep instructions or complicated rules might be beyond their abilities.

In addition, their bodies are not fully developed. Their bones are still soft. They are also quite small, and this can be problematic if and when an injury occurs, as standard orthopedic devices don’t typically fit small children, note the experts at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

But that’s not all: Starting sports too early might create negative associations. When children begin playing sports at a young age, they sometimes develop disdain for the activity. It feels like a chore.

So does all this mean that you should discourage your athletic toddler from their running, jumping, and throwing? Not at all! While team sports aren’t yet a fit, free play is a great way to encourage your little one’s athleticism.

While toddlers may not be ready for organized sports, there are activities they can participate in. Young children should be encouraged to play, openly and freely — as open-ended play encourages social and emotional development. It also promotes personal growth.

Toddlers should be active because the more children run and jump and play the healthier they are, and they should engage in activities which help fine-tune their motor skills.

“Athletic skills such as running, kicking a ball, and throwing a ball can be introduced with a wide variability of success depending on the individual toddler’s developmental state,” Carlos Uquillas, a pediatric sports medicine specialist and pediatric orthopedic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, California, explains.

Physical activities to consider for toddlers include, but are not limited to:

  • jumping
  • skipping
  • catching
  • throwing
  • kicking
  • swimming
  • tumbling
  • bike or trike riding
  • climbing play equipment

Of course, caregiver supervision during these activities is always important, as is using a helmet and other protective gear when bike or trike riding.

When children come of age — when they are 6 or older — there are numerous benefits to playing sports and participating in organized group activities.

Kids who play sports tend to do better socially. According to an AAP policy statement, “participation in organized sports is strongly associated with a positive social self-concept” and a child’s ability to bond with their peers.

Kids who participate in sports do better academically. Numerous studies have shown positive associations between playing sports in high school and success in the classroom.

Physical activity helps strengthen your bones and heart and encourages better sleep. It also has a positive impact on your mental health.

Sports also help children develop emotionally. Learning to navigate teamwork, loss, and other challenges exposes them to challenges in a safe and supportive environment.

In addition, the AAP points out that “teenagers participating in organized sports report fewer mental health problems and have lower odds of emotional distress compared with peers.”

While there are numerous factors to keep in mind when choosing sports or a group activity, the main thing you should consider is whether your child wants to participate in said activity.

If the answer is no, you may want to reassess the situation. Forcing a child to participate in a sport could lead to challenges between you and your child. It may cause undue frustration, and your little one may become resentful because they aren’t happy or “having fun.”

If your child wants to play sports, you should encourage them to do so in a safe and healthy way. This can be done by keeping the following things in mind.

Keep things simple

When introducing young children to sports, it’s best to keep things simple. Elementary school aged children can and should learn the essentials — and only the essentials.

This means finding teams or organizations that work on skill building and basics. Coaches should also prioritize giving kids a chance to try out different positions and roles on the team.

This also means sampling a variety of sports instead of encouraging a young child to specialize.

Kids who focus on one sport very early run the risk of early burnout. The risk of long-term injuries is also increased exponentially due to excessive exertion and overuse in specific areas.

So instead of following a season of baseball with more baseball, change it up. Let your kids try soccer, tennis, basketball, swimming, or dance.

Be patient

Playing team sports involves turn taking, rule following, focusing, and (in some cases) sharing, and this can be frustrating, particularly to young children. The best way to help them through these moments is to be cool, calm, and collected. A little patience goes a long way.

Be positive

In addition to being patient, you’ll want to be positive. “Coaches, parents, and teachers should create a positive and uplifting environment that has age-appropriate expectations,” Uquillas says.

The reason? “Environments with intense competitiveness and intimidation can have negative effects and create low self-esteem and anxiety.” So be encouraging, reassuring, and supportive — no matter what.

And stay away from competition

While competition teams can be enjoyable, young children should avoid “competing.” In fact, the AAP recommends children under 12 focus on having fun — and only having fun.

While there are numerous benefits to playing organized sports, there are also real risks, especially if you enroll your child when they’re too young.

Consult with your child’s pediatrician before enrolling them in any activity. Discuss the appropriateness of said activity for their age, and consider the when and the why before signing them up.

Talk to your child as well. In many cases, weekly visits to the park to play, run, and kick the ball with you or their friends is just as much fun for them and allows them to gain skills while having a good time.

Kinds of sports for children - what kind of sport to give the child to

Every year new sports sections are opened in Russia, where numerous kinds of sports for children are presented and this is no coincidence. According to statistics, every fourth child in our country by the age of 10 tends to develop chronic diseases against the backdrop of an unhealthy lifestyle.

To avoid diseases such as obesity, diabetes and spinal diseases, doctors recommend involving children in sports from an early age. It can be family trips, active games, field trips or regular visits to sports sections. nine0003

What kind of sport to send the child to

Thinking about what sport to send the child to, few parents realize that this choice should take into account not only the age of the baby, but also his individual characteristics. Often, having given a child to a sports section, parents later regret their choice, because the child simply refuses to study and does not want to attend a sports club.

To prevent this from happening, you need to choose a sport for a child in accordance with the temperament of the baby:

  • Sanguine. These kids love to be leaders. They need praise and victory. Such children are best suited for active sports. Any speed-strength disciplines can be an excellent choice;
  • Cholerics. These kids are emotional and also ready to work in a team. They will be comfortable with cyclic sports or martial arts;
  • Phlegmatic. Toddlers with this character do an excellent job with multiple repetitions of one action. This means that the best choice for them will be cyclic or complex-coordinating disciplines; nine0014
  • Melancholy. For them, the severity of the coach and Spartan conditions are unacceptable. With the right approach, such kids can show success in fencing or shooting. Intellectual pursuits can also be an excellent choice for them.

To determine which section is right for your child, you can take a specialized test. Testing will help determine goals and objectives, find out what character the baby has and choose for him exactly the circle in which he will feel comfortable. nine0003

Important! Before enrolling in a section, you need to get advice from the local pediatrician. Some disciplines have absolute contraindications. In addition, you will have to pass tests and undergo examinations by narrow specialists.

Sports for preschoolers

Sports for young children are activities that develop basic physical skills and strengthen the immune system. Don't expect a two-year-old to become a champion right away. nine0003

Sports for preschool children are necessary for the overall development and preparation of the child for more serious activities. Doctors consider 4-5 years old to be the ideal age to start classes. But if the baby is active and healthy, classes in certain disciplines can be started as early as two years old.

Most parents believe that at this age it is too early to attend sports sections, and the only option for physical training is swimming in the pool. But this is absolutely not true. Today, many circles invite kids of very young age, where specially trained trainers work with them. nine0003

Sports for children from 2 years old

From the age of two, babies need more physical activity. They run, jump, somersault and fall everywhere. And so that their pranks do not turn into serious injuries, parents should think about structured physical activity.

Adequate physical activity at this age - classes at least 2 times a week for 30 minutes. With age, the number of hours of classes gradually increases and by the age of 5 it can be 2 hours 3 times a week. nine0003

Training for the little ones is not full-fledged training with competitions and victories. At this time, training is based on the principle of the game. The kid will run, jump, have fun, learn the simplest exercises and perform elementary tasks.

Ideal sports for children aged 2+:

  • Swimming;
  • Dancing;
  • Gymnastics;
  • balance bike;
  • Children's yoga;
  • Trampolining. nine0014

At this age, it is still very difficult for a baby to remain without a mother or father, so it is absolutely impossible to leave him alone among people he does not know, you will have to work with him. Moreover, you will have to perform all the exercises with the baby, because he will repeat exactly for you.

At the age of 3-4, the baby can already perform more complex exercises and understand the requirements of the trainer. It is this age that is considered optimal for starting classes.

The following sections are already available at this time:

  • Skis;
  • Martial arts;
  • Tennis or table tennis;
  • Golf;
  • Roller skates;
  • Figure skating.

If you are afraid to send your baby to these sections at such a young age, pay attention to developing centers with a sports bias. In such centers, general developmental classes include physical education lessons, where trainers teach the smallest physical exercises in a playful way. nine0003

Reference: From the age of two, babies experience an active leap in growth and development. Optimal loads will help to properly form muscle mass and the musculoskeletal system, which will further protect them from health problems.

What kind of sport to give a child 5 - 6 years old

Children who have reached the age of five are already absolutely ready for classes in the sports section. This is exactly the age when a young athlete begins to understand the meaning of a team game, adequately perceive criticism from the coach and fulfill his requirements. nine0003

If you are wondering what kind of sport to give your child 5-6 years old, team sports can be an excellent choice, these include:

  • Football;
  • Hockey;
  • Water polo;
  • Golf;
  • Rugby;
  • Tennis;
  • Volleyball;
  • Basketball;
  • Badminton;
  • Handball etc.

At preschool age, training should be moderate. A growing body can react negatively to increased stress, and then instead of benefiting, classes will only bring health problems. If, while watching a preschooler, you notice that he began to sleep poorly, is often naughty and gets tired quickly, talk to the trainer about reducing the load or change the section. nine0003

Reference: According to statistics, children who study in sections from the age of 5 have strong immunity, are more diligent in the classroom, are disciplined and learn the school curriculum better in the lower grades. In high school, they also excel academically and are less likely to be influenced by bad company.

Sports for children of school age

School age is the time to learn about sports. In many schools, sections are open where children can study with classmates. Also for children there are circles in the homes of schoolchildren, where classes are held completely free of charge. In addition, students can go to the section from specialized sports schools, where they prepare for admission to sports boarding schools. nine0003

The choice of sports for school children is really great. Already in the first grade, children can practice at a professional level, preparing for a sports career. Thanks to the national program “Sport is the norm of life”, dozens of sports facilities are planned to be built throughout the country to attract schoolchildren to a healthy lifestyle until 2024.

Sports for children aged 7-10

Primary school is a period of serious restructuring in the rhythm of life. Often, children in the first years of schooling suffer from overwork and distracted attention. These problems can be easily solved with physical activity. Regular classes increase endurance and performance, contribute to the assimilation of the curriculum and help the student to develop comprehensively. nine0003

Sports for children 7-10 years old - these are almost all sections, with the exception of extreme ones with a high risk of injury. The choice of a section depends on many factors, but the main thing here should be the desire of the child himself, because at this age he can already choose what he likes.

Remarkably, modern children often choose sections that are completely incomprehensible to their parents. For example, girls might decide to go into boxing and boys into weightlifting. But parents do not need to be afraid of such a choice, because history knows many champions who went to the section against the wishes of their parents. nine0003

The best choice at this age will be team sports, because the student already understands what a team is and can fully participate in the life of the team.

The most popular clubs at this age:

  • For girls - gymnastics, dancing, athletics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, volleyball, etc.;
  • For boys - football, tennis, basketball, martial arts, hockey, weightlifting, pentathlon, etc. nine0014

Whatever sport your child chooses, you should not expect great victories and achievements at this age. At the age of 7-10, children only learn to work in a team and learn the basics of sports discipline. At this stage, it is important that the child likes the classes, and he goes to the section with pleasure.

It is important for parents to understand that a young athlete can change their mind at any time and decide to pursue another discipline. In this case, it is not necessary to force him to attend the section, it is necessary to support him and show that he has the right to independently decide what kind of sport he should do. If your child has a hard time exercising, consider mind sports such as chess, checkers, or go. nine0003

Important! At this age, it is necessary to choose not so much a section as a coach. Only a qualified and experienced children's coach will be able not only to interest the student, but also to ensure the correct individual training schedule.

Sports for children aged 11-13

From the age of 11, today's children already consider themselves adults. Many of them choose street sports as their hobby, where they can show their talents. nine0003

Outdoor sports for children aged 11-13, these are:

  • Breaking;
  • Parkour;
  • Skateboarding;
  • BMX.

In addition, teenagers often choose diving, skydiving, rock climbing, kitesurfing and so on. If your child is already engaged in the sports section, but at this age he decided to change his occupation, do not interfere with him, because modern sports are a great opportunity to learn something new and realize himself, which means that he will be engaged with enthusiasm and pleasure. nine0003

Considering unusual sports, you can also offer a teenager such sections as gorodki, lapta or food running, which originated more than 200 years ago and are now gaining their popularity again in Russia.

Parents should know that it is at the age of 11-13 that coaches look at young athletes and choose the most promising ones to attract them to professional sports.

If you have been offered a transfer to a sports school, you need to weigh the pros and cons, because a sports career is often accompanied by injuries and numerous restrictions. But if you see that a teenager wants and can be a professional in his sport, feel free to trust the coach, because in a few years your child may well become an Olympic champion. nine0003

Important! When enrolling a teenager in a sports school or a section for professional activities, you must take out sports insurance. Insurance will allow you to receive compensation for injuries in training and competitions. Also, without a policy, athletes are not allowed to compete.

Sport in Russia, as well as a healthy lifestyle in general, is becoming fashionable. More than 80% of Russians under the age of 30 regularly visit gyms and playgrounds, go on outdoor activities and teach children to play sports. Thanks to state support, sports for children are numerous, varied, and most importantly accessible. nine0003

One of the priority tasks of the federal project “Sport is the norm of life” is the preparation of a sports reserve, which means that every child involved in sports will be able to practice at the best sports facilities that are already being built throughout the country.

The best sports for children

If you decide to send your child to sports and cannot make a choice, will help you find out what sports are most suitable for children, why they are useful and from what age they can study. nine0027

1. Swimming

One of the most rewarding sports. The age of the child from which you can start training is 3-4 years. Swimming develops not only muscles, but also endurance, speed, coordination. Beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Swimming has a relaxing effect on the body, as it has properties similar to massage. Another effect is hardening: undoubtedly a useful quality for Russian harsh winters. Sports are quite accessible to low-income people. nine0003

Read an interview with an international master of sports in swimming

2. Golf

Quite recently, golf began to gain momentum in our country. A sports game open to all ages. You can start playing golf from 5-7 years old. This game combines the skills of tactics, concentration and physical development. Develops patience, tact, ability to think strategically. Golf is widely used in the business environment as an element of communication. A game with the least injuries and constant exposure to nature, which is very useful for the overall health of the body. nine0003

3. Table tennis

Children start playing sports from the age of 5-6. The game develops speed qualities: reaction, dexterity. Improved endurance, coordination. People involved in table tennis often have the quality of making an instant decision. Children learn tactical thinking. This sport has a low risk of injury. Sports are inexpensive and quite affordable.

4. Tennis

Tennis is often called an "elite sport" because the training is quite expensive, namely the rent of the court. If you have the means, feel free to involve your child in this sport. From the age of 5, the child is already ready to learn the basics of training. Tennis develops speed, agility, quick reaction. Tennis players have very strong arms, shoulder girdle. Sports have an average injury rate. nine0003

Read an interview with the master of sports in tennis

5. Acrobatics

Acrobatics by Jonathan Frantini

A very beautiful sport. Children can be brought to training from the age of 4. Perfectly develops muscles (mainly the upper shoulder girdle). Requires great strength and dexterity. Acrobatics instill discipline, excellent endurance, and tolerance in people. Unfortunately, many are afraid to send their children to this sport because of its increased injury rate. It is not scary if the coach is highly qualified. nine0003

6. Dancing

Certainly a wonderful sport for people of all ages. Children are brought from 3 years. Thanks to dancing, a person becomes graceful, "light", plastic. For girls, dancing is one of the best activities in life. Beauty, posture, endurance are qualities that will remain with your child for life. Dancing is a completely affordable type of activity that does not require special investments, unless, of course, this is related to competitions or championships. The ability to dance is useful in many life situations. nine0003

7. Cycling

Cycling or otherwise cycling is perhaps the most favorite sport among children. In all yards, the guys cut through on bicycles. Cycling is recommended from 3-4 years old. Professionally involvement in sports allows you to develop endurance, leg strength, and coordination. Teaches the child to properly distribute power, make strategic decisions. It has a great influence on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Sports require a one-time investment associated with the purchase of a bicycle and equipment. It is a safe sport. nine0003

8. Walking

Sports are aimed at developing endurance and patience. In walking, as a rule, they move from other athletics areas. For children, this is a very useful sport, but still it will not meet the needs of the child. It has a positive effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. A sport that requires almost no investment. Perfect for the whole family.

9. Horse polo

Team sport, helps in improving eye skills, accuracy, strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle, legs. Learn to interact with animals. A great opportunity to instill in your child a sense of responsibility, to teach teamwork. Sports can be practiced from 10-12 years old. It takes a lot of time to learn how to ride horses. Horse polo requires certain safety rules to be followed. This sport is quite expensive. nine0003

Read the interview with the director of the Moscow Polo Club



Fencing is a martial art with one of the types of melee weapons: rapier, saber or sword. Fencing develops a child's speed, endurance, dexterity, strength, reaction, self-control, the ability to make instant decisions and actions in any situation. You can do it from 6-8 years old, not earlier. Fencing contributes to the development of not only physical qualities, but also intellectual, tactical ones. This hobby will be very interesting for your child. Fencing is a sport with a low injury rate. In the future, it may come in handy, even if it does not become a profession. Fencing experience is in high demand in the film industry. nine0003

11. Kung Fu (Kung Fu, Gun Fu, Wushu)

Historically appeared as combat gymnastics. Nowadays it is a full-fledged type among martial arts. Develops agility, endurance, reaction, strength. Allows you to instantly make a decision in combat conditions. It is better to give children to kung fu from 3-4 years old. At an early age, the child will be able to achieve unsurpassed stretching without any painful exercises. Kung Fu is not only a sport, but also a philosophy. If training is aimed not only at physical development, but also at spiritual development, then the child will learn kindness, the concepts of justice. nine0265

12. Chess

Chess is a very ancient game, recently recognized as a sport. This is a highly intellectual occupation. Allows the child to develop the skills of strategy, tactics. Improves memory, attention. You can take a child from 3-4 years old to the chess section. People who have ever played chess are, as a rule, very intelligent and erudite. Chess lessons are always a good help in other, physical sports. Also pay attention to the ancient oriental game of Go, which is often compared to chess. nine0003

13. Squash

The perfect choice for your child. This is a sport for the whole family. You can do it from a very young age, as soon as a child can hold a racket. Squash is somewhat similar to tennis, but is a more active and complex version of it. Squash helps to develop speed, instant reaction, tactics. Endurance, agility, strength are growing. Squash is a great way to have fun. Very fun and active sports game.

14. Aeromodelling

Aeromodelling is no longer a sport, but a hobby with a professional twist that requires focus and dedication. Children from an early age will be able to learn technical skills. Develops perseverance, patience, ability to think tactically. Improves attention. This sport brings together smart people.

15. Alpine skiing

Alpine skiing should not be practiced before the age of 8-10. This is a very exciting activity. Sports for adrenaline lovers. Skiing is the key to good health. Fresh, oxygenated air strengthens overall health, immunity, and increases the body's resistance. Helps develop endurance, strength, reaction and excellent attention. It is the best choice for your child's health.

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