Big birthday surprise
43 Breathtaking Birthday Surprise Ideas Ever
Last updated on June 3rd, 2022 at 11:29 pm
Now time for some amazing surprise ideas waiting for you. From now you will explore some of the unique ideas for surprises that you might not have heard before.
I have tried to cover every possible idea for everyone. You will find from conventional to unconventional ideas with real-life experiences. So let’s dive into the list.
1. Happy Birthday to You: Biden Sings Happy Birthday to You
Send the ultimate birthday surprise with this animated video from Joe Biden. It’s perfect for someone who has just turned another year older, or just needs a pick-me-up.From the desk of Joe Biden — with love.
2. Group wishes video
I have recently shared this idea in one of my articles. It is the perfect birthday surprise you can give to someone who is far away from your place.
For example, your friend stays in other state or country and you won’t be able to visit the surprise for his/her birthday. In that case, I have one awesome idea for you.
As you can judge from the title that it is going to be wishes of the group of people. Yes, it is. So let me explain what exactly it is. I will explain it to you with an example, Let suppose you want to surprise a friend who went to New York for higher studies.
What you will do is contact all his/her close friends, relatives, and family members. You ask them to make a 15 to the 30-second video giving their wishes.
After you get all those videos, convert it into a mixed video with a single presentation all together.
Imagine how surprised your friend will be to see all of them in a single video, wishing for his birthday. So the same way you can surprise anyone you want with this simple idea.
3. Newspaper ad
Have you seen some ad in a newspaper where you find people wishing birthday to someone? They are generally a small slot in the newspaper, but if you have seen that kind of ads then you know what I am going to say.
Yes, you have guessed it right. Book a slot in any newspaper which that person reads daily. You can use that slot to show a nice ad for wishing him/her birthday.
These ad space are not that costly and though worth for the surprise. Imagine one day you read the newspaper on your birthday and suddenly you find your picture and the birthday wishes. How surprised will you be?
4. Social Page massive followers
Now this one is something unique I found recently. It was a true incident of a mother. A few months back I have landed over to an article where I found how a mother gave a big surprise to her daughter for her birthday.
She made a Facebook page in name of her daughter. What she did after that was pretty an act of standing ovation.
She went on sharing that page to people and with other pages and telling everybody that her daughter’s birthday is coming in a month and she wants to reach a big fan list for her just to surprise her. Those posts go viral and then on followers were flooding to that page.
She has reached a huge list of followers and thus on her birthday, she showed to her daughter.
Her daughter got surprised to see that page with a huge list of followers wishing her birthday with amazing comments and pictures. Here is another similar birthday surprise story you would like to read.
I hope you will get inspired by this story and would do something like this. Here you can check the procedure to make a Facebook page.
5. Hidden Notes
It is quite a fun and exciting surprise you can give anyone on birthday. Take view pieces of paper or maybe some notes.
In every note, write some message for the birthday. You can write wishes, funny messages, emotional touchy messages, writing experiences, anything which can make that person day, exciting and special.
Now when you write all those messages after that you have to hide those note in things that the personal use or maybe the place that person spends his most of the time.
Like suppose a wife can hide a note in husband’s office diary, A mom can hide the note in the launch box, etc.. Or maybe someplace like, working table, bathroom, near the sofa, etc..
The twist is you are not hiding only one note instead you are hiding different notes in a different place.
Imagine the excitement it will give the birthday person for the whole day to explore different notes from the diary, bag, pen, launch box, suit pocket, etc..
You can try this one with any of your beloved ones. This will surprise them all day long.
6. You forgot
I have surprised my girlfriend with this kind of wired thing but this eventually turned out to be a great surprise.
I will tell you what I did, maybe you will get inspired by this story and create your own way to surprise anyone.
3 years back on 21st April, it was my girlfriends birthday. Usually, on her birthday I turn up to her home at midnight to wish her but on that birthday I acted on a phone as if I don’t remember that her birthday is just a moment to arrive.
I told her on a phone that I have to go out with my friends at night and we are on a night out.
She really got upset as she thought I really forgot her birthday. After talking to her I end up the call and then came the surprise.
It was all my plan to act like I forgot and then turn to her as usual at midnight. I planed a lot of things to surprise her on that night, there are too many things so I will better discuss that any time later.
So coming to the point, at 00 am I called her and asked her to see down from her window. She got really surprised as she was not expecting me to come there.
So I think this you can also try, spice it up with your own way to make it more interesting. The idea just simply acts as if you don’t know and then surprise all of a sudden at midnight.
7. Radio Broadcasting
Have you thought to broadcast a birthday wish on Radio? I guess you have not tried it yet. Recently while driving my car I was on one radio station for a long time.
Suddenly a Radio Jockey at 00 Am announced a person name and greeted with a birthday song as a background.
I was pretty amazed at the idea, I was thinking how the birthday person would have felt after listening to that.
Not only he announced, after that the Jockey gave a call to that person and wished him on behalf of his girlfriend who has planned all of this. The same way you can also do something to give a big surprise to anyone.
8. Thread surprise
It is one of the awesome surprise ideas I found reading somewhere that I would like to share it with you. It is a good idea for the husband, wife, mom, dad, brother, sister, girlfriend, boyfriend, anyone you are more close to.
Let suppose you want to surprise your dad. While he is sleeping at night in his room, you have to manage to tie one end of the thread on his finger and other thread to the gift which you have to put somewhere hidden to some other room.
You have to do it almost just before the time he usually wakes up in the morning. Now when he will wake up, he will get surprised to see that thread tied on his finger.
He will wake up and follow that thread to find out what it is. When he will reach the end of the thread he will be surprised to see his gifts.
You can do it for anyone, above I have given just an example to explain. I hope you got what I am trying to say. A wife can do to her husband, vice versa, brother to sister, boyfriend to girlfriend, etc..
9. Kisses greet
This idea is for couples. If you are in a relationship or are married, then you can try this out for your better half.
Actually, I got this idea from my girlfriend. When I was 25, on my birthday she has done it to me.
She asked me to close my eyes and to remain the same until she tells me. I did that and all of a sudden she started giving me kisses one by one on my face from forehead to chin.
She gave me 25 kisses for my 25th birthday, the last one was big and on my lips.
So for all boyfriends, girlfriends, or husbands, wife, this is what you have got to do for your partner.
10. Hobby Gift
What can be a great surprise for them other than gifting a present that is related to their hobby? I think this is the best surprise you can give anyone. You just need to find out what are their hobbies.
Last year I gifted one of my cousin, an acoustic guitar. It was exactly the same model which she was looking for from past many months.
I manage to buy it for her and she was amazed to see that gift at her doorstep. I think that was the best surprise she got on her birthday. So this way you can also do the same for anyone, just know their hobbies.
11. Mail Surprise
Have you mailed someone anytime in your life? No, No, I am not talking about e-mailing. I am talking about like actually drafting a mail.
I know most you have not because it was the old tradition. Why not revive it to make it more fun and exciting, What say?
Yes, I am going to give you another cute and unique way to give surprise to anyone whether they are your family member or friend.
Write a piece of note in a letter on greets and wishes for that person. You can decorate the letter and the envelope as well. You can put any small gift with it also, i.e ring, car key chain, watch etc..
Get it packed and courier it to that person, you can do it for your family member as well.
But be aware to only let the birthday person receive the courier by letting other house members know. It is the cutest surprise you can give anyone.
12. Surprise Video
You might be known to this idea of making a video of slide pictures. If you don’t know about this then here is what you need to do.
Find out his/her pictures of each old memories, collect a bunch of pictures from his/her childhood till this birthday. Either you can collect only every birthday picture.
That person could be your friend, family member or relative, you can find their pictures on the cell phone, their social accounts.
After you shortlist few perfect pictures, go to a personalized gift shop and convert it into a video. They will make it more presentable and dramatic to make it more special. You can do this by yourself with help of video making and editing software.
13. Favorite celebrity autograph sign
Do you know who is their favorite celebrity, any football player or Hollywood star? I know it will be quite difficult for you but I got this idea in my mind so I would like to share with you.
First imagine how you will feel if you get your favorite celebrity signature T-shirt, mug, etc.. I know you will get goosebumps. So imagine the same way that it will be to someone who will receive the same thing.
You can gift them the same, their favorite celebrity signature thing. But the question is how will you be able to do it.
Time to time celebrity auction the things they have used with their signature. For example the very famous cricketer Sachin Tendulkar auctioned his autographed bat.
So if you have got the money then go for it, you can’t gift any better than this and this goes for a big surprise.
You need to check out some ways to get any celebrity autograph.
14. Work Place surprise
This is for people who are working in offices or even students who are studying in colleges. If you are finding birthday surprise ideas for someone who falls into this category, then you will love this idea.
I would like to explain it with an example, Suppose you want to give surprise to your brother. What you will do is tell his colleagues secretly that it’s your brother’s birthday.
Ask many of his colleagues to wish him birthday, one by one. Also, tell them to not disclose that you have told them to wish. Imagine how surprised he will get to see people he hardly knows turning up to him and wishes him.
This way you can also do something like this. You can even also go a step further by giving everyone a note, all different with some messages on it and they can gift to that birthday person.
15. Unplanned road trip
Confused from the title? Unplanned trip? How is it possible? Sorry for the trouble but I thought this title will suit the idea. So what is it all about? Let me explain.
This idea is for youngins. So what you have to do in this. Hire a car or if you have that’s great, Call few close common friends near the birthday person’s place.
After when all friends reach that place, then call the birthday person. Wish him/her and ask to come out. When the person comes out he/she will get surprised to see all his friends all together.
Now tell him and other friends that its unplanned road trip that even you have not decided yet. But the rule is that none has to say “No”.
They have to leave right away for this trip. Can you imagine how much excitement it will be to go to any destination which you have not planned?
- There are many such things you can plan for a birthday.
16. Scrapbook
It’s a conventional idea that you might have tried before. But if you haven’t, then you can try this to surprise your beloved one by letting him/her go down the memory lane.
You might know what scrapbook is. A scrapbook is like any other book where there is personalized pictures, notes, message, etc..
That means you make a book out of personal pictures and messages. You can do the same way I have told you earlier about the video or see this guide to make one.
Use all those memorable images of that person paste them in the book, write your own personal experiences about that moment.
With each picture, you can write a note or you can also do it separately. With this kind of gift, anyone can get overwhelmed.
17. Door surprise
This idea is perfect for all those people who are looking out for some surprise birthday ideas for friends, lover, or someone who are residential to some other place far from yours.
What you have to do is buy a gift for that person, or just flowers. Wrap them the way you want and put that thing on the door with a letter.
Let that person open the door by letting his/her other family member know about it. So when that person will open the door he/she will get surprised to see the gift when nobody is around. It is the cutest surprise you can give anyone.
I have found this idea from a movie. But in the movie, the hero just planned it differently. He lined up few unknown people to turn up to her girlfriend’s house with the flower bouquet.
So one by one people were giving her bouquets and when she asked who is behind all this then they didn’t reply.
In the end, hero ring the bell himself with just one red flower and wish her birthday. She gets impressed with all of that which he had done for her.
18. Surprise party
Plan out a surprise birthday party for that person, I am sure this one you can do it and know how. Call out his friends, family members, colleagues or relatives.
Let them know that you are planning out a surprise party for him/her. You can even insist people who are least expected by the birthday person.
- If you also want to know how to throw a surprise birthday party then read this 3 Step PSE Guide to Plan a successful surprise birthday party.
19. Unexpected visits
This idea is perfect for old parents, uncle-aunt, etc. or to anyone but depends. Like, suppose you have been shifted to a new place and it is been some years you have not met your friends as they are in different state or country.
Now imagine all of a sudden few of your old friends turn up to wish you on your birthday without telling you. How surprised you will be.
The same way you can do to anyone to surprise. You can do for your dad, for example, try to find out all his old friends who he has not met from ages.
Contact them and try to convince them to visit. This way you can do for anyone.
20. Dream gift
Can you gift that person his/her dream thing? Admit it we all have something dream thing in our mind. Like one of my friend always keeps on saying that Blah Blah is a dream car for him whenever he sees that car on the road.
So the person whom you are planning to surprise might also have some dream thing. Find it out and see if you can manage to buy that thing for that person. If possible then go for it else turn to the next idea, LOL.
21. Sketch
Surprise them with their sketch as a gift. For this, you have to find out someone who can sketch for you either you can get it done from anyone you know or a painter who can sketch it.
Find the best picture of that birthday person and get it sketched. I guess that person will be surprised to see him/herself being sketched.
I myself is a sketcher and I have sketched my girlfriend picture as it is. Last, to last year I have gifted her that sketch and she was shocked and surprised to see that sketch.
22. Cake decoration surprise
If you are planning a surprise birthday party for someone, then you should also surprise with the cake also.
Do you know what is the most interesting thing about him/her or something he/she likes? If you know then you can use that to decorate the cake.
For example, if that person is pure music lover then the cake print or decorations can be on the music notes, instruments or music celebrity. This idea is perfect for kids or younger.
- Cake designs for boys
- Cake decorations for girls
23. Favorite destination Tickets
Why don’t you gift that person flight tickets and hotel reservation of his/her favorite destination?
This is the best surprise you can gift to anyone, I mean especially the one who loves to travel, like me. Not only it is a surprise it can be one of the best birthday gifts as well.
So find out in an indirect way about his/her favorite destination. You can make use of these travel tips to plan a birthday travel destination as well as you can use social media as well to judge about which kind of places that person loves more.
24. Dance choreography
You can prepare a choreography on their favorite songs with some special moves. It can also be on a song specially composed for them. Begin rehearsing a while in advance and surprise them by calling them up in a studio or perform at their place. If you want to go all out then you can also make it a flash mob that you can perform at their work space or maybe just on the streets. Flash mobs are anyway such a fun thing.
25. Wishes on the road
This is a unique concept that will surprise anybody so well without any doubts. You can look for different envelopes or buy loads of balloons. You can hand it over to a lot of strangers on the road and request them to give it to the person. Each balloon that they receive will get them confused but at the same time make them feel special and loved. After all it is the gesture that counts more than anything.
26. Old age home surprise
It is the elderly love that is pure and without and malice. The older people have lived so long that they have learned to live life thus there is so much positivity in them and positivity is all you need on this special day. You can pick up a old age home and plan a surprise along with those folks. Get them there anyhow and boom. Surprise her with the happy faces and bring in the celebration singing and dancing with them.
27. Books of clues
This one is a very intellectual yet a great idea for people who are complete bibliophiles. You can buy a certain number of books that some or the other way create a message which may come across as a clue for the next book. This may require a lot of research and efforts but it is definitely the best way to pass out clues for a treasure hunt. The finale of the treasure hunt can be the venue of a surprise party.
28. Leading the day with clues
Just like the previous ones without using books you can make strangers or maybe people from the the places she visits throughout the day to hand out them notes mentioning riddles that he or she needs to decode to move on to the next clue. You can also use your brains to find unique ways to make it more interesting and special. Each clue will lead them closer to the treasure. Thus, the entire day will be full of anticipation followed by a lovely grand finale to curtail the special day.
29. A long birthday week
Why do we celebrate birthday just for a day and then feel emptiness and incomplete the next few upcoming days. Thus, you can make their birthday into a birthday week by presenting them with a surprise each day or partying through the week. You can also present various gifts or something for each day followed with some cool different kind of gatherings prepared for the whole of the week following their birthday day.
30. The proposal
Birthdays are the days when they should be filled with memories and special events that is remembered throughout the life. Thus, this one is for all the girlfriends and boyfriends and could also be for the wives and husband, there is no better day to lay out your feelings in front of them and make the day even special. And for the already married people, confessing love over and over is not boring but a very loving gesture.
31. A website of wishes
Formulating a website is very easy because of the cheap domains that are available and the easy process of making it. Although there are some easy free alternatives also available over the internet. You can decorate the website and add tabs with different sections and make a testimonial add on with all the wishes. You can request everybody to send the URL instead of wishes to make them land on it. Because at the end of the day it is the efforts that count.
32. Special videos on metro
This will make the person go whoa and will take minutes to register what is happening. Just prepare a video with all their memories compiled in form of pictures or videos. You can make a timeline by adding a video wishes. It is easy to buy an ad slot in metros or bus. All you have to do is buy a slot and place it like an ad in a metro which they might frequently to bring it to notice.
33. Poetry on their life
Poems have a tendency to touch the hearts and ignite a special emotion of love and care. Thus, you can write or compose a poem on their life that explains her journey over few lines. You can also add notions about the characteristics and how the person is to add a flavor. You can also make it reach them as a surprise that will make the person feel taken aback then you can approach a local newspaper to publish it.
34. Karaoke booth
You can set up a karaoke booth at their place and wake them up with a birthday song followed by different performances of their favorite melodies. The closed ones including family, friends and acquaintances can also be invited to set up a small get together jamming over songs and so on. The booth can also be decorated with their pictures all over and a some sticky notes with different wishes and messages.It will be one hell of a surprise!
35. Journey in a journal
Things that are personal and made with efforts rather than having a monetary build touch the hearts of people. You can start a week or a month before to jot down the birthday girl or boy’s crucial life events and can also ask the closed ones or well wishers to contribute to this journal. You can beautify it with some awesome momentary pictures and messages from everybody. You can add poems and their frequently used one liners.
36.The Time Line Countdown
Invite the guest of honor to your house under whatever pretense you can devise. Have your guests inside waiting. You might want to arrange for their cars to be parked a block or two away, so the birthday guy or gal doesn’t get suspicious too soon. Using garden stakes, create a timeline along the path to your front door noting four or five special moments in his or her life (sort of like an extremely abbreviated version of “This is your Life”). The timeline will give the person a sense that something is up, but won’t give them enough time to bolt. When you answer the knock at the door, be sure to hold up the last garden stake with the date and “So and so’s Surprise Birthday Party!” written on it. Then let general mayhem ensue
37.The Private Room at the Restaurant Trick
Invite the birthday honoree out to dinner at a restaurant that has a private room for large groups/parties. Arrange for your guests to be in that room before you arrive for your meal. Have that room all set up for the party. Sit down and order (clue the restaurant staff in on this and ask them to bring you appetizers only, not entrees). Make sure the party in the back room gets loud and sounds like fun, but without any distinct voices coming through. Suggest to your friend that you both go and check out that interesting party. If they’re reluctant, just drag them. Surprise!
38.The Afternoon Bike Ride Diversion
Invite the special person for an afternoon bike ride. Plan a route that will take you by a park or other area where you can have your guests waiting for a surprise birthday picnic. Have the party-goers arrive early and set up the blankets and the food. Then just bike right up to the party.
39.The Party on a Train Trick
Invite the birthday guy or gal to go with you into the city (or other fun place that you can take a train to). Have the party guests board the train at a stop before yours. If they can all sit in the first or last car it will be easier to find them. Board the train, find the party and enjoy the day in the city
40.The Art Gallery Fake Out
Invite the surprisee to a (pretend) art gallery opening. Rent space somewhere for the party and decorate the walls with poster-sized framed prints of the guest of honor taken throughout his or her life. and are two online photo development sites that will enlarge photos for you. You can buy very inexpensive poster frames at your local craft store. When you and the surprisee arrive at the party, the guests should already be there mingling with cocktails. Surprise!
Try a sunshine surpriseYou can try a sunshine surprise for her that day for a birthday surprise ideas. Sometimes romance will not make much surprise. But for a good birthday surprise idea, you can try something different. Simply a sunshine idea will make it a great day; a day to remember for long if not till the next birthday party. A sunshine birthday surprise ideas is best for those couples who want to avoid high expenses. You can still make the day beautiful in a very simple way. It does not have to be done the way others are doing it.
scavenger huntThe other things that can work as a good birthday surprise ideas are a scavenger hunt. This type is best for couples who love games, people who love to enjoy playing tough games. Scavenger hunt will make the person celebrating his or her birthday to follow clue after clue. You can ether try setting clues within the house or have that person to walk in the city as you lead them to place where you have set up as romantic landmarks which according to you are most favorite. Good birthday surprise ideas need to bring out the best out of your partners.
birthday surprise ideas hints different from what you actually told himYou might want to tryout birthday surprise ideas hints different from what you actually told him. Let what you said be simply a hint, yet the real surprise be a different one. If you do candlelight dinner for him or her, you may have lied to them that you would go out for a dinner in some place in town. Ladies, especially, would be happier if their boyfriends surprised them with candlelight dinner in a serene and romantic place. Birthday surprise ideas are not easy to come by, but you can always try something out. Probably it is what would make you partner happier, although you must make it more peculiar.
If you are looking for some more specific birthday surprise ideas then you can check out the sources mentioned below:
- Birthday surprises for the boyfriend
- Birthday surprises for her
- Birthday surprise ideas for best friend
- Birthday surprise for sister
- Birthday surprises for husband
I have tried my level best to give you some of the awesome surprise ideas. I have written this list in a way that I think should help everyone as these ideas are written keeping in mind that some point should connect with every one of you.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this and at the end, I would say just go with these birthday surprise ideas without any doubt. If you need any help with any idea then inform me I will give you best guidance.
Birthday Surprise Ideas | Inspiration
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It’s no secret that we absolutely LOVE birthdays — they’re like little, personal holidays for celebrating all our favorite people! But sometimes — maybe it’s someone’s birthday that you’re really close to, or even someone that’s just been great to you in the past year — those celebrations call for something EXTRA special.
Here are some super-fun (and for the most part, pretty easy) birthday surprise ideas for how to surprise someone for when you need to go that extra celebratory mile.
1. Day of Awesomeness
Turn someone’s birthday into a day full of awesomeness. Think of all the things they love (their favorite places to eat, things they like to do, or places you know they love to shop), and fill their day with it. Each stop could be a surprise, with the birthday-person being whisked from one thing to the next – or at the start of the day, you could hand them a full itinerary using our free printable birthday schedule. This could last for a day, a weekend, or a week!
Download our free printable birthday schedule (comes with two options, so you can plan a lot or a little) to help you plan your next unexpected birthday surprise!
2. Round-the-clock Gifting
Everyone loves getting gifts, so why not keep that feeling going all throughout the day? You could give a birthday present once every hour (or every few hours), saving the biggest/best gift for last. If you’ve decided to combine this with the ‘day of awesomeness’ idea from #1, you could give a present related to each event you have throughout the day! Make each gift look unique with our gift wrap ideas!
3. 12 Days of Birthday Fun
It’s just like the Christmas song, but with a birthday present leading up to someone’s birthday. We originally saw the idea on Moms Who Think, but thought that it would be really cool to do with a theme. For example, if your big birthday gift for someone was a weekend getaway to the beach, each smaller gift for the first eleven days could be a clue leading up to the big gift — a pair of flip-flops, sunglasses, or a bottle of suntan lotion. Check out our wrapping paper to pair with each of these gifts!
4. Balloon Avalanche!
Nothing says birthday like balloons! Surprise your kids, your significant other, or roommate with an avalanche of balloons as soon as they open the door. This is usually done while the birthday person is sleeping, but it would be pretty great for a surprise party, too! Or you could put a birthday present in a closet, and then fill the closet with balloons like Oh Happy Day, so all the birthday balloons falls out when they open it! Shop our balloons!

If you like the balloon avalanche, but you’re looking for something much prettier (that also smells nice), check out this flower bomb idea from designlovefest.
6. Care Package
Remember when getting mail was still fun (before all those annoying bills started showing up)? If you can’t be with someone on their birthday, bring back some of that postal joy by sending a birthday care package. Just think of all the things you’d bring along to celebrate if you could be there, add in a few nods to inside jokes, and ship them in a box! Oh Happy Day’s Birthday in a Can is a fun twist that’s great for kids.
7. Cards, cards and more cards
What’s better than a birthday card? How about a whole week’s worth of birthday cards? If you buy your cards online, you can have them all scheduled to go out on different days, so your birthday-boy or girl will get one every day leading up to their birthday. Oh, and we may know of a birthday card website that can help.
Hope these ideas get those birthday juices flowing, and as always, if you’ve got other ideas for us on how to celebrate birthdays in a unique way, we’d love to hear them!
Image credits
(4) Balloon surprise via Oh Happy Day | (5) Flower Bomb via Designlovefest | (6) Birthday in a Can via Oh Happy Day | (6) Birthday Care Package via What Matters Most to Me
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How to make a birthday surprise - Articles
We all come from childhood. And there, in childhood, birthday was a magical celebration of the fulfillment of desires. As adults, we no-no and secretly feel sad for those carefree days, and for our birthday we get an on-duty bouquet of flowers and another “very necessary thing in the household”.
It is very easy to please a person: listen to the person you are going to give a gift to. Often, women “hint” about their desires in plain text, “unobtrusively” drawing the attention of their companions to a jewelry showcase or a rack with super fashionable phones. If there were no obvious signals from potential recipients, you will have to invent it yourself.
When choosing a birthday present for your mother, son or beloved neighbor, remember that there is an unspoken list of gifts that you absolutely cannot give, so as not to spoil the holiday. For example, most women will be upset if they receive a frying pan or pantyhose, cheap perfume and jewelry. Men will also be skeptical about ties and cufflinks, colognes and socks. Children do not like to receive items of clothing and edifying books like "How to become an exemplary boy in 10 days. " Definitely, the surprise should resonate in theme with the hobbies of the birthday boy and be pleasant to him: a person who cannot stand insects should not give him a tropical imperial scorpion, even if it is alcoholized.
Now that we have decided what not to give, let's move on to tips on how to prepare a birthday surprise. A gift can be either one unusual item or a whole holiday scenario, developed and played out by the friends of the birthday boy. After all, it is important not only WHAT to give, but also HOW to present it.
Household surprises
A birthday surprise for a loved one, friend, mother can be an exclusive thing made in a single copy: a mug or a mouse pad with a printed photograph, a CD with a portrait of a musical selection of the birthday boy and a thematic selection .
Dishes remain one of the most popular gifts: plates, glasses and glasses are considered a win-win option, however, not everyone is happy with typical sets of cups and saucers. The issue is easily resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. Original gift shops sell sets of unusual glasses for playing tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, and roulette. Imagine what the surprise of the birthday boy will be when you give him the “right gift” - a chessboard - and then arrange the glasses, pour “white” and “red” into them and offer to “skip” a game of chess.
Romantic and original surprises
Dinner among thousands of tropical butterflies or a congratulation laid out from candles under the apartment window can become an original birthday surprise. True, these ideas have been circulating on the Internet for more than a year and have somewhat lost their novelty. You have to come up with something unusual.
For example, flowers or balloons. What is special here, you ask? Everyone gives them, with or without reason... Have you ever heard of talking flowers? Or about balloons singing songs?
"Talking flowers" are created using a special technology: three-dimensional stickers - inscriptions or drawings - are applied to the petals, which allow you to express feelings or congratulate your loved one in a special way on the holiday.
"Singing balls" will surprise even a person experienced in surprises. Hidden inside this amazing gift is a mechanism that allows you to record a voice or musical greeting. An unsuspecting birthday boy receives a normal-looking balloon, and there... Messages in brilliant singing balloons can be re-recorded and played back many times - a wonderful gift for both men who "love with their eyes" and for women who "love with their ears."
Chinese "sky lanterns" will be a magical and memorable birthday surprise gift. These are small paper balloons with a burner attached to the base. Due to the heated air, the lanterns fly up and turn into small golden stars. You can write a wish or confession on a paper lantern with a marker - and it will become not a mass product of Chinese factories, but your personal guide, taking dreams and desires into the sky. A flock of several lanterns launched into the night sky looks especially beautiful and romantic.
Funny surprise gifts live on the sites of creative laboratories where "freelance artists" work. There you can find a fan for a cup of tea, a bubble with the smell of money that will attract finance to your home, an anti-crisis scarecrow, a hamburger notebook, an armored photo album, or a calendar that counts the days until the weekend.
Practical surprises
The most pleasant gift will be something that a person has long and passionately dreamed of buying or trying: skydiving, riding a trio of white horses, participating in the royal hunt. On this day, everything is possible, and your job is to ensure the fulfillment of desire.
A practical surprise can be tied to any hobby of the birthday boy. Does he like to watch The Simpsons for hours? Present unusual slippers in the form of the head of Homer Simpson. Complains that due to work there is not enough time to care for pets? Surprise him with a sealed aquarium with a closed ecosystem. The water world does not require care, and the living creatures swimming in it can live up to 10 years. No time for a closed aquarium? Give a small cactus in a keychain. Such a pet can always be carried with you, kept in a dark pocket and watered once every two weeks. And at work, surprise colleagues with a "pendant" with this cute plant. A sweet tooth can be presented with a towel neatly folded in the form of a chic cake with cream, an adventurer - a lamp in the form of fried eggs, a joker - a roll of toilet paper with jokes or crossword puzzles.
Collective surprise
and take matters into your own hands. You can limit yourself to a surprise like those that are often found in American films: the birthday boy enters the room, the light turns on and he sees all his friends and relatives, in stupid caps and with pipes, a huge cake and the choral "Happy idle".
You can go even further and organize a theme party: imagine yourself as the ancient Greeks, Scots or cowboys from the Wild West. A simple hanger in the hallway turns into a hitching post, where it is supposed to "tie horses". On the walls there are notices about the search for dangerous criminals, in which the sheriff promises a reward for their head and the most "expensive" criminal, of course, the birthday boy. Light country music sounds, brave cowboys in Stetson hats and Indians with feathers on their heads roam the apartment. In the interior there are old horseshoes, dusty bottles of good old whiskey, cacti and guitars. The party program includes competitions for strength (arm wrestling), dexterity (lasso throwing) and accuracy (darts, water pistols), peace pipe lighting, and a fair lottery. When everything is ready, you can call the birthday boy and ask him to "drop in for a visit." Surprise is sure to succeed!
And finally, economical gifts
If finances are singing something again, and you really want to arrange a birthday surprise for a girl, mother or neighbor, show your imagination and beat her with original packaging. For example, buy two handfuls of lollipops. If you tie them together by sticks, you get a voluminous sweet bouquet. Or a tree. And if you fasten them with the help of threads and adhesive tape with sticks outward, you will have a funny hedgehog in your hands.
Buy simple candies in the form of coins, cover a shoe box with shiny paper and invent a beautiful legend about a pirate who, dying, told you where the stolen treasures were buried.
Change $15 into $1 bills and make a money flower out of them. The legend of the Great Feng Shui will come in handy here, which will attract money, good luck, profitable suitors and a tax inspector to the house.
Buy an antibook - a colorful dust jacket that you can put on any book and make it look like you are reading a book on Proper Booty Care, learning "400 Three Letter Words" or self-education "War and Peace" in the subway comics.
We all come from childhood. And there, in childhood, birthday was a magical celebration of the fulfillment of desires. As adults, we no-no and secretly feel sad for those carefree days, and for our birthday we get an on-duty bouquet of flowers and another “very necessary thing in the household”. It is very simple to please a person: listen to the person you are going to give a gift to. Often, women “hint” about their desires in plain text, “unobtrusively” drawing the attention of their companions to a jewelry showcase or a rack with super fashionable phones. If there were no obvious signals from potential recipients, you will have to invent it yourself.
Do's and Don'ts
When choosing a birthday present for your mother, son or beloved neighbor, remember that there is an unspoken list of gifts that you absolutely cannot give, so as not to spoil the holiday. For example, most women will be upset if they receive a frying pan or pantyhose, cheap perfume and jewelry. Men will also be skeptical about ties and cufflinks, colognes and socks. Children do not like to receive items of clothing and edifying books like "How to Become a Good Boy in 10 Days." Definitely, the surprise should resonate with the hobbies of the birthday man and be pleasant to him: a person who cannot stand insects should not give a tropical imperial scorpion, even if it is alcoholized. Now that we have decided what not to give, let's move on to tips on how to prepare a birthday surprise. A gift can be either one unusual item or a whole holiday scenario, developed and played out by the friends of the birthday boy. After all, it is important not only WHAT to give, but also HOW to present it.
Household surprises
A birthday surprise for a loved one, friend, mother can be an exclusive thing made in a single copy: a mug or a mouse pad with a printed photo, a CD with a portrait of the birthday person and a thematic musical selection. Dishes remain one of the most popular gifts: plates, glasses and glasses are considered a win-win option, however, not everyone is happy with standard sets of cups and saucers. The issue is easily resolved to the satisfaction of both parties. Original gift shops sell sets of unusual glasses for playing tic-tac-toe, checkers, chess, and roulette. Imagine what the surprise of the birthday boy will be when you present him with the “right gift” - a chessboard - and then arrange the glasses, pour “white” and “red” into them and offer to “skip” a game of chess.
Romantic and original surprises
Dinner among thousands of tropical butterflies or congratulations laid out from candles under the apartment window can become an original birthday surprise. True, these ideas have been circulating on the Internet for more than a year and have somewhat lost their novelty. You have to come up with something unusual. For example, flowers or balloons. What is special here, you ask? Everyone gives them, with or without reason... Have you ever heard of talking flowers? Or about balloons singing songs? "Talking Flowers" are created using a special technology: three-dimensional stickers - inscriptions or drawings - are applied to the petals, which allow you to express feelings or congratulate your loved one in a special way on the holiday. "Singing balls" will surprise even a person experienced in surprises. Hidden inside this amazing gift is a mechanism that allows you to record a voice or musical greeting. An unsuspecting birthday boy receives a normal-looking balloon, and there. .. Messages in brilliant singing balloons can be re-recorded and played back many times - a wonderful gift for both men who "love with their eyes" and for women who "love with their ears." Chinese "sky lanterns" will be a magical and memorable birthday surprise gift. These are small paper balloons with a burner attached to the base. Due to the heated air, the lanterns fly up and turn into small golden stars. You can write a wish or confession on a paper lantern with a marker - and it will become not a mass product of Chinese factories, but your personal guide, taking dreams and desires into the sky. A flock of several lanterns launched into the night sky looks especially beautiful and romantic. Funny surprise gifts live on the sites of creative laboratories where "freelance artists" work. There you can find a fan for a cup of tea, a bubble with the smell of money that will attract finance to your home, an anti-crisis scarecrow, a hamburger notebook, an armored photo album, or a calendar that counts the days until the weekend.
Practical surprises
The most pleasant gift will be something that a person has long and passionately dreamed of buying or trying: skydiving, riding a trio of white horses, participating in the royal hunt. On this day, everything is possible, and your job is to ensure the fulfillment of desire. A practical surprise can be "attached" to any hobby of the birthday boy. Does he like to watch The Simpsons for hours? Present unusual slippers in the form of the head of Homer Simpson. Complains that due to work there is not enough time to care for pets? Surprise him with a sealed aquarium with a closed ecosystem. The water world does not require care, and the living creatures swimming in it can live up to 10 years. No time for a closed aquarium? Give a small cactus in a keychain. Such a pet can always be carried with you, kept in a dark pocket and watered once every two weeks. And at work, surprise colleagues with a "pendant" with this cute plant. A sweet tooth can be presented with a towel neatly folded in the form of a chic cake with cream, an adventurer - a lamp in the form of fried eggs, a joker - a roll of toilet paper with jokes or crossword puzzles.
Collective surprise
matter in your own hands. You can limit yourself to a surprise like those that are often found in American films: the birthday boy enters the room, the light turns on and he sees all his friends and relatives, in stupid caps and with pipes, a huge cake and the choral "Happy idle". You can go even further and organize a theme party: imagine yourself as the ancient Greeks, Scots or cowboys from the Wild West. A simple hanger in the hallway turns into a hitching post, where it is supposed to "tie horses". On the walls there are notices about the search for dangerous criminals, in which the sheriff promises a reward for their head and the most "expensive" criminal, of course, the birthday boy. Light country music sounds, brave cowboys in Stetson hats and Indians with feathers on their heads roam the apartment. In the interior there are old horseshoes, dusty bottles of good old whiskey, cacti and guitars. The party program includes competitions for strength (arm wrestling), dexterity (lasso throwing) and accuracy (darts, water pistols), peace pipe lighting, and a fair lottery. When everything is ready, you can call the birthday boy and ask him to "drop in for a visit." Surprise is sure to succeed!
And finally, economical gifts
If finances are singing something again, and you really want to arrange a birthday surprise for a girl, mother or neighbor, show your imagination and beat her with original packaging. For example, buy two handfuls of lollipops. If you tie them together by sticks, you get a voluminous sweet bouquet. Or a tree. And if you fasten them with the help of threads and adhesive tape with sticks outward, you will have a funny hedgehog in your hands. Buy simple candies in the form of coins, cover a shoe box with shiny paper and compose a beautiful legend about a pirate who, dying, told you where the stolen treasures were buried. Exchange 15 dollars in 1 dollar bills and build a “money flower” out of them. The legend of the Great Feng Shui will come in handy here, which will attract money, good luck, profitable suitors and a tax inspector to the house. Buy an antibook - a colored dust jacket that you can put on any book and make it look like you are reading a book on Proper Booty Care in the subway, learning "400 Three Letter Words" or self-educating "War and Peace" in comics.
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6 great birthday surprise ideas
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Life Hacks • Interesting
Birthday Surprise
16 July 2021
Each of us comes from childhood. And in childhood, birthdays were perceived as a magical holiday, during which many wishes came true. Having matured, we sometimes regret the carefree days gone by, especially when on our birthday we receive a “duty” bouquet with a standard postcard and a “very necessary thing” as a gift. Whether it's a pleasant and completely unexpected surprise, bringing a lot of positive emotions!
What can be an unusual, original birthday surprise? Definitely, it should be something that resonates with the hobbies of the birthday man. It can be one item or a whole holiday scenario, planned and implemented by the friends of the hero of the occasion. Let's look at some of the most impressive ideas for preparing a non-standard present and a cool birthday greeting.
1. Balloon surprise ideas
How can you be sad if you have at least one balloon? But you can present a whole armful of balloons filled with helium! However, the most desperate can even fill the whole room with them to get a real air sea.
- You can even make a cool prototype of a gift out of long balloons, which will be presented only at the end of the birthday celebration - such a kind of hint of a surprise.
- A box of balloons will also help to surprise the birthday boy: when he opens it, light balloons with helium will beautifully rise and scatter upwards.
To make the balloons look even more attractive, you can put confetti, banknotes, notes with wishes, gifts in them. And you can use them as an unusual package, having previously hidden something inside that will fit through the rubber neck - as soon as the balloon bursts, a surprise will appear.
2. DIY photo surprises
Do you think the photo idea is banal? In vain, because there are several pleasant and original ways to wish a happy birthday using photographs. Creative and creative people can easily make such a gift with their own hands.
- A photo collage or a newspaper with a huge number of photos and a description of something related to the birthday person looks quite touching.
- A collage in an album looks no less beautiful, but the main condition is to take a non-standard photo album for this. It should consist of clean thick sheets on which you can stick a photo, as well as write wishes and congratulations, make drawings. In principle, you should get an interesting album in the scrapbooking technique.
- Another option on how to surprise a birthday using photographs is to make a collage in the form of a box. You can make it yourself from thick cardboard and wrapping paper, or you can buy a finished product. An insert with photos can look like a booklet or an accordion, where warm, touching captions are left under each picture.
From the photographs, you can also prepare a set of individual postcards with original comments.
3. Surprise box with gifts inside
What other surprise can surprise you on your birthday? For example, a box with a wide variety of content. To begin with, you will have to prepare a large box, for this you can decorate a completely ordinary cardboard box with your own hands, pasting it with corrugated multi-colored paper, sequins, ribbons. And there are several filling options, each of them is interesting in its own way and is able to surprise equally strongly.
- Inside there can be many other beautiful boxes folded like a matryoshka. And only in the very last will the present be packed. It is safe to say that even the smallest souvenir or a beautiful greeting card in this case will be an unexpected surprise and cause a storm of emotions.
- The box can be filled with envelopes or boxes that say when to open them. The reason can be almost any, as an option: “Tired of work”, “I want, I don’t know what myself”, “I want to be sad”.
Each envelope contains a cool piece of advice or a wish for the situation and a small gift, for example, your favorite chocolate bar, a mini bottle of whiskey, condoms - most importantly, there should be a lot of surprises.
- Presenting a birthday cake is also a good idea, if you arrange it in a non-trivial way. You can cook the cake yourself or order it in a pastry shop, and present it by placing it in a large box. If the cake is not one of the favorites of the birthday boy, then there is another option for a delicious present: you need to fill the box with cookies baked by yourself. The secret is that each cookie will contain a fortune note. By the way, desserts can be prepared in a variety of forms.
4. How to organize a non-trivial greeting
In order for a birthday surprise to have the maximum effect, you need to take care not only of the present itself, but also of its delivery. There are many ideas, which one to choose and how to organize everything - it's up to you.
- You can invite professional artists directly to the workplace of the hero of the occasion, or order a street performance for him. This in itself will be a great birthday surprise.
- An "unscheduled" meeting with the birthday boy at his house is also a good option. You just need to agree with his friends and relatives so that in the evening, after the end of the working day, everyone will meet him with a noisy company and present gifts.
- Renting a cafe and inviting not only the hero of the occasion, but also all his close people is already organizing a large-scale event. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely conceal from the birthday man the idea of \u200b\u200bcelebrating his birthday, but a lot can be left a secret. The main surprise can be a show with live music, dance numbers or magic tricks. The implementation of such an idea will require a lot of effort, but the effect produced will be amazing. Of course, it is best to entrust the organization of such congratulations to professionals.
5. Extreme Gifts: Unforgettable Birthday Ideas
If you live in a big city, there are even more opportunities to organize a birthday surprise that will be remembered for years. Of course, extreme sports are not for everyone, but if a person is ready to take risks, this is a great choice, because emotions will be remembered much more than any expensive gift! Adrenaline will go off scale, and photo and video cameras will record such original fun for posterity. So what's the surprise?
A person who loves extreme sports will not refuse to fly in a balloon or jump from a bridge. Anyone who loves mountains and dreams of mountaineering is waiting for the nearest climbing wall. If a person has been thinking about space since childhood, he will be interested in going to the planetarium.
An unforgettable (and if you try, even extreme) gift can be a trip to an unfamiliar city. Moreover, the journey does not have to be far, because there are interesting places in every region. Celebrating a birthday in an unfamiliar place will bring maximum impressions and vivid emotions, broaden your horizons, and, as astrologers say, will help change your fate for the better.
6. Birthday in a restaurant with the closest people
An excellent surprise gift would be to organize a holiday in a favorite restaurant or cafe of the birthday person, but only so that he does not know about it. If there is no such place, any institution will do, because spending a birthday in a beautiful, cozy place where the closest and dearest people gather is not a great surprise?
If you do not know which restaurant to choose, we offer you a selection of cozy individual rooms in restaurants and cafes in Moscow, you just have to choose!
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