Cognitive development activities for 4 year olds

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My children love to play games. Over the years we have gone through quite a few games. Some we play once or twice but then give away because the children don’t seem to care for them very much. Others become quick favorites that we play for years. Playing board games with little kids can help …

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This Ruggish Perch Pillow Giveaway is sponsored by Ruggish. As always, all opinions are my own. You may have heard of the Ruggish Co. before as their play rugs and runners are super popular. (I’m here to say they are truly AMAZING – super soft, cute, and functional! My little ones LOVES playing on hers …

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Do you like to give books at Christmastime? I try to always give each of my children at least one new book. They love to read and I definitely want to encourage that! This year I’ve noticed that when we go to the library my older kids have been checking out a lot of National …

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This giveaway is sponsored by TrailKeg. As always, all opinions are my own. Looking for something to keep your beverages exactly how they should be? TrailKeg has a well designed and easy to use solution! The TrailKeg does exactly what it’s supposed to do: holds pressure, maintains adjustable carbonation, and is well-built. It’s perfect for …

Read More about TrailKeg Half Gallon Package Giveaway

Choosing gifts for a 5-year-old girl, in my opinion, is so much fun! They are into all the girly things! When my daughters were five-years-old, they were both into virtually the same things: dolls (both baby and adult action-figure type dolls, like Barbie), stuffed animals of every shape, size, and color, crafting items, fun board …

Read More about The Ultimate Gifts for a 5-Year-Old Girl – Over 70 Ideas!

Subscription services are all the rage these days.   Because life is just so busy for everyone, they make it really handy to get fun new items.  I’ve been receiving the Nadine West fashion subscription for a couple years now. Some packages have been large (with 10-12 items inside) and others a little smaller (with just …

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This post is sponsored by PatPat. As always, all opinions are my own. For those of you who are new here, I’ve been writing for Janessa at Thrifty Nifty Mommy for over five years now. Back in January, we welcomed our sixth child, a rainbow baby. With a 7 1/2 year age gap between our …

Read More about PatPat Review – Affordable Fashion Clothes For Kids!

You’ve signed up for Take Them a Meal (or Meal Train) and now you’re wondering what you should take them. Maybe this is the first time you’ve taken a new mom and her new baby a home-cooked meal and you’re wondering what the standard protocol is for this sort of thing. Maybe you’re someone who …

Read More about Meal Train Ideas, Tips, Etiquette, Plus All the Best Meal Recipes to Take

Have you ever been to Disney? Our family loves going to Disney World but we’ve also visited Disneyland a couple times too. There’s just so much magic once you walk through those gates! But even if you haven’t physically visited, there’s lots of ways to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Disney. Whether it’s …

Read More about The BEST Disney Bags, Backpacks, & Diaper Bags (+ Giveaway)

November is my birthday month and since I’m a huge meme fan I thought that now would be the best time to share this top 50 Hilarious Happy Birthday Meme post! I’ve worked hard to assemble a list of over 50 funny happy birthday memes that you’re sure to enjoy. These happy birthday memes are …

Read More about Over 50 of the BEST Happy Birthday Memes

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My children love to play games. Over the years we have gone through quite a few games. Some we play once or twice but then give away because the children don’t seem to care for them very much. Others become quick favorites that we play for years. Playing board games with little kids can help …

Read More about The Best Preschool Board Games & Card Games

This Ruggish Perch Pillow Giveaway is sponsored by Ruggish. As always, all opinions are my own. You may have heard of the Ruggish Co. before as their play rugs and runners are super popular. (I’m here to say they are truly AMAZING – super soft, cute, and functional! My little ones LOVES playing on hers …

Read More about Ruggish Perch Pillow Giveaway

Do you like to give books at Christmastime? I try to always give each of my children at least one new book. They love to read and I definitely want to encourage that! This year I’ve noticed that when we go to the library my older kids have been checking out a lot of National …

Read More about These National Geographic Books for Kids Make Great Christmas Gifts – Enter to Win Them Too!

This giveaway is sponsored by TrailKeg. As always, all opinions are my own. Looking for something to keep your beverages exactly how they should be? TrailKeg has a well designed and easy to use solution! The TrailKeg does exactly what it’s supposed to do: holds pressure, maintains adjustable carbonation, and is well-built. It’s perfect for …

Read More about TrailKeg Half Gallon Package Giveaway

Choosing gifts for a 5-year-old girl, in my opinion, is so much fun! They are into all the girly things! When my daughters were five-years-old, they were both into virtually the same things: dolls (both baby and adult action-figure type dolls, like Barbie), stuffed animals of every shape, size, and color, crafting items, fun board …

Read More about The Ultimate Gifts for a 5-Year-Old Girl – Over 70 Ideas!

Subscription services are all the rage these days.  Because life is just so busy for everyone, they make it really handy to get fun new items.   I’ve been receiving the Nadine West fashion subscription for a couple years now. Some packages have been large (with 10-12 items inside) and others a little smaller (with just …

Read More about Nadine West Subscription Service For Women

This post is sponsored by PatPat. As always, all opinions are my own. For those of you who are new here, I’ve been writing for Janessa at Thrifty Nifty Mommy for over five years now. Back in January, we welcomed our sixth child, a rainbow baby. With a 7 1/2 year age gap between our …

Read More about PatPat Review – Affordable Fashion Clothes For Kids!

You’ve signed up for Take Them a Meal (or Meal Train) and now you’re wondering what you should take them. Maybe this is the first time you’ve taken a new mom and her new baby a home-cooked meal and you’re wondering what the standard protocol is for this sort of thing. Maybe you’re someone who …

Read More about Meal Train Ideas, Tips, Etiquette, Plus All the Best Meal Recipes to Take

Have you ever been to Disney? Our family loves going to Disney World but we’ve also visited Disneyland a couple times too. There’s just so much magic once you walk through those gates! But even if you haven’t physically visited, there’s lots of ways to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Disney. Whether it’s …

Read More about The BEST Disney Bags, Backpacks, & Diaper Bags (+ Giveaway)

November is my birthday month and since I’m a huge meme fan I thought that now would be the best time to share this top 50 Hilarious Happy Birthday Meme post! I’ve worked hard to assemble a list of over 50 funny happy birthday memes that you’re sure to enjoy. These happy birthday memes are …

Read More about Over 50 of the BEST Happy Birthday Memes

90,000 ☀ Developing interesting ☀ Classes for children 4 5 years old ☀


  1. Mathematical
  2. Basic geometry
  3. numbers and numbers
  4. equality and inequalities
  5. Logical
  6. Concentration and memory 9000,
  7. Speech
  8. Clear speech
  9. Compliance with grammar norms
  10. Transition to a foreign language
  11. Sports
  12. Video. Interesting activities with children 4-5 years old

Classes for children of 4 years old must be not only developing, but also exciting. Remember that at 4 years old, the baby is not yet able to sit in one place for a long time (usually routine tests that require more than 40-50 minutes to pass are a difficult test for the child), so the presence of physical education (approximate exercises can be seen below) is mandatory. What activities are recommended for a 4-year-old child?

Classes with a child of 4-5 years old will be interesting for parents as well


It is at this age that the child should be prepared for school. In order for the lessons in the educational institution to be easily absorbed by children, it is recommended to spend time on mastering the following topics:

Basic geometry

position in space (for example, if the figures are arranged in a row, then the baby should be able to say which figure is before or after the selected one).

Studying geometric shapes

Materials to help with the activity: drawings of geometric shapes point by point, colorful tables of geometric shapes with real-life examples (for example, a triangular piece of cake, a round button, etc.), tables with groups of geometric shapes, the game “find extra figure.


A child needs to learn how to count to at least ten (preferably forward and backward) and how to write numbers as accurately as possible. Usually, the following materials are used for teaching at home: copybooks, puzzles, simple examples. In order to teach a child to correlate an abstract number with real objects, it is better to use children's favorite toys (for example, cars for boys and dolls for girls), or special counting sticks from which you can add all kinds of figures.

Learn to count with colorful numbers

Equalities and inequalities

The kid needs to understand the basic principles of comparison (greater than, less than or equal to) and learn how to create equal sets on his own. As in the previous case, it is better to use not boring black-and-white developmental tests, but favorite toys actively used by children (for example, you can play a fairy tale with children in which the main characters go to a holiday where there are only two tables, and you need to share the whole group into two equal parts).


The development of logic is extremely important, since the child has 2-3 years before school (according to psychologists, 4 years is the most suitable age for the child to master the necessary logical concepts).

Task Logical series

Teachers recommend that parents perform developmental exercises on the following topics:

Similar or different

The kid should be able to find matches or differences in the picture. Any pictures (preferably with a small number of elements so as not to confuse the child), carefully corrected in a graphics editor, will serve you as a very good material for studying on this topic for 1-2 years (you just need to replace the elements in the original image).

If you don't want to make your own materials, you can purchase special educational books.

Find the common

The kid must find the general quality of some group of objects (dishes, blue objects, objects with a certain letter, and so on), and also calculate an extra object (for example, a wild animal from a group of domestic ones). For classes at home, a set of developing cards is usually used as materials. If you want to conduct lessons in nature, then use the entire environment as examples: for example, a green spruce would be superfluous in a group of yellow birches.

logical task “Find the difference”

Find an error

The kid must find errors both in pictures and in spoken text (for example, “I like to sled in the summer”). As teaching materials, you can use both self-made drawings (it is better to take pictures for the age of 2-3 years, since they do not contain many small details), and special educational aids.

Attention and memory concentration

The kid should not be distracted from the task they are performing for 5-10 minutes (while the lessons do not exceed 40-50 minutes in duration), in addition, the kid should remember the recently read or heard information. If you want to study at home, then you can use self-made cards (it is desirable that the images are as simple as possible. Multi-colored or black and white geometric shapes are suitable for a start): first, the baby looks at them for a while, and then lists the depicted objects from memory.

Cards for memorizing objects

No additional materials are needed for outdoor activities: at any time of the year you can use the objects around you: in winter - made snowmen, in autumn - colorful leaves.


At the age of 4, the baby especially needs communication. That is why you should pay attention to the exercises on the following topics:

Understandable speech

The child needs to know at least a thousand words (if you are not sure about the baby’s vocabulary, you can take tests to determine it), as well as building simple sentences . It is convenient to deal with this topic with the help of word games (for example, riddles, charades, danetki, and so on).

Tasks for the development of speech

Compliance with grammatical norms

The kid should not get confused in prepositions, genders and numbers of objects. If you observe “falling” words in a child, then it is best to correct errors by using cards.

Learning and writing letters

Transition to a foreign language

If the child is making progress in his native language, you can start learning the basics of a foreign language with him (usually parents decide to learn English or German with the child). A foreign language can be studied both at home and in special groups for preschoolers.


Sports development of the baby must be present, so if you can not send your son or daughter to the sports section, then do developmental exercises at home.

Sports activities at home

Ball games, exercises, simple dances and outdoor games are recommended.

Remember that all children develop at a different pace, so if the baby does not succeed in something, you should not scold him. It is better to offer your child interesting games with which he can develop a particular skill.

Video. Interesting activities for children 4-5 years old

Educational activities and online games for children 4 years old from Kids Smart

Exciting games to develop logic, attention, memory and other skills for children of four years old

17 698
tasks for children 4 years

Attention and memory

Remember and guess

Miracle cubes

Find a pair

Magic points


Find the extra

Hot and cold

Hard and soft

Which is heavier?


Large and small

Additional row

Reading and diploma


Select the letter

Letters by about

differences and similarities

Find the shadow

The same objects 9000

Learning to consider up to 5

Counting animals

Learning numbers from 1 to 5

Counting objects

We count in order to 5


Learning Shapes

Shapes and Objects

Learning Colors

Color Shapes

Recognizing Colors

Sorting by color

Learning to be considered up to 10

Learning numbers from 0 to 9,

The composition of the number to 10

We count items

We count in order to 10

Funny score

We consider animals

to consider up to 20,

Counting objects

Learning numbers from 10 to 20

Counting animals

Entertaining mathematics

Addition (up to 10)

Comparison of numbers (up to 10) 9Ol000

Attention and memory

Remembering and guessing

Miracle cubes

Find a pair

Magic points


Find the extra

Hot and cold

Hard and soft

Which is heavier?


Large and small

Additional row

Reading and diploma


Select the letter

Letters by about

differences and similarities

Find the shadow

The same objects 9000

Learning to consider up to 5

Counting animals

Learning numbers from 1 to 5

We consider items

We count in order to 5

Funny score


Short or long

Low or high

Small or wide


Take the animal

Take the photo


Learning Shapes

Shapes and Objects

Learning Colors

Color Shapes

We distinguish the colors

Sorting by color

Learning to count to 10

Learning numbers from 0 to 9,0003

Composition of the number to 10

We count items

We count in order to 10

Funny score

We consider animals

Learning to learn count up to 20

Count objects

Learn numbers from 10 to 20

Count animals

Entertaining math

Addition (up to 10)

Comparison of numbers (up to 10)

Subtraction (up to 5)

Subtraction (up to 10)

Add (up to 5)




Musical instruments

Alphabetical procedure



Lots of tasks!
A 4-year-old child develops rapidly and explores the world around him. We advise your child to study on our platform educational games and online activities for children 4 years old aimed at training and improving memory, developing logical thinking and concentration. Our team has prepared and distributed by subject a large number of interesting and developing exercises and games for children of four years. In each subject, tasks are grouped by topic for easy navigation through the system during training. All exercises are divided into three levels of difficulty, which gradually increases.

Be proud of your success!
Each child will be able to find bright, interesting and educational tasks for themselves in our Kids Smart online service. These are various tasks for counting, logic, imagination, learning colors and shapes. A four-year-old kid will like colorful tasks in a playful way, this is the value of educational games - to develop effortlessly.

If the exercises are completed correctly, the child will receive prizes and medals. And the system will reward the most diligent students with diplomas.

Development of the necessary skills!
Educational activities and games online for children 4 years old is a whole range of cognitive and useful tasks for a child. Recall that the regularity of classes is a very important factor in the harmonious development of children. We recommend doing 10-15 minutes at a time. Get involved in the process of the game, support the baby's initiative for learning, but at the same time, let him make his own decisions when choosing an answer. If something is unclear, please explain. Thus, during the game, a child at 4 years old will develop mental activity, the ability to overcome difficulties and independence.

Fun and useful games!
We have added elements of the game to the learning process to make it easier and more understandable for the child to perform exercises, and also not to be distracted during classes, because the game is always interesting and exciting.

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