Color balloons song
Color Theme
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Songs & Fingerplays
Color Balloons
I had a great big red balloon.
Until I let it go.
Now where, oh where, I wonder,
Did my balloon blow?
I had a great big blue balloon,
The string I held so tight.
But when I opened up my hand,
My balloon flew out of sight.
I had a great big green balloon,
As pretty as could be.
But when I let go of its string,
It flew away from me.
I had a great big yellow balloon,
When I went out to play.
But when I wasn't watching,
My balloon just flew away.
Red balloon, red balloon,
Where can you be?
Red balloon, red balloon,
Up in a tree.
Blue balloon, blue balloon,
Where did you fly?
Blue balloon, blue balloon,
Up in the sky.
Green balloon, green balloon,
Where can you be?
Green balloon, green balloon,
Under the tree.
Yellow balloon, yellow balloon,
Where did you fly?
Yellow balloon, yellow balloon,
Way up high.
Cut four balloon shapes out of felt, one each from red, blue, green, and yellow. Then use felt to make an outdoor scene on the flannel board: a blue sky background, a yellow sun in the sky, a tree with several large red apple shapes on it and a strip of tall green grass under the tree.
As you recite each of the first four verses of the poem, hold up the
appropriate colored balloon. When you come to the last line of each verse,
fly the balloon to the flannel board and place it on a matching color. As
you recite the last four verses of the poem, let the children take turns
finding the hidden balloons and removing them from the flannel board.
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Colored Circles
Cut circles from several colors of construction paper. Make several circles of each color, and make more circles than there are children. Put the paper circles in a brightly colored gift bag. In turn, have each of your children pull a circle from the bag and name its color. Invite all the children to sing about the color in the following song:
Found A Color - sung to 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'
Rudy found a color, color, color.
Rudy found a color
On a shape that is round.
Rudy found a color, color, color.
Rudy found a color,
And red is what he found.
Repeat substituting the name of one of your children for Rudy and the name of the color selected for red.
Matching Colors
Give each of your children a small bag containing short strips of construction paper in the colors they have been learning. Have the children sit down and arrange their paper strips nearby. Then invite one child to come to the front of the circle and reach into a bag containing longer strips of the same colors. Have the child remove a strip from the rainbow bag and show it to the group. Have the other children pick up their matching strips and hold them in the air while all sing the following song.
Can You Find? - sung to 'The Mulberry Bush'
Can you find the color red,
The color red, the color red?
Can you find the color red,
And hold it up in the air?
Substitute the names of other colors for red.
Rainbow Song
Red and yellow and pink and green,
purple and orange and blue.
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing along with me.
Listen with your eyes, listen with your eyes and sing everything you see.
You can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too.
Red and yellow and pink and green,
purple and orange and blue,
We can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too.
I Love Colors
I love colors, yes I do!
Red and orange and green and blue!
I love colors, dark or bright,
Yellow, purple, black, and white!
What is red? Juicy Beets!
What is brown? Chocolate treats!
What is white? A shiny moon!
What is gray? A big baboon
What is orange? Carrot sticks!
What is yellow? Baby chicks!
What is gold? Bright goldfish!
What is black? Licorice!
What is green? Grass so high!
What is blue? The open sky!
What is purple? Eggplant shells!
What is silver? Silver bells!
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Color Hokey-Pokey
Select four colors of crepe-paper streamers and cut them into 12-inch strips.
Cut four streamers (out of each color) for each of your children. Sort the streamers by color and put the four groups on the floor. Let each of your children select two streamers of any color and hold one in each hand. Invite
the children to stand in a circle and sing the following song.. Remind them to listen carefully for the color words, and explain that they will not have a matching streamer to 'put in and out' for every verse.
Color Hokey-Pokey - sung to "The Hokey Pokey"
You put blue in,
You take the blue out.
You put blue in
And you shake it all about.
You do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!
Repeat, naming a different color each time.
Oh, Rainbow - Sung to Oh, Christmas Tree
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow
How lovely are your colors
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow
How lovely are your colors
Purple, red, and orange too
Yellow, green, and blue so true
Oh, rainbow, oh, rainbow
How lovely are your colors
If You're Wearing Red - Sung to If You're Happy And You Know It
If you are wearing red shake your head
If you are wearing red shake your head
If you are wearing red
Then please shake your head
If you are wearing red shake your head
Additional Verses:
Blue, touch your shoe
Green, bow like a queen
Yellow, shake like Jell-O
Brown, turn around
Pink, give us a wink
If Your Clothes Have any Red - sung to "If You're Happy and You Know It"
If your clothes have any red, any red
If your clothes have any red, and red
If your clothes have any red, put your finger on your head,
If your clothes have any red, any red
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
If your clothes have any blue, put your finger on your head,
If your clothes have any blue, any blue
Additional verses:
If your clothes have any green, wave your hand so you are seen.
If your clothes have any yellow, smile like a happy fellow.
If your clothes have any brown, turn your smile into a frown.
If your clothes have any black, put your hands behind your back.
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Pretty Balloons - Sung to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Pretty balloons in the air
Lots of colors we see there
Red and yellow, green and blue
Can you see the colors too
Pretty balloons in the air
Lots of colors we see there
The Rainbow Song - Sung to the tune of Jesus Loves Me
Red, orange, green, and blue
Shiny yellow, purple, too.
All the colors that you know
Show up in the rainbow.
Make A Rainbow - Sung to Skip to my Lou
Take some cherries; put them in a pot
Stir them, stir them, stir them a lot!
Pour it out now; what will it be?
The prettiest RED - you ever did see!!
Take an orange; put it in a pot
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot!
Pour it out now; what will it be?
The prettiest ORANGE - you ever did see!!
Take a lemon; put it in a pot
Stir it, stir it, stir it a lot!
Pour it out now; what will it be?
The prettiest YELLOW - you ever did see!!
Take some limes; put them in a pot
Stir them, stir them, stir them a lot!
Pour it out now; what will it be?
The prettiest GREEN - you ever did see!!
Take some berries; put them in a pot
Stir them, stir them, stir them a lot!
Pour it out now; what will it be?
The prettiest BLUE - you ever did see!!
Take some grapes; put them in a pot
Stir them, stir them, stir them a lot!
Pour it out now; what will it be?
The prettiest PURPLE - you ever did see!!
Red and orange, yellow and green-
Blue and purple colors are seen!
Put them together; what will it be?
The prettiest rainbow you ever did see!!
The world is full of colors.
The coldest color I can think of is...
The warmest color I can think of is...
The softest color I can think of is...
The scariest color I can think of is...
When I think of yellow, I think of...
When I think of red, I think of...
When I think of blue, I think of...
When I think of green, I think of...
My favorite color for a house is...
My favorite color for a flower is..
The funniest color I can think of is...
The color that makes me the happiest is...
Color Song -Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Pre-cut shapes from colored paper & laminate (if you have it available). I would do one of each color for each child. Substitute the color each time you sing the song.
Put your Red shape in the air
Hold it high & leave it there.
Put your red shape on your back
Now please lay it in your lap.
Hold your red shape in your hand
Now everyone please stand.
Wave your red shape at the door
Now please lay it on the floor.
Hold your red shape and jump, jump, jump.
Throw your red shape way, way up!
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Colors and Colors
Sometimes I think of colors
one by one by one...
Pink for puffy evening clouds
Yellow for the sun.
I think of watermelon
for something that is green,
or an orange jack-o'-lantern
on the night of Halloween.
I think of purple eggplant,
and sky that's bright and blue,
or white for sneaker laces,
especially when they're new.
Sometimes I think of traffic lights
when they just turn to red,
or else I think how black it is
at night when I'm in bed.
I might think of an elephant
for something that is gray.
I like to think of colors
and have some fun that way.
poem by Vivian Couled
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Color Birds
Yellow bird, yellow bird,
High in a tree,
How many yellow things
Can you see?
Bluebird, bluebird,
High in a tree,
How many blue things
Can you see?
Redbird, red bird,
High in a tree,
How many blue things
Can you see?
Blackbird, blackbird,
High in a tree,
How many black things
Can you see?
Green bird, green bird,
High in a tree,
How many green things
Can you see?
White bird, white bird,
High in a tree,
How many white things
Can you see?
Orange bird, orange bird,
High in a tree,
How many orange things
Can you see?
Purple bird, purple bird,
High in a tree,
How many purple things
Can you see?
Brown bird, brown bird,
High in a tree,
How many brown things
Can you see?
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Scat The Cat
Once upon a time, there was a little BLACK cat & his name was Scat the Cat.
One day he looked around & saw that all his brothers & sisters & friends were black, too. Scat decided he would like to be a different color so he
"I'm Scat the Cat,
I'm sassy & fat,
And I can change my color,
Just like that!" (snap fingers)
All of a sudden he was GREEN like the trees & grass. What else is green like Scat? He went out to play with his friends, but they couldn't find him because he was the color of the trees & grass. He was very unhappy & decided he didn't want to be green anymore, so he said:
"I'm Scat the Cat,
I'm sassy & fat,
And I can change my color,
Just like that!" (snap fingers)
Then Scat turned BLUE like the water, the sky, & what else? He walked to the lake, looked at himself, & fell in the water! But poor Scat couldn't swim...he called for help but his friends couldn't see him because he was blue like the water. Just then his friend, Timothy Turtle, caught him and carried him safely to shore. Scat didn't want to be blue anymore, so he said:
"I'm Scat the Cat,
I'm sassy and fat,
And I can change my color,
Just like that!" (snap fingers)
Then Scat turned YELLOW like the sun.On his way through the jungle, he met his cousin Leo the Lion. Leo said, "Grrrrrrrrrr! I'm the only one who is supposed to be yellow." Scat was so afraid that he said:
"I'm Scat the Cat,
I'm sassy and fat,
And I can change my color,
Just like that!" (snap fingers)
Next, Scat turned RED like an apple. What else is the color red? He went out to play with his brothers & sisters & friends, but they all laughed at him. "Whoever heard of a red cat," they said. No one played with him & he felt so sad. "I don't want to be red. I don't want to be yellow like Leo the Lion, I don't want to be blue like the water, and I don't want to be green like the grass. I want
to be black again just like my brothers & sisters & friends. I'd like to have
lots of cats to play with so he said: (Repeat the verse.) Scat changed back to BLACK & after that, he was happy just being himself.
Suggestions: Discuss how special it is to be just the way we are. Ask children what they like best about themselves. If you don't have a flannel board you can still do this using paper. Take a file folder & cut a cat pattern out of one side. The cat looks like a cat sitting. You don't see the legs.The cat pattern will be cut out of the center of the folder so it will kinda look like a stencil.Staple the ends of the folder together to make a pocket. Insert 7x10 inch sheets of construction paper in the pocket & remove one at a time as you tell the story.
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
Hens Of Different Colors
This little hen is BLACK (hold up black hens)
She stands in the barnyard by a big haystack.
This little hen is RED (hold up red hens)
She is very tired and won't get out of bed.
This little hen is BROWN (hold up brown hens)
She is feeling sad and wearing a frown.
This little hen is YELLOW (hold up yellow hens)
She's friends with the rooster; he's a handsome fellow.
This little hen is WHITE (hold up white hen)
She dance's and plays, oh what a sight.
This little hen is PURPLE (hold up the purple hens)
She spends her day running around in circles.
This little hen is GREEN (hold up green hen)
She is the silliest hen I've ever seen.
This little hen is BLUE (hold up blue hen)
She lays eggs for me and you.
This little hen is PINK (hold up the pink hen)
She goes down to the pond to get a drink.
All of these hens live at the farm
Out in the big RED barn.
~Submitted by Cheryl's Sweethearts ChildCare
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