Color red activities for 2 year olds
How to start teaching the color red to toddlers {Lesson Plan 2 year olds}
If you want to start teaching the color red to toddlers with activities for a whole week, here is a list of activities you can do at home.
All this month, we are learning about colors. We have used printables, color pages, sensory and art activities.
One of the best ways to start teaching the color red to toddlers is to immerse ourselves for a full week or even a month with activities of the color red.
I will share with you my exact color red lesson plan and activities with the goal to inspire you to do the same.
products & Materials used:
- (Play & Sing – Rainbow Song we also used the Spanish Dedos de Colores pack)
- Ocean Coloring Pages
- Learn Colors Activity Pack
- Rainbow Scarfs (Amazon)
- Rainbow Rice (tutorial)
- Sensory tools (set shown is from Etsy)
- Shaving cream (Dollar store)
- Glue (dollar store)
- Red washable paint (Amazon)
- Red cellophane paper (Amazon)
- 2 Toilet paper tubes
- Red glitter (Dollar store)
- Unflavored Gelatine (Amazon or local supermarket)
teaching the color red to toddlers
My lesson plan for the week consists on using everyday objects to learn colors, create daily activities to reinforce the learning and identification of the color and to use the color section from our learning printable binder. The activities are taken from our curriculum, and inspiration to use our sensory recipes for teaching preschool readiness concepts.
Rainbow activities
Each week as we learn our colors I also like to have a few activities that involve all of the colors of the rainbow. This helps tie tie concept that the color we are learning this week is part of the rainbow.
Color Song
I love to choose a color song to sing throughout the month or week. For the month, we are using the Sing & Play pack “Rainbow Song” and every morning during our at-home circle time we use our play scarfs to get familiar with our colors.
I love this pack because it’s the perfect way to get inspired about colors, I love the chosen song and it gives extra activities to practice colors. They are simple and easy and I we use them together in the mornings.
Rainbow sensory bin
Because this was our first lesson about colors along with the rainbow song I also wanted to give a general exposure to all the colors of the rainbow. Let him associate that there are colors all around.
This whole week, I set up a rainbow ride sensory bin. I kept it simple to let him explore the colors. I colors some rice ( learn how to make colors that pop with this colored rice recipe )
I added cups, bowls and spoons to practice some pouring skills as well. Each day I changed the elements of play for the bin to provide a new activity with minimum set up.
- Monday – cups and bowls
- Tuesday – Hide red toys
- Wednesday – Hide puzzle shapes and complete color puzzle
- Thursday – Cups and funnels
- Friday – Repeat favorite from the week
Wearing our Color of the week
One of the techniques to learn the color red is to use our outfits and wear the color. This week we all tried to wear red in the house, not just our toddler.
I like to give choices to my toddler. This creates habits of independence which also translates later to play independently. Each day, u show him two color red options. It could be from two different color shirts to choosing to wear between the red shirt or the red shorts to wear for the day.
Coffee Break Activities
Sometimes we need a break, sometimes we don’t want to set up a fancy activity that requires materials. For this reason, I created the activity binders. Just open and play. This week I used the following activities as an invitation to play after breakfast each morning. Although they were not always about the color red it gave him a great exposure to colors. Which will our monthly theme.
Dinosaur Color Printable
One of my favorite easy activities to do is using printable worksheets to learn when you need 5 minute breaks. This week we chose the dinosaur printable from the Printables Colors Package and glued the color bows to wood pieces. By changing the way you present the pieces it makes a whole new activity! These little wooden pieces are Delma traveling mini Jenga game found at the dollar store.
We also used the following printables to play each morning:
- Monday – Dinosaur bow ties
- Tuesday – 3 tigers (free printable)
- Wednesday – 2 birds
- Thursday – Cars
- Friday – Matching Mittens
Red Stickers on Apple
Using the red coloring page from the coloring pages package, I took out the red garage sale sticker dots (available at dollar store or Amazon) and presented it in a tray.
To make the stickers come out easier take out the backing, this way the red dots edges are easily exposed.
Seeing red | Red binoculars
I had no idea he was going to love this activity so much! Create color binoculars using red cellophane paper and two toilet paper tubes.
Head out for a nature walk and use them to see everything red! It really helps with the color association and repeating the word red.
Playing with apple scented Red playdough
Painting with Red Puffy Paint
Red puffy paint is one of my favorite ways to use paint. Add a little bit of shaving cream and a little bit of school glue and you create puffy paint! It paints just like regular paint, smells like shaving cream and dries raised above the paper (liked one of those raised puffy stickers)
Sprinkle red glitter
You can do so much with coloring pages besides using color pencils or markers. Especially when they are so little and their attention span is so short, coloring pages offer a great opportunity to do quick activities.
For this activity although we are working on the color red using red glitter, I wanted to spend a lot of time playing with the glue. It is so important to expose our little ones to different textures and glue is going to be such a vital material in the years to come I want him to get a lot of exposure to it. Glue is sticky, glitter gets everywhere, is quite the experience!
A variation to this activity for those toddlers (or moms) that don’t feel comfortable handling glitter is to add the glitter to a spice container and just shake shake shake!
Painting with Apples
eating apples and painting with applesIt’s apple season so we have a ton of apples at home! Apples are the perfect activity to work on the color red. We made stamps using apples, we painted with apple cookie cutters and even our fingers.
Get all the tips on setting up an apple stamping activity here
Don’t have washable paint? Make your own edible paint with yogurt. (Recipe here)
Scissor Skills With Red Paper
For this activity chose the lobster page from the ocean coloring booklet. The idea is that you select one color and cut long stripes and present glue and scissors (scissor skills for toddlers 2 years and up) along with a red coloring page to your toddler.
Start by cutting the stripes of paper and then using either a paintbrush, fingertips or squeezing the glue straight into the paper to paste the color stripes and squares over the coloring page.
For toddlers that do not feel comfortable yet with scissors you can cut squares for them and just work on the ponder grasp (grabbing objects with thumb and index finger) and work on placing the squares over the glue.
Rainbow gelatine Cubes
Kids learn bu playing, exploring and engaging all the senses. Create a Gelatine cube activity by either doing only red cubes or involving other colors. This unflavored Gelatine can be found at the grocery store. I like Unflavored Gelatine better for this activity as unflavored Gelatine has less sugar than regular Jell-O and it is less sticky.
Learn how to make these Gelatine cubes here
Our color red book
All the activities we did that were based on paper I collected them and created a color red booklet. I used red construction paper and stapled all the papers from our activities. I used stamps to write the word red in the cover. You can get very creative with the cover or leave it blank, it’s up to you!
The idea is that as you create activities for each color you create a book for each. Keep them close to your child to review and explore together to reinforce the colors.
I hope this gives you inspiration to do your own red activities. Being exposed to the word red on the color pages as you do the activities helps reinforce pre-reading skills and doing red color activities that are hands-on helps with those pre-writing skills. Get all the coloring pages and printables we used in one place!
Red Color Activities & Fun Ideas for Kids
You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Red color activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers and more!
All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Select below to get started.
- Red Color Arts and Crafts
- Red Color Games and Activities
- Red Color Recipes and Snacks
- Red Color Songs, Poems and Finger Plays
Cherry Red
Make cherry trees, draw a tree outline and let the children either use their fingertip to add red cherries or use small circles made from a hole punch.
Strawberry Puzzle
Cut out and laminate 5 or 6 strawberry shapes from red paper. Cut each into 2 piece puzzles using different curves and angles. Invite the children to put together the red strawberry halves.
Red Paint
Place various shade of red paint at the easels.
Red Collage
Glue a red thing collage on red paper, of course. Invite children to bring red things from home to glue on to a red collage. You’ll need to have some things available too like, red fabric scraps, red yarn, red buttons, red paper, red tissue paper, red cotton balls, red milk jug caps, red confetti.
Wear Red Day
Wear as much red as possible, and get some theatrical makeup and paint everyone’s face red after rest time.
99 Red Luff Balloons Dance
Everyone takes home a red balloon and dance to “99 Red Luff Balloons” a song from the 80’s for all you young kids!
Take a red walk around the school and look for red things.
Do you have the story about the Star in the Apple ? It is good to use and later you can make apple star prints.
Read about Clifford The Big Red Dog. Have a large poster-sized Clifford that the children color red by tearing red pieces of construction paper and gluing onto him.
Apple Order
Bring in red apples and let the children place them in order from smallest to largest.
Red Things
Have the children assist you in making a RED thing list (words and/or drawings) on easel sized paper, such as ladybugs, apples, cherries, shirts, socks, etc. Hang it on the wall and add to it as they come up with other ideas. You may end up needing LOTS of pieces of paper as their imaginations go wild with RED!!
Apple Smiles
Take 2 slices from a red apple & spread peanut butter on each slice. Put miniature marshmallows on top of the peanut butter in a row near the skin side of the slice. Place the other slice on top with skin side showing, & you have an apple smile snack.
Here’s My Heart
Heart shaped PB& red jelly sandwiches for lunch.
Red Taste Test
Buy some strawberries, raspberries, cherries, several types of red apples, and any other red fruit readily available. Then have a “taste test” and make a large graph of the children’s favorite red fruits.
I’m A Big Red Tomato
I’m a big red tomato
Growing on a vine,
A big red tomato
Looking oh, so fine.
Now you can make good things with me-
Soup, juice, pizza, to name just three.
I’m a big red tomato
Growing on a vine.
Grow, grow, grow.
Lady Bug
Lady bug, Ladybug, Fly away home!
You house is on fire, your children are gone.
All but one, and her name is Ann,
And she crept under the frying fan.
Little Gray Mousie
(Tune: Short’nin Bread”)
Little gray mousie loves strawberry, strawberry.
Little gray mousie sees one that’s ripe.
Little gray mousie loves strawberry, strawberry.
Little gray mousie has quite a fright.
Little gray mousie loves strawberry, strawberry.
Little gray mousie gives half to me.
Little gray mousie loves strawberry, strawberry.
Little gray mousie rests dreamily.
(Tune: Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah)
Red is the color of Apples.
Red is the color of Cherries, too.
Red is the color of a fire truck.
I like red don’t you?
(Tune: Are You Sleeping?)
That spells red
That spells red
Apples are that color
Strawberries are that color
(have the children substitute other things for apples and strawberries and sing again and again and again!)
Dear Reader: You can help us make this theme even better!
All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions. Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.
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Summary of a lesson on the topic of color for children from 2 to 3 years old (1st junior group) "Visiting Katya's doll"
Purpose: Consolidation of children's knowledge of primary colors using game techniques and exercises.
- Continue to develop children's knowledge of primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green).
- Exercise the ability to correlate objects by color.
- Continue to develop the ability to answer questions.
- Activate and enrich children's vocabulary. nine0008
- To nurture in children a friendly attitude towards peers and adults.
Equipment: dummies of apples, saucers, napkins, chairs - according to the number of children, tablecloth, steering wheel, flowers (blue, yellow, red, green), doll in a green dress, didactic turtle, audio recording of the song E. Zheleznova "Bus".
Direct educational activities.
Children with a teacher are included in the group.
Educator: Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello. Let's show our guests how we still know how to say hello.
The teacher together with the children perform a game exercise:
“Good morning little eyes, are you awake?”
(Teacher: Good morning eyes, are you awake? - the children point to their eyes and answer:
“Yes, they woke up. ”
Good morning ears, are you awake? - children point to their ears and answer : “Wake up.”
Good morning mouth, are you awake? - the children point to the mouth, smile and answer:
“Yes, I woke up.” Good morning everyone!)
— Guys, we haven't visited Katya for a long time. Would you like to visit her? (children's answers) How do you think you can get to Katya's doll? (bus, train, etc.) A bus is waiting for us today. I will be the driver and you will be my passengers.
Children take seats on the bus. The song of E. Zheleznova "Bus" sounds.
- So we came to visit the doll Katya. Something doll Katya does not meet us? Let's say together: "One, two, three, we came to visit."
The teacher takes Katya's doll and greets the children on her behalf.
— Look, Katya is a very elegant doll today. What color is her dress? (green) And she laid a beautiful table for us. What color is the tablecloth on the table? nine0020 (blue)
— What kind of treat did the Katya doll prepare? (apples) What color is this fruit? (red)
Doll Katya invites children to treat themselves to apples: "Guys, don't be shy and treat yourself to apples." Children go to the tables and eat apples.
— Guys, what color are the saucers on which the apples lay? (green). Doll Katya prepared napkins for us. What color are they? (yellow). What are napkins for? nine0020 (wipe mouth after eating)
Let's say thank you to Katya for the treat.
Doll Katya invites children to play: “Guys, do you like to play? I have a funny turtle. Would you like to see?". Children go to the carpet, on which lies a didactic turtle.
- What does a turtle have on its shell? (sun) What color is the center of the sun? (red) And the rays? (yellow)
Doll Katya: “I had a problem, I played too much and mixed up all the flowers. Help me sort the flowers by color. nine0021 Children take flowers of different colors.
- Look at the color of your flower. We will all go in a circle and find the right color on the shell.
Children match the color of the flower to each strip on the tortoise shell
Doll Katya thanks the children.
— Now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's say goodbye to doll Katya and hit the road on our bus.
Children take seats on the bus. The song of E. Zheleznova "Bus" sounds. nine0021
— Guys, our bus is back to kindergarten.
The teacher and the children get off the bus.
— Where did we go today? ( to visit the doll Katya) How did you go to the doll Katya? (by bus) What did the doll treat us to? (with apples) How did we help her? (every flower has its place)
Did you like visiting Katya's doll? What do you think, did our guests like our group? Let's ask them. nine0005
Author: Khokhorina Elena Vladimirovna
Position: educator, corresponds to the position
Place of work: Kindergarten No. 26
Location: Yaroslavl, st. 2 Portovaya 15-a
Date of change: 10/15/2018
Publication date: 11/16/2015
Learning colors: how to teach a child to distinguish colors and shades
It is generally accepted that by the age of three a child should learn to distinguish between primary colors. This skill is an important part of sensory development, it gives the child the opportunity to see the world in a new way. Often, if the baby does not know or confuse colors, parents have concerns about the pace of development of the child. Do I need to worry if the study of colors is not easy for a child? How to teach a child to distinguish colors? You will find answers to these questions in our article. nine0005
At what age does a child begin to see colors?
Studies have shown that children begin to perceive colors by 2-3 months. The first colors a child sees are yellow, orange, red, green. At this age, babies can already react differently to their toys of different colors (for example, a red rattle can please a child more than a blue one), look at bright pictures with enthusiasm. The baby's world quickly acquires colors, but if we talk about the ability to consciously find an object of the right color, then usually it appears in children at the age of one and a half. It is at this age that it is optimal to start learning colors in a playful way. You can voice the names of flowers to a child for up to a year, this will only benefit him. But do not demand too much from the baby, remember that his brain is actively developing, and as soon as the time comes, you will certainly see the results. nine0005
To see if your child is ready to learn colors by playing with building blocks, ask your child to point to a part that is the same color as yours. If the baby can find objects of the same color, then he is quite ready to memorize the names of colors.
Learning colors in everyday life
Children get most of their knowledge about the world in everyday life: communicating with adults and peers, observing nature, playing. The study of flowers is no exception. Sometimes a child does not need to do special exercises to learn to recognize colors. For this, it is enough that he hears the name of the color and associates it with a specific thing. During daily activities, voice for the child what color the objects are around. Whether you are drawing, playing with blocks, looking at cars in the yard, reading, swimming, eating, dressing - in each of these situations, you can gently teach your child to distinguish colors. nine0005
It is important that the study of colors does not turn into torture. You should not constantly test the child's knowledge by asking him which color is which. Soon the baby may just start to ignore you. “Let's paint the sun yellow!”, “What a delicious green cucumber!”, “Oh, where did the blue cube go? Here it is!" are examples of how you can gently help your child remember colors.
Games for learning colors and their shades
In order to get your baby interested in learning colors or to reinforce the knowledge they already have, you can invite your child to play special "color" games. nine0005
Color Sorting
Sorting games are designed to help children learn to classify objects into color groups. Any materials at hand can be items for sorting: toys, covers, designer parts, cubes, buttons, cereals, pencils, etc. You can organize the game in various ways:
You can come up with as many options for sorting by color, it all depends on your imagination. So that the child does not lose interest in the task, connect the plot of the game with his favorite characters, toys (for example, a cat will eat from a yellow bowl, and a baby elephant from a red one, etc.). nine0005
Match a Pair
To help your child learn colors, you can use the Match a Pair task. Ask your child to find a petal for a bug, a pot for a flower, a roof for a house, etc. You can present the baby with a deliberately wrong option and ask to correct the mistakes.
Pick up a patch
Show the child the picture with the missing details. Ask him to fill in the gaps (this can be done with plasticine, pom-poms, caps, cards, etc.). nine0005
Color Lotto
At the age of about one year, children begin to be interested in various lottos. In the color lotto, the task is to collect pictures of the same color on the card.
Colored Sensory Boxes
Create a sensory box for your baby where everything is the same color. During the game, the child will be able not only to remember the color that he sees, but also to develop fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, thinking, and imagination. nine0005
Color days
This is one of the most interesting and popular ways to teach your child to distinguish colors. Its essence is that during the day (or several days) you draw the child's attention to objects of a certain color. For example, on a yellow day, you can dress in yellow clothes, play with yellow toys, draw a yellow chicken. Surrounded by one color, the baby will easily remember it.
Color cards
You can learn colors with your child using cards. With the help of Doman's "Colors" cards, you can introduce your baby not only to the main colors, but also to different shades. It is important not to overload the child with unnecessary information about the names of 10 shades of green or red. Learn only those shades whose names you can use in the game and life. nine0005
Board games for learning colors
Board games are a great way to learn about colors and consolidate knowledge about them. Currently, the stores offer a wide range of similar games for every taste and budget. Choose a game that suits your child.
Educational cartoons
There are many educational cartoons on the Internet that will help your child learn colors quickly. Here is one of them:
Educational books
If your little one loves to listen to stories and look at pictures, this is the way for you. We all remember the wonderful story of V.G. Suteev "Rooster and paints", by S.Ya. Marshak has a whole “Colorful book”. You can also find many educational books that will become your faithful assistants.
We have listed for you different color learning games. In order for a child to master the concept of color well, it is worth adhering to a number of principles: do not rush the baby, provide a variety of material for games, discuss what you see. nine0005
You can start studying colors from an early age, the main thing is that it is interesting for the child. It is impossible to specify clear age limits when a child should learn primary colors. This process, like all development, is individual for each baby.