Compound words for out
25 Pairs of Compound Nouns and Verb Phrases Ending in "Out"
By Mark Nichol
Numerous idioms ending with the word out exist, but only a select group serve (in open form) both as verb phrases and (in hyphenated or closed form) as compound nouns; “tune out,” for example, describes the act of ignoring sensory stimuli, but one does not refer to a tune-out as an instance of such behavior, though one can, for example, either bail out or experience a bailout. These pairs, and their meanings (with occasional divergence of meaning between a verb phrase and the similar-looking compound noun—and sometimes one form applies only to one or some but not all senses of the other), are listed below.
1a. bail out: scoop water out of a leaking boat, parachute from an aircraft, depart from a difficult situation, or provide financial assistance to a person or a company
1b. bailout: financial assistance to a company
2a. black out: lose consciousness
2b. blackout: a loss of consciousness, or a power outage
3a. blow out: extinguish or cause loss of air
3b. blowout: a sudden loss of air from a tire, a large celebration, or a decisive victory in sports
4a. break out: develop a rash or similar condition or suddenly perspire, or escape from a condition (such as spate of bad luck) or a situation (such as confinement)
4b. breakout: an escape, especially from jail, or an adjective referring to a sudden comparative success
5a. burn out: suffer from stress exhaustion
5b. burnout: the condition of being exhausted by stress, or a person suffering this condition, or a period during which a jet or rocket engine stops working because it is deprived of fuel
6a. call out: announce, summon to act, challenge someone to a duel, or announce a labor strike
6b. callout: an instance of calling out, or a detail or excerpt adjacent to an article or image in a print or online publication or a reference to another piece of content
7a. camp out: go on a camping trip
7b. campout: a camping trip
8a. carry out: bring something outside, or accomplish, execute, or continue to conclusion
8b. carryout: food prepared in a restaurant to be delivered to or taken by customers to eat elsewhere, or a restaurant that prepares carryout
9a. cash out: convert noncash assets to cash
9b. cash-out: an act of converting noncash assets to cash
10a. check out: investigate or look at, pay for goods in a store, or leave a place of lodging; also, slang for die or that refers to ceasing to pay attention or make an effort
10b. checkout: the location for paying for goods in a store, or leaving a place of lodging or the deadline for doing so
clean out: dispose of unwanted items, or use up all available funds or steal all items available
11b. cleanout: an act of cleaning out or disposing of unwanted items, or a covered opening for cleaning out an enclosed space
12a. close out: dispose of or sell, or conclude or discontinue, or exclude or preclude
12b. closeout: a sale to clear inventory or before closing a store, or a product being sold at such a sale
13a. cook out: dissipate by cooking (as in alcohol in cooking wine)
13b. cookout: preparation and serving of a meal outdoors
14a. cop out: avoid or neglect
14b. copout: an act of avoidance or neglect
15a. cross out: mark a line or X through a mistake
15b. crossout: an act of marking a mistake
16a. cut out: form a shape from a piece of something by cutting from a larger piece, defraud or deprive, erode or put an end to, disconnect or cause to no longer operate, or leave quickly or take the place of or separate, or used in the phrase “(one) has/have (one’s) work cut out for (one)” to express that someone has a difficult task to complete
16b. cutout: a piece of something cut out from a larger piece
17a. die out: become extinct
17b. die-out: an instance of extinction
18a. drop out: cease enrollment at or participation in something
18b. dropout: on who ceases enrollment at or participation in something
19a. fall out: plunge from an enclosed object or space into the open
19b. fallout: bad effect or result, or radioactive particles from a nuclear explosion that fall through the atmosphere
20a. gross out: disgust, insult, or offend with something unpleasant
20b. gross-out: something disgusting, or an instance of being disgusted
21a. knock out: render unconscious with a blow
21b. knockout: a blow that renders the victim unconscious, or slang for a particularly attractive woman
22a. roll out: introduce or release a product or service, or, as a quarterback, run to either side to complete a play
rollout: an introduction or release of a product or service, or a football play in which the quarterback moves to either side before passing the ball or running with it
23a. shoot out: eject from something
23b. shootout: a gun battle, or a conflict
24a. time out: run out of time
24b. time-out: in sports, a pause in a game called by one of the teams or, when a game is televised, by the network for a commercial; also, a period during which a misbehaving child is isolated
25a. turn out: attend an event, or said in reference to the result of an action
25b. turnout: the number of people who attend an event, or a space for vehicles to pull off to the side of the road, a clearing out or a yield, or a set of equipment or a manner of dress (also, in British English, a labor strike or a striker)
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324 Compound Words Starting With 'Under'
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Want to find examples of multi-word terms containing something specific? Check out this list of compound words starting with "under." It contains a wide range of useful terms.
underachieve | underdoing | underlet | undershapen |
underachievement | underdone | underletter | undersheriff |
underachiever | underdose | underlie | undershirt |
underact | underdrain | underlier | undershirted |
underacting | underdraw | underline | undershoot |
underaction | underdrawers | underlined | undershorts |
underactive | underdrawn | underlinen | undershot |
underactivity | underdress | underlining | undershrub |
underactor | underdrive | underlip | underside |
underage | underearth | underlit | undersign |
underagent | undereat | underload | undersigned |
underappreciated | undereaten | underlooker | undersigning |
underarm | undereducated | underlying | undersized |
underbake | underemphasis | underman | underskirt |
underbaked | underemphasize | undermanned | undersky |
underbaking | underemployed | undermasted | undersleeve |
underbear | underemployment | undermine | underslung |
underbearer | underestimate | underminer | undersoil |
underbelly | underestimating | undermining | undersold |
underbid | underestimation | undermost | undersong |
underbidder | underexpose | undernamed | underspend |
underbidding | underexposure | underneath | underspent |
underbit | underfed | undernote | underspin |
underbite | underfeed | undernoted | understaffed |
underbody | underfelt | undernourished | understaffing |
underboss | underfinanced | undernourishment | understand |
underbough | underfire | undernutrition | understanding |
underbought | underfired | underpaid | understate |
underbreath | underfish | underpainting | understated |
underbred | underfloor | underpants | understatement |
underbridge | underflow | underpart | understeer |
underbrim | underfong | underpass | understock |
underbrush | underfoot | underpay | understood |
underbud | underfulfill | underpayment | understrapper |
underbudget | underfulfilling | underpeep | understratum |
underbuild | underfund | underpin | understudy |
underburn | underfunded | underpinning | undersurface |
underbush | underfunding | underpitch | undertake |
underbuy | underfur | underplant | undertaker |
underbuying | undergarment | underplay | undertaking |
undercapitalize | undergird | underplot | undertax |
undercapitalized | undergirding | underpopulated | underthirst |
undercard | underglaze | underpowered | underthrust |
undercarriage | undergo | underpraise | undertime |
undercart | undergoer | underprepared | undertone |
undercast | undergoing | underprice | undertow |
undercharge | undergown | underpriced | undertrump |
undercharging | undergrad | underprivileged | underuse |
underclad | undergraduate | underprize | underused |
underclass | underground | underprized | underutilization |
underclassman | undergrounder | underproduction | underutilize |
underclay | undergrove | underproof | underutilized |
undercliff | undergrown | underprop | undervaluation |
underclothe | undergrowth | underpublicized | undervalue |
underclothes | underhair | underqualified | undervaluer |
underclothing | underhand | underquote | undervest |
underclub | underhanded | underrate | undervoice |
undercoat | underhandedness | underrated | undervote |
undercoating | underheat | underreact | underwater |
undercook | underheated | underreaction | underway |
undercooked | underheating | underreport | underwear |
undercooking | underhonest | underreporting | underweight |
undercool | underhung | underrepresentation | underwent |
undercooling | underinflated | underrepresented | underwhelm |
undercount | underinflation | underripe | underwhelming |
undercounting | underinsured | underrun | underwing |
undercover | underinvestment | undersaturated | underwire |
undercovert | underjaw | undersay | underwired |
undercrest | underjawed | underscore | underwiring |
undercroft | underkeep | underscrub | underwit |
undercurrent | underkeeper | undersea | underwitted |
undercut | underkill | underseal | underwood |
undercutting | underking | undersecretary | underwool |
underdaks | underlaid | underself | underwork |
underdamper | underlain | undersell | underworked |
underdeck | underlap | underseller | underworker |
underdeveloped | underlay | underselling | underworld |
underdevelopment | underlayer | undersense | underwrite |
underdo | underlayment | underserved | underwriter |
underdoer | underleaf | underset | underwriting |
underdog | underlease | undersexed | underwritten |
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Compound Words / Compound Words + Test
Home / Compound Words / Compound Words in English + Test
In English, there are words formed by the addition of two or more full-valued words or their stems; such words are called compound words. In this case, different parts of speech can be combined with each other, i.e. noun + verb, noun + noun, adjective + noun, etc. Compound words can be written with a hyphen, together, or in two separate words. There are no specific rules for writing Compound Words.
Compound words education
Match the word from the first column with the word from the second and you will get a compound word. All words are replaced by pictures and are not in order!
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Compound list with translation
airport | eəpɔːt | airport |
anymore | eniˈmɔː | no more, no more, no more |
anyplace | enipleɪs | everywhere, everywhere, anywhere, anywhere, anywhere |
armchair | ˈɑːmtʃeə | chair |
backache | bækeɪk | pain in the back or small of the back, lumbago |
background | bækɡraʊnd | background, background, background, background |
backpack | bækpæk | backpack; go camping |
basketball | bɑːskɪtbɔːl | basketball |
bathrobe | bɑːθrəʊb | bathrobe, bathrobe |
bathtub | bɑːθtʌb | bath |
battleship | bætlʃɪp | battleship |
bedroom | bedrum | bedroom |
beeline | biːlaɪn | direct line |
birthday | bɜːθdeɪ | birthday |
blackboard | blækbɔːd | blackboard |
bookcase | ˈbʊkkeɪs | bookcase |
booklet | bʊklɪt | booklet, brochure |
bookshelf | bʊkʃelf | bookshelf |
bookworm | bʊkwɜːm | bookworm |
briefcase | briːfkeɪs | portfolio |
buttercup | bʌtəkʌp | buttercup |
butterfly | bʌtəflaɪ | butterfly |
campfire | bonfire | |
campground | ˈkæmpˌɡrɑːwnd | camp |
candlestick | kændlstɪk | candlestick |
cardboard | kɑːdbɔːd | cardboard |
carpet | carpet | |
chopstick | tʃɒpstɪk | chopsticks |
classmate | smeɪt | classmate |
clockwise | klɒkwaɪz | clockwise |
courtyard | tjɑːd | courtyard |
cowboy | kaʊbɔɪ | cowboy |
cupboard | kʌbəd | cabinet |
cutlet | kʌtlɪt | cutlet |
daredevil | ˈdeədevl̩ | daredevil |
daydream | dreams | |
dishwasher | dɪʃwɒʃə | dishwasher |
dishwater | dɪʃwɔːtə | slop |
doorbell | bel | doorbell |
doormat | ˈdɔːmæt | rug |
doorstep | step | threshold |
doorstop | dɔːstɒp | door spring |
doorway | ˈdɔːweɪ | doorway |
dragonfly | dræɡənflaɪ | dragonfly |
droplet | drɒplət | droplet |
earache | earache | |
earrings | earrings | |
evergreen | evəɡriːn | evergreen |
everybody | evrɪˌbɒdi | all |
everyday | evrɪdeɪ | everyday |
eyeball | aaɪbɔːl | eyeball |
fingerprint | fingerprint | |
firearm | faɪərɑːm | firearms |
firefighter | faɪəfaɪtə | fireman |
fireplace | faɪəpleɪs | fireplace |
fireproof | faɪəpruːf | fire resistant |
fireworks | faɪəwɜːks | fireworks |
fishtail | fɪʃteɪl | fish tail |
football | fʊtbɔːl | football |
footprint | fʊtprɪnt | trace |
forecast | fɔːkɑːst | forecast |
foresee | fɔːˈsiː | anticipate |
forget | fəˈɡet | forget |
forgive | fəˈɡɪv | forgive |
fourfold | fɔːfəʊld | four times |
friendship | ˈfriendʃɪp | friendship |
gentleman | dʒentlmən | gentleman |
goldfish | ˈɡəʊldfɪʃ | goldfish |
grandfather | grandfather | |
grandmother | ˈɡræn ˌmʌðə | grandmother |
grandstand | ˈɡrænstænd | tribune |
grasshopper | ˈɡrɑːshɒpə | grasshopper, locust |
graveyard | ˈɡreɪvjɑːd | cemetery |
greenhouse | ˈɡriːnhaʊs | greenhouse |
groundnut | ˈɡraʊndnʌt | peanuts |
hailstorm | downpour | |
hallway | hɔːlweɪ | hallway |
handcuff | hændkʌf | handcuff |
headache | ˈhedeɪk | headache |
headlight | hedlaɪt | headlight |
headmaster | hedˈmɑːstə | director |
headmistress | hedˈmɪstrɪs | headmistress |
heartbeat | hɑːtbiːt | heartbeat |
heartbroken | hɑːtbrəʊkən | broken hearted |
highway | haɪweɪ | highway |
homework | həʊmwɜːk | homework |
honeycomb | hʌnɪkəʊm | honeycomb |
hookworm | hʊkwɜːm | hookworm |
horsefly | hɔːsflaɪ | horsefly |
houseboat | haʊsbəʊt | houseboat |
inside | ɪnˈsaɪd | inside |
jawbone | dʒɔːbəʊn | jawbone |
ladybug | leɪdibɜːd | ladybug |
landlady | ˈlændleɪdi | landlady |
landlord | lændlɔːd | landlord |
leadership | liːdəʃɪp | manual |
leaflet | liːflɪt | leaflet |
lengthwise | leŋθwaɪz | along |
lighthouse | laɪthaʊs | beacon |
loudspeaker | laʊdˈspiːkə | loudspeaker |
masterpiece | mɑːstəpiːs | masterpiece |
match stick | ˈmætʃstɪk | match wooden part |
meatball | miːtbɔːl | meatball |
moonlight | moonlight | |
myself | maɪˈself | self |
necktie | nektaɪ | tie |
newspaper | ˈnjuːspeɪpə | newspaper |
nobody | ˈnəʊbədi | nobody |
offhand | ˌɒfˈhænd | impromptu |
online | ˈɒnˌlaɪn | online |
otherwise | ˈʌðəwaɪz | otherwise |
outdoor | aʊtdɔː | outdoor |
outfield | aʊtfiːld | outfield |
outfit | aʊtfɪt | gear |
outgrow | aʊtˈɡrəʊ | outgrow |
outlaw | aʊtlɔː | outlaw |
outlet | exit | |
outnumber | outnumber | |
outpatient | aʊtpeɪʃnt | outpatient |
outside | aʊtˈsaɪd | outside |
overboard | ˈəʊvəbɔːd | overboard |
overdose | ˈəʊvədəʊs | overdose |
overdue | ˌəʊvəˈdjuː | overdue |
pancake | pænkeɪk | pancake |
partnership | partnership | |
penknife | pen naɪf | penknife |
photocopy | fəʊtəʊkɒpi | photocopy |
playground | pleɪɡraʊnd | playground |
playroom | playroom | |
popcorn | popcorn | |
postman | stmən | postman |
railway | reɪlweɪ | railway |
rainbow | reɪnbəʊ | rainbow |
rain drops | reɪndrɒps | rain drops |
rattlesnake | ˈrætlsneɪk | rattlesnake |
ringworm | ringworm | |
sandbags | ˈsændbæɡz | sandbags |
sandcastle | sændkɑːsl̩ | sandcastle |
sandpaper | sændpeɪpə | sandpaper |
seafood | siːfuːd | seafood |
seashore | siːʃɔː | seaside |
seaweed | siːwiːd | seaweed |
shipwreck | prek | shipwreck |
shoestring | ˈʃuːstrɪŋ | lace |
shortbread | ˈʃɔːtbred | shortbread |
skateboard | skeɪtbɔːd | skateboard |
skyscraper | skyscraper | |
snowboard | snoˌbɔːd | snowboard |
snowstorm | blizzard | |
something | sʌmθɪŋ | something |
sound proof | saʊndpruːf | soundproof |
spaceship | ˈspeɪsʃɪp | spacecraft |
staircase | steəkeɪs | ladder |
starlight | stɑːlaɪt | starlight, starlight |
stomachache | stomach pain | |
strawberry | bri | strawberry |
sunlight | sʌnlaɪt | sunlight |
sunshine | sʌnʃaɪn | sunlight |
superhuman | suːpəˈhjuːmən | superhuman |
superimpose | suːpərɪmˈpəʊz | overlay |
supernatural | suːpəˈnætʃrəl | supernatural |
surfboard | sɜːfbɔːd | surfboard |
tailgate | teɪlɡeɪt | tailgate |
teacup | tiːkʌp | tea cup |
teapot | tiːpɒt | kettle |
thunderstorm | thunderstorm | |
tightrope | taɪtrəʊp | taut rope |
timetable | taɪmˌteɪbl̩ | schedule |
tombstone | tombstone | |
toolbox | ˈtuːlbɒks | toolbox |
toothbrush | ˈtuːθbrʌʃ | toothbrush |
understand | stænd | understand |
wallpaper | ˈwɔːlpeɪpə | wallpapers |
wardrobe | ˈwɔːdrəʊb | wardrobe |
warship | ˈwɔːʃɪp | warship |
watermelon | watermelon | |
waterproof | waterproof | |
weekend | wiːkˈend | weekend |
wheelbarrow | ˈwiːl̩bærəʊ | wheelbarrow, gurney |
wheelchair | ˈwiːl̩tʃeə | wheelchair |
woodcutter | ˈwʊdkʌtə | lumberjack |
woodland | wʊdlənd | forest |
woodpile | wʊdpaɪl | bundle of firewood |
woodshed | wʊdʃed | woodshed |
woodwork | wʊdwɜːk | wood products |
woodworm | wʊdwɜːm | wood borer |
yourself | jɔːˈself | self |
Compound words.

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Compound words - examples in the Russian language: methods of education, difficult and complex
The Russian language is considered one of the richest languages in the world. It is multifaceted due to its vocabulary, only the dictionary of V.I. Dahl has about 200 thousand units of speech, and this is not counting word forms. And since the world does not stand still, then the Russian language progresses along with it, replenishing with new lexical units from various spheres of life: science, technology, industry, etc. Due to the development of industries in the Russian language, complex and difficult words appear to denote new concepts ....
What are compound words
A compound word is made up of several parts. In Russian, compound words with two stems (steam locomotive, waterfall, sofa bed) are more common, but you can meet with three or more (examples: creamy-chocolate-nut ice cream, gas-steam-air, Old Church Slavonic). Writing complex words causes difficulties even for those who work with texts on a professional basis - editors, proofreaders, journalists.
Important! One compound word in Russian can consist of 20-30 letters! For example, X-ray electrocardiographic - 32 letters.
Difficult-to-write expressions often act as nouns and adjectives, although they are most often formed from the phrases “noun + verb”. Many lexical constructions in Russian are difficult to pronounce and are quite common in everyday speech. They are so common that we do not think about their origin (aircraft, building materials, aircraft industry).
In Russian, the formation of compound words occurs in the following ways:
With the help of connecting vowels: transcribing, metal-cutting, cook, armored personnel carrier, shipwreck, crazy,
five-fold, ovule, eight-story, two-masted. The list of examples can be continued for a long time.
Compound words in Russian for which the hyphen spelling is correct:
- Compound noun with ex- prefix: ex-king, ex-husband, ex-chancellor.
- The principle of repeating the basics: blue-blue, just, just about, hot-hot.
- Designs-repetitions, having a prefix or suffix in the second part: beauty-beauty, miracle-worker, focus-pocus, firmly-firmly, tower-teremok, cold-precold.
- Combinations with the prefix half-: half-French-half-German, midnight-noon, half-horse-half-donkey, reclining, half-sitting.
- Words close in meaning: geese-swans, path-road, kind-healthy, any-expensive, at the very least.
- Compound words with an approximate indication: four or five people, a year or two, in January-February.
- Compound word with abbreviation in the first place: microwave oven (superhigh frequency), infrared (infrared), DNA analysis (deoxyribonucleic acid), DTP vaccine (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus).
- A compound noun with a declined first part: vanka-vstanka - to play with roly-poly, booster - on a launch vehicle, hero-pilot - the title of a hero-pilot, science fiction writer - to a science fiction writer.
- The construction of the "main and dependent word": a bayun cat, a beautiful daughter, a bloodhound, a self-collected tablecloth, an amateur nerd, a single father.
- A compound word has an indeclinable part: B-minor, G-sharp, D-minor, bluish-pale, crimson-chestnut, gross formula (for chemical elements), gross rate (insurance premium), net rate ( insurance rate share), lead guitar, disco ball, disco group, disco bar, maxi scooter, maxi golfs, maxi puzzles, midi controller, mini piano, mini model, mini review.
- Intermediate cardinal directions: turn southwest, heading northeast, east-southeast.
- Military positions and ranks with prefixes: vice admiral, chamber junker, rear admiral, life dragoon, chief marshal, chief quartermaster, secretary of state, non-commissioned officer, adjutant wing, staff captain.
- Words that have an auxiliary part of speech in their construction: Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Kalach-on-Don, coltsfoot flower, Ivan da Marya plant.
This group mainly includes the names of cities, countries and plants.
- To write the names of the inhabitants of cities with hyphens, the method of merging stems is often used.
- Combinations with the prefix half- (for words beginning with a vowel or consonant -l) in the genitive case: half-July, half-shop, half-line, half-ravine, half-cucumber.
Dictionary of the Russian Language
Formation of compound words in Russian without connecting vowels: -, you-, for-, for-, etc.: limitless, innocent, interest-free, endless, deckless, unjustifiably, continuously connected, irreconcilable, uneven, interroom, intercostal, interethnic, postnatal, post-course, post-warranty, post-school, ultra-high vacuum, super-annual, super-critical, super-established, pseudoacacia, pseudo-socialist, pseudo-science, pseudo-religion, self-filming, self-saccharified, extraterrestrial, foreign policy, above-considered, above-stated, blank, defensive, easily, whimsical, involved.
Please note! Words with the prefix false- with proper names in Russian have a hyphenated spelling: false Dmitry, false Arya, false Nero.
- Words with semi- and semi- prefixes: semi-crystalline, one and a half months, semi-box, half price, half kingdom, half life.
- Compound words with prefixes ir-, dis-, im-, trans-, sub-, counter-, hyper-, de-, re-, post-, etc.: irrational, irrigator, irreality, irrelevant, discrete, distant , disposition, disproportion, immanent, immunobiological, transgression, transisomerism, transcontinental, transatlantic, subatmospheric, subunit, subjective, submarine, counterparty, counterplay, countertier, counterprogress, hypergeometric, hyperfunction, hyperactive, hypernephroid, dismantling, deformation, decentralization, degradation, demotivator , reformation, reorganization, reproduction, post-infarction, post-Soviet, post-industrial, post-inflammatory.
- Difficult words, part of the basis of which is the numeral: three-month, five-sided, two-sided, centennial.
- Lexical units ending in -я: seed-processing, pastime, selfishness.
- Ending of the first part of the stem with -i- or -ь-: little neck, adonis, daredevil, goridrova. Spelling errors are often made in these examples.
- Words formed from hyphenated proper names: Alma-Ata, St. Petersburg, St. Paul, Costa Rican.
Compound words in Russian
Abbreviated words also refer to the concept of "compound word", as they are formed by reducing the bases and merging them: UEFA, USSR, VDNKh, zampolit.
The spelling of compound words of this type in Russian is regulated by the following rules:
- The first letters of the words are taken: moore - Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation, PFC - professional football club.
- The initial parts of the basics are taken: political worker - political worker, general plan - master plan, sampo - self-training.
- The first letters of one and the beginning of the basis of another word are taken (the first two methods are combined): INVISSIN - Institute for Foreign Policy Research and Initiatives, IMLI - Institute of World Literature, LITO - Literary Association.
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