What rhymes with accomplish

236 best rhymes for 'accomplish'

1 syllable

  • Wish
  • Fish
  • Bliss
  • Live
  • Bish
  • Dish
  • With
  • Ish
  • Chris
  • Swish
  • Smith
  • This
  • Miss
  • Piss
  • Diss
  • Does
  • Says
  • Kiss
  • Fifth
  • Give

  • His
  • Is
  • Wiz
  • Myth
  • Swiss
  • Biz
  • Sis
  • Lives
  • Lips
  • Clips
  • Quiz
  • Ms
  • Liz
  • Hiss
  • Whats
  • Wins
  • Wings
  • Limbs
  • Strings
  • Brings

  • Rings
  • Pricks
  • Tricks
  • Prince
  • Bricks
  • Years
  • Vis
  • Whips
  • Licks
  • Tis
  • Scythe
  • Bis
  • Chips
  • Bills
  • Peers
  • Spits
  • Chicks
  • Sticks
  • Mix
  • Pigs

  • Tips
  • Pills
  • Things
  • Dicks
  • Tears
  • Tits
  • Bits
  • Kicks
  • Since
  • Fears
  • Guns
  • Fits
  • Six
  • Gives
  • Kids
  • Skills
  • Kings
  • Kills
  • Shits
  • Here's

  • Fix
  • Sons
  • Gets
  • Hips
  • Hits
  • Sits
  • Sins
  • Chills
  • Ears
  • Its
  • Fizz
  • Hills
  • Tons
  • Ribs
  • Trips
  • Flips
  • Wrists
  • Drinks
  • Wits
  • Blitz

  • Splits
  • Fills
  • Thinks
  • Cliff
  • Rips
  • Slips
  • Quits
  • Rims
  • Fists
  • Crips
  • Gifts
  • Drips
  • Swings
  • Gears
  • Lids
  • Clears
  • Slits
  • Flicks
  • Beers
  • Cheers

  • Puns
  • Twins
  • Pierce
  • Thrills
  • Queers
  • Clicks
  • Glimpse
  • Spins
  • Picks
  • Ships
  • Scripts
  • Sings
  • Pits
  • Rinse
  • Sniff
  • Grips
  • Glitz
  • Cliffs
  • If
  • Ticks

  • Mills
  • Fierce
  • Skins
  • Spills
  • Flings
  • Stings
  • Pins
  • Spears
  • Vince
  • Winds
  • Wigs
  • Buns
  • Wills
  • Zips
  • Nuns

2 syllables

  • Polish
  • Watches
  • Amish
  • Scottish
  • Foolish
  • English
  • Harness
  • Olive
  • Boxes
  • Charges
  • Devilish
  • Finish
  • Selfish
  • Conscience
  • Pockets
  • Childish
  • Washes
  • Cherish
  • Options
  • Hellish

  • Lavish
  • Spanish
  • Artists
  • Service
  • Causes
  • Roses
  • Vanish
  • Irish
  • Relish
  • British
  • Bitches
  • Menace
  • Penis
  • Stitches
  • Practice
  • Punches
  • Changes
  • Justice
  • Pages
  • Riches

  • Notice
  • Abyss
  • Business
  • Targets
  • Topics
  • Chances
  • Pieces
  • Glasses
  • Forgive
  • Verses
  • Massive
  • Wishes
  • Focus
  • Masses
  • Voices
  • Ashes
  • Places
  • Kisses
  • Faces
  • Choices

  • Goblins
  • Rockets
  • Passes
  • Stylish
  • Senses
  • Profits
  • Publish
  • Anguish
  • Brainless
  • Classes
  • Dishes
  • Perish
  • Basis
  • Fetish
  • Moses
  • Conflicts
  • Bruises
  • Jewish

3 syllables

  • Abolish
  • Demolish

4 syllables

  • Alcoholics

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Near rhymes with accomplishmentB-Rhymes | B-Rhymes

  Word Pronunciation Score ?
1 compliment komp_limen_t 3761 Definition
2 implement imp_limen_t 3670 Definition
3 dement dimen_t 3551 Definition
4 disorient disawrien_t 3512 Definition
5 cement simen_t 3511 Definition
6 reorient riawrien_t 3507 Definition
7 complement komp_luhmen_t 3459 Definition
8 augment awgmen_t 3434 Definition
9 reinvent reeinven_t 3418 Definition
10 prevent p_riven_t 3413 Definition
11 invent inven_t 3403 Definition
12 dissent disen_t 3401 Definition
13 descent disen_t 3401 Definition
14 indent inden_t 3401 Definition
15 intent inten_t 3397 Definition
16 comprehend komp_rihen_d 3384 Definition
17 condescend kondisen_d 3374 Definition
18 pitchblende pichb_len_d 3371 Definition
19 event iven_t 3358 Definition
20 ferment ferrmen_t 3345 Definition
21 foment fuh_uumen_t 3344 Definition
22 lament luhmen_t 3344 Definition
23 meant men_t 3344 Definition
24 segment segmen_t 3344 Definition
25 torment tawrmen_t 3344 Definition
26 misrepresent misreprizen_t 3325 Definition
27 relent rilen_t 3325 Definition
28 repent ripen_t 3325 Definition
29 represent reprizen_t 3325 Definition
30 resent rizen_t 3325 Definition
31 ordinand awrdinaan_d 3321 Definition
32 pretend p_riten_d 3312 Definition
33 superintend suupuhrinten_d 3307 Definition
34 descend disen_d 3306 Definition
35 distend dis_ten_d 3306 Definition
36 intend inten_d 3302 Definition
37 detent deeten_t 3293 Definition
38 reprimand reprimaan_d 3291 Definition
39 dividend dividen_d 3291 Definition
40 advent aadven_t 3289 Definition
41 bent ben_t 3289 Definition
42 hellbent helben_t 3289 Definition
43 apprehend aaprihen_d 3286 Definition
44 portent pawrten_t 3284 Definition
45 malcontent maalkuhnten_t 3284 Definition
46 content konten_t 3284 Definition
47 tashkent taashken_t 3268 Definition
48 befriend bif_ren_d 3253 Definition
49 amend uhmen_d 3249 Definition
50 amends uhmen_d_z 3249 Definition
51 commend kuhmen_d 3249 Definition
52 emend eemen_d 3249 Definition
53 mend men_d 3249 Definition
54 recommend rekuhmen_d 3249 Definition
55 depend dipen_d 3249 Definition
56 defend difen_d 3249 Definition
57 wristband ris_tbaan_d 3244 Definition
58 underwent anduhrwen_t 3241 Definition
59 comment komen_t 3239 Definition
60 laurent loren_t 3239 Definition
61 percent perrsen_t 3234 Definition
62 demand dimaan_d 3220 Definition
63 gallivant gaalivaan_t 3212 Definition
64 disband disbaan_d 3203 Definition
65 remand rimaan_d 3201 Definition
66 blent b_len_t 3199 Definition
67 brent b_ren_t 3199 Definition
68 circumvent serrkuhmven_t 3199 Definition
69 unbent anben_t 3199 Definition
70 vent ven_t 3199 Definition
71 went wen_t 3199 Definition
72 hornblende hawr_nb_len_d 3195 Definition
73 bend ben_d 3195 Definition
74 consent kuhnsen_t 3194 Definition
75 concent kuhnsen_t 3194 Definition
76 cents sen_t_s 3194 Definition
77 cent sen_t 3194 Definition
78 assent uhsen_t 3194 Definition
79 ascent uhsen_t 3194 Definition
80 discontent diskuhnten_t 3194 Definition
81 extent eks_ten_t 3194 Definition
82 kent ken_t 3194 Definition
83 scent sen_t 3194 Definition
84 sent sen_t 3194 Definition
85 spent s_pen_t 3194 Definition
86 tent ten_t 3194 Definition
87 trent t_ren_t 3194 Definition
88 unspent ans_pen_t 3194 Definition
89 downtrend dah_uunt_ren_d 3189 Definition
90 godsend godsen_d 3189 Definition
91 weekend weeken_d 3189 Definition
92 decant dikaan_t 3164 Definition
93 implant imp_laan_t 3164 Definition
94 boyfriend bo_if_ren_d 3162 Definition
95 withstand withs_taan_d 3157 Definition
96 backend baaken_d 3144 Definition
97 confidante konfidaan_t 3142 Definition
98 confidant konfidaan_t 3142 Definition
99 stipend s_tah_ipen_d 3141 Definition

What is B-Rhymes?

B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme.

Word games. B. Shergin. "Rhymes". 2nd grade

Purpose: to introduce the concept of “rhyme”.


  • educational: to introduce students to the work of B. Shergin, develop a sense of rhythm, intonation;
  • developing: develop observation, curiosity, working memory;
  • educational: to cultivate interest in the word, in the native language, develop communication skills.

Equipment: portrait of B. Shergin, book exhibition, m/m presentation lesson.

Lesson progress

I. Speech warm-up.

1. Exercise “Photo eye”. Read and memorize. (Appendix 1.)

- The meaning of which word is unfamiliar to you? Who will try to explain?
- List the words that were in this column. What words do you remember?

2. Patter (slide).

The little crow has missed.

– How to understand the word “missed”?
- Speed ​​reading.
- reading with logical stress on 1 word, etc.

3. Game “Find a word in a word” (slide).

The word “Gastronom”. What does it mean? (Grocery store.)

leg, etc.

4. Riddle (slide).

Horned, not deer.
Gives milk, not a cow. (Goat)

5. Read and memorize (slide).

A goat ran into the garden.
People came towards her.
"Aren't you ashamed, fidget?"
And the goat lowered her eyes.
And when the people dispersed,
She ran back to the garden!

- Let's learn it. Let's leave only the last words and remember everything from them poem (slide).

--------------------------------------- for garden
------------------------------------ people
----------------------------------------- egoza?
---------------------------------------- eyes

- Movements help me remember.

II. Updating knowledge (slide).

- What are the words.

There is a sweet word - candy.
There is a quick word - rocket.
There is a sour word - lemon.
There is a word with a window - wagon.
There is a prickly word - a hedgehog.
There is a word wet - rain.
There is a stubborn word - goal.
There is a prickly word - spruce.
There is a book word - page.
There is a forest word - a titmouse.
There is a fluffy word - snow.
There is a funny word - laughter.

– What helped you guess the words? (Rhyme. )

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

- What is a rhyme? I will read a poem by John Ciardi, you listen to it and then you can answer the question. P.85. [2]
How do you understand what rhyme is?

(Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines.)

- Rhyming words are used by poets when writing poetry. Maybe you are in you will become poets in the future, but first let's try, can we rhyme the words?

Game "Funny rhymes" (slide).

Keep score in order,
Find paired rhymes:
Picture - basket,
Parsley -
Coil -
Hook -
Bottle -
Sisters -

– What a great fellow you are. Understand what rhyme is. Then you won't be big labor to add a word to rhyme.

Riddles are tricks.

A) A simple question for babies,
Who is the cat afraid of? ........ (Dogs)
B) The mouse climbs into the cabinet
And it squeaks from there . ..... .(Pee-pee-pee)
C) it is cold and damp in the park
The wind whirls the flakes...... (snow)
D) Protect flour and rice
Let's invite home ...... ..(cats)

- You see how rhyme can be deceptive. Writing poetry is not easy.
- Listen to a story about how Murzilka and Petya composed poetry, and what they had happened.

2 students in roles:

– How nice it is to be a poet!
Let's try to write a poem.
- Writing poetry is very easy.
What should we write about?
- What we see, we will write about it!
- The dog rushed across the yard,
– The cat climbed the fence,
– Birds sing merrily,
- White clouds float.
- Grandfather left the store.
He has a basket in his hands.
- And in the basket of that jam.
- That's the whole poem!
- Did Petya and Murzilka succeed in a poem?
What didn't they think about? (Topic. What to write about)

Acquaintance with the writer's work.

- Today we will get acquainted with the story written by Boris Viktorovich Shergin (slide).
Information from the biography of the writer by the teacher. Exhibition of books.
B. Shergin - artist, storyteller of epics, a wonderful Russian writer - storyteller. Born in the northern city of Arkhangelsk, grew up in a family of hereditary navigator and shipbuilder.
Even in his school years, Boris Shergin began to write down folk epics, fairy tales, which later became the basis of his work.
Shergin lived for 77 years, half of which he spent in total blindness. In spite of this, he created many works that reflect the beauty of the Russian North and the people who lived there. Not in vain do many writers call Shergin “Soul of the North”
The story is called "Rhymes". In it, the characters also played rhyme.

Preparation for perception.
(Explanation of the meaning of words that are not clear enough to children. )

Acquaintance with the text. (Reading by the teacher.)

Discussing what was read.

– What is this story about?
Who is Shish? (Good or evil spirit, fabulous creature.)

Vocabulary work as you read.

Selective reading of text.

– How did Shish end up on a cart with an unfamiliar uncle?
What game did Shish suggest?
What rhymes did he get?
Did your uncle like the poems? Prove it.
- What rhymes did uncle come up with?
Why did he do it?
Read the sentence that expresses the main idea.
- Do you want to reproduce the dialogue between Shisha and the uncle?

Role reading

- Let's distribute whose words.

IV. Conclusion.

- Playing rhymes is interesting. Writing poetry is even more fun. Is it enough only to be able to pick up a rhyme or something else is needed?

V. Homework.

Make up your own quatrains.

VI. Reflection.

What have you learned about words?
- Who was interested? What was the most difficult? Will you be happy to do homework?


  1. O. V. Kubasova “Literary reading”, Grade 2. Association XXI century. 2009
  2. O. V. Kubasova Favorite pages. Guidelines. Association XXI century. 2009

Online word rhyme generator

To find rhymes, enter the desired word and click the Match button. See a detailed video tutorial here.

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Rhymes for the word 'verses'

✔ The best rhymes for the word "verses": strokes - spirits - quiet - sins - dashing - tops - dilapidated - dusty - dry - bad - deaf - workshops - suitors - husks - not bad - shepherds - roosters - nonsense ... Only 99 rhymes.
