Compound words list for 2nd grade
Compound Word Activities - Compound Word Practice Lists
Compound Word Activities - Compound Word Practice Lists - SpellingCityStudents begin to recognize and understand simple compound words, such as airplane and toothbrush, in first grade, then progress to more complex compound words. Students learn that the compound words definition deems them as words that are made up of two whole words that function as a single unit of meaning, and that the two words give clues to the meaning of the compound word. Students also begin to notice that there are many compound word families that use the same base word, such as house (doghouse, birdhouse, farmhouse). Practicing engaging compound words activities early and often helps build a strong vocabulary foundation for students.
Compound Words Practice
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There are three different types of compound words:
- Closed form: Two words are joined together to create a new meaning (firefly, softball, redhead, keyboard, makeup, notebook).
- Hyphenated form: Words are joined together by a hyphen (daughter-in-law, over-the-counter, six-year-old).
- Open form: Words are open but when read together, a new meaning is formed (post office, real estate, full moon).
Studying the types of compound words offers a great opportunity to engage students in understanding the English language. It builds an interest in words and will help prepare students to learn prefixes, suffixes, and word roots.
VocabularySpellingCity provides free ready-made compount word practice lists and interactive learning games to further engage students in word study. Leveled compound word activities and lists range from elementary to high school. Lists can be paired with compound word games, like Read-A-Word, to build compound word practice and mastery. Use our lists of compound words for kids within the game or in your lessons to improve retention!
To help engage your students and instill long-term learning of compound words, try a classroom activity like “Compound Words Day,” in which students come to school wearing objects that are compound words (see photo above ). You can have your students go on a scavenger hunt at home or using items you supply in the classroom. The kids can attach the items to their clothes or a hat, and describe them in class, or go “on parade” to another classroom to show their creativity and what they learned. Fun compound word activities help engage students and promote enjoyment of learning.
View the Common Core State Standards Related to Compound WordsClose
Common Core State Standards Related to Compound Words
Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the meaning of compound words (e.g., birdhouse, lighthouse, housefly, bookshelf, notebook, bookmark).
View Words at a GlanceClose
1st Grade Compound Words:
- bluebird, starfish, sunset, bathtub, sandbox, sailboat, flagpole, teacup, backpack, playpen
2nd Grade Compound Words:
- List 1: suntan, notebook, inside, myself, outside, birdhouse, homework, birthday, without, something
- List 2: butterfly, footprint, goldfish, ladybug, mailbox, raincoat, snowman
- List 3: seesaw, rainbow, cupcake, sunshine, airplane, lunchbox, lipstick, barnyard, anyone, cowboy
3rd Grade Compound Words:
- List 1: downtown, teaspoon, airport, grandmother, snowflake, afternoon, drumstick, baseball, racetrack, handshake
- List 2: toothbrush, sunburn, underwater, flashlight, newspaper, peanut, textbook, doorbell, rowboat, spaceship
- List 3: anthill, backyard, daylight, earring, handstand, scorekeeper, seashell, shoelace, sunrise, yearbook
4th Grade Compound Words:
- List 1: dishwasher, playground, teammate, yardstick, windshield, fisherman, saltwater, weekend, homesick, mailbox
- List 2: cardboard, downstairs, fingerprint, haircut, lifeguard, sandpaper, sidewalk, sunlight, thunderstorm, toothpaste
5th Grade Compound Words:
- List 1: earthquake, countdown, candlestick, barefoot, bathrobe, classroom, fingernail, roommate, dashboard, overdue
- List 2: breakfast, shipwreck, tombstone, wildlife, guardrail, suitcase, surfboard, tiptoe, lighthouse, chairperson
6th Grade Compound Words:
- courthouse, landslide, windmill, goalkeeper, coastline, homemade, sawdust, drawstring, skateboard, flashback
7th Grade Compound Words:
- heartbreak, whirlpool, daredevil, earache, pitfall, thumbtack, password, wallpaper, soundtrack, newborn
8th Grade Compound Words:
- darkroom, masterpiece, sightseeing, drawback, milestone, landmark, stomachache, halfway, newcomer, daydream
9th Grade Compound Words:
- mankind, viewpoint, guideline, headfirst, straightforward, icebreaker, throughout, marketplace, driftwood, whirlwind
10th Grade Compound Words:
- levelheaded, threadbare, thoroughfare, layman, hindsight, awestruck, timberline, sharecropper, lackluster, pigeonhole
VocabularySpellingCity. com provides compound word practice lists, printables, and interactive games and activities that give students the opportunity to use their knowledge of indvidual words to predict the meaning of compound words.
Try Read-A-Word with the 2nd Grade Compound Words practice list.
Compound Words for 2nd Graders: Tips & Tricks
Home » Blog » Writing & Language » Grammar » Compound Words for 2nd Graders: Tips & Tricks
Written by: Katie Palmer
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Hey, teacher friends! We are back with another grammar skill post, and this time we are featuring compound words for 2nd graders. This skill is actually pretty fun for kids, and one they can easily grasp. Keep reading for a definition, chart, resource ideas and free samples on compound words for 2nd graders.
What are compound words?
To put it simply, compound words are two smaller words put together to make a bigger word. These new words have a different meaning than when they were two separate small words. I tell my students compound words are like puzzle pieces: they are separate pieces but can also fit together to make a new word!
The two smaller words have separate meanings on their own.Then, when put together, they have a whole new meaning!Another way to explain compound words to students is to hold up your two fists shoulder width apart. Hold up one fist higher and say, “sun”. Then, hold up the other fist and say, “glasses”. Then, put your two fists together and say, “sunglasses”. This is a great visual for students.
Compound Word Chart
So what are good compound word examples in 2nd grade? Check out the chart below for ideas. If you want, project it as an anchor chart (or even project and trace it for an easy-to-make anchor chart).
Resources for Teaching Compound Words in 2nd Grade
After introducing the anchor chart, it is important to continue practicing the skill. Below are some teacher favorite resources that students will find engaging AND learn from!
1) Videos & Songs
Introducing Compound Words-Grammar Songs by Melissa
This video is a great supplement to your whole group grammar lesson.
It’s Fun to Make Two Words One: Versions 1 & 2 Jack Hartmann
These videos provide practice in reading the small words and a visual of them being put together to form the new word.
2) Independent Practice Resources
Compound Words Toothy
As you know, students LOVE Toothy! (If you don’t know about Toothy yet, check out this post: 5 Reasons Toothy is a Game Changer in the Classroom.
Once you are all caught up on all things Toothy, download the compound words Toothy game set below!
Students will love using the pictures to create compound words!
Compound Word Flashcards
Here is a teaching idea to quickly create compound words flashcards: print off our LLL compound words anchor chart from above. Cut it apart. Set aside the compound words, keeping only the small word cards. Place enough cards, one for each student, into a bucket and have each student draw one out. When the teachers says, “Go!” they have to find their compound word partner as quick as possible. This is a fun activity and students are sure to get the giggles when they make ridiculous words on the way to finding their correct partner!
Word Meanings Toothy Games
Yes, another Toothy resource because this game is oh so fun! Build upon your students’ understanding of compound words, by venturing into word meanings~
- Root Words
- Prefixes
- Suffixes
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- Shades of Meaning
- Context Clues
Toothy makes the perfect independent practice activity to follow your grammar lessons all year long. We’ve got a Toothy set for all 2nd and 3rd grade grammar skills!
Grab a free sample of one of our word meanings games below.
How to Teach Other 2nd Grade Grammar Skills
Common & Proper Nouns
Types of Sentences
Complete Sentences
ABC Order
Verb Tenses
Linking Verbs
Possessive Nouns
Comparative Endings
Antonyms & Synonyms
Irregular Plural Nouns & Verbs
Subject/Verb Agreement
Collective Nouns
Demonstrative Pronouns
Multiple Meaning Words
Prepositional Phrases
Shades of Meaning: Verbs & Adjectives
Smilies & Metaphors
Expanding Sentences
Tell us your favorite activities for teaching and practicing compound words in the comments! Happy teaching!
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Lesson "Compound words" (Grade 2, PNSh)
How words are made.
Compound words from two roots with a letter connecting vowel.
(grade 2 "Perspective Primary School")
Lesson goal: mastering the spelling of words consisting of two roots.
- teaching:
- to consolidate the ability to find and form complex words;
- analyze, generalize, systematize;
- develop memory, attention, speech of students;
- developing:
- improvement oral and written speech,
- enrichment of students' vocabulary;
- educational:
- instilling interest in the Russian language;
- education of the culture of intellectual work;
- creation of an emotional and valuable attitude to the subject;
- fostering trusting relationships, a sense of mutual assistance, support.
Lesson type: generalization and systematization of knowledge.
Formation of UUD in the lesson:
Personal UUD
- formation of the desire to perform learning activities;
- use of fantasy, imagination when performing learning activities
Cognitive UUD
- independent selection and formulation educational purpose;
- search and selection of necessary information;
- selection of the most effective ways to solve the problem;
- the ability and ability of students to produce simple logical actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.)
by peers – determination of the purpose, functions of participants, ways of interaction;
- cooperation in the search and collection of information;
- the ability to express one's ideas with sufficient completeness and accuracy thoughts ;
- the formation of the ability to explain your choice, build phrases, answer the question, argue;
- the formation of the ability to work in small groups.
Regulatory UUD (types of learning activities)
- goal setting;
- planning;
- forecasting;
- control in the form of comparing the method of action and its result with a given standard;
- correction;
- estimate
Planned results:
Be able to find and write difficult words.
Know the spelling connecting vowels in compound words.
self-esteem based on success criteria educational activity.
teachers; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;
- work according to a collective plan;
- evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective estimates;
- plan your action in accordance with assigned task;
- make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its evaluation and accounting the nature of the errors made;
- express your opinion (Regulatory UUD).
- be able to formulate one's thoughts orally;
- listen and understand the speech of others;
- jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them (Communicative UUD).
- be able to navigate in their knowledge system: distinguish new from already known with the help of a teacher;
- mine new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your life experience and information gained in the lesson
(Cognitive UUD).
Equipment: Russian language textbook, grade 2, part 3 author edited by M.L.Kalenchuk. Moscow. Academic book / Textbook. 2012, multimedia equipment, cards for group and pair work
Lesson progress
1. Organizational moment.
A) Creating positive motivation.
Tell the secrets of the word
I'm always ready for you,
But be ready in class
Reveal the secrets of the words yourself!
B) Inter. board. Creation problem situation
- Pay attention to the blackboard.
- Divide the words into 2 groups.( Flavor e sos , trapper, refrigerator, starfall , lumberjack, bicycle, computer, snow-white , snowman, book)
- What words does group A consist of? (complex words)
- What unites the words of group B? (the words - objects)
- Which word is superfluous in group A? Why?
(Snow-white - sign, vacuum cleaner - conn. e)
- When we write a connecting vowel - Oh ... -E? (they connect parts of a compound word, o - after a solid consonant, e - after a soft consonant and letters w, w, c)
C) A minute of calligraphy.
- We will write these letters in minute of cleansing.
Write down the number ... write down the given letters compound words?
(Addition of two roots in compound words with the help of conn. vowels -o, -e)
2. Work on the topic lesson
C) Training in composing words with two roots (on the board)
- Replace the phrase with one compound word. Write down, mark the root in words and emphasize the connecting vowels.
Walking on foot - pedestrian
Cleans pipes - chimney sweep
Item for catching mice - mousetrap
Lazit rock climber
This one who loves to read is a book lover
Ship, which breaks ice - icebreaker
-How formed a new word? (Two roots connected by vowels -O-, -E-)
-Why in some cases in compound words the connecting vowel is written - O, and in other E?
(The vowel O is written after hard consonant, vowel E after soft consonant and consonants w, w, c.)
- Reread words, what 2 groups can they be divided into and why?
(Animated -who? Inanimate objects - What?)
- Who found it easy to form compound words ?
D) Work according to the textbook
p. 97, exercise 107 (in accordance with the task)
E) Physical education minute.
- let's now let's rest a bit.
- Get up. Closed eyes. Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. But it's not ordinary waterfall. Instead of water, soft white light falls down in it. Now imagine yourself under this waterfall and feel how this beautiful white light flows over the body. Raise your hands up, down. White light flows through your head arms, back, legs. This allows feel very relaxed and pleasant. you feel completely calm and serene, and with each inhalation and exhalation you are filled with fresh forces. Now let's thank this waterfall of light for making it possible relax.
E) Work in pairs.
On you have cards on the table. Read the text, find and underline difficult the words.
The highest waterfall in Russia - Talnikovskiy waterfall. He's very handsome. We must conserve water. To do this, you can not pollute it. Only in clean reservoirs a plant grows, which is called - vodokras . To guard underwater world, divers study his. And we need to love and protect nature.
- What does this text teach us? (We must conserve water. To do this, we must not pollute it, we it is necessary to love and protect nature.)
- What words did you underline?
- Guys, what unites these words?
- Waterfall , pond, water paint, diver.
- From what words they are formed. Do we understand what they mean?
Waterfall - falling water.
Pond - water tank, there are natural and artificial reservoirs that were built people.
Diver - a person who works underwater.
Vodokras - It is a plant that grows in water.
- What the connecting vowel is written in these words? Why?
(Letter o, because q is a hard consonant)
- What the role of compound words in Russian ?
(they needed for brevity of speech, they are used instead of phrases)
G) Group work
Game Puzzles
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name the person's profession. Bee times water it – __________________ Forest rub it – _______________________ Catches animals - ____________________ Catches fish - _______________________ Horse times water it - ___________________
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name home helpers. He cooks himself - ______________________ Juice squeeze no - ________________ Dust sucks - ____________________ Chopping meat - ________________________ Cuts vegetables - ______________________
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name the phenomena of nature. Stones are falling - ____________________ Falling water - _______________________________ Stars are falling - ________________________ Snow is falling - ________________________________ Leaves are falling - _____________________
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name the person's profession. Pigs pasture yo – __________________ Sea walk – _____________________ Water climb - ________________________ To catch birds - _______________________________ Garden for waters it - _________________________________
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name representatives animal world. Beetle that eats core y –_________________ Utk a and nose -_____________________ Sheep a + bull -________________________ Earth y swarm (mouse) – _______________________________ Thick forehead (fish) -___________________________
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name the mode of transport He flies himself - ________________________ Steam walks - _______________________ Walks everywhere - ______________________ Walks in the snow - _____________________ Walks on the moon - ___________________________ |
Assemble difficult the words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. What is the name of the fairy-tale hero? Star counts - _____________________ Blue eyes -_____________________ Golden hair - ______________________ White snow - _________________________ White hands - __________________________ |
"Collect" difficult words. In the composed words, highlight roots and emphasize the connecting vowel. Name the words- signs (Words must answer the question what? ) kind soul –__________________ Sharp mind –______________________ Blue eyes -___________________ Dark hair -___________________ White teeth - _____________________
3. Summary of the lesson.
- Let's evaluate your work in class.
Show card with selected color:
Excellent - green
Good - yellow
Not very good - red.
-What learned today at lesson ? (Studied find and form words with two roots)
- How can you make a compound word? (You need to connect two roots with vowels –О-, -Е-.)
- What are compound words for? ( for brevity of speech, instead of phrases )
Yes and no test
- I pronounce statement, if you agree with it, show a green card, do not agree - a red card.
1. Compound words - these are all long words.
2.If the first root ends in a solid consonant, then we write the connecting vowel -O-.
3. After the letters -Ж- , -Ш- and -Ц are written -О-
4. Words that have two roots are called compound.
5. If the first root ends in a soft consonant, then we write the connecting vowel -E-.
4. Reflection
- Complete the sentence:
I liked…
It was difficult…
It was interesting…
5. Homework.
( differentiated students' choice)
- A You choose your own homework. On my table you see two cards: number 1 and number 2. On card number 2, the task is more difficult, and on card number 1 - take it easy.
Anyone who wishes can complete both tasks.
words according to the model:
Red breast - (what?) red-breasted
Bright head - _______________________________
Long legs - ____________________________
Short tail - _____________________
Variegated wings - _____________________
floats on water - _________________
Write out a number of words compound words:
Icebreaker, snowman, pedestrian, island, locomotive, digger, strawberry, plane, platypus, wall newspaper, all-terrain vehicle.
Additionally (for the lesson)
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000014
Roots lost", restore the words ( Hint : first highlight the roots of the words, underline the connecting vowel and swap the roots of the words in places)
Noso stroke
Sea flight
Helicopter horn
paro flight
Samo unit
Bird move
CARD #2 Form complex sample words: Red breast - (what?) red-breasted Bright head - _______________________________ Long legs - ________________________ Short tail - _____________________ Motley wings - _____________________ floats on water - _________________
CARD #1 From a series of words write out difficult words: Icebreaker, snowman, pedestrian, island, locomotive, digger, plane, platypus, wall newspaper, all-terrain vehicle.
CARD #2 Form complex sample words: Red breast - (what?) red-breasted Bright head - _______________________________ Long legs - ________________________ Short tail - _____________________ Motley wings - _____________________ floats on water - _________________
CARD #1 From a series of words write out difficult words: Icebreaker, snowman, pedestrian, island, locomotive, digger, plane, platypus, wall newspaper, all-terrain vehicle.
CARD #2 Form complex sample words: Red breast - (what?) red-breasted Bright head - _________________________ Long legs - ________________________ Short tail - _____________________ Motley wings - _____________________ floats on water - _________________
CARD #1 From a series of words write out difficult words: Icebreaker, snowman, pedestrian, island, locomotive, digger, plane, platypus, wall newspaper, all-terrain vehicle. |