Compound words list with pictures
500 Compound Words List with Pictures
Home » 500 Compound Words List with Pictures | EnglishanWords are made up of letters or other words, the words which are made up joining two or more than two words are called Compound words. when we join them it becomes a single word which gives complete sense and even if we separate those words they still stand alone and give their meanings.
We have compiled a list of 500 compound words for you to keep vocabulary learning easier for you.
1. airbrush
2. afterglow
3. armpit
4. taproom
5. keyway
6. showoff
7. upbeat
8. nightfall
9. reddish
10. handgun
11. sharecropper
12. airlift
13. backdrop
14. airplane
15. teaspoon
16. backspin
17. throwback
18. layout
19. crosswalk
20. baseball
21. jackpot
22. airport
23. cheesecake
24. afternoon
25. backslap
26. afterlife
27. skylight
28. foresee
29. babysitter
30. uptime
31. anyplace
32. dishwasher
33. carpool
34. coffeemaker
35. schoolwork
36. waxwork
37. daydream
38. passport
39. backstop
40. crewcut
41. postcard
42. moonscape
43. backlog
44. jailbird
45. crossbow
46. backhand
47. carrack
48. brainwash
49. scarecrow
50. bedroll
51. glassmaking
52. buttercup
53. eggshell
54. rawhide
55. basketball
56. snowball
57. backbone
58. raindrop
59. softball
60. bedrock
61. backlash
62. passport
63. careworn
64. snakeskin
65. bedroom
66. bookkeeper
67. inroad
68. dishpan
69. firebox
70. sunflower
71. crosstown
72. bookseller
73. earring
74. forgive
75. crosscut
76. highway
77. lifeblood
78. courtroom
79. woodshop
80. taillike
81. firehouse
82. anytime
83. candlestick
84. itself
85. oneself
86. bodywork
87. northeast
88. bedclothes
89. daylight
90. eyelash
91. fireboat
92. comedown
93. helpmate
94. bookshelf
95. fireflies
96. butterflies
97. carefree
98. airship
99. bankroll
100. buttermilk
101. dairymaid
102. bluegrass
103. caretaker
104. commonplace
105. bluefish
106. candid
107. doorstop
108. crossword
109. dairymaid
110. forearm
111. caretaker
112. bluegrass
113. commonplace
114. airmen
115. pinup
116. cardboard
117. blueberry
118. carryall
119. footlights
120. carwash
121. whitefish
122. superstructure
123. sidecar
124. fireball
125. leapfrog
126. backlog
127. carsick
128. backside
129. bellboy
130. upstate
131. pinup
132. airmen
133. cardboard
134. counterpane
135. wallflower
136. hedgehop
137. fishhook
138. horsefly
139. cabdriver
140. courtyard
141. highchair
142. handball
143. forklift
144. daybook
145. dogwood
146. eardrop
147. foothill
148. crossover
149. duckpin
150. background
151. redcoat
152. daytime
153. upstage
154. footnote
155. carfare
156. egghead
157. daybreak
158. eyeballs
159. passbook
160. dishwater
161. goodbye
162. dishcloth
163. eardrop
164. carhop
165. crossover
166. duckpin
167. carpetbagger
168. redcoat
169. daytime
170. eyewitness
171. inside
172. comeback
173. wheelchair
174. infusion
175. fishnet
176. slowdown
177. fireproof
178. eyeglasses
179. firebomb
180. pawnshop
181. fisherman
182. fishbowl
183. lifeguard
184. eyewitness
185. telltale
186. earthward
187. sideshow
188. sunglasses
189. sidewalk
190. skintight
191. football
192. upload
193. skateboard
194. pickup
195. uplink
196. nobody
197. helpmeet
198. indoors
199. riverbanks
201. indoors
202. riverbanks
203. grandparent
204. earthworm
205. forefather
206. counterpart
207. himself
208. longhorn
209. hereabout
210. forget
211. payroll
212. foothold
213. honeybee
214. footrest
215. headline
216. crossbreed
217. bookbinder
218. teapot
219. handbook
220. ironwork
221. housekeeper
222. graveyard
223. honeymoon
224. eyelid
225. headlight
226. passbook
227. goodnight
228. ratline
229. forever
230. eyesight
231. footlocker
232. inset
233. noisemaker
234. airport
235. pancake
236. forehand
237. jetport
238. forehead
239. forefinger
240. jellyfish
241. butternut
242. hometown
243. footprints
244. haircut
245. keyboard
246. income
247. friendship
248. haircut
249. fruitcup
250. foresight
251. inchworm
252. pinwheel
253. foresight
254. graveyard
255. hamburger
256. gumball
257. headdress
258. grasshopper
259. rainfall
260. overflow
261. nearby
262. fisheye
263. henpeck
264. password
265. keynote
266. firearm
267. countdown
268. sunroof
269. inland
270. playground
271. moonshine
272. newfound
273. forestland
274. highball
275. keystroke
276. forestland
277. highball
278. headhunter
279. keystroke
280. upswing
281. housework
282. moonstone
283. sixfold
284. infuse
285. soapstone
286. waterworks
287. toolbox
288. foreleg
289. rainbow
290. fortnight
291. streetcar
292. jawbreaker
293. teacup
294. notebook
295. keystone
296. sandbox
297. teardrop
298. pacemaker
299. tablespoon
300. playhouse
301. upswing
302. housework
303. moonstone
304. sixfold
305. infuse
306. overcoat
307. intake
308. speedboat
309. payload
310. horseshoe
311. longhand
312. Jackson
313. inkblot
314. housetop
315. soybean
316. railway
317. jellybean
318. railroad
319. ideal
320. lawsuit
321. inhale
322. landward
323. wallboard
324. teaspoon
325. inkwell
326. superfine
327. passkey
328. teamwork
329. railway
330. jellybean
331. railroad
332. layover
333. lawsuit
334. sidekick
335. lifeboat
336. keyword
337. thunderstorm
338. slapstick
339. lifelike
340. popcorn
341. stonewall
342. onetime
343. matchbox
344. shotgun
345. layoff
346. soapstone
347. playback
348. layman
349. schoolroom
350. newscaster
351. takeover
352. timetable
353. spacewalk
354. newsworthy
355. newscaster
356. takeover
357. timetable
358. stagehand
359. meadowland
360. textbook
361. setback
362. meantime
363. scapegoat
364. newsroom
365. waterline
366. mainland
367. shipload
368. moonlight
369. longhouse
370. bedbug
371. motorcycle
372. overboard
373. repairman
374. setoff
375. parkway
376. without
377. overshoes
378. stockroom
379. tenderfoot
380. newsdealer
381. cornstalk
382. pinstripe
383. nutcracker
384. pathway
385. redhead
386. newsletter
387. limestone
388. sandlot
389. underbid
390. pasteboard
391. wallpaper
392. highland
393. pinpoint
394. sailboat
395. pawnbroker
396. wayside
397. schoolbus
398. aboveboard
399. patchwork
400. standby
401. standoff
402. redcap
403. snowbird
404. silversmith
405. alongside
406. skylark
407. boldface
408. ponytail
409. upcoming
410. sisterhood
411. armchair
412. playthings
413. taproot
414. upmarket
415. Sunday
416. backhand
417. sharpshooter
418. allspice
419. firebreak
420. firecracker
421. backbreaker
422. backdrop
423. cattail
424. caveman
425. gearshift
426. grandaunt
427. henceforth
428. henchman
429. inpatient
430. racquetball
431. stepson
432. standpipe
433. tailbone
434. tailcoat
435. uptown
436. upturn
437. walkout
438. walkways
439. sunfish
440. backlash
441. shortcake
442. horsehair
443. Lapland
444. showplace
445. heirloom
446. lifelong
447. tenfold
448. target
449. foreclose
450. telltale
451. carload
452. herself
453. butterscotch
454. shopkeeper
455. rawboned
456. jobholder
457. themselves
458. stickup
459. uppercase
460. hookup
461. tailgate
462. fatherland
463. waistcoat
464. sundown
465. tapeworm
466. landslide
467. tadpole
468. moonbeam
469. turnoff
470. lapwing
471. cottonmouth
472. bypass
473. warlord
474. someone
475. fishpond
476. fishtail
477. aircraft
478. newsbreak
479. somewhat
480. mothball
481. motherhood
482. larkspur
483. taxpayer
484. throwaway
485. southeast
486. southwest
487. upstanding
488. lifesaver
489. inmate
490. elsewhere
491. hamstring
492. daisywheel
493. soundproof
494. today
495. inflow
496. driveway
497. moreover
498. stoplight
499. cardsharp
500. tabletop
1000 Compound Words List in Alphabetical Order with Printable PDF
English Grammar21,017 Views
Get Compound Words List in Alphabetical Order with Printable PDF. Before we dive into the lesson, we need to know What Compound nouns really are.
What are the Compound Words?
These are the words which are created when two words get joined to form a new word which has completely different meaning.
For Example, “Honey” and “Comb” are two different words, but when joined, they form another word “Honeycomb” .
Here is a list of almost 1000 Compound Words in alphabetical order. These compound words are formed when two single words combine. Combination of two single word gives Compound Word. Find the most important and Unique Compound Words Here. 1000 examples of Compound Words.
List Of Compound Words
Above | + | Board | = | Aboveboard |
After | + | Noon | = | Afternoon |
Air | + | Port | = | Airport |
Air | + | Plane | = | Airplane |
Air | + | Line | = | Airline |
Along | + | Side | = | Alongside |
An | + | Other | = | Another |
Any | + | Body | = | Anybody |
Any | + | One | = | Anyone |
Any | + | Way | = | Anyway |
Any | + | Place | = | Anyplace |
Any | + | Time | = | Anytime |
Ash | + | Tray | = | Ashtray |
Baby | + | Sitter | = | Babysitter |
Back | + | Bone | = | Backbone |
Back | + | Pack | = | Backpack |
Back | + | Log | = | Backlog |
Back | + | Track | = | Backtrack |
Back | + | Space | = | Backspace |
Back | + | Ache | = | Backache |
Back | + | Fire | = | Backfire |
Back | + | Spin | = | Backspin |
Back | + | Bite | = | Backbite |
Back | + | Ground | = | Background |
Back | + | Lash | = | Backlash |
Back | + | Stroke | = | Backstroke |
Ball | + | Room | = | Ballroom |
Ball | + | Park | = | Ballpark |
Bank | + | Roll | = | Bankroll |
Bank | + | Book | = | Bankbook |
Base | + | Ball | = | Baseball |
Basket | + | Ball | = | Basketball |
Be | + | Come | = | Become |
Be | + | Cause | = | Because |
Be | + | Low | = | Below |
Beach | + | Comb | = | Beachcomb |
Bed | + | Room | = | Bedroom |
Bell | + | Bottom | = | Bellbottom |
Black | + | Smith | = | Blacksmith |
Black | + | Berries | = | Blackberries |
Black | + | Out | = | Blackout |
Black | + | Jack | = | Blackjack |
Black | + | Board | = | Blackboard |
Black | + | = | Blackmail | |
Black | + | Bird | = | Blackbird |
Black | + | Top | = | Blacktop |
Black | + | List | = | Blacklist |
Black | + | Ball | = | Blackball |
Blue | + | Fish | = | Bluefish |
Blue | + | = | Blueprint | |
Board | + | Walk | = | Boardwalk |
Body | + | Work | = | Bodywork |
Bold | + | Face | = | Boldface |
Book | + | Case | = | Bookcase |
Book | + | End | = | Bookend |
Book | + | Store | = | Bookstore |
Book | + | Mark | = | Bookmark |
Book | + | Shelf | = | Bookshelf |
Book | + | Mobile | = | Bookmobile |
Boot | + | Strap | = | Bootstrap |
Bow | + | Tie | = | Bowtie |
Brain | + | Child | = | Brainchild |
Bug | + | Spray | = | Bugspray |
Butter | + | Flies | = | Butterflies |
Butter | + | Nut | = | Butternut |
By | + | Pass | = | Bypass |
Can | + | Not | = | Cannot |
Candle | + | Light | = | Candlelight |
Car | + | Pool | = | Carpool |
Car | + | Port | = | Carport |
Car | + | Load | = | Carload |
Car | + | Hop | = | Carhop |
Car | + | Rack | = | Carrack |
Card | + | Board | = | Cardboard |
Card | + | Stock | = | Cardstock |
Car | + | carfare | = | Carfare |
Carpet | + | Bagger | = | Carpetbagger |
Cat | + | Walk | = | Catwalk |
Center | + | Cut | = | Centercut |
Clock | + | Wise | = | Clockwise |
Coffee | + | Maker | = | Coffeemaker |
Common | + | Place | = | Commonplace |
Corn | + | Meal | = | Cornmeal |
Crew | + | Cut | = | Crewcut |
Cross | + | Walk | = | Crosswalk |
Cross | + | Over | = | Crossover |
Cross | + | Bow | = | Crossbow |
Day | + | Light | = | Daylight |
Day | + | Time | = | Daytime |
Day | + | Break | = | Daybreak |
Day | + | Dream | = | Daydream |
Day | + | Book | = | Daybook |
Dead | + | Line | = | Deadline |
Dead | + | End | = | Deadend |
Dish | + | Washer | = | Dishwasher |
Dish | + | Pan | = | Dishpan |
Dish | + | cloth | = | Dishcloth |
Disk | + | Drive | = | Diskdrive |
Dog | + | Wood | = | Dogwood |
Door | + | Stop | = | Doorstop |
Down | + | Beat | = | Downbeat |
Down | + | Under | = | Downunder |
Drive | + | Way | = | Driveway |
Ear | + | Ache | = | Earache |
Ear | + | Drum | = | Eardrum |
Earth | + | Quake | = | Earthquake |
Earth | + | Ward | = | Earthward |
Earth | + | Worm | = | Earthworm |
Egg | + | Shell | = | Eggshell |
Eye | + | Balls | = | Eyeballs |
Eye | + | Sight | = | Eyesight |
Eye | + | Catching | = | eye-catching |
Eye | + | Lid | = | Eyelid |
Father | + | Land | = | Fatherland |
Fire | + | Flies | = | Fireflies |
Fire | + | House | = | Firehouse |
Fire | + | Fighter | = | Firefighter |
Fire | + | Ball | = | Fireball |
Fire | + | Proof | = | Fireproof |
Fire | + | Break | = | Firebreak |
Fire | + | Arm | = | Firearm |
Fish | + | Tail | = | Fishtail |
Fish | + | pond | = | Fishpond |
Fish | + | Net | = | Fishnet |
Fish | + | Monger | = | Fishmonger |
Fisher | + | Man | = | Fisherman |
Foot | + | Prints | = | Footprints |
Foot | + | Ball | = | Football |
Foot | + | Hill | = | Foothill |
For | + | Give | = | Forgive |
For | + | Mat | = | Format |
For | + | Bearer | = | Forbearer |
For | + | Bid | = | Forbid |
Fore | + | Head | = | Forehead |
Fore | + | Father | = | Forefather |
Fore | + | Hand | = | Forehand |
Fore | + | See | = | Foresee |
Fore | + | Arm | = | Forearm |
Fore | + | Cast | = | Forecast |
Fore | + | Close | = | Foreclose |
Fore | + | Bear | = | Forebear |
Fore | + | Closure | = | Foreclosure |
Fore | + | Castle | = | Forecastle |
Fore | + | Most | = | Foremost |
Fore | + | Paws | = | Forepaws |
Fore | + | Doom | = | Foredoom |
Fore | + | Stall | = | Forestall |
Forget | + | Get | = | Forget |
Fort | + | Night | = | Fortnight |
Friend | + | Ship | = | Friendship |
Fruit | + | Cup | = | Fruitcup |
Gear | + | Shift | = | Gearshift |
Glass | + | Making | = | Glassmaking |
Go | + | Go | = | Cargo |
Good | + | Bye | = | Goodbye |
Good | + | Night | = | Goodnight |
Grand | + | Mother | = | Grandmother |
Grand | + | Parent | = | Grandparent |
Grand | + | Aunt | = | Grandaunt |
Grand | + | Stand | = | Grandstand |
Grand | + | Child | = | Grandchild |
Grand | + | Master | = | Grandmaster |
Grand | + | Son | = | Grandson |
Grand | + | Father | = | Grandfather |
Grand | + | Nieces | = | Grandnieces |
Grand | + | Children | = | Grandchildren |
Grand | + | Daughter | = | Granddaughter |
Grand | + | Nephew | = | Grandnephew |
Grand | + | Uncle | = | Granduncle |
Grass | + | Hopper | = | Grasshopper |
Grave | + | Yard | = | Graveyard |
Gum | + | Ball | = | Gumball |
Ham | + | Burger | = | Hamburger |
Hammer | + | Head | = | Hammerhead |
Hand | + | Made | = | Handmade |
Head | + | Quarters | = | Headquarters |
Head | + | Ache | = | Headache |
Her | + | Self | = | Herself |
Here | + | In | = | Herein |
Here | + | After | = | Hereafter |
High | + | Way | = | Highway |
High | + | Ball | = | Highball |
Home | + | Made | = | Homemade |
Home | + | Town | = | Hometown |
Honey | + | Dew | = | Honeydew |
Honey | + | Moon | = | Honeymoon |
Honey | + | Comb | = | Honeycomb |
Honey | + | Bee | = | Honeybee |
Hook | + | Up | = | Hookup |
Horse | + | Back | = | Horseback |
Horse | + | Play | = | Horseplay |
Horse | + | Radish | = | Horseradish |
House | + | Keeper | = | Housekeeper |
House | + | Hold | = | Household |
How | + | Ever | = | However |
In | + | Side | = | Inside |
It | + | Self | = | Itself |
Jack | + | Pot | = | Jackpot |
Jail | + | Bait | = | Jailbait |
Jelly | + | Fish | = | Jellyfish |
Jelly | + | Bean | = | Jellybean |
Jet | + | Port | = | Jetport |
Jet | + | Liner | = | Jetliner |
Jump | + | Shot | = | Jumpshot |
Key | + | Board | = | Keyboard |
Key | + | Note | = | Keynote |
Key | + | Word | = | Keyword |
Key | + | Hole | = | Keyhole |
Key | + | Stone | = | Keystone |
Key | + | Stroke | = | Keystroke |
Life | + | Time | = | Lifetime |
Life | + | Boat | = | Lifeboat |
Life | + | Long | = | Lifelong |
Life | + | Like | = | Lifelike |
Life | + | Blood | = | Lifeblood |
Life | + | Line | = | Lifeline |
Life | + | Saver | = | Lifesaver |
Life | + | Work | = | Lifework |
Lime | + | Stone | = | Limestone |
Lime | + | Light | = | Limelight |
Long | + | House | = | Longhouse |
Long | + | House | = | Longhouse |
Luke | + | Warm | = | Lukewarm |
Main | + | Line | = | Mainline |
Match | + | Box | = | Matchbox |
Mean | + | Time | = | Meantime |
Mean | + | While | = | Meanwhile |
Moon | + | Light | = | Moonlight |
Moon | + | Struck | = | Moonstruck |
Moon | + | Walk | = | Moonwalk |
Moon | + | Lit | = | Moonlit |
More | + | Over | = | Moreover |
Mother | + | Hood | = | Motherhood |
Motor | + | Cycle | = | Motorcycle |
Near | + | By | = | Nearby |
Never | + | More | = | Nevermore |
New | + | Born | = | Newborn |
News | + | Worthy | = | Newsworthy |
News | + | Stand | = | Newsstand |
News | + | Paper | = | Newspaper |
News | + | Reel | = | Newsreel |
News | + | Room | = | Newsroom |
News | + | Man | = | Newsman |
News | + | Letter | = | Newsletter |
News | + | Person | = | Newsperson |
Night | + | Fall | = | Nightfall |
No | + | Body | = | Nobody |
Noise | + | Maker | = | noisemaker |
North | + | East | = | Northeast |
Nut | + | Cracker | = | Nutcracker |
One | + | Self | = | Oneself |
Over | + | Abundance | = | Overabundance |
Over | + | Flow | = | Overflow |
Over | + | Board | = | Overboard |
Over | + | Shoes | = | Overshoes |
Pace | + | Maker | = | Pacemaker |
Pan | + | Cake | = | Pancake |
Pass | + | Port | = | Passport |
Pass | + | Key | = | Passkey |
Pay | + | Check | = | Paycheck |
Pepper | + | Mint | = | Peppermint |
Pick | + | Up | = | Pickup |
Pin | + | Stripe | = | Pinstripe |
Play | + | Back | = | Playback |
Pop | + | Corn | = | Popcorn |
Post | + | Card | = | Postcard |
Racquet | + | Ball | = | Racquetball |
Rain | + | Check | = | Raincheck |
Rain | + | Bow | = | Rainbow |
Rain | + | Drop | = | Raindrop |
Rain | + | Water | = | Rainwater |
Rattle | + | Snake | = | Rattlesnake |
Rattle | + | Trap | = | Rattletrap |
Repair | + | Man | = | Repairman |
River | + | Banks | = | Riverbanks |
Rubber | + | Band | = | Rubberband |
Sand | + | Stone | = | Sandstone |
Sauce | + | Pan | = | Saucepan |
Scare | + | Crow | = | Scarecrow |
School | + | House | = | Schoolhouse |
School | + | Boy | = | Schoolboy |
School | + | Bus | = | Schoolbus |
Sea | + | Shore | = | Seashore |
Shady | + | Side | = | Shadyside |
Ship | + | Bottom | = | Shipbottom |
Side | + | Show | = | Sideshow |
Silver | + | Smith | = | Silversmith |
Skate | + | Board | = | Skateboard |
Sky | + | Scraper | = | Skyscraper |
Slow | + | Down | = | Slowdown |
Slum | + | Lord | = | Slumlord |
Snake | + | Skin | = | Snakeskin |
Snow | + | Drift | = | Snowdrift |
Snow | + | Shovel | = | Snowshovel |
Soft | + | Ware | = | Software |
Some | + | Times | = | Sometimes |
Some | + | Thing | = | Something |
Some | + | One | = | Someone |
Some | + | Day | = | Someday |
Some | + | How | = | Somehow |
Sound | + | Proof | = | Soundproof |
South | + | West | = | Southwest |
South | + | East | = | Southeast |
Spear | + | Mint | = | Spearmint |
Spokes | + | Person | = | Spokesperson |
Stand | + | By | = | Standby |
Stop | + | Watch | = | Stopwatch |
Store | + | Rooms | = | Storerooms |
Sub | + | Way | = | Subway |
Sun | + | Flower | = | Sunflower |
Sun | + | Bathe | = | Sunbathe |
Sun | + | Day | = | Sunday |
Sun | + | Fish | = | Sunfish |
Sun | + | Roof | = | Sunroof |
Sun | + | Up | = | Sunup |
Sun | + | Down | = | Sundown |
Sun | + | Ray | = | Sunray |
Super | + | Structure | = | Superstructure |
Super | + | Sensitive | = | supersensitive |
Super | + | Sonic | = | Supersonic |
Super | + | Star | = | Superstar |
Super | + | Charge | = | Supercharge |
Super | + | Weapon | = | Superweapon |
Super | + | Woman | = | Superwoman |
Super | + | Fine | = | Superfine |
Super | + | Hero | = | Superhero |
Super | + | Impose | = | Superimpose |
Sweet | + | Heart | = | Sweetheart |
Tad | + | Pole | = | Tadpole |
Tail | + | Bone | = | Tailbone |
Tape | + | Worm | = | Tapeworm |
Tax | + | Payer | = | Taxpayer |
Taxi | + | Cab | = | Taxicab |
Tea | + | Cup | = | Teacup |
Team | + | Work | = | Teamwork |
Teen | + | Ager | = | Teenager |
Them | + | Selves | = | Themselves |
There | + | Fore | = | Therefore |
Thunder | + | Storm | = | thunderstorm |
Thunder | + | Bird | = | Thunderbird |
Time | + | Pieces | = | Timepieces |
To | + | Gether | = | Together |
To | + | Day | = | Today |
Tool | + | Box | = | Toolbox |
Tooth | + | Paste | = | Toothpaste |
Tooth | + | Pick | = | Toothpick |
Touch | + | Down | = | Touchdown |
Town | + | Ship | = | Township |
Turn | + | Table | = | Turntable |
Type | + | Writer | = | Typewriter |
Under | + | Ground | = | underground |
Under | + | Charge | = | undercharge |
Under | + | Belly | = | Underbelly |
Under | + | Bid | = | Underbid |
Under | + | Dog | = | Underdog |
Under | + | Act | = | Underact |
Under | + | Estimate | = | Underestimate |
Under | + | Arm | = | Underarm |
Under | + | Cover | = | Undercover |
Under | + | Current | = | Undercurrent |
Up | + | Stream | = | Upstream |
Up | + | Lift | = | Uplift |
Up | + | Tight | = | Uptight |
Up | + | State | = | Upstate |
Up | + | Coming | = | Upcoming |
Up | + | Land | = | Upland |
Up | + | Held | = | Upheld |
Up | + | End | = | Upend |
Up | + | Hill | = | Uphill |
Up | + | Ward | = | Upward |
Up | + | Date | = | Update |
Up | + | Beat | = | Upbeat |
Up | + | Keep | = | Upkeep |
Up | + | Turn | = | Upturn |
Up | + | Bringing | = | Upbringing |
Up | + | Wind | = | Upwind |
Up | + | Grade | = | Upgrade |
Up | + | On | = | Upon |
Up | + | Link | = | Uplink |
Up | + | Root | = | Uproot |
Up | + | Shot | = | Upshot |
Up | + | Roar | = | Uproar |
Up | + | Load | = | Upload |
Up | + | Right | = | Upright |
Up | + | Stage | = | Upstage |
Up | + | Rising | = | Uprising |
Up | + | Start | = | Upstart |
Up | + | Time | = | Uptime |
Up | + | Set | = | Upset |
Up | + | Market | = | Upmarket |
Uphold | + | Hold | = | Uphold |
Upper | + | Most | = | Uppermost |
Upper | + | Case | = | Uppercase |
Upper | + | Cut | = | Uppercut |
War | + | Fare | = | Warfare |
Wash | + | Room | = | Washroom |
Wash | + | Stand | = | Washstand |
Wash | + | Out | = | Washout |
Wash | + | Tub | = | Washtub |
Wash | + | Bowl | = | Washbowl |
Wash | + | Board | = | Washboard |
Waste | + | Paper | = | Wastepaper |
Waste | + | Basket | = | Wastebasket |
Waste | + | Water | = | Wastewater |
Watch | + | Maker | = | Watchmaker |
Watch | + | Dog | = | Watchdog |
Watch | + | Case | = | Watchcase |
Watch | + | Tower | = | Watchtower |
Watch | + | Band | = | Watchband |
Watch | + | Man | = | Watchman |
Water | + | Fall | = | Waterfall |
Water | + | Way | = | Waterway |
Water | + | Melon | = | Watermelon |
Water | + | Line | = | Waterline |
Water | + | Proof | = | Waterproof |
Water | + | Craft | = | Watercraft |
Water | + | Scape | = | Waterscape |
Water | + | Cooler | = | Watercooler |
Water | + | Log | = | Waterlog |
Water | + | Fowl | = | Waterfowl |
Water | + | Power | = | Waterpower |
Water | + | Spout | = | Waterspout |
Water | + | Color | = | Watercolor |
Water | + | Front | = | Waterfront |
Water | + | Side | = | Waterside |
Water | + | Mark | = | Watermark |
Water | + | Tight | = | Watertight |
Water | + | Works | = | Waterworks |
Water | + | Wheel | = | Waterwheel |
Wave | + | Like | = | Wavelike |
Wave | + | Length | = | Wavelength |
Wax | + | Work | = | Waxwork |
Way | + | Farer | = | Wayfarer |
Way | + | Bill | = | Waybill |
Way | + | Side | = | Wayside |
Way | + | Laid | = | Waylaid |
Way | + | Ward | = | Wayward |
Weather | + | Man | = | Weatherman |
Weather | + | Proof | = | Weatherproof |
Week | + | End | = | Weekend |
Week | + | Day | = | Weekday |
What | + | Ever | = | Whatever |
Wheel | + | Base | = | Wheelbase |
Wheel | + | Barrow | = | Wheelbarrow |
Where | + | Where | = | Elsewhere |
White | + | Fish | = | Whitefish |
White | + | Wall | = | Whitewall |
White | + | Cap | = | Whitecap |
White | + | Wash | = | Whitewash |
Wide | + | Spread | = | Widespread |
With | + | Out | = | Without |
Wood | + | Shop | = | Woodshop |
Compound Words List with A
Compound Words List with B
10 Examples of Compound Words 1000 Examples of Compound Words 20 Compound Words With Pictures Compound Adjectives Compound Noun Definition Compound Nouns Compound Nouns Examples Compound Nouns List Compound Prepositions Compound Words Compound Words Examples Compound Words for Kids Compound Words List Compound Words With Pictures Compound Words Worksheet Examples of 100 Compound Words
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Compound Words / Compound Words + Test
Home / Compound Words / Compound Words in English + Test
In English, there are words formed by the addition of two or more full-valued words or their stems; such words are called compound words. In this case, different parts of speech can be combined with each other, i.e. noun + verb, noun + noun, adjective + noun, etc. Compound words can be written with a hyphen, together, or in two separate words. There are no specific rules for writing Compound Words. nine0003
Compound words education
Match the word from the first column with the word from the second and you will get a compound word. All words are replaced by pictures and are not in order!
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Compound list with translation
airport | eəpɔːt | airport |
anymore | eniˈmɔː | no more, no more, no more |
anyplace | enipleɪs | everywhere, everywhere, anywhere, anywhere, anywhere |
armchair | ˈɑːmtʃeə | chair |
backache | bækeɪk | pain in the back or small of the back, lumbago |
background | bækɡraʊnd | background, background, background, background |
backpack | bækpæk | backpack; go camping |
basketball | bɑːskɪtbɔːl | basketball |
bathrobe | bɑːθrəʊb | bathrobe, bathrobe |
bathtub | bɑːθtʌb | bath |
battleship | bætlʃɪp | battleship |
bedroom | bedrum | bedroom |
beeline | biːlaɪn | direct line |
birthday | bɜːθdeɪ | birthday |
blackboard | blækbɔːd | blackboard |
bookcase | ˈbʊkkeɪs | bookcase |
booklet | bʊklɪt | booklet, brochure |
bookshelf | bʊkʃelf | bookshelf | nine0029
bookworm | bʊkwɜːm | bookworm |
briefcase | briːfkeɪs | portfolio |
buttercup | bʌtəkʌp | buttercup |
butterfly | bʌtəflaɪ | butterfly |
campfire | bonfire | |
campground | ˈkæmpˌɡrɑːwnd | camp |
candlestick | kændlstɪk | candlestick |
cardboard | kɑːdbɔːd | cardboard |
carpet | carpet | |
chopstick | tʃɒpstɪk | chopsticks |
classmate | smeɪt | classmate |
clockwise | klɒkwaɪz | nine0033 clockwise|
courtyard | tjɑːd | courtyard |
cowboy | kaʊbɔɪ | cowboy |
cupboard | kʌbəd | cabinet |
cutlet | kʌtlɪt | cutlet |
daredevil | ˈdeədevl̩ | daredevil |
daydream | nine0033 dreams | |
dishwasher | dɪʃwɒʃə | dishwasher |
dishwater | dɪʃwɔːtə | slop |
doorbell | bel | doorbell |
doormat | ˈdɔːmæt | rug |
doorstep | step | threshold |
doorstop | dɔːstɒp | nine0033 door spring|
doorway | ˈdɔːweɪ | doorway |
dragonfly | dræɡənflaɪ | dragonfly |
droplet | drɒplət | droplet |
earache | earache | |
earrings | earrings | |
evergreen | evəɡriːn | evergreen |
everybody | evrɪˌbɒdi | all |
everyday | evrɪdeɪ | everyday |
eyeball | aaɪbɔːl | eyeball |
fingerprint | fingerprint | |
firearm | faɪərɑːm | firearms |
firefighter | faɪəfaɪtə | fireman |
fireplace | faɪəpleɪs | fireplace |
fireproof | faɪəpruːf | fire resistant |
fireworks | faɪəwɜːks | fireworks |
fishtail | fɪʃteɪl | fish tail |
football | fʊtbɔːl | football |
footprint | fʊtprɪnt | trace |
forecast | fɔːkɑːst | forecast |
foresee | fɔːˈsiː | anticipate |
forget | fəˈɡet | forget |
forgive | fəˈɡɪv | forgive |
fourfold | fɔːfəʊld | four times |
friendship | ˈfriendʃɪp | friendship |
gentleman | dʒentlmən | gentleman |
goldfish | ˈɡəʊldfɪʃ | goldfish |
grandfather | grandfather | |
grandmother | ˈɡræn ˌmʌðə | grandmother |
grandstand | ˈɡrænstænd | tribune |
grasshopper | nine0033 ˈɡrɑːshɒpəgrasshopper, locust | |
graveyard | ˈɡreɪvjɑːd | cemetery |
greenhouse | ˈɡriːnhaʊs | greenhouse |
groundnut | ˈɡraʊndnʌt | peanuts |
hailstorm | downpour | |
hallway | hɔːlweɪ | hallway |
handcuff | hændkʌf | handcuff |
headache | ˈhedeɪk | headache |
headlight | hedlaɪt | headlight |
headmaster | hedˈmɑːstə | director |
headmistress | hedˈmɪstrɪs | headmistress |
heartbeat | hɑːtbiːt | heartbeat |
heartbroken | hɑːtbrəʊkən | broken hearted |
highway | haɪweɪ | highway |
homework | həʊmwɜːk | homework |
honeycomb | hʌnɪkəʊm | honeycomb |
hookworm | hʊkwɜːm | hookworm |
horsefly | hɔːsflaɪ | horsefly | nine0029
houseboat | haʊsbəʊt | houseboat |
inside | ɪnˈsaɪd | inside |
jawbone | dʒɔːbəʊn | jawbone |
ladybug | leɪdibɜːd | ladybug |
landlady | ˈlændleɪdi | landlady |
landlord | lændlɔːd | landlord |
leadership | liːdəʃɪp | manual |
leaflet | liːflɪt | leaflet |
lengthwise | leŋθwaɪz | along |
lighthouse | laɪthaʊs | beacon |
loudspeaker | laʊdˈspiːkə | loudspeaker |
masterpiece | mɑːstəpiːs | nine0033 masterpiece|
match stick | ˈmætʃstɪk | match wooden part |
meatball | miːtbɔːl | meatball |
moonlight | moonlight | |
myself | maɪˈself | self |
necktie | nektaɪ | tie |
newspaper | ˈnjuːspeɪpə | newspaper |
nobody | ˈnəʊbədi | nobody |
offhand | ˌɒfˈhænd | impromptu |
online | ˈɒnˌlaɪn | online |
otherwise | ˈʌðəwaɪz | otherwise |
outdoor | aʊtdɔː | outdoor |
outfield | aʊtfiːld | outfield |
outfit | aʊtfɪt | gear |
outgrow | aʊtˈɡrəʊ | outgrow |
outlaw | aʊtlɔː | outlaw |
outlet | exit | |
outnumber | outnumber | |
outpatient | nine0033 aʊtpeɪʃntoutpatient | |
outside | aʊtˈsaɪd | outside |
overboard | ˈəʊvəbɔːd | overboard |
overdose | ˈəʊvədəʊs | overdose |
overdue | ˌəʊvəˈdjuː | overdue |
pancake | pænkeɪk | pancake |
partnership | partnership | |
penknife | pen naɪf | penknife |
photocopy | fəʊtəʊkɒpi | photocopy |
playground | pleɪɡraʊnd | playground |
playroom | playroom | |
popcorn | popcorn | nine0029|
postman | stmən | postman |
railway | reɪlweɪ | railway |
rainbow | reɪnbəʊ | rainbow |
rain drops | reɪndrɒps | rain drops |
rattlesnake | ˈrætlsneɪk | rattlesnake |
ringworm | ringworm | |
sandbags | ˈsændbæɡz | sandbags |
sandcastle | sændkɑːsl̩ | sandcastle |
sandpaper | sændpeɪpə | sandpaper |
seafood | siːfuːd | seafood |
seashore | siːʃɔː | seaside |
seaweed | siːwiːd | seaweed |
shipwreck | prek | shipwreck |
shoestring | ˈʃuːstrɪŋ | lace |
shortbread | ˈʃɔːtbred | shortbread |
skateboard | skeɪtbɔːd | skateboard |
skyscraper | skyscraper | |
snowboard | snoˌbɔːd | snowboard |
snowstorm | blizzard | |
something | sʌmθɪŋ | something |
soundproof | saʊndpruːf | soundproof |
spaceship | ˈspeɪsʃɪp | spacecraft |
staircase | steəkeɪs | ladder |
starlight | stɑːlaɪt | starlight, starlight |
stomachache | stomach pain | |
strawberry | bri | strawberry |
sunlight | sʌnlaɪt | sunlight |
sunshine | sʌnʃaɪn | sunlight |
superhuman | suːpəˈhjuːmən | nine0033 superhuman|
superimpose | suːpərɪmˈpəʊz | overlay |
supernatural | suːpəˈnætʃrəl | supernatural |
surfboard | sɜːfbɔːd | surfboard |
tailgate | teɪlɡeɪt | tailgate |
teacup | tiːkʌp | tea cup | nine0029
teapot | tiːpɒt | kettle |
thunderstorm | thunderstorm | |
tightrope | taɪtrəʊp | taut rope |
timetable | taɪmˌteɪbl̩ | schedule |
tombstone | tombstone | |
toolbox | ˈtuːlbɒks | nine0033 toolbox|
toothbrush | ˈtuːθbrʌʃ | toothbrush |
understand | stænd | understand |
wallpaper | ˈwɔːlpeɪpə | wallpapers |
wardrobe | ˈwɔːdrəʊb | wardrobe |
warship | ˈwɔːʃɪp | warship |
watermelon | nine0033watermelon | |
waterproof | waterproof | |
weekend | wiːkˈend | weekend |
wheelbarrow | ˈwiːl̩bærəʊ | wheelbarrow, gurney |
wheelchair | ˈwiːl̩tʃeə | wheelchair |
woodcutter | ˈwʊdkʌtə | lumberjack |
woodland | wʊdlənd | forest |
woodpile | wʊdpaɪl | bundle of firewood |
woodshed | wʊdʃed | woodshed |
woodwork | wʊdwɜːk | wood products |
woodworm | wʊdwɜːm | wood borer |
yourself | jɔːˈself | self |
Compound words.

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Compound words pdf
Clever words for conversation - abstruse words for communication and their meaning in the dictionary. List of synonyms for obscure words.
Clever words, borrowed from other languages, are designed to strike those around you with the intellect of the speaker or writer. And after all, many people want to know abstruse words for communication and their meaning, but they are too lazy to just look for them on the Internet and use them in simple speech. It's time to finally compile a dictionary of the most incomprehensible words in Russian and their meanings and memorize them! Where and how will it help you? For example, in reviews of new films, performances and books, in conversations with colleagues, in talk shows on TV and the blogosphere, here and there flash with an important air "insight", "kurtosis", "existential" and, of course, trendy "cognitive dissonance". And you do not understand a word, and no one wants to feel "close-minded" and ignorant. nine0003
Do you remember the proverb “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won't catch it”? Of course, we cannot give a complete list of the smartest words in the world that can be used for conversation, and their meaning, but we offer you a list of literate smart words for communicating with people (and their meaning) - a sort of mini-dictionary of popular smart expressions .
Smart nouns
The most useful tricky words with meanings that everyone should know are nouns, because they are the basis of our speech. All these smart words, such as "insight", "collaboration", "frustration" ... So, we replenish the vocabulary with long smart words that you need to know by heart. nine0003
The English word addiction characterizes addiction, an addiction, a way of avoiding reality. Addictions are not only alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, smoking. Psychologists assure: a similar addiction mechanism is found in those who overeat, live and burn at work, love extreme sports, spend days on the Internet, love creativity and ... fall in love. Another thing is that the forms of addiction are divided into acceptable by society, like the same workaholism or falling in love, and unacceptable, like excessive craving for alcohol. nine0003
Amphibolicity is the ambiguity of a concept, its contradictory interpretation. As a rule, this word is rarely used - in dissertations, at court hearings, or in biochemical papers. But it’s not bad at all to understand if someone says “this is amphibolic” or “the amphibolic nature of this concept baffles me, because I adhered strictly to one line,” and you understand that it’s all just about the ambiguity of the concept you are discussing.
"French" vis-a-vis in Russian can be both an adverb ("sit vis-a-vis", that is, opposite each other), and a noun, both masculine and feminine ("my smart counterpart", "your beautiful counterpart" ). You have every right to call your counterpart the one who is opposite you, with whom you are sitting face to face.
What did Stirlitz mean when he said: “I have an idiosyncrasy for rhyme”? The fact that he is completely devoid of a poetic gift. He was modest, of course ... The word with ancient Greek roots (idos - “separate, special”; synkrasis - “mixing”) was familiar only to physicians for a long time, but came into wide use as a synonym for the words “allergy”, “rejection”: “Yes, he has idiosyncrasy for everything new!”, “I have an idiosyncrasy for empty talk.” nine0003
Translated from English, "insight" (insight) literally means insight, insight. This concept is used in philosophy and psychology to convey insight, a sudden understanding of something that is not inferred from past experience. So someone will say: “And then it dawned on me!” – and someone will proudly say: “I had an insight!”
The association of several equal, independent participants in order to achieve common goals in fashion, art, business, science and education is called a collaboration (from the English collaboration - cooperation). For example, at the end of March, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the fantastic Star Trek franchise, the MAC cosmetics company announced the release of the Star Trek beauty collection. The make-up options will be borrowed from the movie characters of the franchise and brought to life with 25 limited-edition products for lips, eyes and face. The start of sales is in August 2016. nine0003
The phenomenon in which the interlocutor asks you a question again, although he heard it perfectly. Why is he doing this? Scientists say that a person does this consciously or subconsciously in order to have more time to formulate an answer. They (or their colleagues) are still arguing about the origin of the word. Many associate him with the American politician John Kerry, who at the end of 2015 could not immediately answer the question of a Russian student and asked him several times. If someone wants to accuse you of being slow to respond, tell him that this is nothing more than carrilism, and you need a couple of seconds to formulate an answer. nine0003
Remember this: "Don't touch me, old woman, I'm sad." It was not Ivan the Terrible who said this, but a lipophrenic. In more detail, a lipophrenic is a person who feels irresistible sadness, melancholy and does not know the reasons for the appearance of this condition. Lipophrenia, which is also called apathy, depression, melancholy, usually appears from being alone for a long time, from routine activities or insufficient activity (which is relevant for today's youth), as well as from a lack of positive emotions. If you don’t want to wear the not-so-proud name “lipophrenic”, do your favorite things more often, prefer live communication to virtual communication, walk more in the fresh air. nine0003
Have you ever seen stones shaped like a heart or a tomato with a nose? If yes, then you are halfway to understanding the word “natiform”. But here is a more particular case, because a natiform is a natural formation that resembles the outlines of a female body or part of it. It could be a tree that you looked at from a certain angle and saw shoulders, chest, waist, hips… Or rocks in a rock looking so bizarre that it reminded you of your ex. These are all natiforms.
Have you noticed that some people repeat one word or phrase in almost every sentence? If not, you are lucky, and if you have met with this, congratulate your friend: he has palinphrasia. It is not contagious, but it is absolutely unpleasant when in every sentence you will be told "sir" or "I told you that ...". And so in a circle. As a result, you will not hear other words, lose the essence of the narrative and generally lose any interest in the conversation.
When this word is called, they usually remember its arithmetic “formula”: 1 + 1 = 3. Ancient Greek synergeia is translated as “cooperation, commonwealth”. It means an amazing effect that occurs when several subjects or objects interact. This summed effect exceeds the return from the actions of each participant in the process separately. An example of synergy: you have mastered a few secrets of applying concealer, and your friend knows all the intricacies of mascara. By sharing life hacks, both of you, without losing your previous experience, will gain a new one, that is, you will grow up in the art of makeup. nine0003
The philosophical current in Ancient Greece, whose followers were famous for their ability to cunningly conduct scientific disputes, gave a name to verbal statements based on the juggling of facts, simplifications, and violations of logic. Another sophist (from the ancient Greek sophia - “skill, skill, cunning invention, trick, wisdom, knowledge”) is brilliantly able to prove obvious absurdity: “Half-empty is the same as half-full. If the halves are equal, then the whole ones are equal. Therefore, the empty is the same as the full. Therefore, sophistry in a figurative sense is called any speech that is built on false conclusions, but disguises itself as correct, logical. nine0003
Borrowed from the sports field, the word “touchér” (touchér in French - touch) draws a line to a certain dispute, when one of the interlocutors recognizes the correctness, superiority of the other after a decisive argument or a verbal injection - suddenly you competed not in knowledge of the topic and in wit? Touche, the argument is counted, as fencing injections or throws on the back of wrestlers, performed in accordance with all the rules, are counted.
To fall into a state of frustration (Latin frustratio - deceit, failure, futile expectation) means to experience a whole range of negative feelings due to the inability to achieve what you want. For example, you were planning a vacation at sea, you had already packed your suitcase, and suddenly your boss postpones your vacation a month later because of an important project that you cannot do without. It is natural that you feel anger, despair, anxiety, irritation, disappointment and hopelessness... Frequent experience of such states, psychologists say, spoils the character, affects self-esteem. nine0003
The egoist's namesake is egocentric (from the Latin words ego - "I" - and centrum - "center") is still not similar to him. The egocentric is focused on his own inner world, point of view, his interests, needs and does not notice others, but is able to "move", help others, hear them if he is asked for support. Egocentrism in one way or another is inherent in everyone. The egoist sees other people's interests, but deliberately ignores them, opposes himself to others, always putting his person in the first place. nine0003
Latin excessus means "exit, evasion". In Russian, the word consonant with “process” has two meanings. The first is an extreme manifestation of something: “This is not literature, but graphomaniac excess!” The second is an emergency, a violation of the normal course of events: "Her gossip caused a real excess in the team."
A daring, shocking, provocative, headstrong stunt in the style of Salvador Dali, Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus, for example, a rotten herring on a hat or a dress made of raw meat - this is an escapade. The French word escapade also has a second meaning - a trip with adventures - which is not in demand in our language. nine0003
Clever adjectives
After nouns, it's time to see the dictionary of smart adjectives for every day and their meanings, because it is the presence of adjectives in your speech that will distinguish you from other interlocutors. Decorate your speech with little-known smart words, believe me: this will help you in all areas of life. Such unfamiliar intelligent words (and their meanings) will help raise your status both among friends and among colleagues.
Derived from the English adjective upscale - “high quality, first class, exclusive”. Characterizes the absolute embodiment of the desired properties in any subject, object: upscale interior design, upscale sound, upscale image.
This adjective has nothing to do with a tree with fluffy buds, but very much so with our speech. Latin verbum is translated as "word", so "verbal" is verbal, oral. For example, verbal thinking, verbal intelligence, verbal method. There is also the adjective "non-verbal" - not having a verbal expression: non-verbal communication, non-verbal signals. nine0003
What do they mean when they talk about deviant behavior? The French word deviation characterizes a deviation from the norm, whether it is the position of a compass needle, the course of an aircraft or a ship, as well as a feature of the human psyche. In other words, deviant behavior destroys the personality and health of those who prefer an antisocial lifestyle, and also causes moral and material harm to others.
Translated from Latin cognitio is knowledge, cognition. The adjective "cognitive" describes a person's ability to acquire knowledge, to know the world around him and himself. This psychological term would not be so popular without its companion, the "Frenchman": dissonance means "discord, disharmony, inconsistency." nine0003
It turns out a kind of situation “don't understand mine, yours”, when previous experience, already accumulated knowledge conflict with new information, new circumstances. There are two opposite ideas about the same thing in your head at once. Let's say your friend emphasizes that he really appreciates punctuality, you like it, and at the same time you do not remember a single meeting when he would not be late. So consider him punctual, organized, true to his word and justify his behavior as accidents or not? The need to choose one thing, evaluate and interpret the newly received picture becomes a cause of mental discomfort. nine0003
Synonymous with "cognitive dissonance" can be called another stable phrase, the meaning of which not everyone knows. This is a pattern break. This is a broader concept, but the essence is the same: you had some kind of scheme in your head regarding a person, concept, phenomenon, and overnight this scheme collapses due to new knowledge. It turns out that twice two is not always four. How is it?..
From English, the word "smart" is translated as "smart", "smart". It is this meaning of the word "smart" that is now used in Russia. It cannot be said that it is firmly planted in the minds of Russians, but if you do not know what a “smart watch” or “smart television”, and even more so a “smartphone”, is shame and shame on you. Simply put, the prefix (or part of the word) “smart” means “smart”: smartphone = smart phone, smart watch = smart watch, etc. As you probably noticed, the word "smart" is used specifically with high-tech items, so when using it, follow the context. nine0003
An adjective with English roots (transparent) is held in high esteem by politicians, bloggers and even cosmetologists. The former conclude transparent agreements and voice transparent positions without secrets or omissions, while the latter swear to be as open and sincere with the audience as possible. And transparent, that is, transparent powder does not look like a mask on the face and at the same time perfectly mattifies it. Yes, she can’t hide skin imperfections, but that’s another topic for conversation. nine0003
There is a good understandable word "incomprehensible". And when, outside of philosophical debate, one wants to give speeches intellectual depth, some flaunt the Latin "transcendent" (transcendentis) with the same meaning. And now the speaker or the writer and his audience begin to search and discuss transcendental meanings, connections, feelings... It has French ancestry, and in the native language trivial means the same thing - something ordinary. Fewer interlocutors with trivial thoughts and anecdotes, theater productions and film premieres with a trivial plot! nine0003
Another philosophical concept related to being, human life. The Latin word existentia is translated as "existence". There are many things that influence our days, but the use of the epithet "existential" adds to these "agents of influence" of universal scale. Existential problems, crises, experiences are phenomena that exist at the heart of the world, manifest in reality and are often beyond the control of human will.
In general, if not all new words could immediately fit into your head, we advise you to compile a dictionary of complex intellectual words for conversation that few people know, with their meaning, of course, and use them as often as possible - in correspondence, when writing in a diary, in a conversation. Only in this way it will not become empty information that you will forget about when you close this page.