Compound words with cup
Words in CUP - Ending in CUP
Lots of Words
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Here is the list of all the English words ending with CUP grouped by number of letters: cup, A-cup, scup, Bacup, recup, uncup, earcup, eggcup, eyecup, hiccup, oilcup.
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- Form of searched words:
- Dictionary forms (nouns in the singular, verbs in the infinitive)
- All forms (nouns in plural, conjugated verbs)
The ending cup is rare. There exists few words ending in cup.
There are 43 words that end with CUP.
Click on a word ending with CUP to see its definition.
→ 1 3-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- cup
→ 2 4-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- A-cup
- scup
→ 3 5-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- Bacup
- recup
- uncup
→ 9 6-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- earcup
- eggcup
- eyecup
- hiccup
- oilcup
- Sidcup
- suncup
- teacup
- tea-cup
→ 12 7-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- demicup
- goldcup
- kingcup
- leafcup
- minicup
- mini-cup
- mishcup
- Stalcup
- tailcup
- teatcup
- winecup
- Wisecup
→ 9 8-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- audiocup
- grace-cup
- honeycup
- macrocup
- mossycup
- skullcup
- sneak-cup
- Stallcup
- supercup
→ 4 9-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- buttercup
- coffeecup
- coffee-cup
- monkey-cup
→ 1 10-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- parting-cup
→ 1 11-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- drinking-cup
→ 1 12-letter words in cup - ending in cup:
- breakfastcup
Too many words? Restrict to dictionary forms only (no plurals, no conjugated verbs).
Remove a letter from the suffix:
- UP
Add a letter to the suffix:
Lots of Words is a word search engine to search words that match constraints (containing or not containing certain letters, starting or ending letters, and letter patterns).
You can use it for many word games: to create or to solve crosswords, arrowords (crosswords with arrows), word puzzles, to play Scrabble, Words With Friends, hangman, the longest word, and for creative writing: rhymes search for poetry, and words that satisfy constraints from the Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle (OuLiPo: workshop of potential litterature) such as lipograms, pangrams, anagrams, univocalics, uniconsonantics etc.
Words and their definitions are from the free English dictionary Wiktionary published under the free licence Creative Commons attribution share-alike.
Please note: the Wiktionary contains many more words - in particular proper nouns and inflected forms: plurals of nouns and past tense of verbs - than other English language dictionaries such as the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary (OSPD) from Merriam-Webster, the Official Tournament and Club Word List (OTCWL / OWL / TWL) from the National Scrabble Association, and the Collins Scrabble Words used in the UK (about 180,000 words each). LotsOfWords knows 480,000 words.
words start with Cup, words start Cup, anagram of Cup
3-Letter Words (1 found)
4-Letter Words (1 found)
5-Letter Words (4 found)
- cupel
- cupid
- cuppa
- cuppy
6-Letter Words (11 found)
- cupels
- cupful
- cupids
- cupola
- cuppas
- cupped
- cupper
- cupric
- cuprum
- cupula
- cupule
7-Letter Words (16 found)
- cupcake
- cupeled
- cupeler
- cupfuls
- cuplike
- cupolas
- cuppers
- cuppier
- cupping
- cuprite
- cuprous
- cuprums
- cupsful
- cupulae
- cupular
- cupules
8-Letter Words (13 found)
- cupboard
- cupcakes
- cupelers
- cupeling
- cupelled
- cupeller
- cupidity
- cupolaed
- cuppiest
- cuppings
- cupreous
- cuprites
- cupulate
9-Letter Words (5 found)
- cupbearer
- cupboards
- cupellers
- cupelling
- cupolaing
10-Letter Words (2 found)
- cupbearers
- cupidities
11-Letter Words (3 found)
- cupellation
- cupriferous
- cupronickel
12-Letter Words (2 found)
- cupellations
- cupronickels
Write two-syllable words with cha.

Read the words to find verbs among them. Write them down with questions, indicate the time (where possible). Chagall, step, scarlet, reddens, laughter, laughed, mowing, … mows down, warmly, teleet, dance, dance, Buildings, build, talkative, speaks.
Help please URGENT!!!
Form nouns from these words with the help of suffixes. -Ek-, -ik-: puppy, cucumber, walnut, brick, temple, box, year, cartilage, scarf, umbrella, hut, wa … Silek, nail. 40 points -Etz-, -its-: brother, frost, blizzard, book, skin, thing, capital, earth, porridge, scythe, cereal, puddle, sister, part, story, bread, jam, essay, coat, gun, letter, butter. -In-, -izn-, -et-, -is-, -est-: beggar, merchant, comrade, straight, fresh, fluid, viable, tenacious, melodious, young man, less, worthy -Chick-, -shchik-: buoy, bathhouse, concrete, races, tell, transport, ship, carry, translate, account, encrypt, hurdy-gurdy, watch, cut, roof, mill, bind, slaughter, fly, direct, Train, run over, adjust, adjust. bypass, -Enk-, -onk-: dawn, fur coat, leg, paw, Zoya, Lisa, Vera. nine0003
6 Find two sentences on the shell (house) of the snail. Write them down. Make up interrogative and incentive sentences to continue this current … Art.
§ 31. WHY? I Read the text. We were alone in the dining room - me and Boom. I dangled under the table with my feet, and Boom lightly tapped me by my bare heels. I was ticklish … and funny. Above the table hung a large camera, my mother and I only recently gave it to be enlarged. On this card, dad has a cheerful, kind face. But when, playing around with Boom, I began to sway in a chair, - P shakes his head. 1 - Look, Boom, - I said in a whisper and, strongly swaying in a chair, grabbed the edge of the tablecloth. There was a ringing... My heart sank. I quietly SLIDED FROM the chair and lowered my eyes. Pink shards lay on the floor. Boom crawled out from under the table, carefully sniffed at the skulls, and sat down with his head tilted to one side and one ear raised up. Oar Quick footsteps were heard from the kitchen. - - What is it? Who is this? Mom knelt down and covered her face with her hands. Papa's papa's cup... - she repeated bitterly. Then she raised her eyes and asked reproachfully: My knees were shaking, my tongue was slurring. - It's... it's... Boom! - Boom? - Mom got up from her knees and slowly asked again: - Is this Boom? I nodded my head. Boom, hearing his name, moved his ears and wagged his tail. Mom rela first at me, then at him. How did he break? My ears were on fire. I spread my arms: -He jumped a little... and with his paws... Mom's face darkened. She took Boom by the collar and walked with him to the door. I stared after her. Boom jumped out into the yard barking. “He will live in a booth,” my mother said, and, sitting down at the table, thought about something. Her pas were slowly raked into a pile of crumbs of bread, rolled them into balls, and her eyes looked at one point over the table. I stood there, not daring to approach her.
Boom scratched at the door. - Don't let it! - Mom said quickly and, taking my hand, pulled me to her. Pressing her bami against my forehead, she still thought about something, then quietly asked: - You were very frightened. Of course, I was very frightened: after all, since my father died, my mother and I took care of every thing. Dad always drank tea from this cup. - Are you very scared? - Mom repeated, I nodded my head and tightly hugged her neck. If you... by accident, she began slowly. Mom's face turned pink, even her neck and ears turned pink. She got up. - Boom will not come to the room anymore, he will live in a booth. I was silent. Dad was looking at me over the table from a photographic card... But I interrupted her, hurrying and stuttering: It's not me... It's Boom... He jumped up. He jumped a little. Please forgive him! V. Oseeva 3 question: determine the topic and main idea of the text 10 find phrasal units in the text
Tricky Russian Words, 18. ...
It is sometimes difficult for foreigners to understand what is the difference between the Russian prepositions “from” and “from”.
The fact is that in English both prepositions are expressed by the preposition “from”.
But, however, in German there are two prepositions - similar to Russian prepositions: “from” - “aus”; "from" - "von".
In their main meaning, both Russian prepositions are similar and denote movement from some object, for example:
From Moscow to St. Petersburg - 650 kilometers.
I came from Berlin, and my girlfriend is from Warsaw.
However, already in these examples there is a small but noticeable difference between these prepositions.
We use "from" when we mean movement from the border of some object or object, and often with the preposition "to", which means the border of another object or object: the road from the forest to the house took a whole hour. nine0003
If we use "from", then we mean the movement from the inside, from the center of which object or object: We left Moscow at 7 o'clock in the morning.
For the correct choice of a preposition, such an interesting dependence will help you: the preposition “from” is combined with the preposition “to”, and “from” is combined with “to”, for example:
To Moscow - from Moscow, to Germany - from Germany, to the forest - from the forest, to the house - from the house; put in pocket, take out of pocket.
I go to the doctor - I go from the doctor, the road to the forest - the road from the forest, the street leads to the station - the street leads from the station nine0003
Other meanings of these prepositions are quite different.
For example, compare combinations with the preposition "of" with combinations with the preposition "to".
Consider first combinations with the preposition "of": I recently returned from Turkey.
From my experience
Porcelain cup
Silk dress
Learn from newspapers
Drink from a glass
With all my might nine0003
One of my comrades
This is one of the best books in my library.