Counting lesson plans for preschoolers
16 Counting Activities for Preschoolers
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6 Jul
Math & 123sPreschoolersCounting
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George is counting like crazy lately! I don’t know when, but it just clicked for him one day. Now, to put it into context, these are some fun counting activities for preschoolers to practice their 1-2-3s!
There are some many hands on counting activities to do with the kids!
Finding what’s in nature, counting leaves, counting petals, counting rocks. Or look in their toy bin and sort objects and count, count, count!
How many blue blocks are there?
How many straight train tracks are set up?
How many….? what?
Once I see my kids are interested in counting, they can’t seem to stop! George counts everything. When we’re playing board games, he counts how many cards, pieces, whatever it is that is left. Board games are also great for beginners to count spaces, usually its only a few spaces at a time, so its a great way to start.
Whatever it is… make counting fun and natural for the kids. I never try to force a learning problem on them. But just expand on what they’re currently interested in.
These are 16 activities for preschoolers to practice counting.
These are activities that really focus in on the child counting. I have also put together some awesome number activities that include counting, but also number recognition and one to one correspondence.
Download the FREE Learn a Number Week!
Counting activities that are lots of fun:
- Roll the dice. Count them. Stack the blocks. Count them. Repeat. – One to One Correspondence Practice with Dice & Blocks
- Go on a scavenger hunt to find numbers and match them up with the corresponding dots. – Letter & Number Scavenger Hunt for Preschoolers to Learn
- Graph Legos (or other blocks) by counting, counting, counting! – Using Legos to Teach Math & Writing from Crayon Freckles
- Use Dominoes to decide which chore to do.
How many dots are on the Domino? Count them. That’s the chore to do. – Chore List with Dominoes & Numbers
- More Dominoes! Line up the Dominoes by matching the dots. How many dots are there? – Learning Activity with Dominoes
- Label bottles with numbers and have the kids count and drop pom poms (or any small object) in. – Sort and Count Math Bottles from The Imagination Tree
- Instead of bottles, do it with baby food jars! For the farm-loving kid, call them grain bins and have them haul their ‘grain’ and put it in the bins. Each bin can only hold the amount its labeled as. – Number Activity: Learn to Count with Grain Bins
- Make a simple grid on the sidewalk with numbers and find that many objects from nature! – Counting Objects from Nature from Scribble Doodle and Draw
- Make a paper chain and count down to something exciting (a birthday, holiday, first day of school, last day of school, vacation, etc)! Every day, count how many chains are left to see how many more days.
–Countdown to Christmas: Wrapping Paper Chain
- Count snacks! Line up some numbers and count snacks to match the number! – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt from Chasing Cheerios
- Head out into nature and petals on the flowers you find. Take it a step further and sort them by number of petals! – Counting Flower Petals
- Count apple seeds. Use tally marks as visuals! Apple Seed Math from ABCs to ACTs.
- Play to your child’s interests. For a vehicle-loving child, use semis to haul blocks to build towers using the correct number of blocks. – Counting Blocks While Building Towers
- Count using paper clips. Make cute flash cards with numbers and have the kids clip as many paper clips! Paper Clip Number Cards from Early Education Zone.
- Make a grid of numbers to learn to count and recognize numbers. – What’s the Number? Count it with Blocks!
- Practice skip counting but tens! Use some Cheerios and toothpicks. Counting to ten over and over again, then skip count by ten to 100! – Cheerios Skip Counting by 10s with 1-2-3 Peas
Download the FREE Learn a Number Week!
Which counting activities on this list will you do first? Or better yet, what activities would you add for your preschooler to practice counting?
About Jamie Reimer
Jamie learned to be a hands on mom by creating activities, crafts and art projects for her three boys to do. Jamie needed the creative outlet that activities provided to get through the early years of parenting with a smile! Follow Jamie on Pinterest and Instagram!
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40 Counting Games And Number Activities For Preschoolers
The basic foundation of math is understanding numbers and quantities. One of the best ways to develop these understandings, or number sense, is through handling objects and counting them. We can listen to preschoolers recite numbers in order, but we want them to apply that to counting objects and understand that those numbers represent quantities of items. Counting games and activities encourage preschoolers to “play” with numbers and quantities and build math skills and number sense in natural ways. These ideas can help you build math and counting skills with preschoolers.
Counting Games and Activities
These 40 preschool math games include counting games and various number activities. They are perfect to help build counting skills and math skills in your preschoolers and kindergarten students.
1. Dog Bone Counting Game (Pre-K Pages) – This is a fun, hands-on counting game for students in your preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten classroom.
2. Farm Animal Counting Activity (Pre-K Pages) – What could be more fun than Counting Feet with farm animals?
3. Printable Counting Book (Pre-K Pages) – Identifying and naming numbers can be a difficult skill for young children in preschool and kindergarten.
4. Homemade Counting Board Game (Pre-K Pages) – This homemade game can help preschoolers develop math concepts while playing a game together.
5. Mouse Counts Game (Pre-K Pages) – Mouse Count inspired this activity that helps children practice counting to ten while also working on their fine motor skills – and it’s lots of fun too!
6. Fire Truck Counting Game (Pre-K Pages) – In this activity, children will explore fire trucks and firefighters with a counting game.
7. Penguin Counting Game (Pre-K Pages) – This Penguin Counting Game is the perfect addition to any winter theme, lots of fun for young children and great practice for counting, number sense, and one-to-one correspondence.
8. Ocean Theme Counting Activity (Pre-K Pages) – The best preschool activities allow children to be interactive and hands on while they explore new concepts. We’ve developed a fun, easy to prepare ocean theme counting activity to do just that.
9. Nursery Rhyme Number Game (Pre-K Pages) – This nursery rhyme activity relates to “Baa Baa Black Sheep” and encourage number recognition and counting, important math concepts.
10. Digital Counting Activities Using Google Slides (Teaching Mama) – This resource has digital counting activities, which is perfect for the preschool and kindergarten age.
11. Button Counting (Busy Toddler) – Grab a deck of cards for this fun button counting math activity.
12. Football Counting Game (Sunny Day Family) – With a die, football printable, and some yogurt Danimals it’s a fun counting game your preschoolers will love.
13. Snowman Hole Punch Counting (JDaniel4’s Mom) – Use your hole punch to create these snowmen and work in a fun counting activity to go along with it.
14. Ladybug Busy Bag (Preschool Inspirations) – Work on counting with your preschoolers with these adorable paper ladybugs.
15. Cookie Counting Game (Still Playing School) – Have your kids practice counting chocolate chips with these paper chocolate chip cookies.
16. Counting Snowballs (Fun-a-Day) – This easy counting cotton balls activity is a great math activity for your preschoolers.
17. Race to Fill the Cup (Mom Inspired Life) – Have fun filling a cup with these adorable erasers.
18. Count and Compare (Stir the Wonder) – Use these fun Farm Animal Rainbow Counters to inspire young children interested in animals or to go along with a farm theme!
19. Little Miss Muffet Path Game (Preschool Spot) – This fun activity is based on the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet.
20. Tally Marks with Pencils (Munchkins and Moms) – Have fun practicing making tally marks with #2 pencils.
Counting Games and Number Activities For Preschoolers
More preschool math games to enjoy! These counting games and number activities will be definitely enjoyed by your preschoolers and build their math skills.
21. DIY Counting Boxes (Parenting Chaos) – Label containers with numbers and then have your preschooler fill each bucket with the labeled number of items.
22. Play Dough Numbers and Counting (Little Pinch of Perfect) – This activity is simple to set up and a great way to expose young kids to numbers and lets them visually see the difference in amounts. The activity can be adapted for different skill levels by making smaller or larger numbers.
23. Passing Car Count (Prekinders) – In this activity, we watched for red & blue cars as they passed by on the street. Children recorded the cars they saw by marking dots on their sheet with a corresponding color crayon.
24. Ways to Teach Counting (Prekinders) – Here are 15 ways to teach counting skills in Pre-K.
25. Ants on a Log Game (Teach Preschool) – DIY “ants on a log” counting game with the children then invite the children to draw their own ants on a log…
26. The Math Box (Teach Preschool) Create a simple math box and then watch as your preschoolers love filling it and practice their counting skills.
27. Counting and Addition Tray (Imagination Tree) – Set up an open-ended maths activity for kids using counting manipulatives, play dough and a dice, in a dip tray!
28. Simple Montessori Counting Activity (My Mundane and Miraculous Life) – This simple counting activity with rocks, your child can work on number recognition.
29. Things to Count With (Pre-K and K Sharing) – Repurpose what you have and count items with your preschooler!
30. How Many Blocks Long? (Brick by Brick) – This is a fun activity where your preschooler can see how many block longs they are and practice counting as they do it.
31. Make Groups of Numbers (Teach Me Mommy) – This simple counting activity is easy to setup, can be played with one or more children and it is fun too!
32. Count and Smash Activity (Stir the Wonder) – The great thing about play dough besides that it is just fun, is that it is also a great way to work on fine motor skills, work in some math skills, and get some sensory input and it can be used in many ways for hands-on learning!
33. Activities with Counting Blocks (Educators’ Spin on It) – These are 8 math and counting activities for your preschooler to enjoy.
34. Where the Wild Things Are Game (Mom Inspired Life) – While playing, children practice counting, learn one to one correspondence and even get some fine motor practice.
35. Listen and Spray Game (Fantastic Fun and Learning) – This activity is great for counting practice but also for fine motor practice.
36. Race to Lose a Tooth Game (Toddler Approved) – This fun dental theme inspired activity with marshmallows is a fun counting game for your preschoolers to enjoy.
37. Roll and Count (Buggy and Buddy) – Here’s a counting math game for kids perfect for practicing one-to-one correspondence. It’s super easy to make and lots of fun for the kids!
38. Count Forward and Back Game (Fantastic Fun and Learning)- This preschool math game would be perfect during St. Patrick’s day and March in your classroom.
39. Build a City Game (Learning 4 Kids) If your preschooler loves playing with Legos then they will love this math game.
40. Mystery Mitten Tactile Counting Game (Preschool Toolbox) – Gather some real mittens and come play a tactile mystery mitten counting game to encourage early math intuition with tactile support!
Also check out the free Winter Play Dough Counting Mats and our other thematic counting mats.
Follow my Counting Pinterest Board for more great ideas!
Summary of the lesson "Repetition of the count to 10" (for preschoolers)
MUNICIPAL Formation city of Krasnodar
Outline of the open classes
Topic: “Repetition: counting to 10. "
Additional education teacher education
Arushanyan Marina Eduardovna
Age of children: 5-6 years old
Number of children: 10 people
Group: Freckles
Date 11.03.20
2019-2020 academic year.
Plan - abstract lessons.
Topic: Repetition: Count to 10.
Purpose: fix the account before 10.
Educational tasks:
Ø Consolidate knowledge children about quantitative and ordinal counting from 1 to 10.
Ø Consolidate knowledge forward and backward counting within 10.
Ø Pin the ability to name consecutive days of the week, determine which day of the week was yesterday, what will be tomorrow.
Pin ideas about the formation of the subsequent number
from the preceding.
Pin the ability to correlate the number with the number of objects
Developing tasks:
Ø Develop connected speech.
Develop logical thinking, visual and auditory memory, attention.
Educational tasks:
Ø Bring up curiosity and interest in the activity.
Bring up ability to cooperate, follow the rules of work in a team.
Type classes: Consolidation.
View classes: Practical occupation.
Form works: Group, individual.
Equipment and TCO: envelope with a letter, Dunno picture, cards with numbers from 0 to 10, music center, television.
Technology elements: student-centered, health-saving and information and communication.
1. Danilova, V.V. Mathematical training of children in preschool institutions. - Moscow: Education, 1987.
2. Use game methods in the formation of mathematical skills in preschoolers representations". - L.: 1990.
3. Leushina, A. M. Lessons on the account in kindergarten. 2nd ed. - M., 1995.
4. Metlina, A.S. Mathematics in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 2001.
I. Plan - lesson summary.
II. Organizational moment.
1. Greetings.
2. Examination readiness of students for the lesson.
III. Main part.
1. Introductory conversation.
Count up to 10.
2. Fixing passed material.
1 task "Math warm-up"
2 task "Lost figures".
3 task "Questions and answers"
3. Fizminutka.
4 task "Put signs".
5 task "Video question".
4. Finger gymnastics.
5. Practical part of the lesson.
"Count and color"
IV. Final part.
Summing up the lesson.
Evaluation of children's work.
Children: Hello!
II. Main part.
1. Introductory conversation.
Teacher: Guys, this morning the postman brought the envelope. It only has the address Math City.
Teacher: Are you interested to know who sent us an envelope?
Children: Yes.
Count up to 10.
Teacher: How can I open it? Necessary count to 10.
Children count in chorus from 1 to 10. The teacher shows cards with numbers.
The teacher opens the letter, it contains material to complete tasks. the teacher reads the letter.
Hello guys! Writes you Dunno. All children go to school, learn to write, read, count. Me too I want to go to school. To do this, I need to solve many different difficult tasks. Help me please".
Teacher: Will the guys help Dunno?
Children: Yes.
Anchoring passed material.
1 task "Mathematical warm-up".
Teacher: Remember the ordinal score from 1 to 10.
Children: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Teacher: Recall the countdown from 10 to 1.
Children: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Teacher: Count from 3 to 9.
Children: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Teacher: Count from 4 to 8.
Children: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Teacher: 10 to 5.
Children: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5.
Teacher: Well done guys!
Teacher: Dunno sent we are presented with a fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", this is his favorite fairy tale.
Teacher: Guys, remember that can it also represent the number seven?
Children: Days of the week, there are 7 of them.
Teacher: What is the name of the first day weeks?
Children: The first day of the week is Monday.
Teacher: What is the name of the next day weeks?
Children: Tuesday.
Teacher: What order is he?
Children: Second.
Teacher: What day follows Tuesday?
Children: Wednesday.
Teacher: What is the order of this day weeks?
Children: 3.
Teacher: What is the name of the next day weeks?
Children: Thursday.
Teacher: What is the order of this day weeks?
Children: Fourth.
Teacher: What are the names of the 5th, 6th and 7th days of the week?
Children: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
Teacher: Let's name the days again weeks. (Children repeat in chorus)
2 task . Game "Numbers in the litter".
“A strange case, a rare case
Numbers in a quarrel, here they are!
To stand with your neighbor,
Not a single one wants to,
We need to reconcile the numbers
And restore their order.
Teacher: Guys, let's build a number series from 1 to 10.
Teacher: Let's repeat the number series.
Children: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Teacher: And what number did you put between numbers 7 and 9?
Children: 8.
Teacher: Guys, let's have a little let's rest.
3. Physical education. "You see the butterfly flies."
See, the butterfly flies, (We wave our winged arms).
Counts flowers in the meadow. (We count with a finger).
- One, two, three, four, five. (clapping hands).
Oh, don't count! (Jumping in place).
For a day, for two and for a month... (We walk on the spot).
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (clapping hands).
Even a wise bee (We wave our winged arms).
I couldn't count! (We count with a finger).
3 task "Questions and answers".
Teacher: Guys, Dunno asks help answer his questions, otherwise he will not be accepted to school, we will help answer questions. I will ask them to you, but you will show me the answer to the question using the numbers from the box. The most important condition is that you can’t speak, you can just show the number.
- How many suns are there in the sky? (one).
- How many backs do three pigs have? (3).
- How many hooves does a horse have when a horse lies on the grass? (four).
- How many fingers are on one hand? (5).
- Five puppies + mother Laika, how much will count? (6).
- Little Marina has four sweets. Yet Allah gave three, how much did it become? (7).
Guys show the correct answer using cards.
4 task. "Put signs."
Teacher: Guys, let's help Dunno compare pictures and to identify where the objects are more, less, and where equally. And put the right sign.
Children doing tasks on individual cards. After completing the tasks, the guys "read" the resulting record.
5 task "Video question".
Teacher: And now guys video task. Attention to the screen. What number are we talking about?
Children: In this cartoon, Aunt Owl talks about the number 10.
Teacher: Build it out of counting sticks.
Guys lay out the number from the counting sticks.
Teacher: Guys, how many fingers are on the handles?
Children: 10.
Teacher: Well done.
4. Finger gymnastics.
Teacher: Well done guys, it's time get some rest.
Left fingers hands, starting with the little finger, alternately bend to the palm with the words:
This finger wants sleep,
This finger lay in bed,
This little finger took a nap,
This finger is already fell asleep,
Hush, hush, do not make some noise, (Swing the fist with your right hand.)
Sun red will rise,
The clear morning will come,
There will be birds Twitter,
There will be fingers get up! (Fingers forcefully spread like a fan.)
5. The practical part of the lesson.
"Count and color"
Teacher: If we help Dunno today, he will definitely go to school. Guys, here's the challenge. Color the pictures.
Children do the task.
III. Final part.
Summing up lesson outcomes.
Verbal evaluation of children's work.
Teacher: You guys are great! Helped Dunno with all the tasks. I think that he will definitely be accepted into the school.
Teacher: Goodbye!
Appendix No. 1.
Abstract of the lesson in mathematics Counting from 1 to 10 | Lesson plan in mathematics (Grade 1):
Summary of the lesson in mathematics for the EMC "School of Russia" GEF
Class: 1
Teacher: Kotova Yu.V.
Lesson type: lesson consolidation
Lesson topic: "Numbers from 1 to 10. Consolidation"
The purpose of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge and skills on the topic covered.
Objectives of the lesson:
- to contribute to the actualization of students' knowledge and skills on the topics covered
- to promote the development of motivation for learning activities when
performing tasks of a creative and exploratory nature;
- to promote the development of oral speech, the ability to express one's point of view
, to listen to others.
Personal UUD
The ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success in learning
Master the role of the student; formation of interest (motivation) in learning.
Regulatory UUD
Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher.
Determine the purpose of completing tasks in the lesson, evaluate correctness
performing an action
Cognitive UUD
Search and selection of the necessary information.
The ability and ability of students to perform simple logical actions
(analysis, synthesis)
Communicative UUD
Participate in a dialogue in the lesson.
Answer the questions of the teacher, classmates.
Listen and understand the speech of others. Interact in pairs.
Expected results:
Subject: - apply counting skills and knowledge of the composition of each number from 1
to 10;
- match numerical expressions with a picture;
- be able to compare numbers;
- be able to solve simple problems;
- know geometric shapes.
Meta-subject: - understand and accept the learning task, carry out
solution of the learning task under the guidance of a teacher;
- perform mental operations of analysis and synthesis, do
- work in pairs and evaluate your work in class.
Personal: - show interest in mathematics;
- learn the role of a student based on the implementation of the rules of conduct in the classroom and
interaction with the teacher and classmates;
- be interested in acquiring and expanding knowledge and
ways of doing things.
Equipment: Board, images of fairy tale characters, cards with numbers,
signs of action, signs of comparison, geometric material, number series,
projector, cards.
Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment.
Let's smile at everyone around
Sky, sun, grasses, people
And, of course, by all means
Then the lesson will be fun.
So, you and I are in a wonderful mood.
2. Motivational stage.
- Let's start our math lesson. We will repeat what we have learned, test our knowledge and skills on the topic "Numbers from 1 to 10".
- Tell me, please, what time of the year is it outside? (autumn)
- What autumn months do you know?
-Which autumn month is the third? (November)
-Which autumn month comes second? (October)
Autumn is a very beautiful season and I invite you to travel through the autumn forest!
Z. Oral account.
- A lot of different animals and birds live in the forest. And in the fall, forest dwellers prepare their supplies for the winter. Let's solve problems and find out who is the best prepared.
1. A hedgehog was walking through the forest,
Found mushrooms for lunch:
Two - under a birch,
Three - near an aspen.
How many will be in a wicker basket? (2+3=5)
2. Five funny bear cubs
They rush to the forest for raspberries.
Suddenly one was frightened,
He ran away and the trace caught cold.
How many brave bear cubs
Are they rushing to the forest for raspberries? 5-1=4
4. At the squirrel in the hollow
Five nuts in a bag,
Three more on the shelf,
Count how many nuts! 5+3=8
-And the autumn forest is full of mushrooms! Let's solve examples and collect a full basket of mushrooms!
On mushrooms - examples.
4. Self-determination for activity.
- One of the main signs of autumn is leaf fall, this is a natural phenomenon when trees shed their leaves.
Each of these pieces of paper has a number written on it. We need to arrange these leaves in order, i.e. build a number line.
- Let's call the number series 12345678910.
- What is the smallest single digit number. (1)
- Largest single digit number. (9)
- The number that comes before the number 5 in the number row. ( 4)
- The number that follows the number 7. (8)
- The smallest two-digit number. ( 10 )
- The number that comes before the number 3. ( 2 )
- The number that comes between the numbers 4 and 6 . ( 5 )
-Now let's make inequalities. Which number is greater than 2 or 3?
-Which number is less than 6 or 7?
- Compare the numbers 4 and 5.
- And now we will compare expressions with a number.
7... 10-1 1...4-2
10...9+1 6...9-1
and 9. We put the sign: 7 less than 9.)
Autumn walks along the path
I got my feet wet in the meadows.
Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,
The wind has dropped the maple leaves
We are walking together in the forest (steps in place)
And collect the leaves (tilts forward)
Everyone is happy to collect them
Just a wonderful leaf fall! (jumping in place, clapping)
5. Work with the textbook.
-Open your textbooks to p.62.
- Autumn is called the Hostess, because. it gives us a lot of fruits rich in vitamins.
-What do you see in the first picture? (Pear plates)
- How many pears are on the first plate? (5)
- How many pears are on the second plate? (2)
- How many pears are there?
-What numerical expression can be made?
-Now let's make a numerical expression for subtraction. There were 7 pears in total. How many pears were put on one plate? (5)
-How many pears are left on the second plate? (2)
- How can we write it in mathematical language?
- Another sign of autumn is the flight of birds to warm countries. Look at the following picture.
- How many birds were sitting on the branch? (5)
-What happened next? (One flew away)
-What numerical expression can be made? (5-1=4)
- How many birds are sitting on one branch? (3)
- How many birds are sitting on another branch? (1)
- How many birds are on two branches? (4)
- Which make a numerical expression? (3+1=4)
Finger gymnastics.
Rain cap!
Rain cap! They strike with the index finger
Now harder, now quieter. one hand on the palm of the other.
Don't knock, don't knock, They threaten with a finger.
Don't knock on the roof!
What a naughty one! They shake their heads reproachfully.
Wait, don't spill!
Come to the students. They beckon with their hands.
And get warm! They put their palms on their shoulders,
arms crossed over their chest.
6. Work in a notebook.
-Open your notebooks to p.23.
-Find the task marked with a red circle. We need to circle and color on each line as many figures as indicated by the number. Take a red pencil.
- What geometric figure do you see on the first line? (Triangle)
How many of these triangles should you fill in? (6)
- What geometric figure do you see on the second line? (Circle)
How many of these circles should you fill in? (7)
- Find the next task. What should be done? (You need to insert the correct number)
- Do this task yourself.
Oral test.
7. Working with geometric material.
- Get the geometric shapes, please.
- What groups can they be divided into?
- By what signs: by color, by shape.
- Show the figure.
It is not red, blue or triangle. (yellow square).
Not red, not yellow and not square. (blue circle).
It is not yellow, blue or circle (red triangle).
8. Reflection.
- I invite you to evaluate yourself. If you think that you did an excellent job with all the tasks in the lesson, then show me the green sheet with a smiley face. If you made mistakes, then show me the yellow sheet.
9. Summary of the lesson.
-Our trip to the autumn forest has come to an end.
We have passed the count to ten,
The result has been summed up today
Step forward boldly now
And may good luck await you.
-Thank you for the lesson.
We became disciples,
We observe the regime ourselves.
In the morning, when we woke up,
We smiled and stretched.
For health, mood we do
Hands up, hands down,
Up on toes.
Then they sat down, then they bent down
And again they smiled.
And then we washed ourselves,
We dressed neatly.
Breakfast slowly,
Going to school for knowledge!
The bell has rung, friends
The lesson is about to begin.
Did you all have time to rest?
And now let's get down to business.
Mathematics is waiting for us.
- Guys, before we start our lesson, please show your mood.
-Today, at the math lesson, we are going on a journey to a fairy forest.
- Hello, forest, dense forest, Full of fairy tales and wonders!
Slide 1
- Guys, what kind of forest inhabitants do you know?
-Determine who is "extra" in this row?
why? (pictures with fabulous forest dwellers)
- Guys, look, all fairy-tale characters scattered numbers, action signs, signs
comparisons, geometric shapes, lines.
-Why do you think? What did they mean by this? What are we going to do in class today?
Name the forest dwellers, determine who is “extra”
(rooster) -
Express their assumptions
Slide 2 before. Let's count, guess
riddles, compare numbers, remember geometric shapes, work on
cards. So the fairy-tale heroes are not in vain all gathered here - they are asking for your help,
because. got into very difficult situations. Let's help them?
Well, the Owl will help us - a smart head!
Slide 3
Mental count
1. Working with the fan of numbers
- Guess riddles about numbers and show them on the fan of numbers.
This figure is just a miracle.
She has relatives everywhere.
Even the alphabet has
She has a twin sister. (3)
Show the numbers on the fan
You are used to this number.
This figure is a snowman.
Only winter replaces autumn,
Children sculpt a figure…. Eight!
A figure looked in the mirror
And she dreamed of her sister.
But only the properties of one
I didn't know to see him.
And got a double.
Like a drop of water
My sister is like her.
Yes, only squinting down. (6 and 9)
Although she has one leg
She is slender, proud, strict.
Neither a crane nor a tit.
And only ... (one)
On the board: 3, 8, 6, 9, 1.
- Arrange in ascending order. What do they have?
- Name:
- the number following the number 3?
is the number preceding the number 8?
is a number between 4 and 6?
- what are the neighbors of the number 3?
2. Working with heroes (on the board)
- Who is first? Last? Fifth?
- Who is to the right of....?
- Who is to the left of . ..?
- Who is between...?
- What's the number...? And who's next?
3. Geometric material
By color, shape,
- Guys Baba Yaga asks you to help her with the size of geometric shapes.
Slide 4
- Find in each row “Extra”
1. Work on the board
- and Bigs gathered for the birthday to the hedgehog, and without a gift to go
impolite . So they decided that Mishka would give cones, and Squirrel mushrooms. But
cones and mushrooms are unusual, but mushrooms are “mathematical”.
On the board: 6+1 4-2 7+1 3+2 5+1 9-1 3-1 2+2
-Thank you guys, we did it!
2. Work on the board. Comparison of numbers
-Guys, the Serpent Gorynych is completely confused and cannot cope with
inequalities without your help, help!
On board: 2…4 5…3 7…7 8…9 6…1 3…4
How many green Christmas trees,
How many slopes we will make.
Slide 5
How many circles we have here,
how many jumps we will make.
How many stars we have,
How many times we sit down.
How many points will be in the circle,
Let's raise our hands so many times!
3. Work in pairs on cards
- Koshchei is ashamed to admit, but he cannot deal with the card, and he will soon have
forest school exam. Guys, you help in pairs, connect the desired picture with
numerical expression.
(check on the slide)
4. Individual work in cards
(restore the number series) along the chain know where
what number is. Will we prove it? The Owl is watching us.
Perform in pairs, check against slide
In each row, the number series is restored in a chain. And she has prepared another task for you - to guess puzzles.
Slide 7
5. Working with lines in a notebook
- And the Hedgehog still can’t remember where which line is.