Sight word blue
Sight Word BLUE - Worksheets & Song - Heidi Songs by HeidiSongs
Grade Levels
PreK - 1st, Homeschool
Reading, Spelling, Writing
Resource Type
Workbooks, Worksheets
Formats Included
28 pages
More fromHeidiSongs21 worksheets or activities for the sight word "BLUE", plus instruction sheets.
These worksheets and activities were designed to accompany and supplement HeidiSongs original spelling songs, so we are INCLUDING THE ORIGINAL SONG (audio only) .m4a file in this bundle! Please reference the individual instruction pages for use and hints for maximum effectiveness. Heidi has created, tested and adjusted each activity for her own classroom, and has shared with thousands of teachers worldwide thru her website at Please note the the video for the song is not included.
Sight word song videos may be rented via internet streaming at or purchased on DVD at
Activities include:
- Hidden Sight Word: Find the target word and color it a given color. If done correctly, the word appears! Great for visual discrimination.
- Trace the whole word or part of the target word and fill in the missing letters; then write the whole word.
- Write the letters printed in boxes that are sized to fit each letter. This helps kids notice the shape of the word.
- Find and color the target word in boxes. These are activities that force the child to look carefully at words that look similar and find the only the ones that match the target word exactly (visual discrimination.)
- Color the word printed in hollow block letters, and “Rainbow Write” the word, which means to trace the word several times with different colors.
- Read the sight words in sentences and use reading comprehension to fill in the missing word from a word bank.
- Reading comprehension - read the word in a sentence, circle the target word, and show you understand by drawing a picture.
- Write your own sentence using the target sight word and illustrate its meaning.
- Make a Mini-Song book, tracing the target word each time it is found. The book includes the words to the song and the hand movements. (Note: Requires light prep of cutting out the booklet and stapling together, unless your kids can do this themselves.)
- Sight Word Puzzle with target word and three other similar words to for a challenging activity. (Note: Requires prep. This may be mounted on a file folder with velcro or simply laminated for durability.)
- “Velcro Book” Manipulative of the target word, is designed to provide a hands-on way for children to practice reading and building the given sight words song, without ever needing to use a pencil or crayon. (Note: Requires Prep. Velcro and folders not included.)
- A "cloze" activity that uses the words to each song, allowing the child to practice writing the target word several times, within the context of the song.
© Heidi Butkus, HeidiSongs, Teach and Sing, Inc.
Questions & Answers
Sweet Sight Words Worksheet - BLUE
Google Slide, PDF | 1 page | Grades: PK - K
Practice reading, writing, and identifying the high-frequency word “blue” from the Pre-Primer Dolch sight words list.
This worksheet was designed as independent practice to support the study of Pre-K reading level Dolch Sight Words.
The students will read, color, write, find, and use the sight word “blue.”
“blue” Sight Word Worksheet: Scaffolding & Extension TipsIn addition to individual student work time, use this sight word worksheet as a:
- Reading center activity
- Post-lesson exit ticket
- Homework assignment
- Whole-class review (via smartboard)
Got fast finishers? Students who need a challenge can write sentences using the sight word on the back of the worksheet.
Students who need extra support can use a visual reference, like an alphabet display or anchor chart to help decode the word.
You can turn this teaching resource into a sustainable activity! Print a few copies on cardstock and slip them into dry-erase sleeves. Students can record their answers with a dry-erase marker, then erase and reuse.
Additionally, project the worksheet onto a screen and work through it as a class by having students record their answers in their reading notebooks.
Before You DownloadUse the dropdown icon on the Download button to choose between the PDF or Google Slides version of this resource.
This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and a Teach Starter Collaborator.
Make the most of Pre-K sight word practice with activities that spark a love of reading!
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Aiming in CS:GO — CyberSpark
Guides Alexander Perepelov Crosshair adjustment in CS:GO is an integral part of the game. Perhaps this is one of the important things that the gamer himself sets up. With a good aim it will be comfortable to play. And no one excludes purely psychological moments when it flies with one sight, but not with another. But how do you set up crosshairs in CS:GO? This question can be faced by any player, not necessarily a beginner. And in this material we will consider the main ways to adjust the sight.
Ways to adjust the crosshair in CS:GO
There are several ways to adjust the crosshair. You can do this both with the help of console commands, if you are not looking for easy ways, and with the help of specially designated cards from the workshop. Since knowledge of console commands is typical for professionals, we will focus on setting up the crosshair through the console, however, we will not forget to talk about the map from the workshop.
Using the console when adjusting the sight in the game
First of all, you need to enable the console in the game settings. By default, the console is turned off, and to activate it, you need to get into the game settings and check the box under the corresponding item.
To do this:
- Enter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
- Go to Game Settings.
- We are looking for an item called “Enable Developer Console”.
- Set to “Yes”.
- Now click on the letter “ё” / “~” and open the console.
There is a dedicated team in charge of adjusting the scope. It starts with the words " cl_crosshair ". From it come the settings of all the parameters of the sight in the game.
It is also important to note that there are several standard crosshair variations in the game. By commands, they can be created in the following way:
- “ cl_crosshairstyle 0 ” - dynamic by default.
- “ cl_crosshairstyle 1 ” – static by default.
- Command “ cl_crosshairstyle 2 ” – classic.
- “ cl_crosshairstyle 3 ” is a classic dynamic sight.
- “ cl_crosshairstyle 4 ” - classic static.
In fairness it should be noted that the use of these console commands is not suitable for professional play. For her, you need to adjust the scope yourself. The sight can also be outlined. The command “ cl_crosshair_drawoutline (1/0) ” is responsible for this.
A 1 in the command means crosshair stroke is enabled, and a zero means it is disabled.
There are also interesting sights, which include a dot in the center of the screen. Such a sight helps to focus on the head of the enemy more effectively. The dot crosshair is configured with the following command: “ cl_crosshairdot (1/0) ”.
There are additional commands for adjusting the sight:
- The size of the sight itself is adjusted by the command “ cl_crosshairsize X” , where X is the size.
The higher the indicator, the larger the scope itself will be.
- The distance between the crosshairgap borders is adjusted by the command “ cl_crosshairgap X “. The larger X is, the greater the distance inside the sight between its borders.
- The width (thickness) of the sight lines is set by the command “ cl_crosshairthickness X “. The larger the value, the wider the lines of sight will be.
With the above commands, you can adjust the parameters of the sight. However, having considered the basic commands, it is worth moving on to setting the color of the sight.
How to set crosshair color in CS:GO?
The color of the crosshair mainly depends on the personal preferences of each player. But, in fairness, a number of colors, in combination with certain settings, can merge with the general surroundings of the map. Therefore, it is necessary to responsibly approach the color setting of the sight itself.
The color setting command is called " cl_crosshaircolor X ", where X is the color number. 0 is red. 1 - green. 2 - yellow. 3 - blue. 4 - blue. 5 - black, white, etc.
As for the fifth digit, here you need to adjust the color yourself using the commands “cl_crosshaircolor_r”, “cl_crosshaircolor_b”, “cl_crosshaircolor_g”. Below is a picture of the selection of the color palette in accordance with the game values.
The parameters for r, b and g values range from 0 to 255.
For example, we can offer a black scope setting. To do this, write the following commands in the console: “cl_crosshaircolor_0”, “cl_crosshaircolor_0”, “cl_crosshaircolor_0”.
Crosshair adjustment via a map from the workshop in CS:GO
The most popular crosshair adjustment map in the game is “crashz’ Crosshair Generator v3.” It is easy to customize the sight on it using console commands, and you don’t need to enter anything into the console. The map also offers a wide range of sights for professional cybersportsmen. The map is constantly updated, thanks to which the number of sights is constantly replenished.
The map provides an opportunity to see how your sight will look against the background of various maps in the game, as well as test it in action against the background of bots with different models.
It's best to adjust your crosshair in CS:GO according to your personal wishes. As a last resort, you can look at the map from the workshop, where a wide selection of professional players' scopes is presented.
Customize the game for your loved one, play, assemble a team and win. Until new victories in the game!
Tags CS:GO GuidesAlexander Perepelov
I don't smoke, I rarely drink, I swear, and I also play games - Alexander, 20 years old
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05/06/2022 Alexander Shotov
Crosshair in CS:GO is not only an integral part of the shooter, but even a way of expressing the player. The developers allowed you to customize it in different ways and customize it as you like. Thus, you can make it a square, a dot, or even stretch it to full screen.
Moreover, the question of the effectiveness of its tuning is often raised. So there is a well-established rule that with a small scope it is easier to hit the head, and with a large scope it is better to control the spray. The issue is acute, so in this article we will provide a list of cards on which you can perform its full customization. In addition, we will talk about those maps on which you can adjust the position of the hands, the interface and conduct a productive workout.
One of the most famous maps in the entire CS:GO workshop. The most popular map for sight adjustment. On it, you can not only see what settings the current esportsmen and streamers play with, but also practice spray control and work out AIM.
Undoubtedly the best map for changing the scope in CS:GO. Even after the release of an update from Valve in which the screen center setting was built into the game parameters, it still remains relevant. After all, as already mentioned, on the map you can not only see the settings of professional players, but also train or warm up before the match.
Changing hand positions on the screen is another important component of a comfortable CS:GO game. Adjusting this parameter allows you to adjust the place of your weapon on the screen, reducing, increasing or moving it to the side.
This parameter is also of great importance for pro-players, who individually adjust it for themselves, as it affects the view in the game and, if properly adjusted, allows you to better concentrate on the center of the screen.
Here you can set this parameter very simply. Here you can easily choose the comfortable values of the parameters and select the desired option.
Another of the most famous maps in CS:GO, which offers a detailed study and customization of the interface. Here you can fully customize the bottom and top panels of the screen, namely, adjust the color, size and functionality. For example, a very useful setting is the display of the number of players in the top table - most prefer numbers.
If you want to improve your shooting accuracy, then we have selected one of the most effective cards for you. By adjusting the movement of enemy bots, here you can effectively practice shooting. There are also many parameters and modes that diversify your training process.
One of the most popular training maps in CS:GO. Most esportsmen play and warm up on it, including the famous Alexander s1mple Kostylev and Ilya m0NESY Osipov.
The main advantage of AIM BOTZ TRAINING is its great functionality and a wide range of parameters that allow you to control the behavior of bots. So you can set them to a high speed in order to work out “flicks” and “translations”.
How to install a map for changing sights
To install a map for customization, you need to go to the CS:GO workshop. To do this, you need to go to Steam, find the game, and the right panel will be to the right of the “Play” button.
Once you get to the workshop, you will need to find the search and enter the name of the desired “map”. Then you should click on it and click "Subscribe". Next, the download will begin and you can proceed with the settings.
What are the settings for the scope
Every shooter fan has played with different scopes in CS:GO in the hope of finding the one and only. This is not surprising, because the developers offer all players an extensive list of settings for customization. So you can make changes to the sight in various ways, transforming it into a figure that is convenient for you.
Here are the basic settings for the console command:
- cl_crosshairstyle 0 - standard;
- cl_crosshairstyle 1 - static;
- cl_crosshairstyle 2 - classic;
- cl_crosshairstyle 3 - dynamic classic;
- cl_crosshairstyle 4 - static classic;
- cl_crosshairstyle 5 - dynamic classic.
- cl_crosshaircolor 0 - red;
- cl_crosshaircolor 1 - green;;
- cl_crosshaircolor 2 - yellow;
- cl_crosshaircolor 3 - blue;
- cl_crosshaircolor 4 - blue.
Adding a point
- cl_crosshairdot 1 - adding a point;
- cl_crosshairdot 0 - delete.
- cl_crosshairsize Y is the main command for adjusting the size. Here Y is any value indicated by a number.
- cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - the command adds a stroke;
- cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 - remove stroke;
- cl_crosshair_outlinethickness Y is the stroke size, where Y is the value.
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