Cute short stories
17 Cute Short Love Stories That Will Make You Smile | by Joanna
Who doesn’t love a short love story? Especially the very short love stories that can be finished during a quick break.
Since the start of human storytelling history, humans have enjoyed great romance stories from Romeo and Juliet to Helen of Troy. Even horror and adventure stories often include a romantic element. Everybody wants to feel some of that romance and reading very short romantic stories are often a great way to quench that thirst.
Whether your favorite stories are cute teen romance stories or vampire love stories, there is something for everyone.
I’ve compiled a number of love stories for you to read, all very short and can bring some of that romantic spark into your life. These are great reads whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day or just itching for a romantic spark.
You can find more of these romance stories on Commaful and Reddit.
The below are all excerpts with a link to the full story. Click on the link to support the writers.
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It was a glorious, colorful autumn.
We’d just left the coffee shop. When we walked by, she had giggled and pulled me inside, saying, “C’mon, let’s be basic white girls and get some pumpkin spice!”
I don’t like coffee. I never had. But when she handed me my cup and looked into my eyes while I tried it, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted.
My hand still tingled where she grabbed it.
As we walked through the park with our drinks, a light drizzle began to fall. She pulled out an umbrella from her bag, I pulled up my hood and hunched my shoulders.
“Don’t be silly,” she giggled, pulling me under the umbrella with her. I couldn’t help but laugh too, her laugh is infectious.
As the sun started to shine again, she pulled me down to sit on a bench. She beamed down at me, and I could only gaze back adoringly.
“So Ava…” She began. I knew this tone of voice, it’s dangerous.
“Who do you like?” She whispered, and I looked away. I wanted to say, ‘you, you, a thousand times you. You’re the only one I can ever think about. You’re gorgeous and sweet and funny and…’
Instead, I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my cup.
She looked at me with a cautious smile. “If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?”
“Okay.” I said.
“The person I like… …is you.”
I drop my drink.
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I know you read the description.
And you expect for me to fall in love with you.
That, or you already read this story and you just want to see me suffer again.
It’s hard to see through the screen… I can’t tell one reader from another, boy or girl. Not that it would matter…
(Blushes deeply) Anyway, that’s not the point.
You should leave.
Why are you going to the next slide?
Stop doing that.
Are you always this stubborn?
I said st-
Don’t interrupt me.
Read the full short romance story
I got married when i was 20 to a man that by all accounts wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good for me. Long story short, I was married to a loser. He didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, he just didn’t do anything at all. Now, I am not a “typical woman” if there even is such a thing. I love myself. Sure, there are things I want to improve, but I don’t have a problem with my age, or intelligence, or what my body looks like, or my personality- those things that seem to stereotypically plague women just don’t bother me for whatever reason. I have a career where I make more than enough money on my own to live comfortably. I know how to use power tools, fix my own car, and google the shit out of anything else that needs to be done. I say what I mean, and expect others to do the same, none of this passive-aggressive nonsense. But I’m stubborn as a mule, and marriages are supposed to last, so even though I was the primary breadwinner, and did most of the things around the house, and raised my kids mostly on my own, I still spent 13 years in that worthless marriage.
At the end of the day, my husband felt like I didn’t need him, because I am very capable. But he was wrong. I needed support. I needed a partner, a friend. Even someone who would see how hard I was working to just keep my head above water. I couldn’t manage EVERYTHING on my own; and I still can’t.
For some perspective at how emotionally isolated I was, I struggled with infertility for three years; I had to take tons of medications & shots that made me sick, tired, have hot flashes, body aches, and migraines for those years; not to mention the emotional drain of every month without fail seeing a single pink line on that damn stick. The emotion of going through a bulk pack of pregnancy tests, or taking photos of your cousin’s child’s first birthday (for the child they conceived after you started trying), is just… a lot to bear; I was very open with my struggles, because i think it helped other people too. Somehow, my husband wasn’t even aware this was a thing that i was needing support in. he had no idea. and it’s not because i didn’t tell him or directly ask him. he just was that thick and lost. he was a five year old trapped as an adult- lacking the ability to give support in that way.
And once I had kids, he was actually more of a burden than a help. I spent most of my time walking on eggshells, trying to balance being exhausted from a high-demand job, making dinner, and praying the kids (who are all-around good kids) didn’t do anything to “poke the bear” while my husband played games on his phone and mostly ignored them. I spent more time trying to keep them from upsetting him than anything else.
When i finally asked him to please leave, everything improved immediately. I could breathe again. I was free of so much dead weight. I was so, so happy to just not-have-him around. It was so much better, I never looked back, and I was ok on my own. Sure, I crawled in to bed every night, feeling ready to collapse at the end of the day. Kids are demanding, after all. But I was free. And I was happy.
But it wears on you.
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Paul stared at his wife across the table, noticing for the first time that her sweater was on inside out. Every morning he would lay out her clothes on the bed in a specific order, so she’d know which item to put on first. But it didn’t guarantee how Elaine would put on each piece. He’d have to pay more attention before they went out.
Their usual waitress, Sarah, appeared, holding a large tray with two sweet teas on it. “How y’all doin’ today?”
With Alzheimer’s disease, there were good days, and then there were challenging days. It was one of the latter. Elaine was preoccupied, scrubbing a stain on the wooden table with her finger, forgetting it was a permanent fixture of their booth. They’d been lunching at this diner once a week for years. That blemish had been there since day one.
“Today’s actually a very special day for us. It’s our fifty-seventh wedding anniversary. ” His wife stopped fidgeting and looked up. “The day she took a chance on a broke, balding fellow by saying, ‘I do,’” he said with a wink in her direction.
“It is?” Elaine asked.
“Yep, sweetheart, it is.”
“Congratulations, you two! Ms. Sue fixed up some of her key lime pie today and I’ll make sure y’all have a slice on the house before you go. Stickin’ with the Cobb salad and tomato soup?”
“That’s it.” Paul replied.
She nodded and turned, then swung back around. “I just remembered. We ran out of tomato soup about an hour ago. Chicken noodle ok?”
Paul looked at his wife, now scrubbing away at the stain with a napkin.
“Hmmm,” she said, again focused on the table.
“They’re out of the tomato soup. Do you want chicken noodle? Or a sandwich instead?” She looked confused, so he pointed to the menu and showed her a few other items he thought she’d enjoy, but she was having a hard time picking something new.
Suddenly she began to cry. “I want to go home. Please can we go home?” she begged.
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My mother said that out of all five of her children
I was the easiest baby
I think what she meant was that I hardly cried,
Rarely fussed
And was generally asleep
Which I guess was a good thing, for her
As the fourth of five she had a lot to deal with before she could get to me
So I made it easier for her
I kept doing it as I grew up
If one of my siblings dropped their ice cream,
I’d give them mine so they’d stop making a scene
When someone had to sit in a middle seat
You can bet that’s where my car seat would be strapped
In fifth grade, when Clara Gomez stole my cookie from my lunch box
I just shrugged, and ate my carrot sticks
My nickname was “montañita”, little mountain
Because I was never moved, never bothered, always calm
In seventh grade, I broke my leg
But I didn’t tell anyone for three days
I just gritted my teeth and hopped along
Until my father found me crying on the bathroom floor
He took me to the hospital, and bought me a cast we couldn’t afford
And when the kids at school called me a cripple
Well, you can guess what I did
In high school, my little sister Sofia was getting picked on by some boys
I pretended I didn’t see it happen
But that night, I switched out her too-small uniform skirt for mine
She stopped getting teased,
And I wore pants for the rest of the year
When my college Algebra professor lost my test and made me retake it, I just nodded and did it
When I got catcalled walking across campus,
I just looked down at the ground
And you
The first day you came up to me and offered to buy me coffee
I was sure you were making fun of me too
So I stayed quiet
Eventually, you flashed me that blinding smile and told me, “Guess I’ll take that as a yes, then. ”
I think I said about three words to you that first day
But I gave you my number
And answered when you called
Read the short story
The impact was jarring. Unexpected. Painful.
Not at all how it is in the movies. Nor the books. It was gross. Gritty. Raw.
His messenger bag had checked her hard in the stomach, no doubt several bruises itching to arise.
Her hot beverage stained his cream colored sweater, no doubt scalding on his bare hands.
Both umbrellas had been knocked into the dirty puddles, the sheets of rain unforgiving.
Despite the bone-chilling weather, ruined clothing, and bodily injuries, they couldn’t escape the buzzing intensity of a connection.
Her gaze was locked on the damping hair, wondering if the hue of blond was real. His gaze was pinned to her widening eyes, curious as to how many tints of blue he could identify.
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This is a story about the first year of my relationship with the girl I love.
I suppose it starts back in July 2017. She was dating my best friend at the time, they were in a relationship for a few weeks and it ended on bad terms. While they were dating I had only seen her one time, I didn’t really say much to her as I am a very shy and socially awkward person. I think I managed to get a few hellos out but nothing more than that.
The next time I met her was on the 31st of October. To be honest I don’t really remember that night much since I was black out drunk for the majority of it. By that time things seemed to be ok between her and my friend and that’s how I started talking to her more.
In late November we were all talking in group chats, online I am a lot less awkward and am able to talk to other people, so this was a great way for me to start talking to her.
As I started to become more friendly with her I started to realise that she’s not how my best friend made her out to be at all.
We started to hang out more, and the more time I spent with her the closer I felt to her. There are quite a few people in our friends group, I couldn’t quite explain why. But I felt like I had some sort of bond with her, like I could connect with her in a way that I couldn’t with the other people. Usually I hate it when people hug me, but when she did it always felt warm and comforting.
Where our relationship progressed was on new years eve, I had one of my depressive episodes and ended up leaving all of the group chats I was in. At the time I just felt really lonely, as if I’m destined to never be happy.
She ended up private messaging me, asking what was wrong and why I was feeling like that. There’s only a few people that know how much of a shit show my childhood was, I felt comfortable with talking about it with her. And she seemed to have the perfect response to everything. After a while I felt a little better about myself and I will never forget some of the things that she said to me that night.
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I thought I’d had crushes before
There was Carson, who smiled at me in bio
There was Avery, with the beautiful eyes
But this girl
God, it’s like it’s not even the same emotion
I really thought I liked the others, I did
I’d blush when they were nearby,
Sit up straighter,
Toss my hair,
Get nervous,
But this girl takes butterflies to a whole new level
Read the full romantic story
Her eyes, oh her eyes. They got me every time.
They could never be classified as one color. They rebelled, taking on a different hue everyday. Every hour. Every moment. But they always sparkled with this emotion I could never place.
His smile, oh his smile. It zapped my heart every time.
His smile was something never to be taken for granted. He rarely showed it around people, but when he did, oh it was magic. The slight dimple in his cheek revealed his boyish nature.
But they always drifted from one another.
The timing never right. One was in a relationship. The other fresh out of one. Both single, but not ready to mingle. Or they would mingle, but with the wrong people. It was like this for years.
Until this.
It was snowing.
Her car was covered in the hardening white powder. She stared, hopeless. How could she get to work in this condition? A light flurry of snow falls from the sky, wetting her hood.
She sighs, holding a hand out.
A snowflake lands on her hand, almost immediately melting against her warm palm. A smile tilts her lips, her tardiness to the office momentarily taking a back seat.
He watches her, his unprotected hair catching snowflakes.
He had come here to break up with his girlfriend, who’s name he’d already forgotten. He didn’t know she had lived so close to her. Annalise. The one woman he could never have.
At her surprised appearance, he’d dropped his keys.
With his gaze still on her, he crouched down, fumbling in the cold snow for his car keys. But after stubbing his finger, he risks a glance down, swiping them up.
Read the entire love story
*phone call *
Boy: Hey, hun!
Girl: Hey.
Boy: I missed you at school today. Why weren’t you there?
Girl: Yeah, I had to go to the doctor.
Boy: Oh really? Why?
Girl: Oh, nothing. Just some annual shots, that’s all.
Boy: Oh.
Girl: So what did you guys do in Math today?
Boy: You didn’t miss anything that great, just a lot of notes.
Girl: Okay, good.
Boy: Yeah.
Girl: Hey, I have a question to ask.
Boy: Okay, ask away.
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: You know I love you more than anything in this world.
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Why did you ask?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Is something wrong?
Girl: No. Nothing at all. Um. How much do you care about me?
Boy: I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could.
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Some people like to say “everything happens for a reason.”
But I think that’s bullshit.
Was there a reason the love of my life died in a car crash at 23?
I didn’t think so. I told you. Bullshit.
Eric and I were the type of couple that beat all the odds.
We made it through long distance. We made it through moving cities. We made it through the death of his mom. Through all the change, our love was one constant I could rely on.
Our routine used to go like this;
I’d wake up at 6:45 in our shitty little bed in our shitty little apartment in NYC.
He’d already be up, of course. He’s an early bird.
I used to hate mornings.
I could hardly drag myself out of bed to the smell of the breakfast he was making me.
Now I stumble out of bed right away. There’s no use trying to stay longer in a cold, empty bed, all by myself.
I’d go to work, be home around 5:00.
Eric didn’t get home until 6:00, so I’d make dinner.
Lasagna was his favorite. I always complained about how much work it was and didn’t make it enough.
If he was still here I’d make lasagna every night.
After dinner, we’d watch TV, or play video games, or read our books. Always in the same room.
Sometimes we wouldn’t do anything, just sit and talk for hours. Eric was always great to talk to.
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This is the story that changed my life. The best way to explain it is from the begining.
I was 15. I had an anxiety attack. I was growing up and was home schooled due to some previous issues with traditional schools. My mom and my late uncle (I miss you, uncle Bob) took me to the hospital. I remember ripping my ID bracelet off more than a couple times because I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t know it at the time but I needed help. This is the story of the rest of my life.
I spent 11 days in a children’s mental ward named P78. I met quite a few friends there and during my home schooling that helped shape my story. Little did they know at the time how much they would affect me.
I need to backtrack a little bit for this to make sense. The friends I met during home school would always talk to me about this girl they knew that nicknamed “dictionary” because she was so smart. They always tried to get us to meet but it never worked out. We were both a bit annoyed at their attempts so eventually they tried to trick us into meeting. I was brought to her house a few times but she was “never home”. In reality she was antisocial and just didn’t want to meet with people. They called her on the phone and had me speak with her a few times. Again, we were a bit annoyed at their attempts. Shortly after this is when I was admitted to the hospital.
A doctor at the ward recommended a school, Eleanor Gerson high school. It’s a school for troubled teens. It’s for kids who have mental issues that may give them trouble in normal schools. My first year went off normally. I made friends, got good grades, and was generally happy. In my second year I met her.
Flash forward to Freshman orientation of what ended up as my junior year. We were going through meeting the new kids with everyone introducing themselves and giving a bit of history of who they are. I saw her there. She had long black hair and was dressed in what at the time was the latest gear from Hot Topic. My buddy (who will not be named just like most others in this story won’t be) recognized her. He had me mention a mutual friend of him and the girl to help break the ice.
A couple days later on the bus ride home from school, I asked her what she thought of her first few days. I got a cold response along the lines of “I just got here, how can I have an opinion?” She tried to push me away but it was too late, I was already smitten. A couple months later she came with me to get myself a new pair of glasses. I was feeling bold and told her flat out “you’re my girlfriend now”.
Over the next couple of years we had a few ups and downs but stayed together for the most part. That is until she wrote me a letter. Her own past and insecurities were getting in the way of us being a “normal” couple. She needed to break it off to clear her mind.
I was devistated, but I had to move on. I was taking college prep classes and eventually had enough credits to only be coming to school a couple days a week. We saw each other less and less.
Read the rest of this story
A pinch of cinnamon
“It looks delicious baby”
I turned around to see my husband behind me
“What are you making today?”
I smiled and pointed to the recipe on the counter
“Cinnamon bread? You spoil me”
I smiled again, and he placed a kiss on my bare shoulder
“How much longer do you have on these?”
I glanced at the clock, doing the math in my head
I held up 10 fingers
“Alright, I suppose I can wait”
I cocked my head at him, raising an eyebrow
“No, no, I’ll wait till you’re done. Finish your bread.”
I shook my head at him fondly, pouring the batter into the tin
I looked back at him
“You’re pretty”
I rolled my eyes, sprinkling the crumb topping over the batter
As soon as I placed the tin in the oven, I felt his arms wrapping around me
Read the entire romantic story
The clock had long ago struck twelve, and Captain Damien Rathbourne, Earl of Coulter, had developed a ferocious itch in his left leg. As that leg had been amputated over a year ago, he had no choice but to suffer in discomfort. The itch, of course, was the least of his pains. Tonight, the small things festered: women fastidiously avoided his eyes; conversations politely fixed on the weather rather than his health.
Half-foxed and wholeheartedly tired, he longed to leave. And yet at this late hour, guests still arrived. The latest announcement — Countess Something-or-Other — was a disaster. Her orange hair was twisted into a careless bun from which strands were already escaping. Her gown was outmoded, and her figure leaned towards chubby. As she walked down the stairs into the ballroom, she slipped on a step, and crashed into a gentleman. A ghastly silence swept the ball; a woman tittered.
“Unbelievable,” Damien muttered to himself.
Lord Darby, who stood near him, cast him a shocked look. “Countess Fraser? She’s a goddess.”
Damien’s gaze flicked back to the Countess. She had picked herself off the floor and appeared to be apologizing, her hands gesturing animatedly. She didn’t seem to be a beauty. “If you think so, you shouldn’t have much competition for her.”
“Are you mad? Countess Fraser could have her pick of any man.”
“She’s an Incomparable?” Damien was dubious.
““Course not,” Darby remonstrated. “I can compare her to loads of girls. She just comes out on top, is all.”
“She’s an Original, then.”
Darby waved his hand in denial. “No. Originals are all alike — snooty girls who think that wit and insult are synonymous. ”
“Penniless, if rumor holds true.”
“Before she married the now-departed Count Fraser, her people were nobodies.”
“Connected to the grand dames of London society?”
“So far as I can see, the women all hate her.”
“She’s a goddess?” Damien frowned dubiously.
“A goddess.” Darby affirmed. “Not Aphrodite, of course. But a goddess of little things gone right. You can’t understand unless you meet her.”
Damien shifted his weight from one crutch to the other. After Vitoria, it was as if his human interactions had been amputated along with his leg. His cohort stopped speaking to him of sport and war, and gradually withdrew from him altogether. Damien was suddenly furious with the purported goddess. He had everything but his leg, and yet could find no one. This mysterious woman had nothing and yet charmed everyone. He suddenly wanted to prove that she was like every other girl at the ball. She would be wretched. Conniving. And above all, she would be unable to meet his eyes.
“Well,” he said, striving to hide his anger. “Why don’t you introduce me then?”
Damien felt every eye in the ballroom carefully choose to look in another direction as he crutched his way across the ballroom. He could move at a reasonable clip; Darby barely had to slow his pace. The little things, however, irritated. Young maidens magically waved to friends across the room as they registered his direction; they dashed away lest he should corner them. Men fixed their gaze on some far away point. Damien gritted his teeth and clumped along.
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Her hair swayed in the breeze, tickling the back of her neck
She was lounging in the hammock, under the tall beach tree
I could only see her back from where I was standing, but by the curvature of her neck I guessed she was reading
It had been 175 days since I’d last seen my wife
And now I was frozen, unable to move
She looked so peaceful, so beautiful
So soft and distinctly different from the active war zone I’d just left
And she didn’t know I was home
I spent most of my evenings in the hammock, enjoying the late August sun
Today I was reading, but sometimes I’d knit, or draw, or just watch the birds
I was trying to take my mind off the fact that it was my second wedding anniversary today, and I had no wife to spend it with
But all of a sudden I head a sound behind me, and turned my head
“Jasmine!” I cried, all but falling out of the hammock
She gave me the biggest grin I’d ever seen as she ran to steady me
I threw my arms around her, burying my face in her neck
And I started to sob with relief
Read the entire romance story
The voices and footsteps from the stage echoed back into the wings, and the familiar nervous exhilaration prickled across Lainie’s skin, raising goosebumps on her bare forearms and rousing butterflies beneath the tight lacing of her gown. She had thoroughly enjoyed her television work this past year, but she’d missed the visceral, bone-deep thrill of theatre. There was nothing quite like performing live.
She inserted the tip of her little finger beneath a ribbon and pulled hard. The Jacobean corsetry, however, she could do without. Her 1920s costumes for Knightsbridge might be hellishly unflattering on anyone with hips, but they didn’t squeeze her internal organs.
A burst of laughter from the audience eased a fraction of the tension from her neck and back. When the crowd was having a good time, and was generous in showing it, the energy was infectious.
It was still surreal that she was standing here, surrounded by so much history that the walls seemed to resonate with words and nerves and ghosts.
She wasn’t kidding herself. She’d been offered this festival role so the public could pay to watch her publicly insult and snog her husband, not because the director had watched her jiggling through the Charleston on telly and been struck with the vision of his ideal Beatrice, but whatever. She hadn’t been about to turn down the most famous theatre in London. And Much Ado About Nothing was one of her favourite plays, so it checked off two career goals in one contract.
Although it might have been better if the production team had picked one of Shakespeare’s bloody, violent tragedies for the gala run. Pressing her palm against the wooden beam next to her, Lainie leaned her cheek against her hand and listened to the faint strains of the deep cadence of Richard’s voice. The butterfly wings beat harder.
He really was a brilliant actor.
Inspiring to every other performer on the stage.
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They said that first kisses are special…
And they are for that certain special person
Yes… it is… but I lost it to someone…
To someone… who is not to “special” to me
I lost it to that certain bad boy…
To a boy named Jake… but he prefered to be called as Jax
He was an egotistic, conceited playboy slash bad boy
And if you’re asking on how I lost it?
His friend playfully pushed him to me…
And after a split second… our lips touched.
They said that when you have had experienced your first kiss
You’ll feel the butterflies fluttering, the sparks flashing. But I felt nothing… as if it wasn’t anything special….
Read the full very short love story
— — —
I read too many romance stories to count as it is my favorite genre. If you enjoyed these, I’d recommend checking out these links: Commaful and Reddit.
The Most Beautiful Short Love Stories
Who doesn’t enjoy reading inspiring short love stories from all over the world? After all, life writes the most beautiful love stories possible. For more, have a look at our cute love quotes.
When compared to scripted love stories in movies or novels, the real-life counterpart feels a lot more genuine. In the following, you can find heartwarming short love stories from real life that not even writers could think of. These are the cute short stories about love that will help you to not forget the incredible power of love.
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lao Tzu
Here are the inspiring real-life love stories of the greatest power on earth in its manifold expressions. Some of these stories are funny, others will make you smile. But they all will deeply convince you of the great power of love and how it is able to overcome every obstacle.
Enjoy these awe-inspiring tales of love.
Let’s start with some really beautiful and inspiring stories about love.
Eternal love
One day at work, Amanda received a beautiful flower bouquet. In it, she counted 11 flowers and found a short note in it. It was written in beautiful lettering and said:
“My love for you will last until the day the last flower in this bouquet dies.”
The note was from her husband who had gone on a business trip. Unsure as to what to make of the message, she went home in the evening and soaked the flowers with water. One day after another, the flowers became a little less beautiful until they all died. All but one flower. This was the day when she realized that there was one artificial flower in the bouquet that would last forever.
The bicycle ride
It is the year 1975, when Charlotte Von Sledvin, a 19-year-old student of a Swedish royal family, travels to India to get a portrait made by a gifted artist. The artist was born into a poor Indian family of the lowest caste, also known as the “untouchables.” Despite the incredibly difficult circumstances, the artist named Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia had gained an outstanding reputation for being a gifted painter. His reputation led Charlotte Von Sledvin to travel all the way to India to get her portrait done.
By the time the portrait was finished, the two had fallen in love. Pradyumna was fascinated with Charlotte’s beauty. Never before had he seen a more beautiful woman from the Western world. He gave his best to capture all her beauty in the portrait, yet never fully succeeded. Nonetheless, the portrait was magnificent and Charlotte fell for his simplicity and his beautiful character. Because of him, she spontaneously decided to stay longer in India. Out of a couple of days became weeks and then even months. The two had fallen so deeply in love that they decided to get married according to traditional Indian rituals.
Unfortunately, the time came when Charlotte had to leave again in order to complete her studies in London. Thousands of miles separated the two but their feelings for each other never changed. They stayed in contact through letters, which they exchanged almost weekly with each other. Naturally, the newlyweds terribly struggled with the great distance between each other. Charlotte offered her husband to buy him air tickets, which he refused. He had not only decided to complete his studies first, but he had also set his mind on reuniting with the love of his life on his own terms. He even made her the promise that he would do anything he can to see her again.
After Pradyumna had finished his studies, he took all his possessions and sold them. Unfortunately, the money he earned didn’t even come close to a flight ticket. All he could afford was a cheap and used bicycle. Many would have been greatly disappointed, some would have even given up. But not Pradyumna. Instead of allowing the difficult circumstances to stop him from seeing his beloved wife again, he met the decision to use what he had in order to see her again. Nothing could stop him from reuniting with his wife, even if that meant an exhausting bicycle ride half around the world.
His decision was the beginning of a bicycle journey from India to the Western world. Pradyumna took all his paintings and brushes along with him in order to financially support his endeavor. His voyage led him through eight countries and took more than four months. But eventually, he arrived at Charlotte’s hometown in Sweden and finally saw her again. From then on, the two did never leave each other’s side for too long.
The man who moved a mountain
There are people who say love can move mountains. This might not be physically possible, but Dashrath Manjhi, also known as the ‘Mountain Man’, came quite close. In one day of his life, his wife fell while crossing a nearby hill and hurt herself seriously. She needed quick medical assistance, but that wasn’t possible due to the hill that isolated their small village from the next town. Tragically enough, his wife died from the serious injuries before Dashrath could do anything about it. It was the night when Dashrath Manjhi decided to carve a small path through the mountain in order to give his village easier access to medical assistance.
It was an ambitious plan and he was heavily ridiculed for it. But after working for 22 years with the greatest determination and willpower, a path was carved into the hill. Even though he was initially mocked and ridiculed for his mission to give his hometown easier access to the nearby town, he finally succeeded. His life’s work helped to reduce the distance between the two towns from 55 km to only 15 km, so that never again such a thing would happen.
A well-deserved prom night
Alex and his grandmother always had a unique bond with each other. He would spend hours with her, listening to his grandmother’s stories of a lifetime. She once told him that she had met his grandfather a long time after graduating from high school. This was also the reason why she was never asked out to go to prom. When the day of Alex’s prom had arrived, his grandmother was so excited for him. She had watched him save money for months so that he could afford a tuxedo and even a limousine. His grandmother eagerly waited to find out who Alex would be taking to the prom. But to her great surprise, he told her that he would be taking her to prom. He told her that every woman deserves to go to prom, no matter if they are 18 or 80.
The second Taj Mahal
The story of the building of the second Taj Mahal begins when Faizul Hasan Quadri and his wife Tajammuli Begum begin to realize that their marriage will remain childless. It is a difficult situation, especially for Tajammuli who begins to question if anyone will ever remember her after her death. Moved by his saddened wife, Faizul decided to erect her a monument so that his beautiful wife could be remembered for centuries. His decision marks the beginning of the construction of a scaled-down replica of the famous Indian monument. It has now become a location that attracts many tourists each year.
A weightlifters promise
When Susann saw Matthias Steiner, an Austrian weightlifter, during a contest on TV, she immediately became interested in him. She was so determined to meet the athlete that she kept asking the TV commentators for his contact details for so long until they finally gave in. Once she had his email address, she contacted him and they both agreed to meet each other. It was love at first sight and the two married not long after meeting for the first time.
The young weightlifter moved for his wife to Germany and applied for the German citizenship. He was so in love with her that he also promised her that he would one day bring her an Olympic medal. Matthias Steiner was determined to live up to his promise, but things came differently. In 2007, his beautiful wife Susann died in a car accident. It was an unimaginable tragedy for the young man. But he remembered what he had promised his wife. It was the promise that kept him going through this difficult time. He became so determined that he was finally selected to become part of the German Olympic team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
During the contest, Matthias Steiner was faced with incredibly challenging competitors. He had three weightlifting attempts but failed in two. Seeing his chances of ever reaching the podium diminishing, he put everything he had left into the third and final attempt. And as luck would have it, he managed to lift the incredibly heavy weight, which won him the Olympic gold medal. The scene when he was awarded the medal was broadcasted to millions of viewers all around the world and Steiner simply couldn’t help himself but broke out into tears while holding a picture of his wife into the cameras.
No arms, no legs but love
In 2012, bomb disposal expert Taylor Morris was severely injured after the explosion of an improvised bomb in Afghanistan. The explosion took all his limbs and changed the life of the 23-year-old US military soldier forever. While recovering from the injuries in hospital, Taylor was confronted with the painful realization that his limbs had gone. He also had to face the fact that he would be dependent on assistance for the rest of his life. It was an incredibly difficult situation not only for him but also his family and especially his long-term girlfriend Danielle. But instead of ever giving him up, Danielle became Taylor’s pillar in life. She helped him recover and took care of him during this incredibly challenging time.
Danielle played an important role in Taylor’s quick recovery. She never went away from his side and assisted him greatly when he learned to walk again with his new prosthetic limbs. After Taylor had recovered, he proposed to his beloved girlfriend and they got married. It’s a beautiful ending of an incredibly inspiring love story that shows that nothing can ever stand in-between to people who really love each other.
Accident with a happy ending
When Frank’s wife had a car accident, she was so injured that she fell into a coma. Years passed but Frank did not stop visiting his wife at the hospital. Even though almost everyone – including the doctors – had given up hope, he remained faithful that she would one day recover. Every time he visited her, he began talking to her, recounting all those beautiful moments they spend with each other. One day, when he showed her the video of their wedding day, she slowly began to move her hand. She whispered his name and began gaining consciousness. Several weeks after she had woken up, she had fully recovered and was finally allowed to leave the hospital for good. When the couple left, she told Frank that she heard his voice while she was in a coma and that it was his voice that was the greatest aid in helping her to return to consciousness.
Love letters from the Caribbean
In 1907, David Hurd moved from his hometown in Jamaica to New York City. The migration wasn’t easy for the young man and he became terribly homesick. He missed his hometown and the company of his friends. In order to distract himself, David Hurd began searching for a potential pen-friend from his homeland. He found a woman called Avril Cato from the Caribbean who was interested in establishing a correspondence with him.
The two slowly got to know each other, with one letter after the other. One year later, the two had fallen in love with each other, without having ever met. Seven years later, Avril and David met for the first time. It was the day before their wedding, as David had proposed to her shortly before. The two married and had six children.
A heartwarming farewell gift
When Gene was diagnosed with melanoma, he had only been given six weeks left to live. It was a shocking diagnosis but Gene decided to use the time he had left to make all the necessary arrangements for his wife Carol, with whom he had been married for 30 years. He cashed out his pension and used the money to pay off the house they were living in. The second step was to arrange a trip for his wife Carol and the rest of the family to Italy. When they visited a specific church in Venice, a priest was already waiting for the couple. It was in this church that Gene’s parents had married more than 50 years ago. At that day, Gene and Carol renewed their wedding vows and had the most beautiful day.
After Gene had died, his wife Carol discovered that he hid hundreds of Post-it notes around the entire house, shortly before he died. Throughout the course of many months, she found one note after another. The notes are beautiful and very personal statements meant to encourage Carol in this difficult time. But Gene also reminded his wife in these statements to fully enjoy every aspect of life, to sell his car and to move on with her life. It was the most heartwarming farewell gift one could ever imagine.
When a surgeon operated a little girl, complications started to arise. She lost a lot of blood and was in need of blood transfusion. However, she had blood type O, which wasn’t available in the hospital. The surgeon, therefore, asked the girl’s little brother, who was an O-type as well, if they could draw blood from him. He explained that it was incredibly important, or has he said, a matter of life and death. The young boy, seemingly afraid, sat a couple of moments in silence until he finally agreed. He got up and hugged his parents, wishing them goodbye. After the nurses had taken the blood from him, he whispered anxiously if they knew how many minutes he had left to live. He was absolutely convinced that he was going to die so that his sister could live. And he was willing to do so. When the nurses realized that the young boy thought he was going to die, they cheered him up and explain to him that he had many wonderful and joyful decades left to live.
When a young student of a Catholic Church asked her teacher about the reasons why she decided to become a religious sister, her teacher told her a heartwarming love story. Many years ago, when she was at a similar age, the teacher (let’s call her Ms. Patterson) fell in love with a young man stemming from a wealthy family. The two began seeing each other and quickly developed a deep connection with each other. Unfortunately, the young man’s family was not at all in agreement with the relationship. They even threatened to enroll their son at a university overseas and far away. As Ms. Patterson came from a poor background, she couldn’t possibly have afforded to go with him at that time. This meant that if they wanted to continue the relationship, they would be separated from each other if they wanted or not.
But they both had fallen so in love with each other that ending the relationship – no matter in what way – was not an option. For this reason, they decided to run away. In great secrecy, they planned their escape and set these plans into action when the young man’s family finally found out about it. But instead of quickly returning back home after running away, the two never went back. They joined the church, took holy orders and began traveling the world for various humanitarian missions. The two spent 40 years traveling and even got married, shortly before the man’s life came to an end.
The “make-up guy”
Dave is a make-up artist who regularly holds makeup artistry classes at the local community college. Usually, the majority of his students are middle-aged housewives who want to fine-tune their makeup skills. But this one time, he held a class that was attended by man as well. The new student was a gentleman in his best years with a seemingly boundless interest in makeup artistry. He was keen to learn as much as he possibly could and wouldn’t stop until he was satisfied with the result of his work.
Understandably, the man was the number one subject of conversation when the other women were alone. Speculations quickly started to spread. Was he perhaps a transvestite? Why else would he attend such a class? The community college was placed in a conservative rural area, which is why the other participants were quite doubtful of the man’s intentions.
Throughout the lessons, the man carefully listened and wrote everything down he learned. When the day and class were slowly coming to an end, the outer attendees simply could not hide their curiosity any longer. When they finally asked him why he was so interested in makeup artistry, he gave the most inspiring beautiful reply:
He said, “You know, my beloved wife partially lost her eyesight because of diabetes. She’s no longer able to apply her makeup. I think she’s absolutely beautiful, even more so without makeup. She knows this and I tell her every day. But the thing is this,… she simply feels not comfortable leaving the home without make-up. She never went outside without wearing any makeup-up. Seeing the love of my life like this makes me really sad. So I decided to take this course to surprise her! I do not only want to learn how to apply her makeup; I want her to wear the most beautiful make-up so her inner beauty also shines on the outside.”
A disastrous accident
When Tonya was driving her daughter to school, she was a witness to a shocking car crash. The accident was pretty serious, so she got out of her car in order to see if she could help. There were two cars involved in the accident. One of the cars, an SUV, quickly started to catch fire. She immediately checked if there were passengers left in the car and saw an unconscious 14-year-old boy. Without hesitating, she pulled the car door open and brought the boy to safety. He was brought to a hospital where Tonya and her daughter visited him several times in order to help him recover.
As time started to pass by, Tonya began to notice that her daughter started to go to the hospital on her own account. As it turns out, the two teens fell in love with each other and married each other when they had grown up.
A transformed man
One day Natalie found a worn down diary in the toolbox of her dad. It was his diary that he wrote roundabout the time he was 18 years old. Natalie absolutely loves her dad, who is not only the best dad but also a loving and kind husband to her mother. So wasn’t easy for her to open the diary, but eventually, she became so curious about his life that she decided to read it. The last entry in the diary was a short paragraph, hectically scribbled down. It said that at the time of writing the entry, he was 18 years old, an alcoholic who dropped out from college with a criminal record. Her dad also noted in the entry that one month later he would become a teen father. But he also made the promised to himself that he would set his life straight. That he would become the father for his little daughter that he never had.
I hope you enjoyed these beautiful short love stories.
Stay victorious!
If you enjoyed these short love stories, make sure to also have a look at Why Love Is Not Always Enough.
Read online "Beautiful Stories", Alexandra Dorogova - Litres
© Alexandra Dorogova, 2020
ISBN 978-5-0050-8558-0
Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero
written over the course of five years.

All works are published on the Russian site It's easy to find me there under Alexander_Dorogov's profile.
Long-awaited children
Dasha Morozova married a successful businessman Vladimir Filatov five years ago. At that time, she was twenty-one years old, and she was sure that he was the one with whom she would live a long and happy life. And Dasha did not regret that she became the wife of Vladimir. They were very good together. During these years, she was firmly convinced that she would not meet a better husband than Vova.
The only thing that marred their happiness was that Dasha still couldn't get pregnant. And when a miracle happened, trouble came with it. Dasha had a miscarriage in the fourth week, and after that the woman could not get pregnant for two years. She underwent all possible treatments in various clinics, and when there was no hope left, the couple decided to take the child from the orphanage. Since childhood, Dasha wanted a girl, but Vova insisted on a son, and the girl had to agree with her husband.
When they arrived at the orphanage, the woman's heart sank at the sight of these abandoned and deprived children. Each of them had their own destiny, but even Dasha could not help them all. The sad brown eyes of an eight-year-old boy made the biggest impression on her. Dasha immediately felt maternal affection for this child. She walked over to the boy and ran her hand through his curly blond hair. He just raised his sad eyes.
– What is your name? Daria asked kindly.
“Pasha,” the boy answered reluctantly, turning away from the woman.
- How long have you been here?
- Almost two years.
– Where are your parents?
- Mom was deprived of parental rights because she drank. But I don’t know the father, - tears glistened in the eyes of the child.
- Baby, do you want to visit us? - asked Vladimir, who had been watching this scene all the time. - We have a disk with cartoons. Do you love them?
The boy nodded, and Dasha smiled. That same evening, Dasha, Vova and Pasha were sitting at the TV and watching cartoons. The woman looked at the boys and thought that life was getting better. Vova and Pasha were discussing what was happening in the box so enthusiastically that she did not notice how it was time to put the boy to bed.
Already lying in bed and hugging his wife, Vladimir said that he would be happy to raise such a son as Pasha, that they would have a wonderful family. Dasha clung to her husband with gratitude and love and began to kiss his hot cheeks. She melted all night from his gentle touches.
And a miracle happened - after that night she became pregnant. True, she found out about this only a few weeks later, perplexedly looking with happy eyes into the sparkling lenses of the young doctor's glasses, who told her this joyful, long-awaited news.
All this time, Pavel was a regular guest in their family, and he and her husband were preparing the necessary documents for adoption.
“Mom, dad and I went to the zoo today,” the boy said over dinner. - There was such a white bear.
The woman looked at the boy and smiled. She was so pleased to hear the word "mother" that she, laughing, leaned over to the boy and kissed him on the cheek.
- Pashenka, go play in your room, I need to tell my dad something.
When Pasha left, Dasha looked into her husband's eyes. From an excess of feelings, she smiled and cried. Then she pressed her wet cheek against his neck.
- What's wrong with you, Dashulya?
- Wow, I'm pregnant! she exclaimed, shuddering with excitement.
Dasha stood motionless for some time in complete silence, clinging to her husband with her whole body, and then she felt the ground slip away from under her feet and her husband began to circle her around the room.
When it was time to go for the first ultrasound, Dasha was worried. Vladimir saw her off, and a neighbor was sitting with Pasha. The woman was so worried that she had a hard time collecting her thoughts. She was so afraid of losing this child too that she began to have nightmares. Waking up in the middle of the night, she woke up her husband, and he pressed her to him and calmed her down. So in his arms she fell asleep again until morning.
Pashka began to get used to his parents and feel that he is completely safe and now he has a family. Vladimir often arranged wonderful weekends for him: there was a trip to the circus or the zoo, they went to the cinema and to the planetarium. Daria read fairy tales every day before going to bed, and the boy had good dreams. Pasha could not even think that someone would decide to take him, because the first family that tried to adopt him abandoned him a month later. And all because he accidentally touched an expensive vase in the house. After that, he lost hope until the Morozov family appeared.
Leaving the doctor's office, the couple were in a slight shock, because they were told that they had twins. For them it was unexpected. They finally collected all the documents for adoption, and the court agreed.
All the way to the house Dasha was in a thoughtful state. And after Dasha put Pasha to bed, Vova asked her what was the matter.
- Do you think we can handle three children?
- Of course, - Vladimir hugged his wife. “After all, my business went uphill. If everything goes well, we will buy a bigger apartment.
“You are my best,” Dasha said.
“And you are the most beautiful mother,” the man smiled. - And our children will be the happiest.
Dasha smiled. After all, now she has a real full-fledged family: a husband, a son, and soon there will be two more beautiful children. And something tells her that it will be girls.
Large family
Ekaterina Dyatlova, a mother of many children, who was awarded the Mother's Glory medal, returned home from the hospital where she underwent a medical examination, in some shock. The results of her tests showed that she was pregnant again. Catherine was puzzled as to how she could tell her husband Michael about this. And besides, her age was risky for another birth. Thoughts about the sixth child somehow did not fit in my head, and this despite the fact that she and her husband always wanted a big family.
Ekaterina and Mikhail met in the first year of the pedagogical faculty and almost immediately fell in love with each other. It was love at first sight. Everyone in the neighborhood said that they were a wonderful couple, and their parents approved of their relationship. Indeed, it seemed that they were made for each other. The way that Mikhail courted Katya was envied by every girl. Being in their third year, they got married and moved to an apartment that their parents gave to the newlyweds.
When Ekaterina found out that she was pregnant, she was very frightened, because she and Misha had not yet graduated from the university, and there were several months left before receiving a diploma, for which they were diligently preparing. The first person she told about this was a close friend, Asya Gorokhova. Only with her could Katya share the most intimate, because she trusted her like no one else. Asya always supported her, gave good advice, and in general was like a sister to her. She was a witness at their wedding and a frequent guest in the house.
Asya also supported her that time, was delighted, took a promise from her that if it was a girl, she would like to be her godmother. The fact is that the friend was from a large family, she lived with one older and three younger brothers, so the dream of a sister did not come true. She was not going to have her own children yet, and she had no one to give birth to. She did not break up with her ex-boyfriend very well and did not want a new relationship at the moment.
When Katya told Mikhail about her pregnancy, fearing his reaction in vain, she realized that their family would be happy. Mikhail was in seventh heaven with happiness, in fact he carried it in his arms. He said that as soon as they graduated from the university, he would immediately go to work. In addition, he was offered a place in the kindergarten where he did his internship, and promised a decent salary.
The newlyweds often argued about who they would have. Katya wanted a girl and had already chosen a name for her - Elizabeth. It should be her name, because the girl's grandfather wanted to call it that, who, unfortunately, died when Katya was twelve. But her parents named her Catherine. She was sorry that her grandfather never saw his great-grandchildren. Katya would do her hair and teach her to help with the housework, doing household chores. And if there is a boy, then she would like him to have Michael's eyes.
Misha didn't really care who it was. He would be happy with both his son and daughter. The main thing is that everything is in order with the wife and child. That is why they decided not to recognize the gender, they wanted it to be a surprise for everyone. In addition, Dyatlov wanted a large family: at least three children.
Unlike Mikhail, Katya passed the entire session ahead of schedule in order to go to the hospital for preservation, because the time for giving birth was already approaching. And after class, Misha visited her.
They had a daughter, and even on the birthday of their father, Mikhail. For Sergei Petrovich, the birth of a granddaughter was the best gift, because he dreamed of a daughter, and his wife could only give birth to a son. Such a tiny, beautiful, dark-skinned baby, with blue eyes and black fluff on her head. Lizonka became happiness for everyone: parents, grandparents.
While her parents defended their diploma, the girl's parents sat with the baby, and after they both successfully completed their studies, graduating with honors, Katya became a temporary housewife, and Mikhail began to work. They did not quarrel, and there was no reason. Everything suited her. Misha ran home after work to see his girls. Sometimes I went to the store to buy a toy for my daughter and flowers for my wife.
Lizonka was six when Katya announced that she was pregnant again, and, as it turned out later, twin boys. In the family, this news was joyful. Ekaterina was already working at the school, teaching Russian in the elementary grades, and Mikhail was still in the kindergarten, where his daughter also went. He liked working with children, inventing games for them, entertaining them while walking. All parents of kids perceived him as the best educator.
When Andrei and Dmitry were born, he began to think about buying a bigger apartment, and best of all, a house. Katya always wanted a big, spacious house with her own garden and a gazebo in the yard. But this was possible only three years after the birth of the twins, when Katya told him that she was expecting a child again. There was no talk of any abortion, because Mikhail forbade her to even think about it. At their jobs, they were already considered hero parents and were invited to various programs. After all, in addition to working and caring for children, Mikhail and Katya also managed to travel and were going to open their own kindergarten.
Following Milana, their last daughter, Arina, or, as everyone called her, Arisha, was born. The girl was her father's favorite. Mikhail loved all his children, but it was Arishka who was calm and somehow always ran and reached out to him so that he would read to her and Milana, because they had one room, a fairy tale. They always fell asleep to his tone, and this amused him.
Such a huge friendly family enjoyed good authority in their small town. Every weekend, parents and five children went out into the woods to nature or rode bicycles in the park. The twins especially liked to argue which of them was faster. Lisa taught her younger sisters to roller skate. She herself went to figure skating, but after an injury at the age of fifteen, she was no longer able to practice professionally. And all that remained was to wait for winter and ride like an ordinary amateur.
Time passed, the children grew up, and she and Mikhail did not become young either. They lived a happy twenty years together, and love flared up every year with renewed vigor. Previously, she did not believe in love for life, but as it turned out, it still exists. Own house, five children, and even a menagerie: a dog, two cats, a turtle and a hamster. They had everything that the two of them had always dreamed of.
And now, at forty-two, she was told that she was pregnant again... Ekaterina definitely didn't expect this, because she and Mikhail were already preparing for their grandchildren. She did not want to have an abortion, but also to give birth at that age - people laugh. First of all, she did not know how her husband and children would react. The younger daughters may be delighted, but the eldest daughter is unlikely. And there is no one else to share the news with. Asya died in an accident a few years ago, and Katya missed her friend very much. She was the godmother of her daughter, but Asya did not have time to give birth to her children. And so, fate took away the only friend with whom she could share the news, and Katya simply did not dare to talk to her colleagues. Although sooner or later they will find out about it anyway.
Elizabeth was about to get married, so her opinion was the most important thing for her mother. Her chosen one was a young man five years older than her, which at first strained her father. But then Mikhail got to know his future son-in-law better, they somehow became close, and the man approved of him. Yes, and he is a good guy, well-mannered and economic. True, Mikhail still believed that it was too early for his daughter to get married at the age of nineteen. Remembering himself at her age, he resigned himself and let Lisa go. The wedding was supposed to take place in the summer, and this is already in two weeks. Liza was very worried and lived with her parents during the preparation for the wedding. And it was easier to prepare for the session at home.
“Mom, look what a dress I found,” Lisa said as she entered the kitchen with a bridal fashion magazine. “It seems that I chose this one,” the girl sat down opposite her mother and held out a magazine with an open page. “Mom, are you listening to me?” What happened to you? Did you quarrel with dad?
“No, dear, no,” Ekaterina smiled, looking at her daughter and thinking about how beautiful she is after all. “It’s okay, I’m just a little tired.
– Maybe you should go to rest? Liza asked. “I’ll cook dinner myself, otherwise the twins and girls will be here soon. Lisa didn't like her mother's well-being. - By the way, Mom, did you forget that Alex will come to us on Saturday for a family dinner?
“I remember, sunshine,” Katya answered. “I’m really going to lie down for a bit.
Lisa nodded. She has already set to work with might and main. The girl loved this business, although she could not enter the culinary faculty. But she studied to be a philologist, almost continuing the professions of her parents. She loved children, so she liked to study and practice in kindergarten with her parents. Elizabeth has always been proud of her parents. Perhaps it is partly their merit that they instilled a love for children. She often sat with the younger ones and loved them madly. Although she often cursed, because they did not obey.
The girl also wanted a big family and a son for her future husband. She was glad that her parents liked Alexei, because she was very worried about this. Her father was strict with her, because Liza was often surrounded by boys. She walked in companies where the majority were guys. When she first fell in love, she hid it from her parents, but her mother somehow found out anyway. But when Liza nevertheless decided to introduce them to Sergey, Mikhail realized that the eldest daughter had grown up. None of the relatives liked the guy, and Lisa, when she broke up with him, even felt relieved. At the institute, she had many suitors whom she pushed away, but when she met Alexei, she realized that he was the one and only. She wanted them to have the same love as her parents.
Lyosha is a very nice guy: well-mannered, smart, caring. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and now worked as an assistant notary. He had no parents, they died when he was thirteen. But the guy was raised by his grandfather and grandmother, both of whom worked in medicine for thirty years. Now grandfather worked part-time at the university, taught lectures on neurology. Grandmother sat at home, walked in the park, breathed fresh air, chatted with her neighbors at the entrance. They immediately accepted Lisa. She seemed to them a good girl from a wonderful large family. Yes, and Alexei has become different: open and happy.
Of course, maybe they were in a hurry with the wedding, but Alexei was determined. In addition, the recent news that they wanted to tell at a family dinner prompted the idea that a wedding is necessary. Lisa was worried, because if Alexey was glad that she was pregnant, then her parents could misunderstand. She was only in her second year, and in order to give birth and raise a child, she will have to take academic leave. True, Liza thought of transferring to part-time, and she hoped that her parents would still help. They still raised five children, they have a huge experience.
- Hello, Andrey ran into the kitchen. - Where is mom?
“Mom is sleeping,” Lisa answered. - Don't wake her up. Wash your hands and go to the table.
Lisa smiled and while the younger ones were washing their hands, she went to call her fiancé.
But Ekaterina wasn't sleeping, she was sitting thoughtfully on the bed, looking at the laptop screen. She read on forums about late pregnancies. Of course, Katya did not believe in everything that was written there, trusting doctors more. But now she had such a state when she simply had no one to share with. Therefore, she wrote on the website that she doubts whether to give birth to her sixth child at forty-two. The first answer came instantly, and it was a resounding yes. But there were also negative reviews, after which the woman decided that this issue should be resolved in the family circle.
Mikhail should return from work after seven, but he called and warned that two children had not yet been picked up, so he was a little late. Ekaterina decided to wait and tell the news about the pregnancy later, when she figured out what to say.
On Saturday the family was preparing for dinner. Mikhail and Ekaterina were at home, as they had a day off. Lisa helped her mother in the kitchen, Milana and Arina watched cartoons, Mikhail and his sons repaired something in the yard.
- Liza, what time will Lyosha arrive? Catherine asked.
“I should already,” the daughter answered, looking at her watch. - Maybe something happened?
“Don’t make up your mind, Lizka,” the woman said. - Your darling will come.
- Mom, how did you understand that your dad is the only one? Liza suddenly asked and looked at her mother.
Ekaterina smiled, remembering the moment she entered. The list was hung out on the street, and at first the girl was afraid to approach the stand until Mikhail was next to her. He asked her why for half an hour that she stood on the sidelines, she did not come up to the stand. Misha found out her name and what faculty she entered, resolutely went to the stand, after pushing the future students aside, and then returned and said that they both entered and were now classmates. Catherine remembered how she smiled weakly and met his eyes and his beautiful smile. So she realized that he stole her heart forever.
But many guys tried to look after her. But she pushed them all away because she chose Mikhail. And the guy was often jealous, but he knew that Katya loved him, because she looked at him in a way that made his heart melt.
- As soon as I looked into his eyes, I realized that I want to marry this guy, - Katya answered.
- Who do you want to marry? - Misha entered the kitchen, leaning on the refrigerator, and looked intently at his beloved wife and eldest daughter.
“For you, dad,” Liza laughed.
She loved her parents and had no doubts about their love for each other. Lisa was a thousand percent sure that her dad and mom would live to see the diamond wedding. All the girl's friends were surprised and amazed by Lisa's parents, because some of them had divorced parents, some lived only with their mother, and some only with their father, or had no parents at all. The bride wanted her and Alex to love each other until the end of their days.
The doorbell rang, and Lisa, throwing the knife and bread, ran into the corridor. Ekaterina shook her head and smiled when Mikhail came up behind her. He put his hands on her waist and, without letting her say a word, unfolded and covered her lips. Dyatlov chuckled as she broke the kiss, hinting that the children could come in at any moment. She took his hand and led him into the corridor to meet the guest.
- Lyosha has arrived! - Arina shouted almost to the whole house and ran to him, and he picked her up in his arms. – Did you bring a disk with cartoons?
“Arina, let the guest undress,” said Ekaterina.
It was cool outside, it was raining and a cold wind was blowing. And this despite the fact that it was already the end of May. Such weather has not been for a long time, as if summer was not going to come at all. Even the leaves on the trees did not fully bloom, not to mention the lilac, which her husband and children constantly tore, giving it to Katya.
“Come on,” said Alexei. - It is light, - the guy opened the bag and took out two disks of collections with cartoons. - Hold on, dragonfly.
– Hooray! - Arina jumped off Alexei's hands and immediately forced her older brother to put the disk on her.
Andrei had to comply with his sister's request. Mikhail held out his hand to Alexei and smiled. The guy handed Ekaterina Ivanovna and Liza bouquets of roses. Remembering that the table had been laid for a long time, Ekaterina Ivanovna caught herself and called everyone to him.
The topic of the wedding came up at the table. Alexey said that grandfather called his friend, who ran the restaurant, to hold an event there. A friend agreed to make a huge discount, so the place was determined. But when Mikhail hinted at the topic of children, that they should not rush, Liza tensed up, and Katya became uneasy.
– Do you think differently, dear? Mikhail asked, noticing that his wife wanted to say something.
“I think that if God allows you to have children, then it’s necessary,” Katya answered.
- Mom? Lisa started. - Is there something we don't know?
- My dears, I wanted to tell you about this earlier, although I myself do not know how to tell you.
- Don't delay, Katyunya, - said Mikhail.
- In general, you remember that at work we passed a medical examination. - Everyone nodded, and she continued: - So, today the doctor called me to him ...
- Is there something wrong with the tests? Michael asked fearfully.
- Yes, that is, no. Most likely ... - Ekaterina Ivanovna looked at her eldest daughter, from whose look it became clear that she guessed what was being said. – Anyway, I'm pregnant...
There was silence. The twins, Andrei and Dmitry, looked at each other. Milana and Arina were silent. Lisa looked at Alexei, who tensed up a little. After all, they were supposed to tell them the news. The girl took the groom by the hand and squeezed it slightly, and with her eyes she said that they should also tell their news.
Mikhail got up from the table, realizing that the silence lasted too long, and knowing his wife, who could panic at any reason, sat down next to her. He took her hand and then kissed his wife's belly. The children could not help smiling, because their parents were happy and always made a decision together.
“Well, you give it, parents,” Dmitry burst out. - Chur, we have a younger brother.
“I also want a brother,” Arisha said.
Ekaterina wiped her tears of happiness and laughed. Only Liza was silent, trying to digest everything in her head. Of course, she couldn't be angry, because these were the parents who did everything for the children.
- Liz, what do you say? Mikhail asked her, realizing that the difference of twenty years is very big.
- And we will tell you that you will not only become parents for the sixth time, but also become grandparents, - Alexey answered for his future wife.
– Lisa, is that true? - the father looked at his daughter with a stern look, which made her throat dry, but nodded. - So that's great! Of course, it was possible later, but since it happened, then we will grow it. Your mother and I will help you, don't even hesitate.
Everyone supported him, and Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. She was already hugging her mother, who grinned that both would walk with their bellies. Milana and Arisha also did not leave their elder sister, demanding a niece from her. Dmitry warned Alexei that if he offended his sister, he would talk to him and Andrei, they would tear anyone for the sisters. From such a statement, the guy didn’t even feel comfortable, but he realized that Lisa’s family is wonderful. Yes, and he was very lucky with the bride.
After Alexey and Liza went for a walk, the twins decided to prepare for the exam, and the younger daughters had already gone to bed. Michael approached his wife. She stood by the window in the living room and looked out into the street. A fire was burning in the fireplace, and Sharik was running around the lawn, apparently, he decided to work up before going to bed. But all the cats, curled up in balls and pressed against each other, slept aside on a couch.
“Can you imagine, mother, we are already grandparents,” Mikhail said. “And also young parents,” he put his hand on his stomach. - If this is a boy, then I will be the happiest in the world.
- What if it's a girl?
“If it’s a girl, I’ll be doubly happy,” Mikhail whispered in his ear. - We raised five children and we can do the sixth. Grandchildren too.
“The main thing is that our Liza be happy,” Ekaterina reminded, and Misha nodded approvingly.
Ekaterina turned to her husband and, smiling, buried her face in his shoulder, and Mikhail hugged her in response. It was at this moment that Dyatlova realized that she was the happiest mother and wife in the world.
Read online "Lovely Stories of Tanechka". Stories", Tati Luchik - Litres
© Tati Luchik, 2022
ISBN 978-5-0056-4228-8
Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero
About the meaning of works
My works speak about the true language . Why, you ask, am I writing about Love and nothing else?! The answer is simple and obvious. Everything is explained by the fact that Love is a great power that can fill with something, preserve something, protect from something, elevate it above something, and therefore, reading my texts, the reader, without noticing it, acquires this strength and enters his magical sphere of Love, where he feels good and begins to get lucky in all aspects of life. This is a real miracle!
The next question might be, why are there so many adjectives in the works? And I will answer like this. Because this part of speech in Russian means an application to someone, something, and in the context of my books about Love, this means an application of Love to you, to your Close, Relatives, Friends, Acquaintances. And it acts instantly, easily and noblely, improving you and those around you!
The words in the texts are like a powerful healing stream that has a beneficial effect on the entire human body and its environment. Know that you are Magnificent, my Favorite Readers!
A story about Santa Claus
It was an ordinary autumn day. I went to a cafe to buy a bun and a cappuccino. There were a lot of people. I placed an order, and then the waiter brought me my drink with a bun to the table where my grandfather was sitting. This man was smartly dressed and looked pretty decent. He stared at me, my actions, my facial expressions, my smile, as if he was trying to study every detail of me. It seems that he painted my psychological portrait with his soul brushes, which I felt like tickling. Then I took off the mask from my face, which prevented me from comfortably eating food. He noticed this and started a dialogue with me:
- I see that the mask is bothering you, it won't let you eat, right?
I answered with the feeling that they understand me:
- Yeah, because there is no protection from it, people wear it only for an external role, but it is necessary for good!
After this answer, grandfather's face shone with colors of joy, and his smile, like a virus of happiness, was transmitted through the air, and I also got a smile. Then he began to tell how he had been ill for a long time, as much as 3 whole days. I felt embarrassed and at the same time wondered, what if he had a corona virus?! But I decided not to interrupt him and listen to the end. He said that this is a kind of method of cleansing the body when they drink liquids, but do not eat for almost a week, and that this can only be done for people who are overweight, and he is just plump and this is good for him, as they say, bad character traits come out drop by drop but the good ones remain and grow stronger like wine. But I can’t do this in any way, because I am slim, petite, according to him. And then it became calm inside me that the cleansing of the body is absolutely not related to the corona virus.
Then I noticed what he was eating after almost a week of empty stomach. And on his part of the table I saw a bun with cherry jam, he ate it so appetizingly and carefully that immediately inside there was a feeling from a very famous fairy tale and the sweetest character: “Kind and wise Santa Claus”. But I decided not to talk about it, I thought that it would be out of place, or suddenly a person would be offended by the word "grandfather".
After a couple of minutes, he continued:
- And you know, you are very good, kind, direct and beautiful happiness emanates from you, as happens at children's holidays. It’s nice to be with you, I want to communicate, look at you and just be happy.
After these words, I seemed to have gained wings behind my back, well, or they were and now they opened wide, strengthened and became even more beautiful, more tangible, more noticeable!
I thanked him and smiled, but not with the usual smile in the style of Mona Lisa, but with a smile from the painting "Girl's Smile" by the Russian artist F.V. Sychkov.
And then grandfather added and began to get ready at the same time:
- You remind me of the heroine of the fairy tale "Morozko". The same kind, pure and rich, sparkling soul. Good luck, I'll go, goodbye!
I heard these words and tears of happiness appeared in my eyes that there are people who are still able to feel other people so subtly, so precisely, so deeply and softly. And what is remarkable, our feelings coincided with him, we talked about the same fairy tale! Another field of flowers bloomed in my soul, I became richer and happier by a whole field of flowers!
Kiss, Tati Peters
The Story of the Fish Man
One early spring, around 9 o'clock in the morning, I was going to work as a doctor. By the way, every day I don’t feel like going to it at all, so I have to get there by the “air navigation method”. This method is remarkable and unique in that you don’t worry about anything, but just walk, dream, think about the good, anticipating something magical, bright, sweet. The road in this case is like a river, and people, animals, even birds are perceived by the inhabitants of this river: mollusks, frogs, snails, algae, pebbles, and someone pearls. And I, like a true Rybka, have special eyesight, well, to be on the alert in such a difficult time: I see not a certain straight section, but the entire 180-degree turn. In this case, we are talking about developed sense organs: hearing, sight, touch, smell, taste, as well as an individual feature - unsurpassed intuition. And all this together gives the same 180-degree vision!
So, I go up to the gate of my work and see an ice field, it still shines so dazzlingly and brightly, as if a huge diamond has appeared on the road. I become anxious, I begin to worry about how I will get there in order to remain whole, unharmed and not be late, since it is almost 9 in the morning. And then I hear the voice of a man who was about 5 meters behind me:
Dear girl, do you have a light for my cigar?
I gently answered this question:
- Hello, I don't smoke, I don't have bad habits.
After a couple of seconds, I gathered my courage and courage and asked:
– Excuse me, can you help me cross this brilliant wonder field?
He immediately said:
– Of course, no questions asked!
And then, with a courageous smile and joy, he ran up to me, gave me a strong, reliable hand, and continued the dialogue:
– My name is Denis! What is your name, lovely lady?
And I said that my name is Tatyana, just like in the novel "Eugene Onegin".