Cute stories to tell
21 Short, Romantic, And Funny Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
Reading your girlfriend bedtime stories will make her feel loved and cherished.
Falling in love is a beautiful feeling, and you leave no stone unturned to pamper your partner. And if you are looking for some exciting bedtime stories for girlfriend to make her feel extra special, then your search ends with our post. A sweet and beautiful story lets you convey your emotions with her, and you will enjoy the sight of her sleeping with a smile on her face.
Also, it helps strengthen your bond and lets you get an inch closer to her every day. So, read on for some lovely stories and give a wonderful touch to your love story, making it a memorable one.
21 Bedtime Stories For Girlfriends
Short Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
1. Love in difficult times
Gerald watched Elaine across the table as she carefully picked up her muffin and examined it. He looked at the clothes she was wearing and realized that her sweater was inside out. He usually made sure things like these didn’t happen, but they seemed to happen more often lately.
Their waitress, Maria, walked towards them holding a tray of milky, sweet tea (just the way Elaine liked it), a plate of delicious-looking butter cookies, and a wide smile.
“How are you doing today?” she asked brightly. Elaine flinched at the tone. Gerald looked warningly at Maria. When one had dementia, there was no saying how the day would go.
Maria took the hint, quietly placed the tray on the table, and walked away. Gerald offered Elaine the cup of tea, which she took with her hands trembling.
“When are we going to get married?” she asked.
Gerald sighed. They had been married for the last forty years.
“Soon, my love,” he said, placing his hand over hers. Elaine looked at his hand and then up at him and smiled.
“I love you, you know. You must talk to my father soon,” she said happily.
“I love you too, my dear. I love you, too,” Gerald said.
After they had finished their tea and biscuits, they walked away slowly, holding hands.
2. Love at first sight
Joseph didn’t believe in “love at first sight.” He thought you had to know a person to fall in love with them. How could you fall in love with someone you had just met?
But that was before he met Anna. It was raining cats and dogs that day, and Joseph had been drenched to the skin on the short walk from the taxi to the entrance of his office block. Anna was in a similar condition. As she ran to get out of the rain, they collided in the doorway. Her bag fell to the floor, and its contents spilled out. Joseph immediately apologized and bent down to help her pick up her things.
When he handed her the file and make-up bag, he looked up at her and felt his world shift. Her hair was the color of spun gold, and her eyes were blue. He had never seen a lady more beautiful than her. Joseph didn’t know her name yet, but he knew she was the perfect woman for him.
And thus, a beautiful journey of friendship and love started on a rainy day.
Related: 50+ Sweet And Romantic Goodnight Poems For Her
3. Worthy love
Image: iStock
One day, a husband brought home a bouquet of beautiful roses for his wife.
The wife was pleasantly surprised and delighted, but before she could ask what they were for, their daughter piped up, “What are they for, Daddy?”
He smiled and said, “All my colleagues were discussing how tired they were of their marriage. It made me feel so lucky to have your Mommy in my life. She is the most understanding and charming woman in the entire world!”
His wife beamed with joy, and they all came together in a family hug. It was a perfect moment.
(Source: Upsmash)
4. Blind sight
There was a girl who loved a boy. She loved the way he took care of her, and she loved the way he talked to her. The only hurdle, she thought, was that she was blind.
She wished she could see him as he could see her.
She had built a perfect image of how he might look in her mind.
One day, her parents gave her the good news that they had found an eye donor for her, and she could now get an eye to see the world.
After the operation, she told the doctors that the boy must be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes. As promised, the doctors brought the boy to the room.
As soon as the doctors unwrapped the bandages, she saw the boy standing in front of her. The mental image of him that she had was wrong; he was even more perfect in real life.
It was then that she learned her eye had been donated by the boy just so that she could see.
(Source: Upsmash)
5. Coincidence
A boy was single.
A girl was single.
They met.
And then they weren’t single anymore.
Because two singles sometimes become a double, and that is not a coincidence.
Quick tip
Indulging in roleplay while narrating stories at night can get you an inch closer to your girl and relieve her day’s stress.
6. Night of love
One night, a girl decided to tell her boyfriend how much she loved him. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I love you so much. I love you more than anything and anyone in my life.”
She assumed he was sleeping as it was pretty late.
But she was to be surprised.
The boy opened his eyes and pulled her into a hug. He whispered, “I love you too, my darling. I love you more than you could ever imagine!”
Related: 101 Cute Long Goodnight Paragraphs For Her
Romantic Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
7. Love forever
A young student once asked her teacher why she became a nun. The teacher shared the story of her life with her.
Many years ago, when she was much younger, she loved a boy. The boy loved her too. The only problem was that he was from a wealthy family, while she was from a poor one.
The boy talked to his parents, but they were against him marrying the girl. Instead, they started looking for eligible girls from among their acquaintances.
There was nothing else to it then, the young lovers thought. They decided to elope. They could not end their relationship for anything in the world.
A priest knew their story and was supportive of them. With his assistance, the young lovers planned to run away. The priest made arrangements with another priest to hide them till the danger had passed.
On the planned day, the lovers silently bid goodbye to their homes and families and traveled long and hard. Soon, they were out of danger. They married and lived happily.
Both of them were gratified by the service the priests had done for them, and they began taking an active interest in the Church’s humanitarian missions.
After the man passed away, the woman took her vows and became a nun.
(Source: TheMindFool)
8. Unexpected love
Image: iStock
‘“High school romances aren’t forever!” he had heard enough people say. He never knew what to think about it, though. He had never been romantically involved with anyone.
Alexa walked into the class with their teacher one day. “Students, She is your new classmate, Alexa,” the teacher announced.
As luck would have it, he had an empty seat beside him, and that was where Alexa sat. However, after the first formal greetings and introductions, she didn’t seem inclined to speak to him at all.
He got immersed in his studies again and quietened his aching heart by looking at Alexa whenever she wasn’t looking.
The year came to an end. On the last day before the holidays, he mustered courage and walked up to Alexa. She was surprised to see him there. He cleared his throat and said, “Alexa, there has been something I have been meaning to tell you for some time.”
Alexa waited.
He said, “I like you. I didn’t know how to convey it to you as I was scared you would reject me. But now that we might never meet again, I want you to know this.”
Alexa’s eyes filled up with tears. She said, “I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I came to sit next to you, I was so overwhelmed that I had to purposely keep an aloof face because I thought you didn’t like me at all!”
They laughed and held hands for the first time. ’
The grandchildren clapped as their grandmother, Alexa, told them the story of how she met their grandfather.
9. Online love
They met on Facebook. He had been lonely. She had just had a breakup. He was a loner and an introvert. She was gregarious and an extrovert. He loved reading. She loved watching movies and meeting people. They were very different from each other, but as the saying goes, opposites attract.
As they overcame their inhibitions and shared more details about themselves online, they realized they had more in common than they realized. Both of them loved pasta. Both danced to jazz music. Both of them were learning French. He loved painting, and she loved drawing.
They slowly realized they were falling in love with each other. They couldn’t spend a day without messaging each other. They had to share their day’s happenings with each other.
The only hurdle between them was that they lived many miles apart.
After several months, they decided to meet each other. She was traveling to London with her parents, and their flight had a stopover. He agreed to meet her at the airport.
They met at the appointed time and place. Although they had shared pictures over Facebook, seeing each other face to face was different. He thought she looked prettier. She thought he looked more handsome.
He met her parents too. They seemed to be sensible people to him. All too soon, they heard the announcement for their boarding.
“I will message you as soon as we land,” she promised him.
“I will wait for it,” he said.
As she walked away, she turned back and saw him watching her. His eyes held a promise for a better future.
10. Ultimate love
A girl and a boy were the best of friends. But the boy considered the girl to be more than a friend. He had fallen in love with her, but he couldn’t find the right words to tell her.
One Sunday, he decided he would tell her about his feelings. He decided that even if she didn’t reciprocate his love, he would convince her to remain friends as they already were.
He picked her up from her home, and they went on a long drive. After some moments of silence, both of them talked at the same time.
“I wanted to…” he said.
“You know what…” she began.
They laughed, and he motioned for her to continue.
“Well, I was saying that I wanted to tell you something for the longest time,” she began again.
His heart started beating faster.
“What is it?” he asked, without looking at her.
“I am in love with this guy, but he doesn’t know about it,” she said. His heart nearly stopped beating. He looked at her for a second before concentrating on the road again.
When he was a bit calmer and was sure his voice wouldn’t shake when he talked, he asked, “Who is the lucky guy? Do I know him?”
“Of course, you do! Do you not know any of my acquaintances?” she asked, rolling her eyes at him. “I won’t tell you his name, though. I have written his name on this,” she said, handing him a piece of paper.
He took it and put it in his pocket when all he wanted was to tear it into a million pieces and throw it out the window. He was painfully aware of it. He felt as though it was burning his skin through his shirt.
The moment he reached home that evening, he pulled out the piece of paper and angrily unfolded it. He stopped short when he saw that the name was his.
Beneath his name, she had written, “I could never find anyone as perfect as you, and no one could understand me as well as you do. ”
He smiled, then laughed, and he was in a relationship with his best friend in the whole world.
(Source: Upsmash)
Related: 11 Beautiful Princess Stories For Kids To Read
11. Truth or dare
It was that time of the year. The prom was fast approaching, and Mike didn’t have anyone to go with him. All the girls seemed to be going with some handsome boy, while Mike, neither handsome nor a smooth talker, didn’t seem to attract anyone.
“Why don’t you ask Rita out? No one seems to have asked her,” Mike’s friend, Joe, said with a smirk. Mike knew why Joe was smirking. Rita was the most unpopular girl at school. She wore thick glasses and braces. Mike groaned, “Oh, no! Not Rita!”
But time was running out fast, and Mike knew he had to do something quickly, or he would be the only boy without a date on prom night. So, with an internal sigh and a shudder, he asked Rita out. Rita agreed.
When Mike went over to pick Rita up on prom night, he noticed that she was wearing a lovely dress. She had also done something with her hair. If he decided to overlook her large glasses, he might have said that she looked stunning.
When they reached the venue, they were immediately pulled onto the dance floor. As they danced, Mike realized that Rita was, in fact, a good dancer. She could also carry on a conversation without making anyone feel awkward. He realized with some surprise that she could make him laugh, and her laugh was easy too. He loved hearing her laugh.
That prom night culminated into something beautiful. Mike and Rita started dating each other, and soon enough, they were in a serious relationship.
Mike loved Rita, and he was planning to pop the question that evening. He shuddered to think what would have happened if he had not asked her out to prom that night.
(Source: Think aloud)
12. The worst fight
Image: iStock
A husband and wife had the worst fight. She was furious that she packed his things in a bag and asked him to get out of the house.
He slowly picked up the bag and left.
After a while, the wife calmed down and started worrying. “Where has he gone?”
She tried calling his friends, but nobody had a clue to his whereabouts.
Now, the wife was worried. “What if he had done something bad?” she thought.
She ran out of the house in the snow and walked up the sidewalk searching for a taxi. She didn’t know where to go or what to do but walking gave her a sense of purpose.
Suddenly, she saw a hunched figure sitting under the streetlamp at the corner of the street. On closer inspection, she realized that it was her husband.
She slowly brushed off the snow off his clothes and took him home. “I am sorry,” she sobbed. “I thought you would have gone to one of your friends’ homes. I didn’t realize…” she was at a loss of words.
“I couldn’t leave knowing that you would be alone here without me,” he said simply. “Whatever you think about me, I care for you deeply.”
She burst into tears as she hugged and kissed him repeatedly. She vowed to herself to never fight with him so much and never, ever, turn him out of their home. She loved him.
(Source: Upsmash)
Funny Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend
Quick tip
Reading stories and sharing personal instances helps couples discover each other’s innermost feelings, desires, and emotions, giving them a deeper understanding of love.
13. The reasons to love
One day, a girlfriend asked her boyfriend to give her at least one reason behind his love for her. The boyfriend was surprised; he hadn’t been expecting such a question. “Why do you want to know? Is it not enough that I love you?” he asked. But the girl was insistent. She wanted to know.
The boy pulled out a sheet of paper from his bag and started writing in it. The girl was surprised, but she held her tongue until he stopped writing and handed over the paper to her.
On it was written, “I have written down 100 reasons why I love you. Now, write down one reason why I shouldn’t love you.”
(Source: Think aloud)
14. A dozen flowers
When Jack handed over a dozen flowers to his wife, she looked at them in surprise. There was one plastic flower among the others.
“What is this plastic flower doing here?” she asked Jack.
“Why do you think it is there?” Jack replied.
But as much as she thought about it, she couldn’t understand the meaning of the one artificial flower.
Finally, when she had given up, Jack smiled and said, “That flower is my love. I will love you until that flower dies.”
Hearing this, she was overcome with tears and hugged him with all the love she had for him.
(Source: Think aloud)
Related: 75 Sweet & Romantic Goodnight Messages For Her To Feel Special
15. Best of the best
A boy and a girl were deeply in love. The girl once asked the boy, “Do you think I am pretty?”
The boy answered, “No.”
The girl was disappointed with his answer, but she asked the next question anyway, “Do you want to be with me forever?”
The boy said “No” again.
The girl’s eyes filled up with tears. “Will you be sad if I leave you?” she asked.
The boy said, “No.”
The girl decided to walk away. She had just turned when the boy caught her arm and turned her tear-streaked face towards himself.
He said, “You asked if you were pretty, and I said no because you are not just pretty, but you are the most beautiful woman on this planet. You asked me if I wanted you, and I said no because I don’t want you, but I need you like we need oxygen. You asked me if I would be sad if you left me, and I said no because I will no longer be alive when you leave me.”
When she heard these passionate words, the girl smiled through her tears and hugged the boy tightly.
(Source: Think aloud)
16. Like or love
One day, a girl mustered the courage to tell a boy about her feelings for him.
She told him, “I like you very much. Do you like me too?”
He answered, “No, I don’t like you.”
The girl was sad to hear this reply and slowly turned away. But before she could walk away, the boy caught her hand and said, “I said I don’t like you. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”
The girl turned towards him in delight and hugged him.
(Source: Think aloud)
Point to consider
If you are in a long-distance relationship, making a video call to read stories is more effective than an audio call.
17. Future mom
Image: Shutterstock
One morning, a boyfriend took a photograph of his girlfriend when she had just woken up.
“Ugh, I look horrible! Why are you taking my picture when I have no make-up on, and my hair is all over the place?” she questioned.
The boyfriend smiled and answered, “I want to show my kids that their mother is beautiful even without make-up and combed hair. She is perfect; the most perfect woman on Earth.”
(Source: Upsmash)
18. Drunk boyfriend
One night, a girlfriend had to pick her drunk boyfriend up from the bar. She was furious with him, but there was little she could do other than to drag him into the car.
She somehow hauled him up to their apartment and helped him onto the bed. Then she started removing his filthy clothes. First, his shoes came off and then his shirt. But when she reached the buckle of his jeans, he pushed her away, shouting, “Go away, woman! I have a girlfriend I love very much! Don’t you dare touch me!”
The girlfriend found herself laughing as she changed and went to sleep.
(Source: Upsmash)
19. Invited bride
Image: Shutterstock
A boyfriend asked his girlfriend, “Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?”
The girlfriend was shocked. Of all things, she hadn’t been expecting this. In fact, she had been expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!
She stuttered a weak, “Wha..what? Are you seeing someone else? Have your parents found a match for you?”
The boyfriend laughed and said, “No, my dearest! I want to marry you and was about to invite you to my wedding as a bride. Will you accept the invitation?”
The girlfriend couldn’t believe what she heard and answered with a resounding, “YES!” and a kiss.
(Source: Upsmash)
Related: 48 Cute And Romantic Ways To Surprise Your Girlfriend
20. Impossible things
There was a girl who had very low self-esteem because of some past issues. She thought she was ugly.
She liked a boy but was never sure how to approach him. When he came and talked to her, she was surprised.
One day, she mentioned that she didn’t think he should be with her. “I am too ugly,” she said.
The boy immediately said, “I am pregnant.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “How can you say that? It is impossible!” she exclaimed.
The boy smiled and answered, “Just as this is impossible, so is you being ugly impossible. You are beautiful.”
(Source: Upsmash)
21. I like potatoes
A lady felt insecure about her weight. She thought she looked terrible in certain dresses. She married the man she loved, but a few days after marriage, she stopped wearing frocks and nightdresses and wore baggy t-shirts and pajamas instead.
Her husband questioned her about the choice of her clothes. She tearfully replied, “I look like a potato in those clothes!”
Her husband looked at her, bewildered, and said, “But I like potatoes! What is there not to like about them?”
This brought a smile to her face, and slowly, with her husband’s encouragement, she overcame her insecurities.
(Source: Upsmash)
1. What are the tips for telling a good bedtime story for a girlfriend?
You can make the storytelling experience amazing for your girlfriend by following a few simple tips:
- Select a story based on her mood and the things she has been going through lately
- The story should reflect the stage of your relationship you are in and may include some intimate conversations
- Make sure the bedroom is cozy and romantic to get the best effects of a bedtime story
2. What is the importance of bedtime stories for a girlfriend?
Bedtime stories are a great way to bridge the gap in a long-term relationship. Your girlfriend’s day may not have been perfect but at night, a bedtime story can help her de-stress and be lost in your thoughts. This will help consolidate your bond and keep the flame of your love burning.
Telling bedtime stories to your girlfriend is an intimate way of spending some quality time together, and it will also make her feel special. So keep picking from our collection of short, romantic, and funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend and convey your emotions and feelings for her. You can also combine the stories and develop a new version of your own. Sharing these stories will also help you know more about her likes and dislikes and help you get an inch closer to her.
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- Author
Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on...
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17 Cute Short Love Stories That Will Make You Smile | by Joanna
Who doesn’t love a short love story? Especially the very short love stories that can be finished during a quick break.
Since the start of human storytelling history, humans have enjoyed great romance stories from Romeo and Juliet to Helen of Troy. Even horror and adventure stories often include a romantic element. Everybody wants to feel some of that romance and reading very short romantic stories are often a great way to quench that thirst.
Whether your favorite stories are cute teen romance stories or vampire love stories, there is something for everyone.
I’ve compiled a number of love stories for you to read, all very short and can bring some of that romantic spark into your life. These are great reads whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day or just itching for a romantic spark.
You can find more of these romance stories on Commaful and Reddit.
The below are all excerpts with a link to the full story. Click on the link to support the writers.
If you love romance and love stories, you may also love characters and enjoy CharacterHub, a social network for sharing your characters and interacting with other people’s characters
It was a glorious, colorful autumn.
We’d just left the coffee shop. When we walked by, she had giggled and pulled me inside, saying, “C’mon, let’s be basic white girls and get some pumpkin spice!”
I don’t like coffee. I never had. But when she handed me my cup and looked into my eyes while I tried it, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted.
My hand still tingled where she grabbed it.
As we walked through the park with our drinks, a light drizzle began to fall. She pulled out an umbrella from her bag, I pulled up my hood and hunched my shoulders.
“Don’t be silly,” she giggled, pulling me under the umbrella with her. I couldn’t help but laugh too, her laugh is infectious.
As the sun started to shine again, she pulled me down to sit on a bench. She beamed down at me, and I could only gaze back adoringly.
“So Ava…” She began. I knew this tone of voice, it’s dangerous.
“Who do you like?” She whispered, and I looked away. I wanted to say, ‘you, you, a thousand times you. You’re the only one I can ever think about. You’re gorgeous and sweet and funny and…’
Instead, I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my cup.
She looked at me with a cautious smile. “If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?”
“Okay.” I said.
“The person I like… …is you.”
I drop my drink.
Read the entire love story
I know you read the description.
And you expect for me to fall in love with you.
That, or you already read this story and you just want to see me suffer again.
It’s hard to see through the screen… I can’t tell one reader from another, boy or girl. Not that it would matter…
(Blushes deeply) Anyway, that’s not the point.
You should leave.
Why are you going to the next slide?
Stop doing that.
Are you always this stubborn?
I said st-
Don’t interrupt me.
Read the full short romance story
I got married when i was 20 to a man that by all accounts wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good for me. Long story short, I was married to a loser. He didn’t necessarily do anything wrong, he just didn’t do anything at all. Now, I am not a “typical woman” if there even is such a thing. I love myself. Sure, there are things I want to improve, but I don’t have a problem with my age, or intelligence, or what my body looks like, or my personality- those things that seem to stereotypically plague women just don’t bother me for whatever reason. I have a career where I make more than enough money on my own to live comfortably. I know how to use power tools, fix my own car, and google the shit out of anything else that needs to be done. I say what I mean, and expect others to do the same, none of this passive-aggressive nonsense. But I’m stubborn as a mule, and marriages are supposed to last, so even though I was the primary breadwinner, and did most of the things around the house, and raised my kids mostly on my own, I still spent 13 years in that worthless marriage. At the end of the day, my husband felt like I didn’t need him, because I am very capable.
But he was wrong. I needed support. I needed a partner, a friend. Even someone who would see how hard I was working to just keep my head above water. I couldn’t manage EVERYTHING on my own; and I still can’t.
For some perspective at how emotionally isolated I was, I struggled with infertility for three years; I had to take tons of medications & shots that made me sick, tired, have hot flashes, body aches, and migraines for those years; not to mention the emotional drain of every month without fail seeing a single pink line on that damn stick. The emotion of going through a bulk pack of pregnancy tests, or taking photos of your cousin’s child’s first birthday (for the child they conceived after you started trying), is just… a lot to bear; I was very open with my struggles, because i think it helped other people too. Somehow, my husband wasn’t even aware this was a thing that i was needing support in. he had no idea. and it’s not because i didn’t tell him or directly ask him. he just was that thick and lost. he was a five year old trapped as an adult- lacking the ability to give support in that way.
And once I had kids, he was actually more of a burden than a help. I spent most of my time walking on eggshells, trying to balance being exhausted from a high-demand job, making dinner, and praying the kids (who are all-around good kids) didn’t do anything to “poke the bear” while my husband played games on his phone and mostly ignored them. I spent more time trying to keep them from upsetting him than anything else.
When i finally asked him to please leave, everything improved immediately. I could breathe again. I was free of so much dead weight. I was so, so happy to just not-have-him around. It was so much better, I never looked back, and I was ok on my own. Sure, I crawled in to bed every night, feeling ready to collapse at the end of the day. Kids are demanding, after all. But I was free. And I was happy.
But it wears on you.
Read the full short story
Paul stared at his wife across the table, noticing for the first time that her sweater was on inside out. Every morning he would lay out her clothes on the bed in a specific order, so she’d know which item to put on first. But it didn’t guarantee how Elaine would put on each piece. He’d have to pay more attention before they went out.
Their usual waitress, Sarah, appeared, holding a large tray with two sweet teas on it. “How y’all doin’ today?”
With Alzheimer’s disease, there were good days, and then there were challenging days. It was one of the latter. Elaine was preoccupied, scrubbing a stain on the wooden table with her finger, forgetting it was a permanent fixture of their booth. They’d been lunching at this diner once a week for years. That blemish had been there since day one.
“Today’s actually a very special day for us. It’s our fifty-seventh wedding anniversary.” His wife stopped fidgeting and looked up. “The day she took a chance on a broke, balding fellow by saying, ‘I do,’” he said with a wink in her direction.
“It is?” Elaine asked.
“Yep, sweetheart, it is. ”
“Congratulations, you two! Ms. Sue fixed up some of her key lime pie today and I’ll make sure y’all have a slice on the house before you go. Stickin’ with the Cobb salad and tomato soup?”
“That’s it.” Paul replied.
She nodded and turned, then swung back around. “I just remembered. We ran out of tomato soup about an hour ago. Chicken noodle ok?”
Paul looked at his wife, now scrubbing away at the stain with a napkin.
“Hmmm,” she said, again focused on the table.
“They’re out of the tomato soup. Do you want chicken noodle? Or a sandwich instead?” She looked confused, so he pointed to the menu and showed her a few other items he thought she’d enjoy, but she was having a hard time picking something new.
Suddenly she began to cry. “I want to go home. Please can we go home?” she begged.
Read the full love story
My mother said that out of all five of her children
I was the easiest baby
I think what she meant was that I hardly cried,
Rarely fussed
And was generally asleep
Which I guess was a good thing, for her
As the fourth of five she had a lot to deal with before she could get to me
So I made it easier for her
I kept doing it as I grew up
If one of my siblings dropped their ice cream,
I’d give them mine so they’d stop making a scene
When someone had to sit in a middle seat
You can bet that’s where my car seat would be strapped
In fifth grade, when Clara Gomez stole my cookie from my lunch box
I just shrugged, and ate my carrot sticks
My nickname was “montañita”, little mountain
Because I was never moved, never bothered, always calm
In seventh grade, I broke my leg
But I didn’t tell anyone for three days
I just gritted my teeth and hopped along
Until my father found me crying on the bathroom floor
He took me to the hospital, and bought me a cast we couldn’t afford
And when the kids at school called me a cripple
Well, you can guess what I did
In high school, my little sister Sofia was getting picked on by some boys
I pretended I didn’t see it happen
But that night, I switched out her too-small uniform skirt for mine
She stopped getting teased,
And I wore pants for the rest of the year
When my college Algebra professor lost my test and made me retake it, I just nodded and did it
When I got catcalled walking across campus,
I just looked down at the ground
And you
The first day you came up to me and offered to buy me coffee
I was sure you were making fun of me too
So I stayed quiet
Eventually, you flashed me that blinding smile and told me, “Guess I’ll take that as a yes, then. ”
I think I said about three words to you that first day
But I gave you my number
And answered when you called
Read the short story
The impact was jarring. Unexpected. Painful.
Not at all how it is in the movies. Nor the books. It was gross. Gritty. Raw.
His messenger bag had checked her hard in the stomach, no doubt several bruises itching to arise.
Her hot beverage stained his cream colored sweater, no doubt scalding on his bare hands.
Both umbrellas had been knocked into the dirty puddles, the sheets of rain unforgiving.
Despite the bone-chilling weather, ruined clothing, and bodily injuries, they couldn’t escape the buzzing intensity of a connection.
Her gaze was locked on the damping hair, wondering if the hue of blond was real. His gaze was pinned to her widening eyes, curious as to how many tints of blue he could identify.
Read the rest of the story
This is a story about the first year of my relationship with the girl I love.
I suppose it starts back in July 2017. She was dating my best friend at the time, they were in a relationship for a few weeks and it ended on bad terms. While they were dating I had only seen her one time, I didn’t really say much to her as I am a very shy and socially awkward person. I think I managed to get a few hellos out but nothing more than that.
The next time I met her was on the 31st of October. To be honest I don’t really remember that night much since I was black out drunk for the majority of it. By that time things seemed to be ok between her and my friend and that’s how I started talking to her more.
In late November we were all talking in group chats, online I am a lot less awkward and am able to talk to other people, so this was a great way for me to start talking to her.
As I started to become more friendly with her I started to realise that she’s not how my best friend made her out to be at all.
We started to hang out more, and the more time I spent with her the closer I felt to her. There are quite a few people in our friends group, I couldn’t quite explain why. But I felt like I had some sort of bond with her, like I could connect with her in a way that I couldn’t with the other people. Usually I hate it when people hug me, but when she did it always felt warm and comforting.
Where our relationship progressed was on new years eve, I had one of my depressive episodes and ended up leaving all of the group chats I was in. At the time I just felt really lonely, as if I’m destined to never be happy.
She ended up private messaging me, asking what was wrong and why I was feeling like that. There’s only a few people that know how much of a shit show my childhood was, I felt comfortable with talking about it with her. And she seemed to have the perfect response to everything. After a while I felt a little better about myself and I will never forget some of the things that she said to me that night.
Read the short story
I thought I’d had crushes before
There was Carson, who smiled at me in bio
There was Avery, with the beautiful eyes
But this girl
God, it’s like it’s not even the same emotion
I really thought I liked the others, I did
I’d blush when they were nearby,
Sit up straighter,
Toss my hair,
Get nervous,
But this girl takes butterflies to a whole new level
Read the full romantic story
Her eyes, oh her eyes. They got me every time.
They could never be classified as one color. They rebelled, taking on a different hue everyday. Every hour. Every moment. But they always sparkled with this emotion I could never place.
His smile, oh his smile. It zapped my heart every time.
His smile was something never to be taken for granted. He rarely showed it around people, but when he did, oh it was magic. The slight dimple in his cheek revealed his boyish nature.
But they always drifted from one another.
The timing never right. One was in a relationship. The other fresh out of one. Both single, but not ready to mingle. Or they would mingle, but with the wrong people. It was like this for years.
Until this.
It was snowing.
Her car was covered in the hardening white powder. She stared, hopeless. How could she get to work in this condition? A light flurry of snow falls from the sky, wetting her hood.
She sighs, holding a hand out.
A snowflake lands on her hand, almost immediately melting against her warm palm. A smile tilts her lips, her tardiness to the office momentarily taking a back seat.
He watches her, his unprotected hair catching snowflakes.
He had come here to break up with his girlfriend, who’s name he’d already forgotten. He didn’t know she had lived so close to her. Annalise. The one woman he could never have.
At her surprised appearance, he’d dropped his keys.
With his gaze still on her, he crouched down, fumbling in the cold snow for his car keys. But after stubbing his finger, he risks a glance down, swiping them up.
Read the entire love story
*phone call *
Boy: Hey, hun!
Girl: Hey.
Boy: I missed you at school today. Why weren’t you there?
Girl: Yeah, I had to go to the doctor.
Boy: Oh really? Why?
Girl: Oh, nothing. Just some annual shots, that’s all.
Boy: Oh.
Girl: So what did you guys do in Math today?
Boy: You didn’t miss anything that great, just a lot of notes.
Girl: Okay, good.
Boy: Yeah.
Girl: Hey, I have a question to ask.
Boy: Okay, ask away.
Girl: How much do you love me?
Boy: You know I love you more than anything in this world.
Girl: Yeah.
Boy: Why did you ask?
Girl: *silence*
Boy: Is something wrong?
Girl: No. Nothing at all. Um. How much do you care about me?
Boy: I would give you the world in a heartbeat if I could.
Read the full story
Some people like to say “everything happens for a reason.”
But I think that’s bullshit.
Was there a reason the love of my life died in a car crash at 23?
I didn’t think so. I told you. Bullshit.
Eric and I were the type of couple that beat all the odds.
We made it through long distance. We made it through moving cities. We made it through the death of his mom. Through all the change, our love was one constant I could rely on.
Our routine used to go like this;
I’d wake up at 6:45 in our shitty little bed in our shitty little apartment in NYC.
He’d already be up, of course. He’s an early bird.
I used to hate mornings.
I could hardly drag myself out of bed to the smell of the breakfast he was making me.
Now I stumble out of bed right away. There’s no use trying to stay longer in a cold, empty bed, all by myself.
I’d go to work, be home around 5:00.
Eric didn’t get home until 6:00, so I’d make dinner.
Lasagna was his favorite. I always complained about how much work it was and didn’t make it enough.
If he was still here I’d make lasagna every night.
After dinner, we’d watch TV, or play video games, or read our books. Always in the same room.
Sometimes we wouldn’t do anything, just sit and talk for hours. Eric was always great to talk to.
Read the entire story
This is the story that changed my life. The best way to explain it is from the begining.
I was 15. I had an anxiety attack. I was growing up and was home schooled due to some previous issues with traditional schools. My mom and my late uncle (I miss you, uncle Bob) took me to the hospital. I remember ripping my ID bracelet off more than a couple times because I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t know it at the time but I needed help. This is the story of the rest of my life.
I spent 11 days in a children’s mental ward named P78. I met quite a few friends there and during my home schooling that helped shape my story. Little did they know at the time how much they would affect me.
I need to backtrack a little bit for this to make sense. The friends I met during home school would always talk to me about this girl they knew that nicknamed “dictionary” because she was so smart. They always tried to get us to meet but it never worked out. We were both a bit annoyed at their attempts so eventually they tried to trick us into meeting. I was brought to her house a few times but she was “never home”. In reality she was antisocial and just didn’t want to meet with people. They called her on the phone and had me speak with her a few times. Again, we were a bit annoyed at their attempts. Shortly after this is when I was admitted to the hospital.
A doctor at the ward recommended a school, Eleanor Gerson high school. It’s a school for troubled teens. It’s for kids who have mental issues that may give them trouble in normal schools. My first year went off normally. I made friends, got good grades, and was generally happy. In my second year I met her.
Flash forward to Freshman orientation of what ended up as my junior year. We were going through meeting the new kids with everyone introducing themselves and giving a bit of history of who they are. I saw her there. She had long black hair and was dressed in what at the time was the latest gear from Hot Topic. My buddy (who will not be named just like most others in this story won’t be) recognized her. He had me mention a mutual friend of him and the girl to help break the ice.
A couple days later on the bus ride home from school, I asked her what she thought of her first few days. I got a cold response along the lines of “I just got here, how can I have an opinion?” She tried to push me away but it was too late, I was already smitten. A couple months later she came with me to get myself a new pair of glasses. I was feeling bold and told her flat out “you’re my girlfriend now”.
Over the next couple of years we had a few ups and downs but stayed together for the most part. That is until she wrote me a letter. Her own past and insecurities were getting in the way of us being a “normal” couple. She needed to break it off to clear her mind.
I was devistated, but I had to move on. I was taking college prep classes and eventually had enough credits to only be coming to school a couple days a week. We saw each other less and less.
Read the rest of this story
A pinch of cinnamon
“It looks delicious baby”
I turned around to see my husband behind me
“What are you making today?”
I smiled and pointed to the recipe on the counter
“Cinnamon bread? You spoil me”
I smiled again, and he placed a kiss on my bare shoulder
“How much longer do you have on these?”
I glanced at the clock, doing the math in my head
I held up 10 fingers
“Alright, I suppose I can wait”
I cocked my head at him, raising an eyebrow
“No, no, I’ll wait till you’re done. Finish your bread.”
I shook my head at him fondly, pouring the batter into the tin
I looked back at him
“You’re pretty”
I rolled my eyes, sprinkling the crumb topping over the batter
As soon as I placed the tin in the oven, I felt his arms wrapping around me
Read the entire romantic story
The clock had long ago struck twelve, and Captain Damien Rathbourne, Earl of Coulter, had developed a ferocious itch in his left leg. As that leg had been amputated over a year ago, he had no choice but to suffer in discomfort. The itch, of course, was the least of his pains. Tonight, the small things festered: women fastidiously avoided his eyes; conversations politely fixed on the weather rather than his health.
Half-foxed and wholeheartedly tired, he longed to leave. And yet at this late hour, guests still arrived. The latest announcement — Countess Something-or-Other — was a disaster. Her orange hair was twisted into a careless bun from which strands were already escaping. Her gown was outmoded, and her figure leaned towards chubby. As she walked down the stairs into the ballroom, she slipped on a step, and crashed into a gentleman. A ghastly silence swept the ball; a woman tittered.
“Unbelievable,” Damien muttered to himself.
Lord Darby, who stood near him, cast him a shocked look. “Countess Fraser? She’s a goddess.”
Damien’s gaze flicked back to the Countess. She had picked herself off the floor and appeared to be apologizing, her hands gesturing animatedly. She didn’t seem to be a beauty. “If you think so, you shouldn’t have much competition for her.”
“Are you mad? Countess Fraser could have her pick of any man.”
“She’s an Incomparable?” Damien was dubious.
““Course not,” Darby remonstrated. “I can compare her to loads of girls. She just comes out on top, is all.”
“She’s an Original, then.”
Darby waved his hand in denial. “No. Originals are all alike — snooty girls who think that wit and insult are synonymous. ”
“Penniless, if rumor holds true.”
“Before she married the now-departed Count Fraser, her people were nobodies.”
“Connected to the grand dames of London society?”
“So far as I can see, the women all hate her.”
“She’s a goddess?” Damien frowned dubiously.
“A goddess.” Darby affirmed. “Not Aphrodite, of course. But a goddess of little things gone right. You can’t understand unless you meet her.”
Damien shifted his weight from one crutch to the other. After Vitoria, it was as if his human interactions had been amputated along with his leg. His cohort stopped speaking to him of sport and war, and gradually withdrew from him altogether. Damien was suddenly furious with the purported goddess. He had everything but his leg, and yet could find no one. This mysterious woman had nothing and yet charmed everyone. He suddenly wanted to prove that she was like every other girl at the ball. She would be wretched. Conniving. And above all, she would be unable to meet his eyes.
“Well,” he said, striving to hide his anger. “Why don’t you introduce me then?”
Damien felt every eye in the ballroom carefully choose to look in another direction as he crutched his way across the ballroom. He could move at a reasonable clip; Darby barely had to slow his pace. The little things, however, irritated. Young maidens magically waved to friends across the room as they registered his direction; they dashed away lest he should corner them. Men fixed their gaze on some far away point. Damien gritted his teeth and clumped along.
Read the full love story
Her hair swayed in the breeze, tickling the back of her neck
She was lounging in the hammock, under the tall beach tree
I could only see her back from where I was standing, but by the curvature of her neck I guessed she was reading
It had been 175 days since I’d last seen my wife
And now I was frozen, unable to move
She looked so peaceful, so beautiful
So soft and distinctly different from the active war zone I’d just left
And she didn’t know I was home
I spent most of my evenings in the hammock, enjoying the late August sun
Today I was reading, but sometimes I’d knit, or draw, or just watch the birds
I was trying to take my mind off the fact that it was my second wedding anniversary today, and I had no wife to spend it with
But all of a sudden I head a sound behind me, and turned my head
“Jasmine!” I cried, all but falling out of the hammock
She gave me the biggest grin I’d ever seen as she ran to steady me
I threw my arms around her, burying my face in her neck
And I started to sob with relief
Read the entire romance story
The voices and footsteps from the stage echoed back into the wings, and the familiar nervous exhilaration prickled across Lainie’s skin, raising goosebumps on her bare forearms and rousing butterflies beneath the tight lacing of her gown. She had thoroughly enjoyed her television work this past year, but she’d missed the visceral, bone-deep thrill of theatre. There was nothing quite like performing live.
She inserted the tip of her little finger beneath a ribbon and pulled hard. The Jacobean corsetry, however, she could do without. Her 1920s costumes for Knightsbridge might be hellishly unflattering on anyone with hips, but they didn’t squeeze her internal organs.
A burst of laughter from the audience eased a fraction of the tension from her neck and back. When the crowd was having a good time, and was generous in showing it, the energy was infectious.
It was still surreal that she was standing here, surrounded by so much history that the walls seemed to resonate with words and nerves and ghosts.
She wasn’t kidding herself. She’d been offered this festival role so the public could pay to watch her publicly insult and snog her husband, not because the director had watched her jiggling through the Charleston on telly and been struck with the vision of his ideal Beatrice, but whatever. She hadn’t been about to turn down the most famous theatre in London. And Much Ado About Nothing was one of her favourite plays, so it checked off two career goals in one contract.
Although it might have been better if the production team had picked one of Shakespeare’s bloody, violent tragedies for the gala run. Pressing her palm against the wooden beam next to her, Lainie leaned her cheek against her hand and listened to the faint strains of the deep cadence of Richard’s voice. The butterfly wings beat harder.
He really was a brilliant actor.
Inspiring to every other performer on the stage.
Read the full piece
They said that first kisses are special…
And they are for that certain special person
Yes… it is… but I lost it to someone…
To someone… who is not to “special” to me
I lost it to that certain bad boy…
To a boy named Jake… but he prefered to be called as Jax
He was an egotistic, conceited playboy slash bad boy
And if you’re asking on how I lost it?
His friend playfully pushed him to me…
And after a split second… our lips touched.
They said that when you have had experienced your first kiss
You’ll feel the butterflies fluttering, the sparks flashing. But I felt nothing… as if it wasn’t anything special….
Read the full very short love story
— — —
I read too many romance stories to count as it is my favorite genre. If you enjoyed these, I’d recommend checking out these links: Commaful and Reddit.
HAT. Funny Stories №26731
The story of my friend Marat, who is already thirty years old, moved from his Tatar village to Moscow. Further on his behalf:
... About a year and a half ago, I came for a couple of days to my father in the village.
On the very first evening he showed off and took out his most, most, most favorite knife.
(Ah, I must say that Marat is an avid knife lover, he has eighty pieces in his collection, no less. Well, a person loves this business)
…At first I dreamed about it for a long time, then I made up my mind and started saving money. I saved up for a long time, saved up, waited for discounts and finally ordered a friend who was flying to the States. For someone, it may be nothing special, a knife is like a knife, well, beautiful, well, the steel is good, it clicks nicely, nothing more, but it warms my soul. I confess that the first days I even put it under my pillow in order to get it out at night in the dark and “click” a couple of times. You can not understand. Yes, I'm a maniac, I realize and I'm not proud of it.
Well, so, it was necessary to cut some string. Father fussed, began to look for scissors, and then I pulled HIM out of wide trousers.
Dad stretched out his hand, asked to see, put on his glasses, scratched the blade with his finger, said “Wow, what a handsome man” and added, “Maratik, son, maybe you can give dad a knife. BUT? I have never even seen such people, and you can still buy them in Moscow.”
Here I thought hard – it was a serious choice, just not a choice, but a blow in the stomach. On the one hand, my father is already seventy-eight, his mother is buried, he lives here alone, he is bored.
Well, what joys does he have in life, and how long does he have left...? If I refuse, I will never forgive myself later.
On the other hand, I couldn't say the price of the knife either, otherwise he would have gone crazy if he knew that his son bought himself a folding knife for one hundred and ten thousand rubles. After all, I saved up for it for a whole year, denied myself in many ways.
But, there was nothing to do and I, almost without a trembling hand, handed my dad a knife and lied that I didn’t feel sorry at all, I would buy more.
A year and a half has passed since then, and now, recently, I finally got out to visit the old man, and at the same time to see "my" knife.
I arrived late in the evening, I didn’t even have time to wash my hands from the road, I hugged my father and asked - “How is your American knife doing?”
My father winked slyly and silently sat me down by my mother's trellis, told me to close my eyes and put something on my head. I open my eyes - I see myself in the mirror in some kind of stupid fawn hat.
Here, he says, wear it, Maratik, to your health:
- Do you like it? And with the size, like, guessed. The dressing is excellent, enough for a lifetime.
- Like (I lied)
- Well, that's good, you'll be the most fashionable one in Moscow and your head won't freeze. And how well it all worked out. Can you imagine, a month ago I was sitting at home, turning a wedge for an ax with your knife, then one man from an old job looked in. Word for word, I saw a knife and caught fire right away - sell it, sell it, at first I refused, it’s still your gift, but this fool says - “Sell, I’ll give you four thousand ladies for it” Imagine, for some kind of knife, that kind of money? Well, I did not yawn, and of course I sold it. Then I added a little bit from my pension and at the market I bargained for you this hat for seven. Wear it to your health and remember your father.
The teapot in the kitchen whistled for dad to come to him, and I sat in a mothballs hat and watched in the mirror, how to distill, tears rolling down my cheeks. And you won't say anything. Why kill the old man?
Father came back from the kitchen and placed an oblong velvet bag in front of me.
I opened... my knife was in it.
Dad neighed and said:
- What, Maratka, did you crap yourself? I joked, I joked. After all, I immediately realized how much it costs, I'm not a fool at all. Here, I sewed the bag so that the handle would not be scratched. Take it back, I've already played enough. And wear a hat, a good, warm hat.
I love Batin’s plain Tatar humor…
Four love stories, or How unpredictable life can be
Four love stories, or How unpredictable life can be 90
Four love stories, or How unpredictable life can be - RIA Novosti, 03.03.2020
Four love stories, or How unpredictable life can be . There are no identical love stories, despite the fact that ... RIA Novosti, 02/14/2018
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social navigator, Russia
Social navigator, Russia
While some people only dream of finding their soul mate, someone has already found it. There are no identical love stories, despite the fact that there are similar plots. Someone was lucky to meet the same one at school, and right away on the solemn line, someone learned the name of their future husband long before they were married, and someone realized that true love knows no time and distance and say " I agree it's never too late.
For Valentine's Day, "Social Navigator" has collected four incredible love stories that will help you believe in a miracle.
Together from school, or Copper rings
Elena and Konstantin met when they were only seven years old. They ended up in class 1 "B" by a lucky chance - they forgot about Lena and several girls during the distribution, and then the class teacher took the students to her place.
© RIA Novosti / Sherstennikov The school gave the characters of this story not only knowledge, but also love
© RIA Novosti / Sherstennikov
Several school years passed, and Kostya nevertheless gathered his courage and handed over to his beloved an encrypted note in which he confessed his feelings. Then they were 12 years old.
From the 6th grade, they began to spend time together - they went for walks and went to the cinema, and in the 8th grade they sat down at the same desk. Elena recalls that none of her classmates bullied or teased the young couple, everyone treated their relationship very reverently and carefully, even the teachers.
Grade 7 played an important role in their future family life - then 13-year-old teenagers decided that they would definitely get married, and Kostya even made wedding rings from copper nuts. Of course, it was impossible to wear them, but Elena still remembers this gift with special warmth.
As often happens, the last call could separate the lovers, because Lena entered the university, which was located in another city, but the distance only strengthened the already strong feelings. Despite the fact that the young people were separated by four hours on the bus, they met once every two weeks - either she went to him, or he went to her.
February 2, 2018, 04:33 PM
Gender relations. What will the family and school teach?
But the test of the strength of feelings did not end there - in 1987 Konstantin was drafted into the army. Ahead were two years apart, the lovers were already separated by 10 hours on the train. But even this could not weaken the love between them. During the entire time of her service, Elena came to her young man eight times.
Konstantin was demobilized in 1989, and now the lovers did not part anymore - they got married on February 15 of the next year. Elena says that if they had known about Valentine's Day then, they would have gotten married a little earlier, but this does not upset her at all, because tomorrow they will celebrate the 28th anniversary of their marriage, and in September their daughter will turn 28 years old.
Love stories are always a miracle, but some are based on real mystical events, when a fortuneteller or a gypsy sees the name of the future groom in coffee grounds or on Tarot cards, a meeting with whom will take place in a few years.
The fortune-teller turned out to be right, or there is only one surname, and there are many applicants
Masha was 12 years old when a gypsy came to their village in the Penza region and began to guess. Village girls brought her some bread, some milk, and held out their palms. Of course, first of all, everyone was interested in the name of the groom. “Your last name will be Penkina, remember. And your husband will be called Nikolai,” said the gypsy to Masha.
The girl confidently objected that neither in their village, nor in the neighboring one, there are people with such a surname, so the gypsy should read the data from her palm more carefully. Then she said that she would live in Ryazan. "There is no such city. Maybe Kazan?" - Masha was not all right with geography. The gypsy took a closer look and cut her off: no, it’s Ryazan after all, and don’t argue with a medium.
February 13, 2018, 6:30 pm
"I'll prove that I love you!": the brightest actions for love
So this story began at 1949 year. Then Masha's mother died, and her stepmother hinted that she already had two hungry mouths and that she and her brother and sister needed to look for a new home. And it was not so easy to leave the village at that time. Having received a passport, Masha wrote an application to the Penza Library College and entered. She took her younger brother and sister, some money and left, but not to Penza, but to Moscow. For a year she worked as a tracker on the railway and moved to Ryazan.
The family settled in the dormitory of the ceramic factory, slept on the same bed, across, with their feet on stools. In that hostel, Masha met a man whose name was Anatoly Penkin.
"The gypsy made a little mistake. Anatoly, Nikolay - the difference is small," the girl thought.
Anatoly began hitting on her, and great love could have grown out of this, if not for a stupid case. Anatoly was going to an important event and asked for neighborly help, to iron his trousers, since he himself did not know how. Masha didn’t know how, either, but she happily agreed. “I then stroked such shooters for him that I had to buy new trousers,” she recalled. Anatoly in new trousers soon married a neighbor. And Masha moved to the dormitory of a brick factory.
© From the personal archive Having met several Penkins, Maria nevertheless found her Nikolai
© From the personal archive
In order for the guardianship authorities not to take the children to the orphanage, Masha wrote a letter to Kliment Voroshilov and even got to see him. Nothing could stop this woman. Gradually, the problems with the placement of children were resolved, it remains to build your family happiness. In the new hostel there was again a man named Penkin, only his name was Victor. It turned out that he had eight brothers, among whom, of course, was Nikolai.
At that time, he had just returned from the army to his native Lipetsk village. The young man did not know anything about the gypsy woman's prediction, so he did not look for love and was going to get a job on a collective farm. A hard-working guy with golden hands had a great future, even at the wheel of a bulldozer, even as an educated agronomist. But fate brought him to his brother in a hostel in Ryazan. There he noticed the girl Mary.
In the spring of 1956, the entire dormitory went out for Saturday work. The work was distributed according to the availability of tools. If you have a shovel, you will dig; if you have brushes, you will paint. Masha had a crowbar.
"Why did I pay attention to her? It was painfully good at breaking the ice, the crowbar flew like that! And she was joking and laughing all the time. I then thought that I had to be a fool to miss such a woman," Nikolai tells his grandchildren.
Last year, surrounded by a large family, they celebrated the 60th anniversary of their life together. Masha put on a veil that her great-granddaughter made from tulle, and Nikolai put on a jacket with a tie.
© From the personal archive Maria and Nikolai, September 3, 1957
© From the personal archive
Many people say that it is impossible to forget the first love. In everyone's heart there is a special place for joyful, warm and even sad memories. It happens that only after a while you realize that true love has always been there, and feelings have not yet subsided.
Because you have Alyoshka, or And then the bell rang
The story of Natalia and Alexei began more than twenty years ago. Young and inexperienced schoolchildren did not think about relationships at all then.
February 13, 2018, 03:48 PM
In Moscow, more than 320 couples will get married on Valentine's Day
Spring came, the warm sun appeared on the street, and Natasha and her friend decided to go for a walk. That day they met three guys. Vitaly, the most mature, brave and arrogant, immediately began to actively care for the main character, although at that time she did not even think about relationships. Sasha was carried away by her friend, and the modest and not very sociable Lesha was left alone. Natasha did not tell anyone that even then she liked Alexei.
Time passed, and the modest, silent Lyosha nevertheless confessed to the girl his feelings, which turned out to be mutual. The young people were in love, happy, and did not even think of leaving until Natalya got ready for Moscow. It was too early for the heroes to think about living together, so they decided to leave.
After the move, the girl's life changed. The rhythm of the big city captivated Natalya, she made new friends, began to go out more often, met a guy.
Young people have been together for a long time, and it seemed to her that here she is - real, adult love. But subconsciously, the girl every time compared her young man with Lesha, she never forgot about him.
Mutual friends said that everything was not going well with Alexei in his personal life, that he always spoke about Natalya, although she continued to believe that youthful love was in the past, that it was all just an illusion.
© RIA Novosti / Vladimir Sergeev The lovers thought about each other even when apart . And then fate knocked on her door, or rather, called on the phone.
February 14, 2018, 10:00 am
Kind, unusual, eternal. Three love stories that make you want to live after
Sitting on suitcases, waiting to return to her small homeland, Natalya heard a phone call - it was Alex. He got her number from mutual friends. They talked all evening, as in the old days, when everything was just beginning, and it immediately became clear to them that their destiny was to be together.
The lovers got married in a few months, and soon they will have a long-awaited child. The first daughter of Natalia treats Alexei as an older friend.
It happens that halves know each other all their lives, but for some reason it seems that this is only friendship, but one fine day you realize that he is the only one.
Quest in the dark, or Parents got married
Maxim was two years old when he went with his parents to the sea. Everyone was having a great time until the boy got a stomach ache. And so much so that the family had to interrupt the vacation and urgently return home. Someone advised taking the child to the hospital to see a doctor he knew. There, he was quickly diagnosed and operated on, which literally saved the boy from death - then his appendicitis burst.
The surgery was successful, so Maxim's dad decided to meet the doctor. It turned out that the doctor also has children - one-year-old Dasha and her two-year-old sister. The joke suggested itself: "Let's marry them?".
© From the personal archive Then no one thought that after a comic proposal their children would get married
© From the personal archive
Families began to become friends: they rested together and went to each other on holidays, but a real friendship between Dasha and Maxim began, when they were six or seven years old.
Years passed, the young man got another girlfriend, both families warmly accepted her and already married the couple in their heads, and Dasha began to fly abroad often.
Returning from another trip, the heroine of this story and her friends decided to go on a quest, and she invited Maxim there as well. Then he told that he had parted with his passion. It was decided to reconcile them, but Maxim was categorically against it.
After this incident, childhood friends began to see each other more often: almost every day they went to the cinema, cafes and again gathered for another quest - scary, in complete darkness, which Dasha was always afraid of. Everyone was supposed to split up in pairs, and the girl instinctively grabbed Maxim's hand. There, in the darkness, the starting point of their nascent relationship appeared.
Then followed the New Year, which the lovers spent first with their parents, and then with friends. Everything between them was very innocent and even childish - they just held hands.
February 14, 2018, 07:00
For Valentine's Day. "For the sake of love, even Napoleon will oversleep..." Napoleon's "Hundred Days" did not begin at all with his decision to return to the throne. And with the love of a British colonel and an Italian countess. And, of course, Saint Valentine is to blame for everything.
A few days later, at 2 am, Dasha's phone rang — Maxim asked her to come downstairs. Half asleep, she thought it was a joke, but then she went down anyway and saw him on the threshold of the house with her favorite scarlet roses in her hands. The guy kissed her on the cheek and just left.
Dasha didn't want to change her life then, didn't want to give up trips abroad, she was afraid of the unknown. Therefore, when in February, friends suggested that Maxim go to Sochi to snowboard, the girl persuaded Maxim to go out with friends. In addition, his ex went to the company, and everyone suggested that there they could get back together.