Define print awareness
Print Awareness: An Introduction | Reading Rockets
Children with print awareness can begin to understand that written language is related to oral language. They see that, like spoken language, printed language carries messages and is a source of both enjoyment and information. Children who lack print awareness are unlikely to become successful readers. Indeed, children's performance on print awareness tasks is a very reliable predictor of their future reading achievement.
Most children become aware of print long before they enter school. They see print all around them, on signs and billboards, in alphabet books and storybooks, and in labels, magazines, and newspapers. Seeing print and observing adults' reactions to print helps children recognize its various forms.
The ability to understand how print works does not emerge magically and unaided. This understanding comes about through the active intervention of adults and other children who point out letters, words, and other features of the print that surrounds children. It is when children are read to regularly, when they play with letters and engage in word games, and later, when they receive formal reading instruction, that they begin to understand how the system of print functions; that is, print on a page is read from left to right and from top to bottom; that sentences start with capital letters and end with periods, and much, much more.
As they participate in interactive reading with adults, children also learn about books author's and illustrators names, titles, tables of content, page numbers, and so forth. They also learn about book handling how to turn pages, how to find the top and bottom on a page, how to identify the front and back cover of a book, and so forth. As part of this learning, they begin to develop the very important concept "word" that meaning is conveyed through words; that printed words are separated by spaces; and that some words in print look longer (because they have more letters) than other words.
Books with predictable and patterned text can play a significant role in helping children develop and expand print awareness.
Typically these books are not decodable that is, they are not based on the sound-letter relationships, spelling patterns, and irregular/high frequency words that have been taught, as in decodable texts. Rather, predictable and patterned books, as the names implies, are composed of repetitive or predictable text, for example:
Two cats play on the grass.
Two cats play together in the sunlight.
Two cats play with a ball.
Two cats play with a toy train.
Two cats too tired to play.
Most often, the illustrations in such books are tied closely to the text, in that the illustrations represent the content words that change from page to page.
As they hear and participate in the reading of the simple stories found in predictable and patterned books, children become familiar with how print looks on a page. They develop book awareness and book-handling skills, and begin to become aware of print features such as capital letters, punctuation marks, word boundaries, and differences in word lengths.
Awareness of print concepts provides the backdrop against which reading and writing are best learned.
Concepts of Print Assessment | Reading Rockets
By: Reading Rockets
An informal assessment of the concepts of print, including what the assessment measures, when is should be assessed, examples of questions, and the age or grade at which the assessment should be mastered.
All assessments should be given one-on-one.
What it measures
If a student understands:
- That print has meaning
- That print can be used for different purposes
- The relationship between print and speech
- There is a difference between letters and words
- That words are separated by spaces
- There is a difference between words and sentences
- That there are (punctuation) marks that signal the end of a sentence
- That books have parts such as a front and back cover, title page, and spine
- That stories have a beginning, middle, and end
- That text is read from left to right and from top to bottom
When should it be assessed?
Assess concepts of print twice during kindergarten, at the start of school and at mid-year. In addition, as you model story reading techniques to help guide instruction, identify students who need additional support, and determine if the pace of instruction should be increased, decreased, or remain the same.
Examples of assessment questions
Give the student a book and ask the following questions:
- Can you show me:
- a letter?
- a word?
- a sentence?
- the end of a sentence (punctuation mark)?
- the front of the book?
- the back of the book?
- where I should start reading the story?
- a space?
- how I should hold the book?
- the title of the book?
- how many words are in this sentence?
Age or grade typically mastered
Some students enter kindergarten with an understanding of print concepts, but other will master it as the school year goes on.
See also this concepts of print assessment from Michigan's Mission: Literacy.
Reading Rockets (2004)
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ASSESSMENT OF CONSUMER AWARENESS ABOUT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY Text of a scientific article on the specialty "Mass Media (media) and mass communications"
UDK 33
Churkina PS.
5th year student
Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
Abstract: the article discusses the methods of marketing research aimed at assessing the awareness of consumers about the company's activities.
Key words: customer awareness, consumer, company.
Awareness can be assessed as recognition evoked by a brand name or spontaneous awareness evoked by any definition of a product's scope, and refined by gathering information about the first brand name mentioned. The level of brand awareness reflects the ability of the target audience to distinguish the products of the brand at the time of purchase. According to the general definition, brand awareness is the degree of awareness of potential consumers about a brand (trademark, product or other promotional item).
The choice of a specific method of awareness research is largely determined by the goals of the research and the tasks that are solved at individual stages of its implementation.
One of the most popular tools is a telephone survey: a question is asked whether or not the respondent knows about the existence of a given product. The percentage of positive responses is considered as a measure of awareness. More in-depth questions may also be asked, such as: “Name one of the advertised brands in the product group under study,
for example washing powders. The goods most often named first are the most famous.
In addition to such advantages as efficiency, wide coverage of the audience, control of interviewers, there are also significant disadvantages that raise doubts about the universality of the method: dependence on the quality of communication, the difficulty of listening to questions by respondents and the lack of visual contact, which will not allow collecting data on logo recognition and other visual attributes of the brand.
In her work, NG Kamenova notes the Gallup-Robinson and Starch methods, which are often used to assess the recognition and memorability of advertising messages, which, of course, affects the awareness of the organization.
The Gallup-Robinson method is used to assess the memorability of advertising "on fresh tracks", i.e. immediately after contact with advertising. The essence of the method is that a few days after the promotional event, 200 persons selected from the target audience are presented with a list of trademarks. Each of them must answer the question whether he remembers that he saw in a certain publication (or other channel of mass communication) an advertisement for the brand that is being tested.
Starch's method is as follows: each researched representative of the target audience, in the presence of the interviewer, views the publication and notes the advertisements that he has seen before. At the same time, three groups of respondents are distinguished: 1) those who have only seen the advertisement; 2) partially read it and installed the advertiser; 3) read almost all of the content of the advertisement.
The Starch method makes it possible to assess the evoked memory to which the respondent is led during testing. The disadvantage of the method can be considered such a phenomenon when the respondent "remembers" advertising, which he had not previously encountered.
In addition, one should turn to Western sources, where marketing as a science has been studied and developed much longer.
Marketer Mark Jeffery in his book Data Driven Marketing. 15 metrics everyone should know" ranks the awareness metric as one of the most valuable.
In his paper, the author gives an illustrative example:
The British affiliate of the advertising research agency Ipsos ASI conducted a series of weekly surveys of 120 members of the target group to track the level of brand awareness and product features. Participants were asked the following questions:
• “Think of all the times you have seen, heard or read about electric shavers (including advertising, sponsorships and other promotions). Have you heard/seen/read anything about the following brands of electric shavers lately?
• “Have you seen (read, heard, etc. ) [a certain TV commercial, print ad, etc.]?”
To assess recognition with a hint, participants were shown various promotional materials and asked: “Which brand is this advertisement about?”. And to understand how the level of awareness about a particular product has changed, they asked the question: “Earlier you said that you know about Philips electric shavers. Which of the following models have you heard of?
From the method described by Mark Jeffery, a number of conclusions can be drawn: firstly, the questions asked of the respondents were in the format of menu questions, where trademarks were presented. This allowed respondents not only to mention the brand that came to mind first, but also to give them the opportunity to recall other brands. Researchers call this method of evaluating knowledge of a product "knowledge with a hint."
Second, the final question was asked to reveal the intent to make a purchase. This means that the questionnaire aimed at
brand awareness, may include a question to identify willingness to buy. However, this is determined primarily by the objectives of the study and the work program.
To determine the level of awareness it is necessary to have a rating scale. In research practice, it is customary to evaluate three indicators of awareness: brand awareness with a hint, without a hint, and Top-of-Mind. These concepts differ in strength and degree of influence on consumer choice. The first type of assessment helps to assess brand awareness, and the next two - the ease of remembering it.
"Knowledge with a hint" - the level of awareness at which the consumer can remember the trademark only by direct contact with the brand elements: logo, name, image. This level is rated as the weakest.
"Unprompted knowledge" is "pure knowledge" of the product and means that the consumer can recall the company's brand without additional information. With this method of evaluation, only the product category of the brand is indicated. The mention of a trademark means that recognition is at a high level and the trademark is firmly entrenched in the mind of the consumer.
"Top of mind" is rated as the ideal result of brand recognition in the market. Top-of-mind brands are firmly anchored in the consumer's mind and are inextricably linked to the product category or market in which they are sold. The consumer tends to purchase these brands in the first place. Top of mind products are usually market leaders and are included in the mandatory set of brands (consideration set), from which the consumer is ready to choose.
Awareness as a marketing indicator has a lot of weight, since it determines the consumer's recall of the product in the first place, which undoubtedly affects the consumer at the evaluation stage. Therefore, in the study it is necessary to find out the recognition of all components 9, knowledge without prompting, knowledge with prompting. In addition, it is necessary to establish the relationship of the already established recognition with the elements of marketing that have had an impact in order to find out the effectiveness of the marketing decisions made and to detect shortcomings.
Volovskaya NM, Ageeva NS Consumer loyalty: results of marketing research // Economics and business: theory and practice. 2019. No. 10-1.
Jeffrey M. Data driven marketing. 15 key indicators that every M. should know: "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2013. - 284 p. Golubkov E.P. Marketing research: theory, methodology and practice. - M .: Publishing house "Finpress", 1998. - 416 p.
Kameneva, N. G. Marketing research: a textbook / N.G. Kameneva, V.A. Polyakov. - 2nd ed., add. - Moscow: University textbook: NIC Infra-M, 2012. - 368 p.
Grebennikov Viktor Fedorovich, Zakharov Nikolai Valerievich Evaluation of the relationship between indicators of awareness / involvement and market share // Vestnik NSU. Series: Social and economic sciences. 2015. №3.
Churkina P.S.
5th year student Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
Abstract: the article discusses the methods of marketing research aimed at assessing consumer awareness of the company's activities.
Keywords: customer awareness, consumer, company.
Effective Ways to Increase Brand Awareness
Brand Awareness describes the ability of potential buyers to recall or recognize a popular brand when choosing or directly purchasing a product. It also includes the ability of consumers to quickly and easily identify a brand by individual characteristics.
Consumer brand awareness has a direct impact on product sales, so significant attention should be paid to increasing brand awareness in a marketing campaign. The popularity of the brand depends on the competitiveness of products and the prospects for long-term growth of the brand.
How brand awareness works
Few consumers really know the quality of the products they buy. In fact, people are more likely to believe advertised features or reviews. Standing in front of the store counter, customers choose those brands that they have heard or read about somewhere. Most people prefer familiar brands.
3 advantage over lesser known products. The higher the popularity of a brand, the more likely it is that the buyer will remember exactly about it at the time of choosing goods from one category.
Types of brand awareness measures
Brand awareness can be measured within a specific segment or target market. It helps to build the right brand promotion strategy and choose communication channels.
Pre-assessment of awareness is always one of the first steps in brand promotion. There are three levels of awareness.
1. Awareness with prompts
This is the weakest level of consumer brand awareness . Buyers can remember the brand only through direct contact - by seeing the logo, packaging, hearing the name or slogan.
2. Knowledge without prompting
At this level of product awareness, consumers list the brand among other brands in a specific product category. This means that the brand is quite clearly imprinted in the memory of the consumer, and evokes a specific associative array.
3. Top of mind
This includes the first 3-4 brands that the customer remembers in a certain product category. Usually a person chooses just from these several brands. They have already firmly established themselves in the mind of a person and have even become common nouns. These include, for example, the popular brand Pampers - all diapers in a row are called "pampers". Similarly, all cocoa drinks are referred to as "Nesquik".
Being in Top of mind - the perfect indicator of brand popularity level . This means that the products of this brand are the absolute market leader and buyers not only recognize it, but can easily remember it.
Recommendations for assessing brand awareness
In order to find out how popular a particular brand is, it is necessary to conduct a survey . It is best to do this in a mall or supermarket. For example, to assess brand awareness in the coffee market, it is necessary to compile a list of all possible brands that are present in this segment. When assessing the level of awareness, one should first ask what brands of coffee the consumer knows. This will help to immediately identify Top of mind brands. After that, consumers can be given various prompts, allowing them to select those brands from the list that they have heard about.
First steps towards a popular brand
You can achieve high brand awareness and recall through advertising, participation in exhibitions, etc. Before proceeding with the direct promotion of the product, you need to go through several preparatory steps .
Step 1: Studying the target audience and market research
In the preparatory phase, you need to get to know your competitors and potential buyers well. The best way to do this will be a detailed analysis of the market, which is carried out by marketers. Research will reveal consumer preferences and the main criteria when choosing a product.
Step 2: Defining the goal
It is necessary to clearly understand the goals of the advertising campaign. For example, at the initial stage of brand formation there may be the following goals:
- Increase the number of loyal customers.
- Create a positive image of the company.
- Expand the target audience.
- Increase sales by the end of the year.
You need to set very specific goals (for example, “increase profit by 232%). Without their clear formulation, it is impossible to correctly describe the stages of an advertising campaign.
Step 3: Determining Evaluation Criteria
In order to evaluate the success of a brand awareness campaign implementation, a set of evaluation criteria must be compiled . These can be indicators such as the number of new customers, buyers who came for the second time, etc.
Ways to Increase Brand Awareness
Typically, building brand awareness consists of key steps:
A high level of brand awareness can be achieved in the following ways.
Promotion with merchandise
One of the most effective promotional methods is the use of merchandise. When the brand is part of the everyday life of the customer, they will easily recognize and even remember it. The company logo can be put on clothes, stationery, key chains and all sorts of other things that people use on a daily basis.
Using seasonal trends
As the seasons change, consumers change their preferences a little each time. For example, in summer they drink 3-4% less hot coffee, but they consume more ice cream. In winter, on the contrary, the demand for ice cream falls, but for hot cocoa it grows. These examples are successful for brands that represent the restaurant business, but manufacturers of ordinary goods and services cannot vary their production so much and constantly change something.
Simpler ways come to the aid of such brands - the use of a seasonal label, packaging redesign, product decoration and other relevant attributes of the season. This attracts the attention of buyers the most. They will easily recognize the brand next time and look forward to the release of " seasonal novelties ", even if only the wrapper changes.
The easiest way, but also effective. Here the company can choose from many modern ways of advertising of your brand or a specific product: from spectacular outdoor advertising to hidden advertising in social networks.
Participation in exhibitions or conferences
Best suited for brands that do not produce goods, but provide certain services. Unlike advertising, at the exhibition the company has the best opportunity to show its advantages to a specific target audience . To do this, you need to prepare an effective presentation and choose a good speaker.