Desk rhyming words
222 best rhymes for 'desk'
1 syllable
- Blessed
- Test
- Vest
- Stressed
- Best
- Dressed
- Chest
- Quest
- West
- Messed
- Rest
- Guest
- Breast
- Est
- Nest
- Pressed
- Pest
- Jest
- Esque
- Tend
- Friend
- Sent
- Spent
- Scared
- Spend
- Rent
- Vent
- Send
- Cared
- End
- Bent
- Went
- Bend
- Meant
- Crest
- Lest
- Fest
- Trend
- Shared
- Lend
- Stared
- Zest
- Kept
- Stepped
- Slept
- Left
- Blend
- C'est
- Denk
- Mend
- Checked
- Dealt
- Wrecked
- Help
- Melt
- Felt
- Belt
- Held
- Renk
- Yest
- Henk
- Wenk
- Schenk
- Dest
- Dent
- Meshed
- Fleshed
- Stretched
- Pent
- Tent
- Dared
- Theft
- Fend
- Lent
- Revved
- Swept
- Spared
- Squared
- Ent
- Kent
- Etched
2 syllables
- Suggest
- Obsessed
- Depressed
- Arrest
- Invest
- Contest
- Possessed
- Impressed
- Digest
- Request
- Grotesque
- Protest
- Conquest
- Burlesque
- Compared
- Prepared
- Pretend
- Boyfriend
- Weekend
- Present
- Content
- Defend
- Percent
- Girlfriend
- Oppressed
- Expressed
- Offend
- Undressed
- Repent
- Midwest
- Detest
- Addressed
- Suppressed
- Incest
- Ingest
- Confessed
- Compressed
- Molest
- Attest
- Prevent
- Except
- Accept
- Repressed
- Cement
- Distressed
- Progressed
- Southwest
- Unrest
- Infest
- Processed
- Northwest
- Caressed
- Comment
- Intent
- Finessed
- Depend
- Assessed
- Professed
- Headrest
- Respect
- Expect
- Effect
- Perfect
- Correct
- Connect
- Subject
- Collect
- Protect
- Digressed
- Celeste
- Behest
- Slugfest
- Unstressed
- Abreast
- Divest
- Congest
- Armrest
- Accessed
- Hardpressed
- Project
- Darnedest
- Recessed
- Inquest
- Bequest
- Transgressed
- Retest
- Reflect
- Event
- Concept
- Attend
- Refreshed
- Intend
- Accent
- Enmeshed
- Reject
- Ascend
- Neglect
- Torment
- Direct
- Descend
- Affect
- Extend
- Impaired
- Resent
- Invent
- Extent
- Inject
- Frequent
- Transcend
- Object
- Befriend
- Suspect
- Consent
- Descent
- Contend
- Declared
- Amend
3 syllables
- Manifest
- Kafkaesque
- President
- Represent
- Comprehend
- Unimpressed
- Budapest
- Reinvest
- Disrespect
- Repossessed
- Unaddressed
- Coalesced
- Bucharest
- Reassessed
- Dispossessed
- Palimpsest
- Recommend
- Compliment
- Intellect
- Unprepared
- Apprehend
- Reinvent
- Document
- Discontent
Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.
If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.
Rhyme Finder - Find Rhymes for the word DESK
Welcome to the Rhyme Finder! This rhyming dictionary allows users to explore rhymes for any given word. This includes rhymes based on syllables, near rhymes, and more.
How to use the rhyming dictionary
Enter your "starter" word in the FIND RHYMES input box, and click search. It's really that simple! We separate perfect rhymes (near the top) from the imperfect rhymes (toward the bottom). In your rhyming results, colors descend based on the best rhyme. Once the color changes, you will notice the results reset back into alphabetical order. Click on any of the results for the word's definition, part of speech, use in Scrabble, and more. Please note that many of our results are proper nound or slang. While we may not store definitions for all of these words, we can direct you to the Google results for that word.
Perfect Rhymes
Perfect rhymes are just what they sound like. No pun intended! Think of perfect rhymes as words which definitively rhyme. Words that most people would not question. Here are some examples:
- Cat and Hat
- Head and Red
- Egg and Beg
- Soap and Hope
- True and Blue
Imperfect Rhymes
Near rhymes, otherwise known as imperfect rhymes, are words that sound the same but are not perfect rhymes. Having trouble deciding if a word is a perfect or imperfect rhyme? Here are some examples:
- Cat and Bad
- Head and Mud
- Egg and Peck
- Soap and Chap
- True and Cure
Using Rhymes
Rhymes are most useful in creating lyrics, but they can also be used as a tool to memorize. It is a powerful mnemonic device. This is why song lyrics can be so easy to remember! It's also why rhymes are a great study tool for memorizing! Use this tool to help write poetry, win rhyme games, write a rap song, create lyrics, and expand your vocabulary!
Rhyming is very important in music because it creates a rhythm that further creates meaning, emotion, and feeling. It also creates an echo in the lyrics. With children, rhyming is a very important tool. Rhyming teaches children how language works, helps them understand the rhythm of language, and learn how to make predictions. In other words, rhymes teach children phrases to anticipate and rhymes enhance their memory. Within all contexts, rhyming is helpful in expanding your imagination no matter if you’re a child or an adult.
When creating lyrics, there are five types of rhymes to choose from.
- End rhymes: rhyming of the final word of a line
- Internal rhymes: rhyming of two words within the same line
- Slant rhymes: near rhymes
- Identical rhymes: use the same word at the end of each line
- Eye rhymes: look like they rhyme but sound different
Different Types of Rhymes
- Mascline rhymes: have a stressed syllable
- Feminine rhymes: have a stressless syllable.
Ready for a challenge? Try to come up with rhymes for these surprising words that just aren’t very rhymy. Check them with our dictionary! Examples of tough rhymes:
- Month
- Silver
- Bulb
- Wolf
- Husband
- Walrus
- Orange
Rhymes, poems and ... board games: janemouse — LiveJournal
Rhymes, poems and ... board games: janemouse — LiveJournal ?- Literature
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is called "tow".
Now we are actively playing it - both according to their rules and according to our own, too,
too bad cards are good.
The essence of the game is that 4 different pictures are drawn on each card,
you can put 6 or 9 cards side by side,
and then everyone looks at these cards at the same time - and look for words that rhyme.
I must say that not all children at 7-8 years old understand which words "rhyme" and which do not.
Some try to name just words that begin with one letter, or the same length.
Others are just trying to match meaningful pairs, such as "tomato-cucumber". nine0016
With these pictures, we immediately came up with other game options.
For example, they were asked to choose one of the words from each card - and explain its meaning.
It turns out like a children's "elias",
a game for explaining words.

Album: Presuskolm_okt15 |
. nine0016 who has found a pair, then takes these cards for himself,
and in their place we add new ones - from the deck.
My children also like to come up with new "cutters" with me,
such funny books to read and laugh at.
In fact, it's not so easy to come up with phrases in which the parts will fit together well,
and at the same time everything will be correct in terms of grammar,
and ridiculous nonsense will turn out.
Inventing funny nonsense is not as easy as it might seem at first glance))
Galya and I, when she was 5 years old, came up with such a game - "triple nonsense",
when you need to come up with phrases of three words or more,
and so that 2 conditions are met: all words in the phrase begin with one letter,
and This phrase is grammatically correct - and funny.
It turned out that not all adults can easily get involved in such games.
But Galya and I parted ways, then we came up with a phrase for almost every letter of the alphabet:
Watermelon attacks the astronomer
Swamp saves the drums
The bicycle hangs the forks
The striped stick frightens the pirate
The blue garden advises the steadfast soldier to hide the flute
The oak catches up with the drill
The bush bites the marten
Do you like to play with rhymes?
Invent funny nonsense?
Remember the game of nonsense from childhood?
Tags: cubirubi, board games, word games
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Board game "Merry Rhymes"
Participants of the exhibition - competition:
Khrabrova Olga Anatolyevna,
educator, the highest qualification category.
Moroko Natalya Yurievna.
Senior educator, first qualification category.
MBDOU "Kindergarten "Severyanochka"
YaNAO, Shuryshkarsky district Slides
Board game "Merry Rhymes"
Speech development game for senior preschool age (5-7 years old)
This manual can be used in the work of kindergarten teachers, speech therapists, as well as parents and children of preschool age.
- 50 cards (25 pairs of images that rhyme with each other)
- Chips
- Rules
The game was made with the active participation of children - sticking pictures on cards.
Tasks of the game (purpose): to teach children to hear rhyming pairs of words, to teach them to select other similar rhymes, to teach them to compose couplets based on a pair of rhyming words. Contribute to the development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory and verbal-logical thinking, as well as contribute to the replenishment and activation of vocabulary. nine0042
Rules and variants of the game
Variation 1
Preparation for the game
Shuffle the cards. Lay 10 cards face up on the table and place the rest of the cards face down in a pile.
Goal of the game
Collect as many cards as possible
Game progress
The order of the move is set by the rhyme.
On his turn, the player takes a card from the stack and from the pictures lying on the table picks up a rhyming pair to it, pronouncing the words aloud (T-shirt - bunny, biscuits - newspapers). nine0042
If the player finds a matching pair, then he takes these 2 cards for himself and continues his turn.
If among the cards lying on the table, the player could not find a rhyming pair for his image, he adds this card to those already lying on the table. After that, the turn moves clockwise to the next player in the game.
End of the game
When all the cards in the pile run out, the players follow the usual rules to find rhyming pairs among the cards on the table. As soon as none of the players can find any more pairs, the game ends. After that, the players count the number of cards earned. The player who has earned the most cards is declared the winner. nine0042
2nd option
Game preparation
Divide the cards into two piles of 25 cards so that the cards of one rhyming pair are in different piles. Shuffle each stack separately and place it face down. Choose a leader. The host takes one of the stacks for himself. Divide the cards from the remaining pile equally among all other players, remove the extra cards from the game. Players place their cards face up in front of them. nine0042
Goal of the game
Get rid of all your cards.
Game progress
The host takes the top card from his pile and shows it to all players, pronouncing the name of the image.
Players try to find among their cards the one whose image will be similar in sound to the image of the presenter, and pronounce its name. The found pair of cards is removed from the game. After that, the host takes a new card from his pile. If the players failed to find a pair, the card is removed. nine0042
Game over
As soon as there are no more cards left in front of one of the players, the game ends and that player is declared the winner.
Note: At the initiative of the players, the end of the game can be changed (for example, the game can continue until the host runs out of cards).
3rd option
Game preparation
Shuffle all the cards and stack them face down. The oldest player becomes the leader. nine0042
Goal of the game
Be the first to get 10 chips.
Game progress
The host takes the top card from the pile and shows it to the other players, pronouncing the name. Players offer their own variants of rhyming words. For each rhyming word, the player receives a chip - a victory point.
End of the game
The game ends when one of the players has got 10 chips, that player is declared the winner.
4th option
Preparing for the game
Choose 10 pairs of cards and put them, without mixing, in pairs in a pile. Shuffle the rest of the cards and put them in a separate pile. The oldest player becomes the leader.
Purpose of the game
Collect as many cards as possible.
Game progress
The host puts three cards on the table: two cards from a pile with rhyming pairs and one card from another pile. Players must find an extra card faster than others, voice words that rhyme with each other. The one who was able to find a pair faster than the rest takes these two cards for himself. After that, the host lays out three new cards on the table. nine0042
Game over
As soon as the cards in the paired deck run out, the game ends. The player with the most cards is declared the winner.
Burime 5 variant
Preparation for the game
Divide all the cards into rhyming pairs. Put the resulting pairs in a pile with the side with the image down, do not mix it. The oldest player becomes the leader.
Goal of the game
Be the first to earn 10 chips.
Game progress
The facilitator opens the first pair of cards and says the sentence so that the name of the image is at the end. For example, "Mom bought me T-shirt ".
The rest of the players must finish the suggested couplet faster than the rest, using the name of the image from the second card. The one who manages to do it first gets a token - a victory point.
End game
As soon as one player reaches 10 chips first, the game ends and that player is declared the winner.
Educational effect of the game: The game contributes to the replenishment and activation of vocabulary, the development of phonemic hearing, attention and verbal-logical thinking. It also contributes to the development of social and communication skills in preschoolers.
The game can be used both in directly organized educational activities and in educational activities during the day.