Dino bedtime story

The Magic Paintbrush | Short Kids Stories

Story Reads: 104,814

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Once upon a time, there was a handsome boy called Digby. He was four years old. He loved to look at dinosaurs in his dinosaur book, and imagine what it was like to draw a real dinosaur… from life!

One day, he was sitting in his bedroom with his paint and paintbrushes and a beautiful picture of a dinosaur. It was a Triceratops, which meant that it had three big horns coming from its forehead. Its face looked hungry, like it would like to eat a little boy, or perhaps just a big bowl of porridge.

Digby took his red paint and made the dinosaur the colour of a fire engine. He used green paint for the horns. Then, because it still looked hungry, he painted a big bowl of porridge right beside it.


He was admiring how well he had coloured in the dinosaur. There were hardly any spots at all where he had gone outside the lines. But then – what was this? He noticed a tiny little purple spot in the corner of his picture. Oh no! He must have gone outside the lines after all!

He didn’t stop to think that the little dot was purple, and he had only used red and green paints (which as we know, together don’t make purple at all!). He just put down his paintbrush, and with his little finger, rubbed the paper very gently, to see if the spot would come off.

OWWW! The page was spiky!

He pulled his finger back and saw a little sore on his pinky finger. There was even a bit of blood beside his fingernail. He thought he would definitely need to put a sticking plaster on it.

He sucked his finger until it felt better and looked again at the picture. Did he imagine it? Or had the dinosaur moved, just a tiny little bit?

He took his finger out, and this time more carefully, touched the picture again. Sure enough, the paper did not feel like paper when he touched it. Instead, it was rough and scaly, like a snake, or perhaps like a scab.


He ran his finger gently down where the dinosaurs spikes made a fence along his backbone. That part of the picture was pointy. What was going on? His dinosaur picture didn’t feel like a dinosaur picture any more!

Just then, as he was about to call his big brother Arthur, the dinosaur took one beady little eye and turned it towards Digby. He heard a tiny ROAR! like the sound of someone’s television on a different floor. Could it have been his dinosaur? He didn’t dare touch the mouth…

Then the dinosaur made another ROAR and there was no doubt about it this time. It was HIS dinosaur painting that had made that sound.

Suddenly, the bowl of porridge that he had made for his dinosaur disappeared. It seemed that the dinosaur had eaten it all up.


There was no doubt that Digby had painted himself a real live dinosaur. It never seemed to move, but it was hungry, Digby could tell. He could tell by the glistening little eye that seemed to look at him as he picked up his paintbrush once more.

If the dinosaur was hungry, then Digby was going to have to paint him some more food. But what would a dinosaur like to eat?

He though that some sweets might be yummy. He painted a lovely pink chocolate with a little heart on it, and some jelly snakes. He watched the dinosaur picture very carefully. Sure enough, very soon, the sweets and the chocolate that he had drawn beside the dinosaur just – disappeared. It was like he had never painted them at all.


Digby put his face very close to see if the pictures he’d painted had left any traces, like sometimes happens when you use an eraser to rub out your drawing that you did by mistake. But there was not a trace of the sweets and chocolate he had painted, or of the porridge. There was just one – slightly less hungry looking, and still very sharp, Triceratops.

Just at that moment, Digby’s big brother Arthur walked into the room.

“What are you doing?” said Arthur.

“I don’t know…” said Digby, trying to think of something that wasn’t true. He didn’t want to tell Arthur right at this moment that he had a real live painting of a dinosaur eating porridge and sweets.

Arthur leaned down and looked at the dinosaur.

“That’s a pretty good dinosaur Digby,” he said. “But I think you’ve done his head a little bit wrong.”

And before Digby could say anything at all, Arthur had picked up a paintbrush and, using orange paint, was starting to paint on the Triceratops’ head.

“NO!” yelled Digby. “Don’t do that!” But it was TOO LATE!

Arthur gave a scream as the end of his paintbrush was snapped right off by a set of angry Triceratops teeth.

“What happened to my paintbrush?” cried Arthur.

“The dinosaur is alive!” said Digby. “I painted him just now, and when I had finished painting him in, I think I spiked my finger on him! He’s really sharp! And he’s hungry. He’s already eaten one big bowl of porridge, a chocolate with a heart in the middle, and some jelly snakes.

“Wow!” said Arthur, his eyes gleaming. “I can’t believe you painted a real life Triceratops! How did you do that? Are you magic?”

“I don’t know!” said Digby. “I just used these paintbrushes here.”

Arthur snatched the paintbrushes away from his little brother and spread them all across the desk. They did make a mess. Every colour you could imagine was in their bristles. Then he grabbed a piece of paper and started to paint.


“What are you painting?” said Digby.

“I’m painting a tiger!” said Arthur. “See it? It’s got big orange ears, and black stripes like this.”

He painted the tiger and a very nice tiger it was too. It was standing up on two legs and had its paws out, like it was about to swat somebody.


He coloured it in carefully then stood back to look at his work. Sure enough, he’d done a fine job. He hadn’t gone outside the lines at all. All except a tiny purple dot in the corner of the tiger’s tail. Arthur frowned. He didn’t like going outside the lines.

“What’s this?” he said. He took his finger and very carefully, rubbed at the little purple spot. “OWWWWWWWWW!” he said. “It bit me!”

“The tiger bit you?”

“It bit me! Look! I’ve got a sore, right here. On my pinky finger.”

“It’s just the same as me,” said Digby. “My triceratops did exactly the same thing when I touched it. Perhaps the tiger doesn’t like you touching his tail. Why don’t you try to very carefully give him a pat?”

Arthur was a bit worried about this idea, because he already had a sore finger. But, very carefully, inch by inch, centimetre by centimetre, he put his finger towards the tiger picture. Very softly, he ran his finger down the tiger’s black and orange fur.

What do you think it felt like? It felt like the softest butterfly you’ve ever touched. It felt like a Mummy’s kiss in the middle of the night when you have woken up from a nightmare. It felt like a tiny, shiny spiders web drifting from the doorway.

“It’s beautiful!” said Arthur in awe.

“It must be the paintbrushes,” said Digby. “I think we’ve got magic paintbrushes. Everything we paint, turns into something real. I think Arthur, you’d better paint something for the tiger to eat, because he is probably hungry.”

“But what do tigers eat?” said Arthur.

“I don’t know,” said Digby.

“I think they eat antelopes,” said Arthur. “I’m not sure if I know how to draw an antelope.”

“You could try,” said Digby. “It’s a bit like a horse, but with curly horns on its head.”

“Okay,” said Arthur. So very carefully, he dipped his paintbrush into some lovely yellow paint and beside the tiger, he painted a very nice looking antelope. It ended up with beautiful eyelashes, a long neck, and a little smile at the corner of its mouth.

When he had finished painting the antelope he was very happy with it. He thought it must be a girl antelope, because she was so pretty.


But he had forgotten while he was drawing, the reason WHY he was drawing an antelope.

“Oh no,” said Digby, realising what Arthur, in the excitement of painting a beautiful animal, had forgotten. “Oh the poor antelope! She is going to be eaten by that tiger! What shall we do?”

There wasn’t much time. The tiger seemed to swivel its hungry little eye towards the pretty antelope.


“Maybe you could you just put a big squiggle of white paint on her! Rub her out!” said Digby. “Quickly, before the tiger eats her.”

“But if I do that, she will still disappear!” said Arthur. “That will be just the same, won’t it? If I rub her out, I won’t be able to paint her again. I might paint a different antelope, but she wouldn’t be exactly the same one. That would be just like if a dinosaur ate me, and then Mum and Dad thought, well it’s ok, we’ve still got Digby. He’s a little boy too.”

“You’re right. That wouldn’t be the same at all,” said Digby.

They both thought very hard. They were not sure if they imagined it, but the antelope seemed to look a bit scared. What could they do?

“Quickly! What animal eats tigers?” said Arthur to Digby.

“I don’t know!” exclaimed Digby. “I don’t think there are any animals that eat tigers.”

“But maybe….” Arthur said, then they looked at each other and thought of something. They said together: “Dinosaurs!”

“But how would I get my dinosaur onto your picture?” asked Digby.

“Oh it’s no good, you couldn’t” said Arthur. “It would have to be a different one. But look at my picture. There’s no room on it for another dinosaur. No room at all for any big animals. Look, here’s the tiger, and here’s the antelope, and there’s no more space for another big animal.”

“Oh,” said Digby. Then he had another idea. “Why don’t you eat the tiger, Arthur?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” Arthur replied, thinking Digby had gone a bit silly.

“Well, I’ve seen people eating paper before, you know, when they accidentally bite a cupcake wrapper or even a sweet wrapper. It doesn’t taste too bad, you know. It’s just kind of like eating nothing. So maybe you could do it. Just eat the tiger, and leave the pretty antelope alone.”

“He may only be paper,” said Arthur. “But that tiger still bit me before. What would happen if I put him in my mouth and he scratched my gums? What if he kicked and made one of my teeth fall out?”

Digby shrugged. “That wouldn’t be so bad,” he said. “Your tooth is already a bit wobbly, isn’t it?”

But Arthur’s eyes looked very big and round, like dinner plates, and he didn’t really seem to want to put the tiger in his mouth.

“Could you paint a different kind of food?” said Digby, thinking of something different, because he really didn’t want to make Arthur have a sore in his mouth. “What about sweets? Or porridge? My triceratops liked that!”

Arthur very carefully painted a big bowl of porridge, just like Digby’s, except this time he covered it in strawberries and chocolate sauce. He thought a tiger would not be able to resist a big bowl of porridge, especially when it was covered with strawberries and chocolate sauce.

But once he had painted it, the bowl stayed exactly where it was. Digby put out a finger and felt it – perhaps it was cold? But no, it was steaming and warm and cosy like the nicest dessert you’ve ever eaten on a cold winter’s day. It was impossible that a tiger who liked porridge would not like this bowl of porridge.

The tiger’s little beady eyes seemed to swivel. They seemed to swivel in the direction of the pretty antelope. “I don’t think he likes porridge…” said Digby with dread.


“I’ve got it!” shouted Arthur! The shout was so loud that the tiger, the triceratops and even the antelope seemed to startle. The bowl of porridge even seemed to wobble in its bowl, that’s how loud Arthur’s cry was, and that’s how good his idea really was.

“What?” said Digby. They were running out of time and they knew it.

“No time to explain!” said Arthur. He dipped his paintbrush into the nearest colour – brown – and before Digby could even ask one sentence more, Arthur had painted a great big cage around the tiger. He quickly put in the bars, and just in time!


The tiger blinked, and the smallest little piece of the antelope’s foot disappeared. But it was only a bit of the foot, and no more. The antelope herself looked sad, but Arthur very quickly painted another foot right where hers had disappeared, and her smile seemed to return. The foot was a little bit different to how it had been before, but surely that was better than being the tiger’s dinner.

Digby have Arthur a hug, he was so happy for the antelope. But he still worried about the tiger.

“Quick, paint some more food for him. He doesn’t like porridge, but maybe you could paint him some sushi. Everybody likes sushi. And it’s little, so you can fit it here, in the corner of his cage.”

Arthur thought it was a good idea. So he painted some yummy sushi and the tiger must really have been very hungry, because before they knew it, the sushi had disappeared. Arthur had to paint another six sushi before the tiger was satisfied.


So now the boys were left with a triceratops, an antelope and a tiger in a cage to look after. It seemed they should be careful before they painted anything else. Already they had to spend ten minutes painting some nice green grass for the antelope, and then painting some nice bowls of water for all of them to wash their dinners down. Then they had to paint a night time sky, because they thought the animals must be getting tired by now. Then they had to paint pillows, quilts, a bed, and by that time the whole picture on both pieces of paper was getting far too crowded.


“It’s late boys!” said a voice, and Mummy walked in. She looked at the pictures. “Wow! They’re really great pictures!” she said. “Say, Daddy, come have a look at these pictures the boys have painted!”

Daddy came in and looked at them. His smile was huge, because he thought they were so good. “I’d like to put them on the fridge,” he said.

“You can’t do that!” said Arthur and Digby quickly. “We don’t want them on the fridge. We want them in our bedroom.”

“In your bedroom!” exclaimed Mummy. “Where will you put them? All the walls are covered in your pictures already. There’s no more room. No, no, these pictures are really special. Look at what you’ve done with the tiger’s fur! And the cage! And that sushi looks so real, I could almost touch it!” Mummy put out her hand to touch the sushi, but just in time, Arthur whisked the paper away from her. Luckily, because he knew that tiger’s teeth were really sharp.

“Oh,” said Mummy, disappointed.

“We just really like these pictures,” said Digby. “Is that okay?”

“Of course it’s ok,” said Mummy and Daddy, and they gave the boys a kiss and left the room.

“Thank goodness. That was close,” said Arthur. “We can’t tell Mummy and Daddy about the paintbrushes. What if they thought they were too dangerous? No, we need to keep them somewhere safe. Let’s pick them all up now, and put them at the bottom of the toy box. No one will find them there.”

So they picked up all the paintbrushes and tidied up the paints, and put them at the bottom of their toybox. They though they would be safe there. But how wrong they were!



(for now, anyway…)


Short Story for Kids by Jade Maitre

Illustrated by Arthur and Digby

Header illustration by Jade Maitre

Let’s Chat About The Stories ~ Ideas for Talking With Kids


1. If you had some magic paintbrushes, can you think of some great things you could paint? Why would you paint those particular things?

2. Can you think of some other ways that Digby and Arthur could have stopped the tiger from eating the antelope?


3. What is the best painting you ever did? Why was it so good?

Book Information!

The Magic Paintbrush | Short Kids Stories | Bedtime Stories

Digby and Arthur discover that their paintbrushes are magic and make their pictures real!

URL: https://www. storyberries.com/bedtime-stories-the-magic-paintbrush-by-jade-maitre/

Author: Storyberries

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10 Short Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online

Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online – Read amazing and interesting dinosaur stories. These stories are written for kids. They can enjoy these stories at any time. So, enjoy these stories.

If you want to read this in Hindi then follow this link – Dinosaur Stories in Hindi.

Saving The Jungle – T-Rex Dinosaur Story for Kids

Tyrannosaurus rex is a popular dinosaur because this dinosaur has been used many times in films. In this story, we will see how millions of years ago the animals of the forest saved everyone from Tyrannosaurus rex. It is an imaginary story for kids.

Saving The Jungle – T-Rex Dinosaur Story for Kids Video

Millions of years ago, the jungle’s animals were greatly disturbed by Tyrannosaurus rex, a ferocious dinosaur. This dinosaur was very ferocious and would eat three to four animals of the forest at once. Sometimes 4 to 5 dinosaurs came together in the jungle to fill their stomach and kill many animals.

Read more stories – Stories for kids’ bedtime

Seeing this, the animals of the forest were troubled. They had to face this problem in the coming days. Many times these dinosaurs would also destroy their house.

One day Lion, the king of the forest called a gathering. At that gathering, everyone was going to solve how the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex can be avoided and they can prevent themselves from T-rex? The animals came to the Lion for the gathering. The Lion started the gathering with a strong roar. Lion asked the most, “What to do so that we can prevent ourselves from that dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex?”

The monkey sitting in the assembly said, “I will leap and grab his neck and then he will not be able to eat us.” Everyone mocked him and said, “Are you mad? Have you seen yourself and his body? He is much bigger than you, he will crush you easily.

The monkey said, “You don’t know me. I am very powerful. If you don’t believe it, try it.” Biting the monkey’s point, the fox said, “What strength will you show? We must defeat him by using brains, not with force.”

The Lion saw the truth in the fox talk. The lion asked, “Well, tell me what would we have to do?” The fox said, “For this, we have to enlist the help of the eagle and the hawk.” Hearing this, both of them came forward and said, “We both are ready. What is the matter to do? We will give up our lives for this jungle.”

After this, the fox told everyone his plan. Now everyone was ready. Everyone was waiting for when that dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex would arrive.

This happened a few days later. That ferocious dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex came and attacked the forest. But this time everyone was ready. As soon as he arrives, the hawk and eagle attack the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex in the eye.

The dinosaur could not see properly after the attack. Then immediately the monkeys tied his leg with a rope and the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex fell to the ground. The animals of the jungle attacked him and the dinosaur shouted, “Let me go. Don’t kill me.”

Everyone said, “Well what you did to our people. What about that? Your punishment is that you can no longer be saved.” The dinosaur said, “If you kill me, my companions will come in search of me and bring tremendous destruction here.”

The animals did not listen to him and the king of the forest, The Lion, attacked him directly on the neck. This led to the end of the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex. Everyone was happy to see the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex dead. Now it was time to celebrate. People were very happy in the forest. Everyone enjoyed the party with fun.

Now everyone was happy in the forest, no one attacked there for a long time. But everyone remembered the warning of the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex.

Time was spent and one day suddenly 5 dinosaurs attacked in the forest together. Everyone got scared in the whole jungle. All the animals started hiding in small caves and tunnels waiting for where the dinosaurs would go from there.

After waiting for a long time, suddenly huge fireballs started raining from the sky. That fireball killed all the dinosaurs.

There are no dinosaurs left in the forest anymore. All the animals came out and started living happily. Now everything was fine in the forest.

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I am a Dinosaur – A Funny Dinosaur Story For Kids

Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online

Long Neck Charlie – The Good Long Neck Dinosaur Story For Kids

Years ago there were various dinosaurs. Some of them ate meat and some lived by eating leaves. In this story, we will talk about a dinosaur whose neck was very long. And such dinosaurs are called Sauropods. So let’s know what happens in this children’s story.

For millions of years, dinosaurs used to live on this earth. There used to be different kinds of animals. But here we are talking about Charlie, whose neck was very long. Charlie was very upset about this. One day Charlie is invited by his friends to their house party.

Charlie was overjoyed to hear the news of the party and spent the whole day getting ready for the party. He was dressed in a black coat and a tie around his neck.

Charlie headed out to his friend’s house dancing and humming the song. Now he reached his friend’s house. However, he could not enter the house because Charlie’s neck was too long. This started making fun of him. Hearing everyone, Charlie became sad and left the party.

Charlie walked towards the forest in a sad way and fell asleep beside a tree.

It was early morning and the rays of the sun began to fall on Charlie’s eyes. Because of this, his eyes were opened. As soon as he woke up from sleep, he listened to the crying of someone. Hearing the sound of crying Charlie started looking around but he did not see him crying.

Charlie calls out, “Who’s crying?”

“This is me, I have to cry like this every day”

“But why are you not seeing me?” Charlie then asked the question.

Then that voice said to look down here.

Then Charlie looked down and saw a small plant talking to him. Charlie asked the plant, “Why are you crying?”

The small plant said, “I am too small, the sunlight does not reach me, due to which I cannot make my food. There are big trees above me, they would stop the sunlight from reaching me. Because of this, I am crying out upset. “

“If I do not get sunlight like this, then I will not be able to grow properly. Now you tell me what to do. Apart from me, there are small trees which do not get sunlight and because of that they are also upset.” Plant told Charlie.

Charlie thought for a long time, about what to do so that the sunlight reaches small plants. After thinking for a long time, he thought why don’t I eat the leaves of these big trees so that light will reach the small plants?

This is what Charlie did. Charlie slowly started eating the leaves of big trees. But he did not eat all the leaves. Otherwise, how do big trees make their food?

After eating the leaves, the sunlight started reaching the bottom and small plants also started taking advantage of the sunlight.

After getting light, small plants started cooking their food and they all became happy. After being happy, they thanked Charlie and considered him his hero.

After seeing all this, Charlie became very happy, and forgetting about the previous night, he started living happily. Now he was happy.

It is not necessarily that bad things will happen every day and good things will happen every day. We must accept that good and bad events will happen in life. But what matters is how we respond at that time.

Also, Read – Best Brain Development Toys For Kids.

The Little Dino – Dinosaur Story For Kids

Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online

A Paleontologist

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who loved dinosaurs. Every night before bed, he would read about all the different kinds of dinosaurs and imagine what it would be like to meet them. One night, he had a dream that he was a T-rex and was chasing after some cars. He woke up feeling excited and happy and decided that he wanted to learn more about dinosaurs.

He started reading books about dinosaurs every day and even began drawing them himself. One day, he saw a documentary about dinosaurs on TV and learned that they were actually really smart animals. That made him even more interested in them and he continued learning everything he could about them.

Eventually, the little boy grew up and became a paleontologist. He studied dinosaurs for years and traveled all over the world to find new fossils. But no matter where he went or how much he learned, he always remembered his first love: the dinosaurs.

The Dream

Once upon a time, there was a happy little dinosaur who went to bed every night with a smile on his face. His mom and dad would tuck him in tight, give him a goodnight kiss, and turn off the light. And every single night, the little dinosaur would drift off to sleep with dreams of dinosaurs dancing in his head.

One night, however, the little dinosaur had a very strange dream. He dreamt that he was walking through a dark forest when he suddenly came face-to-face with a massive T-Rex! The T-Rex was so big and fierce that the little dinosaur was terrified. He tried to run away, but the T-Rex chased after him and began to gobble him up!

Just when it seemed like the little dinosaur was going to be eaten alive, he woke up with a start. He quickly realized that it was just a dream and that there was nothing to be scared of. He smiled and went back to sleep, safe and sound.

Sleeping Next to a T-Rex

The little boy’s favorite dinosaur was always watching over him while he slept. One night, the little boy had a dream that he was sleeping next to a T-Rex. The T-Rex was so big and powerful that it scared the little boy awake. But the little boy was happy to know that even though the T-Rex was scary, he was also very friendly. And so the little boy went back to bed, feeling safe and sound knowing that his favorite dinosaur was watching over him while he slept.

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Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online

Tiny T-Rex Dinosaur Story For Kids

Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online

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Fairy tale about dinosaurs for children

Fairy tale about dinosaurs created by Yulia Lavrenchenko, the author of this site. A story about how important it is to live here and now, without looking far into the future. The fairy tale about dinosaurs teaches young readers to live in the moment, as it is now fashionable to say ... Enjoy and fruitful reading to you!

Author: Julia Lavrenchenko

What will happen? Author — Yulia Lavrenchenko

What will happen?

Once upon a time there was a dinosaur who dreamed of getting into the future. Oh, how it was interesting for him to see what would happen in millions of years!

- I wish I had a time machine! our hero said.

— But why do you need it, what to do there — in this future? wondered the other dinosaurs.

- I want to know what will happen in the distant future.

- Then you need to go to the magical ancient flower that can travel through time.

- Exactly! - answered our hero and went on the advice of friends to the magic flower.

— Move me to the future, please! the dinosaur asked the flower.

— Why?

- To find out what life will be like after many, many years.

— So you are interested in the future out of idle curiosity? the flower asked.

“Yes, I am very interested,” the dinosaur replied.

“But while you are wasting time on the future, you are not living in the present,” objected the flower.

— And what's wrong with that?

— And the fact that your life will pass, and you won't even notice it, thinking all the time only about the future.

- Please take me to the future! the dinosaur insisted.

“Good,” the flower replied, waved its petals and moved our hero into the future.

The dinosaur woke up, and millions of years behind him. He looked around and saw a lot of people hurrying somewhere, some buildings. Our hero trampled on the spot, then looked for other dinosaurs, but, to his surprise, he did not find any of his relatives.

— Where are all the dinosaurs? he asked a bystander.

- Ha! he chuckled. So all dinosaurs died out a long time ago.

— How did they become extinct? I'm alive, said the dinosaur.

— You're kidding! You’re just wearing a fancy dress,” a passer-by said with a smile.

The dinosaur realized that he did not like the future and began to cry.

- Please take me back to my present! shouted our hero, mentally addressing the flower. As soon as he heard it, he returned the dinosaur back.

Seeing his relatives, our hero rushed to hug them. He was so glad to return to his native present!

— What a pity that I did not notice before what a wonderful world I live in! exclaimed the dinosaur. - And in the future I didn’t like it, none of us were there anymore. There were only people and some structures.

Since then, our hero has realized that he likes living right now much more. So now, when the dinosaur was asked if he wanted to know what awaits him in the future, he confidently answered: "Everything will be ho-ro-sho!"

Yes, sometimes each of us wants to dream, dream up what the future holds for us. .. The main thing is not to turn it into a constant race against time.

Questions about the fairy tale about dinosaurs for the development of the child's emotional intelligence:

  1. Why did the dinosaur want to get into the future at the beginning of the fairy tale?
  2. Who and how helped him in this?
  3. Did he like the future he saw? Why?
  4. What emotions did the dinosaur experience while in the future?
  5. What did our hero understand when he returned to his present?

A fairy tale about a dinosaur who wanted to be brave

In a far, far away country, which is located beyond the wide seas and dense forests, there lived a small dinosaur. He was very kind and good, but had no friends at all, so he was constantly bored. The reason for this situation was his great growth. Our dinosaur, despite its young age, was a real giant, because it came from the genus Diplodocus - the largest animals that ever lived on Earth. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that others were afraid of him, because they are used to judging others by their appearance. About why you should not do this, and our fairy tale about a dinosaur will tell, which you can read right now.

Once upon a time, Arlo, that's the name of our hero, lived with his mom and dad in the land of dinosaurs, where everything was truly gigantic: trees, houses and even playgrounds. In such a world, he was very comfortable, but subsequently daddy dinosaur changed jobs, so the family had to move to a new country where ordinary animals lived, and not big dinosaurs. Arlo was upset because he had no friends, and it was very difficult to find new ones. Everyone around was afraid of the dinosaur, because they thought that such a big beast could hit, bite or even eat them. No one even guessed that Arlo, like his parents, is a herbivore, loves fresh green leaves most of all and does not even think about eating one of those around him. But since no one knew about this, everyone was afraid of the dinosaur and kept aloof.
On the other hand, Arlo himself wasn't the first to make contact. Apparently it looked ridiculous and implausible, but he was afraid. Yes, even giant dinosaurs can be extremely shy at heart.
So the days passed, Arlo dreamed that someday he would become brave, but he did not dare to change at least something in his life. And our fairy tale about dinosaurs for children could have had a completely different ending, if not for one case.

Dinosaur story for kids: read about how to be brave

One day Arlo was going to school. On the way, as always, he was worried: whether no one was laughing at him, whether they would ask him about his homework in mathematics, whether he would break something at school because of his clumsiness. Suddenly, these thoughts and fears were interrupted by an unexpected cry: as it turned out, a new inhabitant appeared in the country - a predatory and formidable lion hunted small and defenseless animals. This time, his victim was a squirrel - Arlo's classmate. Seeing that she was in danger, our dinosaur instantly forgot about his fearfulness and rushed to help.
The lion did not expect resistance and was very frightened of the dinosaur, it was much larger than him, so he left the prey alone and disappeared. The squirrel was surprised, because she was always afraid of Arlo, thinking that he could eat her. But it turned out that it was this giant who became her savior.

After this incident, the squirrel and dinosaur became inseparable friends. Arlo was very happy, because two of his cherished dreams came true at once: firstly, other animals were no longer afraid of him, but on the contrary, they wanted to make friends, and secondly, he managed to overcome his fear and become brave.
And the dinosaur's new friends also learned a lesson - you should never think badly of others, because appearances are often deceiving.
If you liked the adventures of a good dinosaur, we recommend that you watch the cartoon of the same name, see the trailer for which you can see on our website.

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