Dinosaur kid story
10 Short Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online
Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids Online – Read amazing and interesting dinosaur stories. These stories are written for kids. They can enjoy these stories at any time. So, enjoy these stories.
If you want to read this in Hindi then follow this link – Dinosaur Stories in Hindi.
Saving The Jungle – T-Rex Dinosaur Story for Kids
Tyrannosaurus rex is a popular dinosaur because this dinosaur has been used many times in films. In this story, we will see how millions of years ago the animals of the forest saved everyone from Tyrannosaurus rex. It is an imaginary story for kids.
Saving The Jungle – T-Rex Dinosaur Story for Kids VideoMillions of years ago, the jungle’s animals were greatly disturbed by Tyrannosaurus rex, a ferocious dinosaur. This dinosaur was very ferocious and would eat three to four animals in the forest at once. Sometimes 4 to 5 dinosaurs came together in the jungle to fill their stomach and kill many animals.
Read more stories – Stories for kids’ bedtime
Seeing this, the animals of the forest were troubled. They had to face this problem in the coming days. Many times these dinosaurs would also destroy their house.
One day Lion, the king of the forest called a gathering. At that gathering, everyone was going to solve how the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex can be avoided and they can prevent themselves from T-rex. The animals came to the Lion for the gathering. The Lion started the gathering with a strong roar. Lion asked the most, “What to do so that we can prevent ourselves from that dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex?”
The monkey sitting in the assembly said, “I will leap and grab his neck and then he will not be able to eat us.” Everyone mocked him and said, “Are you mad? Have you seen yourself and his body? He is much bigger than you, he will crush you easily.”
The monkey said, “You don’t know me. I am very powerful. If you don’t believe it, try it.” Biting the monkey’s point, the fox said, “What strength will you show? We must defeat him by using brains, not with force. ”
The Lion saw the truth in the fox talk. The lion asked, “Well, tell me what would we have to do?” The fox said, “For this, we have to enlist the help of the eagle and the hawk.” Hearing this, both of them came forward and said, “We both are ready. What is the matter to do? We will give up our lives for this jungle.”
After this, the fox told everyone his plan. Now everyone was ready. Everyone was waiting for when that dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex would arrive.
This happened a few days later. That ferocious dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex came and attacked the forest. But this time everyone was ready. As soon as he arrives, the hawk and eagle attack the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex in the eye.
The dinosaur could not see properly after the attack. Then immediately the monkeys tied his leg with a rope and the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex fell to the ground. The animals of the jungle attacked him and the dinosaur shouted, “Let me go. Don’t kill me.”
Everyone said, “Well what you did to our people.
What about that? Your punishment is that you can no longer be saved.” The dinosaur said, “If you kill me, my companions will come in search of me and bring tremendous destruction here.”
The animals did not listen to him and the king of the forest, The Lion, attacked him directly on the neck. This led to the end of the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex. Everyone was happy to see the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex dead. Now it was time to celebrate. People were very happy in the forest. Everyone enjoyed the party with fun.
Now everyone was happy in the forest, no one attacked there for a long time. But everyone remembered the warning of the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex.
Time was spent and one day suddenly 5 dinosaurs attacked in the forest together. Everyone got scared in the whole jungle. All the animals started hiding in small caves and tunnels waiting for where the dinosaurs would go from there.
After waiting for a long time, suddenly huge fireballs started raining from the sky.
That fireball killed all the dinosaurs.
There are no dinosaurs left in the forest anymore. All the animals came out and started living happily. Now everything was fine in the forest.
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I am a Dinosaur – A Funny Dinosaur Story For Kids
Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids OnlineLong Neck Charlie – The Good Long Neck Dinosaur Story For Kids
Years ago there were various dinosaurs. Some of them ate meat and some lived by eating leaves. In this story, we will talk about a dinosaur whose neck was very long. And such dinosaurs are called Sauropods. So let’s know what happens in this children’s story.
For millions of years, dinosaurs used to live on this earth. There used to be different kinds of animals. But here we are talking about Charlie, whose neck was very long. Charlie was very upset about this. One day Charlie is invited by his friends to their house party.
Charlie was overjoyed to hear the news of the party and spent the whole day getting ready for the party. He was dressed in a black coat and a tie around his neck.
Charlie headed out to his friend’s house dancing and humming the song. Now he reached his friend’s house. However, he could not enter the house because Charlie’s neck was too long. This started making fun of him. Hearing everyone, Charlie became sad and left the party.
Charlie walked towards the forest in a sad way and fell asleep beside a tree.
It was early morning and the rays of the sun began to fall on Charlie’s eyes. Because of this, his eyes were opened. As soon as he woke up from sleep, he listened to the crying of someone. Hearing the sound of crying Charlie started looking around but he did not see him crying.
Charlie calls out, “Who’s crying?”
“This is me, I have to cry like this every day”
“But why are you not seeing me?” Charlie then asked the question.
Then that voice said to look down here.
Then Charlie looked down and saw a small plant talking to him. Charlie asked the plant, “Why are you crying?”
The small plant said, “I am too small, the sunlight does not reach me, due to which I cannot make my food. There are big trees above me, they would stop the sunlight from reaching me. Because of this, I am crying out the upset. “
“If I do not get sunlight like this, then I will not be able to grow properly. Now you tell me what to do. Apart from me, there are small trees that do not get sunlight and because of that they are also upset.” Plant told Charlie.
Charlie thought for a long time, about what to do so that the sunlight reaches small plants. After thinking for a long time, he thought why don’t I eat the leaves of these big trees so that light will reach the small plants?
This is what Charlie did. Charlie slowly started eating the leaves of big trees. But he did not eat all the leaves. Otherwise, how do big trees make their food?
After eating the leaves, the sunlight started reaching the bottom and small plants also started taking advantage of the sunlight.
After getting light, small plants started cooking their food and they all became happy. After being happy, they thanked Charlie and considered him his hero.
After seeing all this, Charlie became very happy, and forgetting about the previous night, he started living happily. Now he was happy.
It is not necessarily that bad things will happen every day and good things will happen every day. We must accept that good and bad events will happen in life. But what matters is how we respond at that time.
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Why Put Foil On A Doorknob When Alone?
The Little Dino – Dinosaur Story For Kids
Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids OnlineA Paleontologist
Once upon a time, there was a little boy who loved dinosaurs. Every night before bed, he would read about all the different kinds of dinosaurs and imagine what it would be like to meet them. One night, he had a dream that he was a T-rex and was chasing after some cars. He woke up feeling excited and happy and decided that he wanted to learn more about dinosaurs.
He started reading books about dinosaurs every day and even began drawing them himself. One day, he saw a documentary about dinosaurs on TV and learned that they were actually really smart animals. That made him even more interested in them and he continued learning everything he could about them.
Eventually, the little boy grew up and became a paleontologist. He studied dinosaurs for years and traveled all over the world to find new fossils. But no matter where he went or how much he learned, he always remembered his first love: the dinosaurs.
The Dream
Once upon a time, there was a happy little dinosaur who went to bed every night with a smile on his face. His mom and dad would tuck him in tight, give him a goodnight kiss, and turn off the light. And every single night, the little dinosaur would drift off to sleep with dreams of dinosaurs dancing in his head.
One night, however, the little dinosaur had a very strange dream. He dreamt that he was walking through a dark forest when he suddenly came face-to-face with a massive T-Rex! The T-Rex was so big and fierce that the little dinosaur was terrified. He tried to run away, but the T-Rex chased after him and began to gobble him up!
Just when it seemed like the little dinosaur was going to be eaten alive, he woke up with a start. He quickly realized that it was just a dream and that there was nothing to be scared of. He smiled and went back to sleep, safe and sound.
Sleeping Next to a T-Rex
The little boy’s favorite dinosaur was always watching over him while he slept. One night, the little boy had a dream that he was sleeping next to a T-Rex. The T-Rex was so big and powerful that it scared the little boy awake. But the little boy was happy to know that even though the T-Rex was scary, he was also very friendly. And so the little boy went back to bed, feeling safe and sound knowing that his favorite dinosaur was watching over him while he slept.
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Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids OnlineTiny T-Rex Dinosaur Story For Kids
Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids OnlineThank you for reading this “Dinosaur Bedtime Stories for Kids” if you like it then share your feedback in the comment section.
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Earthshaker by Emma Laybourn. A free online, printable dinosaur story for kids
by Emma Laybourn
Chapter One
The earth shuddered.
Trees shook, dropping leaves on the tidy nest below.
The nest belonged to an iguanodon. As the eggs rolled around, their mother Brenda steadied them with a claw.
'What on earth?' she wondered.
Then, through the trees, appeared the biggest dinosaur she had ever seen. It was like a grey mountain on legs. It had a long, long, neck and a long, long tail.
'Who are you?' asked Brenda.
The long neck snaked towards her. Weak eyes in a little head gazed at her.
'I'm Seismosaurus,' said the enormous dinosaur, in a voice so tiny she could hardly hear it. 'I've come to live here.'
'Sei - Seis - ' tried Brenda.
'It means Earthshaker,' said the dinosaur. 'Call me Sizo if it's easier.'
'Well, Sizo, could you please tiptoe?'
'All right,' whispered the dinosaur. He took two more steps.
Pteranodons fell out of the trees. A group of hadrosaurs began trumpeting in alarm.
George, the old triceratops, came to see what was going on.
'I can't sleep for the noise,' he grumbled.
'It's Sizo here,' said Brenda. 'He's a little bit, um, heavy-footed.'
'Can't you tiptoe?' demanded George.
'I am tiptoeing,' said Sizo in his tiny voice.
'Hmph!' snorted George. 'What a racket! I hope he's not staying.'
'Oh, please let me stay,' begged Sizo. 'I've been alone for ages. I want to live with other dinosaurs.'
'Give him a chance, George,' said Brenda kindly. 'You can see he's a plant-eater. He's not going to eat us, are you, Sizo?'
Sizo shook his head. 'I'll only eat the highest leaves,' he whispered, 'the ones you can't reach.'
'Hmph! All right,' grunted George. 'But only if you remember to tiptoe!'
Chapter Two
So Sizo settled into his new home.
He liked the other dinosaurs. But he wasn't really happy.
He worried about making too much noise. Although he walked as quietly as he could, his footsteps made the earth tremble. The other dinosaurs blocked their ears and grumbled.
'Tiptoe!' George would bellow.
Sizo tiptoed, but that wasn't any quieter. In the end, it was easier not to walk at all. He just stood in one place for most of the day, eating whatever he could reach.
And life was peaceful, for a while.
Until -
The ground shuddered. Brenda's baby iguanodons tumbled over and began to cry. The hadrosaurs wailed in protest.
George came storming out of the forest.
'Oy, Sizo!' he roared. 'I told you to tiptoe!'
'But it's not me,' protested Sizo.
'It's true,' said Brenda. 'Sizo isn't moving.'
The dinosaurs stared at Sizo. He stood quite still; yet they could hear thuds and crashes.
'It must be another big dinosaur,' said George uneasily. 'Another Sizo.'
'Oh, no!' said Brenda. 'Come with me, children. You don't want to get trampled on!'
All the dinosaurs hurried away into the forest - all except Sizo.
'Another Seismosaurus!' he thought excitedly. 'Another Earthshaker! I wonder if it will be my friend?'
So he set off joyfully towards the noises to find out.
As he walked, the earth shook harder. The crashes grew louder. He could smell a strange, fierce, burning smell.
'Funny dinosaur, this,' thought Sizo.
He came round a bend, and stopped. Ahead of him a hump rose out of the forest.
'That's a huge dinosaur!' he thought.
The ground beneath him trembled.
'It's an Earthshaker all right,' said Sizo.
Then he saw that smoke was billowing from the hump. Down its side ran a glowing river of red.
'It's bleeding!' he whispered.
The thick red river flowed past a tree. It ripped it up, and threw it down with a crash.
Sizo blinked at the river with his small, weak eyes. It wasn't blood. It smelt of rock, and it was smoking.
'I don't think that's a dinosaur at all!' he said.
The smoking river hissed and sizzled. Two more trees thudded to the ground, and burst into flames.
The river did not stop. It kept on flowing through the forest.
'Oh, no! It's heading for our home!' gasped Sizo. 'I'd better warn the others!'
He plodded back as fast as he could. There was no-one around. Sizo cleared his throat, and shouted.
It was a tiny shout. He tried again.
Still nobody heard him.
'Help!' thought Sizo. 'Whatever can I do?'
Chapter Three
Nobody could hear Sizo's voice.
But he knew that everyone could hear his feet. So he began to dance.
He started with big, slow steps. Then he danced higher and higher, faster and faster.
Trees dropped their branches. The ground began to crack. And Sizo kept dancing.
All the other dinosaurs rushed up to stop him.
'I said TIPTOE!' yelled George.
'Sizo, what do you think you're doing?' cried all the dinosaurs.
'I'm dancing,' whispered Sizo.
'Dancing?' said George. 'That's it! You're banned!'
'But there's danger coming!'
'Danger?' said Brenda. 'Where?'
'There's a river of fire coming towards us. It's flowing out of a hill and burning everything up!'
'What?' cried Brenda. 'That's a volcano! We must get out of the way.'
The dinosaurs didn't wait to hear any more. Together, they thundered through the trees. A cloud of smoke followed them. Behind them, burning branches crackled and crashed to the ground.
'Where are we going?' wailed George.
'We need to get to higher ground,' said Brenda.
But her babies began to squeal. Hot ash was falling like rain.
'It's burning us, Mum!' they cried.
'Quick!' said Sizo. 'Come and shelter under me.'
The baby iguanodons crept beneath Sizo. His huge bulk kept the hot ash off them while they walked.
'You'll stand on them!' protested George.
'No, I won't,' said Sizo. He had had so much practice at tiptoeing that he never once trod on a baby's tail.
The dinosaurs climbed to the top of a hill and left the smoke and ash behind.
At last they stopped. Brenda's babies peered out from under Sizo.
'Is it safe yet?' panted George. 'I can't see.'
'Let me look.' Sizo craned his long neck over the treetops. 'Yes, we're safe here,' he said.
'Thanks to you!' said Brenda, gathering her children round her. 'Sizo, you're a real friend.'
'Am I?'
'The best. From now on, you can thump all you like. We won't complain.'
'Yes, we will!' said George.
The other dinosaurs glared at George. He coughed.
'Er, sorry. Thump away, Sizo. You can even dance if you want.'
'All right!' whispered Sizo happily. 'But I promise that I'll only dance on tiptoe!'
Would you like another dinosaur story?
Try Elly and Aargh!
or King of the Killers.
Copyright © 2012 Emma Laybourn
The Tale of the Dinosaur: read a fairy tale, a story for children, full text online
Once upon a time there lived a huge, enormous dinosaur. They called him Whatzhetamzaobolok, his friends simply called him Whatzhik. It was as tall as a ten-story building. He had a huge body on four thick legs, a long tail and the same long, long neck, and at the end of the neck there was a small, very small head. There were such small brains in this head that the dinosaur was thinking very hard. In truth, he was a little stupid, but his friends still loved him very much, because he was very kind and sympathetic.
He had two friends. One is an orange dinosaur with beautiful triangular plates along the entire back and tail, his name was Ryzhik. Well, he always envied how beautiful Ryzhik's plates were, but he was ashamed of his feelings, because his mother told him that it was very bad to envy. True, no one knew why Ryzhik needed these plates, and Well, so that no one would guess about his envy, helped Ryzhik polish them to a shine with pieces of moss. They also had a friend - a dinosaur covered with thick spines, that's what his name was - Thorn.
Both of these dinosaurs, Ginger and Thorn, were small - no larger than an African elephant, but modest growth did not prevent them from being friends with Whatzhik. They loved to graze and swim together, and when from the next volcanic eruption, and at that time eruptions were sometimes more often than rains, so when, after the next eruption, the earth and grass were covered with volcanic ash, Whatzhik plucked clean and tasty tops of giant horsetails for them. Yes, yes, it is horsetail now - grass is not higher than chamomile, but then, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, horsetails were higher than pines, and there were no deciduous trees at all. This Whatzhik was so big that his neck and head, when he walked through the forest, towered above the forest, so he could hardly imagine what his legs looked like, and he had no idea about the existence of a tail.
Once, Well, he was grazing alone, and, turning his head from bush to bush, from blade of grass to blade of grass, he accidentally stumbled upon his tail. He told him: "Hello." The tail didn't answer. The dinosaur said: "Of course, I'm sorry, we don't know each other - my name is Whatzhik." The tail was silent again. “Still,” said the dinosaur, “you could give me some answer. My mom used to tell me that when two unfamiliar dinosaurs meet, they should both introduce themselves and then say "it was nice to meet you." The tail didn't answer this time either. The dinosaur had to leave with nothing.
When he raised his head again above the tops of the forest, he saw his friends not far away in a clearing and hurried to them. Friends noticed that Whatzhik was not in a good mood and asked him: "What's the matter?" He told his friends what an ill-mannered dinosaur he had met. Friends began to demand to immediately go, find the ignoramus and put him in his place. Well, he languidly denied it, but his friends insisted, and they went back to the place where he was grazing.
Well, he bent down, rummaged in the bushes and, noticing his tail from afar, said quietly to Ryzhik - here he is. Ryzhik rushed to the tail, but at the last minute, without saying anything, abruptly turned around and ran back. He said, “Dude, I don’t want to upset you, but I think it’s someone’s tail, were you sure you tried to meet him this morning?” "That's right, I remember him well." "Well, then you were molesting someone else's tail, and the fact that the tail did not answer you can hardly be considered an insult." "Oh God! - shouted, Well, - And if my mommy finds out! She will be very unhappy when she finds out that I wander through the forest and stick to other people's tails. We need to apologize immediately." "Go ahead," the friends said, "and we'll wait here."
And Whatzhik began to raise his head higher and higher, first along the tail, then along the body and finally along his own neck until he stopped in a very uncomfortable position, bending his neck and trying to look into his own face. Everyone understands that this is not possible, but the dinosaur was a little stupid and therefore did not understand what happened. He lowered his head back to his friends and said: “I didn’t see anyone there, all neck and neck, as far as the eye can see.” Ryzhik said: “I'll have to go up there. And he went first along the tail, then along the back, and then climbed onto the neck. Pretty soon he saw the kind and naive eyes of Whatzhik.
He grunted with laughter because he immediately understood everything and said: “I have good news for you, buddy, this is YOUR tail.” “Really! Shouted Well, what a joy! And they hurried to Thorn, who was waiting for them.
“Thorn,” they said, “we have two wonderful news. Firstly, you don’t have to apologize to anyone, and secondly, this is the tail of Whatzhik. "Let's have a party!" said Thorn, and they ran to their favorite lake.
There they frolicked, jumped and splashed until the very evening, splashing around small and not very amphibians. And when the sun had almost set, Chtozhik confided to Ryzhik: “You know, all my life I have envied your plates on my back, but now that I have a tail, I like him much more, in my opinion, he is perfection itself. ” “I think you’re exaggerating a little, my friend,” replied Ginger, but in any case, I’m glad that your own body parts are able to make you feel so warm.
Baby Dinosaur: read a fairy tale, story for children, full text online
Long ago, dinosaurs grazed on the endless plain.
Dinosaurs were enormous, enormous, each ten times larger than an elephant.
Clumsy, clumsy, they were too lazy to take an extra step. Stretching out their long neck, day and day they moved their heads from side to side. Only having plucked out all the grass in front of them, they reluctantly stepped on.
Dinosaurs grazed like that.
Slowly, unhurriedly moved and moved the jaws.
Why were they in a hurry?
Herbs - as much as you want, the plain has no end in sight.
Imperceptibly, monotonous time dragged on.
Baby dinosaurs appeared, learned to pluck grass, grew up, became big dinosaurs, and, like all others, ate grass from morning to evening, chewed and chewed.
But then one day some kid looked up from the grass. Then he stretched out his neck and raised his head even higher.
Oh, how wonderful it is to look up.
Blueness stretched overhead. Boundless blue. And a red-red ball blazed on it.
— Mom, what is it? the kid was surprised.
The dinosaur mother, busy eating, did not hear his words.
The baby asked again, but the mother again did not answer.
The little dinosaur was offended. He left his mother and wandered to the dinosaurs. It was inconvenient to walk, the long tail interfered - dragged along the ground and pulled back.
- What is that red ball? the kid asked, but no one answered him.
Who knows, perhaps the dinosaurs did not hear the baby, because he pulled his head to the sky, and they - to the ground, pinching and pinching the grass.
The little dinosaur was sad. Lonely sat at a distance from the others, fascinated looking at the red ball.
And the ball floated through the blue and disappeared beyond the edge of the plain.
And immediately it got dark.
The dinosaurs stopped grazing, lay down where they stood and fell asleep.
The baby dinosaur fell asleep too.
The red ball was called the Sun.
The sun has long held a grudge against the dinosaurs, angry with them for not noticing it at all, moving their jaws from morning to evening.
And so the Sun was very happy with the little dinosaur.
Crept up to him, sleeping, and softly kissed him.
Dinosaurs woke up in the morning, saw a yellow spot on the baby's forehead and let's mock him, mock him - well, you have an ornament!
And this was a trace from the kiss of the Sun - a golden speck.
Another reason they laughed at the baby was that he was stretching his head to the sky - as if grass was growing in the sky!
Dinosaurs were having fun, making fun and suddenly remembered the grass, got alarmed - how they forgot, they need to pinch, chew - and they waste so much time in vain.
Dinosaur mother was upset - well, why is her baby so stupid!
And the little dinosaur didn't hear how they laughed at him, kept asking and asking:
— Mom, what's that red ball?
- Stop talking nonsense, put your head down and pluck the grass, chew!
- Chew and chew! How much can you pinch and chew!
- All day, from morning to evening, until it gets dark. And it will get dark, you will sleep,” said the mother dinosaur admonishingly.
— And then?
— Then the day will come again and you will pinch and chew again.
— And all my life like this? Chew and sleep? - the little one was sad. - I will leave you.
— Where are you going? mother was surprised.
- I don't know... I'll leave. I want to know what the red ball is above us.
“You won’t go anywhere,” the dinosaur mother got angry and stepped on the baby’s tail with her huge paw.
The little dinosaur stubbornly rushed to the side and… was left without a tail!
His tail came off.
- Help, hold him! the dinosaur screamed.
Dinosaurs rushed after the baby, but where can they catch up with him - tails interfere.
Dinosaurs lagged behind the fugitive, set to work on their grass, worked with their jaws.
And soon they completely forgot about the stupid little dinosaur.
And the mother dinosaur stopped grieving.
— Why do I need such a fool! He dishonored me, shamed me,” she said, without ceasing to pluck the grass.
And the baby wandered the earth, alone, hungry, and so thin that the dinosaurs would not recognize him. But the dinosaurs did not remember him, nothing occupied them except the grass.
Do you know what happened next?
Love for a little dinosaur made the Sun blaze even brighter, even hotter, and all the grass on the plain burned out!
Dinosaurs were too lazy to look for grass elsewhere and died of hunger.
The little dinosaur went on and on, hoping to find out what the red ball was burning high above him.
When he fell asleep, the Sun came down to him and kissed him…
One morning the little boy fell asleep in the forest. I woke up and it turned out that he was lying on the shore of a small lake. He leaned towards the water and saw that he was covered in golden spots.
He stared in amazement at his own reflection.
A small dinosaur turned into a giraffe!
And then the forest was filled with unfamiliar sounds.
The little boy raised his head - birds chirped and chirped in the trees.
They welcomed the guest.
A little giraffe asked the birds what the red ball was floating in the blue dome.
- This is the Sun, the Sun! It gives us life! the birds sang.
- Sun! Sun! - exclaimed the giraffe and, jubilant, jumped and tumbled - he finally learned what kind of red ball shone high in the blue.
The little giraffe remained in that forest.
His head is always raised and sways beautifully on his long neck.