Dirty numbers game
answering every question on the number game because yes, i am a cool kid : teenagers
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5’6
Weight: idk
Where are you from: New York
Zodiac sign: Libra
Name: Jack
Middle name: redacted
Last name: redacted
Birthday October 13th
Languages: English
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite activity: Watching TV and Drawing
Favorite music genre: pop or rap
Favorite artist: bbno$ or billie eilish
Favorite song: i don’t rlly have one
Favorite movie: don’t have one either
Favorite video game: right now it’s probably vrchat
Favorite TV show: idk
Play any sports: i play basketball
Last thing you did: Watch TV
Do you currently have a job: not right now
Future job hopes: idk a biologist or something would be cool
Have you ever drank/smoked anything: Yes
Have you ever done drugs: No
Any pets: I used to have a fish and a rabbit
Most favorable memory: watching tv with my older brother
Most embarrassing moment: lol i have no clue, sorry :)
Dream vacation: Tokyo
How many family members: 4. my mom, my brother, me, dad
How many friends: idk like 15 irl and 20 online
Do you plan on going to college: ya
Do you use any other social media than Reddit: Instagram and Snapchat
Who do you follow: on instagram? a lot. reddit? not a lot
Have you ever had an internet argument: like ten min ago
Most used social media app: Reddit
What’s your username on each app: not willing to share
Have you met any friends online: yes
Do you follow any NSFW accounts: No
Last person you dm’d: no one that would like it if i shares that information
What was the last message you sent: 😁
How many followers on social media: 2 on this reddit account, like 1000 on insta
Amount of time you use social media: over 5 hours a day
Most expensive thing you own: phone or oculus quest
Do you own anything about 1k: computer
Most prized possession: my friends
Do you own anything embarrassing: No
Weirdest thing you own: these questions are so weird i literally have no clue
Do you own anything popular. my phone and vr
Do you own anything considered rich: i mean yeah i have a macbook
Do you own anything futuristic: if you’re counting vr then yes
Coolest thing you own: vr
Oldest thing you own: i have no clue i don’t have a lot of old things
What did you buy/get recently: a dongle for my headphones
Hair style: blonde and wavy. medium length.
Hair length: medium
Hair color: blonde
Body style: skinny, thicc ;)
Ethnicity: white
What are you wearing: black sweatpants. blue sweatshirt.
Eye color: brown
Are you wearing makeup: nope. too much work. don’t think i’d like it
Type of underwear that you are wearing: boxers
Favorite outfit: volcom
Facial hair: none it would be dope to have a cool mustache tho
Sexuality: bi
Relationship status: single 😍
Who is your crush: non existent
Celebrity crush: ariana grande
Have you cheated on someone: never had anyone to cheat on
Ideal girlfriend/boyfriend: cuddles, someone adorable, cares about me. someone i can shower with love and will reciprocate it.
Ideal date: cuddles and watching a movie
Have you ever asked someone out: no i’m a pussy
What do you hope in a relationship: someone to share all of myself with.
Are you interested in anyone: no
Do you real life/online date: no
Are you a virgin: yesh :)
Have you ever seen anyone naked: sexually no. i’ve seen like family members naked when i was little.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos:
Have you ever had a same sex experience: no
Have you ever sent a nude: yes i regret it a lot
Have you ever sexted: yes
Have you ever kissed anyone: nope
Am I attractive: personally i am not. you probably are. sexy fucking beast come over here.
Have you ever slept together: no
Do you want to have sex: if it was w/ someone i cares about
Are you straight/bi/gay: bi
Dick size: 6. 6. kinda big. nothing huge. idk where i stand i know 5.5 is average i think but it still doesn’t feel big yk.
Pubic hair: slightly trimmed. will probably do more if i get a partner
Do you have any body hair: pubes, armpit hair, i get facial hair but i shave it
Are you circumcised: nope. all natural. as one should be.
How often do you masturbate: haven’t since nnn but usually like once a day or every other day
Have you ever watched porn: no NEVER EVER EVER EVER
Ideal sexual/physical attributes: idk someone cute again. big hoodies. adorable. nothing specific
Favorite sexual fantasy: getting rimmed but don’t tell anyone 😳
Turn on/turn offs: kinda the same as the other one. turn on - cute, open, loyal. turn off - idk just the usual ones. mean, not trustworthy
Any kinks: ok fine yk what? i’ll admit it. i wanna be rimmed and i wanna be pegged. of course it’s not a necessity but it would be nice.
Ideal sexual position: haven’t had sex 0/10
How do you masturbate: idk rubbing my foreskin and my frenulum over my head feels good lol. right hand up and down.
Do you own a toy: no sexual ones
Have you ever been caught masturbating: ye
Have you walked in when someone was having sex: no thank god
Biggest fears of sex: premature ejaculation
Any STD’s: you can’t really get one from yourself
How often are you horny: not very. like every other day
Most embarrassing sexual story: none really
Are you currently horny: nope
What do you expect in a sexual relationship: someone open. someone loving.
Where do you go to schools: online school
What classes do you take: um a bunch of different hard ones.
What grade are you in: 9th
Most favorite teacher: math
Least favorite teacher: don’t have a teacher i don’t like. computer science maybe
Highest/lowest grade: lowest english, highest PE lol
How long is your school day: 10 to 3
Did you do your homework: not the weekend hw
Any tests, quizzes, exams coming up: not this monday but the next one
Last bad grade: A 21/20 on a project.
Last good grade: 10/10 on like a lot of things
Are you rich/poor: me personally i’m not rich
Where do you stand in the wealth class: i don’t have a job personally
How big is your house: pretty darn big
Take a picture of your house: no uwu.
How much do your parents make: no clue. not a little amount. both parents have good jobs.
Do your parents struggle with debt: nope
Do you own a pool: No.
Do you live in a gated neighborhood: No
Do you have expensive stuff: yes
How big is your room: smallest in the house. i don’t know the measurements
What kind of school do you go to: public school online.
Send a selfie: no i’m ugly
Do whatever I say: go for it
Dm me: feel free if you have any interesting question
Ask whatever you want: penis size?
123 Questions to Play Freaky Numbers Game for Snapchat
Last Updated on September 14, 2022 by Alexander Burgemeester
What is the Pick a Number Game on Snapchat?
Have you heard of the question game for Snapchat? It’s a safe space for dirty talk, where you can spice up your sex life. Use it to play dirty truth, dare, or share your favorite sexual memory.
Additionally, you can use it to find out what’s your partner’s guilty pleasure. Or, on the other hand, you can use it to prompt someone to change their Facebook status to “lonely tonight.”
Another application would be to let someone go through your YouTube history. They get to read out your videos saved.
Dirty talk aside, the Pick a Number game is fun for people to get to know each other. Whether you’re just a silly boy or a mature man, it’s a fantastic way to get people talking.
Another key point is that it breaks the ice and spices up any social gathering or party, online or in person. The game works for both same-sex and heterosexual relationships.
It can also be a sexual awakening. Moreover, one of the best parts of the game is that even familiar people can learn new things about each other.
How to Play the Dirty Freaky Question Game for Snapchat?
To play the game, you need to create a list of numbered questions. There’s no standard version to follow.
As a matter of fact, the topics or questions can vary in personal preference. Ask the other player to pick a number between one and as many questions as are on the list.
Reading Suggestion: 38 Deep Things To Say To Your Boyfriend
You then have to answer the question corresponding to that number. The questions can be as easy and innocent or complex and deep as you want.
Questions like “what’s your favorite song” won’t cut it. Why? Because the idea is to keep it engaging and entertain the participants.
Furthermore, the best questions are those that target people’s behaviors and personalities. In that way, you can learn even more about them.
Answering flirty questions may seem innocent. But, remember that this game can compromise your safety and privacy. So, stay safe as you play.
Here are some examples of questions to place on your list:
41 Get to Know Me Questions for the Numbers Game on Snapchat
- Tell me about the most exciting relationship you have ever had.
- What’s your ideal first date?
- Who is your favorite author?
- What picture is on your lock screen right now?
- Where did you get your first kiss?
- Who is the one buddy you can count on no matter where you are?
- Who is your best partner in crime?
- What’s the most embarrassing time to make fart sounds?
- What’s your favorite body part? Why?
- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in your childhood?
- What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day at work?
- What do you spend money on without feeling guilty?
- What is your number one pet peeve?
- What accomplishment are you proudest of?
- What do you hate most about social media?
- Are you a cat person or a dog person?
- Would you prefer to be able to walk through fire or read people’s minds?
- Would you prefer a day without your phone or toilet paper?
- What is one of the things you would put on your bucket list?
- What did you binge-watch recently?
- Who is the last person you texted? What does the text say?
- What do you feel is the most significant success you have achieved in your life so far?
- What is the most disgusting food you’ve ever tasted?
- What is the ugliest name you’ve ever heard?
- What is the worst smell in the world?
- If you could have only one superpower, what would it be?
- What’s the first thing you notice in a person?
Reading Suggestion: The Perfect Get To Know You Card Games for Date Night
What Would You Do?- If a genie granted you a wish, what would you ask for?
- What would you do if you could borrow an invisibility cloak for a day?
- If you could select any historical figure as your imaginary friend, who would you choose and why?
- Suppose you’ll be the opposite sex for a month.
What would be the first thing you’d do?
- What kind of tattoo do you see yourself getting? Why?
- What would you like to change about yourself?
- If somebody gave you a million dollars, how would you spend it?
- If money were no object, in which part of the world would you live?
a) Cake or cookies?
b) Coke or Pepsi?
c) Tea or coffee?
d) Facebook or Twitter?
e) Beer or vodka?
f) Read the book or watch the movie?
31 Random Questions Snapchat Questions Game
- Who is your celebrity crush?
- What’s your battery percentage right now?
- What color underwear are you wearing?
- Did you ever cheat on someone?
- Did someone ever cheat on you?
- What’s the last song you listened to?
- Which teacher did you hate the most?
- Are you listening to music right now?
- Which emoji represents how you’re feeling right now?
- Someone has just given you a time machine.
Would you go back in time or visit the future? Why?
- What’s in your fridge right now?
- What’s the stupidest thing you’ve done because someone dared you to?
- How funny would you say you are? Rate it on a scale of 1-10.
- Has anyone ever banned you from a public place?
- If you could join any current or former music group, which would you want to join?
- Name something you will never do again.
- Does it matter if the woman earns more than the man in a relationship? Why or why not?
- If you could return to any age in your life, which year would you choose and why?
- You’ve just been placed in a witness protection program. What would your nickname be?
- What do you want to be written on your tombstone?
- What’s the last picture you clicked? Share it with me.
- Would you do good deeds even if you got no acknowledgment? Why or why not?
- If you could make an app, what would it be for?
- Share one of your favorite Christmas pictures from your camera roll.
- Name something the opposite sex does that you wish you could do.
Reading Suggestion: 31 Fun Bets To Make With Your Boyfriend
Would You Rathera) Get the opportunity to tour the world or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
b) Give up showering for a month or the Internet for a month?
c) Go shopping by yourself or with someone?
d) Never be stuck in traffic again or never get another cold?
e) Do something you love and make only enough money to get by or something you hate and make billions of dollars?
f) Babysit a crying infant for a day or have an unwanted houseguest for a week?
30 Dirty Talk Questions for the Snapchat Game
Would you like to know some dirty truths about your opponents? The Snapchat game allows you to do exactly that!
So, from kissing on the first date to one-night stands, here’s the sexiest way to find out more about your crush.
Undeniably, these truth or dare questions are not for the faint of heart. So, without further ado, here’s a list of dirty questions you can ask.
- What’s your favorite body part on yourself? On your partner?
- What’s the name of the first person you ever kissed?
- Do you think either of your partner’s parents is hot?
- Have you ever taken spicy pictures?
- Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
- What’s one dirty truth about you that no one else knows?
- What’s your favorite fantasy?
- Would you like to taste someone else’s lips? Whose?
- Who would you most like to give a full body massage to?
- Do you read erotic fiction?
Reading Suggestion: 275 Very Dirty Would You rather Questions To Ask Your Crush
Take a Walk on the Wild Side- Would you like to get laid tonight?
- What’s one of your sexual fantasies?
- Would you bang your friend’s girlfriend?
- Have you ever had a one-night stand?
- Would you lick whipped cream off another person?
- Would you lick peanut butter off another person?
- Would you lick chocolate sauce off another person?
- Have you ever had angry sex?
- Have you ever had a same-sex relationship?
- Has anyone ever given you a lap dance?
- Have you ever slept with someone you saw working in a strip club?
- Have you ever had sex with more than one person at one time?
- Where’s the weirdest place you ever had sex?
- What was your first ever wet dream about?
- Have you ever undressed someone using only your teeth?
- Do you know how to put on a condom using just your mouth?
- What was your last dirty dream about?
- What is the dirtiest dream you have ever had?
- Would you stroke me on my very inner thigh?
- What’s the best sex tape you ever made?
Ever played dirty truth or dare? In case you haven’t, dirty truth or dare is very much like regular truth or dare. In fact, the only difference is the questions.
They’re … umm … let’s say they’re much more daring. We’ve already given you a list of dirty questions for the “truth” part. So, here are some of the “dirty dares” you can give those who don’t want to admit the truth.
Make the rounds exciting by offering a reward to the person who scores highest. The prize can be something such as a glass of wine or a mixed drink.
Another suggestion for the prize is to give the winner a special favor of their choosing. However, if they answer the question wrong, they have to do something for you.
a) Hop on one leg whenever you need to walk somewhere for the rest of the night.
b) Turn out the lights and try to turn your crush on using only touch. Blow on the other person’s neck, alternating hot and cool for one minute.
c) Kiss your partner’s feet for two minutes.
d) Do a sexy dance.
e) Speak with a fake British accent for the rest of the night.
f) Go hide somewhere in the house until the next round. You must remain hidden, even if you think no one will find you.
g) Spell out a secret message on the back of your crush.
h) Choose one person you want to kiss on the lips. With your eyes closed and the other people standing across from you, walk with your hands outstretched. Kiss the first person you reach on the exact spot where you touch them.
i) Wear a “Kiss Me … It’s My Birthday” board around your neck for 20 minutes.
Dirty Truth or Dare for Textinga) Send a picture of yourself wearing your swimming suit
b) Remove an item of clothing right now (any item). Take a picture for proof.
Reading Suggestion: 75 Cute Paragraphs To Send Your Crush
12 Flirty Questions for Pick a Number Game
For some people, dirty questions are a turnoff. You might be better off asking them flirty truth or dare questions instead. So, here’s a list for your next round (if you need to take things down a notch).
- Which is the hottest movie star ever?
- Do you have an ex who fits the description of “the one that got away?” What’s the most memorable thing about them?
- Have you ever stalked another person on social media?
- What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? What happened?
- How would you rate my looks? (Scale of 1-10).
- What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done or that someone has done for you?
- What embarrassing thing have you ever done to capture someone’s attention?
- What’s the most embarrassing text you’ve ever sent to someone?
- Have you ever flashed someone?
- What’s something you wish you’d learned earlier about love?
- What food do you think is sexy? Why?
- Name the most childish thing you still do.
Reading Suggestion: 62 Romantic Questions To Ask Your Crush
Things to Keep in Mind
Dirty questions aren’t for everyone. Neither is truth or dare questions. So before you start this Snapchat game, be sure that it is something you and your sweetie will enjoy.
The questions game on Snapchat should be fun and lighthearted. It’s a great way to learn new, juicy titbits that you did not know before and connect with your significant other.
Can you think of any further questions we should add to our list? We’d love to hear from you!
Overview of the clicker genre - Gamedev on DTF
Good afternoon dear friends, I am a teacher at the JJunior game development school and would like to talk with you today about such a genre as clickers.
13 271 views
The genre of clickers has been in the tops of the stores for several years, and their creators are rowing millions with a shovel. What kind of genre is this, why do players like it and what dirty secrets does it keep.
What genre is this?
People call these games clickers, but the genre as such is called Idle.
One of the most famous representatives of this genre was released in 2013 and immediately gained popularity among many people. It was Cookie Clicker!
The essence of this game, like the whole genre, is simple. You need to click on the screen, thereby earning a certain currency, which in turn can be spent on improving your performance. It seems like nothing interesting, but why then did absolutely everyone play it? nine0003
Today we will analyze just the ancestor, he has already collected more than 10,000,000+ downloads.
How do clickers grab your attention?
In words, these games are as stupid and ridiculous as possible, but now everyone knows this genre very well. If you have ever launched such games, then half an hour after the launch, you regained consciousness and realized that the game dragged you in.
Meet by clothes
First and foremost, these games always make an insanely great first impression that's very hard to beat later. At the start of the game, you are given a lot of resources, even twice as much as you need, which allows you to quickly level up and increase your capital. Notice that you are constantly growing, you are always doing something good and you are encouraged for it! nine0003
The game gives beautiful feedback for each of your actions. Each click is a beautiful and colorful animation, and each improvement is a whole parade in your honor.
you are always a good fellow
Whatever you do in clickers, you will always be encouraged, this is the second important aspect in these games.
Do you come in every day and play?
You are great, you are developing rapidly!
You haven't visited in a week?
Well done, take the mountain of money accumulated over the week and improve! nine0003
There are no situations in these games where you get upset. Any of your actions will lead to success, you are always a successful and strong person.
Let's be honest, sometimes we all want this in life.
Perfect play session
Clickers fit in with the modern pace of life, we always have a couple of free minutes during the day that we want to spend on stupid sticking. Just clickers give us such an opportunity, they allow us to come in a couple of times a day and distribute our savings, progress is always going on. The game does not force you to constantly sit in itself, it pushes the player out by itself, insisting on the accumulation of resources, which encourages the player to return again. nine0003
Problems of the genre
Just clicking is boring
Over time, you will get tired of clicking, but then autofarm will come to the rescue and the game will play itself! Is this not happiness? After a certain level of accumulation, improvements are opened for you, which automatically extract currency for you, and then your role is reduced only to the distribution of your untold wealth.
Autofarm destroys the economy
In many games this would be the case, but not in clickers. nine0013 All thanks to the exponential price increase curve for upgrades. The player can leave the game at least for how long without attention, savings will grow, but this will not cause any damage to the economy, because prices grow even more, thereby arranging a good savings challenge for you.
Exponential growth will make it too difficult
Yes, when you reach huge values, it takes a week or more to save up for the desired improvement, which forces you to drop the game. nine0013 It seems that nothing can be done about it, but prestige came to the rescue. When you gain prestige, you are reborn, reset all your progress to zero, but in return you get more compensation and a bonus, the higher your prestige level, the greater this bonus will be. In fact, due to exponential growth, at some point you will definitely get into a situation where it takes a very long time to save, and with each new prestige you move this moment further and further.
How can I make a clicker? nine0003
We have discussed with you why games of this genre are so popular and how they have developed over the years, but in order to make money on them you need to be able to make them!
If this article collects enough pluses, then I will write an article where we will step by step analyze the creation of a simple clicker!
Toad promised that if this post reaches 100 classes, then the post about the clicker will definitely come out!
Game 21 Question
📖 Content:
- How to play Game 21 Question
- Rules of the game
- 21 questions for a new relationship
- 21 questions for someone you like
- 21 questions for your significant other
- 21 dirty dating questions (18+)
- 21 questions to ask a girl
- to ask a guy
Getting to know someone can be a difficult task. Your hands sweat, you begin to stutter, and nothing but brain nonsense comes to mind. Sounds familiar? The game "21 Questions" can be your solution! nine0003
This Q&A game can be an opportunity to deepen any relationship of your choice!
How to play the game 21 Question
The basic rules are quite simple: One player asks a question and the other answers.
If there are only 2 players in the game, then you can play both in one-sided and two-sided mode. But if you are more than 2 players and want to make the game more interesting, take a look at the game options below.
Which Gilmore Girls character am I? nine0003
Do you think you would get along with everyone in Stars Hollow? Find out what character you would be in Gilmore Girls and see how you would handle it!
Start the quiz
And always remember that the goal of the game is not to answer questions. The goal is to have an interesting conversation!
Target Version
In this version of 21 Questions, you start by randomly selecting one person as the target. You can play rock-paper-scissors, spin a bottle, or find your own way to randomly solve. nine0003
The other players now ask 21 questions, and the selected player answers them.
After the first round, the player who has finished answering nominates another person as the target.
Circle version
As you might guess from the name, all players gather in a circle. Then you decide who starts. You can either choose randomly, or maybe one of the volunteers will speak first.
Now the first player asks one question. The player on the right starts answering the question, then the next player answers that question, and so on until everyone, including the first player, has answered that question. nine0003
After the first round, the next player in line asks a second question. And again, everyone answers it.
N e w !
Dice version
Dice version is quite similar to the target game version 21 Question.
First, you choose a target player at random. That player then rolls two dice. How many questions the player will need to answer depends on the sum of the numbers of the two dice.
Example: Player 1 rolls the dice and the numbers “4” and “3” pop up. Now the rest of the players ask him seven questions. nine0003
Tip: If you only have one die, memorize the first number, roll the die again and add the two numbers.
7 questions version
In the 7 questions version of the game, you simply divide the questions between the players.
For example: If there are three players, then each player answers seven questions.
Tip: If it turns out that the number 21 is not evenly divisible by the number of participants, then just expand your list until the division is possible. nine0003
Rules of the game 21 Question
- Do not judge! No one should judge other people's answers. If you don't have good comments, maybe just shut up.
- Show respect! Yes, personal or even awkward questions can be fun. But be careful and don't make someone feel uncomfortable while playing. Just treat them the way you would like to be treated.
- Be honest! Nobody likes liars. nine0097
- Do not copy questions! It's boring to hear the same questions over and over again. Be creative and come up with your own questions, or check out our list.
- Enjoy the conversation! Try adding "why" after some questions to start a deep conversation. Some stories are more interesting than the answer itself.
Questions for the game 21 Question
Here we have collected more than 100 questions for the game 21 Questions! Here you are guaranteed to find questions for any occasion. nine0003
👉 Here are 150+ Most Likely Questions for Couples
21 New Relationship Question
The following questions are ideal for deepening your new relationship. Using these questions, we guarantee a fun gaming evening with the opportunity to get to know your interlocutor better!
1. If your life were a movie, what would it be called?
My answer would be “Harry Potter” - just because I want to be at Hogwarts!!
2. Last concert you went to? nine0214
We all love to talk about music, don't we?
3. What would you like to be really good at?
Everyone has at least one thing in which he would like to be a real pro.
4. If you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be?
I would be a golden retriever.
5. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
Or maybe morning and evening?
6. If you go to a restaurant and the service is terrible, can you not leave a tip? nine0214
Hehe, that's a trick question.
7. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Would you like to be a mammal, bird or amphibian? Maybe you want to be a wasp and sting people you don't like? I would understand.
8. If you had to change your name, what name would you choose?
I'm sure you would choose an unusual name.
👉 We offer you: This or That game: 200+ funny and crazy questions!
9. What was the last show you watched? nine0214
Friends, Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother, or The Big Bang Theory? There are so many great series to choose from!
10. Who is your secret hero?
Maybe your mother?
11. If you had a time machine, would you go back to the past or visit the future?
Both would be so interesting. It's hard to choose.
12. If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Choose wisely.
13. What is the worst lie you have ever told your parents?
Yes, no one should lie… But sometimes it just happens!
14. If any actor or actress could play you in a film, who would it be?
Would it be Keira Knightley, Jennifer Aniston or Jennifer Lawrence? Or Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman or Tom Cruise?

And sometimes dreams can be not only strange, but also scary. nine0003
16. Do you function better in the morning or in the evening?
I am definitely at night.
17. What is your favorite karaoke song?
I remember white wallpaper, black dishes. There are two of us in Khrushchev, who are we and where are we from?
18. If you could move anywhere, where would you go?
There are so many beautiful places in the world. What is your favorite country?
We offer you: What would you choose? questions for teenagers
19. What is the biggest lesson you have learned? nine0214
Hmm, that's a tricky question.
20. What was your favorite game as a child?
It doesn't matter if it's a virtual or analog game. Just the first game that comes to mind!
21. If you could visit one place on earth, where would you go?
Yes, where would you go?
21 questions to someone you like
Are you secretly in love with the girl next door? Or the boy in your class? Do not worry. The following list will be perfect for you because we have put together a list of questions to ask your crush. nine0003
We've put together this list of 21 questions that can be good conversation starters to build a closer relationship. Some of them are great for a first conversation, some are perfect for a first date, and will also be great after a couple of months in a relationship.
1. What is your attitude to text messages sent in a row after some time without waiting for an answer?
Hmm, something to think about…
2. When did you have your first kiss? nine0214
First kiss… I bet there's a cute story behind this answer!
3. Do you believe in astrology? Does your sign match you?
It says a lot about a person if a person believes in the signs of the zodiac.
4. What is the most spontaneous thing you have ever done?
Let's be spontaneous!
👉 We offer you: 100+ What would you choose? questions for children

You should not regret anything. The past still can't be changed. nine0003
6. How do you imagine your dream date?
Maybe your crush dreams of you!
7. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
Are you close to your family or not?
8. Are you looking for a relationship? Why do you say that?
This is a very important question to ask your crush.
9. Do you think about me?
And? And you?
10. What attracts you in people?
I hope that your falling in love pays attention not only to appearance. It would be so boring. nine0003
11. Are you a virgin?
This is a very intimate question.
12. Do you think you're a good kisser?
Don't we all think we're good kissers?
13. What is your best part of the day?
Let's talk about our days!
14. The last book that pulled you in unrealistically?
I hope you know the most important rule: don't sleep with people who don't have books!

This question is also very important to ask if you are in love.
16. The moment when you really stepped out of your comfort zone?
Leaving your comfort zone can be very scary!
17. How did your last relationship end?
I hope your love has not betrayed anyone.
18. What is your greatest sinful pleasure?
Do you still enjoy looking at Hannah Montana? Or maybe you like listening to Britney Spears? Tell your secrets! nine0003
19. If you were a superhero, what would be your secret ability?
I would be like Spiderman. (Or Spider Woman?)
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20. Describe your ideal partner?
I hope your love will answer in great detail!
21. How old were you when you started dating?
This is also very important.
21 questions for the soulmate
Yes, the game 21 Question is also suitable for couples. The following questions are designed to get to know your loved one more deeply. nine0003
1. First person you were in love with?
And best of all, tell each other how the stories ended.
2. What was the happiest moment in your life?
Maybe the moment you met?
3. What is your favorite scent?
Mmm… There is nothing better than good smells!
4. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done to get the attention of someone you like?
Please tell each other whole stories! nine0003
5. What's the weirdest way you've made friends with someone?
Your significant other probably already knows this story.
6. Did you cheat on anyone?
I hope not.
7. What is the most ridiculous thing you have done because you were bored?
Let's be honest with each other!
8. When you were a child, what seemed the best thing about being an adult?
Children always imagine adult life as too ideal. nine0003
9. Have you ever been cheated on?
If so, I am very sorry for both of you.
10. What did you not understand for a long time?
My friend didn't learn to recognize a watch properly until she was 13 years old. What about you?
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11. How many people have you kissed?
I hope you can still count!
12. What are you most afraid of?
Are you afraid of spiders, snakes or the dark? nine0003
13. What was the happiest moment in your life?
At least the happiest moment!
14. Do you think religion will always exist?
This is a difficult question.
15. What would your dream house look like?
And how will the house be furnished? Dream together about your ideal home!
16. What is the most important part of friendship?
I think it's honesty.
17. What is the story of your first kiss? nine0214
I think this story is rather awkward.
18. What is the worst job you have ever had?
Did you hand out flyers or work in the telephone service? Tell each other about your worst work experience!
19. What is the most interesting fact you know?
Tell me!
20. What would your ideal vacation look like?
Do you prefer a holiday on the beach or in the mountains?
21. Do you think about me when I'm not around? nine0214
I hope so!
21 Dirty Dating Questions (18+)
This list is full of questions to spice up your evening. It doesn't matter if you're in an ongoing relationship with another player, or you're just friends with privileges, or just started dating.
If you're looking for something serious, or just want to get to know the other person better, check out 21 Questions for Someone You Like. Because after these questions, you may not learn any new stories from life, but you just want to rip each other's clothes off. Please note that the following questions are 18+! nine0003
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Yes, tell your naughty stories!
2. What is the largest number of times you have done this in a row?
Wx… Hope you can count!
3. What do you think about sex with me?
Yes, tell them what you think!
4. What turns you on?
The more honest you are here with each other, the less awkward conversations you will have to have later! nine0003
5. Do you remember how you felt during your very first orgasm?
And you?
6. What do you like most about quick sex?
You can share your thoughts too!
7. Have you ever had a sexual dream?
If so, tell us!
8. What do you think about toys in the bedroom?
Would you like to buy something together?
9. If I catch you masturbating, will you continue, ask for help, or will you stop and pretend that nothing happened? nine0214
10. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner?
Do you like such things? Better to be honest right now!

Apparently everyone watches porn.
12. Do you like BDSM?
Do you both like it?
13. Tell me about your secret sexual fantasy?
Discover your deepest secret!
14. What do you sleep in?
Or maybe you have nothing on?
15. Do you consider yourself playful? Why do you say that?
Yes, justify your answer!
👉 We offer you: Truth or dare questions and tasks for couples
16. What was your best sexual experience?
Don't admire your exes too much.
17. What do you think about text messages with sexual content?
Maybe you should try it together right now?
18. What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had about a complete stranger? nine0214
Tell it.
19. How do you like to be seduced?
Another thing you could try right now!
20. What's the weirdest thing you thought about while touching yourself?
I hope you don't tell each other bad stories now…

Yes, what are you doing?
21 questions to ask a girl
Do you have a girl in your life that you would like to get to know better? Ask her the following 21 questions! nine0003
1. Which song brings a lot of memories?
And explain why!
2. Would you like to be rich or famous?
Yes, you can't choose both!
3. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
Whatever she says, please just answer: you are perfect just the way you are!
4. What are your playful fantasies about me?
Do you also feel suddenly hot? nine0003
5. If you could choose one celebrity to be the mother of your child, who would it be?
That's a tricky question!
6. Describe yourself in three words?
This is a very difficult question.
7. What is your favorite joke?
I hope she enjoys telling jokes.
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Better think twice if you want to know. nine0003
9. How is your morning?
Let her tell you all about her morning.
10. What do you think about threesomes?
Is it wise to ask this question to a woman? I'm not sure.
11. If you found a briefcase with money on the street, would you keep it for yourself?
Maybe a little…
12. Has anything ever ruined your birthday?
I hope not!
13. What is your favorite oral sex technique?
This is a very intimate matter.
14. What makes you special and unique?
It is always very interesting to know what a person thinks about himself.
15. Would you like to be a famous director or a famous actress?
I bet she would rather be a famous actress.
16. What is the best decision you have ever made?
Maybe her best decision was to talk to you?

I bet it was the strange person who told her to smile.
18. Would you rather be SpongeBob or Patrick?
I'd rather be SpongeBob.
19. What do you think about marriage?
Phew, things got serious!
20. What fictional character would you marry if you had the chance?
Be honest!
21. What are five things you can't live without?
One of them is her cell phone. nine0003
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21 questions to ask a guy
The next 21 questions are perfect for any guy of your choice. Of course, these 21 questions are also great questions to ask your boyfriend.
1. What is more important - truth or happiness?
It's complicated.
2. Do you find food online and read reviews, or do you walk around until you find something?
This question says a lot about a person. nine0003

I hope he is not an aggressive person!
4. Club or candlelit dinner?
Maybe both?
5. What is the best thing I can do for you in bed?
Better listen carefully to her answer!
6. What is the length of your longest romantic relationship?
Of course, if you haven't had a long-term relationship, that's fine.
7. Have you ever beaten a person with whom you had some connection? nine0214
I hope not! If he says yes, then you better run!
8. What do you think an orgy is like?
I guess it depends on the people involved, doesn't it?
9. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
Of course, not everyone likes one-night stands.
10. What is the dumbest pick-up line someone has used on you to get your attention?
Is your name Earl Grey? Because you look like hot tea! nine0003
11. Describe your worst first date?
I hope not this?