Dirty nursery rhymes humpty dumpty
Beware Of Mother Goose: 6 Horrifying Nursery Rhymes Decoded
The simple rhymes and songs we know courtesy of Mother Goose weren’t actually written for children. For the most part, nursery rhymes were composed by peasants in an exercise of solidarity. Themes in these rhymes range from infanticide to political treachery, and when you find out what most of these poems are really about, it can be downright scary.
In honor of Halloween, here are six nursery rhymes decoded.
Credit wikipedia
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater
Had a wife, and couldn't keep her.
He put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well.
This rhyme is pretty straightforward in its creepiness. Here’s what University of North Texas English Professor Justin Jones had to say about it.
“The gist of it is, that he is an overbearing man who needs to find a way to control the appetites of his wife, suggested that they were sexual appetites, by more or less keeping her his own personal prisoner,” says Jones.
There are also several older version that have additional verses that Jones said wouldn't make any sense in 2014.
Credit nurseryrhymesmg
Jack Be Nimble
Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack jump over
The candlestick
According to various scholars, jumping over the candlestick originated from an ancient pagan tradition of leaping over fires.
The goal was to jump over the lit candle without snuffing it out. This was supposed to bring good fortune.
This rhyme also has additional verses.
Credit wikipedia
Ring Around The Rosy
Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
"Ashes, Ashes"
We all fall down
This charming little rhyme is popular with young children who chant it, holding hands and walking in a circle. Most children then sit down at the song’s crescendo.
Historians agree that this rhyme has its origins in the bubonic plague. Symptoms included a red rash in the shape of a ring on the skin. Pockets and pouches were filled with sweet smelling herbs (or posies) which were carried because people believe the disease was transmitted by foul odors. “Ashes Ashes," refers to the cremation of bodies and “We all fall down” is a euphemism for the staggering death rate.
Credit nursery rhymes collection
nursery rhymes collection
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.
It’s pretty much agreed upon that the “Mary” in this poem is Mary Tudor, or Bloody Mary. She tried to revert back to the Catholic church as soon as she took the throne and apparently burned religious heretics on the regular.
She also executed and tortured them by other means. Some scholars say “silver bells” stood for thumb screws and that "cockle shells" was known as a genital torture device. The pretty maids in a row stood for the people lining up to be executed by the guillotine. Most people think the “garden” was the cemetery.
Credit blog-write-at-home
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again
Humpty Dumpty is usually illustrated as an egg, but historians think he was actually a deadly cannon. During a British civil battle, Humpty Dumpty was seized by the opposing side. When soldiers tried to use the cannon, the loyal weapon shattered. And “all the king's horses and all the king's men, couldn't put Humpty together again.”
Credit fun roadtrip games
fun roadtrip games
Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush.
Here we go round the mulberry bush
So early in the morning.
According to a prison warden, a lock-up in Wakefield, England, inspired this song. Once women were added to the population, it’s believed female inmates would sing it while they exercised with their children around a central mulberry bush in the prison yard.
【 humpty+dumpty+sat+on+a+wall 】 【 Lyrics 】67 lyrics related been found
Songs of Mother Goose: taberko — LiveJournal
?- Literature
"Shaltai-Boltai sat on the wall.
Shaltai-Boltai fell in a dream"

Many masters of the word undertook to translate this English heritage, but the most famous and successful are the translations of Samuil Marshak and Korney Chukovsky. They managed to preserve both brevity, and gaiety, and quirkiness, and liveliness of the language, and folk humor with paradoxical fantasy, and intricate plots. Korney Chukovsky translated six poems from the collection (Kotausi and Mausi, Braves, Crooked Song, Barabek, Jenny, Hen), Samuil Marshak - more than 50, although not all of them either. His grandson Alexander Marshak finished the job, and, it should be noted, did not lose face. There are, of course, banal verbal rhymes and rhythm breaks, but on the whole, his songs are read as easily and smoothly as grandfathers.

There are not many good editions of "Mother Goose Songs" today, but until recently there were none at all, so we now have a reason for joy and a choice. Let's start with Marshak's translations.
Today's best edition of English children's songs translated by Samuil Marshak is the reissue of the 1956 Detgiz collection with works by Vladimir Konashevich. 41 songs with fantastic bright and detailed illustrations, loved since childhood and thought out to the smallest detail - is this not happiness? The book retains the original layout and interesting composition of figures and text. Here are the best illustrations for "The House That Jack Built" - detailed and following the text. The Master Reader really enjoys following the characters and pointing each one in the little pictures.
And this is one of the favorite poems of the Chief Reader.
We even ate a "pie with tits and magpies" on his order)
The quality of the edition is excellent: hardcover, gift cardboard case with die-cutting, glued block, very thick coated paper (sorry for glare), offset different endpapers with the heroes of the songs, a clear large font and - a pleasant surprise from AST - high-quality bright printing of illustrations.
"Floating, floating boat (deluxe edition)" S. Marshak |
The most complete collection of content today is a book with illustrations by Jones Harold (in the original - Lavender's blue). About two hundred poems and songs with alternating color and black-and-white illustrations, 45 of them translated by Samuil Marshak, the rest wonderfully translated by his grandson Alexander. In our family, this book is read very funny, the Chief Reader shows his brother all the black-and-white spreads with the words: "Look, Danechka, they printed it here for you too." Lovely, delicate, graceful drawings with a touch of antiquity will not leave anyone indifferent, black and white graphics are no less interesting than color works.
The quality of the publication pleases: hard cover with partial varnishing, coated paper, tinted in a light beige, which suits retro illustrations so well, soft and at the same time juicy printing of illustrations.

"When I Become King. English Children's Songs" S. Marshak, A. Marshak |
There is another version of the songs translated by S. Marshak and A. Marshak, illustrated with antique postcards, but, unfortunately, it has gone too far with the design:
"Poems and Tales of Mother Goose"
in the "Labyrinth"
The most interesting bilingual publication is "The House That Jack Built" with original, colorful and slightly absurd illustrations by Victoria Fomina, which, of course, are not for everyone. The poems translated by Samuil Marshak alternate with the original ones in English. The only pity is that they are located not on one turn, but in groups - several in Russian, then they are in English.
The quality of the publication is excellent: hard glossy cover, coated paper, excellent juicy printing of illustrations, clear large type.

"The house that Jack built" S. Marshak |
English songs translated by Samuil Marshak are still on sale with illustrations by Evgeny Monin. There are cardboard books for the little ones, in which one or more poems, there are collections of English and Czech songs on cardboard or paper, for every taste. I showed it here: http://taberko.livejournal.com/73906.html
in "Labyrinth"
As for the translations of Korney Chukovsky, today you can buy a thin, not very high-quality cardboard book with all six songs and illustrations by Vladimir Suteev. We were in great demand, despite the press: http://taberko.livejournal.com/73906.html
OZON.ru - Korney Chukovsky. Children's songs | Korney Chukovsky |

"Poems and songs of Mother Goose" |
There is still a collection with wonderful translations by Marina Boroditskaya, Viktor Lunin, Grigory Kruzhkov and illustrations by Svetozar Ostrov, which, say, for an amateur:
"Poems of Mother Goose" |
"Mother Goose Songs" -Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose |

Poems of Father Gusak in the Labyrinth
Stupid Horse in the Labyrinth
Tags: AST, Harold, Bookshelf from 0 to 3 years, Bookshelf from 3 to 6 years, Konashevich, Marshak Early Development Academy "Umnitsa"
It seems that quite recently we opened the box with the Academy of Early Development "Umnitsa" http://taberko.livejournal.com/301411.html, and already two…
This is the end of our journey through time with the Academy of Early Development "Umnitsa". And it's time to tell about geographical games...
Educational games based on Agnia Barto's book "Ignorant Bear"
Welcome to our games based on Agnia Barto's book "Ignorant Bear"! Dear readers from development centers and…
Umnitsa Academy of Early Development
It seems that just recently we opened the box with the Umnitsa Early Development Academy http://taberko.
livejournal.com/301411.html, and already two…
Geography, or Big Journey from Umnitsa
So our journey through time with the Academy of Early Development "Umnitsa" has ended. And the time has come to tell about geographical games.…
Educational games based on Agnia Barto's book "Ignorant Bear"
Welcome to our games based on Agnia Barto's book "Ignorant Bear"! Dear readers from developing centers and…
Short poems in English with translation. - "Family and School"
hand-eye coordination of rhyme, and you will also work on:- Order and sequence
- Concept of number texts and actions.
Here are some traditional nursery rhymes.
1. Twinkle twinkle star
Twinkle twinkle star
How I wonder who you are
So high above the world
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle star
How I wonder who you are2 Are you sleeping
Are you sleeping, are you sleeping
Brother John, Brother John?
The morning bells are ringing
The morning bells are ringing
Ding-dang-dong, ding-dang-dong3.
Muffin man
Oh, you know the muffin,
Muffin man, muffin man,
Oh, you know the muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane?Oh, yes, I know a muffin man,
A muffin man, a muffin man,
Oh, yes, I know a muffin man,
Who lives on Drury Lane.4. Hey, Diddle Diddle
Hey, diddle, diddle,
Cat and violin,
Cow jumped over the moon;
Doggy laughed
To see such a sport,
And the plate ran away with the spoon.5. Baa Baa Black sheep
Baa, baa, black sheep
Do you have wool?
Yes sir, yes sir
Three sacks fullOne for the master
And one for the lady
One for the little boy
Who lives in the laneBaa, baa, black sheep
Do you have wool?
Yes sir, yes sir
Three bags fullHere are 12 more great songs for preschoolers.
Finger Rhymes
Exercise for the little fingers with these games.
Fu-Fu Bunny
Fu-Fu Bunny
(make rabbit ears with your fingers and make them jump with your fist)
And beat them on the head.
(hit the fist with the other hand)
And down, down, down the Good Fairy came and said:
“Bunny Fu Fu
I don’t want to see you
with a finger, as if saying “no”)
Pick up field mice
(pretend to pick up a mouse with your fist)
And hit them on the head.
(hit the fist with the other hand)
I will give you three chances,
(show the number of chances with your fingers)
And if you do not behave,
I will turn you into. ..thug!Little Bunny Foo Foo
(make bunny ears with your fingers and make them jump)
Jumping in the woods,
Picking up field mice
(pretend to pick a mouse with your fist)
And hit them on the head.
(hit the fist with the other hand)
And down, down, down the Good Fairy came and said:
"Little Fu-Fu Bunny"
I don't want to see you
Pick up field mice
(pretend to grab a mouse with your fist)
And beat them on the head.
(hit fist with other hand)
I'll give you two more chances,
(show number of chances with fingers)
And if you misbehave,
Then I'll turn you into... a thug!Little Bunny Foo Foo
(Make bunny ears with your fingers and make them jump)
Jump through the forest,
Pick up field mice
(Pretend to pick up a mouse with your fist)
And beat them on the head.
(hit the fist with the other hand)
And down, down, down, the Good Fairy came and said:
“Bunny Fu Fu
I don’t like your attitude
(shake your finger as if to say no)
Pick up field mice
(pretend to pick up a mouse with your fist)
And hit them on the head.
(hit the fist with the other hand)
I will give you another chance,
(show the number of chances with your fingers)
And if you behave badly,
I will definitely turn you into a… thug!Little Bunny Foo Foo
(make bunny ears with your fingers and make them jump)
Jump in the woods,
Pick up field mice
(pretend to pick up a mouse with your fist)
And hit them on the head.
(hit the fist with the other hand)
Then the Fairy Godmother descended,
And she turned Little Fu-Fu Bunny into a... thug![Listen to the tune on YouTube]
Here are some more fun animal songs for preschoolers.
7. Tiny spider
A tiny spider crawled up the gutter.
(wiggle fingers like a spider climbing up its nose)
It started to rain and washed away the spider.
(wiggle fingers from top to bottom, palms forward)
The sun came out and all the rain dried up, as the spider climbs up the nose again)8. Little Peter Rabbit
Little Peter Rabbit had a fly on his nose (repeat twice)
And he flicked it until it flew away.rabbit = hands raised to head like rabbit ears]
9. This piglet
This piglet went to the market.
(thumbs up)
This pig stayed at home.
(raise index finger)
This piglet was eating roast beef.
(raise middle finger)
This little pig didn't have them.
(raise your ring finger)
And this little pig was crying "wee-wee-wee" all the way home.
(raise little finger and wiggle it)10. Where is Thumb
(Start with hands behind back)
Where is Thumb? Where is Tambkin?
I'm here.
(bring right hand forward, thumb up)
Here I am.
(raise left hand forward, thumb up)
How are you this morning?
Very good, thank you.
(wiggle your thumbs as if they are “talking”)
Run away.
(hide right hand behind back)
Run away.
(hide left hand behind back)(Repeat rhyme with each finger: Pointer, Tall Man, Ring Man and Pinkie)
Like it? Here are more rhymes for preschool children.
Get your kids moving with these action-packed songs.
11. shake my pranks
must shake, shake, shake my nonsense
shake, shake, shake my stupidly
, shake, shake my stupidities
and shake my vihiliya away
, 9028clap, clap your hands
clap, clap, clap your hands
clap, clap, clap your hands
and wag
(clap throughout the verse)I gotta jump, jump, jump, wiggle jump, wiggle
Jump, jump, jump, wiggle
And wiggle, wiggle away
(jump through the whole verse)I gotta yawn, yawn, yawn
Yawn, yawn, yawn, my sleepyheads,
Yawn, yawn, yawn, my sleepyheads
And shake, shake
(yawn throughout the whole verse)I gotta shake, shake, shake my nonsense
Shake, shake, shake my stupidity away
And wiggle my wag away
(shake whole body for verse)[source]
Do as I doDo as I do;
Follow, follow me!
Do as I do;
Follow, follow me!
If I do it high or low,
If I do it fast or slow,
Do as I do;
Follow, follow me!
Do as I do;
Follow, follow me!Actions: You can do any action you want and your child will follow.
For example, clap your hands, roll your arms, jump up and down, etc.
13. Mrs. Sally Walker
(Mr. Wally Walker for Boys)
Have all the children stand in a circle. Choose one person to be Sally or Wally.
Mrs. Sally Walker
Walk down the street
( walk in circles)
She didn't know what to do
So she stopped in front of me
(stop in front of one person and start dancing)
She said, "Hey girl,
Do your thing,
Do your business,
Do your thing,
Hey girl, do your thing
Do your thing and switch!”
(swap and start again)[source]
We are going to hunt a bearWe're going hunting for a bear,
(marching in place)
We're going to catch a big one,
(hands make a huge circle)
I'm not scared
(shake your finger back and forth)
What a beautiful day!
Oh look! It's some kind of long, wavy grass!
(move fingers up like waves)
Can't get through it,
(move hand to go up)
Can't get under it,
(move hand to go down)
Oh no!
( close your eyes with your hands)
Gotta go through this!
Swishes, flip-flops,
Slippers, flip-flops!
( pretend to walk on the grass)We are going to hunt a bear,
(march on the spot)
We are going to catch a big one,
(hands a huge circle)
shake your finger back and forth)
What a beautiful day!
(hands make waves like a river)
Can't cross,
(move of hand to go over)
Can't get under him,
(move of hand to do under him)
Oh no!
Gotta get through this!
( close your eyes with your hands)
Splash, splash!
Splash, splash!
(act like you're swimming)We're going bear hunting,
(march in place)
We're going to catch the big one,
(hands make a huge circle)
I'm not scared
(shake your finger back and forth)
What a beautiful day!
Uh-huh! Dirt.
Thick silty mud.
Can't climb over it,
(hand move to go up)
Can't get under it,
(hand move to go down)
Oh no!
We have to get through this!
( close eyes with hands)
Noise Reduction!
(act like you're walking in deep mud)We're going to hunt a bear,
(march in place)
We're going to catch a big one,
(hands form a huge circle)
I don't scary
(shake your finger back and forth)
What a beautiful day!
Uh-huh! Forest!
Large dark forest.
We can't get past.
(hand motion to end)
We can't get under it.
(hand down)
Oh no! We must get through this!
( close your eyes with your hands)
(pretend to stumble)Go hunting for a bear,
(march on the spot)
Go to catch a big one.
(hands form a huge circle)
What a beautiful day!
I'm not afraid.
(wiggle your finger back and forth)
Whirlwind blizzard.
We can't get past.
(hand motion to complete)
We can't get under it.
(hand down)
Oh no!
We have to get through this!
( close your eyes with your hands)
Oooooo! Ooooo!
(act like you can't see yourself walking through a storm)We are going to hunt a bear
(marching in place)
We are going to catch a big one.
(hands form a huge circle)
What a beautiful day!
I'm not afraid.
(wiggle your finger back and forth)
Narrow gloomy cave.
We can't get past.
(manipulate hand to complete)
We can't get under it.
(hand down)
Oh no!
We have to get through this!
( close your eyes with your hands)
Tiptoe! On tiptoe!
(silently on tiptoe)What is this?
(pretend to feel the bear)
One shiny wet nose!
Two big fluffy ears!
Two big bulging eyes!
IT'S A BEAR!Through the snowstorm,
(run through the snowstorm)
Back through the forest,
Back through the mud,
(big steps through the mud)
Back across the river,
Back through the tall grass
91 (run your hands through the grass)
Run into the house and lock the door.
(run and pretend to close the door)
Phew! It was close!
(wipe your hand across your forehead)
I'm not afraid!
(shake your finger back and forth)[Listen on YouTube]
15. The dinosaur stomp
What to champ, champ, champs
(clap your hands like large jaws)
stomp, stomp, stomp
and champion, champion
(champ clap hands together like big jaws
) 90 , stomp, stomp
(stomp around)
0016 (stomp around)
Chompasaurus, chomp, chomp
(clap hands together like big jaws)
clap like big jaws)Dinosaurs have great big claws that crunch, crunch, crunch
(clap your hands)
Dinosaurs have huge jaws that chew, chew, chew
(clap their fingers in the palms)
Cryst, crunch, crunch
(clap their hands)
and chew, chew, champion
(clap your fingers on the palms)
crunch, crunch
(cotton in the lady )
And champ, chew, chew
(clap fingers on palms)Crunch crunch
(clap hands)
Munchasavr, chew, chew on palms
(clap fingers)
I DVR, crunch, crunch
(clap your hands)
You DVR, chew, chew
(clap your fingers on the palms)Top up and chew
(clap your hands)
Cryste (clap fingers)
(clap hands)
Crunchin 'And Munchin'
(clap fingers to palms)Stompasaurus, Stomp, Stomp 90, Stomp
(Clap Kindship Swese With Ginds wite Jawsaurus, Chomp, Chomp
(Clap Kond with Kompasaurus, Chomp, Chomp
(Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap Crunch, crunch, crunch
(clap hands)
Munchasaurus, chew, chew
(clap fingers on palms)I DVR, stomp, stomp
9019 around) re -stupid, champ, champs
(clap their hands like large jaws)
we head, crunch
(clap their hands)
dinosavr , chew, chew
(clap fingers on palms)Dinosaurs are great big feet that stomp, stomp, stomp
(stomp around)
Dinosaurs have huge teeth that gnaw, gnaw, gnaw
(clap hands like big jaws)
Dinosaurs![Listen to the tune on YouTube]
Here are more action songs to teach your kids.
Handclap songs
Handclap songs are always there and are a lot of fun. Try these basics.
16. The sailor went to sea
Clap your hands to one count, then clap your hands with your partner, then clap your hands with your partner. As you repeat the words three times, clap your partner's hands three times. Then repeat for the entire song.
A sailor went out to sea, sea, sea,
To see what he could see, see, see.
But all he could see, see, see
Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.The sailor went to chop, chop, chop,
To see what he can chop, chop, chop.
But all he could cut, cut, cut
There was a deep blue bottom to cut, cut, cut.The sailor went knee, knee, knee,
To see what he could knee, knee, knee,
But all he could knee, knee, knee,
There was a deep blue knee, knee, knee.The sailor went out to sea, chop, knee,
To see what he can sea, chop, knee,
But all he can sea, chop, knee,
It was the bottom of the deep blue sea, chop, knee.Check out other ocean songs for preschoolers.
Miss Lucy(clap hands
clap hands with partner 9clap hands
Repeat the whole song.)Miss Lucy had a baby,
She named him Little Tim.
She put him in a bath,
To see if he could swim.He drank all the water,
He ate all the soap,
He tried to eat the bath,
But it didn't go down his throat.Miss Lucy called the doctor.
Miss Lucy called the nurse.
Miss Lucy called a lady.
With alligator leather pouch.The doctor came.
A nurse entered.
A lady entered,
With an alligator leather purse.Mumps said the doctor.
Measles said the nurse.
Hiccup said the lady,
With an alligator pouch.Miss Lucy hit the doctor.
Miss Lucy kicked the nurse.
Miss Lucy thanked the lady,
Alligator leather handbag.[Watch on YouTube]
Double it, double it
While rhyming, clench your fists and hit your partner with them every time you say "double". Whenever you say "it", use both hands to clap along with your partner. Whenever you say "this", your palms are facing away from you and clapping your hands.
Double, double, this, this.
Double, double, that, that.
Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa pop, shimmy, shimmy, bang!
Shimmy, shimmy, cocoa pop, shimmy, shimmy, bang!Grandmother, grandmother, sick in bed.
She called the doctor and the doctor said.
Let's play a head game, ding dong.
Let's play a head game, ding dong.Learn the rhythm of the hands
(clap your hands twice)
Learn the rhythm of the palms
(clap your hands twice)Take into account the rhythm of the feet0269
Take into account the rhythm of the feet
01161 9016902 twice Let's get the rhythm of the hot dog.
Let's understand the rhythm of a hot dog.Put it all together and what do you get?
Ding dong (clap your hands twice and stomp twice) hot dog
Put it all back to front and what do you get?
Hot dog (twice stomp and clap twice) Ding dong![source]
20. Miss Mary Mac
Miss Mary Mac, Mac, Mac
All in black, black, black
With silver buttons, buttons, buttons
All back, back, backShe asked her mother, mother, mother
For fifty cents, cents, cents
To see elephants, elephants, elephants ( or hippos or cows)
Jump over a fence, fence, fence.They jumped so high, high, high
They reached the sky, sky, sky
And did not (or never) return, returned, returned
Until July 4th ly.She asked her mother, mother, mother
5 cents more, more, more
To see elephants, elephants, elephants
Jump in the door, door, door.They jumped into the stream, stream, stream
They hit the toe, toe, toe
And that was the end, end, end
Elephant show, show, show.[Listen to the tune on YouTube]
Try these fun games for kids.
Compositions with numbers:
Practice counting with these favorite songs.
21. Five ducklings went for a swim
Five ducklings once went for a swim
Over the hills and far away
A little duck said: “Quack, quack, quack, quack”
And only four ducklings returnedOnce four ducklings went for a swim
Beyond the hills and far away
The little duck said: "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
And only three ducklings returnedThree ducklings swam one day
Over the hills and far away
The duckling said: “Quack, quack, quack, quack”
And only two ducklings returnedTwo ducklings once went swimming
Over the hills and far away
The little duck said: “Quack, quack, quack, quack”
And only one small the duck came backOne little duck once went swimming
Over the hills and far away
The little duck said: "Quack, quack, quack, quack"
And no more ducklings came back[source]
This Old Man
This old man, he played alone,
- knock on the finger;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played two,
He played knick-knacks on my shoe;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played three;
He played knick-knacks on my knee;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played four,
He played trinkets on my door;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played five,
He played trinkets on my beehive;
With a paddy pad,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played at six;
He played knick-knacks on my sticks;
With paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played seven;
He played trinkets in heaven;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played eight;
He played knick-knacks on my gate;
Paddy Wack,
Give the dog a bone.
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played nine,
He played trinkets on my spine;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.This old man, he played at ten;
He played trinkets again;
With a paddy bauble,
Give the dog a bone,
This old man was rolling home.23. Dickory Hickory Wharf
Dickory Hickory Wharf,
A mouse ran over the clock,
The clock struck the hour
A mouse ran
Dickory Hickory Wharf.Dicory Hickory Wharf,
The mouse ran over the clock,
The clock struck two
The mouse turned blue
Dicory hickory dock.Hickory-dickory dock,
The mouse ran to the clock,
The clock struck three
He drank tea
Hickory-dickory dock.Hickory dicory dock,
The mouse ran over the clock,
The clock struck four
Look how he snores.
Hickory Dicory Dock.Dickory Hickory Wharf,
The mouse ran to the clock,
The clock struck five
He went to hide
Dickory Hickory Wharf.Hickory-dicory dock,
The mouse ran to the clock,
The clock struck six
He licked his lips
Hickory-dicory dock.24. There were ten people in the bed
There were ten people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over and
one fell out.There were nine people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were eight people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were seven in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were six people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were five in bed
And the baby said:
"Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were four people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were three people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.There were two people in the bed
And the baby said:
“Roll over! Roll!"
So they all turned over
And one fell out.One was in bed
And the baby said:
“Finally alone!”
"Good night!"[Listen to the tune on YouTube]
25. Three kittens
Three kittens lost their mittens,
And cried,
Oh, dear mother, we are very afraid
We lost our mittens.
What! lost your mittens, naughty kittens!
Then you won't have a pie.
Meow, meow, meow.
No, there will be no pie.Three little kittens found their mittens,
And they cried,
Oh, mother dear, look here, look here,
We found our mittens!
Put on your mittens, stupid kittens,
And you will have a pie.
Mur-r, mur-r, mur-r,
Oh, let's have a pie.Three kittens put on mittens,
And soon ate the cake;
Oh, mommy, we are very afraid.
Our mittens are dirty.
What! soiled mittens, mischievous kittens!
Then they began to sigh,
Meow, meow, meow.
Then they began to sigh.They washed their mittens for three little kittens,
And hung them out to dry;
Oh! dear mother, can't you hear,
We have washed our mittens!
What! washed mittens, so you are good kittens,
But I smell a rat nearby.
Meow, meow, meow.
We smell a rat nearby.[source]
Here are 10 more counting songs your kids will love, or why not sing baby sleep songs tonight.
I hope you enjoy these songs. Ready to continue teaching your child music? Try these fun and simple music games.
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40+ Mother Goose nursery rhymes with English words
Mother Goose nursery rhymes have been family favorites for many years, passed down from generation to generation. Some of the most popular nursery rhymes you hear these days are Mother Goose nursery rhymes.
Below you can find a list of the most popular Mother Goose nursery rhymes with English lyrics for you to learn and sing along with your children.
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes
There are some great Mother Goose nursery rhymes that you can read with your children. Check out this Mother Goose Rhymes COLLECTION BOOK which is great for babies and toddlers.
Mother Goose nursery rhyme board books
Small collection of Mother Goose rhyme board books for small children
Find online HEREMother Goose memory collection
is ideal for all ages.
Find online HEREMother Goose nursery rhymes and lyrics
Below you can find a list of Mother Goose nursery rhymes for children with the words:
1. Are you sleeping
Are you sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Brother John?
Brother John?
The morning bells are ringing.
The morning bells are ringing.
Ding, Ding, Don.
Ding, Ding, Don.2. Banbury Cross
Rooster ride to Banbury Cross
To see a beautiful lady on a white horse.
With toe rings and toe bells.
Wherever she goes, she will have music.3. One feather
One feather flock together,
Just like pigs and pigs.
Rats and mice have a choice,
And I will have mine.4. Doodle-doo rooster
Doodle-doo rooster,
My lady lost her shoe.
My master has lost his bow,
He doesn't know what to do.5. Georgie Porgy
Georgie Porgy pudding and pie
Kissed girls and made them cry.
When the boys went out to play,
Georgie Porgy ran away.6. Geese, Geese, Gander
Geese, Geese, Gander,
Shall I wander?
Upstairs and downstairs
And in my lady's room.
There I met an old man
Who did not pray
I grabbed his left leg
And threw him down the stairs.7. Hey Diddle Diddle
Hey Diddle, Diddle
The cat and the violin,
The cow jumped over the moon.
The little dog laughed
Seeing such a sport
And the plate ran away with the spoon.8. Hickory Dickory Dock
Hickory, Dickory, Dock,
The mouse ran the clock.
The clock has struck the hour,
The mouse has run!
Hickory, dicory, doc.9. Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty fell hard.
All royal horses and all royal men
Failed to assemble Humpty again!10. I had a little hen
I had a little hen
The prettiest hen I ever saw
She washed the dishes
And kept the house clean.She went to the mill
For flour,
And always came home
In less than an hour.She baked my bread for me
She brewed my ale for me
She was sitting by the fire
And she told a beautiful story!11. Tiny spider
Tiny spider climbed up the gutter.
It rained
and washed away the spider.
The sun came out
and dried up all the rain
and the little spider climbed up the spout again.12. It's pouring rain
It's pouring rain
The old man snores
He hit his head
And went to bed
And didn't get up until morning.13. Jack Be Nimble
Jack Be Nimble
Jack Be Quick
Jack Jump Over the Candlestick
Jack jumped high
Jack jumped low
Jack jumped over and burned his toe14.
Jack and JillJack and Jill
Went up the hill
For a bucket of water.
Jack fell
And broke his crown
And Jill rolled after him.15. Little Bo-Pip
Little Bo-Pip lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them;
Leave them alone,
And they will come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.16. Blue boy
Blue boy,
Blow into your horn.
Sheep in the meadow;
Cow in corn.
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He is under a groan of hay, fast asleep.17. Little Jack Horner
Little Jack Horner
Sitting in the corner
Eating Christmas cake;
He put his thumb in
And pulled out a plum
And said, "What a good boy I am!"18.
Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet
Sitting on the ottoman,
Eating her cottage cheese and whey;
A big spider came
He sat next to her
And scared Miss Muffet away.19. London Bridge
London Bridge is falling,
Falling, falling.
London Bridge is collapsing,
My Fair Lady.20. Mary had a lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was as white as snow
And wherever Mary goes
The lamb will definitely go.One day she followed her to school
It was against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play.
Seeing a lamb at school.More Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes Lyrics
You're half way through our Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes List. Find some more Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes lyrics below and enjoy!
21. Mary Mary
Mary, Mary, vice versa,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and shells,
And pretty girls all in a row.22. Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
Went to the cupboard,
To bring her poor dog a bone;
But when she got there
The cupboard was empty
So the poor dog didn't have one.23.
PiePie, pie, baker,
Bake me a cake as soon as possible.
Roll out, pierce and mark with a "B".
And put it in the oven for Baby and me!24. Peter Piper
Peter Piper chose a bunch of pickled peppers.
A bunch of pickled peppers, collected by Peter Piper.
If Peter Piper collected a bunch of pickled peppers,
Where is that bunch of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?25. Peter the Pumpkin Eater
Peter, Peter the Pumpkin Eater,
Was a wife and could not support her.
He put it in a gourd shell
And there he held it very well.26. Polly put the kettle on
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
Polly put the kettle on,
We'll all have tea.Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
Sukey take it off again,
They're all gone.27. Queen of Hearts
Queen of Hearts she baked pies
All on a summer day;
Jack of Hearts he stole these cakes
And took them away completely.28. Ring around Rosie
Ring around Rosie,
A pocket full of bouquets,
Ashes! Ash!
We all fall.Cows in the meadow
Eating buttercups
A-hush! A-hush!
We all jump up.29. Bye-bye baby
Bye-bye baby, on top of the tree,
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock;
When the branch breaks, the cradle will fall,
The cradle will fall down and the Baby and all that.30. Sing a sixpence song
Sing a sixpence song,
A pocket full of rye.
Twenty-four blackbirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the cake was opened
Birds sang;
What a delicious dish,
Put in front of the king.31. Starlight Starry bright
Starlight, bright star
First star I see tonight
I would like, I would like
Have this wish I want tonight.32. Teddy bear, Teddy bear
Teddy bear, Teddy bear,
Touch the ground.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn around.Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Go upstairs.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Pray.Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn off the light.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Say good night.33. Clock
There is a neat watch
There are
in the classroom And they indicate the time
With two arrows.And let us, like clockwork,
Keeping a clean and bright face,
With hands at the ready
Doing what is right.34. There was a Crooked Man
There was a Crooked Man,
And he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence
Against the crooked crossbar;
He bought a crooked cat,
Who caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together
In a crooked house.35. Once upon a time there was an old woman
Once upon a time there was an old woman in a shoe.
She had so many children that she didn't know what to do;
Gave them broth without bread;
Then he kissed them all hard and put them to bed.36. This piglet
This piglet went to the market,
This piglet stayed at home,
This piglet had roast beef,
This piglet had nothing,
And this piglet was crying "wee-wee-wee" all the way.37. This piglet
This piglet went to the market,
This piglet stayed at home,
This piglet had roast beef,
This piglet had nothing,
And this little pig went wee-wee-wee
All the way home.38. Three blind mice
Three blind mice. Three blind mice.
Look how they run. See how they run.
They all ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
Have you ever seen such a sight in your life,
Like three blind mice?39.