What rhymes with acting
239 best rhymes for 'acting'
1 syllable
- Sting
- Thing
- King
- Ding
- Swing
- Sing
- Spring
- Ng
- Bring
- Ring
- Ting
- String
- Wing
- Ping
- Sling
- Cling
- Pin
- Spin
- Thin
- Ching
- Bing
- Been
- Skin
- Fling
- Win
- Twin
- Sin
- Gin
- Chin
- Kin
- In
- Grin
- Min
- Din
- Tin
- Dim
2 syllables
- Blasting
- Rapping
- Standing
- Having
- Lacking
- Flashing
- Packing
- Crashing
- Smashing
- Asking
- Grabbing
- Stacking
- Cracking
- Happening
- Banging
- Hanging
- Planning
- Trapping
- Stabbing
- Battling
- Passing
- Catching
- Dancing
- Laughing
- Clapping
- Adding
- Snapping
- Backing
- Slapping
- Handing
- Bragging
- Landing
- Jacking
- Lasting
- Tapping
- Smacking
- Gasping
- Traveling
- Chatting
- Bashing
- Casting
- Planting
- Thanking
- Dragging
- Scratching
- Hacking
- Crafting
- Grasping
- Hatin'
- Chanting
- Cashing
- Matching
- Tracking
- Slashing
- Rappin'
- Napping
- Bagging
- Snatching
- Racking
- Clashing
- Sagging
- Passion
- Mansion
- Havin'
- Action
- Fashion
- Handling
- Masking
- Dashing
- Gambling
- Jamming
- Slamming
- Lashing
- Dangling
- Rambling
- Fallin
- Ballin
- Standin'
- Hangin'
- Chasin
- Stackin'
- Packin'
- Fraction
- Laughin'
- Trappin'
- Letting
- Floating
- Sitting
- Shooting
- Fighting
- Biting
- Meeting
- Cheating
- Setting
- Putting
- Getting
- Writing
- Wasting
- Hurting
- Hunting
- Spitting
- Hating
- Waiting
- Counting
- Hitting
- Beating
- Busting
- Starting
- Eating
- Wanting
- Shouting
- Lighting
- Testing
- Painting
- Cutting
- Shitting
- Sweating
- Blastin'
- Flipping
- Finding
- Sipping
- Whipping
- Hoping
- Kidding
- Shopping
- Tripping
- Bleeding
- Heading
- Ripping
- Something
- Riding
- Bumping
- Leading
- Sleeping
- Grinding
- Needing
- Dropping
- Spreading
- Stopping
- Feeding
- Sounding
- Popping
- Sending
- Hiding
- Nothing
- Slipping
- Jumping
- Keeping
- Stepping
- Spending
- Holding
- Building
- Reading
- Ending
- Fading
- Helping
- Dripping
- Creeping
- Treating
- Drifting
- Raping
- Wishing
- Shaking
- Joking
- Moving
- Giving
- Causing
- Using
- Walking
- Rising
- Waking
- Smoking
- Ticking
- Checking
- Losing
- Sticking
- Saving
- Leaving
- Knocking
- Looking
- Cooking
- Speaking
3 syllables
- Attacking
- Attracting
- Demanding
- Expanding
- Relaxing
- Outstanding
- Reaction
- Collapsing
- Forgetting
- Committing
- Creating
- Expecting
- Attraction
- Recording
- Everything
- Pretending
- Anything
4 syllables
- Understanding
- Everlasting
- Contemplating
- Satisfaction
Want to find rhymes for another word? Try our amazing rhyming dictionary.
If you write lyrics you should definitely check out RapPad. It has tons of useful features for songwriters, lyricists, and rappers.
61 Words that rhyme with acting for Songwriters
Filter by number of syllables
Songwriting rhymes for acting
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
- dancing
- standing
- hanging
- having
- asking
- laughing
- flashing
- passing
- crashing
- packing
- understanding
- matching
- banging
- backing
- catching
- stacking
- dragging
- grabbing
- slamming
- collapsing
- lacking
- cracking
- thanking
- basking
- rapping
- glancing
- clapping
- scratching
Get instant rhymes with the Chorus app
Perfect rhymes for acting
- exacting
- distracting
- overreacting
- extracting
- attracting
- interacting
- enacting
- impacting
- subcontracting
- redacting
- contacting
- retracting
- reacting
- counteracting
- detracting
- subtracting
- black tongue
- act ing
- back tongue
- cracked tongue
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A. I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Near rhymes for acting
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- dancing
- standing
- hanging
- having
- asking
- laughing
- flashing
- passing
- crashing
- understanding
- packing
- matching
- banging
- catching
- backing
- dragging
- stacking
- grabbing
- slamming
- collapsing
- lacking
- cracking
- thanking
- glancing
- scratching
- clapping
- basking
- rapping
- adding
- casting
- everlasting
- demanding
- wrapping
- enchanting
- trapping
- blasting
- nagging
- thrashing
- splashing
- jamming
- ranting
Want to know what rhymes with acting?
When you're writing a song, rhyming words are as important as melody and lyrics
Some songs can get by with just a hook, but true hit records use creative rhymes to create interesting lyrical hooks and melodies
But there's two catches when it comes to rhyming words
The first catch is obvious--there are no hard and fast rules concerning what sounds good in rap music, country music, rock n' roll, etc
But the second catch keeps songwriters from getting the right rhymes: finding "themes" or rhyme families that naturally sound like certain genres of music while avoiding others
The problem with most rhyming dictionaries is they're not targeted to your specific genre of music! Even if they have themes you need, they don't give you enough variety to be truly useful. With Chorus, we find you only those rhymes which are useful for songwriters, so you know that the words we give you are singable and work for the genre you're writing in
This is just a sample of the creative tools you can find in the full version of Chorus. The full version has more writing styles, more ways to edit your work, and more fun for creative writers!
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A.I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Create your songbookIrina Alpatova "To love" rhymes with "to kill".
Theatrical 12.12.2013
This, however, is not about love - that, in our usual understanding of hearing. But about a dark, unconscious passion that turns concepts inside out. From Shakespeare going, translated by Leskov into Russian realities and now embodied by director Kama Ginkas in the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators. Here the performance was called "Lady Macbeth of our county", refusing geographical coordinates. A special case from the judicial chronicle easily fit into the context of ubiquitous existence. Time seems to be saved, but in a very conditional version. Ginkas and the artist Sergey Barkhin do not insist on anything, they do not place precise, well-calibrated accents. And how else, because the story of Katerina Izmailova is difficult to understand and even more so to accept, following the method of "pure reason". Will not work. It is worth distancing ourselves: both humanly and aesthetically, to thicken the atmospheric background - and bring it all down on the public.
Ginkas has its own system and its own way of working. They are recognizable, but do not give birth to stamps, which happens extremely rarely. The director perfectly knows how to "bridle" the spontaneous freedom of passions, so as not to be torn to shreds in the old fashioned way. He composes a new score for them, where the narrative distance becomes the main motive. Slightly detached side view. The story of Nikolai Leskov is not so much staged as read, with acceptable assessments of sometimes ironic nature, despite the general darkness of the situation. But we are not talking at all about the actor's illustration of the text, it's just that it is not "lived" directly, but goes into the category of stage text.
The space created by Sergey Barkhin is no less recognizable. Sloping platform, tree, cart, buckets, hay. There are few everyday details, but they definitely get to the essence of what is happening, visually setting it in the right way with its mixture of specificity and detachment. Faces have been taken out of the elegant salaries - and the convict people in the prologue also seem to be deprived of faces. Dark overcoats denote something incomprehensible, huddled in a dark crowd with synchronous movements. Faces with difficulty “peck”, like chicks from an egg, through this rough and dense fabric. For the time being, devoid of individuality, which will manifest itself later, when they begin to read the story from the beginning, dividing it into chapters-episodes.
Here everyone and everything belongs to the “dark realm”, where it is difficult to breathe because there is no air. And the lamps barely burn in this space deprived of vital oxygen. And everything is somehow ridiculous and out of place. Here is Boris Timofeevich - Valery Barinov thumps his forehead on the floor in a fit of morning prayer. Look, between the floor and the forehead - a table with a samovar. Here is Katerina - Elizaveta Boyarskaya sat down next to the peasants in a family way - they lashed out with puzzled looks: know, they say, your place! But just give her a short time - she will immediately reach for a cigarette ...
For Boyarskaya, the role of Katerina Izmailova is, of course, an eventful one, because it allows her to go beyond the usual. And in general, this actress with her "trademark" coldish-restrained notes, the peculiar timbre of her voice fits perfectly into Ginkas's post-history. And in the story of a woman who does not know what she is doing. But her Katerina is changing here, growing up before our eyes and acquiring a strange and terrible, dark, but still “inner world”, going beyond the limits set by the author himself for his heroine. Boyarskaya plays very hard, sometimes evil, "backhanded", with a challenge, acting and thinking, participating in the general comedy and being alone with her Katerina.
Although it's hard to be alone here. There is no display of brutal murders, prescribed by the original. They are told - so simply, without strain. Meanwhile, the “killed” are sitting next to each other and are forced to react to all this with bewilderment, then with doom. Ginkas denotes the bestial-atrocious beginning of these murders by the skins from which coarse sheepskin coats are made. They wrap themselves in them, leave and appear again either in the form of a ghost cat, or then to pick up another victim - the boy Fedya - Styopa Stepanyan. There is little aggression: except perhaps the father-in-law - Barinov will wave a whip, imitating a spanking. And the husband of Zinovy Borisovich - Alexander Taranzhin is more pitiful with his quiet voice and unwillingness to “swagger” in Russian. And even Sergei - Igor Babalaev is very restrained in his provocative advice, directing Katerina to this criminal path. Here she seems to have her own, separate story, in which everything around is just an excuse. An occasion through a secret and dark passion, through "adultery" to feel the call of freedom unknown in Rus' for a woman, from which then even to the Volga, even under the train ...
Deprived of this freedom turned inside out, squeezed from all sides by the hard labor crowd, Katerina Boyarskaya seems to be dying even before she is trampled, crushed and thrown onto the sloping boards of the platform. It's really not worth living. And the dark realm will remain, without any flashes of light rays, in all its age-old hopelessness.
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Madame Bovary
Tram "Desire"
Lord G.

Oh what an amazing game it was!
handsome man
Ward №6
beauty and family
The Cherry Orchard
- News archive
- Academy of laughter
- Baba Chanel
- Running
- Merchant of Venice
- Cherry Orchard
- Warrior
- Hamlet
- Lord Golovlyov
- Robbery
- Gupeshka
- Days of his life (Citizen R.F.)
- Ghost Lady
- Two hours in a noble family...
- Lie detector
- Days of our lives
- Uncle Vanya
- Players
- Contrived, or the Fruits of Enlightenment
- handsome man
- There was not a penny, but suddenly Altyn
- Talents and fans
- Beauty and family
- Moon over Buffalo
- Madame Bovary
- Little Tragedies
- Minor spousal crimes
- Medea
- Dead Souls
- Ordinary story
- Odyssey 1936
- Ward №6
- Abyss
- Ruy Blas
- Wedding after wedding
- Straw hat
- 41st
- Streetcar "Desire"
- Fake coin
- Pranksters
- Directors
- Writers and playwrights
- Artists
- Composers and musicians
- Choreographers
- Lighting Designers
- Theater People
- Nicholas Dik
- Performance press
- Oh, what an amazing game it was!
- Cherry Orchard
- Free person enters
- Lord Golovlyov
- Gupeshka
- Lie detector
- How he lied to her husband
- Beauty and family
- Sorcerer
- Minor spousal crimes
- Dead Souls
- Freeloader
- Game
- My Parisian
- Oblomov
- Outcasts
- Oh my fool, I'm going crazy!
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Abyss
- Hay fever
- Old Fashioned Comedy
- 41st
- Owl and cat
- Streetcar "Desire"
- Pranksters
- Scenes from married life
- Lucky
- Fantasia Faryatiev
- Seagull
- Freaks
- Scandal in the "Passage"
- Vorobyov D.
- Turcanu Y.M.
- House
- Theater History
- Opening scene
- Performances of past years
- Alexey Karenin
- Ah, what an amazing game it was!
- Free person enters
- Naked King
- How he lied to her husband
- Sorcerer
- Love letters
- My Parisian
- Freeloader
- Oblomov
- Outcasts
- From 20 to 70 (Benefit performance)
- Oh my fool, I'm going crazy!
- Paola and the Lions (Love Sublimation)
- The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Hay fever
- Scandal in the "Passage"
- Midsummer Night Dreams
- Old Fashioned Comedy
- 41st
- Passion according to Vertinsky
- Scenes from married life
- Lucky
- Owl and cat
- Third head
- Faryatiev's Fantasies
- Seagull
- Freaks
- Artists of past years
- Creators of yesteryears
- We were friends
- Vacancies
- 01/03/2023 - March 8, 2023 XIII FIGARO Ceremony
- 01/29/2023 - Phone.
Camera. Click
- 01/28/2023 - Uncle Vanya. Premiere of the new year
- 11/07/2022 - It wasn't, but suddenly ... or Happiness in Russian
- 09/11/2022 - Rostislav Orel. Artist and Man.
- 06/28/2022 - Uncle Vanya. Rehearsals have begun!
- 06/27/2022 - Dead souls. The view of Viktor Vasiliev
- 06/09/2022 - RUSSIAN ODYSSEY 2022
- 05/18/2022 - Valery Grishko. Master and Marshal.
- 01/05/2022 - "While the name sounds - the person is alive!"
- 04/08/2022 - Rudolf Furmanov. Big life
- 04/03/2022 - Days of his life... No need to be sad
- 03/26/2022 - March 27 International Theater Day. A gift to the audience
- 03/26/2022 - On March 24, 2022, TASS hosted a press conference dedicated to Theater Day.
- 03/26/2022 - Broadcast of the Figaro Prize on the day of the theater
- 03/10/2022 - Photo report of the Figaro Prize March 8, 2022
- 03/07/2022 - March 8 - Figaro Prize
- 03/03/2022 - Sergei Dyachkov's running stopped
- 03/02/2022 - From March 4, 2022, the requirement for the need for QR codes is canceled
- 01/15/2022 - Theater lounge.
Rudolf Furmanov. Big life
- 01/09/2022 - January 9 "Theatrical vertical" by Rudolf Furmanov on the St. Petersburg TV channel
- 01/03/2022 - Happy New Year 2022!
- 11/20/2021 - Premiere of "Hamlet". Be!
- 11/20/2021 - Return of the Theater Lounge. Two shots in a row!
- 03/11/2021 - Our holiday - and the holiday of the Theater
- 10/30/2021 - Rules for visiting the theater from October 30, 2021 (Citizen of R.F.)
- 10/22/2021 - October 22, 2021 is the birthday of Rudolf Davydovich Furmanov
- 09/04/2021 - "Hamlet", "Lady Macbeth", the Furmanov Foundation and the Figaro Festival. The Andrei Mironov Theater opened the 34th Theater Season
- 07/24/2021 - Happy premiere! On July 24, the premiere of the play "Ghost Lady" took place
- 05/20/2021 - Rudolf Furmanov. Collective portrait. Continued
- 05/18/2021 - 40 days from the date of departure of Rudolf Davydovich Furmanov. Letter from Oleg Basilashvili.
Commemorative 60th Theater Lounge
- 05/12/2021 - Rudolf Furmanov. Collective portrait
- 05/10/2021 - Theater tour in Moscow June 1 to 6, 2021
- 04/28/2021 - Press conference at the TASS Theater named after Andrei Mironov. April 27, 2021.
- 04/26/2021 - Additional performances at May 9 holidays0110
- 04/19/2021 - Words of support
- 04/17/2021 - 9 days...
- 04/14/2021 - Sorrow, pain and light
- 04/09/2021 - Mironov Theater orphaned...
- 03/08/2021 - Unity of the acting workshop. The Figaro ceremony took place on March 8 on the stage of the Mironov Theater
- 03/07/2021 - The participants of the Figaro Award were congratulated by the President of Russia
- 02/24/2021 - Through the pandemic - to the stars! March 8 on the stage of the theater - Prize "Figaro"
- 02/19/2021 - February 23! ON STAGE - RIP!
- 02/12/2021 - For the premiere of Alexander Bargman's performance "Talents and Admirers"
- 12/31/2020 - Happy New Year! Creative plans of the theater for 2021
- 11/27/2020 - Citizen R.
F. and the 60th Anniversary Theater Lounge
- 11/26/2020 - Rudolf Furmanov. Documentaries and essays by Dm. Svetozarova
- 11/09/2020 - Talents and fans. Premiere by Alexander Bargman
- 10/22/2020 - October 22 — Birthday of Rudolf Davydovich Furmanov
- 01/10/2020 - October 2, 2020 - Baba Chanel as a gift!
- 09/04/2020 - Rules for visiting the theater. A. Mironova since September 4, 2020
- 08/26/2020 - ATTENTION! FRAUDERS!
- 07/22/2020 - Theatrical living room with Andrey Moguchiy 25 July 2020
- 07/18/2020 - Opening of the 33rd theater season. Repertoire for September 2020
- 07/07/2020 - The premiere of the play "Players" is being prepared. Online inclusions from rehearsals are already on the air
- 06/11/2020 - Rudolf Furmanov: "Non-state theaters should be on the cultural map of Russia"
- 06/04/2020 - On-line Theater broadcast poster for June 2020
- 05/14/2020 - Online Theater broadcast poster for May 2020
- 09/05/2020 - Happy Victory Day!
- 05/02/2020 - Repertoire for June 2020
- 04/04/2020 - Theater Diary together with the Petersburg Diary
- 04/04/2020 - Theater Lounge with Ilya Reznik
- 04/02/2020 - Online broadcast of theater performances
- 03/20/2020 - Repertoire for May 2020 and Premiere of the Players! All health!
- 03/18/2020 - On the temporary suspension of performances until April 30, 2020
- 03/17/2020 - Performances in March-April 2020
- 03/08/2020 - Photo report of Vladimir Postnov with the Tenth Anniversary Prize "Figaro"
- 03/05/2020 - March 8, 2020 - 10th Anniversary Ceremony "Figaro"
- 02/29/2020 - February 29 - Alexander Khochinsky's birthday
- 02/14/2020 - Premiere of The Merchant of Venice.
February 15, 16 and 18, 9, 21 March!
- 01/19/2020 - Repertoire for March 2020
- 12/27/2019 - March 8, 2020 - Anniversary 10th Figaro Prize Ceremony
- 12/27/2019 - Galina Borisovna Volchek. Instant
- 11/21/2019 - Replacement of the performance November 28
- 11/18/2019 - Congratulations on your 16th birthday!
- 11/03/2019 - Tour of "Odyssey 1936" and "Music of Heaven" on the stage of the Maly Theater in Moscow and the Academic Theater named after Fyodor Volkov in Yaroslavl
- 10/30/2019 - And again Music of Heaven.
- 10/29/2019 - Return of Madame Bovary
- 10/28/2019 - Repertoire for December 2019 and New Year holidays
- 10/27/2019 - Unveiling of the monument to Nikolai Petrovich Karachentsov
- 10/2 -6 Commemoration Day/ 20/21 -6 .. birthday. Dear Nikolai Petrovich!
- 01/10/2019 - Premiere of Victor Kramer "Music of Heaven".
- 01/10/2019 - Coming soon!
- 09/28/2019 - Repertoire for November and New Year's holidays.
First premiere of the season!
- 09/27/2019- The life of the theater. Photo report by Vladimir Postnov
- 07/31/2019 - Premiere of the Day of Happiness on the First
- 07/25/2019 - Day of Happiness. 55 years later
- 07/23/2019 - Happy birthday!
- 07/23/2019 - See you at the theater!
- 07/22/2019 - Opening of the 32nd Theater Season on August 30
- 07/20/2019 - Return of Ivan Vasilyevich: Bogomolov sent the Tsar to Bulgakov
- 07/18/2019 - Repertoire for October. Premiere of Viktor Kramer's performance 9" Odyssey 1936"
- 06/22/2019 - On June 25 and 29, the premiere performances of the Academy of Laughter will take place on the theater stage.
- 06/20/2019 - Trailers of the performances "Medea" and "Straw Hat"
- 06/15/2019 - Opening of the 9th International Theater Olympics in St. Petersburg
- 05/12/2019 - Repertoire for July and Opening of sales
- 04/28/2019 - April 28 - 90 years of Vadim Medvedev To the premiere of "The Odyssey 1936"
- 04/23/2019 - Repertoire for June 2019
- 04/15/2019 - Time left until the premiere.
- 03/29/2019 - For the premiere of "Academy of Laughter". Photo report by Vladimir Postnov
- 03/29/2019 - Repertoire for MAY!
- 03/23/2019 - Figaro ceremony on St. Petersburg TV channel
- 03/21/2019 - April 29, 30 premiere of the play "Ivan Vasilyevich" by Konstantin Bogomolov
- 03/08/2019 - Message from the President of the Figaro Prize Valentin Gaft to the Laureates. March 8, 2019
- 03/08/2019 - The Great Holiday of Actors
- 03/08/2019 - Congratulations from the President of Russia to the Laureates of Figaro
- 03/07/2019 - Figaro Award - 2019! Celebration in honor of the Actor!
- 05/03/2019 - Theatrical living room with Olga Volkova
- 05/03/2019 - Beautiful Diana!
- 05/03/2019 - Happy birthday! Happy anniversary!
- 01/25/2019 - Moments...
- 01/25/2019 - Repertoire for March 2019 - Repertoire for January and February 2019. Ticket sales are open!
- 11/06/2018 - Rudolf Furmanov in the Evening Urgant program
- 11/04/2018 - Repertoire for December and New Year's decade of January 2019
- 10/25/2018 - The triumph of the Russian Actor.
60th Theater Lounge on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater
- 10/22/2018 - Our Citizen of the Russian Federation. Happy Anniversary, Rudolf Davydovich!
- 09/24/2018 - Repertoire for November
- 07/13/2018 - Ticket sales for October 2018 are now open 07/2018 - Preparing for the production in the new season
- 06/13/2018 - Theatrical drawing room with Nikolai Tsiskaridze and Alexander Sokurov
- 06/04/2018 - Our beloved artist Leonid Nevedomsky has passed away
- 05/25/2018 - Ticket sales for July-September 2018 are open
- 05/21/2018 - Seventh day. The straw hat never gets old. Tour closing. We are leaving, but we promise to return!
- 05/20/2018 - Day six. Medea in the public domain, Olga Ostroumova, Ekaterina Volkova and Lyudmila Porgina on tour of the Mironova Theater
- 05/18/2018 - Well, that's the fifth day. Medea and more
- 05/18/2018 - Tour in Moscow. Day four. Performances, backstage, theater life.
Reportage and artistic shooting by Vladimir Postnov
- 05/18/2018 - Day three. Two hours in a noble family in Moscow
- 05/16/2018 - Filming about the Siege. Visiting the Vakhtangov Theater May 15, 2018
- 05/16/2018 - Hello again! Second day. "Small" and not only
- 05/16/2018 - We are open. Tour of the Andrei Mironov Theater in Moscow.
- 05/05/2018 - Theatrical drawing room with Mikhail Boyarsky
- 05/04/2018 - Theatrical drawing room with Nikolai Marton
- 03/30/2018 - Premiere of the play "Medea"
- 03/30/2018 - Repertoire for May 2018 9010
- 03/20/2018 - Vlad Furman - Laureate of the Teatral society award"
- 03/20/2018 - "Figaro" award in the mirror of TV
- 03/12/2018 - Farewell, Oleg Pavlovich... /2018 - "Figaro" Prize awarded!0110
- 03/06/2018 - March 8 - Figaro Award! The Eighth Award Ceremony in St. Petersburg
- 03/01/2018 - Premiere of "Medea" and Repertoire for April 2018
- 01/26/2018 - Repertoire for March 2018
- 12/26/2017 - Rufurdo Furadonov, the founder of the Theater named after Andrey Miramanov Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia in the field of culture for 2017
- 11/17/2017 - The premiere of Anton Yakovlev's performance "Warrior Girl" took place!
- 10/27/2017 - Repertoire for December and January and the second winter premiere of theater
- 10/16/2017 - Warrior.
Premiere in November!
- 10/06/2017 - Premiere of Anton Yakovlev's performance
- 10/05/2017 - Repertoire for November
- 09/04/2017 - Anniversary of Evgeny Baranov
- 09/04/2017 - Film about Rudolph II and a working meeting about Alexander II Furmanova at the Ministry of Culture
- 09/02/2017 - Opening of the Anniversary Theater Season on September 1, 2017. Photo report by Vladimir Postnov
- 07/26/2017 - Everything is ahead! The new season will open on September 1,
- 07/21/2017 - Theater drawing room with Marina Alexandrova
- 07/20/2017 - Theater drawing room with Valery Gergiev
- 06/23/2017 - 105 years of Sergey Filippov
- 06/23/2017 - Planetary man 9010 05/06/2017 - Theater drawing room with Marina Alexandrova. Report by V. Postnov
- 06/03/2017 - Theater drawing room with Emmanuil Vitorgan
- 06/02/2017 - The Minister of Culture of Russia visited the bookstore of the Mironov Theater
- 05/28/2017 - Gold and Bronze of Vladimir Postnov
- 05/27/2017 - For the premiere of the play "Two hours in a noble family.
- 05/27/2017 - Awards for our actors!
- 05/25/2017 - Theatrical drawing room with Olga Ostroumova
- 05/24/2017 - Repertoire for July 2017
- 05/16/2017 - May 27, 28, 30 on the stage of the Mironov Theater the premiere of the comedy by Valentin Amfitearovich!
- 05/07/2017 - Closing of the National Film Festival Movement
- 05/03/2017 - Theater lounge with Elena Sanaeva
- 02/05/2017 - Theater Lounge with Yulia Peresild
- 04/30/2017 - Nelly Popova won the Best Actress award
- 04/28/2017 - Repertoire for June Theater lounge with Elena Kamburova
- 04/06/2017 - Theater lounge with Yulia Peresild
- 03/30/2017 - Television stories about the play "Little Tragedies"
- 03/29/2017 - Repertoire for May and new May premiere of the theater
- 03/21/2017 - Theatrical living room with Nikolai Burlyaev on the YouTube channel of the theater
- 03/20/2017 - 25, 26, 27 March 2017 on the stage of the Theater.
A. Mironova premiere of "Little Tragedies" by Vlad Furman
- 03/20/2017 - Theatrical drawing room with Lyudmila Maksakova
- 03/08/2017 - The triumph of the actors. The theater is alive!
- 07/03/2017 - March 8 - Figaro Award!
- 03/05/2017 - Repertoire for April and the opening of ticket sales
- 02/28/2017 - Theater lounge with Alexei Petrenko on the theater's YouTube channel
- 02/23/2017 - Our hero Alexei Petrenko passed away
- 02/17/2017 - Theater lounge with Alexei Petrenko
- 02/04/2017 - In memory of Georgy Taratorkin
- 01/31/2017 - Theater lounge with Lyudmila Maksakova
- 01/30/2017 - 2.7 March — premiere of "Little Tragedies" by Vlad Furman
- 01/28/2017 - Repertoire for March
- 01/26/2017 - Theatrical drawing room with Mikhail Porechenkov
- 01/15/2017 - Oh, what an amazing game it was!
- 01/01/2017 - Prince Dmitry Romanovich Romanov died in Denmark
- 12/31/2016 - Three questions to Rudolf Furmanov on the New Year
- 12/31/2016 - March 8, 2017 - Figaro Award
- 12/30/2016 - Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
- 12/18/2016 - Repertoire for February
- 12/18/2016 - December 24, 25, 28 - "False Coin" premiere.
The first winter premiere of the season
- 07/12/2016 - December 7, 2016 Theatrical drawing room with Mikhail Porechenkov
- 05/12/2016 - The page of the play "False Coin" is open
- 12/03/2016 - Theatrical living room with Maxim Nikulin
- 11/27/2016 - "Catchers of emotions". Theatrical living room of Sergei Bezrukov through the eyes of Olga Ibatullina
- 11/27/2016 - Theatrical living room with Sergei Bezrukov. Photo report by Vladimir Postnov
- 11/03/2016 - Repertoire for January 2017 and Opening of sales for the whole of January
- 10/26/2016 - Repertoire for December
- 10/21/2016 - Happy birthday, Rudolf Davydovich!
- 10/21/2016 - Theatrical living room with Nikolay Gubenko
- 03/10/2016 - The theater's YouTube channel has been replenished with new video content
- 02/10/2016 - Repertoire for November 2016 Blaz...
- 09/17/2016 - Theater tours in Moscow have opened!
- 07/21/2016 - Repertoire for October
- 07/20/2016 - Theater lounge with Sergei Ursulyak on the theater's YouTube channel Photo report by Olga Ibatullina
- 06/25/2016 - Repertoire for September 2016
- 06/12/2016 - The Theater Lounge with Larisa Golubkina on the YouTube channel of the theater /31/2016 - Repertoire for July and opening of sales
- 05/30/2016 - Theater Lounge with Konstantin Bogomolov on the YouTube channel of the Mironov Theater
- 05/28/2016 - Air of the Theater Lounge on St.
Petersburg TV channel
- 05/18/2016 - "Vivat, cinema of Russia!" visiting the Television Theater Lounge
- 05/14/2016 - Theater drawing room with Konstantin Bogomolov. Friday the 13th...
- 04/28/2016 - Theatrical drawing room with Dmitry Pevtsov
- 04/28/2016 - Writers' shop on Lev Tolstoy Square is open
- 04/24/2016 - Repertoire for June 2016
- 03/27/2016 - Repertoire for May. Ticket sales open
- 03/23/2016 - Figaro Awards 2016
- 03/08/2016 - Stop a moment. Award "Figaro" - emotions go wild.
- 03/07/2016 - March 8 - on the stage of the theater the presentation of the "Figaro" award. The winners were congratulated by the President of Russia
- 03/07/2016 - Figaro begins... Winners are coming to St. Petersburg... Magic Yulia Borisova
- 02/28/2016 - Repertoire for April on TV channel "St. Petersburg" on March 19 at 21.30
- 02/17/2016 - Theater drawing room with Gennady Khazanov on the air of TV channel "St.
Petersburg" on February 21, 2016 at 21.40
- 01/24/2016 - Repertoire for March 2016 and online sales
- 01/08/2016 - Premiere of the play "Ruy Blas". The performance is dedicated to Vladislav Strzhelchik
- 12/31/2015 - Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
- 12/28/2015 - Theater drawing room with Maria Mironova
- 12/23/2015 - Repertoire for February and the "Figaro" award March 8, 2016 (on the anniversary of Andrei Mironov!)
- 12/17/2015 - Vladimir's photo report Postnova with Maria Mironova's Theater Lounge
- 12/17/2015 - New Year's Theater Lounge with Masha Mironova
- 12/02/2015 - Theatrical drawing room with Dmitry Svetozarov
- 11/29/2015 - Theatrical drawing room with Alla Demidova
- 11/27/2015 - Premiere of Ruy Blas. Soon!
- 11/23/2015 - Alla Demidova. Photo report from the Theater Lounge.
- 11/21/2015 - Theater lounge with Alla Demidova
- 11/17/2015 - New reviews on the pages of our performances
- 11/15/2015 - Premiere of "Ruy Blas"! Sergei Barkovsky, Andrei Aladin and Andrei Udalov-Mironov in the lead roles.
Ticket sales open
- 13/11/2015 - Hooray! Repertoire for January 2016
- 11/10/2015 - For the actresses of the play "Baba Chanel" - "Golden Sofit"
- 11/05/2015 - "The Cherry Orchard" in Belgrade
- 11/05/2015 - Photo report by Vladimir Postnova Theatrical drawing room of Georgy Taratorkin
- 10/24/2015 - Repertoire for December!
- 10/22/2015 - Day of two Sevens!
- 10/18/2015 - Reports by Pavel Ryzhkov (NTV) and Vladimir Postnov from the opening of Yuri Solovyov's exhibition
- 10/17/2015 - OCTOBER 17 — The play "Oh, what an amazing game it was!"
- 09/29/2015 - Repertoire for November
- 09/27/2015 - Theater drawing room with Vladimir Vasilyev theater living room
- 09/17/2015 - Theater living room with Vladimir Vasiliev. Broadcast on September 26, 2015 at 21.30
- 07/26/2015 - Broadcast of the Theatrical Lounge with Vasily Livanov on the theater's YouTube channel
- 07/26/2015 - The repertoire for October has been published on the site and online sales are open
- 07/25/2015 - Closing of the 27th season and 10 Theater Lounge
- 07/23/2015 - Waiting for the new season
- 07/02/2015 - Theatrical drawing room with Vasily Livanov
- 06/27/2015 - The repertoire for September has been published and pre-sale of tickets is open
- 06/26/2015 - Lev Mikhailovich Eliseev passed away
- 06/12/2015 - Pre-premiere performance of the play "Passion for Alexander"
- 06/10/2015 - Recording of the air of the Theater Lounge with Yulian Panich on the YouTube channel of the Mironov Theater
- 06/09/2015 - Premiere of the play "Passion for Alexander"
- 06/08/2015 - Trailer of the play "Madame Bovary"
- 06/06/2015 - He was called the Soviet Jean Marais.
June 6 and 7, 2015 on the St. Petersburg TV channel Theatrical Lounge with Yulian Panich
- 06/06/2015 - Theater stars about their roles in Evgeny Baranov's play "Passion for Alexander". Continued...
- 06/05/2015 - Stars of the theater about their roles in Evgeny Baranov's play "Passion for Alexander"
- 06/05/2015 - First photos for the gallery of the premiere of "Passion for Alexander". Tickets for June 13
- 05/30/2015 - June 13, 14, 15, 2015 - the premiere of the performance "Passion for Alexander" have been added to the online box office. The page of the play
- 05/30/2015 is open - Sales for the month of July and the first performances of the new 28th theater season are open
- 05/07/2015 - Clip of the play "Days of our life"
- 05/05/2015 - Clip for the play "Baba Chanel"
- 05/03/2015 - Almost the Memory of the great Maya
- 05/02/2015 - Theater lounge with Rudolf Furmanov "Knight of the Seraphim" ("Running")
- 04/30/2015 - May 2 - new Theater Lounge with Rudolf Furmanov
- 04/26/2015 - V.
Postnov's photo report from Rudolf Furmanov's Theater Lounge
- 04/19/2015 - Ticket sales are open for the month of June and the premiere of the performance "Passion for Alexander"
- 04/19/2015 - Theatrical living room with Rimas Tuminas
- 04/18/2015 - From a photo report. With Peter Stein on "The Mask"
- 04/17/2015 - Air of the Theater Lounge with Rimas Tuminas
- 03/31/2015 - "Figaro" Award - now on the theater website
- 03/28/2015 - Repertoire and opening of sales for May 2015
- 03/21/2015 - Alexander Shirvindt's Theater Lounge on the theater channel
- 03/21/2015 - Let's go! The theater started rehearsing two performances at once...
- 03/21/2015 - Today, March 21, 2015 at 21.40 Theater lounge with Alexander Shirvindt
- 03/14/2015 - Alexander Shirvindt Prize "Acting Brotherhood"
- 03/12/2015 - Theater lounge with Oleg Basilashvili on the TV channel "St. Petersburg"
- 03/09/2015 - The Fifth Anniversary Ceremony of "Figaro" has taken place!
- 06/03/2015 - On the eve of the Figaro Award Ceremony, the President of Russia congratulated the Laureates
- 02/28/2015 - Theater Lounge with Oleg Basilashvili
- 02/27/2015 - MARCH 8 — The Fifth Anniversary Ceremony of presenting the Russian National Prize named after A.
Mironov "Figaro" /2015 - Repertoire for April and opening of sales
- 02/14/2015 - Worlds and symbols of director Yuri Tsurcanu
- 01/31/2015 - Rudolf Furmanov's interview about Leningraders, theaters and why it's not always good when famous bands without exception turn into "Multi-centers")
- 01/29/2015 - "Baba Chanel" in the program "ARTEfacts"
- 01/26/2015 - The repertoire for March has been published and sales are open
- 01/25/2015 - Elena Kalinina: "You need to rehearse collapsed...! 09/2015 - Birthday (Anniversary) of Dmitry Vorobyov
- 01/06/2015 - Happy Christmas!!!0110
- 01/02/2015 - Sale of tickets for February is open
- 01/01/2015 - Repertoire for February
- 12/27/2014 - Happy premiere! Better to see once!
- 12/27/2014 - The Mironov Theater on the TV channel "Saint Petersburg" during the New Year holidays
- 12/27/2014 - Colossal! For the premiere of the play "Baba Chanel"
- 12/24/2014 - Tickets have been added to the online sale of New Year's performances
- 12/22/2014 - On the eve of our premiere and remembering Vadim Fisson
- 12/20/2014 - Irina Sokolova, Tatiana Piletskaya, Larisa Leonova, Vera Karpova, Tatiana Zakharova, Ksenia Katalimova and Yaroslav Vorontsov! December 27, 28 and 30 - "Baba Chanel"!
- 12/19/2014 - Vadim Fisson left.
- 12/11/2014 - Rimas Tuminas visiting the Mironov Theater before the start of the performance "A Streetcar Named Desire"
- 12/10/2014 - New Year, new plans and new performances of the theater
- 12/03/2014 - Tatyana Moskvina about the play "A Streetcar Named Desire"
- 11/30/2014 - "Madame Bovary" in the program of the III St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum
- 11/24/2014 - The site published the entire repertoire for January 2015
- 11/23/2014 - Watch the Theater Lounge with Maxim Dunayevsky
- 11/19/2014 - November 23, 25, 26 Desire"
- 11/19/2014 - "Madame Bovary" was nominated for the "Golden Mask" in four categories
- 11/19/2014 - The Third Theater Lounge with Maxim Dunayevsky
- 11/08/2014 - New Year's decade of performances. Sale is open
- 11/01/2014 - Birthday of the theatre!
- 10/28/2014 - The page of the play "Baba Chanel" is open
- 10/25/2014 - Watch the recording of the broadcast of the second Television Theater Lounge of Rudolf Furmanov
- 10/21/2014 - Happy Birthday, Rudolf Davydovich!
- 10/13/2014 - 75 years of Leonid Nevedomsky
- 10/10/2014 - Online application for the "Figaro" award
- 10/09/2014 - The virtual tour of the theater has been launched MY LIEUTENANT" PUSHED RUY BLAZ.