Diy mailing box
Diy Cardboard Box -
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Custom Boxes & Custom Packaging | Design your own boxes
Box design that inspires
We’re here to help with packaging solutions that make sense for businesses of any kind. Whether you’re designing custom retail packaging with your logo or need corrugated cardboard mailers for your ecommerce biz, there’s lots of inspiration to be found for your custom product packaging.
More than just a pretty package
Customizable from the inside out, every custom printed box we create is made just for you – and with your customers in mind. Make a statement in the mail or on display with an unboxing experience unlike any other. Your products deserve custom packaging boxes crafted with sustainable materials, impeccable print quality, and picture-perfect design. Create packaging that wows no matter your use-case, business, or industry.
Frequently Asked Questions
Below you'll find answers to some common questions around creating a custom box. Every order is little different though, so don't hesitate to reach out with anything else you might be wondering.
Can I get an instant quote for my order?
Yes, you can select your size, material, and quantity on our free 3D design tool to instantly view a quote for your project.
As you upload artwork, add text, or color the background in each panel of the 3D model, you'll see your Unit Price update in real-time.
What packaging products can I order from Packlane?
At Packlane, we offer a variety of packages for you to choose from and customize. Our custom packaging boxes include Shipping Boxes, Mailer Boxes, and Product Boxes. They can be ordered in both stock and custom sizes at low minimums. These box styles are perfect for either retail packaging or ecommerce deliveries. Our Mailer Box and Shipping Box cardboard products are safe to mail, while our Product Box packages are intended for display (or to be placed within a shipping-safe box when sent out for delivery). Get started with our easy-to-use box designer and create custom printed packaging boxes for your brand today.
What if I'm designing in Adobe Illustrator?
If you're building your design on one of our Illustrator templates, you can submit your file on our Dieline Upload tool and a quote for your project will be sent to you ASAP.
You can also email your dieline to our customer support team and we'll send you back a quote. If you do not have packaging artwork for your box yet, you can get a rough quote by applying a solid color on any panels of our 3D design tool where you will want your design printed.
How does your 3D box designer work?
If you have individual artwork elements such as logos, images or text, you can customize your box specifications directly on our 3D design tool and receive pricing on that same page. As you build your design on the 3D box model, you will see your Unit Price update in real-time to reflect any changes that affect your project's pricing. Once you have finalized your design, you can proceed directly to checkout, save your design for later, or even share your design with friends or colleagues!
What is the turnaround time on my order?
Our Standard turnaround for most custom packaging orders is around 10 business days and Rush turnaround is 7 business days. These turnarounds do not include transit time (1 - 7 business days depending on your location).
Special custom or bulk orders may require a few extra days to get setup and produced. Please note that during extremely busy times of year some orders may take longer to complete. While delivery estimates cannot be guaranteed, all dates shown at checkout are the quickest estimate we offer. If your delivery date is time sensitive, we highly recommend choosing Rush production and expedited shipping for your box orders.
What happens after I place my order? Do I get a proof before printing?
After checkout, our dedicated Prepress team will review your design for any technical concerns and send a 2D digital proof of your custom boxes to your email within 24 hours. If any changes need to be made, you can send a note directly to our Prepress team through the proof page and they'll be happy to help with finalizing your design for printing.
Will I see a proof for my order?
All new orders will receive a digital proof within 24 hours of completing the checkout process.
How do I know if my art is printable?
Our dedicated in-house Prepress team will review your custom box design for any technical concerns (artwork resolution, blurriness, splits, thin lines, and bleeds) and if found, will note them for your attention in the proof.
If you're unsure of how to fix any printing concerns that are noted, our Prepress representatives are happy to help you through the process. It's important to keep in mind that our team does not check for spelling or grammar errors, nor do they provide any subjective feedback on design content.
Can you print inside the boxes?
Yes! We can print on the inside of any of our corrugated box styles. This includes Mailers, Shipping Boxes, and Tuck Tops (our secret menu product!). Product Boxes are currently limited to printing on the exterior only. You can even use our online box designer to design the inside of your custom boxes. For Shippers and Tuck Tops, we currently require a 2D dieline template be submitted for both the interior and exterior so we can set up your order as a custom order. You can also submit designs this way for our Mailer boxes, if you prefer to build on a 2D Illustrator template instead of our free 3D box design tool.
What choices affect my pricing?
As a high-volume producer with scale economies, Packlane provides the industry's most competitive prices on custom printed boxes available. Pricing is generally a factor of five things: dimensions, box style, ink coverage on the box, box material, and quantity (higher quantities = bulk savings). Custom orders of 5,000 or more can be eligible for volume discounts. If you have questions about pricing or choices that can affect your custom packaging order, our customer support team is happy to help!
instruction from 65 photos how to do it right
Dacha, as a rule, is located on the territory of a cottage settlement or in the suburbs, which means that the site has a certain postal address where correspondence addressed to the owner can come. Therefore, a mailbox in a country house is needed so that the summer resident can receive letters and other items.
For a home craftsman who is used to doing everything himself, the task of making a mailbox will not seem difficult. Products may differ in shape, design, materials used, design and price. nine0003
Simple models do not require special skills, but if you use expensive components, then you can not do without them.
Brief content of the article:
What are mailboxes
There are all kinds of options in the photo of the mailbox, among which you can find the one suitable for your summer cottage. If it's just a decorative element, then its design should be special. When choosing a product for yourself, be guided by the following criteria: nine0003
Capacity. This parameter depends on the number of subscription publications, in addition, you should also take into account the advertising mailing list, which is distributed free of charge.
Location. Decide on the purpose of the mailbox, whether it will be used only for correspondence, or will also perform a decorative function, attracting everyone's attention.
Models are distinguished:
- standard; nine0033 English;
- American;
- original.
Standard mailbox
In the traditional version, there is a slot in which the postman lowers newspapers, magazines and letters, such models are popular in the CIS countries. For their manufacture, you can use various materials, it will take a little time for the master to make a homemade product.
The standard model, embellished with decorative elements, is a beautiful mailbox. Original details that are easy to find allow you to make an interesting design; traditional boxes are installed, as a rule, on the fence of a summer cottage. nine0003
American Mailbox
The American Mailbox differs in appearance from the comfortable standard described above. Such products have the same type of structure, the postman leaves magazines and newspapers in a horizontal position, he has to fold too voluminous publications into a tube.
American mailboxes have a special flag, when it is in the raised state, this means that letters are waiting in the mailman's box to be sent. This is how it is done in America, but in Russia you can also negotiate with the postman so that he also works according to this scheme.
For the box, you will need to prepare a separate support, it can be made of wood or metal, a garden figure will also serve as a good support. Before finally choosing this option, think about the volume of correspondence.
The standard model is much more spacious than the American one, so if you are going to get a lot of subscription editions, then there is reason to think. It is possible that in this situation the standard is better than the foreign analogue: everything will fit in it. nine0003
English mailbox
As for the English mailbox, it looks like a bollard, installed permanently, such a product is made of metal or laid out of brick. The model is on the ground at a distance of several meters from the entrance, it has an attractive appearance - it resembles a miniature house.
The decor of the mailbox is in harmony with the design of a country house, it is characterized by large capacity and high strength. Such a mini-house is the first to meet visitors to the estate; a large amount of correspondence is easily placed in it. nine0003
Original boxes
The original mailbox is a unique product that brings the most interesting design solutions to life. So, various items can be used as a mailbox after a little refinement and improvement.
Home craftsmen believe that the simplest and easiest home-made products are wooden or plastic models, the construction of brick postal structures will be mastered by those who are familiar with brickwork. Metal products can be made by people with welding skills: they know exactly about all the nuances of joining metal sheets. nine0003
Many people choose a model based on their own preferences, while taking into account the exterior design. When maximum strength and durability are required, choose brick with metal as the material of manufacture.
To prevent the product from becoming gaudy, stick to a single color scheme, as a result, you will be able to achieve a harmonious ensemble.
If the site has a lot of fruit trees, and it is located in a small village, then a rustic-style wood element will serve as an excellent addition to a wooden fence. nine0003
When a dacha is located in a modern cottage village, and the area is fenced with a wrought iron fence, the mailbox must be made of metal with elegant forging elements. Forged parts should match the theme of the exterior, a great solution is to use patterns that repeat the pattern on the gate and gate.
For a small suburban area, a plastic mailbox is a suitable choice, any craftsman can make it with his own hands quickly. nine0003
Practical tips from craftsmen
To prevent the wooden structure from falling apart, individual parts are fastened with corners, then the product will be more durable, and when it needs to be repaired, just unscrew the nuts and screws.
When the mail slot is placed at the top, it needs to be protected from the weather by installing a small canopy. It is better to make a door for extracting mail items in the lower part, the best option is when the bottom of the box is fully folded down. nine0003
When the mail-out door is placed on the front of the drawer, it is important not to make a mistake with the dimensions so that the parts do not have to be adjusted or even changed. To keep your correspondence, lock the door when you leave your country house.
If you don't want your mailbox to fill up quickly due to advertising information, place a wooden cabinet nearby where the postman will place advertisements.
If you want to be notified when new mail arrives, install an alarm inside the box. To do this, you need to make another bottom from a plywood sheet or plastic, the contact plates are placed between the springs on which the false bottom rests.
The design works as follows, the postman lowers the letter into the mailbox, the contacts close, and as a result, the light bulb in the house, connected to the alarm, lights up. nine0003
You can make any model with your own hands, if you want to save money on the family budget. A wooden product is made from pine timber and plywood, the lid is planted on epoxy glue. To make it convenient to use homemade, attach a handle to the door, cut a small keyhole and insert the lock. With the help of paints and varnishes for outdoor work, a decorative coating is performed.
To make an American mailbox, you will need skills in working with a welding machine to connect the structure together. The most difficult thing is to make metal models on your own, so before choosing a model, really evaluate your strengths. nine0003
DIY mailbox photo
Post published: 10.10
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types, materials, manufacturing features, necessary tools, decor options, installation features
Each type of house or housing has its own unique address, which receives various letters and telegrams in a timely manner. In order for your correspondence to scatter over a fence or a plot, you need to properly equip a postal device. Usually such a product can be purchased at hardware store : their prices are very affordable, and the choice of material is very diverse. However, many people like to make a box for letters with their own hands.
- 1 Types of mailboxes
- 2 Making at home
- 3 Installation features
Types of mailboxes
In order for your beautiful mailbox to stand out from the general picture of the house, you need to choose the right design and size, as well as determine the place where you will install it. It is necessary to take into account its availability and convenience for receiving letters. When choosing a box, you need to decide how you will use it: will it be decor item or a functioning letterbox.
There are several basic types of boxes:
- Traditional.
- American.
- English.
If you don't know how to make a mailbox with your own hands, then the traditional type is perfect for you. The name of the traditional letter boxes speaks for itself: this is the simplest and most convenient type, which is made from improvised building material. They can be made of cardboard, plastic, wood, metal and have the most unusual shapes. nine0003
The look of American boxes is very similar to traditional ones, but they have one feature that helps to find out if there is a letter in the mail. The fact is that in private areas of America, when delivering letters, the postman himself raises a special flag , which indicates the receipt of the letter.
The English view differs significantly from the previous two. Most often it is made of a metal pipe. Accordingly, special doors are cut in it, and a hole for letters. After which she is painted, decorated original pictures , and is installed as a cabinet.
There are also special, unique and extraordinary types of mailboxes. They are made independently not only from improvised means, but also from any unnecessary materials. So, using an ordinary plastic bottle, you can make an excellent postal device . The main thing is that the bottle should be of a large volume, ideally from 5 liters. Such material will not leak or get wet, which will ensure the dryness of your letters. And if the box is well decorated with decorative material such as paper or decoupage, then it will easily replace the usual store one. nine0003
You can make a box of slats with your own hands. To do this, you will need tools: a hammer and a saw. With an accurate calculation and correct drawing , it will take very little time to manufacture such a box. The main thing is not to forget to install waterproof material on top of the box for the safety of letters.
Do-it-yourself metal mailbox is much more difficult to make. Here at least the skills of a welder or a tinsmith are required. When creating a thick metal letter box, you will definitely need a welding machine. And to decorate the product, you will need tools that allow you to process metal. Thick metal is usually used to make wrought iron postal supplies that look very elegant .
A homemade tin box for letters is a little easier to make. Nevertheless, the skills of a tinsmith will greatly help in such production. Usually this look is not particularly decorated, except that you can apply paint in an unusual way.
Making at home
On the Internet you can see a special master class on how to make a mailbox out of wood with your own hands. However, there are certain subtleties of this work.
First you need to decide what kind of tools and materials you will need. The main materials include:
- Plywood and wooden blocks.
- Nails or self-tapping screws.
- Hammer or screwdriver.
- Wood saw or circular saw.
After everything you need is collected, you can start making a drawing or searching for it on the Internet. In all drawings, a box for the workpiece is initially made, and only then the lid and bottom are assembled. Most importantly, do not forget about the hole for the letter itself. The hole should be marked and done before attaching the cover, so that it would be convenient to process it from both sides. nine0003
After the product is ready, you can proceed to decorate it. Decorating mailboxes is not limited to anything. You can use everything that your ingenuity and imagination are capable of. Any color of paint, decor elements, building supplies - anything can be used in decoration.