Easy sight words
Sight Words | Sight Words: Teach Your Child to Read
Learn the history behind Dolch and Fry sight words, and why they are important in developing fluent readers.
Follow the sight words teaching techniques. Learn research-validated and classroom-proven ways to introduce words, reinforce learning, and correct mistakes.
Print your own sight words flash cards. Create a set of Dolch or Fry sight words flash cards, or use your own custom set of words.
Play sight words games. Make games that create fun opportunities for repetition and reinforcement of the lessons.
- Overview
- What Are Sight Words?
- Types of Sight Words
- When to Start
- Scaling & Scaffolding
- Research
- Questions and Answers
Sight words instruction is an excellent supplement to phonics instruction. Phonics is a method for learning to read in general, while sight words instruction increases a child’s familiarity with the high frequency words he will encounter most often.
The best way to learn sight words is through lots and lots of repetition, in the form of flashcard exercises and word-focused games.
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Sight words are words that should be memorized to help a child learn to read and write. Learning sight words allows a child to recognize these words at a glance — on sight — without needing to break the words down into their individual letters and is the way strong readers recognize most words. Knowing common, or high frequency, words by sight makes reading easier and faster, because the reader does not need to stop to try and sound out each individual word, letter by letter.
Sight Words are memorized so that a child can recognize commonly used or phonetically irregular words at a glance, without needing to go letter-by-letter.![]()
Other terms used to describe sight words include: service words, instant words (because you should recognize them instantly), snap words (because you should know them in a snap), and high frequency words. You will also hear them referred to as Dolch words or Fry words, the two most commonly used sight words lists.
Sight words are the glue that holds sentences together.
These pages contain resources to teach sight words, including: sight words flash cards, lessons, and games. If you are new to sight words, start with the teaching strategies to get a road map for teaching the material, showing you how to sequence the lessons and activities.
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Sight words fall into two categories:
- Frequently Used Words — Words that occur commonly in the English language, such as it, can, and will.
Memorizing these words makes reading much easier and smoother, because the child already recognizes most of the words and can concentrate their efforts on new words. For example, knowing just the Dolch Sight Words would enable you to read about 50% of a newspaper or 80% of a children’s book.
- Non-Phonetic Words — Words that cannot be decoded phonetically, such as buy, talk, or come. Memorizing these words with unnatural spellings and pronunciations teaches not only these words but also helps the reader recognize similar words, such as guy, walk, or some.
There are several lists of sight words that are in common use, such as Dolch, Fry, Top 150, and Core Curriculum. There is a great deal of overlap among the lists, but the Dolch sight word list is the most popular and widely used.
3.1 Dolch Sight Words
The Dolch Sight Words list is the most commonly used set of sight words. Educator Dr. Edward William Dolch developed the list in the 1930s-40s by studying the most frequently occurring words in children’s books of that era. The list contains 220 “service words” plus 95 high-frequency nouns. The Dolch sight words comprise 80% of the words you would find in a typical children’s book and 50% of the words found in writing for adults. Once a child knows the Dolch words, it makes reading much easier, because the child can then focus his or her attention on the remaining words.
3.2 Fry Sight Words
The Fry Sight Words list is a more modern list of words, and was extended to capture the most common 1,000 words. Dr. Edward Fry developed this expanded list in the 1950s (and updated it in 1980), based on the most common words to appear in reading materials used in Grades 3-9. Learning all 1,000 words in the Fry sight word list would equip a child to read about 90% of the words in a typical book, newspaper, or website.
3.3 Top 150 Written Words
The Top 150 Written Words is the newest of the word lists featured on our site, and is commonly used by people who are learning to read English as a non-native language. This list consists of the 150 words that occur most frequently in printed English, according to the Word Frequency Book. This list is recommended by Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D., Professor of Learning Development at Yale University’s School of Medicine.
3.4 Other Sight Words Lists
There are many newer variations, such as the Common Core sight words, that tweak the Dolch and Fry sight words lists to find the combination of words that is the most beneficial for reading development. Many teachers take existing sight word lists and customize them, adding words from their own classroom lessons.
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Before a child starts learning sight words, it is important that he/she be able to recognize and name all the lower-case letters of the alphabet. When prompted with a letter, the child should be able to name the letter quickly and confidently. Note that, different from learning phonics, the child does not need to know the letters’ sounds.
Before starting sight words, a child needs to be able to recognize and name all the lower-case letters of the alphabet.
If a student’s knowledge of letter names is still shaky, it is important to spend time practicing this skill before jumping into sight words. Having a solid foundation in the ability to instantly recognize and name the alphabet letters will make teaching sight words easier and more meaningful for the child.
Go to our Lessons for proven strategies on how to teach and practice sight words with your child.
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Every child is unique and will learn sight words at a different rate. A teacher may have a wide range of skill levels in the same classroom. Many of our sight words games can be adjusted to suit different skill levels.
Many of our activity pages feature recommendations for adjusting the game to the needs of your particular child or classroom:
- Confidence Builders suggest ways to simplify a sight words game for a struggling student.
- Extensions offer tips for a child who loves playing a particular game but needs to be challenged more.
- Variations suggest ways to change up the game a little, by tailoring it to a child’s special interests or making it “portable.”
- Small Group Adaptations offer ideas for scaling up from an individual child to a small group (2-5 children), ensuring that every child is engaged and learning.
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Our sight words teaching techniques are based not only on classroom experience but also on the latest in child literacy research. Here is a bibliography of some of the research supporting our approach to sight words instruction:
- Ceprano, M. A. “A review of selected research on methods of teaching sight words.” The Reading Teacher 35:3 (1981): 314-322.
- Ehri, Linnea C. “Grapheme–Phoneme Knowledge Is Essential for Learning to Read Words in English.” Word Recognition in Beginning Literacy. Mahwah, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates, 1998.
- Enfield, Mary Lee, and Victoria Greene. Project Read. www.projectread.com. 1969.
- Gillingham, Anna, and Bessie W. Stillman. The Gillingham Manual: Remedial Training for Students with Specific Disability in Reading, Spelling, and Penmanship, 8th edition. Cambridge, MA: Educators Publishing Service, 2014.
- Nist, Lindsay, and Laurice M. Joseph. “Effectiveness and Efficiency of Flashcard Drill Instructional Methods on Urban First-Graders’ Word Recognition, Acquisition, Maintenance, and Generalization.
” School Psychology Review 37:3 (Fall 2008): 294-308.
- Shaywitz, Sally E. Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003.
- Stoner, J.C. “Teaching at-risk students to read using specialized techniques in the regular classroom.” Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 3 (1991).
- Wilson, Barbara A. “The Wilson Reading Method.” Learning Disabilities Journal 8:1 (February 1998): 12-13.
- Wilson, Barbara A. Wilson Reading System. Millbury, MA: Wilson Language Training, 1988.
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Dolch Sight Words List | Sight Words: Teach Your Child to Read
All the Dolch sight word lists, divided by grade, also available as printable PDFs.
Five techniques for teaching Dolch sight words. Learn proven ways to introduce words, reinforce learning, and correct mistakes.
Print a set of Dolch sight word flash cards, or use our generator to create your own custom cards.
Print cards and game boards for 18 Dolch sight word games. A fun way to reinforce sight words lessons!
The Dolch Sight Words list is the most commonly used set of sight words. Educator Dr. Edward William Dolch developed the list in the 1930s-40s by studying the most frequently occurring words in children’s books of that era. The list contains 220 “service words” plus 95 high-frequency nouns. These words comprise 80% of the words you would find in a typical children’s book and 50% of the words found in writing for adults. Once a child knows this list of words, it makes reading much easier, because the child can then focus his or her attention on the remaining words.
The Dolch words are commonly divided into groups by grade level, ranging from pre-kindergarten to third grade, with a separate list of nouns. There are a total of 315 Dolch Sight Words.
- Pre-K Dolch Sight Words
(40 words)a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you
- Kindergarten Dolch Sight Words
(52 words)all, am, are, at, ate, be, black, brown, but, came, did, do, eat, four, get, good, have, he, into, like, must, new, no, now, on, our, out, please, pretty, ran, ride, saw, say, she, so, soon, that, there, they, this, too, under, want, was, well, went, what, white, who, will, with, yes
- First Grade Dolch Sight Words
(41 words)after, again, an, any, as, ask, by, could, every, fly, from, give, going, had, has, her, him, his, how, just, know, let, live, may, of, old, once, open, over, put, round, some, stop, take, thank, them, then, think, walk, were, when
- Second Grade Dolch Sight Words
(46 words)always, around, because, been, before, best, both, buy, call, cold, does, don’t, fast, first, five, found, gave, goes, green, its, made, many, off, or, pull, read, right, sing, sit, sleep, tell, their, these, those, upon, us, use, very, wash, which, why, wish, work, would, write, your
- Third Grade Dolch Sight Words
(41 words)about, better, bring, carry, clean, cut, done, draw, drink, eight, fall, far, full, got, grow, hold, hot, hurt, if, keep, kind, laugh, light, long, much, myself, never, only, own, pick, seven, shall, show, six, small, start, ten, today, together, try, warm
- Noun Dolch Sight Words
(95 words)apple, baby, back, ball, bear, bed, bell, bird, birthday, boat, box, boy, bread, brother, cake, car, cat, chair, chicken, children, Christmas, coat, corn, cow, day, dog, doll, door, duck, egg, eye, farm, farmer, father, feet, fire, fish, floor, flower, game, garden, girl, goodbye, grass, ground, hand, head, hill, home, horse, house, kitty, leg, letter, man, men, milk, money, morning, mother, name, nest, night, paper, party, picture, pig, rabbit, rain, ring, robin, Santa Claus, school, seed, sheep, shoe, sister, snow, song, squirrel, stick, street, sun, table, thing, time, top, toy, tree, watch, water, way, wind, window, wood
- All Dolch Sight Words by group
- All Dolch Sight Words in alphabetical order
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How to make a video popular on YouTube
Making a good video is quite difficult. However, it is much more difficult to get a lot of viewers on YouTube. Navneet Kaushal, Founder and CEO of PageTraffic, talks about the ways you can actually get more page views.
What is YouTube? These are 200,000 videos uploaded daily and 600 years that you need to spend watching ALL videos uploaded to the service. Let's add that the number of videos viewed daily is 100 million, and the number of registered users on the service is more than 300 million. Citing this data, Kaushal summarizes - "if you still think that YouTube cannot be an effective channel for attracting customers, then think about it again."
Working on YouTube is somewhat more difficult than promoting on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Tumblr. But all this is nonsense - the difficulties are easy to overcome, because promotion with the help of YouTube pays off a hundredfold.
Factors that determine how YouTube videos rank
Have you ever thought about how YouTube ranks videos in search results? Approximately the same as Google is guided by when forming search results. We have divided YouTube ranking factors into two categories - local and offline. Let's analyze both of them in more detail.
Internal factors
Relevant keywords : A video ranks higher in search results if it is tagged with relevant keywords.
These include various how-to videos, tutorials, reviews, tutorials, funny videos, and videos related to sports and fitness.
Video tags : Video tags must contain keywords.
Title : The correct title of a video is also an important factor in determining the popularity of a YouTube video. It is recommended to put the keyword at the very beginning of the video title.
Description : Description is an essential element of any video on Youtube, on the basis of which the YouTube algorithm determines the content of the video.
Thumbnails : Previews or custom thumbnails about the video will also improve the impression of the video. It is not recommended to use automatically generated images on YouTube.
Video text : YouTube uses video text to rank videos. Include your target keywords.
Channel authority : the authority of existing YouTube channels is gained by the number of views and the number of subscribers. In addition to working on these two factors, it is recommended to link to the YouTube channel from your site, which also increases the "karma".
External factors
Number of video views: Of course, a high number of views improves the rating of your video. Pay attention not only to the number of people who watched the video, but also to how many people watched it to the end.
Comments: A lot of comments on the video - a guarantee of increasing the position of the video in the YouTube search results. But remember that the service sees spam comments very well.
Growth in the number of subscribers : Everything is simple here, if a person subscribes to your channel, it means that you are making interesting and useful videos for the audience.
Sharing: Are people willing to share your videos on social networks? Great, it shows their interest in your content.
"Favorite": A significant factor for your channel are those people who not only like, but also add your video to the "Watch Later" list.
Number of likes: YouTube pays attention to the number of "thumbs" - "I like" signs. If there are more positive ratings, then your video will automatically rank higher in the search results.
Backlinks: Like Google, which considers external links to rank a web page, YouTube also considers such links to be a significant factor in video rankings.
Tips to improve YouTube search rankings
Number of views
Do you prefer 500 views in the last 24 hours or 1000 views in the last week? The dilemma, however, is solvable. If we evaluate the situation from the point of view of SEO, then 1000 views are more important to us. This is how the video will be ranked higher.
How to achieve the notorious thousand or more views? To get started, put links to the video in all social networks in which you are present. Do not limit yourself to VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter, you need to use platforms such as:
- Google+,
- Tumblr,
- Instagram,
- Pinterest.
Be sure to embed the video on your blog and also mention the video on your website. You can make “secret advertising” for the video both on the main page of the site and in the questions and answers section. In the latter case, you can also use the Quora app.
If you have the option to link to the video in an email, you should also do so. The video will make it more effective to write to your customers and, for example, subscribers to a corporate email newsletter, if any.
Video optimization with relevant keywords
The title and description of the video must contain keywords and phrases that are relevant to the content of the video.
The title must contain at least five words, including at least one keyword. It should be at the beginning of the video title.
Description size - 250 words, keywords should be used in them 3-4 times, no more. It is best to place keywords in the first 25 words of the video description. Of course, keywords should look natural and not look like spam.
Optimization with tags
The ideal solution is 6-8 tags for your video. Key phrases should also be present in the tags, with minor modifications. All tags must match the content of the video.
Feedback from users
Interact more actively with users, ask them to rate and comment on the video after viewing. At the end of the video, you can put a call to action that prompts you to comment on what you see. Such a step will also help increase the rating in the issuance of YouTube.
Using YouTube Analytics
To measure the effectiveness of your video, use YouTube Analytics to check your video's retention rate. You can see how long the viewers watched the video and where they stopped watching. These and other useful features will improve the video.
Navneet Kaushal believes that following the recommendations he listed will definitely help the video to take high places in the YouTube search results. Kaushal reminds that it is foolish to ignore the service, which is the third most popular website in the world and the second most popular search engine after Google.
Mutual PR with other channels
Many bloggers use this format to promote their videos and exchange audiences of viewers with other bloggers. It is enough to find a similar thematic channel and offer him either a mutual exchange of annotations for your videos, or simply buy an annotation of your video from him in his video. The most convenient for this is the EPICSTARS social media advertising exchange. It is enough to register on the site, add your channel and advertising task to the system and select a channel for them that will add your video to favorites or advertise it for money in their videos. Bonus - with the help of this exchange you can earn money by placing ads in your videos.
how I collected 1 million views and 4500 subscribers in two weeks - Marketing on vc.ru views
Memes Author: Unknown
TikTok is getting harder and harder to ignore. Recommendation mechanism and a large audience, in which an increasing percentage of adults are attracted by brands and opinion leaders who are losing coverage in other social networks. So this "social network for buzzers" dragged me in. At the end of November, I posted a few videos. One of them got almost a million views and it had a big impact on my insta. I decided to keep experimenting and we put together a chat with adult tiktokers. I will not load you with cases and numbers, but will immediately give you 35 tips from tiktokers 30+ years old that will help you boost your account:
1. Errors in the video make it commentable. Having made a mistake in the word "man" (I wrote "man"), I collected about forty comments on the topic of this mistake, the video came out in the recommendation and I collected almost lam views
2. Videos for " Tiktok Univer. 40-50 thousand views from the average video quality is provided.
3. Hashtags. Tested hashtags. Without them, videos go very badly. But busting also affects the recommendations. 2-4 tags is the ideal amount.
4. Shoot and edit in TT. Videos shot and edited in tiktok itself fly better. A couple of times I used inshot for editing - everything is not at the cash desk.
5. Hot topic. There is a big demand from the female adult audience for family psychology. While the niche is free and videos with topics close to it collect millions.
6. Reactions . Reactions and duets with Western stars work very well, but this is only if the content is humorous.
7. Time. For adults, the best time to post videos is between 7 and 9 pm.
8. collabs always work great. Measured like a beginner girl, with a collab with a millionaire, she collected 60k subscribers in a day.
9. Light from the very beginning. TT prefers beginners. and if you didn’t manage to collect 10k subscribers up to 10 videos, then it will be more difficult. Deleting the video does nothing.
10. Beautiful and complex content falls out of the general range and users do not watch it. It needs to be simpler in packaging and more complex in meaning.
11. "Entrepreneurs" and "investors" are entering very well now. One of them collected 112k subscribers in a month and thereby swung insta up to 100k
12. Tiktok pays the least for sketches. And you most likely won't earn anything on broadcasts. The audience is better smaller, but better.
13. Advertisers consider bloggers from 100k. Less is not interesting.
14. It is better to place only placement, or to maintain your own account without buying advertising from bloggers. It is better to buy equipment with the money spent on integration.
15. Corporate accounts are doing very well now, if you don't remove stupid trends.
16. There is no ideal duration. Of course, 15-17 seconds is better, but it's even better to shoot the way you like.
17. Perfectly push the mechanics video to the mark. Like "tag the most beautiful tiktoker". "Tag your friend and I'll follow you both" etc.
18. Trendy music gives decent coverage. So it's either camera sound or trending songs. If you use the sound from the library, which has one to ten clips, you will not get anything.
19. Tiktok perfectly reads what you write on the video, so videos with insults, punctuation in the middle of words, obscenities, etc. do not crawl into trends. But with sounds, everything is easier.
20. Axiom: you can't jump from topic to topic. I lost about 200 subscribers on this. Subscribers are waiting for the continuation of content about psychology, but they get humor and unsubscribe.
21. TT has a shadowban and it applies to all linked accounts. Those. the creation of the second just does not get off. We must wait and take into account the mistakes of the past.
22. Hints in the frame about alcohol, tobacco, drugs cut down views. Mentioning them too often will result in a shadowban.
24. If among your subscribers there are a lot of those who received a shadowban, people without an avatar, bots, this is a great opportunity to get a shadowban for a period of two weeks or more.
25. Re-uploads from a banned account or an account under a shadowban lead to a ban.
26. Re-uploads from other resources with a frequency of more than 10% of the total content lead to a shadowban. Re-uploads from other resources with a ratio of more than 40% in relation to your author's content lead to a direct ban.
27. Three complaints against you are enough for a direct ban.
28. There are several layers of recommendations. 1 common. Get there = lam views. 2. Auditorium. Brings up to 100k views. By interest. Brings up to 50k views. Test run in the rivers. Brings up to 5k views. This is why views come in waves. To move higher, you need to go through a certain number of activities at each stage.
29. The most important activities are share and view duration. Moreover, sharing to other social networks works best. So always share yourself immediately after the bay and put clickbait headlines.
30. If you accidentally clicked on the publication of a video, put your phone in the "Airplane" mode and it will be transferred to drafts.
31. Views depend on the location of the video. That is, to get maximum recommendations, you need to be in a city with a population of 200,000 or more. Also, if you are in Bali and post in Bali, do not be surprised at the abundance of Indians in your comments.
32. Nick. Your nickname should be short, concise and without punctuation or numbers. The ideal option is Renat Yanbekov @yanbex. Easy to search, easy to read, easy to remember, share friendly. He is already called "Yanbeks" on the streams.
33. It is better to choose a topic from the category of hobbies. Professionally, most of us are deformed, there is a lot of humor and they pay little for it, but what you do in the evenings is ideal.
34. Any social networks - the ability to talk about the same thing. If you have 10 ideas for videos on one topic, you have content for a year.
35. TT thanks you for your active coverage. At the initial stage, through pain and blood from the eyes, devote at least 30 minutes a day to watching, liking and commenting.