The alphabet song phonics
ABC Song Phonics To Learn From YouTube
By Leena Nas
Teaching a child how to read is a difficult task but thankfully we have YouTube now and these ABC Song Phonics are catchy and they work.
Via Shutterstock and illustrated by Adam Jeffers for MomsIf you have a little learner at home that is developing their reading skills, this is definitely a resource you'll want to tap in to. Teaching children to familiarize themselves with all 26 letters in the alphabet and understand the sound each letter makes is not an easy task. Parents have to pack their patience, as this is a long and often challenging task, but this is foundational learning that your child will have to fully grasp in order to continue advancing in their education.
Our little learners need all the help they can get and thankfully, there's a lot of support that's free to parents and easily accessible online. When it comes to letter recognition, learning how to write capital and lowercase letters, and familiarizing themselves with the sound that each letter makes, kids have a lot to process. Having some online aids accessible through YouTube will help them to learn the alphabet while being entertained, making this a fun learning process that doesn't feel like learning at all!
7 Kids TV 123
Perhaps one of the best YouTube videos to help your child develop their learning skills is the one presented by Kids TV, 123. Many teachers use this as a supplementary teaching tool in the classroom, and children find the song addictive and easy to listen to. It draws them in and formulates repetitions that make it easier to process through the different sounds that each letter makes.
RELATED: Little Angel Nursery Rhymes: Mommy Teach Me The ABC | Phonics Song
6 Rock'N Learn
Rock'N Learn takes a louder tone with their messaging, demonstrating ABC phonics with the use of a sharper tone in the narration, and bold, bright colors, when it comes to their visual effects. The video is definitely upbeat and will capture the attention of even the most finicky learner. Each letter is fully sounded out and the animation and colors move quickly across the screen, ensuring kids are always entertained.
5 Have Fun Teaching
This video is structured very differently than the others. It's a much more hip, funky vibe and the introduction of the ABC's and phonics sounds doesn't maintain the usual tune that typically accompanies the alphabet song. Being so unlike others, it stands out among the rest by making kids really think about the letters appearing on the screen.
Since it doesn't follow the same melody as the ABC's song, it forces kids to think in a different way and focus on the actual letters . There are no drawings or characters to distract from the learning process - only the letters appear on the screen, giving your child greater focus.
4 Chu Chu TV
This is a very soft sounding video that's easy on the ears and offers two animations for each letter.
The pictures help kids associate each letter to an actual object and a sound, and the pace of this video sis slow and steady, with crisp, clear visuals.
3 Jack Hartman
Scoolage children across the glove love watching Jack Hartman and find his messaging easy to understand. This may have something to do with his relatability and the fact that he puts himself front and center in front of the camera, rather than relying on technology or animations. Watching his mouth move as he sounds out each letter is helpful for kids to mimic and learn from.
2 Patty Shukla Kids TV
Patty Shukla is enjoyable for kids to watch on screen. She is expressive and communicates in a very gentle, yet engaging way which is completely age appropriate. She overdramatizes sounds and words to get the message across, and this technique works very well for young learners. This mode of teaching is catchy and gives children a sense of pride after completion. There are elongated letters that are sounded out for the purpose of clarity and accuracy.
1 Phonics Sounds
Perhaps the biggest advantage to viewing Phonics Sounds is that there is a whole lot of repetition within this video. When teaching young children how to read, it becomes clear that repetition through our messaging is quite critical. Sometimes children will learn by osmosis and play and not always through conventional teaching methods.
This video provides alternative educational options we may not have previously considered. Set to soft music, this video takes children on a tour of each letter of the alphabet as each one is animated to keep them entertained.
READ NEXT: How To Teach Kids The Alphabet Without All The Stress
Sources: YouTube, Reading Simplified, Reading Eggs
Phonics Songs for Kids to Learn Letter Sounds The Fun Way!
Topic: English Language Arts Grades: Elementary School:
Come on all you letters!
Mastering letter sounds is a major step toward building strong reading and speaking skills. While it’s easy enough to lead your class through a round of phonics, the repetitiveness can get boring—for you and your students. Spice things up by bringing some fun music into your lessons! Don’t have time to go searching for videos and resources? No problem! We’ve put together this list of engaging phonics songs for kids to help them build a strong foundation.
Alphabet Song
Miss Patty combines letter sounds with American sign language in her alphabet song!
The ABC Song for Kids
The Kiboomers teach kids the alphabet with this ABC song featuring a picture for each letter.
Alphabet PE Exercise Song
Learn the alphabet while keeping fit with Miss Linky!
CVC Phonics Song
This video is designed to teach how to read CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words.
ABC Phonics Song
This animated phonics song was developed with speech therapists to form each letter sound correctly.
Alphabet Boogie Song
“Come on all you letters from A to Z.” What a fun way to learn phonics!
The Big Pig Song
This singalong song is from Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read. “You laugh, you’ll cry. You’ll learn words that have the letter i.”
Crazy Phonics Song
This super version of the “Chit Chat Chicken” song created by Kids vs Phonics just gets faster and faster!
Phonics Song with TWO Words
This phonics song gives kids two word examples for each letter.
Alphabet Phonics Song
“A says a, a, apple and alligator. ” This catchy song will have kids singing along!
Jolly Phonics Song
The entire set of 42 letter sounds is visually shown along with songs to practice learning.
Phonics Songs for Kids
Mother Goose Club uses music and fun graphics to teach kids phonics.
Learning Letter Sounds
This phonics song teaches children the alphabet and the beginning letter sounds.
The Alphabet Song
This song by Jack Hartmann is great for teaching and learning the alphabet and phonics.
Meet the Phonics
This 41-minute video will help students learn the different sounds that letters make.
Plus, check out our fun phonics activities!
Want more classroom song suggestions? Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you can get our latest picks.
English Alphabet Song for Children and Adults
Alphabet Song is a simple, cheerful rhyme with music that is used to teach letters to children. The English alphabet song, better known as the ABC Song, lists the names of all the letters of the English alphabet in order. Light text and a simple melody are quickly remembered even by kids.
Linguists, educators and scientists have long been saying that the human brain perceives and remembers clear and clearly structured information better. Therefore, when working with toddlers and older children, visual material and musical additions are often used.
A song about the alphabet in English helps to quickly master new material not only for children, but also for adults. And the modern multimedia world provides a wide selection of videos and audio pros, the song in which is very easy to remember.
- How children first learn about letters and sounds
- ABC Song - the easiest song about the alphabet
- British pronunciation of "Zed" for "Z"
- Song "Reverse Alphabet" in English
- Animal and object names alphabet
- Acoustic songs and acrostics
How children learn about letters and sounds for the first time speaking and writing. However, learning letters is much more than just the song "English alphabet".
Indeed, most children start learning English with an alphabet song, complete with bright pictures of letters. But the baby learns sounds much earlier than it learns letters.
A small child listens and reproduces the sounds he hears, and begins to intuitively understand that the names of surrounding objects and phenomena consist of sound units, that is, syllables.
This explains why even small children are able to distinguish between a request to find a cup and a request to bring a stone. Although at the same time the child will not be able to explain how he knows that this object is called that.
In this way, babies first get an idea of sounds and letters when they hear and reproduce the sounds around them. Therefore, it is important to let them listen to songs about the English alphabet as early and as often as possible.
ABC Song - the easiest song about the alphabet
The easiest way to learn a foreign alphabet is to pronounce melodic in order. Moreover, you can do this in a sing-song voice to quiet and calm music, or, conversely, quickly list all 26 letters at an accelerated pace.
"The A.B.C." /ˌEɪ.biːˈsiː/, "A.B.Cs" /ˌeɪ.biːˈsiːz/ or ABC Song is one of the most famous songs in English, which is also called the "Alphabet Song".
ABC song about the English alphabet is also one of the most popular in English-speaking countries, especially in the United States of America. It is ideal for teaching the foreign alphabet to very young students, as it has the simplest text and a calm musical motive.
ABC The English Alphabet Song received copyright protection for the first time in 1835. Then the music publisher from Boston, Charles Bradley, registered it in his name and gave the name, which in full sounds like “ The A.B.C., German style with variations for flute with light accompaniment for forte .”
The 18th century composer Louis Le Mer invented, as recorded in the copyright, the musical arrangement of this ditty. The corresponding entry was made "by an act of Congress in 1835 by C. Bradley in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Massachusetts."
The lyrics of an ABC Song in which each line represents two bars or eight beats:
- A, B, C, D, E, F, G … (/eɪ biː siː diː iː ɛf dʒiː /)
- H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P .
.. (/eɪtʃ aɪ dʒeɪ keɪ ɛlɛmɛnoʊ piː /; "L, M, N, O" is pronounced twice as fast as the rest of the rhyme)
- Q, R, S ... / T, U, V ... (/ kjuː ɑːr ɛs | tiː juː viː /; pause between S and T, although in some variants the union “and” is pronounced)
- W … X … / Y and (/ &) Z. (/ ˈdʌbəl.juː ɛks|waɪ ænd ziː/; pause between X and Y, and W and X last two beats)
- Now, I know my ABCs. ( / naʊ aɪ noʊ ma ʊ biːz /) (translation : now I I know ABC )
- NEITEME, WONXT TIM ? (/ nɛ kst taɪ m Woʊ NT Juː Sɪŋ Wɪ 9 Miː /) (translation for the next time you want?
According to the Newberry Library, which says: "The theme is that used by Mozart in his piano variations Ah, vous dirai-je, maman. " This tune is the same as the tune for the children's songs "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep".
British pronunciation of "Zed" for "Z"
There is another variant of the ABC Song called "Zed for Z". The fact is that in the USA the letter “Z” is distinguished by the pronunciation of “zee” (zee) from the pronunciation of most other English-speaking countries (Great Britain, Australia, Canada), in which this letter is pronounced as “zed” (zed).
Available with zed pronunciation. In this case, the second line is shortened and the last one is lengthened, forming a rhyme between N and zed:
a- b- c- d- e- f- g
When performing this song about the alphabet of the English language, as a rule, the missing zi-rhyme is not missed, but some children try to use it out of habit.
Attention! The French version of "The English Alphabet" is also popular in Canada. At the same time, the melody of the performance does not change, except for the last line, which requires adjustment to match the two-syllable pronunciation of the French "Y".
"Reverse Alphabet" song in English
Wee Sing released a reverse alphabet song called "ZYXs". The Canadian children's television series The Big Comfortable Couch used a version of the song in the first episode of the fourth season, "Back". So it got its wide distribution.
Reverse alphabet is a version of the alphabet song in which the letters are not sung "from A to Z", but backwards - "from Z to A":
- z-y-x, w
In 1966, comedian Soupy Sales released a song called "Backwards Alphabet" which featured a reverse alphabet in a lyrical style.
The original version of the song was performed by actress Judy Rolin with the Smothers Brothers in the 1966 television series Through the Looking Glass.
Alphabet by the names of animals and objects
The song "English alphabet" for children with the name of animals or objects for each letter will explain the alphabet to kids, matching letters with the names of words. So, children quickly memorize not only the letters of the English alphabet, but also many new foreign words.
Acoustic songs and acrostics
Since there are over 40 sounds and only 26 letters in the English language, children and beginner adults also need to learn the different sounds (or phonemes, diphthongs) that are associated with each letter. Many songs were written to teach phonemic awareness, and they are also commonly referred to as songs in alphabetical order.
There are also compositions that go through the alphabet, whereby some letters stand for something in the process.
For example, "A' You're Adorable", also known as "The Alphabet Love Song", was recorded at 1948 by Buddy Kay, Fred Wise, Sidney Lippman and later Perry Como.
Thematic activities, such as the English alphabet song, as well as puzzles, books and games, use the entire alphabet. The general idea is great for kids, but learning all 26 letters of the English alphabet and their corresponding sounds can take some time.
Children do not need to know the entire alphabet of the English language to begin an early understanding of how reading and writing work. Syllables can be learned after the vowels and a few consonants have been learned.
English alphabet for children. Song about the English alphabet
Teaching English begins with the alphabet.
How best to learn the English alphabet with a child - this is exactly what I want to talk about. The easiest way for a child to remember all the letters is song about the English alphabet .
How can children learn the English alphabet correctly
So what is the right way to teach children the English alphabet?
First of all, you need to know the transcription of each English letter, that is, its pronunciation. The child's level is English for beginners. In this case, you can learn the pronunciation of English letters only with the help of transcription.
Below is the English alphabet with Russian transcription.
Aa [ei] [hey] Nn [en] [en] Bb [bi:] [bi] Oo [ou] [ou] Cc [si:] [si] Pp [pi:] [pi] Dd [di:] [di] Qq [kju:] [q] Ee [i:] [i] Rr [a:] [a:, ar] Ff [ef] [ef] Ss [es] [es] Gg [dʒi:] [ji] Tt [ti:] [ti] Hh [eitʃ] [eh] Uu [ju:] [yu] Ii [ai] [ai] Vv [vi:] [vi] Jj [dʒei] [jay] Ww [ `dʌbl `ju: ] [double] Kk [kei] [kei] Xx [eks] [eks] Ll [el] [el] Yy [wai] Mm [em] [em] Zz [zed / ziː] [zed / zi] The English alphabet for children can also be presented in the form of cards, where each card has its own letter of the English alphabet — and each letter has either an object or an animated being.
It will also be quite informative to listen to the English alphabet by ear. Below I have collected several songs about the English alphabet that will help your child memorize the alphabet by ear.
Watch the video with the child several times, after the second or third time try to sing along so that the child remembers the motive and the words of the song about the English alphabet.
Song about the English alphabet
There are many songs about the English alphabet, for every taste and color.
The most famous song about the English alphabet is ABC song (Alphabet song). The motive of this song is remembered very easily at any age. Just drink it under your breath several times and you will immediately memorize the order and letters of the alphabet.
ABC Song (Alphabet Song for Children) - UK ver. In this version of the song, it is proposed to connect figurative thinking.
We are the alphabet