Educational activities for 3 year olds printable
Free Printables for Toddlers - My Bored Toddler
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Are you looking for free printables for toddlers - particularly 1, 2 or 3 year olds? I know many of you homeschool and are always on the lookout for quality free educational printables toddlers so I've put together a great free toddler printable collection for you.
If you're a homeschooling parent, or you're looking for some way to entertain your toddler printables can be a good way to go. If you're a regular reader of my site, you'll know that I encourage play based learning like these
ABC activities for toddlers, Counting Activities and Science Experiments. I do encourage you to avoid traditional worksheets for toddlers - at this age, toddlers shouldn't be learning by filling in pieces of paper. Trust me - play based is better!
What you can do though is use educational printables in your play. These free printables for toddlers are designed to be used in a fun play based way. These printables are all free to download are from quality sites that I recommend.
Let’s go! Don’t forget to share some pictures of your toddler engaged in these activities in our Facebook group or on Instagram (follow @myboredtoddler and use #MyBoredToddler so we can all see).
Our most popular free toddler printable is our color matching cards - these area huge hit!
One of our most popular free printables for toddlers is our Alphabet do-a-dot printable - get yours HERE.
Counting Do-A-Dot Printable
Number to Ten Coloring Sheets
Thanksgiving Free Printables
Looking for some fun free printable games for toddlers to do this Thanksgiving? Try this free Bingo printable game for toddlers.
There's also a fun toddler free printable Scavenger Hunt game too.
Christmas Do-a-Dot Pages
Christmas Playdough Mats - Free Printable
More toddler printable activities:
The Very Hungry Caterillar Counting Mats
Sticker and Dot Makers Fine Motor Art Project - Moswood Connections
Zoo Train Printable Play Mat - Party Through the USA
Sock Matching Folder Game - Homeschooling My Kinetic Kids
Flower Shape Matching Activity - School Time Snippets
Printable Reward Charts
I Spy Shapes - Teach Me Mommy
Free Shapes Lacing Printable - 3 Dinosaurs
Free Printable Do-a-dot Rainbow Activity
Peek-a-Boo Farm Animals Activity - Buggy and Buddy
Make a Monster Activity - Fun with Mama
Color Matching Dominos Printable - Simple Fun for Kids
Summer Flower Color Matching
Free Printable Sign Language Flashcards - Look We Are Learning
Polar Bear Printable Craft - Fireflies and Mud Pies
Little Blue Truck ABC Animal Pick-Up - Growing Book the Book
Black and White Pattern Cards for Baby Tummy Time
Nature Craft Collage - Mother Natured
Shape Tracing Printable - Kiddy Charts
Animal Name Activity - Sandbox Academy
Octopus Do-a-Dot Fine Motor Activity
Bug Scavenger Hunt Printable - Messy Little Monster
Printable Activity Dice - Twitchetts
Fish Crackers Counting Activity - Best Toys 4 Toddlers
Winter Themed Lego Puzzle Printable
Dinosaur Shape Matching Puzzle Printable - Powerful Mothering
Shape Roll & Color Printable Activity - Modern Preschool
Color Scavenger Hunt - Natural Beach Living
Loose Parts and Patterning - Pickleblums
Hide and Match Farm Animal Printable Puzzle - Toddler Approved
Animal Shadow Matching - Totschooling
Printable Mix & Match Puzzle - Itsy Bitsy and Fun
I hope you find these free toddler printables helpful.
I'd love to see some pictures of your toddler using them. Share them in our Facebook group or on Instagram (follow @myboredtoddler and use #MyBoredToddler so we can all see).
Toddler Activities you might enjoy
ABC Activities for Toddlers
Counting Activities for Toddlers
Science Experiments for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Toddler Counting Activities - My Bored Toddler
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These toddler counting activities are a great way to teach toddlers to count and recognize numbers using counting games and play based activities.
Counting and number recognition are skills that toddlers will learn through games, activities and play. The more you talk about numbers and point them out in real life, the more inquisitive they will be.
Just like exposure to reading and books is so important, the same applies to numbers. We like to play 'number detectives' and look for numbers when we are out and about. Try to count whenever you get the chance (walking up steps, counting crackers for lunch, counting how many shoes etc).
The key to counting is learning one to one correspondence (pointing to each item and allocating it a number). These counting activities for toddlers are a great introduction, and I'm sure they'll have lots of fun with them! You may like to try these activities in conjunction with our ABC Activities for Toddlers.
Play Based Number & Counting Activities
These number do-a-dots have been very popular in our house and there are so many ways you can use them. Get the free printable HERE.
More fun toddler counting ideas to explore at home
Powerful Mothering - Counting Caterpillar Busy Bag
Toddler Approved - Race to Lose Tooth Counting Game
Stir the Wonder - Count and Smash Play Dough
School Time Snippets - Counting Ice Cream Scoops
Nurture Store Blog - Straw and Pom Poms Counting Game
Glued to My Crafts Blog - Counting Dinosaurs Game
Tutus and Tea Parties - Number Counting Box
School Time Snippets - Counting Raindrops
A Little Pinch of Perfect - Counting Activity with Play Dough
Rainy Day Mum - Frog Counting Game
The Imagination Tree - Count and Sort Posting Box Game
I Heart Crafty Things - Counting Crocodiles
Toddler Approved - Lily Pad Math Hop
Modern Pre-school - Bee Pollen Counting Activity
I Can Teach My Child - Animal Cracker Counting
The Pinterested Parent - If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Counting Game
Where Imagination Grows - Craft Stick Tactile Counting Game
School Time Snippets - Fish Fingerprint Counting Activity
The Elementary Math Maniac - Magnetic Craft Stick Counting Activity
Best Toys 4 Toddlers - Fish Crackers Counting
Kids Activities Blog - Counting Garden
Life Over C's - Sily Monsters Counting to 10
Click Pray Love - Counting with Bowls and Pom Poms
It's Our Long Story - Counting Ducks
If you are looking for some great counting and number resources we have found a few of our favorites from Amazon.
For more fun toddler activity ideas why not join our Facebook Group or follow us on Instagram - follow @myboredtoddler and use #myboredtoddler.
Some posts you may enjoy are our Indoor Activities for Toddlers
and The Very Hungry Caterpillar Activities for Toddlers
Educational toys for children 3 years old (free print) | games and tasks for toddlers 3-4 years old, interesting ideas
If a small child lives at home, then the mother and the whole family are always in search of new activities, games and ideas for the baby. This is good, it means that your child is developing correctly and quickly. Today we share the top educational games for children 3-4 years old, which can be organized from improvised means quickly and easily! Your 3 year olds will love them for sure.
Use all these development tools wisely! Do not just play, but put a useful task into each idea - for example, a task for counting, learning a number or letter, fine motor skills and developing a certain skill.
Razvivashka 1. Freeing the animals and developing fine motor skills
Freeing the animals and developing fine motor skills in the hands of a 3-year-old baby! A super useful game for kids that they love a lot. See how you can "shackle" the little animals, and the baby will be their liberator.
Put some math into the game. Count with your child how many animals he has freed. Then count how many red beasts he freed. So you turn the game into math and consolidate your counting skills.
Development girl on a walk 2. Create a portrait of mom or dad
Look what a super development girl! This can be done with a child of 3 years old in summer, and in winter, and especially in autumn. You don't have to take a box with you. You can draw a face on the pavement and make a hairstyle out of leaves or flowers or snow!!
Educational game for a walk 3.

All all children love this game, and kids even more so! Children 3 years old can improve their coordination and body control skills through such an educational game.
Kitchen educator 4 with pancakes and fruits
If your 3 year old always wants to help you, don't stop him. Give him cookies or pancakes, cut some fruit and let him get creative. You can give a specific task - you need to make dad a caterpillar of 3 pancakes and 4 strawberries, etc. Assignments should be clear and simple.
Educational for children with water 5. Children of 3 years old love this game
Children of 3 years old love everything that is connected with water. This is a good way to teach them to count toys or objects. Pour water into a bowl and throw away toys. Ask the child to get 3 red toys using a scoop, ladle and any object. The kid will develop motor skills and learn to count at the same time.
Development 6 - drawing on a large poster
Your children will be delighted! Don't expect much from them, in this lesson they will learn to hold only the brush and use the paints carefully. And this is an achievement. We often draw on wallpaper with children. We lay them out on the floor and draw simple objects - the sun, the cloud, the rain. Children 3 years old can draw like this for about half an hour.
7 with clothespins
At first, this activity may seem difficult for a child of 3 years old, but after 10 minutes he will cope if you tell him the detailed instructions.
In general, you can come up with a lot of games with clothespins! Look!
Developer 8 with plasticine
Include mathematical and logical tasks in tasks - so many ducklings, ate so many peas. Again, this lesson can be turned into a math lesson.
Development 9 - sorting for children 3 years old
A very useful task. You can buy custom kits or make your own. We will give a few examples of how sorting can be organized - one of the most effective games for developing motor skills, logic, and thought processes.
Bury some small toys in the sand or grain. Let the child now look for them. Children can play this game 3-4 times in a row, developing useful skills. You can give the task - to find a specific letter or number.
Development0008 Development 13 - solve simple examples on fingers up to 5
Development 14 - feed the puppy and learn to count up to 5 Print out bones and a cube, take any toy and feed it. Throw a dice, the child must count the number of dots on the dice and give the toy as many bones.
Development 15 - we lay out a path of buttons or beads
Hand motor skills development, you can also pronounce the colors during the task.
Development 16 - play funny palms and legs
Development Games in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer in the summer 3 years old
Interesting educational games for children 3 years old. How fun and effective it is to play with a three year old. Active, logarithmic, logical games for a child of 3 years.
Quick games for a 3 year old
If you need to quickly entertain or distract your child, use these games and questions for your child:
- Show any object (toy, postcard, juice bag) and ask them to list all the colors that the child sees .
- Draw a simple geometric shape with your finger in the air and let the child guess what you have drawn.
- Pantomime an activity (cooking, brushing teeth, dressing) and have the child guess what it is.
- Ask the child to close their eyes. Ask questions about the color and cut of your clothes, the number of buttons, jewelry, testing attention and memory.
- Give the child an epithet (sunny, kind, fluffy), and let him choose a noun for it (day, dad, bunny).
Educational tasks for children 3 years old
You can print out tasks for the development of fine motor skills, logic, spatial thinking, perseverance and attentiveness.
Educational games for a child 3 years old
Children at this stage of their lives act, explore, experiment and play as this is their way of experiencing the world around them. The pleasure of action causes constant contact with the environment. A three-year-old is structuring her language. He also learns, among other things, to communicate gently, meaningfully with his surroundings.
A child learns from birth. He does not wait to be taught, but is interested, explores and experiments. It makes him learn and grow up.
An active child can learn a lot from his own experience, his own initiatives and questions. Vivid imagination makes you think. The imaginative child demonstrates by his actions a huge potential for development.
This innate tendency to learn challenges the repetitive and rote learning pattern that underestimates children and also limits their ability to influence the world around them.
When accompanied by an adult who knows how to create the necessary conditions for skill development, children can find answers to their questions on their own and resolve situations thoughtfully and creatively.
Adults must recognize in children the authors and actors of their own learning, people who develop all kinds of skills and knowledge through experience, and this baggage will be expanded and enriched over time.
Signs of invisibility
Have your child play a game in which you draw shapes in the air and have them guess what you have drawn. Draw only those figures that the child knows. During the game, change roles: let the kid draw in the air, and you guess.
Home Store
Pick up toys, books, pencils, and other items. Lay them out on the floor or table as if they were for sale. Ask the child to go and look for something else to sell, while you yourself remove a few things from the “store”.
When the baby returns, say that there were customers in the store and ask him to guess what they bought. With toddlers 3-4 years old, play with 7-8 items.
Surprise bag
Take the drawstring bag and put some small items that are familiar to the child. Have the child pull out the items you name from the bag.
At the same time, he should not look into the bag, but can select objects only by touch. The more items in the bag, the more difficult the game will be.
There is a time for everything
Cleaning up toys can be a wonderful attention game. Agree with the child that he will put the toys in a basket or in a bag at your command.
For example, you say: “Dice time!”. The child carries only the blocks, and so on, until all the toys have been collected.
Logorhythmic verses for a child of 3 years old
Spinning around, spinning (circling in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (raise hands)
Light fluff. (circling on toes)
The evil blizzard has calmed down a little - (lower hands, stand up straight)
They lay down everywhere. (sit down, hands to the floor)
Shine like pearls, (stand up, hands forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. (spread arms to the sides)
Sparkled, sparkled (hands perform the “scissors” movement)
White girlfriends.
Hurried for a walk (steps in place)
Children and old women.
Dance Party
Chok-chok, heel! (stomp your feet)
A cricket is dancing. (circle)
A grasshopper without error (hand movements, as when playing the violin)
Performs a waltz on the violin.
Butterfly wings flicker. (we wave our arms like wings)
She flutters with the ant. (circling on jumps)
Curtseys (curtseying)
And again circling in the dance. (to spin around)
Under a cheerful hopak (dance movements, as in a hopak)
A spider is famously dancing.
Hands clapping loudly! (clap hands)
Everyone! Our legs are tired! (sit down or lean forward, hang your arms down)
Depict the size of the cabbage with our hands, then show how we cut, salt, rub and mash the cabbage.
We have cabbage,
Big cabbage.