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Let's Sing the Alphabet Song: London Bridge abc Song Game - ELA Games
Let's Sing the Alphabet Song: London Bridge abc Song Game - ELA Games - SplashLearnHome > Games > ELA Games > Let's Sing the Alphabet Song: London Bridge abc Song Game
Pratice alphabets by singing the alphabet song: London Bridge abc Song.
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A, B, C, D. Won't you sing with me? Songs have proven to be an effective way of learning the alphabetical order. Let's start with the London Bridge abc Song and don't forget to sing along.
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Can You Find the Lowercase Letter b? Game
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Learn the Letters: Big B Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Big B.
Practice the Letters: Big B Game
Kids must practice the letter: Big B.
Learn the Letters: Small b Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Small b.
Practice the Letters: Small b Game
Put your language skills to the test by practicing the letter: Small b.
Match Big and Small B Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning to match big and small B.
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Can You Find the Uppercase Letter C? Game
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Can You Find the Lowercase Letter c? Game
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Learn the Letters: Big C Game
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Practice the Letters: Big C Game
Kids must practice the letter: Big C.
Learn the Letters: Small c Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Small c.
Practice the Letters: Small c Game
Put your language skills to the test by practicing the letter: Small c.
Match Big and Small C Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning to match big and small C.
Can You Find the Uppercase Letter D? Game
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Can You Find the Lowercase Letter d? Game
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Learn the Letters: Big D Game
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Practice the Letters: Big D Game
Kids must practice the letter: Big D.
Learn the Letters: Small d Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Small d.
Practice the Letters: Small d Game
Put your language skills to the test by practicing the letter: Small d.
Match Big and Small D Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning to match big and small D.
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Can You Find the Lowercase Letter e? Game
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Learn the Letters: Big E Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Big E.
Practice the Letters: Big E Game
Kids must practice the letter: Big E.
Learn the Letters: Small e Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Small e.
Practice the Letters: Small e Game
Put your language skills to the test by practicing the letter: Small e.
Match Big and Small E Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning to match big and small E.
Find the Letters E, F & G Game
Kids must find the letters E, F & G to play.
Can You Find the Uppercase Letter F? Game
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Can You Find the Lowercase Letter f? Game
To play this game, find the lowercase letter f.
Learn the Letters: Big F Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Big F.
Practice the Letters: Big F Game
Kids must practice the letter: Big F.
Learn the Letters: Small f Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning the letter: Small f.
Practice the Letters: Small f Game
Put your language skills to the test by practicing the letter: Small f.
Match Big and Small F Game
Put your language skills to the test by learning to match big and small F.
Can You Find the Uppercase Letter G? Game
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RELATED TOPICSABC. Associative alphabet - online presentation
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1. ABC
The presentation was prepared by2nd year student
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Profile: Preschool education
Monastyrshin Maxim
2. Introduction
2. Introduction vocabulary of the child and teach him
to pronounce the letters correctly?
Children pronounce the letters as they heard them from
adults, but in order to pronounce the letters
correctly, it is necessary to work with the child.
And the associative alphabet will help us with this.
3. Speech enrichment
Associative alphabet - an alphabet in which each lettercorresponds to one or more words
beginning with this letter.

This is an extremely important and useful tool in
work with children, it helps not only to teach children
how to pronounce letters correctly, but also expands them
5. General plan
General acquaintance with lettersAcquaintance with vowels and associative series
Acquaintance with consonants and associative series
ABC and associative series for each letter of the alphabet
Thus, the child will learn the alphabet as much as possible
and expand his027 vocabulary
6. Sample course of the lesson:
Course of the lessonGood morning!
Guys! Today I will tell you a fairy tale: In a ringing city, on a melodious street. Sounds lived vowels, A, O, U, Y., E-lived together. And have been friends for a long time.
We will never be sad, and we will not be bored. We sing and play together.
Let's play the game "Echo", A-A; O-O; U-U; Y-S; E-E;,
(Each sound has a track, and a song and they end at the same time).

Well done
(in front of the children, Kolesnikov’s open notebook-lesson No. 29 pp. 68-69)
Now, guys, I’ll guess a riddle, and you try to guess. satisfied,
It tastes so good!
And his name is (watermelon).
Guys! And what vowel does the answer begin with: (A).
Sing a song. Now take a pencil in your right hand and circle the answer.
Two antennas on the top of her head,
And she sits in a hut herself,
She is lucky on herself,
Creeps very slowly. (Snail).
Ser, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare.
With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)
(explanation, singing a song, circle the answer)
I'm not alive, but I'm walking,
I help dig the earth,
Instead of a thousand shovels
I am glad to work alone. (Excavator).
(explanation, singing a song, circle the answer).
Small stature
Long tail
Gray coat
Sharp teeth. (Mouse)
(explanation, singing a song, circle).

Now close the notebook, put it on the edge of the table.
7. Requirements for the teacher
Literate speechClear diction
Knowledge of the language taught
Compliance with these requirements is extremely important for
correct perception and assimilation by children
of literary speech
9. Conclusion
The use of the alphabet to enrich the child's vocabularyand to correct his speech is possible
not only in kindergarten, but also at home
. But like any occupation, it requires perseverance and systematic
performance from parents. In this case, it is possible to avoid
many problems associated with the child's speech
10. Thank you for your attention!
English Russian Rules
What is an engagement and how does it happen? Modern rite of engagement in Russia. How the betrothal ceremony is carried out in the church
Betrothing a bride and groom means putting rings on them. This term probably comes from the Polish word hoop - ring, or from the word hand, handshake. In ancient times, the marriage ceremony was preceded by betrothal, which was a civil act and was performed in accordance with local customs and regulations, as far as, of course, this was possible for Christians. The betrothal was performed solemnly in the presence of many witnesses who sealed the marriage contract.
The latter was an official document that determined the property and legal relationship of the spouses. The betrothal was accompanied by the ceremony of joining the hands of the bride and groom; in addition, the groom gave the bride a ring made of iron, silver or gold, depending on his wealth.
Clement, Bishop of Alexandria, says: "A man should give a woman a golden ring, not for her outward adornment, but in order to put a seal on the household, which from then on passes into her disposal and is entrusted to her care."
By the 10th-11th centuries, betrothal loses its civic significance and this rite is already performed in the temple, accompanied by appropriate prayers. But for a long time, the betrothal was performed separately from the wedding and was combined with the follow-up to Matins. The final uniformity of the rite of betrothal is received only by the 17th century.
Betrothal is the naming of a young bride and groom. The betrothal was a test of the fidelity of those who loved each other, for they sacrificed their freedom, although they kept purity and abstinence.
In the past, the betrothal was separated from the wedding itself by a certain time. So, by decree of Peter I of 1714, after an agreement (engagement), it was prescribed to see each other before the wedding and get engaged six weeks before it.
“The young people were betrothed, and a month and a half later they were married,” we read from Saltykov-Shchedrin in Poshekhonskaya Starina.
Betrothal usually constituted the third ceremonial evening before the wedding: 1st evening - matchmaking, conspiracy or first drinking; 2nd evening - handshake, engagement, second singing; 3rd, last, evening - betrothal, last chant.
Only close relatives of the groom (odd number) and also from the bride's side, as well as the matchmaker and the matchmaker were present at the betrothal ceremony.
During the betrothal, the young people exchanged rings three times with the participation of the priest (the bride's ring is silver, the groom's ring is gold). After the triple change of rings, the silver one remained with the groom, for he always had to remember the weakness of his girlfriend, and the gold one - with the bride, as a sign that the female weakness found support in the chosen one filled with courage.
At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds were blessed and exchanged gifts.
From the day of their engagement, the bride and groom kept these rings with the greatest reverence and returned them to each other on the wedding day.
Wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the right hand.
In our time, the rites of betrothal and wedding of the young are performed on the same day, so it would be useful to dwell here on the issue of rings.
The point is that you shouldn't confuse wedding rings with wedding rings, as these are completely different concepts.
Before getting married, young people must register at the registry office, from where they go down the aisle already with rings on their hands. But then the rite of betrothal, which is performed according to old traditions, loses its meaning.
There is a tradition all over the world to give each other rings, first at the engagement, and then, one more, during the wedding ceremony.
What is going on with us is not entirely clear. Probably, those who decide to get married do not have to wear wedding rings in the registry office.
Wedding rings are also worn on the fourth finger of the right hand, next to the wedding rings.
Betrothal strengthens the mutual striving for marriage through prayer and church rites. Marriage is a sacrament in which, by Divine blessing, this union is born. In ancient times, betrothal and wedding were separated by a certain time. Future spouses for some time had to prepare themselves spiritually for this great event for their lives. There could be practical reasons as well. All this remains relevant today. The time between betrothal and marriage is determined (in agreement with the bride and groom) by the confessor. If it is not there, then this is done by the priest, to whom the future spouses will turn for a blessing on marriage.
The betrothal is performed by a priest in the vestibule or at the western wall of the middle part of the church. The priest puts the rings on the bride and groom, which they then exchange three times.
Traditions decorate, enrich life, and most importantly, make it predictable. Rituals that are passed down through many generations preserve the connection between people and time. What is engagement and betrothal? This is the beginning of family life, decorated in a beautiful ceremony.
What is the engagement for
"Loves - does not love", "marries - does not marry. " Divination by chamomile after the engagement becomes completely irrelevant. The fact of an official offer to live and, in the future, grow old together can become a guarantee of seriousness of intentions. What are the "pros" of engagement, according to most people?
- Getting parental approval comes first. Despite the ardor of feelings, young people still want to create not only their own family, but also make friends with the relatives of the groom (bride).
- Next - status and publicity. Intentions acquire certainty, and "competitors" understand that their plans have lost all chances of success.
- In third place is the time to get to know each other better, build relationships and build mutual understanding.
- The fourth "plus" of the engagement was a balanced decision to marry. The main thesis in favor of the usefulness of reflection is "it is better to refuse a wedding altogether than to get a divorce the next day."
- The honorable fifth place was taken by.
.. abstinence from intimate relationships before marriage. The main argument of supporters of purity and innocence: if you cannot restrain yourself before the wedding, then you will not restrain yourself after. It seems to sound good, but it does not imply marital passion at all, but a tendency to cheat because "I could not (or could not) resist."
Excursus into the past
What is an engagement? A long time ago, one might even say - in antiquity, the groom was obliged to give a ransom for the bride. Then everything changed dramatically and the ransom, in the form of a dowry, began to be given to the groom. In both cases, the offerings were a guarantee of a future legal marriage. The world has changed again, and the ransom and dowry have been transformed into a ring given to the betrothed and adorning the bride's hand. It is in this form that engagement exists in our time.
The customs of "handshaking" and "matchmaking" are not widespread now, although the meaning of betrothal has remained the same. The groom, who brought a valuable thing (a wedding ring) to the house of the future father-in-law, “buys” the right to power over the intended. This does not seem so shocking, if you remember the old way of life. Men played the first roles in it - the head of the family, the father of the family. “Power” first of all means “responsibility”, everyone remembered this. Giving his daughter away, the father shifted all responsibility for her to her future husband.
Tsar Peter also intervened in the ceremony, forbidding the engagement (actually conspiracy to transfer) of minors. He also declared any "contracts of intent" before the wedding optional. The Holy Synod put an end to the process, instructing the church to combine betrothal and wedding into a single whole.
What is engagement in the church
For the church "engagement" is not a biblical concept, it appeared only around the 5th century AD. The Bible speaks only of the unshakable essence of marriage, and the rites of betrothal and wedding may change. During the church betrothal, a man and a woman, in the presence of witnesses, promise "before God and people" to be faithful to each other until the end of their days. The question of the voluntariness of the decision taken is obligatory. And they ask not parents, but young people, emphasizing the freedom of choice.
Many believe that it is in the church that the foundation of respectful family relationships is laid. Meaningfulness and holiness - this is the meaning of the church rite.
Engagement in our time
A young man comes to the house of the bride's parents to formally ask for the hand of their daughter. Having received consent, and in some cases a blessing, the groom gives the bride a ring. During a wedding, one more wedding ring is sometimes added to the engagement ring. Everything is quite simple and predictable, but there are rules that are better not to break.
A visit to a loved one requires some preparation. It is important to warn her parents in advance about the upcoming event, to agree on the time of the visit. Otherwise, the news of the engagement will be a real shock or turn into a scandal. It is better to get to know the older generation in advance and make a good impression on them.
Men, remember about flowers! A bouquet of red or burgundy roses for the future mother-in-law, delicate creamy white for the betrothed (you can read about the meaning of the color of roses in). As a sign of attention and respect, the father of the bride can be presented with excellent cognac or whiskey (preferably triple), and a birthday cake or a box of chocolate will only decorate the event.
How the betrothal takes place
At the end of the liturgy, the bride and groom stand in the porch of the temple facing the altar: the groom is on the right, the bride is on the left. The priest in full dress leaves the altar through the royal gates, holding the Cross and the Gospel in his hands. A candle is brought out in front of the priest. He places the cross and the Gospel on the lectern, standing in the middle of the temple.
The rings with which the betrothed will be engaged, during the Liturgy, are on the right side of the Holy Altar close to each other: on the left - gold, on the right - silver. The deacon, following the priest, takes them out on a special tray. The priest, approaching the bride with two lit candles, blesses them three times with a priestly blessing and hands them candles.
Light is a sign of joy, fire gives warmth, therefore burning candles mean the joy of meeting two loving people. At the same time, this symbol of their purity and chastity. They also remind us that a person's life is not closed, it takes place in a society of people, and everything that happens to a person, light and darkness, heat or cold, echoes in the souls of the people around him. If discord and selfishness are defeated, if these two exude the light of love, then, leaving the temple, they will no longer be two, but one being.
Candles are not given if both newlyweds marry for the second or third time, recalling the gospel parable, which says that the virgins went out to meet the Bridegroom with lit lamps (Matt. 25:1). The candles are supposed to burn throughout the entire course of the sacrament of Marriage, so they must be large enough.
The priest leads the bride and groom into the temple, where the betrothal will take place. The rite begins with censing before the wedding couple with incense and prayer. After this, the prayers of the Church for the newlyweds begin. Following the usual beginning "Blessed be our God ..." the Great Litany is pronounced, which contains petitions for the salvation of the newlyweds; about giving them children for procreation; about sending them perfect love, peace and help; about keeping them in unanimity and firm faith; about blessing them into a blameless life: "As if the Lord God would grant them an honorable marriage and an undefiled bed, let us pray to the Lord ..."
Then two short prayers are read, in which praise is given to God, who unites the divided and made love alliances, and asks for a blessing on the new brides. The bride is likened to the pre-betrothed pure Virgin - the Church of Christ.
The priest, first taking the golden ring, says three times: "The servant of God (name) is betrothed to the servant of God (name)."
With each pronunciation of these words, he makes the sign of the cross over the groom's head and puts a ring on the fourth (nameless) finger of his right hand. Then he takes a silver ring and says, marking the head of the bride with a cross, three times: "The servant of God (name) is betrothed to the servant of God (name)," and puts the ring on her fourth finger of her right hand.0003
The golden ring symbolizes with its brilliance the sun, the light of which is likened to the husband in marriage; silver - the likeness of the moon, a smaller luminary, shining with reflected sunlight. The ring is a sign of eternity and the continuity of the marriage union, for the grace of the Holy Spirit is continuous and eternal.
Then, as a sign of giving themselves for life to each other, and to the Lord both in an undivided way, as a sign of unanimity, consent and mutual assistance in the upcoming marriage, the bride and groom exchange rings three times with the participation of a friend of the groom or a priest. After a triple change of rings, the silver remains with the groom, and the gold remains with the bride, as a sign that a masculine spirit is transmitted to female weakness.
The priest says a prayer asking for blessing and approval for the betrothed. I recall the miraculous sign of "water-bearing" given to the servant of the patriarch Abraham, when he was sent to find a bride for Isaac, this honor was prepared only for that one and only virgin - Rebekah, who gave the messenger water to drink.
The priest asks to bless the position of the rings with a heavenly blessing, in accordance with the power that Joseph received through the ring in Egypt, Daniel became famous in the country of Babylon, and the truth appeared to Tamar. I recall the parable of the Lord about the prodigal son, who repented and returned to his father's house: "And the father said to his servants: bring the best clothes and dress him, and put a ring on his hand ..." (Lk. 15, 22).
"And the right hand of Thy servant shall be blessed by Thy sovereign word and Thy high arm," the prayer goes on to say. It is no coincidence that the wedding ring is put on the finger of the right hand, because with this hand they take a vow of allegiance, make the sign of the cross, bless, greet, hold the sword in a righteous battle.
People tend to err, go astray, and without the help of God and His guidance, these two weak people cannot reach the goal - the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore the priest asks: "And let thy angel go before them all the days of their lives."
The betrothal sequence ends with a short litany with the addition of a petition for the betrothed.
Rings can be made of one metal - gold, silver - and have jewelry made of precious stones. When changing rings, care must be taken not to drop them on the floor, as the man's finger is thicker than the woman's, and therefore the bride's ring is difficult to keep on the finger. This is immediately followed by the wedding.
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Inga Mayakovskaya
Reading time: 7 minutes
A wedding is an important event in the life of every Christian family. It is rare that couples get married on their wedding day (in order to "kill two birds with one stone") - in most cases, couples still approach this issue deliberately, realizing the importance of this ceremony and experiencing a sincere and mutual desire to become a full-fledged, according to church canons, family .
How does this ceremony take place, and what do you need to know about it?
How to prepare for the wedding sacrament correctly?
A wedding is not a wedding, where people walk for 3 days, fall on their faces in a salad and beat each other according to tradition. A wedding is a sacrament through which a couple receives a blessing from the Lord in order to live together in sorrow and joy all their lives, be faithful to each other “to the grave”, give birth and raise children.
Without a wedding, marriage is considered “inferior” by the Church. And, of course, it must be appropriate. And this is not about organizational issues that are resolved in 1 day, but about spiritual preparation.
A couple who takes their wedding seriously will definitely take into account those requirements that some newlyweds forget about in pursuit of fashionable wedding photos. But spiritual preparation is an important part of the wedding, as the beginning of a new life for a couple - from a clean (in every sense) slate.
Preparation includes a 3-day fast, during which you need to prepare for the ceremony prayerfully, as well as refrain from intimate relationships, animal food, bad thoughts, etc. In the morning before the wedding, the husband and wife confess and commune together.
Video: Wedding. Step-by-step instruction
Betrothal - how does the wedding ceremony take place in the Orthodox Church?
Betrothal is a kind of "introductory" part of the sacrament preceding the wedding. It symbolizes the completion of a church marriage in the face of the Lord and the strengthening of the mutual promises of a man and a woman.
- Betrothal is not in vain performed immediately after the Divine Liturgy - the couple is shown the importance of the sacrament of marriage and the spiritual awe with which they should enter into marriage.
- Betrothal in the temple symbolizes the husband's acceptance of his wife from the Lord himself : the priest introduces the couple into the temple, and from that moment their life together, new and pure, begins in the face of God.
- The beginning of the rite is incense : the priest 3 times blesses the husband and wife in turn with the words "In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." In response to the blessing, everyone overshadows himself with the sign of the cross (note - he is baptized), after which the priest passes them already lit candles. This is a symbol of love, fiery and pure, which a husband and wife should now have for each other. In addition, candles are a symbol of the chastity of a man and a woman, as well as God's grace.
- Cross incense symbolizes the presence next to the couple of the grace of the Holy Spirit.
- Next comes the prayer for the betrothed and for their salvation (souls) , about the blessing for the birth of children, about the fulfillment of those requests of the couple to God that relate to their salvation, about the blessing of the couple for every good deed. After that, all those present, including the husband and wife, should bow their heads before God in anticipation of a blessing, while the priest reads a prayer.
- Prayer to Jesus Christ is followed by betrothal : the priest puts on the ring to the groom, "betrothing the servant of God ..." and 3 times overshadowing him with a cross. Then he puts on the ring to the bride, "betrothing the servant of God ..." and autumnal her with the sign of the cross three times. It is important to note that the rings (which the groom should give!) Symbolize an eternal and inseparable union at the wedding. The rings lie, until the moment they are put on, on the right side of the holy throne, which symbolizes the power of sanctification before the face of the Lord and his blessing.
- Now the bride and groom must exchange rings three times (note - in the word of the Holy Trinity): the groom puts his ring on the bride as a symbol of his love and willingness to help his wife until the end of his days. The bride puts her ring on the groom as a symbol of her love and willingness to accept his help until the end of her days.
- Next - the priest's prayer for the blessing and betrothal of this couple by the Lord , and sending them a guardian angel that will guide them in their new and pure Christian life. The ceremony of betrothal ends here.
Video: Russian wedding in the Orthodox Church. Wedding ceremony
Wedding sacrament - how does the ceremony go?
The second part of the sacrament of marriage begins with the coming of the bride and groom to the middle of the temple with candles in their hands, as with the spiritual light of the sacrament. In front of them is a priest with a censer, which symbolizes the importance of following the path of the commandments and offering their good deeds as incense to the Lord.
The choir greets the couple with the singing of Psalm 127.
- Next, the couple stands on a white towel spread out in front of the lectern : both in the face of God and the Church confirm their free will, as well as the absence in their past (note - from each side!) of promises of marriage with another person.
The priest asks these traditional questions to the bride and groom, in turn.
- Confirmation of a voluntary and indestructible desire to marry secures a natural marriage , which is now considered a prisoner. Only after this does the sacrament of the wedding begin.
- The wedding ceremony begins with the proclamation of the couple's participation in the Kingdom of God and three lengthy prayers - to Jesus Christ and to the Triune God. After that, the priest marks (in turn) the bride and groom with a cruciform crown, “crowning the servant of God ...”, and then “crowning the servant of God ...”. The groom must kiss the image of the Savior on his crown, the bride - the image of the Mother of God that adorns her crown.
- Now the most important moment of the wedding is coming for the bride and groom in crowns when with the words “Lord, our God, crown them with glory and honor!” the priest, as a link between people and God, blesses the couple three times, reading a prayer three times.
- Blessing of marriage by the Church symbolizes the eternity of the new Christian union, its indissolubility.
- Then the Epistle to the Ephesians is read by St. apostle paul , and then the Gospel of John about the blessing and sanctification of the marriage union. Then the priest pronounces a petition for those who are married and a prayer for peace in the new family, honesty of marriage, purity of cohabitation and life together according to the commandments until old age.
- After “And vouchsafe us, Master…” everyone reads the prayer “Our Father” (it should be learned in advance if you didn’t know it by heart until the moment of preparation for the wedding). This prayer on the lips of a married couple symbolizes the determination to fulfill the will of the Lord on earth through their family, to be devoted and obedient to the Lord. As a sign of which, the husband and wife bow their heads under the crowns.
- They bring a “chalice of communication” with Cahors , and the priest blesses her and gives her as a sign of joy, offering to drink wine three times, first to the head of the new family, and then to his wife. They drink wine in 3 tiny sips as a sign of inseparable existence from now on.
- Now the priest must join the right hands of the married, cover them with stole (note - a long ribbon around the priest's neck) and put your palm on top, as a symbol of the husband receiving his wife from the Church itself, which in Christ united these two forever.
- The couple is traditionally circled around the lectern three times : on the first circle they sing “Isaiah, rejoice ...”, on the second - the troparion “Holy Martyr”, and on the third Christ is glorified. This walk symbolizes the eternal procession that from this day begins for the couple - hand in hand, with a common cross (life burdens) for two.
- Crowns are removed from spouses and the priest greets the new Christian family with solemn words.
Then he reads two petition prayers, during which the husband and wife bow their heads, and after the end they seal pure mutual love with a chaste kiss.
- Now, according to tradition, married spouses are led to the royal gates : here the head of the family must kiss the icon of the Savior, and his wife - the image of the Mother of God, after which they change places and are again applied to the Images (only vice versa). Here they kiss the cross, which the priest brings, and receive 2 icons from the minister of the Church, which can now be kept as a family heirloom and the main amulets of the family, and passed on to the next generations.
Candles after the wedding are kept in the icon case at home. And after the death of the last spouse, these candles (according to the Russian old custom) are placed in the coffin for him, both.
The task of the witnesses at the wedding ceremony in the church - what do the guarantors do?
Witnesses must be believers and baptized - a friend of the groom and a girlfriend of the bride, who after the wedding will become the spiritual mentors of this couple and its prayer guardians.
Witness task:
- Hold the crowns over the heads of those who are getting married.
- Give them wedding rings.
- Lay a towel in front of the lectern.
However, if the witnesses do not know their duties, this is not a problem. The priest will tell the guarantors about them, preferably in advance, so that there are no “overlays” during the wedding.
It is important to remember that a church marriage cannot be dissolved - the Church does not give divorces. The exception is the death of a spouse or his loss of reason.
And finally, a few words about the wedding meal
A wedding, as mentioned above, is not a wedding. And the Church warns against the possible obscene and irreverent behavior of all those present at the wedding after the sacrament.
Decent Christians dine modestly after the wedding, and do not dance in restaurants. Moreover, at a modest marriage feast there should not be any indecency and intemperance.
The ceremony of betrothal begins with the fact that the priest waves a censer and smokes incense, and then reads a prayer, after which prayers for those entering into a church marriage begin.
After that, the priest takes the rings from the holy throne and first puts on the ring to the groom, overshadowing him three times with a cross, saying: "The servant of God (name of the groom) is betrothed to the servant of God (name of the bride) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Then he puts on the ring to the bride, also with her triple overshadowing, and says the words: "The servant of God (the name of the bride) is betrothed to the servant of God (the name of the groom) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
After the blessing of the priest, the bride and groom exchange rings. The groom puts his ring on the bride's hand as a sign of love and readiness to sacrifice everything to his wife and help her all her life; the bride puts her ring on the groom's hand as a sign of her love and devotion, as a sign of her readiness to accept help from him all her life. Such an exchange is made three times in honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity, Who does and affirms everything (sometimes the priest himself changes the rings).
Then the priest again prays to the Lord that He Himself bless and approve the betrothal, Himself overshadow the position of the rings with a heavenly blessing and send them a guardian angel and leader in their new life. This is where the engagement ends.
Previously, betrothal took place before the wedding, sometimes long before. The betrothed kept the rings as a symbol of love and fidelity. Before the wedding, they returned them, thereby confirming their consent to marriage, their desire from now on to exchange their thoughts, feelings, joy and grief. Therefore, you can follow the ancient tradition and get engaged in advance or do it on the wedding day. Both options are valid today.
The bride and groom, holding lit candles in their hands - a sign of the spiritual light of the sacrament - solemnly pass to the center of the temple.