Educational games for spelling
Spelling TestMe
About this Game
Free Activity
The standards correlation for this activity is coming soon!
Spelling TestMe provides students with the opportunity to take a traditional spelling test independently and receive immediate feedback.
Try Spelling TestMe
with a sample word list!
- K-2ndSight Words
- 3rd-5thPossessive Nouns
- 6th-8thGeography
- 9th-12thScience: Chemistry
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- Foundational Skills
- Phonics
- Fluency
What? Spelling is a foundational skill that is necessary for reading and writing proficiency. More..
Spelling instruction begins with phonics and phonemic awareness, two major components in reading instruction. Through spelling, students draw on their knowledge of letter and sound relationships and they can begin to decode and encode words.
When? In kindergarten, students begin to explore letter-sound correspondence and the written English language through inventive spelling. More...Less
Throughout the primary grades, students become familiar with basic spelling patterns, like the CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) pattern. As students progress into upper elementary grades and middle school, they are exposed to more complex patterns, such as root words and affixes.
How to teach: Spelling TestMe can be used as a pretest to identify which words students need to practice, as a practice test before a graded test, or as a formative assessment.
Play to learn: Spelling TestMe provides students the opportunity to practice, review and assess their spelling. More...Less
Each word is read aloud and presented in context. Students have the opportunity to listen again by clicking on the “Word” and “Sentence” buttons. Before the final submission, students have the option of reviewing their words. When words are submitted, the test is immediately graded. Students receive immediate feedback on words spelled correctly and incorrectly. Students have the opportunity to further practice their misspelled words.
Teaching Tip: Spelling TestMe allows for differentiated spelling instruction. Teachers can assign different spelling words for students and assess them at the end of the week using Spelling TestMe. It automates the assessment process, generating and grading tests.
1. Take Test
2. Review Words
3. See Results Including Errors
4. Practice Challenging Words Until Proficient
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Spelling TeachMe
About this Game
Free Activity
The standards correlation for this activity is coming soon!
Spelling TeachMe
helps students learn and memorize spelling and vocabulary words.
Try Spelling TeachMe
with a sample word list!
- K-2ndHigh Frequency Words
- 3rd-5th5th Grade Compound Words
- 6th-8thMath Words
- 9th-12thSAT Words
Create your own word lists and more with Premium Membership
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- Foundational Skills
- Spelling
What? Spelling is the process of recognizing the relationships between sounds and letters, and how letters make up a word. More...Less
Once students understand these relationships, which increase in complexity as students move up through the grades, they learn to decode words. The ability to decode and encode words allows students to read fluently, learn vocabulary, comprehend what is being read and communicate effectively in writing. Students who do not understand these relationships struggle with fluency, phonics, comprehension and writing.
Lesson plans for foundational spelling skills should include activities that allow students to practice and apply learned spelling patterns during reading and writing instruction.
When? Spelling instruction starts as soon as students recognize the relationships between letters and sounds. More...Less
Teachers begin explicit instruction with simple phonograms and build toward word families so students can make the connections between words that share common spelling patterns. As students learn more patterns, their ability to recognize and spell words grows. When students receive explicit instruction in spelling, begin to read grade appropriate text, and write using what they know about letter sounds and inventive spelling, they are able to apply what they have learned to read and write unfamiliar words.
How to teach: Spelling TeachMe can work well as an introduction to or as a review of spelling words. A teacher may project the activity on a whiteboard during whole group instruction to introduce words. Students can also use the activity to review words independently before a test.
Play to learn: In Spelling TeachMe , words are displayed on a notepad. More...Less
Students can click on each word to hear the word read and spelled aloud. The word will also be read in a sentence so students can hear it in context. The word is then read a second time.
Teaching Tip: Teachers can use Spelling TeachMe to introduce weekly spelling or vocabulary words. It is also a great way for English Language Learners to learn and practice the pronunciation of words.
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Russian no load | Educational games Mercibo
- Description
- For whom
- Games
- Video review
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Russian Without Load is a set of 12 games that will help children understand and reinforce the rules of the Russian language. We have selected the most difficult topics for children: writing prepositions and unpronounceable consonants, determining the part of speech and the root of a word, hyphenation and others.
Motivating children
Exercises are made in a playful way. For example, it is necessary not only to correlate the word with the scheme, but to decipher the secret message. This approach is more familiar to first-graders, it will help to interest them and facilitate learning.
Child adaptation
The games can be adjusted to the level of difficulty to adapt the task to the child's individual abilities.
The set also includes 24 printable tasks (A4): two for each game. Children will be able to move from a computer game to writing exercises to reinforce the material.
For whom
For which specialists
- Primary school and Russian language teachers,
- caregivers, 90,005 school preparation specialists.

Which children
- 1st to 2nd grade,
- students in various educational programs.
For classes you will need a computer running Windows 8 or higher operating system.
Books in a row
A game to practice sorting objects in alphabetical order.
In the Amazon jungle
A game to fix the spelling of proper and common nouns.
The game trains the skill of separate writing of words in a sentence.
It's about transferring
Game on the ability to correctly transfer words from line to line.
Spy passions
A game of sound-letter analysis, the ability to correlate a word with its color (sound) scheme.
Is it the same address?
Spelling combinations zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.
Sweet Home
At the first stage of the game, we choose which sounds we collect - soft or hard. Then, to build a house, you need to choose only those words at the beginning of which there is only a hard (or soft) sound.
The ability to select single-root words, check the unstressed vowel in the root of a word is the key to excellent literacy of each student. A fun game of root selection in an interactive vegetable garden will teach you to understand the roots and cook delicious chips.
Smart crow
The game develops the skill of reading and writing words with unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.
Tit whirling
Spelling game -tsya, -tsya and -tsa
At the bottom of the sea
Game to distinguish the main parts of speech
Lyubasha + Vanyusha
Game to indicate the softness of the consonant at the end of nouns with the help of ь.
Includes 24 game-inspired printable activities including spelling words, proper nouns, hyphenation, learning the alphabet and more.
All games ↓
Video review
Interactive games in the Russian language - Russian language and literature
Egorova Elena 5. 0
Product review ША PRO Analysis of reading technique by grades
and quarters
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Alexandra Chazova 5.0
Product review SHA Excel template Analyzer of OGE results for
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Loseyeva Tatyana Borisovna 5.0
primary school teacher, MBOU secondary school No. 1, Krasnovishersk, Perm Territory
Product feedback Making a certificate or certificate of competition
Thank you very much for the prompt production of certificates! Everything is very beautiful . My student is satisfied, he invested his certificate in portfolio . We will definitely continue to cooperate with you!
Olga Anatolyevna Yazenina 4.0
primary school teacher, Smolensk Center for Education for Children with Special Educational Needs
Product review Webinar How to create an interesting lesson:
tools and techniques
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Arapkhanova Ashat 5.0
SHA Attendance sheet + Summary for preschool educational institution OKUD
I would like to thank you for such help.