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Individualized Professional Development (iPD) Portfolio
The iPD Portfolio is a learning management system created to support ongoing professional development for staff in Head Start and child care settings. It has accessible, self-paced courses based on staff roles and interests. Check out this step-by-step document to learn how to access the iPD.
Many iPD courses offer continuing education units (CEUs) upon completion. Some state professional development systems, workforce registries, or regulatory agencies, such as licensing or credentialing, require
CEUs as a measure of quality of instruction or to provide assurance of attendance. Credential or licensure renewal may also require CEUs for the same reasons. If you want to use CEUs as part of your professional development, it is important to check with your regulatory agency to make sure you are meeting their specific requirements. You can also use CEUs from completing eligible iPD courses to meet Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ professional development requirements. Refer to the CDA Subject Areas posted under the learning objectives for calculating contact hours.
For more information, contact ipd at ecetta dot info.
iPD Portfolio Technical Requirements
Operating System: You can use any desktop, lap top, or tablet PC with Pentium II 500 MHz and above, with the Windows XP operating system or better. We recommend using Windows 7 or 10, Mac OSX Sierra, or iPad iOS10.
- Both PCs and Macs should have a sound card with speakers or headphones
Web Browser:
- Internet Explorer 11 (or higher)
- Google Chrome 45 (or higher)
- Microsoft Edge (latest version)
- Mozilla Firefox 30 (or higher)
- Safari Opera 4 (or latest version)
The browser must be set to accept cookies and to show the newest version of a page. Pop‐up blockers should be disabled.
Media Player:
- Windows Media Player (latest version)
Welcome to the Individualized Professional Development Portfolio
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Welcome to the Individualized Professional Development Portfolio
Narrator: We know that professional development is important to teachers, family child care providers, home visitors, coaches, education managers, and all those who support children’s learning.
Especially opportunities that award continuing education units – or CEUs – and certificates of completion.
The Individualized Professional Development Portfolio – or the iPD – has accessible, self-paced modules specifically for your role and interests. And anyone can sign up for these online trainings. They’re all free, aligned to CDA subject areas, and offer CEU credit or certificates of completion.
Since March 2020, the iPD has grown from roughly 5,000 users to almost 50,000 users. Our users have spent over 28,000 hours learning on the iPD and earned more than 290,300 CEUs.
We offer nearly 100 courses, ranging from 15-minute microlearning experiences to 5-hour intensive courses that support beginning teachers and home visitors. With over 30 courses for education staff and almost 20 for directors and managers, the iPD has training for every role. The iPD also has courses in Spanish. Additionally, as of 2022, the iPD has partnered with these states to provide state professional development approval for one or more iPD courses – helpful for state licensure and registry.
It’s easy to sign up for the iPD. Visit the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center website to learn more!
Read more:
Virtual professional development
, Professional Development
Resource Type: Article
National Centers: Office of Head Start
Last Updated: February 17, 2023
Center Locations – Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
Administrative Office
1776 E. Washington St., Urbana
Phone: 217-328-3313
The Brookens Administrative Center is the central office for the Champaign County Head Start/Early Head Start program. Years ago this building was used to serve students within Unit 116’s Brookens Junior High School. Several agencies, including Urbana Park District, Senior Services, Planning and Zoning, Auditors Office, Mental Health Board, Circuit Clerk, and County Board, rent office space in order to meet the community’s needs.
Champaign County Head Start is a program of the Regional Planning Commission located in Pod 100 of the Brookens Administrative Center.
RPC Early Childhood Education Center at Champaign
809 N. Neil Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: 217.384-1200
Fax: 217-403-0258
The Champaign Head Start center is located at the Champaign Early Childhood Center. This center provides families with access to many agencies within the building and within walking distance. These agencies include Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department, WIC Services, Environmental Health, Central Association for Special Education, and Unit 4’s Champaign Early Childhood program.
- Serves children six-weeks-old to five years of age (full-day, full-year services)
- Meals provided three times a day (cooked on-site)
- Near bus line
- Two outdoor playgrounds for age groups
- Multi-purpose room
- Any three- to five-year-old eligible for special education services can receive therapies on-site through the Champaign Early Childhood program
- Children under three-years-old who have a delay or disability can receive disability services on-site through Child and Family Connections
RPC Early Childhood Education Center at West Champaign
103 S. Country Fair Drive
Champaign, IL 61821
Phone: 217-239-5951
Fax: 217-253-8572
The RPC Early Childhood Education Center at West Champaign has 14 classrooms, indoor play space, kitchen, office spaces, conference rooms, and playground to support children 6 weeks to five years of age.
- Serves children six-weeks-old to five years of age (full-day, full-year services)
- Meals provided three times a day (cooked on-site)
- Near bus line
- Two outdoor playgrounds for age groups
- Indoor play space
- Head Start collaborates with the school districts within our county to coordinate special education services for children three to five years of age.
Children under three-years-old who have a delay or disability can receive disability services on-site through Child and Family Connections
RPC Early Childhood Education Center at Rantoul
104 Nightingale Court
Rantoul, IL 61866
Phone: 217-893-0886
Fax: 217-892-8033
In 2003 the Rantoul Head Start program moved to a renovated building on the former Air Force base on Illinois Route 45. Architects designed a child-friendly facility serving families living or working in Rantoul and surrounding rural areas. In addition to eight classrooms, the building has a multi-purpose room, kitchen, offices, conference room, and library. The center has a playground designed for infants and toddlers as well as a playground for children three- to five-years-old.
- Serves children six-weeks-old to five years of age
- Full-day, school-day, and part-day classes available for children three- to five-years-old
- Full-day and six-hour sessions available for children under three-years-old
- Meals provided three times a day (cooked on-site)
- Transportation provided for children three- to five-years-old enrolled in six-hour and part-day classrooms
- Head Start collaborates with Rantoul City Schools to provide dual enrollment for children with a diagnosed disability
- Children with a disability who are not also enrolled with Rantoul City Schools can receive on-site therapy through an individual therapist contracted with Champaign County Head Start/Early Head Start (CCHS)
- CCHS coordinates with Child and Family Connections to bring therapy services on-site to children younger than three-years-old who have a delay or disability
RPC Early Childhood Education Center at Savoy
310 W. Church Street
Savoy, IL 61874
Phone: 217-384-1252
Fax: 217-352-2105
Savoy Head Start is surrounded by a large fenced playground and the park district’s sports fields. It is two blocks from Illinois Route 45.
- Serves children three- to five-years-old
- Six-hour classes five days a week
- On-site speech/language therapy for children diagnosed with a speech/language impairment
- Meals provided three times a day through an outside food vendor
- Large playground
- Multi-purpose room
- Transportation available for families living within the bus route system
- Building houses the home-based program for the southern half of Champaign County
RPC Early Childhood Education Center at Urbana
1603 E. Mumford Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217-278-4461
Fax: 217-365-0364
- Full-day, full-year services to Champaign County children six-weeks-old to five years of age
- Two playgrounds for age groups
- Multi-purpose room
- Any three- to five-year-old living in the Urbana School District who has a diagnosed disability can receive therapy services through the Urbana Early Childhood program at Urbana Early Childhood
- Therapy services provided through contracted providers for preschool-age children with a disability living outside of the Urbana School District
- Meals provided three times a day through an outside food vendor
“Children's individual scores in iPIPS have been shown to have high predictive validity, with correlations up to 0. 68 with later scores of children aged 11. National versions of the test have been carefully tested to ensure that they correspond to the cultural and linguistic characteristics of Russia.”
Durham University Evaluation and Monitoring Center
An example of a report for the "Reading" block
The requirement to personalize the educational routes of students is laid down in the state standard. Development at an early stage has the greatest value in terms of long-term consequences
- proved by P. Timms, P. Jones and other researchers.
The system automatically collects reports for the entire line of instruments in a single personal account, and embeds the results into unified scales. You can see where and how far the child has progressed, in what he is ahead, and in what he lags behind the general level of the class.
Example of a report from a personal account: student dynamics for the first year
Video materials
How we start
Participants' feedback
Bolotov Viktor Aleksandrovich, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, ex-head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science and Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation
not only with classes in elementary and high school - everything is laid much earlier. START is a high-quality tool for starting diagnostics and assessing the progress of first-graders with reliability and validity confirmed at the international level.”
Lyubov Anatolyevna Ryabinina, Deputy Director for Analytical and Methodological Work of the Center for Education Quality Assessment, Honored Teacher of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
“START helps the teacher to see the individual characteristics of the child and evaluate the effectiveness of their methods. This means improving the quality of education. It is a modern tool with a child-friendly interface that can and should be used in every school.”
Yakushkina Anna Anatolyevna, Head of the Department of Primary Education, Moscow Institute of Open Education
“Together with START, we got the opportunity to create an educational trajectory for each child. Large-scale studies reveal general educational problems, it is possible to outline measures of methodological support for individual teachers, schools and regions.
Tatyana Vladimirovna Ivakina, director of the State Educational Institution “Progymnasium No. 1723”
“We got the opportunity to compare the results between classes and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of various teaching approaches and practices. Adjust the educational process taking into account the individual characteristics of children, plan the educational trajectories of groups and special children.
The project team
Kardanova Elena Yurievna
Project manager
Yusupova Elen Magomedovna
Researcher, project manager
Ivanova Alina Evgenievna
Researcher, developer of test materials, deputy project manager
Antipkina Inna Veniaminovna
Researcher, developer of test materials, deputy project manager
Gunner George
Researcher, programmer
Aleksandrova Ekaterina Ilyinichna
Test materials developer
Orel Ekaterina Alekseevna
Researcher, developer of test materials
Kulikova (Ponomareva) Alena Aleksandrovna
Researcher, developer of test materials
Kuzmina Yulia Vladimirovna
Researcher, developer of test materials
Yusupova Elen Magomedovna
eabdurakhmanova@hse. ru
Configure Start Windows 10 and Taskbar using Group Policy - Configure Windows
- Article
- Reading takes 6 minutes
Application area
- Windows 10
Looking for consumer information? See Customizing the Start Menu
In Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, and Windows 10 Education, you can use a GPO to deploy a custom Start screen and taskbar layout to users in a domain. You don't need to reimage, and to update your Start layout, you just need to overwrite the XML file that contains the layout. This allows you to customize home screen and taskbar layouts for different departments or organizations with minimal management overhead.
This article describes how to update Group Policy settings to display a customized Start screen layout and taskbar when a user logs on. By creating a domain-based GPO with these settings, you can deploy a custom home screen and taskbar layout to users in the domain.
If this method applies the full home screen layout, users will not be able to pin applications to the home screen, or unpin or remove them. Users can view and open all apps in View All apps but can't pin them to the home screen. When a partial home screen layout is applied, users won't be able to change the content of certain tile groups, but they will be able to move those tile groups and create and customize their own groups. When applying the taskbar layout, users will still be able to pin and unpin apps, and change the order of pinned apps.
Before you start : Customizing and exporting the home screen layout
Operating system requirements
In Windows 10 version 1607, group policy control of the Start screen and taskbar layout is supported in Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education. In Windows 10 version 1703, group policy control of the Start screen and taskbar layout is also supported in Windows 10 Pro.
You can configure a GPO from any computer that has the required .admx and .adml files (StartMenu.admx and StartMenu.adml) for Windows 10 installed. Group Policy uses .admx files to define registry-based policy settings in the category administrative templates. For information on how to create a central repository for administrative template files, see Article 929841, written for Windows Vista and still used today, in the Microsoft Knowledge Base.
How the Home screen layout control works
The Home screen and taskbar layout control can be enabled using the following features.
The Export-StartLayout cmdlet in Windows PowerShell exports a description of the current Start layout in XML format.
To import the Start screen layout into a mounted Windows image, use the Import-StartLayout cmdlet.
You can edit the initial .
xml file to include
In Group Policy, you can use the Start Screen Layout settings for the Start Menu and Taskbar Administrative Template settings to customize the XML-based Start screen and taskbar layout when the policy is applied. The GPO does not support the blank tile layout, so the Windows default tile layout is loaded in this case.
For information about how to configure the Start screen to add line-of-business apps when deploying Windows 10, see Customize the Windows 10 Start screen layout. screen and taskbar for users in the domain, use the Group Policy Management Console to configure the domain-based GPO that sets policy settings Start screen layout in the administrative template Start menu and taskbar for domain users.
The GPO will apply the Start screen and taskbar layout the next time the user logs on. Each time a user logs in, the timestamp of the Start screen and taskbar layout XML file is checked, and if a newer version of the file is available, the settings of the latest version of the file will be applied.
You can configure a GPO from any computer that has the required ADMX and ADML files (StartMenu.admx and StartMenu.adml) for Windows 10 installed.
The Start screen and taskbar layout .xml file must be on a shared network storage that is accessible to users' computers when they log in, and users must have read-only access to the file. If the file is not available when the first user signs in, the Start menu and taskbar will not be customized during the session, but the user will not be able to make changes to the Start menu. If, in subsequent sessions, this file is available at logon time, the layout contained in this file will be applied to the user's Start menu and taskbar.
For information about deploying GPOs in a domain, see Working with GPOs.
Using Group Policy to apply a custom Start screen layout on the local computer
Using the Local Group Policy Editor, you can provide a custom Start screen and taskbar layout for any user who logs on to the local computer. To display a custom home screen layout and taskbar for all users who log on, configure policy settings Start screen layout for administrative template Start menu and taskbar . You can use Administrative Template Start Menu and Taskbar under User Configuration or Computer Configuration .
This procedure will apply policy settings only to the local computer. For information about deploying the Home screen layout and taskbar to users in a domain, see Use Group Policy to Deploy a Custom Start Screen in a Domain.
This procedure will create a local group policy that applies to all users on the computer. For information about configuring a local group policy that applies to a specific user or group on a computer, see the Step-by-Step Guide to Managing Multiple Local Group Policy Objects. This guide was written for Windows Vista, but the procedures in it also apply to Windows 10.
This procedure adds a custom Start screen and taskbar layout to the user's configuration. This will override any Start layout settings in the local computer configuration when the user logs on to the computer.
Configure the Start Screen Layout Policy settings in the Local Group Policy Editor
Press the Windows key on the test computer, type gpedit , and then select Edit Group Policy (Control Panel) .
Go to User Configuration or > Computer Configuration Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar .
Right-click Start Layout in the right pane and select Edit .
Policy settings Start screen layout will open.
Enter the following parameters and press the OK button .
Select Included .
Under Settings , specify the path to the XML file that contains the Start screen and taskbar layout. For example, enter C:\Users\Test01\StartScreenMarketing.xml .
Optionally, enter a comment to identify the home screen and taskbar layout.
If you disable the effective policy settings for the Start layout and then re-enable the policy, users will not be able to change the Start screen, but the layout in the XML file will not be reapplied until the file is updated. In Windows PowerShell, you can update the timestamp on a file. To do this, run the following command:
).LastWriteTime = Get-Date -
Updating a custom Start screen layout
After you apply a custom Start screen and taskbar layout on a computer or domain using Group Policy, you can update the layout.