Examples of short e
Short and Long E Vowel Sound Words List
Today we’ll discuss about vowel ‘e’ and learn different sounds it produces when it is used in a word.
One of the first encounters for a student will be this concept is of long and short vowel sounds, such as e. Short e, written phonetically as ?, makes the vowel sound of e, as in bet, get, bed and pen.
The following extensive list introduces “short e” and “long e” sound words to kindergarten students.
Short E Vowel Sound WordsFollowing is a list of words with short e sound:
ben | bed | beg | bet | den | fed |
gem | get | gel | hen | hem | jet |
keg | led | leg | let | men | met |
net | pen | peg | pet | red | set |
ten | Ted | vet | yet | wed | wet |
Ferry | Deck | Elbow | Echo | Egg | Pencil |
Bread | Ready | Breath | Steady | Threat | Heavy |
Pleasure | Deaf | Measure | Sweat | Weapon | Spread |
There are two ways to make a short e sound:
- Using letter e: These words use just the letter e to spell the short /e/ sound.
Such as in 3 letter short e cvc words where vowel ‘e’ is used between two consonants
Bed | Wet | Ted | Fed |
2. EA Words: These words use EA digraph to spell short /e/ sound. For example:
Head | Read | Weather | Already |
Go through the words given in above table and try to pronounce them, Have you noticed anything?. You must have observed that we don’t have to stress on the vowel ‘e’ therefore we hear a soft ‘e’ sound.
Now let’s have a look at long ‘e’ vowel words where you would have to stress the vowel ‘e’ to pronounce the words correctly.
Long E Vowel Sound WordsFollowing is a list of phonics words with long e vowel sound:
Bead | Bean | Mean | Lean | Dean | Teen |
Feet | Heat | Beet | Beat | Seam | Keen |
Meat | Meet | Sheet | Bleet | Feed | Need |
Lead | Seat | Sleet | Fleet | Neat | Greet |
Become | Gene | Recess | Theme | Evening | These |
Portuguese | Decide | Happy | Relax | Glory | Delight |
Field | Deceit | Brief | Receive | Mischief | Conceive |
Let’s explore seven different ways of spelling Long e sound:
This week we’re looking at the long /e/ sound and the seven different ways of spelling it.
1. Using letter e: These words use just the letter e to spell the long /e/ sound.
This spelling of the long /e/ sound is also used for words beginning with prefixes ‘re-‘, ‘be-‘, and ‘de-‘.
evening | between | delight | recess |
There are some exceptions which include common words like ‘she’, ‘he’, ‘we’, ‘me’, and ‘be’.
2. EE Words: These words spell the long /e/ sound with the letters ee, which usually appears in the middle of the word and occasionally at the end of the word. For example:
Meet | Seed | Three | Tree |
3. EA Words: These words spell the long /e/ sound with the letters ea. Here are some examples:
Year | Feat | Reason | Peach |
Season | Reach | Breathe | Squeak |
4. E_E Words: These words use split digraph e_e to spell the long /e/ sound, with an e in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word. Here are some examples:
Here | Theme | Concrete | Portuguese |
5. Y words: These words use letter y at the end to spell the long /e/ sound.
Cherry | Glory | Twenty | Empty |
6. IE Words: These words use digraph ie to spell the long /e/ sound. Here are some examples:
Shriek | Relieved | Brief | Fierce |
7. EI Words: There long /e/ sounds in these words are spelled with the letters ei, because the ‘i before e’ spelling rule doesn’t apply after the letter c.
Ceiling | Conceive | Receipt | Perceive |
Because you have to stress long on vowel ‘e’ to make a sharp sound, they are called Long ‘e’ vowel words.
We hope you have found this post useful for your child. Practice sounding out these words to help your child upgrade his/her phonics skills.
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List of Short Vowel Words
pig illustration with list of short vowel words examples
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The English language provides a list of short vowel words that seem to be never ending. A short vowel word is any word that doesn't allow the vowel within it to generate that vowel's long vowel sound.
For example, the word "bug" is a short vowel word because there's no long "U" sound. A word doesn't necessarily have to have three letters to be a short vowel word, but it makes for the easiest example and three-lettered words make up the bulk of any list of short vowel words. Let's take a look.
Short Vowel Sounds in Words
Here's the reason why words with only three letters typically make the short vowel sound. Three letters usually don't allow for a second vowel to force the long vowel sound out. Exceptions include words like "bee" or "tea."
These words use a second vowel to force the long vowel sound from the first one, while other words like "ant" or "mat" use the placement of consonants to force a short vowel sound.
But, here's an important point to keep in mind. The words listed below are short vowel sounds, not short vowel spellings. That is, just because a word is short, doesn't mean it will automatically have a short vowel sound. And vowel as written doesn't always correspond with the sound it makes. Take the word "pretty." The E is sounded like a short I, and the Y is sounded like a long E. Phonetically, it sounds more like "prit-tee," not "pret-tai."
Likewise, we can't assume a long word will automatically have a long vowel sound. Let's look at the word "business." The U and E in "business" are also sounded like a short I, and the I is silent altogether. Phonetically speaking, we don't pronounce it "buss-eye-ness." It's more like "biz-niss." With that in mind, let's explore more short vowel words, sorted by letter.
Short "A" Words
The short A sound is what you hear in words like "bat" or "map." Here are some other great examples of words with the short A sound.
act | apt | ask | bat | bad | bag | cat |
cap | cab | dad | dab | Dan | fan | fat |
fad | gap | gab | gal | gas | ham | has |
had | hat | jab | jam | lab | lad | lag |
lap | man | mad | mat | map | nap | pan |
Pam | pad | pal | ran | ram | rag | rat |
Sam | sad | sag | sat | sap | tab | tan |
tad | tag | tap | van | vat | yam | zap |
Short "E" Words
The short E sound is what you hear in words like "gem" or "hem. " Here are some other great examples of words with the short E sound.
ben | bed | beg | bet | den | fed |
gem | get | gel | hen | hem | jet |
keg | led | leg | let | men | met |
net | pen | peg | pet | red | set |
ten | Ted | vet | yet | wed | wet |
Short "I" Words
The short I sound is what you hear in words like "dim" or "fib." Here are some other great examples of words with the short I sound.
bin | bid | big | bit | dim | did |
dig | dip | fin | fig | fit | gin |
gig | him | his | hid | hit | hip |
jib | jig | kin | kid | kit | lid |
lit | lip | nip | pin | pig | pit |
rim | rid | rig | rip | sin | sit |
sip | tin | tip | win | wit | zip |
Short "O" Words
The short O sound is what you hear in words like "con" or "nod. " Here are some other great examples of words with the short O sound.
bog | bop | con | cod | cog | cot |
cop | don | dog | dot | fog | god |
got | hog | hot | jog | jot | lob |
log | lot | lop | mob | mom | mop |
nod | not | odd | pod | pop | pot |
rod | rot | sod | Tom | tot | top |
Short "U" Words
The short U sound is what you hear in words like "bus" or "hum." Here are some other great examples of words with the short U sound.
bun | bum | bus | bud | bug | but |
cud | cut | cup | dug | fun | gun |
gum | Gus | gut | hum | hug | hut |
jug | jut | lug | mug | nun | nut |
pun | pug | pup | rub | run | rum |
rug | rut | sub | sun | sum | tug |
List of Short Vowel Words Printable
Click to View & DownloadUsing Short Vowel Sounds
Though the above list of words with short vowels is incomplete, you can use it to understand the basic usage for the short vowel sounds. These short vowel sounds are often used in larger words as well. You might see them in words that also contain long vowel sounds, or even in two-lettered words, like "in," "it," and "at." Longer words, such as "magistrate" or "fascinate," use both short long vowel sounds.
Some words use the short vowel sound and the long vowel sound, depending on the tense of the word. Words like "read," for example, are pronounced as the long vowel sound when the tense is present. For example, "We are reading this list of short vowel words."
However, when the tense is changed from present to past tense, the long vowel sound is taken away and the short vowel sound is introduced in the same word. For example, "I read the list of short vowel words, and understand much better now."
Pronunciation Pros
If you're teaching short vowel sounds to little learners, practice makes perfect. If you're teaching ESL students, here are some tips and resources for teaching ESL pronunciation. And, when you're ready for the flip side of the coin? Take a look at these examples of long vowel words too. You might also want to explore when "y" is a vowel.
Words with double consonants
Examples of words with double consonants in different parts of the word. Words can be used to prepare homework for composing words with double consonants. Let's give examples with different consonants. For each letter, a set of short words (up to 13 letters) and long words (more than 15 letters) is shown.
Words with letters -kk-
Examples of words with double k.
Short words: , coccus, cocci, cocci, coccus, cocci.
Long words:
accompaniment, neatness, neat, neat, hockey player, hockey, undecimaccord, broccoli, quintsextaccord, coccobacillus, coccus, acclimatization, acclimatization, acclimatization, acclimatization, acclimatize, acclimatize, accommodative, accommodative, accommodative.
Words with letters -ll-
Examples of words with double letter l.
Short words:
alley, hall, shellac, ball, balloon, beryl, bill, villa, callus, callus, college, collie, coral, allah, allele, allo, allonge, allure, apella, atoll, gallium, gallon, galls, dallium, dollar, rally, roller, mullah, mullite, metal.
Long words:
100 points, 100 points, collective, collection, bestseller, appeal, trolley bus, clear-crystal, justice board, chemical-metallurgical, chlorella, chlorophyll, chlorophyll, chlorophyll, chondrilla, chrysoberyl, chrysoberyl, four-point, channel, shellac.
Words with letters -mm-
Examples of words with double m. , buzzer, ohmmeter, sum, sum, gram, gram, gram, gram, dilemma, commun, terminal, terminal, terminal, terminal, gram, gram.
Long words:
kilogram, grammar, faxogram, chronogram, four-program, sixteen-kilogram, ballistocardiogram, barogram, bathygram, non-programmable, block diagram, vacuum gauge, vacuum meter, vibrogram, vocaligram, wavegram, voltammeter, voltommeter, cablegram, cardiogram.
Words with letters -н-
Examples of words with double letter n.
Short words:
equestrian, wine, yunnat, puppy, cinchona, chinny, shinnik, shinny, bannik, bathhouse, bonna, bath, bathroom, bathroom, equestrian, annals, annona, gehenna, gene, rutting, hun, tributary, data, given, stall, dennoy, genie, donna, sweet clover, bottom.
Long words:
clear, clear, wide-screen, wide, examination, solemn, super-refined, absolutely, songlike, fans, gradually, constantly, intended, natural, organizational, certainly, base, slowly, indigenous, wooden.
Words with letters -pp-
Examples of words with doubled p. , influenza, influenza.
Long words:
applique, dresser, dressing, dressing, dressing, apposition, apposition, electric device, electric device building, factor group, happy ending, hippo, band group, pressure apparatus, bild device, beat group, block device, vacuum device, movie camera, movie camera.
Words with letters -pp-
Examples of words with the double letter p.
Short words:
sherry, barrage, burre, burret, derrick, durra, platform, myrrh, cirrhosis, terror, sierra, ferrat, ferrite, bullfight.
Long words:
extraterritoriality, extraterritorial, correspondent member, sherry brandy, barrage, barrage, barricade, barricade, barricade, barricade, barrister, civet, counterintelligence, counterintelligence officer, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionary, counterrevolutionary, counterrail, counterreformation.
Words with letters -ss-
Examples of words with doubled s.
Short words:
highway, essay, Russia, chassis, chassis, boss, breaststroke, vassal, linen, cashier, cashier, caisson, class, colossus, cross, ass, gauss, glossa, gross, dross, rassev, brine, ross, pass, passage, trade wind, passive, passion, pleated, press.
Long words:
sixth-grader, high school students, passenger, Old Russian, reunion, reunite, rebellion, recovery, insomnia, antidepressant, unharnessed, tell, laugh, consider, quarrel, Russian, Japanese-Russian, South Russian, experimental research, express.
See examples of words with different morphemes:
- prefix-root-suffix-ending — - - - - - - - - - - - -
- two prefixes — - - - - - - xyz
- three prefixes - - - - - - - - - - xyz
- two roots - - - - - - - xyz
- three roots - - - - - - - - - - xyz
- with null ending - - - -
- double consonants
- invariable words - nouns without ending
Or find the right words with the necessary parts of the word through the search for words by morphemes.
Introductory words in Russian - table, types and examples
What are introductory words
Let's start, as always, with a definition - let's figure out what words are called introductory and why they are needed. Schoolchildren face them starting from the 5th grade, although they study in detail only in the 8th grade. This is not a difficult topic if you have a good visual memory - there are very few rules regarding introductory words in Russian, and you just have to remember some things.
Introductory words are sentence units that do not carry a separate semantic load, but enhance the emotional assessment, confidence or doubt of the speaker. They can also indicate the sequence of events, attract attention, etc. |
There are several types of introductory words, but they all have the following features:
- are distinguished in the text by commas, brackets or dashes;
- do not have grammatical connections with other members of the sentence;
- can be omitted from the text without loss of meaning.
Introductory words are not part of the sentence. They should be distinguished from exactly the same words that act as circumstances, definitions or additions. The difference is that the introductory construction cannot be questioned.
Let's consider an example:
- Sasha did come, though , he was half an hour late.
- Sasha confirmed that everything written is pure true .
So, we have the word "truth", which in the first sentence acts as an introductory one, since it cannot be questioned. In the second sentence, it is also a predicate. We can pose the question: “what is written is what?”.
- I, right , now I won't get home soon.
- The whole class is correct solved this problem.
As you can see, in the second sentence, you can put the question “how?” to “correctly”. Therefore, this word is not introductory.
The same rules apply to compound introductory words. They, too, can disguise themselves as different members of a sentence, and it is important to learn to recognize them.
- He woke up every morning with joyful anticipation, in a word , he was happy. - With a single word you cannot convince anyone, actions are needed.
- Sea air and plenty of sun, no doubt help to quickly recover from illness. - Misha dreamed of the sky since childhood, and therefore , without any doubt, chose the flight school.
Another way to distinguish introductory words is to remove them altogether and see if the sentence loses its meaning. Let's try it on one of our examples:
- Sasha did come, however, he was half an hour late.
- Sasha confirmed that everything written is true.
It is clear that in the first case the meaning remained the same, but in the second it was lost. This confirms that in the first sentence we are dealing with an introductory word.
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Signs of introductory words: table for grade 5
Grammatically, introductory words can be any part of speech and even a short sentence:
- noun - without a doubt, true ;
- adjective - at least, is to blame;
- verb - I hope, I suppose ;
- adverb - undoubtedly, certainly ;
- gerund - frankly speaking ;
- phrase - if you want to know, according to experts ;
- is an impersonal sentence - seemed to me, as I see it .
Examples of the use of introductory words:
- The Pacific Ocean, no doubt , the largest on the planet.
- Frankly speaking , I could not convince him that I was right, and I did not try.
- This role, how I see it , Masha will play the best.
- — Will you be expected by eight in the morning?
- Of course !
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Digits of introductory words by value
As we have already said, introductory words can perform a variety of functions in oral and written speech. Some of them emphasize the position of the speaker - his confidence, surprise, regret, etc. Others point to the next action or event, the logic of the story or the source of information. The third ones are only needed to attract attention. Let's figure out what the introductory words of different types mean, and at the end we will summarize using a table with examples.
Different degrees of certainty, assumption and assumption
This is the most common category of introductory words that we refer to on a daily basis. The main function of this category is to emphasize confidence or uncertainty in any information, so it is very important.
Examples: certainly, certainly, of course, of course, suppose, probably, perhaps, maybe .
If such an introductory word is removed, the sentence will not lose its meaning, but its meaning will still become slightly different.
- Maybe I'll call on you tonight.
- I will visit you tonight.
In the first case, uncertainty remains, while in the second, the proposal sounds positive.
If we talk about introductory words that express confidence, this difference is less noticeable. With them, the statement becomes more categorical, but does not acquire other shades of meaning.
- The task will be difficult, but you, of course , can do it!
- Certainly is the shortest road to the city center.
- This deal, no doubt , launched his successful career.
Do not confuse with members of the sentence:
I believed his words (how?) definitely and without the slightest doubt.
Further we will consider how the introductory words are indicated, but for now we remind you: if you can put a question to the word, it is a member of the sentence and is not separated by commas.
Emotions, feelings and assessment of what is happening
Using this category of introductory words, the speaker expresses his attitude to events, gives an assessment. Such words can denote joy, delight, grief, horror, a sense of shame, fear, etc.
Examples: to everyone's joy, to horror, to my delight, unfortunately, unfortunately, the hour is uneven, that's it.
They are characteristic of direct speech, as they reflect the emotions and feelings of the speaker.
- Sorry, , I will not be able to personally meet you at the station.
- Time, surprisingly , flew by very quickly - I did not have time to get bored.
In fiction, these same introductory words can also be used to tell about the feelings of the hero or his attitude to events.
- Katya, to her shame , did not know the meaning of this word and did not understand what it was about.
- The artist went for an encore and, to the delight of the audience, sang all the hits.
Do not confuse with members of the sentence:
(Why?) To the delight of the audience was mixed with a share of disappointment that their favorite hit was never heard.
Ordinary, ordinariness of what is happening
Quite a small category of introductory words, in which most of them are colloquial expressions. They not only allow you to point out the ordinary nature of events, but also enliven the text, give it color.
Examples: happened, as usual, happened, as a rule, as usual, as usual, as always .
- Grandfather Semyon opened the gate and, according to the old custom , leaned towards the shaggy Beetle.
- After a walk in the park, we, as usual , went for a cup of tea in a cafe.
Do not confuse with members of the proposal:
Not accepting the church reform, the community continued to live (how?) old custom .
Introductory words indicating the source of the message
The main task of introductory words of this type is to indicate authorship, refer to the source of information or give the statement some kind of authority. They are typical for news reports, reviews, articles in the media and are part of the journalistic style, although they are used not only within its framework.
Examples: according to experts, according to scientists, according to the prime minister, according to a correspondent, in my opinion .
- About 97% of all water on our planet, according to scientists , is contained in the oceans.
- According to the Deputy Prime Minister , economic growth will continue next year.
In addition, such introductory words help convey direct speech without resorting to exact quotation.
- Ivan Ivanovich said: "Our plant overfulfilled the plan by 5% last quarter."
- According to Ivan Ivanovich , the plant overfulfilled the plan in the last quarter by 5%.
Do not confuse with members of the sentence:
Do not draw far-reaching conclusions (for what?) according to experts , the situation may still change.
Connection of thoughts and sequence of presentation
This type of introductory words indicates the internal logic of the sentence, order or any other connection between events. It is especially often used in textbooks and scientific materials, since it makes it possible to streamline the text, build a causal chain.
Examples: therefore, firstly, secondly, respectively, therefore, on the one hand, first of all, in addition, finally .
- These triangles have a common hypotenuse, hence , they are equal.
- On the one hand, Dasha liked living in France, but on the other hand, she still missed home.
Do not confuse with members of the sentence:
The sheet of paper was painted only (where?) on one side and the other side remained blank.
Notes on the style of speech, way of expressing thoughts
Introductory words from this category are usually used to indicate the features of the presentation or to reformulate the idea. Like the previous view, sometimes they can precede a certain conclusion, but do not directly indicate the connection of events, but rather help express the same idea through other facts or in a different style.
Examples: in other words, to put it mildly, to put it more precisely, if I may say so, in short, in a word.
- The children started to get bored and look at their phones, in other words , the movie was not very interesting.
- This, if I may say , is not jasper at all - the stone heats up too quickly in the hands.
Do not confuse with members of the sentence:
(What?) In other words, can be wounded no worse than with a dagger.
Introductory words that attract the interlocutor's attention
Marker words with which you can draw the listener's attention to one or another part of the statement, emphasize the main idea. Very often they are at the beginning of a sentence, but they can also occur in the middle, but at the end they are extremely rare.
Examples: listen, imagine, emphasize, believe it, see, notice what is essential, what is even more important .
- Note , no one left the classroom, although the teacher was already half an hour late.
- At this meeting, we were able to sum up the results and, which is significant , outline a plan for the next year.
Do not confuse with the members of the offer:
Marina always collected her briefcase in the evening, which (how?) significantly saved her time in the morning.
Of course, it is almost impossible to list all the introductory words that are, but we have compiled a short cheat sheet - a table with examples of sentences.
Value | Opening words | Examples |
Degree of certainty, assumptions, assumptions | Undoubtedly, unequivocally, it may happen, of course, of course, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, etc. | Possibly , our department will join this project next month. Katya, of course , the best student in the class. |
Emotions, feelings and assessment of what is happening | Fortunately, to my surprise, to my shame, unfortunately, the hour is uneven, to joy, unfortunately, God forbid, thank the gods, etc.![]() | The weather has deteriorated and, the hour is uneven , it will also rain in our city. Masha quickly found an error in the problem and, fortunately , managed to correct it. |
Information source designation | According to scientists, according to the press, they say, according to experts, in my opinion, in your opinion, etc. | This summer, say , there will be many berries in the forest. According to scientists , green tea has a positive effect on the nervous system. |
Indication of the sequence of events or thoughts | Firstly, therefore, therefore, on the contrary, finally, in particular, in the first place, thus, etc.![]() | Katya dreamed of a trip, and Dasha, opposite , would like to stay at home. Winter will be harsh, therefore , you need to think about warming the house. |
Drawing attention to all or part of a proposal | Do you understand, do you know, look, listen, confess, if you want to know, do me a favor, etc. | Look if he did it, then he had a good reason. We waited for him all evening, and he, you see , simply forgot about the meeting. |
Indication of the commonness of an event or subject of conversation | It happened, usually, it happened, as always, as a rule, as usual, etc. | I came to work, as usual , at eight in the morning. It used to be , Ivan was late for the last bus and walked. |
Remarks on the style and nature of speech, the way of expressing thoughts | To put it mildly, to put it bluntly, in a word, to put it bluntly, in other words, to say more precisely what is called, etc. | Your act, to put it mildly , looks tactless and offends those around you. We live in a village near Tula, or rather , in the suburbs. |
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Punctuation marks for introductory words
All introductory words in Russian are distinguished by punctuation marks, which is clearly seen in the examples from our table. In this they differ from the same words that act as members of a sentence and answer a certain question. In addition to the question, there is another way to understand whether it is necessary to put commas or other punctuation marks - try to move the word (phrase) to another part of the sentence.
- As a rule Ivan eats oatmeal for breakfast.
- Ivan, usually , eats oatmeal for breakfast.
- Ivan eats oatmeal for breakfast, as a rule .
The meaning of the statement has not changed, the construction looks good in any part of the sentence. This means that these are introductory words and they are separated by commas.
Surprisingly, usually can be so confusing and difficult to understand.
In this case, the phrase "usually" has a strong syntactic relationship with other words in the sentence, it cannot be moved without losing its meaning. So it is not introductory. We can check this assumption by analyzing it by composition, and we will find out that the "rule" here is the subject.
If in a compound sentence with the union “and” both parts of it are preceded by one inserted word, a comma is not required between these parts.
- Apparently , the lesson hasn't started yet and the children were still making noise outside the door.
- Luckily, , the rain had already stopped and I didn't get wet at all on the way home.
- Yesterday I saw this document, hence , it was lying on the table and Nikolai could not pick it up.
How else is an introductory word distinguished in a sentence, apart from commas? Sometimes you can put a dash in front of it, but this refers more to the author's punctuation, which is needed to create a special rhythm of the text or convey intonation.
- I realized that I had forgotten my passport and I was very scared - the hour is uneven , I will have to turn back.
- Sergey was annoyed - you see , he expected to get a promotion this month.
Introductory words and insertive constructions
Insertive constructions and insertive sentences differ from introductory words in that they are an autonomous part of a sentence and contain a complete thought. They can act as incidental remarks, indications, author's explanations in relation to the main sentence, and sometimes even have a weak syntactic connection with it. |
To make it clearer how the introductory words and plug-in constructions differ, we have compiled a small table.
Introductory words | Plug-in designs |
July, they say will be warm and sunny. | July, I think will be warm and sunny. |
Alexey, of course already knew how to properly saddle a horse. | Alexey, we were confident in this , he already knew how to saddle a horse correctly. |
The ring lay in a conspicuous place and, certainly , attracted attention. | The ring lay in a prominent place, and - as the reader has already guessed - attracted attention. |
It is easy to see that insert constructions, unlike introductory words, have their own subject and predicate. Very often they can be issued as a separate offer.
Short insertions may be separated by commas, while longer ones are often separated by parentheses or dashes. However, it depends not so much on the length of the structure, but on the author's intention. Putting a dash or bracket instead of a comma in most cases will not be a mistake.
- Several guys - there were about a dozen - turned off the path to eat raspberries.
- An old tram rumbled along the street ( such trams have long been discontinued ) and slowly disappeared around the corner.
- Once — Kolya and Vitya remembered this day for a long time. — dad took the whole family fishing in the neighboring region.
Usually, when choosing between commas, brackets and dashes, they are guided by the following: if an interstitial construction has little or no syntactic links with the sentence, it is better to enclose it in brackets.
Sometimes an interstitial sentence ends with an exclamation mark or a question mark to enhance expression. In this case, it can be distinguished exclusively by brackets or a dash.
Last spring - it was a real miracle! - the old apple tree is suddenly covered with flowers again.
If the insertion ends with an exclamation point or a question mark, then the sentence must be continued with a lowercase letter.
Interestingly, introductory words can sometimes be distinguished in the same way. As a rule, this is found in fiction and is one of the ways to emphasize emotions, express the feelings of the author or character.
- Katya carefully entered the dark room and — oh, horror! - noticed how the curtain swayed slightly by itself.
- And soon ( wonderful thing! ) Petya fell in love with mathematics so much that he solved all the problems for the next quarter.