Fairy tales short version
Cinderella - Shorter Version - Storynory
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Adapted by Bertie.
Read by Emma Ballantine.
Painting by Edward Burne-Jones.
Audio & text edited by Jana Elizabeth.
This is the shorter version (5:10). You can find our more classical reading here.
Once, there lived a sweet tempered girl whose name was Cinderella. Unfortunately, her mother died young, and her father married again. His second wife had a sharp temper and her two daughters were just like her. In a word - horrid.
The horrid sisters loved to boss Cinderella. The first said:
“Cinders! It’s your job to clean the fireplace. That’s why you’re called Cinders! Get it?”
And before she had finished sweeping the grate, the second sister said,
“Cinders! Don’t dawdle. Light up the fire and make me a hot bath with sweet smelling candles!”
And as she was heating the bath, the horrid mother said, “Cinders! Why haven’t you been to the market yet?”
All day long, Cinderella swept, and scrubbed, and fetched and carried.
In winter, the young ladies were invited to the Royal Ball. For a whole month they tried on taffeta ball gowns, frilly petticoats, and strappy shoes. It was Cinderella, of course, who helped them in and out of their rich costumes, and who pressed and folded everything. Her own clothes were practically rags.
The big night came and poor Cinderella was left at home, sitting alone by the fireplace.
A mouse came up to her and said, “Dear, dear, don’t fret. A good fairy is outside, and she says that you shall go to the ball.”
Cinderella ran out to the courtyard where the good fairy told the young girl:
“Be sure to leave the ball before the clock strikes midnight, or you will be more embarrassed than you ever have been in your life!”
A golden coach took her to the palace, and on the way she changed into a beautiful gown. When she entered the ballroom, all eyes were upon her, including those of her sisters who did not recognise her. The prince asked the new arrival to dance, not once, but again and again. Before the evening was out, he had fallen in love with the mysterious young beauty. He was about to ask for her hand in marriage when the clock began to strike twelve.
“Oh! You must excuse me!” exclaimed Cinderella and she ran for the door. As she dashed down the steps, one of her dancing slippers fell from her foot and she had to hop to the coach.
In the morning, the Prince found the lost slipper and ordered his servants to take it up and down the land until they discovered the foot that exactly fitted it.
When the Prince’s servants came to the house where Cinderella lived, her horrid sisters were eager to try on the slipper.
“It fits me perfectly,” said the first, but she could not shove her heal inside.
“You can call me, ‘Your Royal Highness’ because my foot fits better,” said the second. But it was clear that her foot was even less able to slip into the slipper.
The royal servant looked up and saw Cinderella sitting by the fireplace that she had been cleaning.
There was a bit of soot on her nose, and it made her face all the more charming. He said:
“Would you care to try on the shoe, miss?”
“Why bother with her? She’s just the maid,” said the horrid sisters’ mother.
“I would like to try, thank you,” said Cinderella. Her foot slipped in perfectly.
“Who would have thought it? Our quest is complete,” declared the royal servant.
“What?” exclaimed the mother. “You’ve got to be kidding!”
“You idiot, you’ve got the wrong girl,” protested the horrid sisters.
But the servant was already calling for the coachman to take Cinderella to the palace, dressed in her rags, exactly as she was, and wearing her normal shoe on one foot, and her dancing slipper on the other.
As Cinderella left the house, the mother of the horrid girls cried out, “Good riddance! We’ve had enough of your cheek!”
But Cinderella knew that she had found true love, and the very next day, she and the prince were wed, and the bells rang out all over the land.
And that was the Story of Cinderella, as retold by me Emma for Storynory.com
Snow White - Shorter Version
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Adapted by Bertie
Read by Emma
Illustrations Wander Zeigner-Ebel (1920)
Audio and text edited by Jana
A shorter version of Snow White - 7.27
The longer version is here.
A long time ago, when the snowflakes fell like feathers, a Queen sat sewing at a window. She pricked her finger on a needle so that three drops of blood fell upon the snow. How pretty her red blood looked dazzling on the whiteness! The Queen said: “Ah me, if only I had a child with skin as white as snow, and lips as red as blood, and hair as black as the ebony window.”
In the spring, she had a child who was just as she had imagined, and everyone called her Snow White. But alas! The good Queen died, and the King married a new Queen, whose heart was evil. This Wicked Queen had a magical mirror, and when she stood and gazed into it, she asked: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”
And when the mirror replied: “Thou, oh Queen, are the fairest of them all,” her vain heart rejoiced.
Snow White grew more and more beautiful with every passing year. At last, the time came when the mirror said:
“Oh Queen, if truth be told, Snow White is fairest now she is 16 years old.”
And the Queen almost smashed the mirror in her rage.
The next morning, she summoned a hunter and gave him orders:
“Take Snow White out and don’t bother to bring back anything but her heart.”
The hunter led Snow White to the woods where, taking pity on her innocent heart, he told her to run and hide. She ran and ran, cutting herself on brambles. Meanwhile the hunter returned to the Queen with the heart of a deer.
Snow White fled until she came upon a cottage in the middle of the woods. The door was open. She went inside and saw that the furniture was child-sized. She curled up on one of seven little beds and fell asleep.
The owners of the cottage were seven dwarfs, who spent the day mining for gold in the heart of the mountain. When they came home that night, they lit their seven candles, and saw that an uninvited visitor was sleeping in one of their seven beds.
“Oh my, what a pretty child!”one of them exclaimed.
“Ssshh!”ordered another. “Don’t wake her up!”
“Where shall I sleep?” asked a third. “She’s taken my bed?”
“Well,” said a fourth. “There are seven hours in the night, so every hour, one of us must get out of bed and take a turn at sleeping in the chair.”
And they all agreed that was only fair.
When the sun rose, Snow White awoke. How frightened she was when she saw the seven dwarfs! But they were friendly, and asked her name. “Snow White,” she replied.
The eldest dwarf said, “Well, Snow White, if you will take care of our house, then you may live here.”
And Snow White agreed with all her heart. Every morning, the seven dwarfs went out to the mountain, and Snow White stayed at home to cook and keep the house.
Meanwhile, the Queen asked her mirror, “Who is the fairest of all?”
And the mirror answered.
“O Lady Queen, though fair ye be, Snow White is fairer far to see. Over the hills and far away, she lives with seven dwarfs today. ”
“Liar!” screeched the Queen in her rage.
But she soon realised that the hunter must have tricked her.
She decided to dress herself like an old pedlar woman, and in this disguise she visited the dwarfs’ cottage, and knocked at their door crying: “Pretty things, very cheap, very cheap.”
Snow White peeped from the window and said: “Good day, good woman. What are your wares?”
“All sorts of pretty things, my dear.”
“Thank you,” said Snow White. “Your scarves and laces are indeed pretty, but I will not buy any today.”
“‘It is a pity,” said the old woman. “But never mind. I will give you this apple, and perhaps you shall remember me another time.”
The pedlar woman took a bite out of the green side of the apple, and handed the rest through the window. Snow White thanked the old woman and bit into the fruit. Little did she realise that the Wicked Queen had poisoned the rosy side of the apple, the part that Snow White now swallowed.
That night, when the dwarfs came home, they found Snow White lying upon the floor. No breath came from her lips. They sat round her and wept for three whole days.
Then they made a coffin of shining glass, laid her in it, and placed her on top of the mountain.
It happened that a prince, out hunting, came across the glass coffin. He was very much taken by the pale girl who lay so still inside it, and he thought she must be a statue left there by the ancients. He ordered his servants to pick up the unusual object and carry it home. In doing so, one of them stumbled, and the glass box fell to the ground. It shook terribly, and the piece of poisonous apple which had lodged in Snow White’s throat came out, so that she opened her eyes, alive once more.
Snow White and the Prince were soon wed. They and the Seven Dwarfs, lived long and happy lives, while the Wicked Queen went mad with envy, for she could never be the fairest of them all.
And that was the story of Snow White, as told by me Emma at Storynory.com
Short Tales - read free online
Short Tales - author's and folk works that will entertain you and your child. They are usually read and told to young children, when the ability to keep attention on one thing in children reaches only a few minutes. These tales are good for entertainment on the road, do not tire the listeners with an abundance of events and details of the story, and also give the kids pleasant emotions before going to bed. The brevity of creations is not a hindrance to the meaning of fairy tales. They, like others, teach kindness and ridicule human shortcomings.
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