Fall websites for kids
Sites to See: Celebrating Autumn
Celebrate fall with 16 sites full of K-4 resources on autumn foliage, including printouts, online games, ideas for songs and books, collaborative projects, and even breaking news on the genetics of the changing colors.
The changing fall foliage can be a show stopper on school campuses. This year, bring some new activities and resources into your fall lesson plans with these exciting Web sites. From online puzzles and games to photosynthesis explanations for the elementary classroom and more, it's here. So read on!
EEK! A Tree's True Color
This site by Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources gets top marks just for the acronym EEK: Environmental Education for Kids! All on one main page, information is divided into four sections: Where do leaf colors come from? How do leaves change color? Do leaves change color because of weather? and Why do leaves fall? Text is written at a upper elementary level and is very informal, making this an excellent choice for a KWL activity requiring some independent computer work.
Another unique characteristic of this site is its use of mostly student-drawn illustrations. (See the half dozen drawings of leaves). Links to further resources also are listed. EEK is a simple-to-use and quick resource for introducing your fall unit.
Autumn Leaves
This is an easy-to-navigate site with four sections of activities on the changing fall colors. Begin with the online jigsaw puzzle. The number of pieces can be adjusted from 240 to just six, making this is one of the few online activities suited for preschool and kindergarten students. The leaf collection page gives details on collecting leafs in a binder with seven printable (color and black and white!) pages, each containing a description, picture, and short answer blanks on different species of trees. The Learn About Why Leaves Change Color in Autumn page is actually an eight-page online book for students. The graphics and text are designed for students in grade two and up, either as independent work or projected in a whole class presentation. Finally, the Autumn Leaves section displays nine photos of actual leaves. (Note that this site is from Canada and leaves in your area may vary.) Don't miss the pointers on scanning leaves yourself to create your own community's leaf album!
Fall Bucket List For Families Printable
Why not make autumn a fun time to look forward to with the ultimate fall bucket list for kids and the whole family. The changing colors of the falling leaves and sips of hot cider and pumpkin picking, fall harvest festivals, there’s just so much to see and do with the family this fall.
Check out these awesome fall activities for the whole family and print out a copy of our fall bucket list for the kids to work through.
Primary Games' Fall Fun
Primary Games has a variety of teacher-led activities, some online and some in print, on fall and fall foliage. Start with Fall Games; the jigsaw puzzle, slide puzzle, and match game are quick and easy activities for a classroom computer. In particular, students in PK-4 can work on the online Fall Color Jigsaw Puzzle; note that you can change the number of pieces from 20 to 240.
The Fall Coloring Pages and Fall Craft sections have printouts to copy for students to color by hand. And don't miss the stationery, with versions for both older and younger students. Print the stationery, or for a fun twist, copy and paste the .jpg image into Microsoft Word or AppleWorks and have students use the Drawing tools or Text Box tools to write on it!
Fall Books & Short Stories For Kids about Autumn
Wonderful autumn books about the changing color of the leaves, pumpkins, and fall harvests spark your little one’s imagination and will entice them to get outside and jump in a pile of leaves. Here’s a list of 17 autumn themed books to get your little one excited about everything this beautiful season has to offer.
This teacher’s autumn reading list also includes after-reading activity ideas and free printables like worksheets. word searches and more at the end of this post. Get started on your own fall reading challenge now!
- Don't "Leaf" Out Fall's Most Valuable Lesson
- Science Made Simple: Why Do Leaves Change Color in Fall?
- Online Autumn Jigsaw Puzzles
- Why Leaves Change Color
- Fall Crafts, Decorations, and Printouts
Learn about more great sites for students, parents, and educators by visiting Education World's Site Reviews Archives.![]()
Article by Lorrie Jackson
Education World®
Copyright © Education World
Updated 08/27/2019
15 Fall Videos for Kids
Fall videos for kids! Use these fall videos to teach about leaves, pumpkins, bats, owls, and spiders during your fall-themed lessons.
Fall Videos for Kids
It’s Fall Y’all! Autumn is such a fun time of the year in the classroom and even out of the classroom. With the weather getting cooler and the leaves changing colors, it gives you a special kind of feeling! During the Fall season, we oftentimes teach about the falling leaves, pumpkins, bats, spiders, and owls as we lead into Halloween. I hope you find these videos helpful in incorporating these fun themes into your classroom.
Autumn Leaves
These next few videos are all about the Fall season and changing leaves.
Fall Video #1: Autumn is Here!
This Scholastic video is a great introduction to Fall.
Fall Video #2: Why Do Leaves Change Colors in the Fall?
Sci-Show Kids video about how the leaves change throughout the year.
Fall Video #3: Why Do Leaves Change Color? What Makes the Leaves Fall?
Another video on leaves, but this one is from FreeSchool. A little slower-paced video and it gives some different information than the above video.
The following four videos are great for learning all about pumpkins!
Fall Video #4: A Pumpkin Grows
Another good Scholastic video about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
Fall Video #5: What is Pumpkin Spice?
I had to throw in this video in the spirit of Fall! Share the love of pumpkin spice!
Fall Video #6: Pumpkins
A great video about Pumpkins by Homeschool Pop. I recommend jumping to 45 seconds into the video to bypass the advertisement.
Fall Video #7: Dissect a Pumpkin
Sci-Show Kids video where Jessi teaches about the inside of a pumpkin.
Learning about pumpkins? Here are some units you may be interested in!
- Pumpkin Patch Palooza ( a Nonfiction Unit)
- Pumpkin Glyph Math & Literacy Fun
The next three videos are all about bats!
Fall Video #8: Cool Facts about Bats
This short and informative video is from National Geographic Kids.
Fall Video #9: Bat Facts for Kids
Fall Video #10: Three Fun Facts About Bats!
Students learn that bats use echolocation, can hang upside, and are really good moms! There are some CUTE baby bats in this video.
Here is a unit about bats!
- Bats Math and Literacy Fun
Creepy-crawly videos all about spiders!
Fall Video #11: All About Spiders for Kids
Students learn why spiders are helpful to humans.
Fall Video #12: Don’t Be Afraid of Spiders!
I might still be afraid of spiders, even after watching this video… but, okay!
Learn about spiders with these nonfiction units:
- Spiders Nonfiction Reading Comprehension unit
- Spiders: Nonfiction Unit with Literacy, Math, and Science
The last three videos are all about owls!
Fall Video #13: Owls for Kids
This 8-minute video by Socratica Kids has a lot of great information.
Fall Video #14: What are Owl Pellets?
Check out this video! Especially, if you plan on dissecting owl pellets.
Fall Video #5: Who Knew? Amazing Owl Facts
Have some fun in math and literacy with this owl unit:
- Owls: Math and Literacy
Click below for some Fall reading lesson plans:
- Scarecrow Read Aloud Lesson Plans
- Making Read Alouds Come to Life: Creepy Carrots
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Dear parents!
You can show yourself as conscious, attentive and understanding parents. You can become for your children a source of inspiration for new, interesting things, a partner, friend and ally in their children's world. This is not as difficult to do as you might think. The most important thing is to make this decision and start experiencing NOT the emotions of irritation from being forced to stay at home, but the emotions of joy from living the current situation together with your closest person in the world - a child!
And to help you find ideas for joint ventures, we offer the following links:
http://zagadker. ru/ Riddles for every taste and color - complex, funny, logical, with a catch, English.
http://detsky-mir.com/ All sorts of things for children of different ages are collected here, so on the site in the upper right corner you need to select the required age and various riddles and tasks will appear.
http://www.igraemsa.ru/ Here you have coloring books, puzzles, and all sorts of educational games: thinking, logic, memory and attention, mathematical.
http://igraem.pro/ Educational games are grouped into several sections: “Playing and learning”, “Collecting a picture”, “Coloring pages and drawings”, “Developing attention and memory”, “Games for kids”.
http://www.smart-kiddy.ru/ For very little ones - nursery rhymes, finger games, patties and the like, for older kids - poems, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, coloring books.
http://www.i-gnom.ru/ Educational games for preschoolers will help you learn to count and compare, the child will get acquainted with geometric concepts and learn the alphabet better.
http://345-games.ru/ Educational games for children from 3 to 5 years old. The site has three main sections: offline games, online games and interesting and useful children's videos. We learn letters and numbers, look for differences, prepare crafts - in general, we develop as soon as we can.
https://iqsha.ru/ Classes and training for children from 2 to 11 years old. There is a separate section for each year.
http://www.raskraska.com/ Cartoons, nature, architecture and much more - all the pictures are divided into sections, so choosing the right one is very convenient.
http://www.doshkolniki.com/ Online coloring pages for girls and boys. Barbies, angels, cowboys, different home stories - whatever your heart desires.
http://www.solnet.ee/ Animals and fairy-tale characters - more than 500 drawings. And to them there are additional ideas for their use.
http://rebzi.ru/ Pictures “for kids of all ages” on dozens of different topics. The coloring you like can be printed and colored with ordinary felt-tip pens and pencils.
http://tobemum.ru/ - recipes for children - online generator. It works like this: you write text, and the generator converts it into beautiful calligraphic samples.
http://www.koshki-mishki.ru/ - the "Cat and Mouse" service, which contains many different sections: various nursery rhymes, game tasks, coloring pages, as well as tips on how to teach reading. There is even a children's-adult dictionary!
Children's Joys website is a site of fun and exciting online adventures for children, as well as useful materials for the whole family.
For preschool children sections will be of interest: online games , online coloring , children's songs and children's karaoke .
Karusel online TV channel - Children's programs, Soyuzmultfilm cartoons, online games for kids.
"Teremok" - Educational games, tutorials, coloring books, cool leisure
Fairy Forest - Alphabet and counting in pictures, fairy tales and poems for kids, riddles and coloring, homemade and entertainment. And forest stories with a hedgehog, a hare and other four-legged characters.
Poznayka - Educational games, coloring pages, applications and much more in order to learn while playing.
Let's play - There are puzzles and coloring games, but most of all - all kinds of educational games: cognitive, logic and thinking, attention and memory, mathematical.
Children's games online - Educational games are grouped into several sections: "Playing and learning", "Collecting a picture", "Coloring pages and drawings", "Developing attention and memory", "Games for kids".
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- 0127 Defenders of the Fatherland Day.
- Graduation parties
- Children's Day
- Autumn Fairy Tale
- Parent Counseling Center launched!
- Journey to Sportlandia
- Native garden is 30 years old
- Carols survived all the persecution
- New Year traditions
- Beginning of Maslenitsa week.
- Parent Advice Center launched
- Advice Center continues to operate
- In our kindergarten, the festival “Wide Shrovetide” X3D
- Spring Walks around the yards
- A week of children's book
- Meeting with a veteran
- Mom and I am a sports family
- 9012 About summer for parents
- Musical and theatrical entertainment for Pushkin Day
- Holy Trinity
- Matinee for September 1!
- Little Pedestrian project in our garden
- These amazing flowers
- Autumn knocked on the door
- Children's Day of Legal Legal Aid
- Winter fun
- Community outreach
- International Women's Day
- Maslenitsa
- Educator of the Year.
- World Health Day
- Cosmonautics Day 2016
- Defender of the Fatherland Day 2016
- Parents' meeting
- Holiday "Easter bells sing to us a song about eternal life"
- Church tour
- Children's Day 2016
- How quickly they grew up! - Graduation 2016
- Exhibition of joint works "Golden Autumn"
- On October 26, our kindergarten hosted an open day
- Annual holiday "Autumn"
- Open lesson "Health and beauty of every person"
- Seminar-workshop "Innovative approaches to the development of children's speech"
- Seminar of speech therapists of the city
- Kindergarten for everyone
- Getting ready for Mother's Day
- Parent meeting "Developing the child's speech"
- Integrated lesson in the younger group "Visiting Grandma"
- Traditional action "Feed the birds in winter!"
- Consultation "Adaptation of a child to kindergarten" and a game program
- Final lesson "Autumn"
- Exhibition of crafts in honor of the New Year and Christmas!
- Exhibition of drawings "Hello Zimushka-winter"
- New Year's matinees for children
- New Year's matinee for pupils of the consulting center and their parents
- Christmas carols
- Open lesson of the city speech therapists
- Snow figures in bright colors teachers of the club "Molodist"
- Entertainment with parents dedicated to February 23
- Workshop on the topic "Environmental education of preschoolers
- Thematic session dedicated to February 23rd.
- Matinees for International Women's Day
- March 8 in our garden
- Exchange of experience on various aspects
- Congratulations to the winners of the portal "Uchsovet" and the All-Russian competition Umnata"
- Congratulations to the winner of the competition in March!
- "Eurocompetition" - "Ecological culture in children's creativity"
- Educator of the year - 2017
- Intellectual game "What? Where? When?"
- "Cosmonautics Day" in kindergarten
- Easter exhibition "Bright Easter"
- Master classes from educators
- Parental meeting
- Achievements and competitions for April
- Festive theatrical exposure dedicated. Feasted theatrical exposure. Feasted theatrical exposure.
- Give knowledge
- Graduation balls 2017
- Congratulations to the winner of the inter-district competition of pedagogical innovations.
- Children's Day at 9garden Vyazma
- Trinity in our kindergarten
- Entertainment with balloons
- Day of the Young Artist
- Ecological thematic "Day of Flowers".
- Winner of the all-Russian competition "Culture of speech of a modern teacher"
- Games according to traffic rules
- One day in the life of a kindergarten
- 1st place in the all-Russian competition
- The Day of Knowledge holiday was held in the kindergarten
- Parent meeting.
- Congratulations to Rybnikova Tatyana Dmitrievna!
- Decoration of the territory
- Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Entering the icon
- Integrated lesson “Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Entering the Icon”
- The Wonderful Time of Autumn
- A counseling center for children and parents has started working in the kindergarten.
- Winner of the Razumeyki competition
- Family coat of arms
- Journey to the country Transport
- Beauty Autumn.
- Vegetable Ball
- Children's Faith
- Meeting with a priest.
- League of Talents
- Plasticine miracle
- "What you need to know about Orthodox church etiquette"
- Winter fun - 2018
- Wide Maslenitsa!
- "Non-traditional forms of interaction with parents"
- Defender of the Fatherland Day-2018
- Pedagogical Council.
- Since March 8!
- 2nd place in the competition "League of Talents"
- "Spring Trouble"
- The counseling center continues to operate in the kindergarten.
- “The Essence and Significance of Great Lent”
- Traditional folk festival “Magpies”
- Walks in kindergarten.
- Participation in the All-Russian competition "League of Talents"
- Winter fun on a walk
- Complex lesson "Spring Meeting".
- Bright Resurrection of Christ
- Exhibition "Easter Fair!"
- “Spring is coming to us…”
- Counseling Center
- May 9 is a holiday with tears in our eyes, but it is a holiday of joy and happiness.
- “We are the heirs of the Victory”
- “Seeds of Orthodoxy”
- “Goodbye kindergarten, hello school!”
- May 28 in the kindergarten celebrated the national holiday "Trinity"
- "Fire science will come in handy in the future"
- A holiday dedicated to Children's Day
- Outdoor games.
- Origami lesson "Dove - a symbol of peace".
- One-two! In order! Get out to recharge!
- Children spend time outdoors
- Summer – what a wonderful time of the year!
- August 19, Feast of the Apple Savior.
- Entertainment dedicated to the Knowledge Day!
- Cleaning leaves at the site
- City community work day.
- Exhibition of crafts from vegetables "Autumn Fantasies".
- Autumn events.
- "Autumn ball".
- "Superheroes against colds and flu."
- "Autumn" .
- "Growing together!" .
- All-Russian competition "Autumn Bouquet", "The World of Russian Nature".
- “How to submit a church note correctly”.
- Temple tour.
- Master class.
- "Autumn fantasies"
- "Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands."
- "Rules of the road".
- "Rules of the road".
- Journey to the autumn forest.
- "Kind and polite words.
- Reading competition "Golden Autumn" among kindergarten students.
- Workshop on the theme "Using a variety of forms and methods in working with children on speech development."
- Stop Corruption! .
- Workshop "The image of faith and meekness, kindness and mercy."
- Winter days.
- Quiz for older preschoolers "Trees".
- Handicraft competition "Santa Claus' Workshop".
- The first New Year's party for the little ones!
- New Year's party "Winter brought us a merry holiday, an elegant Christmas tree came to visit us."
- Carols.
- Participation in the exhibition "Christmas".
- "Plant an oak tree!" campaign.
- Preventive conversation about the rules of conduct on the roads.
- Evacuation drill.
- Consulting center.
- Competition for young readers.
- Municipal competition "Teacher of the Year - 2019".
- Municipal competition "Teacher of the Year - 2019".
- March 8!
- Maslenitsa!
- Reading competition.
- Children's experiment "Magic Air"
- Sand show.
- Protect yourself from influenza, coronavirus and SARS!
- "Russian Gingerbread"
- Teachers' Master Class
- News of the Advisory Center
- Musical and sports entertainment by February 23
- Entertainment in the family club by February 23
- Together against corruption!
- International Women's Day March 8
- Rules for the prevention of a new coronavirus infection
- Drawing competition "Spring walks the planet"
- Children about Victory Day - 9May 1945
- Safety of preschoolers in summer
- Educational environment according to traffic rules
- Exhibition of drawings according to traffic rules "Road Safety"
- fair"
- For children about fire safety
- Day of legal assistance to children
- Children's safety on the railway
- Mother's Day
- Lesson dedicated to the day of memory of Alexander Nevsky
- Fire safety leaflets
- ABC of safety on thin ice
- Reading competition "Spring is coming, spring is the way!"
- Cosmonautics Day
- Immortal Regiment.
Online 2021.
- Graduation party in kindergarten
- Children's Day 2021
- Day of Russia
- Results of the competition of children's drawings "Occupational safety through the eyes of children"
- Video "Rules of behavior on the water"
- Quiz8 Knowledge Day
- Dance flash mob
- OOD according to traffic rules
- Campaign "Car seat for children!"
- Exhibition of crafts "Autumn Fantasies"
- Autumn Festival
- Day of Legal Aid to Children
- Holiday "Three Saviors. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary"
- All-Russian lesson "Ecolyata - Young Defenders of Nature"
- New Year's morning holidays in kindergarten
- Christmas carols in kindergarten
- February 23 holiday in kindergarten
- March 8 in the kindergarten
- Shrove Tuesday was held in our kindergarten!!!
- Week dedicated to Cosmonautics Day
- Exhibition of handicrafts on the theme "Bright holiday Easter"
- Subbotnik "Green Spring 2022"
- Participation in the patriotic action "We Don't Give Up Our Own"
- Victory Day
- Victory Day 2028 Kindergarten
- June 1-Children's Day
- "My Safe Summer"
- Week of experimentation in kindergarten
- Day of memory and sorrow in kindergarten
- Week of health and sports
- Outdoor games festival
- Day of family, love and fidelity
- Week of fairy tales
- "Young firefighters"
- "Autumn fantasy"
- "Hot line" for the prevention of influenza and SARS
- Autumn entertainment
- National Unity Day
- Teaching materials
- Educational standards
- Manual.
Teaching (scientific and pedagogical) staff
- Logistics and equipment of the educational process
- Scholarships and other types of material support
- Paid educational services
- Financial and economic activities
- Available places for admission (translation)
- International cooperation
- Video lessons for children 5-7 years old
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Children's program for autumn holidays
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We invite our little guests to programs and master classes during the autumn holidays.
- 10/29/2022 - Master class - Postcard "autumn landscape" with Fixik!
- 10/30/2022 - Master class - "Bouquet of dried flowers" with the hero of the cartoon "Paw Patrol"!
- 10/31/2022 - Master class - "Magic Snake" with Minnie Mouse!
- 11/01/2022 - Master class - "Animals from cones" with Barboskin!
- 02.11.2022 — Master class — "Slimes" with Harry Potter!
- 11/03/2022 — Creating a thaumatrope (optical illusion) with a real scientist!
- 11/04/2022 - Master class - "Decorative wreath" for the house with the Princess!
- 11/05/2022 — Master class — “Aromatic wax sachet” with Lady Bug!
All events will be held in the swimming pool on the 2nd floor daily from 17:00 to 19:00, except for Wednesday,
11/02/22 the master class will be held in the large hall of the restaurant!
Free admission!
Call for details: 8 (921) 964-00-20
png 813.