Fly guy story
Hi! Fly Guy
None Join Buzz in this whimsical story that shows that flies can be special pets! A fly went flying. A boy named Buzz went walking. The boy wanted to catch something smart for The Amazing Pet Show, but he bumped into a fly instead. A fly that . . . knew the boy’s name! Buzz! And thus began the strong bond between Buzz and Fly Guy. Over and over again, they heard people say, “Flies can’t be pets—they’re pests!” And each time, Fly Guy proved them wrong. He’s a smart fly that can do tricks, and he’s very special to Buzz. Read along in this whimsical story as Buzz and his most unlikely of pets challenge people’s perceptions. Do you think flies are smart? Why? show full description Show Short DescriptionBugs
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Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
Hi! Fly Guy
All About Bugs
One membership, two learning apps for ages 2-8.
Full Text
Chapter 1 A fly went flying. He was looking for something to eat— something tasty . . . something slimy. A boy went walking. He was looking for something to catch— something smart . . . something for The Amazing Pet Show. They met. Boink! The boy caught the fly in a jar. “A pet!” he said. The fly was mad. He wanted to be free. He stomped his foot and said, “Buzz!” The boy was surprised! He said, “You know my name! You are the smartest pet in the world!” Chapter 2 Buzz took the fly home. “This is my pet,” Buzz said to Mom and Dad. “He is smart. He can say my name. Listen!” Buzz opened the jar. The fly flew out. “Flies can’t be pets,” said Dad. “They are pests!” He got the flyswatter. The fly cried, “Buzz!” And Buzz came to the rescue! “You are right,” said Dad. “This fly is smart.” “He needs a name,” said Mom. Buzz thought for a minute. “Fly Guy,” said Buzz. And Fly Guy said, “Buzz!” It was time for lunch. Buzz gave Fly Guy something to eat. Fly Guy was happy. Chapter 3 Buzz took Fly Guy to The Amazing Pet Show. The judges laughed. “Flies can’t be pets,” they said. “Flies are pests!” Buzz was sad. He opened the jar. “Shoo, Fly Guy,” he said. “Flies can’t be pets.” But Fly Guy liked Buzz. He had an idea. He did some fancy flying. The judges were amazed. “The fly can do tricks,” they said. “But flies can’t be pets.” Then Fly Guy said, “Buzz!” The judges were more amazed. “The fly knows the boy’s name,” they said. “But flies can’t be pets.” Fly Guy flew high, high, high into the sky! Then he dived down, down, down into the jar. “The fly knows his jar!” the judges said. “This fly is a pet.” So they let Fly Guy in the show! He even won an award. Tallest Pet, Cutest Pet, Pet with Most Legs, Heaviest Pet, Smartest Pet.
And so began a beautiful friendship.
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- Title
- Series
- Release date
- Popularity
- Imprint
- Cartwheel Books 18
- Orchard Books 1
- Subjects
- Juvenile Fiction 22
- Humor (Fiction) 22
- Juvenile Literature 20
- Beginning Reader 8
- Folklore 1
- Fantasy 1
- Creators
- Tedd Arnold 22
- Skip Hinnant 3
- Media type
- eBook 19
- Audiobook 3
- Format
- OverDrive Read 19
- Kindle Book 19
- OverDrive MP3 Audiobook 2
- OverDrive Listen 2
Hi, Fly Guy
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 1
Tedd Arnold Author
Skip Hinnant Narrator
Hi, Fly Guy!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 1
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Super Fly Guy!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 2
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Super Fly Guy! (Fly Guy #2)
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 2
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Shoo, Fly Guy!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 3
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
There Was an Old Lady Who.

Fly Guy (Series)
Book 4
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly High, Fly Guy!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 5
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Hooray for Fly Guy!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 6
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
I Spy Fly Guy!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 7
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
I Spy Fly Guy
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 7
Tedd Arnold Author
Skip Hinnant Narrator
Fly Guy Meets Fly Girl!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 8
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Buzz Boy and Fly Guy
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 9
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly Guy vs.

Fly Guy (Series)
Book 10
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Ride, Fly Guy, Ride!
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 11
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
There's a Fly Guy in My Soup
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 12
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly Guy and the Frankenfly
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 13
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly Guy's Amazing Tricks
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 14
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
A Pet for Fly Guy
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 15
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Prince Fly Guy
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 15
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly Guy's Ninja Christmas
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 16
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly Guy's Big Family
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 17
Tedd Arnold Author
Tedd Arnold Illustrator
Fly Guy and the Alienzz
Fly Guy (Series)
Book 18
Tedd Arnold Author
A “flying man” was seen again in the taiga in the north of Primorye » News of Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai "with a link to the site khabtime.

As this edition writes, “at the beginning of this autumn, a Khabarovsk resident Dmitry Nikonov, together with a friend, traveled along the Bikin River, which flows into the Ussuri. moving: shrieks and howls were heard now from one place, then from another. Travelers, as Dmitry admitted, experienced a chilling fear.0003
Then, already in Vladivostok, they heard a story about a "flying man", supposedly living in the wilds of the Ussuri taiga in the southern part of Primorye.
What kind of mysterious creature lives in the coastal taiga?
This question, by the way, was asked by the famous researcher of the Ussuri region VK Arseniev. Here is what he wrote in one of his books: “My dog trailed behind. On the trail I saw a bear's footprint, very reminiscent of a human. Alma bristled and grunted. And after that, someone quickly rushed to the side, breaking the bushes. Alma clung tightly to my legs ... At this time, something happened that I did not expect at all. I heard the flapping of wings. Some kind of mass emerged from the fog, large and dark, and flew over the river. The dog expressed obvious fear and clung to my legs all the time. At that time, screams were heard, similar to the screams of a woman ... In the evening, the Udege began to lively discuss the version that a person lives in these places who can fly through the air. nine0003
Only an inveterate skeptic can disbelieve this testimony of Vladimir Klavdievich. Arseniev greatly valued his scientific reputation and would not write about what he was not sure about.
By the way, in the dossier of the President of the Primorye Association of Ufologists, Alexander Rempel, there are similar facts concerning the "flying man" and related to our days.
Curious, for example, is the story of the famous Far Eastern ranger Yong Wang Shan. Once he was followed for several minutes by "female" cries. The taiga dweller did not see the creature itself, but in a panic he ran along the path more | kilometers and since then never returned to that place. Maybe he was frightened by the cries of some bird? Yong Wang Shan is offended by such questions: having lived all his life in the taiga, he would recognize any bird by its voice. It was something else, a being unknown to him. nine0003
Hunters talk about this creature, allegedly seen in the region of the mountains Pidan and Oblachnaya. He was heard more than once in the 1930s - 1940s in these parts. This fact is also known. In 1944, six soldiers, headed by a foreman, worked on a farm near Ekaterinovka (the southern part of Primorye). One evening, two of them were returning in a cart with provisions from the village. Before reaching three kilometers to the farm, the soldiers saw a huge luminous ball descending to the ground. At the moment the ball landed, heartbreaking "female" cries were heard. Leaving the cart, the guys rushed to the farm. After that, they were terribly afraid of the dark, they talked about the “flying man”. nine0003
Recorded by Alexander Rempel and the story of the hunter AI Kurentsov. At night, the hunter suddenly woke up from the feeling that he was being watched. With peripheral vision, I saw how something huge and dark was rapidly falling onto the fire in a gliding flight with a steep descent. Rolling over on his back to avoid a collision, the hunter saw how a man flew over him, almost touching the ground. Kurentsov remembered membranous wings, similar to those of a bat. He quickly jumped up, hid behind the trunk of the nearest tree, from where he did not come out until dawn. In the morning I examined everything around, but found no traces. The Ivanitsky family experienced an even more terrible fear. Late at night, she was awakened in her hut by an unusually loud chirring, similar in timbre to the song of a cricket. The Cricket, however, quickly fell silent. The head of the family discovered that the sound was coming from under the bed, and saw under it an unusual creature huddled against the wall: either a dog or something else. Tried to lure - did not work. The Ivanitskys began throwing slippers under the bed.
The “dog” twitched and suddenly threw forward a long trunk, with which it tried to clasp the legs of the owners. At this point, the frightened family was forced to defend themselves and beat the creature with anything, and the children sprinkled dichlorvos on it. The creature shrank, rolled into a far corner, and fell silent. When they pulled him out from under the bed and took a good look, they saw something unknown to anyone, and resembling a small dog in size, but having short bluish hair, two three-toed paws and stiff wings about one and a half meters long, shaped like the wings of a bat. The muzzle of the creature was like a mask of a human face cast in plaster, almost flat, with a large, bare forehead, very large eyes, and a tiny, lipless mouth. Instead of a nose, the creature had a triangular hole. It was apparently already dead. He was thrown into a hole left by the builders. The hole was later filled in. What was it? What is true in this story and what is fiction? - it is impossible to establish today, since the history is long and the researcher has no direct evidence of what happened.
But a real sensation can be considered the testimony of tourists from the group of Alexander Lazarev, who made a stop at Mount Pidan. Tourists saw a man flying from the mountain on a hang glider. The "winged" design of the hang glider and (seemingly) a child flying the aircraft attracted attention. The video camera brought the flying man closer, and the operator suddenly saw that it was not a hang glider at all. An image of an unusual “face” of a winged creature remained on the video camera film - perhaps a huge bat with an almost human face unknown to science. nine0003
In the winter of the same year, four hunters from the village of Tigrovy rested by the fire. They heard a terrible noise near a small lake. Interested, they took a gun and lanterns, called the dogs and went to the lake. When approaching the shore, the dogs howled, turned their tails between their legs, and clung to the people (let us recall that Vladimir Arseniev describes the reaction of a dog in almost the same way when it encounters a flying creature). Near the tree, people saw a human figure about one and a half meters tall. In the light of the lanterns, they saw a creature with huge red-orange eyes and wing-like hands. The Flying Man flapped its wings and flew low through the trees. nine0003
And here is another testimony, the most recent. Khabarovsk resident Inessa Grigorieva arrived in the village of Anisievka at the end of January for a vacation. Walking along the outskirts of the village, she noticed a large bird flying in her direction. She looked closely, trying to determine what it was, and was dumbfounded. “I saw two human-like legs hanging down,” she says. - The creature descended, made a circle and flew away. The wings were motionless, the creature moved silently. He had a human face, in any case, I could see the mouth and big eyes. nine0003
Who, after all, has been living for hundreds of years, and maybe more, in the coastal taiga. A relic that has survived to this day? Mutant? An alien creature that visits the Ussuri wilds from time to time? Perhaps someday we will find out…”
Source: “Vesti: Primorye” [ www. ]
The amazing story of a flying skier: how the only Russian Olympic champion in ski jumping lives
V In Beijing, the biggest sensation in the ROC team was created by ski jumpers who won silver medals in the team tournament.In no, even the most daring forecasts, a place on the podium was given to Irma Makhina, Danil Sadreev, Irina Avakumova and Evgeny Klimov, who generally replaced sports specialization and moved from Nordic combined to ski jumping.0003
Against the backdrop of the success of ROC athletes, they also remembered the only Olympic champion in this sport in Russia so far - Vladimir Belousov, who lives in Vsevolozhsk. Now the legendary jumper is wheelchair-bound and has been ill with coronavirus three times. But he continues to cheer for his favorite sport with all his heart.
Unrepeatable success
The Olympic fairy tale began already in the qualifying series, when the jump of the Austrian athlete was not counted due to equipment violations. With this in competitions strictly. Suits should not, due to aerodynamic features, give an advantage when performing jumps. nine0003
Further, more. Due to the violation of all the same rules, the results of athletes from Japan and Germany were annulled. In the finals, the Russian team confidently went to the bronze, but the Norwegian overalls did not meet the requirements either. However, the Slovenian team demonstrated not only skill, but also attention to detail in the form of equipment, which allowed its skiers to get ahead of the friendly Russian team.
Honoring the silver medalists of Beijing, TV commentators always mentioned the Olympic victory, which in the distant 19In 1968, Leningrad athlete Vladimir Belousov won in Grenoble. She then, too, became a real sensation. Before the Olympic triumph, the 21-year-old Belousov had practically no experience in international competitions. He got into the national team just in the Olympic season. He had to go to the "Four Hills Tour" in Austria and Germany, which can be compared with Grand Slam tournaments in tennis, but the guy was not issued a testimonial for issuing travel documents in a timely manner. Belousov performed at some competitions in Czechoslovakia - and immediately to the Olympics. nine0003
Championship jump
In the late 1960s, the Olympics were much more modest than they are now. Participants in ski jumping competitions lived in the medical building of the local military barracks. Massage tables were used instead of beds. Such was the Olympic village.
The competitions on the big hill were held in extreme conditions. The day before, it had become sharply warmer, we had to jump in the fog, and almost everyone fell during training. It was impossible to delay the launch. The Olympics were coming to an end, and French President Charles de Gaulle promised to come to watch the jumping competitions. It was even rumored that he was going to reward the champion with a brand new Citroen. From the presidential fund, of course. nine0003
Due to the vagaries of the weather, the judges doubted for a long time whether to determine the champion on the basis of the results of one attempt or still hold two. In the first, Belousov flew 99 meters ahead of the Olympic champion on the small springboard Jiri Raska from Czechoslovakia. He also received high marks for technique. And then the most interesting began.
The wind died down, the weather improved, in the second attempt the Leningrad athlete jumped the farthest, by 101.5 meters. After that, the judges consulted, announced the first attempt as a trial one and forced the athletes to climb the springboard again. Having caught the courage, Belousov again flew the farthest, but at the same time the skis diverged in the last phase of the flight. After all, Vladimir prepared them for jumping in the wind. The scores for technique were lower than in the previous attempt, but this did not prevent Belousov from becoming the champion, ahead of Rashka, who was considered the unconditional favorite. nine0003
The award for the Volga was not enough
The badge of the Honored Master of Sports was awarded to the Leningrad athlete right in Grenoble. Upon returning home, to Vsevolozhsk, they issued a warrant for an apartment and helped with the purchase of the Volga out of turn.
“After all, today they give chic foreign cars to Olympic medalists,” said Vladimir Belousov in an interview with a correspondent for MK in St. Petersburg. — And we had to buy cars with our own money. The Olympic prize was not enough, I had to borrow from friends and give it back within three years. nine0068
What's more! Before the Olympics, Belousov was not even paid scholarships for a member of the national team. Only food stamps worth 3 rubles 80 kopecks were relied upon. After returning from Grenoble, Belousov, together with his teammate Anatoly Zheglanov, received them in a few months. We decided, as usual, to wash the gold medal. There was not enough for a snack, as the Olympic champion recalls with a smile. I had to put a clock in the dining room.
Cars and millions
Today, champions and prize-winners of the Olympics have no such problems. The federal authorities do not skimp on awards to sports heroes. Champions are entitled to 4 million rubles each, silver medalists - 2.5 million each, bronze medalists - 1.7 million each. Olympians are also awarded in the regions they represent. In St. Petersburg, champions are given a bonus of 5 million rubles, those who take second place - 2.5 million, third - 1.5 million. That is, the St. Petersburg athlete received at least 9million rubles.
In the Northern capital, even for places from the 4th to the 6th, prizes are provided, and all members of the Olympic team are allocated 50 thousand rubles each. For the training of Olympians who took places from 1st to 6th in individual events, coaches receive the same bonuses as athletes. This is not 3 rubles 80 kopecks for you!
Competition in the USSR
Belousov did not favor officials at all when he played in the USSR national team. He was offered to record two high-ranking sports functionaries as coaches. Only Vladimir refused. nine0003
"Alexander Grigas invited me to the national team, and Arkady Vorobyov taught me how to jump", - he answered an offer that could not be refused.
The first coach of the athlete, noticing young Belousov on a makeshift springboard, from which they jumped not only on skis, but also on sleds, called him to the sports section. There, Volodya was presented with three sets of skis - jumping, running and slalom. Only the boy did not really like regular classes, and after a few months he abandoned them. Arkady Vorobyov showed perseverance. I found a student and literally forced him to train. On weekends, I went with him to Kavgolovo, where there was a modern complex for those times with two jumps. Well, how could an Olympic champion betray his coach? nine0003
The Grenoble Olympics was the only one in Belousov's career. Four years later, he lost the competition for a place in the main team of the USSR to Kobe Tsakadze.
“He was considered a legend in Georgia,” Belousov recalls. - Specially "under Tsakadze" in the resort town of Bakuriani, a springboard was built. My competitor trained there all year round, being the director of the camp site.
Qualifying competitions for the 1972 Olympics were scheduled for Sakhalin. It is logical, of course, given that the Olympics themselves were to be held in Sapporo, Japan, in the same time zone. At the last moment, the selection was moved ... to Georgian Bakuriani, where all conditions were created for the 38-year-old Tsakadze. Rumor has it that additional meters were added when measuring, and marks for technique were set beyond the limits. As a result, the Georgian veteran got into the Olympic team, and the Leningrad athlete, who is in his prime, after the end of the Olympics-1972 came under the national team rejuvenation campaign.
Against all odds
Belousov's real troubles began in the dashing 1990s. The springboards in Kavgolovo were slowly falling into disrepair, coaches, including Olympic champions, had to survive. The victorious Grenoble had to work as a forester, a watchman and even a crockery receiver. And the saddest thing is that the thieves who got into his house stole the most expensive relics - the Olympic gold medal and the awards that the King of Norway presented to Belousov for victories in the prestigious Holmenkollen Games. Most likely, they are now somewhere in a private collection in Europe. True, in 2015, the leaders of the Russian Ski Jumping Federation found an opportunity to make a duplicate of the Olympic gold medal. After its presentation, Belousov felt like a happy person. As on the day of triumph in Grenoble. Although he has been confined to a wheelchair for almost 10 years: as AiF reported in 2014, a complication occurred after an ordinary operation, and as a result, his legs failed. In 2017, in a film dedicated to Belousov, the doctor said that the champion was being observed with a diagnosis of "consequences of a fracture of the thoracic spine, compression-ischemic neuropathy, spastic paraparesis.
" nine0003
“In a more understandable language, this is a violation of the motor and sensory functions of the lower extremities. The athlete does not move well in space. Weakness in the legs and discoordination prevent him from carrying out independent movements. Unfortunately, he is forced to resort to the help of a wheelchair,” , explained Marina Prygova, chief specialist in medical rehabilitation of the Leningrad Region.
After numerous surgeries and examinations, the doctors came to the conclusion that the Olympic champion, whose achievement is still unbeaten, would benefit from rehabilitation in Germany. But there was no response to the appeals of regional deputies to various committees and departments. And only after some time Belousov was given to understand: the issue of rehabilitation abroad can be closed. nine0003
At the beginning of February 2022, Vladimir Belousov told a correspondent of the Match TV sports channel that he had been ill with coronavirus for the third time. Twice - the usual and "more or less easily", the third time he picked up "omicron", after which his hearing became bad. He hoped that after the Olympics, during which sports commentators repeatedly recalled him, someone would respond, hear his pain, help him to go to some clinic to at least be examined ...
Revival of discipline
The Olympic pension, established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, helps the sports legend survive. As well as moral support from relatives and friends. Belousov follows the successes of the current generation of ski jumpers. I am glad that the material and technical base lost in the dashing 1990s is slowly being revived. Modern ski jumps were built in Sochi for the 2014 Olympics. This contributed to the emergence of interest among local teenagers in this sport. In particular, thanks to the opportunities for regular training that appeared, Irma Makhinya, who was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, changed her sports specialization.