Following directions lesson
Lessons For Teaching Students To Follow Directions
As teachers, sometimes we give our students directions but then are surprised (or disappointed) that they don't follow them.
No names on papers? No titles on compositions? No answers rounded to the nearest tenth? We all face these problems in our students but we can correct some of these behaviors by teaching the skills required for students to be able to follow directions.
If you find yourself confronting such problems while grading papers, your students may not be paying attention to directions. Although most successful students recognize the importance of reading instructions thoroughly and following them, some students may master the skill slowly. Education World provides five intriguing lessons to help your students read, write, follow, and even evaluate directions. Included: Lessons that make following directions fruitful and fun!
Surprised to see a number of students suddenly leave the room only halfway through an exam, the professor followed them into the corridor. He discovered the students completing the balance of the questions while leaning against the walls. When he asked for an explanation, one student pointed to the third question, which asked "Describe Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. You may supply a drawing but please leave room to answer."
Sadly, this joke may not ring very true for many teachers today. Unfortunately, in the rush to complete assignments, students often race past directions to get to the "meat" of their work. In desperation, some teachers have hidden the answer to a simple question, or a hint to a tougher one, within the directions of an exam, just to encourage students to read the directions!
There are ways to help students recognize the value of reading instructions before beginning an assignment and following them throughout. Elementary teachers may hold a "bear hunt." Students bring in teddy bears, hide them within the classroom or school, and then create lists of directions for others to follow to locate the bears.
Teachers of older students may craft a page of instructions that students must read in their entirety before beginning to work and include as the last one, "Ignore all of the directions above and turn in your paper." The Internet provides even more opportunities to emphasize directions with lesson plans, how-to's, and recipes!
This week, Education World provides lessons about following directions. Click on each of the lesson headlines below for a complete teaching resource. Approximate grade levels are in parentheses.
How Well Do You Follow Directions?
This easy-to-use activity teaches valuable lessons about the importance of listening and following directions. (Grades K-12)
Phil's Fish Shop
Taking on the roles of new employees in a pet shop, students offer advice to customers, answer questions, and create a handbook of instructions for new fish owners. (Grades 3-8)
Critics of Cuisine
As food critics, students follow directions to create culinary delights and then critique the recipes and the flavor of their products. (Grades 3-12)
The Magician's Apprentice
Teaching the skill of following directions requires a little hocus-pocus in this lesson. Students re-create magic tricks, evaluate the clarity of the instructions, and teach an apprentice how to perform a trick. (Grades 3-8)
George Washington Teaches Map Directions
If students follow "directions," they'll have a picture of George Washington. (Grades 3-8)
Parachute Drop
Students experiment with gravity as they follow directions to create parachutes that will carry paperclip passengers safely to the ground. (Grades 1-3)
30 Classroom Procedures to Head Off Behavior Problems
To keep your days running smoothly, establish consistency using these general procedures, daily tasks, and activities.
Free Following Directions Worksheets
Teach-nology provides several adorable coloring sheets with simple instructions to follow.
Last updated: 11/22/19
19 Activities for Middle School Students to Improve Following Directions
Whether 1-step directions or multi-step directions, students need practice and clear expectations. Students follow hundreds of directions every year at school and at home. In order to improve their ability to process oral directions and listening skills, you can incorporate fun activities into your school day.
Try some of these 19 activities and notice the difference you will see over a period of time, as students improve with following directions.
1. Science Experiments
Incorporate your school curriculum into teaching kids to follow directions. Using science experiments in your school setting will improve academics, engage students, and strengthen students' following directions skills and abilities.
Learn More: Moms
2. Learn to Code
Further developing science skills and learning to code are beneficial for so many reasons. In addition to helping students learn computer science skills, they can also work on fine motor skills and improve following directions skills. Coding is ideal and appropriate for all grade levels.
Learn More: Teach Your Kids Code
3. Following Direction Logic Puzzle
This worksheet takes on the form of a riddle or secret code to be solved. For students who need a break from screen time, let them try to decipher the code by solving the riddles. The following directions worksheet is a good way to also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Learn More: Centervention
4. Paper Folding Activity
Simple instructions will be easy to follow and form a unique craft! This activity uses multi-step directions to have students create a paper masterpiece. Students will need to pay attention to directions and details to be successful in this awesome activity.
Learn More: Speech Snacks
5. Boat Craft
This fun and challenging activity allows some creative freedom but requires multi-step directions as well. This activity is great for upper elementary teachers or middle school teachers to use with their students.
Learn More: Pedia Staff
6. Building From Scratch
This activity will require key listening skills. Teaching students to make something with their hands is a great way to improve following directions. This is ideal for motor skills as well. Students may have a harder time working with their hands, so making the teacher aware of expectations is key.
Learn More: Moms
7. Coloring Worksheets
Giving the child directions for this printable activity is key. Lists of directions are included for students to read themselves or for the teacher to call out to them. Precise directions will help students know when to do each step in the process.
Learn More: Tam Aqua K12
8. Summer Olympics Following Directions Game
This adorable summer Olympics game is great for following directions. Perfectly themed activity sheets are designed for listening activities that focus on teaching students 1-step directions, 2-step sequential directions, and even 3-step sequential directions.
Learn More: Speech Time Fun
9. Leaf Craft
This leaf craft is a perfect hands-on activity for teaching students the importance of following directions. As they listen and perform each task in each step, students' following directions skills will improve with practice.
Learn More: Inspontaneous Speech
10. Following Directions Map
These easily printable maps are easy to use. There are several themes to choose from. Each is accompanied by a list of instructions. Students can read them or listen as teachers read them aloud.
Learn More: Making Learning Fun
11. Star Wars Directions Game
Fun games, like this Star Wars following directions game, are great for helping students practice how to properly follow directions. This interactive game allows students to work within groups and collaborate and interact with others.
Learn More: Teach This

Glyphs are a fantastic resource for upper elementary and middle school students who need to practice following directions. Students will use white drawing paper to draw a picture, based on listening to directions and using what applies to them individually.
Learn More: Teach With Me
13. Before and After Statements
These before and after statements are great for older kids. This is a way to let students interact in groups and follow directions. On slips of paper, you will write in events and use them to complete this activity.
Learn More: Miss Barrett Speech Language
14. Listening Skills Holiday Sheet
These printable worksheets will be helpful for children with language skills needing improvement or for students to practice following directions. They are holiday themed and ideal for key listening skills and multi-step directions.
Learn More: Resources From Rachel

This fun quiz-type sheet is helpful in assessing how well students follow directions. This is a great way to see if they can follow targeted directions and if not, where the breakdown occurs so you will know what to work on.
Learn More: The Worksheets
16. Following Directions: Directions Sheet
This directions sheet is a breakdown of 4-step directions. Each section requires students to look ahead to see what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. They are working to follow directions in each step.
Learn More: The Worksheets
17. Relay Races
Relay races get students up and moving. Teachers can customize this activity to get students to practice following directions in a nontraditional way. Students can follow directions and work with their teams to see who can win each challenge.
Learn More: Mr Physed
18. Following Direction Worksheet
This following directions activity is good for working on following directions and literal directions. Students can cut and place items in places, dependent on prepositional directions. This is especially good for bilingual students.
Learn More: The Worksheets
19. Paper Airplanes
Constructing paper airplanes is fun and ideal for practicing following directions. Let students use a template and guide for directions or orally tell them what to do. Either way, they will get good practice and finish with a nice end result.
Learn More: Speech Snacks
Main Course: Lesson 31 - Online Presentation
Founding Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
2. Understanding the Scriptures
Main CourseDiary and Workbook
Main Course: Lesson 31 (GG: 16.

4.000 Recitation of 1. Some devotees of
believe that we have never been
in the spiritual world.
What does Srila Prabhupada write about this
5. Repetition
2. Why is it so important to learn to see Krishna in
what surrounds us?
Give some examples of how
Krishna can be seen as the source of our surroundings.
6. Repetition
3. What is thepurpose of the Vedas?
7. Recitation
4. "And those living entities who arein union with the Supreme Personality of Godhead are called
What does it mean "in union with the
Supreme Personality of Godhead"?
8. Repetition of
5. What isHow to get rid of it?
"weak heart"? nine0003 1.
1. Name and briefly describe the three duties
of a sannyasi.
BG 16.1-3 N
So, a sannyasi, a person who has renounced the world, should
have fearlessness, sattva-samsuddhi (purity) and
practice jnana yoga (knowledge of the truth).

2. Describe the social duty of
BG 16.1-3
This is the duty of family people. Family people
must earn a living by honest work and
give half of their income for distribution
Krishna consciousness all over the world. To do this, you need to donate
to those organizations that are engaged in
preaching activities, and not give money to
random people. ... As for the possession of feelings
(lady), then it is necessary for representatives of all ways of society
and, first of all, for family people. While living with his
wife, a married man should not
have sex without having to. His sex life
should be limited and pursue only one
goal is to conceive children. ... Therefore, it is the duty of householders to perform various 90,003 sacrifices.
3. Name the duties of a brahmacari and
BG 16.1-3
Then comes svadhyaya, the study of the Vedas. The Vedas study in
the period of brahmacharya, discipleship.

associate with women; they should be chaste and
concentrate their minds on the study of the Vedas, which will help them
gain spiritual knowledge. This is called svadhyaya.
Tapas, asceticism, is especially prescribed for those who have departed from the
family life.
4. What qualities should
Brahmins develop in themselves?
BG 16.1-3
As regards the simplicity of the brahmins,
... Following the principle of ahimsa means not hindering
any living being in his development. ... Satyam.
This word means that the truth cannot be distorted for the sake of
achieving selfish goals. ... Akrodha is called
the ability to suppress anger. ... Hri means that a person
should be very modest and do nothing
reprehensible. Achapalam, determination, manifests itself
in the ability of a person not to be upset and not to despair,
when failure befalls him.
5. Which of the qualities listed in the verses
should you and I develop?
BG 16.

All these twenty-six qualities are
transcendental. They should be developed in ourselves
depending on what place we occupy in
society and what business we are engaged in.
6. Than the divine way of thinking 9Is 0003 different from demonic?
BG 16.6
One should perform the duties prescribed by
authoritative sastras. This way of thinking
is called divine. Those who do not follow the 90,003 commandments of the scriptures and act according to their own 90,003 whims are called demons, or asuras.
There is only one criterion - the fulfillment of the instructions of
sacred scriptures.
7. "In the same Manu Samhita it is clearly stated that
women should not be given freedom." nine0003 Explain this statement.
BG 16.7
This does not mean that they should be turned into slaves; no, they
should be treated like children. Children are not given freedom, but this
does not mean at all that they are made into slaves.

demons disregard these instructions and declare that
women must be given the same freedom as men have
. However, this did not improve the state of affairs of
in modern society. In fact, a woman at every 90,003 stages of her life should be protected. As a child about her
should be taken care of by the father, in youth - by the husband, and in old age - by
adult sons.
23. Teamwork
8. Prepare and act out scenesshowing how the various demonic
signs described in the verses manifest themselves in
your life and your thinking.
Complete the list of demonic manifestations in your
life and your thinking.
9. Name
three sources of
demonic life.
BG 16.21
Three gates lead to this hell: lust, anger and
greed. Every sane person should
renounce these vices, for they destroy the soul.
10. Why are there different
1. rules and regulations,

3. life of people?
BG 16.23
A soul who has been given the opportunity to take birth as a human being should
act intelligently and follow the injunctions of the sastras, which
are designed to help her reach the highest stage of perfection; in
otherwise it degrades. However, if, following all
the rules and laws of morality, a person still does not come
to the understanding of the Supreme Lord, then all his knowledge
depreciates. And even if he acknowledges the existence of God,
but does not serve Him, he is only wasting his time.
29. Homework
Understanding the scripturesR Read Bhagavad Gita 17.1 – 17.28
L Answer the questions.
O Think about your questions.
? During the week, note in your diary the manifestations of your
demonic and transcendental qualities. Write an essay, at
which try to analyze the development
of transcendental qualities in yourself, in accordance with the position
you occupy in society.

30. Respect
Core Course Lesson No. 31Core Course Materials
Lesson No. 31:
Respect for Dharma, Part 3
32. Repetition (in commands: “in a chain”)
1. What is renunciation? How is it different from false renunciation?2. Give examples of false renunciation. Describe how it would be correct for
to behave in the given examples. nine0003 3. How to add devotional service to life without changing the material
4. How can we transform our material activities into
devotional service?
5. Is it possible to make all our material duties
become devotional service? How to do it?
Give examples.
6. Life as a sacrifice. What does it mean?
7. How to solve the question: "How to find a balance between your spiritual life and
material life?"
8. What to do if, in the performance of certain duties, we have
almost no time left for personal spiritual practice?
9. Does this mean that renunciation of something is not beneficial?
Lesson Objectives

varnas, women and the simple life.
2. To understand how devotees
can show respect to other devotees of different
sexes, ashrams and varnas in various ways.
3. To understand whether it is important to engage oneself in service
according to one's nature.
4. Understand how to determine your nature and find
service that matches your nature.
5. To understand how to connect one's nature with
devotional service.
Objectives 6. Understand in which ashram a devotee should be and what activities
he should be engaged in.
7. To understand what to do if it is necessary to perform
service that is contrary to one's nature.
8. To know whether the devotees take care of their health and
to understand why.
9. Be able to bring the element of simple life into your life.
10. Be able to express respect to other ashrams and varnas. nine0003 11.

for other
ashrams and varnas.
Respect for all devotees, regardless of their
activities and disposition
Srimad-Bhagavatam says that brahmanas are the head
of the Supreme Lord, kshatriyas are His hands, vaisyas are the stomach, and
sudras are legs, and they all have different functions .
(BG 7.23, com)
In the human body the most important part is the head, then the arms,
the stomach and legs. Although the head is considered the most important part of the
body, there is no question of neglecting the legs or
any other part. Similarly, in the classes
of human society, none of the divisions is
more important to the detriment of others.
(Ascension to Krishna Consciousness, Chapter 3)
Special Respect for the Brahmins
The heart performs very important functions
in the human body, and the
brahmins are an equally important element of human society.

the size of the body is much larger than the size of the heart, heart
plays a more important role.
(SB 3.22.3)
Respect for the brahmacari, support for the brahmacariashram, the importance of going through the brahmacari ashrama
Acting under the guidance of a spiritual master, the student
studies the Vedas for five to twenty years, as a result of which
his character becomes perfect. The purpose of studying the
Vedas is not to educate idle philosophers, but
to form certain qualities of character. After 90,003 a brahmachari received this training, he was allowed to 90,003 marry and become a householder. nine0003 (BG 8.28 Nm)
Respect for family people and family life (by
Your husband is already a sannyasi householder because he has no other business
except to serve Krishna. ... One has to become a
sannyasi by one's actions, not by one's clothes.

(TSP Indira, August 15, 1971)
Respect for the vanaprasatha ashram and the importance of this ashram
The Vedas instruct the householder to leave the house after
he is fifty years old. Pancha-shordhvam vanam vrajet: 9 each0003 reaching the age of fifty, a man must leave his family and
retire to the forest. This is the authoritative prescription of the Vedas, which is based
on the division of society into four orders: brahmacharya,
grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa.
(SB 3.24.25,
Although the vanaprasatha ashram is not necessary
In the morning hours, as well as in the evenings, all the households can gather
together to chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna,
Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. If
a person will be able to create such an atmosphere in the family, and, following the above-mentioned principles
, develop Krishna consciousness in himself, he will not
need to leave home and take a vow of renunciation.

(BG 13.8, kom)
Respect for sannyasis
Similarly, among the spiritual orders of society (brahmacharyas,
grhasthas, vanaprasthas and sannyasas), the highest position
is occupied by sannyasa. The sannyasi is the spiritual master of all the 90,003 varnas and ashrams and should be respected even by the brahmins. nine0003 … Five hundred years ago it was customary in society to immediately
bow to any sannyasi you meet, whether you are familiar or
(C-C, Adi 17.265)
Respect for women
He is a scholar who sees all women as his mother. Except
one's wife, one should see all women as one's mother.
(Lecture on BG 4.14-19, August 3, 1966)
Respect for all devotees regardless of their social
position and apparent shortcomings
Fanaticism! We must always remember that neither a grihastha nor a
brahmacaris, not sannyasis - no one can strictly follow all
rules and restrictions. This is not possible in the Kali Yuga.

find shortcomings in you, and you find them in me, then we will
be disunited, and our real work will remain unfulfilled.
Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised to perform hari-nama, that is,
to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, and this can be done by everyone - a grhastha,
vanaprastha and a sannyasi. Everyone should constantly chant the mantra Hare
Krishna, then all problems will be solved. Otherwise impossible
develop spiritually.
(Prabhupada Lilamrta)
Respect for varnasrama-dharma, agriculture and simple life
The ideal social arrangement called varnasrama-dharma
is solely for the satisfaction of Vishnu.
(SB 7.3.24 kom)
Of the four yugas (Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali), Kali Yuga is the worst.
However, if varnasrama-dharma is spread in the age of Kali, then life in
will become the same as in the Satya-yuga. Hare Krishna Movement or Movement
Krishna Consciousness is meant for that.
(SB 9.

Srila Prabhupada once before his departure
spoke to his disciples:
- I have no regrets. Although no, I have one
- Because you didn't finish the translation of Srimad
- No, because I didn't install varnashrama.
Another time he said:
- 50% of my work is not completed because I have not installed
(According to Abhiram Das,
Srila Prabhupada's physician)
Now, our next program will be to set up
farms to show the whole world an example
of how people can be peaceful, happy and
free from all troubles simply by
chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and leading a worthy life
in Krishna Consciousness.
(Srila Prabhupada, letter to a disciple in 1975)
Reflect on how you can show respect to other devotees in various ways
of different sex, ashram and varna.
Is it important to engage
oneself in service
according to one's nature?
Everyone should carry out their own duties, trying to
develop Krishna consciousness, and not take on someone else's business.

For materially conditioned people, the Shastra prescribes
duties corresponding to the mental and physiological
characteristics of such people, which the modes of material nature
endow them with. Spiritual duties are determined by the
spiritual master and are related to transcendental service
Krishna. Any of their duties, both material and spiritual,
people must fulfill until the end of their lives and not take on other people's
duties. Our material and spiritual duties may
differ from each other, but by fulfilling them under the guidance of
experienced mentors, we will always receive only good. A person
under the influence of the modes of material nature should
act as prescribed by his class or spiritual way of life
and not imitate others. Thus, a brahmin in guna
goodness, should not commit violence, but it is quite permissible
for a kshatriya who is under the influence of the mode of passion. Therefore,
it is better for a kshatriya to die worthily in battle than to imitate
a brahmin who is obliged to follow the principle of non-violence.

(BG 3.35)
How to determine your nature and find
service that matches your
Without the necessary training, we are all sudras
Education is required for the first, second and third grades
social arrangement. People who are not fit for sudra training or below sudra.
(TSP Rupanuge, April 28, 1974)
The spiritual master teaches us according to our nature
If a child is brought up without considering his inclinations, then it is extremely unlikely that he will
develop according to his nature. In the Vedic society, the guru or teacher was obliged
to supervise the psychological development of his student and
to educate him with a focus on a particular profession.
(SB 4.8.36)
The spiritual master determines our nature and
engages us in accordance with it
Real practice is based on the fact that a true spiritual master
knows the abilities and inclinations of each student, knows what duties he
can perform in Krsna consciousness, and gives him
appropriate instructions.

and he gives him instructions, and not alone, but in the presence of
others: “You are capable of such and such work in Krsna consciousness. You
should do such-and-such.” He orders one disciple to serve
Krishna by caring for the Deities, another by editing books and magazines
, the third is sent by the spiritual master to preach, and
the fourth is advised to serve Krishna by working in the kitchen. There are many different kinds of activities in Krishna's consciousness
, and the spiritual teacher
, knowing the abilities and capabilities of each particular student
, entrusts him with such a task, for which the student has
innate inclination, so that by engaging in this service, he can
achieve perfection.
The Bhagavad-gita also says that the highest perfection in spiritual life
is attained by one who engages in
service according to his inclinations, just as Arjuna
served Krishna by using his military skills.

, having fulfilled the duty of a warrior, Arjuna reached spiritual
perfection. In the same way, an artist can achieve perfection,
drawing pictures under the guidance of a spiritual master. A person with a
literary gift can write articles or compose poetry while serving
Krishna and following the instructions of the spiritual master. The disciple
needs to receive instructions from the spiritual master
as to how he should exercise his powers, since the
spiritual master is qualified to give such instructions
The combination of the instructions of the spiritual master and
rigorous adherence to these instructions makes the whole process spiritual
self-awareness perfect. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
commenting on Bhagavad-gita verse
-vyavasayatmika buddhih, says that one who really wants to achieve success in spiritual life
should receive specific instructions from the spiritual master
on what he should do.

instruction he has received, making it his life's mission.
Strict fulfillment of the will of the spiritual master is
the sole and main duty of every disciple; just so he
will be able to reach perfection. A person should try at all costs
to hear the instructions of the spiritual master, and having heard them,
strictly follow his will. This will enable him
to achieve the goal of life.
(SB 3.22.7)
How to connect your nature with
devotional service?
In what ashram to be and what activity
to do?
The real question is how we can best serve
. In particular, a brahmacari should not be
is lazy, on the contrary, he needs to do a lot of work and take responsibility
. Grihasthas should
strive to be constantly in Krsna consciousness and control their senses,
because they have more direct contact with the
material world. You need to choose the way that suits you personally more than
, and fulfill your duties in this way with
devotion and a sense of spiritual dignity.

is more suited to the life of a family man, there is no need
change his social position and become a monk. If a 90,003 person aspires to renunciation and is inspired by the life of a 90,003 brahmacari, that too is a great path for self-cultivation.
Each of the ashrams is perfect when it is comfortable for a particular person
and allows him to serve the Lord in the best possible way.
(Lecture by one of Srila Prabhupada's senior disciples)
What to do if it is necessary to perform
service that is contrary to nature?
"It is required of me"
"I can"
A pure devotee can perform any service
However, one who has already gone beyond the influence of the material modes and fully developed Krishna consciousness
can perform any work
under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master.
A Kṛṣṇa conscious kṣatriya can act as
a brahmana, and conversely, a Kṛṣṇa conscious
brahmana can act as a kṣatriya.
that exist in material life. For example, Vishwamitra,
, who was a kshatriya by birth, began to perform
the duties of a brahmin, and Parasurama, who belonged to the class of 90,003 brahmins, acted as a kshatriya. This was possible because
both of them were on the spiritual level. But one who has not yet
reached this level should perform his duties,
determined in accordance with the modes of material nature, under whose influence
he is. At the same time, he should clearly understand
what is the essence of Krishna consciousness. nine0003 (BY 3.35)
Sometimes for the sake of the mission we also need to go beyond
comfort, but we should not be overloaded. You ask how many
hours you have to work. Our life is dedicated to Krishna, so
we have to work for Him 24 hours a day. There are different types of service.
As for you, you should work on your painting
for as long as you see fit.

The remaining time should be used for chanting the
mantra and reciting the Srimad-Bhagavatam. nine0003 Therefore, in order to avoid bodily disturbances, one should
lead an orderly life and practice our
Krishna consciousness without strain. I will pray to Krishna for your speedy
(STP Jadurani, July 1967)
(STP Gargamuni, 15 September 1967)
Do devotees take care of their health?
Whatever you do, you must be careful. Your body
belongs to Krishna, and therefore you should not
neglect your body. You should always think that your body is
no longer belongs to you, but to Krishna. And so you should
take care of him.
First of all, take care of your health. This directive is not only for you, but for all my noble sons. I am an old
person, I can die or still live - it does not matter. But you
must live long enough to develop the Krsna consciousness movement.
(Srila Prabhupada letter to Jayapataka, October 6, 1968)
(ShP Rayarama, December 21, 1967)
0003 of the defiled state of a living being, we do not at all urge
to treat your body with disdain. For example, in order to
use a car in devotional service, we must
take care that it is always in good condition,
because this will allow us to use it without any
serious problems. However, we should not become attached to it;
blowing dust off the hood has nothing to do with caring for
engine health. Similarly, the material body is a kind of instrument; to use your body at
devotional service, we should keep it healthy,
working, not attached to it. This is called yuktavairagya. We should not neglect our body. In order to
maintain the body and mind in a healthy state, it is necessary
to regularly perform ablutions, observe a diet, sleep
, etc. Newfangled calls to
renounce the body, plunging into a state of narcotic delirium, have nothing to do with
true yoga practice.
Krishna has given us wonderful food - fruits, grains, vegetables, milk; nine0003 we can prepare a wide variety of
exquisite dishes from them and offer them to the Lord. We take krishnaprasad and thus satisfy the sense of taste. However,
one should not get carried away even with Krishna prasadam,
absorbing dozens of samosas, sweet balls and rasagulla. There must be moderation in everything.
One should eat and sleep only as much as is necessary to keep the body healthy
, and nothing more.
yukta-chestasya karmasu
yogo bhavati duhkha-ha
"He who observes moderation in eating, sleeping, working and resting
can, by practicing yoga, become less affected by
material miseries."
(B.-g. 6.17)
Eating and sleeping should be kept to a minimum, but this should not be done abruptly
to the detriment of health. To get rid of the habit of
overeating, one should observe the days of fasting in accordance with the
injunctions of the Vedas.

food intake, but we must maintain our health at the proper level of
in order to engage in spiritual practice. You should not
artificially restrict yourself in eating and sleeping; as the spiritual progress
the needs of the body are naturally reduced to a minimum
, and this does not give the person any trouble.
(The path to excellence, chapter 4)
64. Reflection
Take turnsshare your impressions of
65. Homework
RespectR Read the quotes for session 31.
! Read the quotes from the block Respect for the
Make a plan for how you can add
devotional service to every moment of your life.
Write a short essay on how the fulfillment
of your duties in material life can be
your devotional service.
Founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
The use of ICT in mathematics lessons as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students
Classes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Four years ago, in my professional life, I faced a number of contradictions. In 2015, the primary school was preparing to introduce the federal state educational standards of the second generation, where the main task of the teacher was to create conditions for the formation of a socially active, creative personality, with a steady need for self-development and self-realization, able to solve problems independently and be personally responsible for their actions. In 2014, the Russian government developed a concept for the development of mathematical education, the purpose of which is to bring Russian mathematical education to a leading position in the world. And the motto of the concept was the words of one of the creators of this document: "There are no children incapable of mathematics." Everything would seem good and cloudless, only one BUT arises. It's no secret that the quality of students' knowledge is declining and interest in mathematics is declining. nine0541
The question immediately arises: “What can I do to make mathematics lessons not only interesting, but also the quality of students' knowledge to become higher?”.
Oddly enough, the children themselves suggested the answer and the way out of the current problem.
This prompted me to actively use ICT in mathematics lessons.
And now for 3.5 years I have been working on the methodological topic "The use of ICT in mathematics lessons as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students." nine0003 Initially, my teacher's arsenal had a screen and a projector. I created presentations for the lessons. In parallel with this, she taught the children how to create presentations. Subsequently, this skill allowed the guys to participate and win the prize meta in competitions for children's presentations.
The next step in my work to develop the cognitive activity of students in mathematics lessons was the appearance of an interactive whiteboard in 2015.
On the interactive whiteboard, I demonstrate a slideshow, play animations and videos, I can highlight the main thing with the help of special tools, save the results of the lesson and later return to this material. nine0003 A large number of built-in interactive whiteboard tools can be used specifically in a mathematics lesson: various mathematical tools such as a protractor, a compass, a ruler, special programs for plotting graphs and conducting experiments.
The interactive whiteboard helps me solve the problem of concentration - the children enthusiastically follow the actions taking place on the board. They really enjoy doing and creating interactive tasks. Children are not afraid to answer incorrectly. Thanks to the visibility and interactivity of the material being studied, the whole class is involved in active work, perception is sharpened, understanding and memorization of the material improves, and motivation for learning increases. nine0541
With the help of an interactive whiteboard during the lesson, I can work in programs such as Live Mathematics, Live Geometry, Geogebra, etc.
Another important feature of an interactive whiteboard is Internet access. Working with the Internet develops confidence in both the student and the teacher, allows you to feel part of the big real world, spurs curiosity, develops communicative qualities, creates an element of competition, and allows you to diversify the activities in the lesson. nine0541
Depending on the topic of the lesson and goals, I use the educational resources of the Internet, where children work online.
- is one of the most accessible, efficient, and the most liked service by children. nine0541
What interested you in this service? It has a lot of various creative exercises, tasks, games. In addition, it is very easy for both the teacher and the students to independently create a crossword puzzle, a quiz, classification tasks, fill in the gaps in the text, and even create various educational games, for example, "Who wants to be a millionaire."
The service toolkit allows you to create classrooms within the system by inviting your students to them. I give assignments in LearningApps in class and as homework. Children are happy to respond to such exercises. At the same time, I can track the percentage of tasks completed. nine0541
In addition to the interactive whiteboard, during the lessons I use a document camera, which makes it possible to see a lot with my own eyes, at once with the whole class, simultaneously with the teacher's explanations. For the new generation of children, who perceive visual images better, this is very important.
I most often use a document-camera at the following stages of the lesson: in the operational analysis of control or independent work on examples of specific students' work, when checking homework, solving problems based on ready-made drawings in geometry lessons. nine0541
Thus, the document camera is a convenient and functional device, the work captivates students, optimizes the learning process and increases students' motivation for learning.
In order to assist in preparing for homework and writing tests (facilitating the study of mathematics), on her personal website she created a separate page for her students, consisting of the headings "Reference books", "Reminders", "Home tutor".
One of the most important areas of reforming Russian education is to improve the control and management of the quality of education. One form of control is testing. At the moment, there are many ready-made paper tests or tests on the Internet. But every time I am faced with the fact that not all tasks are suitable for a particular learning situation. Therefore, I introduced the MyTest program into the practice of my work. It is lightweight and convenient to use. The program allows you to work with ten types of tasks: (single choice, multiple choice, ordering, matching, truth/false statements, letter permutation, manual number entry, manual text entry, image location selection, gap filling.) In addition, MyTest consists of three modules : test module, test editor module and test log. It is very convenient to conduct computer testing in a classroom with a local network. The results of the assignments are displayed to the student and sent to the teacher. I can evaluate and analyze them. I created many tests in this program myself. nine0541
MyTest has become one of my favorite programs. It allows me to perform three functions at once: diagnostic (identifying the knowledge, skills and abilities of the student), teaching (motivating the student to intensify work on mastering the educational material) and educational (the frequency and inevitability of test control disciplines, organizes and directs the activities of students). I consider computer testing to be a fairer method, because it puts all students on an equal footing, both in the control process and in the evaluation process, subjectivity is excluded. nine0541
I also develop the cognitive activity of students in extracurricular activities. Recently, she herself became interested and fascinated the children with Network projects. The students gladly responded to the creation of network projects "Why do I need mathematics", "Mathematics in the professions of my parents". We are currently working on the Numbers Rule the World project. These projects are only at the school level so far. In the near future, my students plan to reach the city level.
What results have I achieved by using ICT in mathematics lessons? nine0541
The number of students with a high level of formation of cognitive UUD has increased by 5%.
The quality of knowledge has improved
The formation of cognitive activity in the subject "Mathematics" is expressed in the desire of children to participate in competitions of various levels.
There has been an increase in both participants and winners and prize-winners of competitions at various levels.
Competitions | nine0626 6 September-January 2016-2107 | |||
Participants (number) | Winners and prize-winners (number of people) | Participants (number) | Winners and prize-winners (number of people) | |
School level | 43 | 15 | 48 | 16 |
Municipality | 5 | 2 | 7 | Results not summed up |
Russian level | 13 | 2 | 25 | 5 |
Own ped.