Following directions preschool

7 Core Following Directions Activities for Kids That'll Improve Listening

Inside: Quick and easy following directions activities for kids that will help them practice self-control, emotional regulation and improve listening skills.

There was a joke traveling around years ago from Carrie On Y’all that said, “Maybe if I start yelling ‘Get your shoes on!’ the night before, we could get to school on time the next day.”

Honestly, the struggle is real.

Kids need A LOT of practice to learn basic life skills.

Following directions activities can support better listening skills in your child.

Teaching kids to follow directions isn’t as simple as doing a listening activity for kids, watching fairy dust shower from above, and seeing your kids transform into magical listeners.

Several years ago I was getting ready to take my son to school. He insisted—like life or death insisted—that he needed to wear his green shoes.

So I helped him find his green shoes, laid them out on the floor, and then realized I made a horrible mistake.

He shook his head and said, “No green shoes, mom. Nooo!”

In exactly two minutes, the green shoes went from being my complaining child’s most prized possession to the most horrible and disgusting shoes one could don.

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Teaching kids to follow directions – let’s simplify.

1. Connection first. Attention follows.

A few brief moments using SAY WHAT YOU SEE®, where you describe what your child is thinking, doing, feeling or saying, makes a big difference. This is the building block of connection, and when kids feel connected to you, they are for more likely to cooperate.

It might sound something like, “You’re drawing a picture with big green squares and red lines.”

No brainer, right? And yet, I still find myself talking to my kids without taking a brief moment for connection.

Sharing a set of instructions before you briefly connect with your child is like speaking foreign language. It can fall flat.

I know I have my child’s full attention when I have two things:

  • Eye contact
  • Eyes level (get down to the child’s level).
2. Be short and specific.

Kids tend to hear a lot of conversational white noise when adults are speaking to them. Say exactly what needs to be said for your child to follow your directions. Trim everything else out.

Instead of… “Hurry up. We gotta get out the door for this appointment. Get your coat lets go.”

Try… “Coat please.” Or, “You’re missing a coat.”

3. Use “wait time.”

This is a great strategy that I learned from a teacher. After giving a set of instructions to your kids, pause for 3-7 seconds to allow their brain to process and apply the information. Research shows kids are more likely to follow directions if you give them “wait time” or a hearty pause.

As adults, we are used to processing information much quicker, but kids…they take time.

Think of it this way: Keeping realistic expectations and waiting is the difference between you giving up and throwing your tea in the air vs. you calmly taking a sip of your tea while you employ “wait time.”

4. Unless you are offering a choice, don’t ask.

If your directions aren’t up for negotiation, keep that door firmly closed. Offering choices is a fabulous way to help end power struggles and enjoy a happier home.

But…everything in life is not always a choice. If you can’t offer a choice within a parental boundary you feel good about, give instructions as a statement, rather than a question.

Instead of… “Can you pick up your toys?”

Try… “I see toys on the floor and it’s time to leave.”

Or if you’d like to offer a choice, you can say something like, “I see blocks and dolls. Show me which one you want to put away first.”

5. Practice using following directions activities.

In order to build great listening skills, kids need a lot of practice…A LOT.

Which makes sense! I think we all can relate to needing a lot of practice before we can get good at anything. I could tell you a few stories about burnt dinner rolls for the past five years, but that’s a story for another day 🙂


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7 core following directions activities for kids.

There are several good ‘ole fashioned standby games to play with kids to help them 1) Listen and hear what you are instructing and 2) Practice following the directions you shared.

1. Simon Says

One person is Simon or Elmo or Dora or Spiderman or Teacher or Whoever, and this person is the “leader.” Simon gives a set of instructions and everyone else follows. The person who doesn’t follow the instructions is “out.” And the person who follows the instructions throughout the game, wins Simon Says.

2. Red Light, Green Light.

One person is the leader who calls out “Red Light” or “Green Light.” When the leader calls out “Red Light,” everyone stops. When the leader calls out “Green Light,” everyone goes. Anyone who doesn’t stop or freeze during “Red Light” is out.

3. Follow the Leader.

Take a walk around your house or outside and whatever you (or the leader) does, everyone else must follow. This is a great game to allow your child to be the leader and have you follow your child. It’s a perfect opportunity to model following directions for your child!

4. Map Game

Try this map game and help your kids work their way through the grid following the directions given. Practice counting and using the words left, right, forward, and backward.

5. Two-step direction games.

Do one of these 2-step direction games with your kids. This is perfect for preschoolers and above! Have your kids follow some of the 2-step directions throughout the day (e.g. Shake your head “yes” and then quack like a duck.) Brilliant!

6. Lego® Game

If you have kids who are old enough to play a board game, try this Lego Game to help your kids practice reading directions and following them.

7. Visual direction activities.

With kids, visual directions are so important! You can make life simpler and fun using visual directions for your kids, such as a printable daily schedule for kids.

  • Bedtime routine cards
  • Morning routine cards
  • Mealtime routine cards

Using routines is a great way to support cooperation and help your kids learn to follow directions.

They are also energy saving, AND a great way to avoid yelling “Green shoes!” ten times every morning or “Eat your dinner!” six times every evening.

Grab your FREE Following Directions Checklist Here!

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I've created a free email series just for you! If you are struggling with teaching your child to listen, this series will help transform your parenting. Yes, really. I've seen my proven strategies work time and time again for parents. I know it can work for you too.

After taking my free email series, you will:

  • Learn simple, yet highly effective listening strategies
  • Experience a stronger connection with your child
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How To Help Kids Develop This Important Skill

Does it sometimes feel like your child isn’t the greatest at following directions? Or the older they get, the more they want to do everything their way, regardless of the instructions given to them?

Before you start thinking you’re doing something wrong, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. The truth is sometimes our kids are not the most cooperative, and following our instructions isn’t always high on their priority list.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of effective strategies you can try at home to help them follow directions. Let’s get started!

Why Is Following Directions Important?

The ability to follow directions is a basic life skill that will serve your child well both now and in the future.

When you look at the various aspects of our everyday lives and daily interactions with others (like following the user manual’s instructions for a new gadget), you realize how this skill actually allows us to accomplish so much.

For kids, in particular, there are a couple of key benefits to following directions.

Children Can Function In Different Environments

As much as we’d like to keep them all to ourselves, our children aren’t going to stay at home for the rest of their lives.

They are going to go to school, take tests, participate in sports, go to camps, visit a friend’s house, etc. Learning to follow directions will help them function effectively across these different environments.

It Keeps Kids Safe

You never know when an emergency can occur. Whether at home, school, or the local park, the skill of following directions may save your child’s life one day.

In addition to the above, helping your child learn how to follow directions can:

  • Maintain order at home
  • Impact their ability to complete tasks and reach the desired purpose
  • Learn new skills
  • Keep them calm and feeling secure as they know what comes next

With these examples, we hope you understand that following directions is a beneficial skill your child can use in various aspects of life.

The Age Factor

Before discussing the different strategies you can try at home, it’s important to mention the role age plays in our children’s ability to follow directions.

0 – 24 Months

Trying to get a newborn to follow directions is unrealistic. However, as you respond to their cues (like hungry and tired cries) and they respond to yours, it helps lay a solid foundation for cooperative interactions.

As children enter the toddler stage, they are usually able to begin following simple, one-step instructions, such as, “Wave bye-bye to Laura!” or, “Give mommy the book.” Keep in mind that attention spans at this age are super short, so be clear and make eye contact with your child.

Children seek lots of adult approval at this stage, and making your tone of voice enthusiastic and appreciative can help influence how your toddler responds.

Giving positive feedback is also a great way to encourage them. So, if they don’t do as you say, instead of responding negatively, focus on what they should be doing.

2 – 4 Years

At the preschool level, most children can understand and follow two-step instructions. For example, “Put your toys in the box, then place the box in the corner.”

If your child hasn’t yet developed this ability, don’t worry. At this stage, kids are still learning the valuable skill of listening and paying attention to the details in the information given.

To help your child process information and instructions, you can continue to give them lots of positive reinforcement.

In addition, remember to also give them simple choices. For example, “Get your green shirt out of the bottom drawer” is more challenging than pointing to a visible shirt and asking them to get it.

4 – 6 Years

At this stage, your child’s vocabulary and listening skills have improved. This can make following directions a bit easier.

Most kindergarteners can follow three- or four-step instructions. They may also ask questions to seek clarification.

To help your child continue to improve this skill, you can:

  • Break complicated directions into smaller steps
  • Give instructions in context (for example, if your child is learning to draw, give instructions while they are busy with the activity)
  • Keep a fun and playful tone while giving directions to help motivate them

Following directions is a skill that your child will use for the rest of their life. So, here are seven strategies to help them improve.

Tips To Encourage Following Directions

1) Get Your Child’s Attention

Before giving your child directions, it’s essential that you have their full attention. Otherwise, the activity will feel impossible for both you and them.

You can gain their attention by simply asking for it — e.g., “Look toward me now. I need to tell you something.” Getting down to your child’s level can also help.

2) Be Clear

One of the key components for helping your child learn to follow directions is being clear on what you need them to do. To achieve this, be direct and use simple language.

For instance, “It’s time to jump into bed,” is much better than, “You need to sleep early. We have a long day ahead tomorrow, and it would be great for you to get enough rest.”

You might assume that the latter will help a child become more understanding. However, giving too many details may lead to a child getting “lost” in the information you’re giving them. It’s best to say what’s necessary and leave the rest out.

3) Focus On One Instruction At A Time

Going along with the previous point, we sometimes make the mistake of giving children too many instructions at one time.

For example, we might say, “Pick up your toys, place them in the toy box, wash your hands, and then tell your brother it’s time to eat.”

With this many instructions, it can be hard for your child to decipher what they’re actually supposed to do. That’s why, whenever possible, it’s best to give one instruction at a time or group them together in a way that makes sense.

Using the example above, you could hand your child a toy and ask them to put it in the toy box. Then hand them another one and do the same. When this is easy for your child, you can then group instructions together by saying, “Pick up your stuffed lion and put it in the toy box.”

Then you may want to move on to even more complicated directions. For example, you may have them pick up all the toys on the floor and put them in the toy box. Finally, once they’ve completed that, ask them to wash their hands and tell their brother that it’s time to eat.

4) Number Your Instructions

This tip is very effective if you’re going to be grouping your instructions into manageable tasks.
Simply number the directions you’re giving your child.

For example, start with, “I need you to do three things right now,” or “Pay attention. There are four things I need you to do.” You can also use ordinal numbers such as “first,” “second,” “third,” and so forth to label each task.

By using this technique and verbiage, you can help your child become aware that there is more than one thing being asked, and they can distinguish between and keep track of to-dos on their list.

While numbering your instructions helps make things clear, it’s still important to keep the list relatively short. Because people can typically only hold up to four different things in their working memory, we recommend giving no more than four instructions at a time.

5) Help Your Child Visualize The Instructions

Giving visual cues can be very effective in helping your child understand what you need them to do. To use this tactic, demonstrate a task and then ask them to follow your example.

For example, “Watch me carefully. See how I’m arranging this plate, fork, and spoon? I need you to set the rest of the table just like this.”

This “me first, now you” approach allows your child to visualize exactly what you want them to do before giving it a go. It can also be a very effective strategy to use with children who have language processing challenges.

6) Allow Your Child To Process The Information

Do you know how you sometimes have to pause and think through information you’ve just read or heard? Kids need that, too, especially when they’re learning to follow directions.

After giving them instructions, allow a few seconds to pass, which may help the information sink in.

Doing this may also help your child learn to listen the first time, rather than requiring you to repeat yourself. However, if they don’t do as you say or seem confused, it’s OK to repeat the instructions.

7) Minimize Distractions

Children have short attention spans. That’s why it’s essential to keep their attention when you have it.

If the TV is on in the background or they’re busy playing games, it’s going to be challenging for them to follow through on any of your instructions. Turn the TV off. Have them put their game or anything else they’re busy with down and give you their full attention.

Another essential component is to give your child your full attention as well. This may help them realize that the information is important.

8) Focus On Tone Of Voice

You know the phrase, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it”? Different people can recite the same words, but the differences in tone, volume, pace, and pitch can completely change the message.

When it comes to helping children follow directions, it’s much more effective to speak in a calm, clear, and even tone. Remember that you want your child to focus only on the instructions and not the volume or tone.

9) Don’t Ask, Tell

Sometimes children are in the mood for a power struggle and phrasing the directions in a way that it seems like there’s room for negotiation will not help you.

If you give directions such as, “Would you pick up your toys, please?” It may give your child the impression that they don’t have to do it.

Instead, change the wording to, “It’s time to pick up your toys,” as this makes it clear that they don’t have a choice.

10) Offer Praise

Positive reinforcement is a great way to help your child feel good about following your instructions. So, clap your hands, cheer them on, give them a high five, or pat them on the back to show that you’re happy about what they’ve just done.

The more they realize how happy you are, the better they’ll feel about listening to your instructions, and the easier it will be for them to continue following your directions in the future.

Activities To Help With Following Directions

Plenty of games and activities can help you encourage your child to get into the habit of following directions. These include:

  • Follow The Leader
  • Simon Says
  • I Spy

One of our favorite activities to help develop this skill is what we call the “playful instructions game.” This is where you give children instructions by adding playful elements.

For example, ask your child to jump as high as possible and then make a silly face. For older kids, you can even add more playful instructions (stick your tongue out, wiggle your nose, etc.).

This game can be incorporated into your regular routines — jump out of bed, tiptoe to the bathroom, and grab a toothbrush. Adding a playful element can make mundane routines much more fun.

In addition to the well-known games above, we’ve included a few more activities to help your child learn to follow instructions.

1) Red Light, Green Light

To prepare for this game, clearly define the playing area and mark the start and finish lines with a strip of tape on the floor (or ground if you’re outside). Safety comes first, so feel free to push things out of the way if you need a little more room to move around.

To begin, have all players stand on the starting line. Then, when you say “Green Light,” everyone moves toward the finish line. But, as soon as you say “Red Light,” everyone needs to immediately stop.

Anyone who is caught moving when “Red Light” is called out has to go back to the starting line. The first person to make it across the finish line wins the game!

This listening and moving game uses simple instructions to encourage children to follow directions — and have some fun while doing so!

2) Grid Game

The goal of this activity is simple: Make your way through a grid by following instructions.

Start by creating a numbered grid on your floor. The size of grid you create will depend on the space you have available. But whether you create a 4×4, 5×5, or 6×6 grid, make sure all the squares are the same size.

(You can either use your feet — one foot in front of the other — to measure each square, or you can use an actual ruler. It’s totally up to you!)

The type of floor you have will also dictate the type of tape you can use to create your grid, but masking tape usually works well for most floors because it easily comes off without causing damage.

To play this game, have your child stand in the first square and then follow your instructions to move throughout the grid.

Your instructions could look something like this:

  1. Take two steps forward.
  2. Take one step backward.
  3. Take two steps to your right.
  4. Take three steps to the left.

As they move this way and that within the defined space, it’s great practice because they have to switch gears quickly and listen carefully to the directions you’re giving.

3) Visual Directions

For this activity, simply make cards using your child’s routine. For example, let’s say your child’s bedtime routine is the following:

  • Take a bath
  • Put on pajamas
  • Brush teeth
  • Get into bed
  • Read a book
  • Sleep

Print out images of a bathtub, a toothbrush, pajamas, a bed, a book, and a child sleeping to represent each part of the routine.

Next, stick each of these pictures on a numbered index card. Then, whenever it’s time for bed, your child can just grab their card stack and follow the instructions.

This can work for any routine, so feel free to adapt it as necessary. It’s also a helpful tactic if you have a nonverbal child.

Using cards as a method of explaining instructions can eliminate unnecessary confusion, promote confidence in daily activities, and increase cooperation between a parent and a child.

Things To Consider When Giving Directions

1) Avoid Empty Threats

Sometimes parenting little humans can get overwhelming, especially when they are in the mood to be defiant.

This may lead to making impulsive threats, like, “If you don’t set the table right now, you’re going to be sorry!” Or, “I’m giving you two minutes to clean up. If this isn’t done by the time I get back, you’re going to be in big trouble!”

The problem with making such statements is that they tend to shut down communication and lead to power struggles. While threats may give you short-term gains (i.e., your child performing the tasks you want them to), they’re not ideal for the long haul.

It’s important to teach children to communicate their needs and wants clearly and, if there is a disagreement, how to get their point across calmly and respectfully.

So, remember to stay calm when addressing your child. If you notice that they are being extra defiant and their behavior is making you lose your patience, consider taking a moment to calm down before conversing with them.

2) Sometimes Reasoning Doesn’t Help

As adults, we often want to understand why things need to be done because this can help motivate us to perform a specific action. But explanations don’t always work for children, especially those under six years of age.

For example, “If you don’t pick up your toys after using them, you might end up stepping on them and hurting yourself. I want you to tidy up because it’s best to have a clean space so you can move around freely.

While such a statement might work for older kids, younger children aren’t able to relate to future consequences, so they may not get motivated to perform a task. This is another reason it’s best to keep directions short and to the point.

3) Empower, Don’t Overpower

We’ve discussed how important it is to give clear instructions, and in some instances, this means not asking your child but telling them what to do. This approach works perfectly for young children who cannot grasp explanations and extra information from your directions.

But as children get older, they may start to respond to different situations independently.

For example, if you’ve always told them to pick up their toys because they may hurt themselves, they may decide that leaving toys lying around on one side of the room, where they are out of the way, works better than actually having to tidy up.

Sometimes parents view this as disrespectful behavior and resort to overpowering their children. Unfortunately, this can make children feel powerless and encourage defiance as they fight to “take back their power.”

A great solution may be to allow children, as they get older, some freedom to make their own decisions. For example, if they complain about their bedtime routine, encourage them to find what may be a better solution.

This is not to say that children should do as they please. You’re still the parent! However, as children get older and start thinking independently, it’s perfectly fine to allow them room to make some decisions (at your discretion, of course).

Practice Makes Progress

With the strategies above, we hope you realize that, while it can be challenging to get children to follow our instructions, it’s not impossible. Sometimes simplicity, clarity, and a little fun are all you need.

Check out HOMER Learn & Play app for more playful and interactive ways to give your growing child the skills they need to thrive in life!


Quest Double Proof / Follow the stone slab and collect all the power in Genshin Impact

village of Aaru, you can get the first quest "Double Proof" from the next quest chain "Ancient Language, New Knowledge". To receive the task, simply approach the statue of the Archons or teleport to it. For this task, we will pump the power level of the Red Sands Plate to the maximum and open some portals.

Enter the village with Kalantari

Enter the village and talk to Kalantari.

Then talk to Soheil.

Go to the place indicated by the stone slab

Now we need to follow the directions on the stone slab and go deep into the ruins of King Deshret. To do this, open your inventory and look at the Red Sands Slab.

We've been given another level of authority on a mission.

Go to the third tab, select Duat Hall and click "Go".

A slab marker will appear on the map next to the portal you need to go to. If you do not have a portal open, then you can run directly to it, for example, from this portal.

If you have lost the mark next to the portal, then go again to the third tab of the plate, select Duat Hall and click "Go" to make the mark appear. Now follow her, she will lead us to the right place.

We go inside and run to the closed door.

To open the door, you need to light the second torch with a spark, so let's go look for it.

We go to the left and open the door with the help of the pedestal.

We run to the blades and wait for the wind to ride it up.

At the top we will find a spark. We take it and follow it, do not forget about the wind that can blow it away.

A spark will open the door. The door on the right can be opened using the plinth, but it's just another entrance to the spark.

We go into the room in the center, take the stone and go down.

We bring the stone to the platform. A cell of truth will appear on it, using it you can find hidden torches and light them to open the chest. This step is not required to complete the quest.

We go down even lower.

We go into this cave and follow the mark.

She will lead us to the portal, which is better to activate, it will be useful to us later. After activating the portal, follow the label further.

Here you can take a fairy with you to get a chest. She will just fly in the direction we need.

Activate the portal, take the chest and open the door using the pedestal.

Follow the directions on the stone slab and collect all power

Now we need to follow the directions on the stone slab and collect all the power. To collect power, we need to find sparks and lead them to torches that activate devices to increase power.

Authority in the Duat Hall

The first power can be collected in the Duat Hall. To do this, we bring three sparks to the torches.

All three sparks are located near us next to the symbols, namely on the left, in the middle and on the right.

You can lead them in any order, I started from the left.

Do not forget to wait until the blades stop so that the wind disappears.

The first torch is lit, now back to the spark in the center.

We leave the room with the device and move up the symbols.

We rise on the wind current and cling to the symbol.

We take a spark and follow to the second torch.

Now, in exactly the same way, we return back to the symbol, where the spark was originally in the center. And then we move through the symbols to the third spark.

We take the third spark and go to light the last torch.

Another level of power will appear on the stove.

Authority in the Place of Rebirth

The second power on the assignment can be obtained in the Place of Rebirth, and to find out where it is, open the Plate of Red Sands, select "Place of Rebirth" and click "Go".

The mark will appear on the portal that we opened while collecting the past power. We teleport there.

We fly into the cave next to the Dendrokul and follow the mark.

We jump down, take a spark and follow it, it is needed to light a torch for the device.

After we light the first torch, some of the water will go away.

Now go ahead to find the second spark.

The candlestick with the spark is locked and you must solve the torch puzzle to unlock it. Four torches are already active, there are 4 more torches left to light, but they are invisible.

In the place where the glow comes from, we pick up a stone, bring it to the nearby platform and use the cell of truth to see the torches up close.

After that, monsters will appear and the ability to unlock the spark and follow it.

After the second spark, the rest of the water will go. We run back to the room where the second spark was and turn left to find the third spark.

We run forward to the end.

The candlestick with the third spark will be blocked, and to unlock it, you must simultaneously move the cells with rays to opposite sides.

First, move both cells once so that they are in the center, opposite each other.

Then we kill the monsters and move the cell that is farther from the symbol. As soon as they clicked "Move", it immediately clings to the symbol and run to move the second cell. This must be done quickly, because after a short period of time the cells come back.

If everything is correct, the candlestick with the spark is unlocked and it can be brought to the third torch to get another power.

Power in the Breathing Place

The last power on assignment is given in the Breathing Place. Open the third tab in the Stove, select "Breathing Place" and click "Go".

The mark is located directly on the portal.

Run forward and follow the mark.

We turn left and run into the passage on the left.

Open the door using the pedestal.

We jump down.

Here you need to move the cage and open the door.

To do this, break the pile of stones on the left and move the cage so that it directs the beam at the device that was under the pile of stones.

Having opened the door, we run forward to the cliff and fall down.

The mark will lead us to the portal, which is located at the bottom right of the tomb of King Deshret.

There is no need to take a spark here, we go further for the mark.

Turn left and run forward until the spark.

Take the spark and follow it.

Here we will encounter blades that do not stop on their own and blow off the spark. To stop them, use the pedestal, and then go back to the candlestick for a spark.

The first spark will lead us to the second spark. We kill the monsters and take the second spark with us. Let's take two sparks to the torches at once.

We return to the room with the second spark and open the door in it with the help of the pedestal.

We go up the elevator, which is located on the right behind the door.

But not to the very top, but only to the floor with a spark.

By bringing the third spark, we will light the third torch, we will receive the last level of power and the achievement "Walk like the people of King Deshret. "

Follow the directions on the stone slab and go to the Great Hall of Truth

Follow the directions on the stone slab again and get to the Great Hall of Truth. To do this, in the third tab, select the "Great Hall of Truths" and click "Go".

The Great Hall of Truth can be accessed through this portal by passing through the Hall of the Duat.

We fly forward to the mark.

Explore the giant device

We go down and go forward to the mark.

Explore the place and find a way to activate the giant device

Now we need to explore the place and find a way to activate the giant device. To do this, activate the pedestals at each pillar, in total you need to light 4 pillars, two on the left, and two on the right.

Move on

After activating the giant device, we approach it.

Once in the Hall of Aaru, we will get the achievement "Straight Course".

Light the Primordial Torches

Now we need to light the three primordial torches with sparks. Their location will be marked in the game on the map.

Activate device

After that, we activate the device.

Defeat a big man with bad intentions

It will take us to the top of the tomb of King Deshret, where we need to defeat a big man with evil intentions.

Find valuable items

After defeating the big man, open the chest that appears and find valuable items in it.

Return to Aaru Village to speak with Soheil

Return to Aaru village and talk to Soheil.

This will complete the first quest from the quest chain, and we will receive 60 source stones and will be able to take four more quests from Soheil that relate to the chain - "Soheil's Dream", "Invisible Barrier", "Hidden Mercenaries" and "Desert Memories" .


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Memo for patients from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


  • Due to the critical growth in the spread of the new strain of COVID-19 Omicron, the burden on primary care physicians is many times greater than the human and physical resources of all medical healthcare institutions.
  • We took a number of preventive measures in advance, expecting a surge in the incidence - organizational, personnel, logistical. However, the growth in solicitation, the increase in the volume of calls at times (up to 3,500 per day), which cannot be compared with the peak indicators of 2020 and 2021, makes its own adjustments to our work.
  • And this work should be joint with patients in order to gain time to respond to objective deviations in the form of delays, transfers, replacement of sick doctors and staff of the centers, search and training of new personnel. We ask you to treat with understanding the waiting time for the doctor, changes in the schedule and format of the appointment.
  • Among our decisions and following the instructions of the authorities, in order to maintain the availability of medical care, we are transferring medical centers to the mode of infectious reception. We hope that the decline in incidence will begin in 1-2 weeks, and during this period, 100% of the time and attention of doctors will be directed to the treatment of sick adults and children.
  • Separately, we note that you should not worry about disability sheets. All opening and closing dates will not only be correct, but in some cases telemedicine (remote closing) will be used.
  • Important memo for patients from the Russian Ministry of Health. Very useful for mild or asymptomatic patients .

We are always ready to answer your questions, give feedback on the situation by calling the quality control line - 670-06-03 and using our special mail - [email protected]

If you get worse - If your temperature rises above 38 and persists for more than 2 days, despite taking antipyretics, if you have shortness of breath, feeling short of breath, pain behind the sternum, you have difficulty breathing and / or a saturation level of less than 94-95%, and / or increased breathing, then you need to contact the single service "103" to call an ambulance.


  • 08.2013 | Krasnoselskoe shosse, 56, building 2 Grand opening of the center "Polis. District doctors" in Gorelovo!
  • 08.2013 | Krasnoselskoe shosse, 56, building 2 Hooray! We have opened!
  • 12.2013 | st. Malaya Desyatinnaya, 11-1, lit. A Technical problems in the centers on M. Desyatinnaya st. and Kolomyazhsky pr.
