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Chicken Little
Voiced by: Zach Braff; Lorant Deutsch (European French Dub)
A young and diminutive rooster who suffers under a reputation for being crazy since he caused a panic saying the sky was falling.
- Adaptation Name Change: In-Universe, the movie that shows "the truth" of Chicken Little and the aliens has his name become "Ace."
- Adaptational Badass: In-Universe. His movie counterpart Ace is a shades-wearing Commander.
- All of the Other Reindeer: He has been seen as the town fool after the whole "the sky is falling incident".
- Badass Bookworm: He gets through life's more aggressive time through using his brains.
- Bully Magnet: Being an outcast, he is the target of bullies at school, especially from the female Jerk Jock.
- Butt-Monkey: Quite a few scenes revolve around him being picked on.
- Calling the Old Man Out: With some unexpected help from Abby, Chicken Little finally tears into Buck for never believing him when he should and always being so vocal about his embarrassment.
- The Cameo: Appears as a summon in Kingdom Hearts II.
- Character Development: Starts off insecure to talk with his dad about his problem of not supporting him, to get the courage and confidence to Calling the Old Man Out for never believing him or helping him.
- Determinator: He will stop at nothing to gain his father's approval and restore his reputation.
- Gender Flip: Chicken Little was a female in the original fable. This Disney take on the character was even going to be a female originally.
- The Generic Guy: Has very little identity other than being an unpopular kid.
- Jock Dad, Nerd Son: Provides the contrast between him and his father, a former star athlete.
- Nice Guy: Chicken Little is a decent fellow.
- No-Respect Guy: It turns out he was sort of right about the sky falling.
- Official Couple: He and Abby become a couple by the film's end.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Very cute indeed, as to be expected from a Disney animal protagonist.
- Smart People Wear Glasses: He wears green glasses and is quite the "egg head".
- Strong Family Resemblance: A family picture shows that Chicken Little got all of his looks from his mother. As seen here◊.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: All Chicken Little wants is for his dad to be proud of him.
- You Have to Believe Me!: He says this to his dad for at least three times. First, at the beggining when his father thinks an acron hit on his son's head. Second, when he tries to warn everyone about the aliens existence. And finally, during the climax at the top of the Town Hall, where's the aliens mothereship is.
Abby Mallard
Voiced by: Joan Cusack; Claire Keim (European French Dub)
A female duck (implied swan) with buckteeth.
She takes a generally optimistic approach to life.
- Adaptational Attractiveness: In-Universe. The "true" movie based on the whole alien invasion transformed Abby from the "Ugly Duckling" to a duck version of Ms. Fanservice.
- Gender Flip: The Ugly Duckling was a boy in the original tale.
- Girlish Pigtails: Her feathers are tied into pigtails.
- Nice Girl: A sweet and kind girl.
- One of the Boys: All her best friends are boys.
- Only Sane Woman: The only one among Chicken Little's best friends to understand that Chicken Little needs to confront his father directly.
- Plucky Girl: As stated above, she remains optimistic despite what life may throw at her.
- Post-Kiss Catatonia: Well, not exactly catatonia, but after Chicken Little kisses her, she hops and twirls through the streets giggling incoherently to herself in the middle of the alien invasion, causing Runt to think that the aliens have given her a mind wipe.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Abby has a huge crush on Chicken Little.
Why? In her own words, he's "smart and funny and cute".
- Smurfette Principle: The only female among the main cast.
- Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She is a major tomboy, but her favorite magazines have to do with fashion and talking about feelings.
- Toothy Bird: Her ever-present buck teeth.
Fish Out of Water
Voiced by: Dan Molina
A goldfish who wears a scuba helmet filled with water and lives on the surface.
- Cloudcuckoolander: He's a strange one...and proud of it.
- Cute Mute: A mute goldfish.
- Keet: Anything Fish does, he does with all his energy.
- In-Series Nickname: He's often just called "Fish", especially by his friends.
- Literal Metaphor: He's a fish out of water both in the metaphorical sense (being a weird kid), and the literal sense.
- Meaningful Name: He's a fish out of water.
- Nice Guy: Kind, brave, friendly, and innocent.
- Tailfin Walking: He moves around on land this way.
- Terrestrial Sea Life: A fish that walks on land.
- The Unintelligible: Unable to speak properly, he instead makes gurgling sounds and acts out what he feels. Justified because his helmet is filled with so much water.
Runt of the Litter
Voiced by: Steve Zahn; Emmanuel Garijo (European French Dub)
A large pig with a huge heart who is much larger than the other children.
- The Baby of the Bunch: He's much smaller than the other massive members of his family.
- Cowardly Lion: The most prone to panic, but steps up when it matters.
- Gentle Giant: His heart is as huge as he is.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The huge guy to Foxy's tiny girl.
- Interspecies Romance: He (a pig) begins a relationship with Foxy Loxy (a fox).
- Large Runt: His name is literally Runt, and he's the smallest pig in his family, but he's still larger than the other kids in the class.
- Meaningful Name: His name comes from him being the youngest member of his family.
- Nervous Wreck: He's a neurotic mess, most of the time.
- Nice Guy: Runt has a kind personality.
- Official Couple: Becomes one with Foxy Loxy at the end.
- Small Reference Pools: Runt is quite fond of making music references and pretty much has a song for every possible situation and mood he finds himself in. Even the film parody of himself at the end does this.
Foxy Loxy
Voiced by: Amy Sedaris; Marjorie Frantz (European French Dub), Hadar Shachaf-Ma'ayan (Hebrew Dub)
A mean, young fox who is a baseball star and the "hometown hero." She's also a tomboy and one of the "popular kids" at school.
- The Ace: Popular, star baseball player, and extremely confident (bordering on arrogance).
- Adaptational Heroism: Her book counterpart ended up eating the main characters. In this version, she starts off as a mean-spirited jerk, then she undergoes a total personality swap by the end.
- The Bully: She frequently taunts and physically picks on Chicken Little and his friends.
- Foul Fox: A fox who eats all the birds, usually including the protagonist, all the while pretending he's going to lead them to the king's house.
- Gender Flip: Foxy Loxy was male in the original tale.
- Girliness Upgrade: Towards the end, she goes from an aggressive Passionate Sports Girl to a sweet Girly Girl, as a result of HeelFace Brainwashing.
- Hate Sink: For the first half of the movie, she is the only real antagonist until the plot with the aliens.
- HeelFace Brainwashing: Gets on the receiving end of this by the aliens, and everyone decides they like her better that way, so they don't change her back.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: The tiny girl to Runt's huge guy.
- Interspecies Romance: She (a fox) begins a relationship with Runt (a pig).
- Jerkass: Cruel, selfish, mean. At least up until she gets brainwashed into being nice.
- Jerk Jock: The star baseball player of her hometown and still a bully.
- Nice Girl: Once HeelFace Brainwashing kicks in.
- Passionate Sports Girl: The baseball star of the school.
- Pet the Dog: Even before her HeelFace Brainwashing, she does try to comfort Buck Cluck at one point.
- Pink Means Feminine: After her HeelFace Brainwashing, she wears a pink skirt.
- Strong Girl, Smart Guy: An antagonist example. The Strong Girl (as a Passionate Sports Girl) to Chicken Little's Smart Guy.
- Southern Belle: Talks like this after her redemption via brainwashing.
Buck Cluck
Voiced by: Garry Marshall; Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu (European French Dub)
Chicken Little's widowed father.
- The Ace: Unlike his son, Buck was a popular student in high school due to being a star baseball player. He was even nicknamed "Ace".
- The Atoner: After it finally hits him how neglectful he's been toward his son, he spends the last third of the movie making it up to him by helping him navigate the chaotic streets in the middle of the alien invasion to return Kirby to his parents, and defending Chicken Little from the wrath of said angry alien parents when they're aboard the ship.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: His feathers make his eyebrows look bulky.
- Cocky Rooster: Downplayed. He's not particularly cocky, but he used to be a popular jock and is visibly embarrassed by his son's reputation as a loser.
- Hypocritical Humor: When he discovers the antagonists of the film accidentally left their son, Kirby, behind, he states that that's bad parenting. And after a quick pause, he also adds "And I should know!"
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He ultimately does prove himself to actually care about his son despite being rather aloof and neglectful to him.
- Jock Dad, Nerd Son: Provides the contrast between him and his geeky son Chicken Little.
- Laser-Guided Karma: After being a fair-weather father to his son for most of the movie, Buck finally commits to supporting Chicken Little and helping him save the town during the climax. At which point, a bit of karma starts to catch up to him, when the climax keeps finding new and incredibly dangerous ways to make him squirm.
Chicken Little: All we have to do is duck and weave through traffic, through town square, while avoiding the death rays from the evil alien robots. We get to the town hall, climb up to the roof, and give the kid back to its parents!
Buck: (forced and with a very fixed grin) ...yeah! - My God, What Have I Done?: Once Chicken Little tells him how his lack of parental support has affected their relationship, Buck feels guilty for not emotionally supporting his son.
- Non-Mammalian Hair: Those are some big eyebrows. Although they could just be feathers.
- Papa Wolf: In spite of being an emotionally neglectful parent to Chicken Little, he won't hesitate to protect his son from an alien invasion.
- Parental Neglect: To Chicken Little, though unintentionally. While he sees the error of his ways towards the end, for the vast majority of the film, he only cares about what the egotistical self-serving townsfolk want, over the well-being of his son.
Whenever his son embarrasses him, Buck distances himself from Chicken Little as much as possible.
- Parents as People: He really wants to be a good father, but he's just awful at being there for his son when he needs to. And he's not subtle about his embarrassment over Chicken Little's "the sky is falling" incident.
- Useless Bystander Parent: He does absolutely nothing to stop the townspeople from gleefully tormenting his son day in and day out for an entire year.
Voiced by: Sean Elmore, Matthew Michael Joston, and Evan Dunn
A young alien that accidentally got separated from his parents when they were acorn gathering, triggering an alien invasion.
- Bizarre Alien Biology: His three eyes are almost always changing places with each other. The other members of his race do this too.
- Cartoon Creature: He's a vaguely teardrop-shaped alien with three eyes, orange fur and multiple legs.
- Extra Eyes: Three eyes, like his parents. It appears to be a species trait.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: Speaks only in childish babbles, unlike his English-speaking parents, but Chicken Little, Abby and Runt can understand him just fine. But not Buck, for some reason.
- Patchwork Kids: His orange fur color is a mixture of his parents', who have red and yellow fur.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: A small and endearing baby alien.
Alternative Title(s): Chicken Little Ace In Action
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Chanterelle chicken, 132 step by step recipes - Chanterelle chicken recipes with photo
flour • salt • egg • cold boiled water • veal meat • chicken's meat • chanterelles • Spices for minced meat
- 120 minutes
- 2 servings
- Vitebsk, Vitebsk Region, Belarus
Elena Shamak
nine0003 -
boiled chanterelles (I had them in stock) • small potato tubers • red onion (can be regular) • small chicken breast fillet • sour cream-15% • salt, ground black pepper • from spices I have: dry granulated garlic, ground smoked paprika, nutmeg • greenery
- 2 servings
- Korolev, MO, Russia
Marina Alekseeva/Ambassador
chicken broth • dried chanterelles • bulb • potatoes • carrot • bulgarian pepper • chopped greens • chicken broth "Rollton" •
nine0008 -
Chicken fillet • Frozen chanterelles • Sour cream • Flour • Onion • Khmeli-suneli • Soy sauce • Salt, pepper
Pit Juk
chicken legs (drumsticks) • potatoes • chanterelles (boiled) • sour cream • Salt pepper • Spice mix for chicken • garlic (optional)
- 1 hour 30 minutes
- to company
Julia Maryukhna
chicken (1.
8-2 kg) • gr chanterelles • rice • Vegetable oil for frying • Salt to taste • Sauce for pickling chicken (I have chili + pineapple) • Mixture of favorite herbs
nine0003 -
Chicken (fillet) • Chanterelles • Leek • Butter • Garlic • Salt • Pepper
- 15-20 minutes
Daria Safonova
Chicken fillet • Onion • Chanterelles • Sour cream • Salt pepper • Dill • Pasta
- 4 servings
Alisa Fetiskina
Chicken fillet • Cream 20% • Onion • Chanterelles fresh • Butter • Sunflower oil • Black pepper, salt, nutmeg
- 1 hour 10 minutes
- 5-6 servings
Lily ✈️
chicken drumsticks • carrots • medium squash • bulbs • tomatoes • cabbage • salt, ground black pepper • sunflower oil •
- nine0004 boiled chanterelles • chicken fillet • potatoes • Luke • carrots • sour cream • vegetable oil • red ground pepper •
potatoes • medium carrot • small bulb • butter • sunflower oil • processed cheese • Chicken (whatever you have) • Chanterelles (can be replaced with any other) • nine0005
- 4 servings per 2l.
Olga Turkina
- 4 servings per 2l.
Chicken fillet • kg. potatoes • Bulgarian pepper • Onion • Carrot • Cheese • Chanterelle • Mayonnaise •
large chicken breast • frozen boiled chanterelles • bulb • cheese sauce • sour cream • grated cheese • powdered mushroom broth • freshly ground pepper mixture • nine0005
- 5 servings
Ekaterina Stefanova
Chanterelles • Chicken fillet • Prunes • Onion • Mayonnaise • Cheese • Walnuts
Pit Juk
chanterelles • chicken fillet • onion • sour cream (15%) • Salt pepper • Butter and vegetable oil for frying
chicken breasts • bell pepper • bulb • pumpkins • garlic • chanterelles • green beans • Buckwheat noodles •
- 4 servings
Anastasia 😋
chicken fillet (breast) • chanterelles • bulb • cream 10% • Salt, ground pepper • garlic • oil for frying
Chicken legs • Chanterelles • Rice Arborio • Sour cream • Salt, ground black pepper, turmeric, dry adjika • Sunflower and butter • Chili pepper
Andrey Fedorov pushkinbl_food
chicken breasts • chanterelles • cream 10% • Salt • Seasoning for chicken • Blend of Italian or Provence herbs • Olive or vegetable oil
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